1997 Dream season

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good morning on this first day of January 1998 from the big house in Ann Arbor hi everyone I'm Mike hole filled you know the author George Eliot once remarked character is destiny and that's why we're here today think about it five months ago who in the world would have imagined that the U of M on this day would not only be undefeated but on the threshold of a national championship back in August the national media was shrugging off the maze in blue preseason polls put them as low as 18th in the country they were facing one of the toughest schedules in college football but as Napoleon once said about war three-quarters of the battle turns on personal character and with coach Lloyd Carr leading the charge the Wolverines would go on to stun the nation proving the general correct and the pundits dead wrong right here right now we're going to have all the great plays the highlights the memories we're going to have some fun Jim Brandstatter and Jamie Morris two former U of M stars now in the broadcast booth will join us with their thoughts their memories their analysis so really over the next hour we're going to take you on quite a ride on the road to the roses so sit back think back and enjoy this is the dream season let's kind of 117 64 wins most by any division 118 this is Michigan kicking off the season a rematch with top-ranked Colorado who can forget their last two games three people down there the balls up in the air next off down there it was time for another showdown our kids love going into hostile environments and playing well we're playing at Michigan Stadium and that's what advantage for us and that's enough we're the we're the bad guy and but as long as we stick together we can have a lot of fun and being the bad guy at this particular moment but if the Buffaloes had any fun it didn't last long early in the first quarter and he gets it away big dogs watching he put too much air under the ball and what son intercepted him that early interception by Woodson really set the tone for the demons at that point I think everybody said all right Charles is back quickly Brian Griese to March as Michigan rolled Colorado crumble and I think it was the defense that made everybody sit up take notice and grab everybody I surprised vigeous blitzed and hounded nobody expected that type of defense that came out the play and I get up I don't know if I'm truly awake or if I'm still dreaming I was in every orgy this defense is pretty good Jim Herman's really aggressive we got guys who can run intercepted have the strong defense because their offense was young upfront particularly and with a brand new quarterback in Brian Griese what he brought he showed whatever the defense gives me I'm going to take advantage of opening the third quarter Michigan marched 89 yards in 11 plays before greasy looked to the end zone it was now 17 to nothing now the buffalos hope to have things sorted out Michigan fans were riding high but Wolverines were not big again there were no male marries this year managing only a field goal the mighty Papa lows had been humbled well that's not a difficult summary of the ball game we got our tails with we had a hard time picking up the Blitz so just turned into a nightmare for us you know couldn't do much all day long and just got after those guys and we just killed their wheel and as the game went on there was nothing they could do and we just stayed on and we kept after and kept after him and kicked and why they were down and uh today I had to create that defense a plus the national media agreed with Charles Woodson and suddenly Michigan jumped to number eight in the nation still there were people out there wondering was this all a fluke were these guys really that good well when we come back a true test from a team the U of M fans love to hate the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame and oh yes there's a speed bump along the way by the name of Baylor back in a moment Stadium I think in the Baylor game you came in up at what was the defense that good everybody expected a letdown could Michigan come out and play with the same intensity that they played with the game before the Wolverines had been here before and dropped the ball we know what happened in the past and we know how we came out flat against teams that we were supposed to be but this year we have a new attitude I mean we're playing every game like it's the last game we're gonna play well I don't want to see this man but they knew they would charles woodson coming out one second down Watson we touch them first and 15 as we begin the second already today as woodson and the defense put on a dazzling display Michigan offense blitzed Baylor offensively all of a sudden they came around and started to dominate the line of scrimmage and I think more than anything that was well they the offense is coming around now hey this could get good Anthony Thomas we call him the age range highlight of a Michigan attack was for freshman running backs including Anthony Thomas who rushed for 122 yards there were visions of roses in the 38 to 3 victory but first things first I'm thinking about Notre Dame now once the game is over with and that's what you think about the other opponent one of the reasons you come to Michigan is to play in all the great rivalries and one of those Notre Dame's but you're talking about tradition you're talking about rivalry you're talking about two teams that that have everything at stake Notre Dame had lost their first two games of the season they're going to come in here and play their best game of the season I don't no doubt about that with Michigan having two very impressive wins and nor dame on the mat with their backs to the wall you just knew they're going to come in and fight the question and the real test of our defense and our team begins now we're just we're just finishing the exhibition season and we're getting into it now from the start it was clear Michigan had their hands full the 22-yard they learned from the game Phil they came out and they did some things they they went after our one-on-one corners they took advantage they picked up all the blitzes on their second possession Notre Dame draws first blood but Michigan storms back marching 66 yards in 12 plays is it theirs Williams grandmother could have scored that one Notre Dame