1998 Major League Baseball Home Run Derby

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they're in a perfect situation meaning McGuire and especially Griffey if they can stay healthy I expect one of those guys to hit 60 home runs all they have to do is what they've done the second half for the last couple of years and they can make it well working with us is the starting catcher of the National League and again that's really can put up some great numbers himself from the lawsuit from the Florida actually Frank you're confused from the New York Mets Mike Piazza hello Michael hey good it's great to be here good to see you here can this be harder than it looks I mean you struggled in the home run derbies you were in is this tougher than it looks to the fan yeah there's no question I scuffle a little bit at this you take that cage away it's tough you're a little bit on the stage and you just got to relax and let it flow well some guys are out here who can certainly let it flow that's for sure late arrival junior Griffey American League home run champ with 35 or leader he's in the home run derby so is the Major League leader with 37 Mark McGwire who's with our buck Martinez mark has been crazy with the home runs in the first half how can you enjoy this home run contest now it's a little bit less tension I suppose a it's been nothing new to me this is gonna be like the same thing I've been dealing with every day in batting practice you know it's it's something I really enjoyed doing ever since 92 where I accepted I was a home run hitter and I just enjoy doing it it doesn't mean I hit a hundred home runs but you know taking BP and trying to hit home runs is all it's always a BP thrower be strong nice and firm you getting a good groove you can have a good day so I look for a good time that'd be great now let's go to Harold Reynolds now I'm standing out in the players parking lot there has only been one ball hit out of Coors Field in the parking lot that was in batting practice by Mark McGwire never won in a game now the way the ball has been flying a lot of the players feel like this may not be too safe a place to park your car well there's some home-field advantage for that was Larry Walker of the Rockies we have the homerun heavyweights here who better to introduce them then Michael buffer fans now direct your attention to help play for a special guest introduction but wiser the king of beers is proud to present the up disputed up defeated king of the boxing ring here today to introduce the 1998 Service Merchandise Home Run Derby participants please welcome mr. Michael buffer [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen it's time for the Service Merchandise 1998 major league baseball home run derby the kings of Swat from both leagues five against five and now let's meet the batters for the home run derby batting first for the American League in his first all-star game with 19 home runs at the break from the Motor City Detroit Tigers [Music] [Applause] patting hers for the National League two-time all-star also with 19 home runs at the break from the Atlanta Braves [Applause] won't fit [Music] at any second for the american-made he's hitting 326 and has 73 RBIs and 23 home runs from the Cleveland Indians Jim [Applause] hey brother how you doing adding Gooden for the National League with 20 home runs from the Houston Astros a three-time all-star Moises goodbye batting third de Larroque indeed he has 72 RBIs they're all along with his 26 home runs from the Baltimore Orioles hi-yah hey [Applause] we're gonna discuss like 21 home runs at the break three-time all-star from the Atlanta Braves chipper thank you baby to the American League he's currently but y'all take it easy RBIs to go with his 27 home runs from the Seattle Mariners Alex [Applause] [Music] heading north for the National League hitting 307 with 72 RBIs he has 25 home runs he's the third baseman from the color [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 35 home runs from the Seattle Mariners Ken Griffey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] slowly [Applause] leading the major leagues with 37 home runs the pride of st. Louis st. Louis [Applause] [Music] that was a great your batters are ready are you ready Home Run Derby fans are you [Applause] with a sellout crowd here in the mile-high city of Denver Colorado and the millions watching around the world ladies and gentlemen [Music] [Applause] well I don't think we've quite seen an intro like this before the OL announcer Jerry Park and marvel as nothing on Michael buffer mark mcgwire look out fights his master in a moment [Applause] the 1988 Service Merchandise Home Run Derby is presented by Service Merchandise proud sponsor of the 1998 Service Merchandise Home Run Derby and in part by Reeboks creating possibilities one athlete at a time and by MCI one team one company one mobile two Global connection welcome back to Coors Field in downtown Denver it's Twilight time and a little rain earlier today but the Sun is out beautiful sunset expected later on over the Rockies here are the rules it's pretty simple all 10 batters get 10 outs and out is any swing that is not a home run after you get your 10 outs we total up how many home runs you have and the top four doesn't matter what league you're in advance of the second round then in the second round again those four get 10 outs and the top two advance then in the third round or championship round the two top scorers events they get five outs batter with the most in the third round is declared the winner last year Tino Martinez beat Larry Walker in the championship round Coors Field 347 down the line 392 the power rally dead center is 415 right-center is 375 and 350 down the line eight foot is the wall from left field about right-center the wall is about 14 feet in right field from the power alley in right field all the way to the right field foul ball but there is no question that the ball just travels farther here and the man that we begin with Damion Easley Mike Piazza your 496 foot home run last year was the longest ever at Coors the question is can you almost swing too hard here at times knowing that the ball will go that far absolutely you get in that habit of trying uppercut everything and you just have to not change anything you hit the ball in the air hard it's gonna travel Mike how much difference is it and the wall traveling here as compared to say Atlanta the old Atlanta ballpark well I think the thing is here you see a lot of high towering fly balls that just keep carrying whereas in Atlanta but the ballpark wasn't that big and I think you know a lot of those balls scrape the back of the wall that made a banana Damion Easley having a quick bath baby was talking about disease he wants to jump on everything and he said 5 swings that he's had a couple of rips but alas anything not in the seats 5 swings 5 outs so the Detroit Tigers second baseman now gives it a ride high back there he goes he's off the schnide Mike Foley you two paid to do that one time the home run didn't count it think I'm hitting about 600 would you go home base it's don't count gaming often a lot again yeah you just have to sit back and just sit back and not try to get on top of the ball get under it you know it's also his first all-star appearance so you're going to be nervous that at seven outs to the twenty eight-year-old 60 year pro from Detroit went to school at the Long Beach State and up an outfielder with California played third base second base the most homers he had until last year when he hit 22 was six with the 94 is this one state [Music] yes no question on your needle it's a p2p but a Lanza it's a p4 443 feet that one down the left-field line at least eight grams out he does pick up a two spot to lead off here in the home run derby we rotate an American League batter and then the home club National League let's go down to Harold read a little girl Damien your first all-star our parents during the home run cons it's a little nervous just a little bit got a little excited early enough finally settled down we've got that first one we're