1998: Elon Musk on his early Silicon Valley days, future of the internet

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did it all get started take us back to when you really start with all of this well that was the summer of 95 I had no money whatsoever I was working uh doing research in Silicon Valley on a completely different subject and trying to start this company at the same time and when it came time to decide do I want to do Graduate Studies or do I want to start this company and I decided to start the company I had no money as a graduate student I would would have received a scholarship in a stipend and so forth in starting the company I had nothing I had no income source so we found that an office was actually cheaper than an apartment in Silicon Valley so we got this dinky little office that had a leaky roof it was just the nastiest place you can imagine and you lived in it too and I lived in it too and showered at the YMCA this this lasted for about three or four months and the reason we chose this this office in addition to it being really cheap was that there was an internet service provider on the floor on the floor below so we were able to get really cheap internet access by drilling a hole in the floor and connecting to their server directly know where it's going but what do you see as the future of the internet I think the internet is the the superset of all media it is the it it is the the Buell and end-all of of media one will see print uh broadcast arguably radio essentially all media folding into the internet and what the internet amounts to is it's it's the first of a two-way communication medium that that is that is intelligent it allows consumers to choose what they want to see when they want to see it and whether that be radio whether that be print whether that be television broadcast I think it's going to revolutionize all traditional media
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 202,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS Sunday Morning, CBS News, news, elon musk, rita braver, entrepreneur, engineer, zip2, startup, predictions
Id: zfwK5BvZrY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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