answers by digging in on defense the Irish had good coverage they were not allowing us to run the ball they weren't allowing us to do two things that we wanted to do they were trying to take us out of a game plan and it working to perfection closing the first half with a 98-yard drive and a touchdown in the final seconds coach Davies crew was in command so now all the questions are coming back while Notre Dame is playing their best game of the season maybe Notre Dame is gonna be the feeling burst the bubble I get no down the best second half team is Michigan and the biggest thing is they came out and Michigan was not afraid to throw the ball that's epitome right there the crowd is back in the ballgame a revived Michigan offense struck again on their next possession suddenly it looked as if the Sun was setting on the Fighting Irish their offense began to sputter this way makes the play on our pretension I mean he had him Michigan was in charge or were they crazy we'll get out oh good catch by welcome home today let's see if the Irish now can hell you want to talk about moments during a game during a season defines a team dodging a bullet in the end zone it was michigan's turn again in the football back to him but they were denied by Michigan's defense and punted away bad out of the shotgun a handoff cut away Michigan is giving Notre Dame every opportunity to score you this defense went out there says you will not score we will not allow you to score Notre Dame the fourth down and two demson that was probably the biggest moment of that game and probably the biggest moment of that early season I mean it defined what was going to be a defensive struggle what was the defense was going to lead this team it's an opportunity for us to go out and make a statement whenever we stop someone or hold them to a field goal or no points whenever our often Stern's a ball over that came out they play hard they put points on the board against our defense and you know they we knew they were going to come out that way but like I say you look at the scoreboard we on top you know Coach Carr used Mount Everest as a sort of metaphor for Michigan season the Wolverines had to make it to the summit and even though they were number six in the nation now they were far from the top when we come back the U of M tackles the toughest conference in the nation back in them all you got to go away from home Memorial Stadium Lovington Indiana today the undefeated sixth ranked Michigan Wolverines take on a young Indiana Hoosiers what's expected of Indiana Indiana's going to give you everything they got calling the shots at Indiana former Michigan assistant cam Cameron an old friend of Lloyd Carr he's run all kinds of the gimmick plays the reverses the fake reverses the reverse pass the flea-flicker where the back tosses a ball back to the quarterback but the Wolverines would not be fooled Rogers the ten yard line as the Michigan defense kept its cool the offense caught fire in the second quarter they just took the game and basically won it right then Indiana fans including rocker John Mellencamp watched in disbelief well here's Howard running short side turns the corner and fights off a tackler and he's in via touchdown Indiana jumps up front flags down free play for greasy he fires it's caught by streets turns it upfield at the 10 he's into the end zone touchdown Michigan Anthony Thomas the only setback it's a handoff to a big hole on the left side down to the 10 the 5 break down field block fine Marcus man and he's out of the end zone from Michigan touchdown 23 - nothing Wolverine on offense the Hoosiers were simply helpless they gave new meaning to the term ground game and their passing attack wasn't much better Rodgers to his go-live sitting Charles your line see you later Hoosier sits over at that point handoff McCall right side and he turns it upfield and gets down to the goal line and in for the touchdown and Patrick McCall gets the Wolverines on the board again the Indiana game was one of those games where you knew that what's the second quarters over game was over as Indiana couldn't play asleep in the end it was a shutout Michigan 37 Indiana nothing one big loss for Michigan senior co-captain Eric Mayes suffered a season-ending knee injury many wondered if the defense could survive without him they find out next Saturday back in Ann Arbor coming off a game that looked like child's play the Wolverines knew they couldn't toy with their next opponent I think everyone's aware of what has happened they've been five and OH going into the northwestern game for the past two years and that game right there they lose that game and their season falls apart 1995 the last time northwestern was in Ann Arbor Gary Barnett Stroup beat the Wolverines for the first time in 36 years and last year in Evanston the scrappy Wildcats came back to beat Michigan with a fourth-quarter field goal defensively a year ago we did we just fell apart we've got to finish one of these games northwestern came out strong but Michigan wouldn't budge hurry bye Willie back-to-back cents into everything they had out in the first two series the defense was rocking them then neither were the special teams he comes up to the left hash mark finds a seam over the 20 acceptable football returns on it at the court at the 36 yard line for Michigan another Michigan field goal put them up six to three but the team was struggling northwestern was better then a lot of people thought they're very physical and Michigan had problems moving the ball with penalties someone had to step up this is the game if there was a game this is the game where Brian Griese stood tall when they needed plays in this game Brian Griese made plays here we go 3rd and 9 from the 10 three wideouts Griese to throw looking down the middle guns at the cumin sugar the touchdown capped a 90-yard drive but gree sees best was yet to come the biggest oil in there up 13 6 and a blitz comes and a guy is wide open is gonna kill grease comes out of the arms of a man touchdown that game right there he came of age as a leader on this team they came down to the fourth quarter each guy remembered what happened last two years and they put it in the back of the mind and said all right it's time to go and get the job done this year no fourth-quarter rally sir Charles would have none of that Heather is intercepted by Charles Woodson and he steps