able to relax a little bit so that was good exactly I need the first one all right well Betsy you're gonna have to turn it up a little bit because there's a heavy hitters coming you think am i right am I wrong yo you're right all right thank you back to you up and top all right Harold and Damien Damien unfortunately the home runs did not come easily that one though was a rip Joe well he got the head of the bat out had a little light arc on it and that ball almost went out of the ballpark completely so I don't think there's any doubt we will see one of the big right-handed hitters hit one out Javy Lopez the backstop of the bridge is up next to the opening we'll be back [Music] [Applause] there are two million dollar signs 70 feet up 4:40 in the upper deck in right field and there's 40 feet up 450 in left field if someone hits the sign there is a fan predetermined but no one knows who it is right now if one of the any of these participants hits one of the signs a fan in the park right here sold out we might add will win a million bucks so they're really charged this guy's day this is Javy Lopez the catcher who has improved defensively and certainly as a hitter every year with the Braves his he's one of the few that in his first at-bat as an all-star last year hit a home run his first at-bat in the game at the Jake and he obviously is has impressed you Micah padding pitch Bobby when you guys go to him contrary to what people would believe hobbies uh and most power hitters actually liked the ball down I mean Maguire likes the ball down Harvey likes the ball down you think keep the ball down on these guys but they just golf them out you know with the best of them was that guy yeah nice house Jonathan the left-center field fence Cal junior another start for him this would be a foul ball in and out with you that most people say will get the ball down get the ball down in but the way the modern player plays and I say modern meaning the last 10 years they lift the ball because everyone uses a thin handle bat and that ball down they can lift it thin handle bat big skull big head on that bag just drop it down and go hobbies pasted himself a little bit better a big Damian got machine gun a little bit by the coach and you just got to pace yourself and get into a good groove like you look at javi out there not like you haven't caught some outstanding pictures but what would it be like for you to catch Maddux Glavine Smoltz and set around man make my job a lot easier okay that's a lot of fun to catch 6-ounce that's Rick pretty well but hey don't think it's gonna get ya but you heard hobby telling him where he wanted it there's someone who unfortunately is a little bit hurt Andres Galarraga javis teammate now but very much beloved here when he played for Colorado for five seasons before moving over Zak reagent to Atlanta he would have liked to put on a show for the home fans Nobby need to put on a show here he's got only two outs to go that's it well the center field back it goes back back back off four-fifty centerfield another another sorry guys another another rocky who's returned as a brave I was 474 they said was well hey Bobby's been gotta stop users got a little bit too much top hey in there does he save it oh yes he does police it always hold and it seems fine well that works I mean he stays straight away you don't like Mike said you're gonna roll the top hand stay back through the middle you'll hit a lot more balls in the left center and center feel you get them in the air [Music] does that find its way [Music] you bring your glove to the outfield here it turns the field there's no mistaken you bring it to the upper deck boy went out they should hand out hard hats to the speaker and when everybody taken it off the grill out there with a packed house [Music] we're clear [Applause] he's even run it on that one save this joke standing Lopez who immediately becomes the leader in the clubhouse but once Harvey got it going unit in his path the almost dead sinner Joey addict gone you're right this is what Mike was talking about see that ball is not up in the strike zone kind of down and he lines it in the deep center feel about 470 plus feet but when you're big and strong you can lift the ball little guys better not be lifting into a Mike no stay on the ground yeah little guys I just said it set him up well not yet they say that last home run was 473 feet and we're just warming up [Music] why out of course Jim Tony takes his shot Dex miss merchandised Home Run Derby at Coors Field the 1987 professor Robert Adair was appointed physicist of the National League by the late Bart Giamatti we paid a visit to the Yale physics professor to find out about the effect of altitude on the flight of a ball the ball will go about about 7% further in Denver's between 5 and 10% it's a little hard to calculate exactly which means that a 400-foot homerun at sea level will go something like four hundred and thirty five thirty feet in Denver and the reason is fundamentally rather simple as the ball travels through the air it meets air resistance it pushes the air aside and that every K that's a REIT that gives a retarding force which holds the ball back of course in Denver at sea level there's only about eighty two percent as much air in Denver as there is at sea level so there's only about eighty two percent as much retarding force on the ball so the ball goes from I've been called the retarding point at times in my life I like that he said fundamentally is simple that was simple as he did your physic so 30 more feet on a Florida foot homerun and Jim Thome is certainly capable of hitting 440 50 foot bombs he was jumping last year in his home park at Cleveland member he was a late injury swap and I was his first all-star game [Applause] [Music] the shame [Applause] dining practice and he said do you think I could hit the upper deck pretty regular here I think so Jim he said well I'm gonna take aid this afternoon he's much more patient Joe than when we saw him well you're well he was it was at home it was his hometown he wanted to do so well in front of his home fans [Music] but a Toyota David they think it was farther than what 442 that's a little interesting because the other one was 473 was laid away and that one's up a deck he gets under this one I don't know if it has quite enough juice well that one didn't go seven percent farther no that was some fisticuffs it was retarding torch with it Chris Berman Joe Morgan and the starting catcher for the fifth straight year the National League Mike Piazza with us watching Mark McGwire man that was up there and that was so high over the foul pole those are tough to call say the least he tries the same way they did the on Jerry Prince area you know what a hit [Music] I'm sure it has hair on it [Applause] man that was it to back if ever gone is in the groove told me with three home runs that's six outs to play with last year Jim made 40 home runs with 120 RBIs first left-handed batter since farthest French Guinea the American League the next game [Applause] 14 feet that what about 60 feet there's the Rocket Man Roger Clemens with couple of his youngsters all the kids names to him with tail [Applause] congratulations a rocket by the way yesterday that was a rocket I saw Dustin and Jim Tom 474 they're going up there hard to he's cracking them oh the battery just went seven proceed farther there's a first casualty right there where's Omar going on Oh yar it's in the groove oh it's taking his time yeah yeah so much having fun with it and that's gonna do Jimmy the cried of Peoria Illinois with the hi sock something he started doing in the minor leagues and the way up believer was Top Spin does that get out catch off the wall 90 feet up he needed 14 these little pine toys has kind of slipped his hand slipped on that one they began the Sox by a triple-a Charlotte 93 the earring was Baseball America's - Player of the Year [Music] Liz when we needed to blink to shoot this point yeah he's really stand back nicely he's not topping the ball he's letting the ball come to him and he's just to see he don't really look like he's over-swinging he's taking a nice fluid swing and driving it hey guys how about really having to be on your toes in the upper part of the upper deck you know during a game you're kind of hand watching you don't have sad there you can see one in the chops I mean you really have to be careful this one is back together with a little Nashik it's his sheep scraper as a matter 590 feelings 31 those counters Tina taking movies zombies MHC Jim is now much he's taking time he's played some Brian's art school [Music] it's calling the Caddy out is it a clean in place today winter rules because actually every pitch we've seen hit out of the ballpark has been about belt higher or lower we haven't seen many high pitches hit out of here that in on in there we'll be lazy out to the bone pictures important to you want to film those nice 4 seamers that have a nice little ride to him you don't want a guy cut and then sinking the ball on it goes the opposite way I think he made us decide ballpark seven homers and 7s rich Donnelly one of Jimmy Leyland stamp with Florida who you got to know for about a week Mike he hey strong he was psyched about it he loves up some nice grapefruits topspin there he stayed back nicely on that ball I mean the thing is you the tendency to jump at the ball and that's what get anxious and that's when you need to just stay back and let your hands just drop right I'm gonna oh that was the grunt the Jimmy Connors grunt the place night out so jim thome with seven homers is certainly impressed he's dad was last out tomi can you hear me boom sit down they call it crime tell Jim Tony s17 hand [Music] here at Coors beer join a Harold Reynolds hang last are you struggling to hold McLean looks then got into a nice little groove what's the difference I'm just glad I hit the first one out I didn't want to get shot out again Sammy would have been all over me so it was fun I act I can't wait to seem a kid I'm waiting for him Jim told me in the Indians the first baseman the first one's been changed to 476 are here they are many of the launched variety that use some rain on a couple of those so told me how good seven is your leader Moises Alou stepping up next [Music] the anticipation continues after we're done here with a home run derby don't miss the NCI all-star hitting challenge featuring celebrities like John Elway went yard a few times in BP Kevin Costner is gonna hit rookies like Ben grieve of the A's Travis Lee old timers old ty I don't even like reading this word George Brett there's gel weight future hall-of-famers George Brett Andre Johnson Robin Yount and a man who could certainly hit him Dave Kingman there's a son Jack this John oh his son with broken foot said he heard it the leaping over a brook but he'll be okay and if he's in no way he's tough and he will be okay heads up at any rate the MCI hitting contest here at Coors Field coming up next Rafael Palmero has been an all-star once as a cup launches a Ranger and now as a Baltimore Oriole Rafi comes in with 26 home runs that's after 38 last year 39 the year before and 39 the year before that he's at 297 lifetime home runs so reach a milestone the first week or two back after the all-star break Rafi is just a pro hitter he just it's the only way to describe got a beautiful stroke goes the all fields but his numbers in Camden Yards as servers in boats late that direction right there he's one of the most underrated power hitters - you don't hear much about him it just throws numbers up every year well when you're in a league with Frank Thomas Mo Vaughn get over shadow a little bit but he's definitely put up a lot of great numbers so that's why such a good hitter he's got that nice short stroke look at him and he could see the ball well he stays back on the ball and just throws that barrel out there two homers thus far for Rafi trans to go to centerfield sends it a long way yeah we're in the Rockies and it's erotic this is down the line that's threading the needle more Vizquel in his first all-star game down the line again will it hang up there not quite there you heard him set himself bad fits there you still gotta be patient get some good balls in here let's get a little bit top man down there get on top of the ball sit back and cut under it carry right out of here rafi was born in Cuba and really lived there for many years unlike he'd gotten right out in a hurry he didn't come to the United States in 1971 he and his family grew up in Miami of course was a great player at Mississippi State the number one draft pick there he will Clark same squad first-round pick of the Cubs in 86 as we say has been an all-star with three different teams [Music] five ounce now with his for home run six outs with his four home runs these guys like Rafi are not have to get their long slumps because he's got such a nice stroke and it's very simple very simple straight to the ball the ball a lot about guys who come to Florence good popcorn courtesy of town how about guys who come to Coors Field for the very first time is it something that overwhelming does this one stay fair oh just hits below the wall Wallbanger and a Harvey Wallbanger what I mean Kenyon can you get too jumpy here oh yeah just first day here yeah I remember the first time I played a Duggar actually my swing got a little long I think I got sawed off in the Batman 9/10 try to swing for the me yeah nobody grows back moistures put on a head rafi trying for the same thing yo this one's hit well [Applause] [Music] he's with six new that's a long one for me he doesn't hit him that long he just did very consistent but he could say he's pretty strong it's this one [Applause] there's a jet stream out there somewhere - I know that the wind must come in and swirl and just carry stuff out there big time it's under this one a little bit but he like moistures alone there's a lot of damage with nine outs and so now [Music] [Applause] more easily and Jim told me I tied at 7 here's his biggest one Joe well let's take a look this is look at that he just throws the barrel at the ball like mike says and that's a great swing right there very simple swing throws his hands at the ball generates a lot of bat speed and power there's where they all went in a lot of launchers couple in the upper deck the way we're doing this is that we move up the ladder with their all-star game with their home run totals at the break so we'll have Griffey will be the last in the AL and the we returned Chipper Jones to the Atlanta Braves oh yeah tell the tape thus far Palmeiro Moises Alou and Jim Thome with these seven home runs and now we have the big boys Alliance two in each league a ride and junior from the American League in the Mariners Vinny Castilla and Mark McGwire coming up of the National League this copyrighted telecast is presented by authority the Commissioner of baseball and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form the accounts and descriptions of this game may not be disseminated without expressed written consent agile and worthless we read disseminate mean no words yeah he's an educational program here is you Alex Rodriguez will be 23 on July 27th and yet here's a young man that is already 91 home runs in his career 27 home runs this year first overall pick in 1993 and to have this power and play that position remember only Ernie Banks who did it five times and Rico Petrucelli for the Red Sox who did it once had 40 home runs seasons as a shortstop and he had 36 couple years ago well he can't remind got a little bit of you Mike and that you know you may be the best hitting catcher ever by the time your career is over he may be the best hitting shortstop ever it's just an outstanding talent and I think the biggest thing when I first saw him play is the size of him you know look out like is he's a big kid yeah he's huge I call me kid yeah you're better than exactly nice is what is it to let me as few holes no you know he's got a very nice stroke good swing not that many holes likes the ball up goes after the boat hits very long as pilot all fields Oh top up the side of his second deck oh no nothing out and you know what else he's a guy that enjoys the game who enjoys the history of the game he enjoys being an ambassador the game enjoys giving back to the game guys like him Derek Jeter I mean I could go on and on if the game is on their shoulders in good shape that was well hit don't have Center pick up that left field [Music] no more guard she paralyzed it tough leave out for Mike Hargrove head then he got Jeter a-rod Vizquel and no more vegetarian shorts up to the American League that's not easy calling right there children know and I and I think they made a pretty wise decision of course Garciaparra is just one of the great sons young players in the game but I think they actually rewarded the veteran this gal this year for his defensive ability along with being a good offensive player that's his first trip I would snuck over them that just was nice it was just and left of where the wall went down from 14 to 8 feet so a ride now with four home runs we got the mark on that with the mom knows football the whole Mars mission nothing oh that was I hope we're paying in Union scale to work the camera routes get a little home to get routine under spoiled down well I think they're all anticipating McGuire yeah the problem is a lot of pressure on Maguire's although they're just saying I just want to see McGwire hit by the time he hits a lot of pressure will be on him he's made for this thing down this is his event I tell you what he and jr. both to me are perfect for home run hitting contest well here's the nine out rule oh hey Ron does oh very nice well he may have that huh he missed it seven retarding force yeah he got 93% out it went the warning track take out the slide war man trig his hands a fine spot he may not advance to the second round he's got to be in the top four let's talk about the fifth one look like you missed it [Applause] well Colorado my first one I was a bit nervous so now the stage is ready for McGuire grip now you said you're gonna get seven I was a little short on my prediction I come pretty good that wasn't good enough though all right Alex Rodriguez just if you look at his face he's he's just all excited every day comes at the park he just didn't get in the groove Joe no he actually he just overpowered a couple of pitches but he'd never gotten the groove when we returned the pride of the Colorado Rockies he got a huge ovation beforehand Vinny Castilla do [Music] Denver maybe a ball will go over some of the buildings in downtown Denver where we are here at Coors Field here's what's happened thus far and the first live ever home run derby Rafael Palmeiro Jim Thome of moistu saves Alou with seven this Sunday night see the man was coming up any kids tea in the Colorado Rockies right here at Coors Field they try and get something going in the second half against the team we're at the playoffs or to start right now that would be the wild-card squad hit it actually does San Francisco Giants the two or three from the Dodgers over the weekend that's our Sunday night game with to the Joan a taster many could stand and it's better 96 and 97 [Applause] they need a swatter we could turn on anyone [Music] fastball hitter it's the off-speed well when he's looking for it his second all-star appearance appeared in 95 now there are new horse on the mound yeah let's see what he got here and he looks like a short arm not the kind of guy that really I mean they look like something that you would like this is a 56 foot in about a fifty five fifty two foot delivery you have a short arm this is Mike said dolly gets the ball out where you could see it he's machine gunner he passes the dead center can't set it back there is on the board teamate Dante Bichette what Lin he dumped one to centerfield hisses rip the left foot go Vinnie today he came up as shortstop in the Braves system and it was picked in the expansion draft in 93 by Colorado so he's been with them for you in the beginning next one that's a bomb it's a big bomb right there out of the game there's a purple mountain Majesties [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sighs right Santa [Applause] and Vinny Castilla is in the house issues of the whole field is locked in [Music] [Applause] get it off but that my leaves there's that set of procedure [Music] five percent [Applause] I think I did something is hard to do you jammed Oh what's this guy throw Sonny [Applause] Chipper Jones his regroup and now he's little winded you know he just really it's well in his he goes down the right-field this time consumer this one don't think that will make it it's working against the Rockies minor-league pitching instructor Rick Matthews obviously he knows this guy it's giving us a little tour in the state in there [Applause] [Music] six hundreds per kostina [Applause] we look at him he's not the most physically imposing guy who made what he's really got some some torque in his swing [Music] [Applause] skipper I thought down today I said you're still here huh he said yeah you know what I expect them to be here for the rest of the year he said at least the report of his death was little early little early that's exactly what he said Vinny just the two days ago on July 4th celebrated his 31st birthday and he liked to give himself a birthday present by being the leader in the they make it early the planetarium he got it 50,000 people yelling back back back that's here one more he can set himself big in the second round their feet too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seven forbidding let's go down to buck Martinez a crowd loved it mitii their fans got behind you with nine outs to give you enough to tie those guys with seven how much did it need to have your hometown fans behind you all right now I'm pretty excited that was house this is great I was kind of nervous before I go there with a soon as I hear the first one I start getting more comfortable good luck thank you you should know the tiebreakers in the first round if you have more home runs in the season you would advance so Casteel with the other guys which seven is in better shape with the other three guys see him load up on those pitches right there very nice and look at this joke well this one is I mean this was a high deep drive high fastball and good Castillo sprayed it around using the whole thing [Applause] [Music] their respective leagues in home run McGwire on deck ken griffey jr. plated [Applause] yes be in the Murano we told you that a regular-season home runs would be a tiebreaker so both Castilla and Palmeiro are assured of going to the second round then we get a good battle between al NL o NL 21 to 28 times someone is at 56 or more home runs in the majors Roger Maris in 1961 the babe at 60 and at 59 Mark McGwire last year Hank Greenberg and Ginny Fox at 58 jr. last year and of course the National League record for home runs which McGwire is shooting at also his hack Wilson with 56 the 1930 cub took the only a tie at the houghton someone is Ranger they fifty six home runs it was eight times guys that have done it junior the pressure on these guys I mean this number seven that's [Music] so they've got the pressure [Applause] you guys have done not surprisingly well but it took very well write down their stroke here I agree with you I mean I seven three guys with seven is surprising I figured you might have one or two with the three which seven is very surprised so junior has to hit at least seven to advance genius just telling it for this game pathetic takes the same swing perfect slight uppercut nothing special doesn't have to change anything no stresses been swinging about Lily well last couple weeks he won contest in 94 Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh we're glad he reconsidered he said he wasn't gonna do it push came to shove he said let's give the fans what they want so we welcomed him in with open arms Joe and Mike and I think that is why he's in the fans gave him the most votes you know for the second or third consecutive year and I think you realize it gotta get that yeah [Music] [Applause] center field does it have enough juice [Applause] that's a nice little weight off your back [Music] not quite he's not he's getting off to trademark a little bit way to get him on the barrel use a light bat for one thing after his fourth out pal back and it Castilla well you know he's in the second round Junior needs seven if he gets seven this one not gonna get it gotta find a group but if you get hot very quickly it could turn around second deck in right centerfield voices alone as a junior gets seven he will not move out of either created God [Music] we won the contest in Pittsburgh this happened about the middle of the round he hit about six in a row [Music] yeah for junior who's put up some numbers this year 101 RBI for Juan Gonzalez is that a great season is first time you drink so much potential is a bike you going to the season 100 races right up top he's got a hood it's September 30th though so much sooner field tearing a little bit with fado that power stayed all the way but he still needs two more if it's 14 feet remember out there he at about nine get the shadows crept over there feeling a little bit too I don't know how that affects it but they got the lights outside [Music] miss that one Sandow he's down to eight house needs two home runs before he gets two outs little pressure here the pressure clap I tell you there's pressure the artist [Music] [Music] back back back back [Applause] it sounded like it weird Oh [Music] gentlemen Junior's got seven make his fight in the second round [Music] [Applause] P [Applause] has been bumped out by Junior Boise you put on quite a show with nine out living it's not an aggregate total so even though there's a great show [Music] it's not like he carries this total to the second star to get refresh around his job he's got it and haters gonna hate is enough [Applause] Junius he didn't make it last year he did not make the final round or the second round he got high well look at this not a lot the difference in his regular swing than that one I mean he had a couple of balls that were just as Mike said bombs in the right-center field upper deck you know a game and you sit in the upper deck you don't think you might catch him have to grow so we got to be careful actually it looks more beautiful coming from the outfield the court so mark mcgwire the anchor leg of the [Music] derby gym Vinny Castilla is in Rafael Palmero is Janet mark mcgwire at seven Asian if he does not jim thome will advance to the second round mark mcgwire is 37 home runs it's tied with Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson as the most homeruns ever at the all-star break that was young Reggie pre World Championship Oakland A's Reggie hit only 10 for the rest of the year junior of course is the third best ever with 35 so we don't know where McGwire and Griffey will go with it Frank Howard the same year as Reggie was like in tandem and Frank didn't get to 50 either now who knows where Mark McGwire would hit the ball that's the players parking lot if you have your auto insurance pool boy you saw Larry Walker driving all the way in our you just know Marcus Lee it's Godzilla you just you just wait seven games here jacquard or 26 at-bats he has four home runs that's one every one six and a half at-bats that's in a game and that's basically his average for the year look at the arms on this guy get bad looks like a toothpick inside [Music] he's a little anxious it's gotta just chill relax a little bit get into the groove Tony they're just a lot of pressure he's tough Joe and I were talking yeah like everyone in your foursome to scrambles missed the putt you thought Omega you're on the you're under the microscope there here's what happened to centerfield retarding gorgeous very much and that was definitely a 7.5 percent there 7% he didn't hit that at all I know everyone's like so bad it's only 400 30 feet at all he has become such a Paul Bunyan figure not that he never hit homeruns I mean he had that great debut were his rookie year in 87 t at 33 at the brink but he's almost mythical this guy's machine gun in a little bit step out a little bit more rhythm everyone in America rooting for him to take that serious run at 61 he's 60 right now he needs to take a run at some box Bob I'm telling you I was surprised that Griffey was able to do as well as he did I mean tremendous pressure when you're the last to - that's what some man he sees this before now that's a big yeah that's about that [Music] you crush that Toby say right in his live interview I want to see McGuire that's 510 feet in the last year India requires at 700 500 see that timing right was just dropping his back down the guy was pitching he's just trying to get out of that little funk get a little rhythm and let's relax guys gotta wait for him to draw the back that's for sure [Applause] was the worst to get those people stand in line [Applause] 480 feet he's slipping Joel let's get his kids diving for the bed I want to get Mark McGwire wire has three he needs seven to advance that's the number he's looking for see sketches gotta be last gentle little drawers back back you know you know they're gonna think about the bigger this event comes thinking about maybe bringing your own batting practice pitcher I think they talking about babe McKay has served up maybe 8000 home runs to the Guire in his days of coaching the A's and now the partners but if they won we're getting close here and the crowd knows it soon [Applause] mark needs for hormone if we could find a choice by moving the ball around a strike zone do you take you to the batting practice the special here too [Applause] and hopefully can get hot you can to shooter fear back back back joy wait I had [Music] just disappeared in the wilderness and each three more [Music] one can be tough he doesn't make but you're right the batting practice pitches like rushing to get ready this one is not far enough away gentlemen [Music] [Applause] came to see him he hit the four homers but alas will not advance his buck Martinez mark everybody has a tendency to think these home run contests are easy how tough was it watching all these guys hit ahead of you it was tough because there's a I've hit for two hours and and then I'm facing him and I like to ball middle in and most of them were middle away so sorry everybody Wow Mark McGwire don't have to apologize anybody close he's he's the guy and look at this ball here that's a great camera angle there look at that 500 plus foot home run but I think I agree with him that he did not get the ball middle of a plate in very often and that caused him some problems but again a lot of pressure build up because was building up simply because of all of those hitters before him had done a great job well mark wanted in 92 and seen Diego the Jim Thome gets in Rafael Palmero is in hometown hero Vinny Castilla and junior Griffey move on to round 2 I'm here live at Coors Field in Denver Chris Berman Joe Morgan Mike Piazza ken griffey jr. xate was the most in the first round I'll be joined by Vinny Castilla Rafael Palmeiro and Jim Thome the tie breaker if you just joining us is on regular-season home runs and those three guys have more than moyses to lose 20 so Moises although he had two seven has to drop out so now for move on to the second round we do not carry the totals forward although we'll be pretty close if we did anyway and again they get 10 outs and the top two will advance the tiebreaker in the second round his homers you hit in the first round so jr. would be in good shape if you were in a tie for that second spot speaking of jr. there's a couple of grip and with here's a guy who had some rips Jim told me at the Cleveland Indians [Music] like a dog in this contest was done very good got the right attitude given the right in gotta get his house right no no no I had something someone's gonna tell him it's tough turnout it is 10 outs we can confirm I don't think they get cable down there so this is another full round another full round a full round here full round for everybody where you go pull rock around the house there you go now the fatigue factors coming in here a little bit these guys you know and they got a little bit cold they got chilled a little bit between the rounds so it's uh it's an endurance thing play just and you have to get on a streak and hit five or six in a row and that puts a pressure on the other guys he almost know the Maguire's hitting a homer tomorrow night I mean you almost know that was they's doer these straightaway centerfield by remember anything that is not over the fence on any swing as an out theater was disappointed well I think he just had a bad matchup at the pitcher that's a bomb that day there's a bomb hey Tobias has peppered the UH protect more than anybody he'll tell you this guy is no he was all wide-eyed Mike and Joe down because I talked with him at the cage earlier he said hey this this place my good ear the King's chops that the topspin that's baat so far that's a long way I don't care where you are me not that ball right there is hit to get in that upper deck that pitch was an outside now now rich Donnelly might be little ice and soft ain't this pretty well when he what he did but you might be after going sitting down these seconds away today there's being up here here you go give me some oxygen it's like the managers have a guy up four times in the pen burger game right areas of sensing you were always good to talk to her though Jimmy Lee Lou from the Pittsburgh days this one if it stays fair it's gone off the fair pole so two homers for Thome which style he thought is gonna get a little vacation let's go my ass but I didn't know we'd have to throw three hours of deep-sea rocket with one of his pray Griffing and jr. he's down oh yeah I went back back back Oh God but that's Tony spine that's properly struck that day that that you don't see much of him obviously told me no right not in person not at all but there's no question this guy can vanish but not even in spring training oh boy yeah you do Siemens cage as ours it springtime's top I mean guys are still obviously finding the timing and actually guys in spring you can't hit anything and vertices in there but Cayenne thay is anybody are you see guys it can hit you know Tommy's kind of a throwback to the old school he really gets his hips out of the way viewers and then he generates a lot of bat speed with his upper body and he knows he can drive the ball out the other way too you know you could do that as a cause filled swing look at this that is loud and he is mister upper deck that is long - and obviously found the joy spot yeah but that sweet song right there for homers for Thome who is leading off the second round it's getting close to that million bucks yeah I wasn't far off some serious cash Oh [Music] taking a bit [Music] ten others hit steep cartons house [Music] markku Wow it was clear to Stadium clearance clearance you know what and we can get a picture this at him in all he's giving another bit he got under this some about five six rows from the top here is a purple a loveseat so that they'd get up but his last home run before this is what they call the mile-high row and there's one row of seats in the upper deck that's purple seats and that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level there they are halos one you can count one two three four five six seven down from the top that's exactly a mile high and that's about where the the home run landing take another peek to those sheets another upper Decker she had a half dozen [Applause] and he's making enough routine well he's relaxed even though you're in the second round smile look at it just he's in the groove he's making them look routine and that is not high that is a long way up there Oh gets into that one but boy Jim Thome had seven in the first round and we'll finish with you so the personable Jim Toby has certainly put himself in position little pop here third deck you're going up there at will you always hit balls that far well actually Omar told me to step out and take my time you know it's just one of them things where I thank you then you lose your groove and then you got to step out and get back in and this is a lot of fun watching all these great hitters and just being the part of it Highjump thank you well you certainly made it big guys to move to the second round Joe you're right he clears his hips I think that's the key to his success and I mean these are long long I'll get I'll go with you tonight Mike these are bombs right here he's got four homers of 460 feet or more I didn't to down well he is definitely a good lowball hitter he's got that great left-handed swing opens his hips and they most those left-hand hitters like the ball down look at that I mean he's just beautiful swing though you say got in the groove and everything seemed to happen for him his average distance for those home runs almost 440 feet so he's got the Coors Field stroke Jim Thome opens up round number two with an eight spot bet he could still try the answer and all fans of the [Music] been to the rocky mountains in the summer you think it's just skiing think again there is no place as beautiful as this area Colorado and Utah and Idaho and is the Rockies in general summertime and what Vinnie did of the Colorado Rockies in round number one boy we even give you sound effects Wow listen listen a little bit louder yeah a little lumber gone here for us averaging almost four to thirty feet of home run and they get a big ovation both the man chosen [Music] [Applause] then he sprayed see if he keeps that stroke up he knows he can hit a ball and that makes it a lot knowing that a lot of players have heard about foolish deal but they're not aware that they hit the ball out right down the left-field line if they're left-handed hitters as well as the right side if you're right-handed hitter many know that at 25 home runs this year and he had 40 each of the last two seasons as too many folks can put together back-to-back 40 home runs season on that right it's time good question I think this is Mark McGwire's nemesis here isn't it the pitcher because Vinny's trying to get some time to well Vinny knows this gentleman pitches [Applause] it's in the trees it's in the evergreen stayed on that ball actually after watching some of this I'm a little disappointed I didn't get in that celebrity contest this afternoon i Ju would've jumped the gate he's yeah you know yeah I probably Smith my foot missed my only chance how many do you think you could hit played your career for his field 5-under par about five more than I hit in Rome that's a very nice tell you to play pepper with that rice ball here you kid there's a little winded here staying back nicely [Applause] Vinny Castilla does this one have enough need of one more back you can tell he's getting tired my hero sees no one jams him with a fast [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] salùte field and this is a [Applause] clear those stands that's that's a nice poke Vinny as we mentioned with the 40 home runs the last two years pointed making but he stood considering at home right so we'll wait till it goes [Applause] he's going on these two so he's really just dropping and driving is you want effort but it works for him well they're 40 in the 90s 45 times a player has hit 40 more home runs 28 times the last two years not including history hey that's a bullet point being in the thirteen times seven these numbers many helping that group here in the 90s put up new numbers the likes of which we haven't seen now he's got seven out tony is in with a taking his time that gotta get the tournament taking his time exactly Oh pulled off it cut under the little bit he's he's pretty winded right now so he's a lot of effort in this contest but this let's take a look at 14 base hit that count with us go there's like a floater huh yeah pull the string on it [Applause] does not necessarily shell them for the final round to sweat it he's down with puck I'm gonna go out on my limb and say five more maybe [Music] clarenbach Vinnie looked to me like you're getting a little tired there toward the end of that round no I wasn't tired I think I did my face I bought that too here too far and place okay you think fives gonna make I don't think so well we talked about him being a better high fastball hitter that pitch was up and he really drives the ball better when he gets it above his belt but usually if you're a good fastball hitter you can handle that pitch up really well and he does getting some great views here yeah this is sweet pal Tommy head eight Vinny Castilla at five Rafael Palmero do become gaez top sluggers are back in the annual battle for homerun supremacy be there as the major leagues biggest stars take their cuts in a dazzling display of power and stamina who will be able to call himself the new century's number-one gladiator find out on the century 21 home run derby tonight at 8:00 on ESP you now this is the tail the tape in the second round Jim told me with 8-minute Castillo with five coming to the plate now is Rafael Emerson Lake & Palmer Owen in the first round oh what a lucky man he was does he hit seven home runs and here's where they went including the crack of the bat guys properly crispy strokes I like that crack of the Batman snap crackle pop Rafi won't hit the prolific home runs but again here's a guy that the is 26 at the break 38 39 and 39 the three years before that so he don't have to hit 510 foot home runs is very consistent nice nice stroke and kind of calmed down a little bit though Tomi he's been the most he's been the most impressive shows us far do you think guys Jim told me no doubt about it I was awesome awesome display of power right there this one goes to right field back it goes there's another sound effect nice get a good piece of lumber - it makes a nice sound right on the screws [Music] pictures put in a lot of work mr. Donnelly out there [Music] double its a knock does it count much here [Applause] Oh stern the world I don't think there's any doubt that they do tire or lose it oh yeah because uh they also took batting practice [Applause] let's go down to buck Martinez had a couple of special guests it's all garlic walk a lot of great news for you this week your son Brody is doing much better how has this day gone for you he's doing so much better and the whole family is able come back here and enjoy this this event and in this great city Dante this has been a special day for Rocky's fancy and Vinny Castilla how have you enjoyed it here oh it's a blast then he did real well he did proud for himself and doc and the choir hitting the Fox sign was unbelievable for this day it's been day for Rocky fans alright guys upstairs all right buck done every in the old ways and we talked about the wall Brody earlier on and that's a great story here's palm there are down to the right-field side it's Toby territory close the cow sign yeah running out of Allison got under this one that won't go that five may not be as bad as I thought you know you can post it get in the clubhouse go to the putting green occasion playoff later right don't rub it down his last out he needs a deuce let's work him away say get him hot right move the ball around on this guy there's a Palmero [Music] Jim told me this guarantee is seat in the finals I think the fans are pleased with that and I would sign Ralphie ran out of a little juice as you guys were talking about impressive show let's go down arrow rattles Oh Ralphie said you thought it might take about nine for you to get that through this second round was it a little bit harder the second time around that was a little bit harder I was jumping a little bit more and got a little bit tired all right well congratulations I know you'd be back at it tomorrow night all right Harold jr. homers at anyone both steps back here at Twilight I'm in Denver Chris Berman chill Morgan Mike Piazza homerun Derby Jim Thome is moving on to the championship round Vinny Castilla will his five hold up bar will junior Griffey if he gets five he'll be in it in the first round junior had more homers than anyone else here is Aten took them out halfway through guys to get in the groove didn't it joke yeah well that's been griffeys mo in these home run hitting contest last year he couldn't find a groove so he was eliminated after the first round when he won a couple of years ago he got in the groove right in the middle of the swing hit about six or seven in a row here's the leaders at the break the choir of course if the majors junior lead see these social sucked on the shoulder fun of the other day and he time to play in the all-star game we missed a business homerun Derby and Greg Vaughan with 30 what a comeback here for him with the front-running San Diego Padres in the National League West so here is junior Griffey one of 15 guys who have ever hit 50 or more home runs that's a astounding statistic and all the players that have ever played this game only 15 they've hit 50 per month unbelievable the babe of course did it four times Jimmie Foxx Ralph Kiner Willie Mays and Mark McGwire done it twice [Music] Roger Maris Hank Greenberg McGee Mendoza field Jr Brady Anderson George Foster Johnny Marr [Music] [Applause] that is a very impressive accomplishment yeah it's a lot of bombs but you had a fantastic year last year yeah 40 I mean at no wait you like thinking 40 up like that's a lot Sammy Sosa with 20 home runs last vote that's a new major league record for any month in the history the game got a Superman shirt underneath there unfortunately slept with some kryptonite juniors got four heads again he's at that same pressure that he had the first round really felt the pressure on that one did you back back back and upper Decker way needs five to move on Ricky's gonna get the holder this one stay they count the same I went 15 feet above the wall he's 50 feet up the walls 14 in right field how many do we have that three or four entries have needs to Joe [Music] which he gets to he would not caste out in the tiebreakers because he had more than anybody else in this one [Applause] it needs one more if he gets one more you stop start the next round save your energy fixed-route Avior there isn't just one path back baby sky and the Lance man they decided to play in this home run derby is the man moving on the round three so Castilla gave it a run but five did not hold up for him he's gonna keep going I guess it feels good that's ones drip into right-center [Music] the book bed there [Applause] [Music] I agree with Joe I think you got to save your poll yeah I really do because you're gonna start you have only two people left you're not gonna get as much time to recuperate there's a little strategy in this home run hitting contest well it's just some power I think he just want to get booed though I forgot about that it's this one in the Rocky Mountains sky that's that's a second Decker see if you're watching this confidence yep Tennessee to get spoiled you don't realize that how long those bombs are yeah that's a long ways up I think the the contest I saw him Fitchburg was the greatest display I ever saw we're jewelry of Frank Thomas right now Frank Thomas hit one off the left-center field upper deck after that was unbelievable Oh [Applause] with the a home runs in this round after the the first leg so Chinese Tommy date but he didn't need to do that and it'll be junior Griffey against Jim Thome in the finals he had the stroke going about halfway through again guys well he does not have to make many adjustments as a in a home run hitting contest that's his natural swing and he just does the job loss the reason he's hit 50 home runs and he's on his way to 50 again this year or more so junior Griffey and Jim told me let these only need applied to the finals here the home run derby [Music] here in the to Coors Field in Denver for the championship round right after this me out the hawk Andre Dawson just to name a few John Elway is the Elway family enjoying John Goodman quite a baseball player I heard he jumped the gate remember the beginning we said someone might hit it to the in there for the taking I think Tommy got the closest he did think if you're on the Sea of Tranquility beware around he told me definitely leads an upper decks and think about a mic Jim experience with you did the to home under is that the you enter didn't went out he had none in his hometown last year he's totally changed at around this year absolutely made have made incredible and just adjustment and I'm trying to figure out where all these coaches were when I was hitting everyone's given advice no way I no one told me anything I thought you were gonna make adjustments after the first time when you need to get in yeah well the same thing I really again I'm not gonna make excuses but the pictures that I had I really wasn't that comfortable often that makes a big dirt stuff it's tough sometimes I think they're ready for junior Tommy here and were you pick it or do you want to make one Jill what do you think well Peter Pascarella is said told me from the beginning so I guess that's his pick stainless I just have to stay with Griffey because I'll wait any home run hitting contest I always pick him even though I was completely wrong last year going with Dave King oh boy you might have a chance and then I know what this Park was built for Dave gee that was 20 years too late Tommy rip chick Madonna being out I was gonna say before he started hit Mel's been big Tony but wait till you pick this up pretty good and remember they only get five outs of the final round it could keep up that stroke uh Tony was gonna tell you definitely have to get in the groove here the only five outs you're going to them is Chinese for center field this time will it have enough juice that smile on it again you've got my turned off the granite out there some people say they are cabal otter maybe they are say what if they open one of those things up Joe after that slice had to done you know and it says top flight a little bit pressure here you know you haven't won five outs so you make the filling off the ball a little bit gets under this this is 7up back back back back oh yeah deck number two to Herbert's for to me I just love that everyone brought their gloves out there and we're really ready for act we haven't seen any casualties out there say these people well they know they've been through it except I'm one on the beer line yeah that's true that guy got it right in the back of the gourd [Applause] Tony looks good real confident he's incredible story I've been thinking about it last year during a draw on a blanket shutout and now he's just a total control the master of his domain hey shoot the plane look at that rate issues Lily I know that second fits with a slider I mean it look like down and in look at her yeah I gotta get it up knuckles tell you get a pitch the scaffold ago three apps so he's only got two left with just two home runs junior Griffey to follow he joined us late mark mcgwire clumped only four and did that advance in the second round surprised it's a pellet watch out there at staying - with these new ballparks the people are closed go to these games better be careful last out for Tony sky and nine right fielders move on to the ball and it still drops it [Applause] that'll stand for junior now here's the swing while that was up a little bit and told me got most of it boys and straight away center field at full extension [Music] it is huge Rafi will try to get 3 to win it if you get to the tiebreaking this is they have a shootout of you you get sudden-death to get three outs so no more previous totals or anything else down but Ronaldo gold doors opens for junior here well it is if he can get on the board right away at lack in this first couple swings but then pressure starts to peel [Music] [Applause] Sammy Sosa [Applause] those same age the ground the dirt in the dirt the guys these guys pitched the hitting challenge which was before us so they're definitely tired now that again straightaway center field line drive [Applause] very nicely struck too much topspin guys would make a nice plays out there with the plumbing around [Music] then we get just the five ounce now Oh he started with the foul she can't go there nice effort it's this one along but that [Music] see the people start to stand up the next hundred back to right field the winner and champion he got his junior Griffey [Applause] well the biggest great because he finally decided to participate in the contest and I think the fans desert his presence and I think he gave it to him and he ends up winning the contest you like watching from up here my father this was awesome yeah - 900 Reynold time congratu congratulations gender when did you decide to go ahead and make the contest coming into BPF I felt okay I would do it and you know I don't like to get booted and I've got for me with four million reasons why I didn't congratulate the kid over the tough Challenger here Jim told me he was hitting some balls a long ways you seen him a lot yeah you know I sent in 95 when I hit the second deck in Cleveland but you know these guys have worked hard and it's a lot of fun and I don't know what to say well Jim you talked about how important it was to be and that's not fun it is for baseball you have a good time today wow this is great like I said just to be in this and watch all the best hitters in baseball do their thing you know this is good for the fans and you know it was awesome it was awesome and you know hopefully they'll ask me to do it again next year alright gentlemen congratulations jr. Jim thank you appreciate it back to you boomer up in this booth iron Harold and Jim Thome and junior Griffey congratulations this was his stroke on a home run champ 498 junior Griffey ironically I think one of the shortest home runs along the contest yeah just got in that front row dropped it over the ledge and picked up that championship I must admit I think it was a great contest but you know I was a little disappointed Mark McGwire didn't get to go against Ken Griffey jr. ramp up murder Chile's junior Griffey has wanted the 1998 Service Merchandise Home Run Derby is presented by service merchandise proud sponsor of the 1998 Service Merchandise Home Run Derby and in part by Nike and by Toyota everyday belongs to you make it count Toyota every day [Music] Twilight I'm in Denver with me in the home run derby and what a great joke put on by the Rockies organization the city of Denver we look forward in tomorrow night that's for sure and Mike Piazza what a treat it was having you up here with us and as you watch this this is get you more excited to play in that game tomorrow night which you'll start again financially absolutely I'm fired up the ball is carrying very well here I'm soft well you still own the longest home run here at Coors Field the 496 feet you were ready to top it now we'll see what we can do I think it's gonna be interesting I think someone probably will top it but the pitchers got the work cut out of him so it's gonna be a very interesting game well then you have to call a good game thank you thank you Joe we we saw a heck of a show yes we did and I want to tell Mike it was a pleasure working with him and I must say that this was a great show I mean some of the longest home runs we've ever seen in the home run hitting contest but I want to make one more point and that is that what grip Ken Griffey meant when he said he had four million reasons all the great fans that voted for him out there gave him four million votes and he felt that he should play in the contest and I think that that's very honorable and I have said in the past and I think the players the last few years have really made a concerted effort to prove to the fan that they love them and this is great well he certainly delivered so junior Griffey is our winner of the Service Merchandise home under or glad you could join us for our first live the home run derby Reynolds buck Martinez Joe Morgan Mike Piazza I'm Chris Berman saying so long from Denver there's been a presentation of ESPN the worldwide leader in sports [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tom Bombadil
Views: 59,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, Home Run Derby, Ken Griffey Jr, Mark McGwire, Alex Rodriguez, Denver, Seattle Mariners
Id: h07do5qa90w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 36sec (5496 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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