out of bounds around the 30 final score Michigan 23 Northwestern six are we are struggling out there a little bit today but like I said once we got back to our game plan got calmed down got comfortable out there are we playing on type of football now five and oh the Wolverines were riding high and everybody in the big tent wanted to knock them off their pedestal coming up the big test the battle for the bragging rights as the U of M takes on Iowa and another team by the name of the Spartans back in a moment Iowa that game now that was a game there was you know again if there's one game than the year that tested everything it was Iowa I think the best game all year I would lost the previous week to Ohio State they did not play Penn State Michigan State so if they beat Michigan they run the tape they got a shot at winning the Big Ten and going to the Rose Bowl Iowa's Hayden Fry had a fearsome ground attack and Tavian banks and Tim Dwight the thing that I think you have to start with is stopping Iowa's running attack easier said than done even for the best defense in the nation kayvyun Thanks Iowa but two possessions later Michigan answered and greasy drops to throw he's got time he fires to the goal line his putt for a touchdown by tri-state seven all late in the second quarter the game could go either way the second in this first half but the interception didn't help much on the very next play Michigan gave it back setting up another Iowa touchdown we're just trying to get out of the half nap but Michigan couldn't escape we punt the ball to probably the most dangerous person in the big ten Tim Dwight reverses field and he's going to go in the first half 61-yard returned my wife so now we're down 21 7 Michigan was I think shot momentum is all and I was stated in Michigan's locker room at half time there were no great speeches coach Carr he just asked them what do you guys want to do with this season hi how are you gonna respond and he just looked at mate and they said we're gonna go out there and win the throw gets pressure steps up in the pocket Thank You long the second everything in greasy nobody lost faith nobody lost confidence he drove right down the field my score two possessions later Thomas the first ball to call off the right side breaks holes cuts to his left at the 52 pepper he's down the left sideline 30 25 20 he's poked out of bounds inside the 10 by Eric Thigpen the free safety this is good fall Gracie will sleep Michigan tied it up at 21 but Iowa went ahead with a field goal late in the third quarter now they're down 24 21 and it looks like they're going to lose in with 7 minutes to go in the game they get the ball maybe their last shot and the big play in that game how things can turn Michigan's got third and long from their own territory they throw passed to Ty streets it's not going to get the first down and the Iowa guy interferes so they get the flag they get the first down and if it's not for that play Michigan might lose that game 24 21 either way Michigan State alive Griese calling the signals turns thanks to Thomas rolls right has a man in the answer touchdown Jimmy tuber I'm a Wolverines have the lead for the first time mutters settlement 24 desperate the Hawkeye staged one last Drive Sherman low-flow steel coming he gets picked up late I'm a run the past check out my win the football game denied them but go back and look at that interference call because if it's not for that flag in that call on that drive who knows what might be it might not be where we are right now you have to win these kind of games because our conference is best conference in the country and every team anything could be to any given night miss goose baby we looking forward to playing them next week hey this whole complicated state Minnesota everything is great but we got one step closer to our goal I never lost you know confidence in what I was doing or myself and I'm not the type of guy to dwell on things that go wrong we didn't lose confidence as an offense either or as a team while confidence may have conquered Iowa Michigan knew it would take more than that to win next weekend we're going to go into a hostile situation that they've never experienced this year so far they were going into a civil war this game right here biggest game of year probably because they're not ever played it gonna be hard everybody's gonna be talking a lot of noise we don't do anything dirty we don't lay hit we don't cheap shot there's gonna be people you know spitting in your eye I mean it's it's dirty now sitting in class and all the students coming up say please be missing please be miss Kay this year the state championship was supposed to be the battle of the unbeatens but a week before northwestern sank the Spartans blocking a last-second field goal which would have won the game for Michigan State was a miscue they were looking ahead fine they're going to be everybody's saying they're going to beat Michigan anyway it's at it's at East Lansing ESPN is going to be there this is a big game state's biggest threat was running back Cedric Irvin who gave Michigan first half headaches with 143 yards and the game's first touchdown on comes Chris Gardner no big and they get a touchdown on a on a fake field goal and that was nice but the response was incredible the D they take the ball 95 yards we find out that Michigan has a running back now and his name Chris Howard after that 10 yard pickup he comes around the left side plates it'll open up in the 3035 head streets and cook the block however midfield chased from behind greasy sneaks on first down at the 1 and guys him touchdown Michigan in the second half the Michigan defense absolutely dominated Woodson was incredible Schultz back to throw he's being pressured by Hall scrambles out of there now has Bozell his face closed Aimable made a spectacular interception and somehow landed with a foot inbounds at the state 21 what a grand by Woodson probably the best play that I've ever seen as a football player or as a spectator it added swagger to the defense the defense absolutely choked it out of and they just wouldn't allow the running game Michigan State to go and when the running in Michigan State couldn't go I had to throw it there sucking at the 35 yard line by Woodson this suck another ball game led by a defense which reeled in six interceptions the Wolverines clobbered the Spartans 23 to 7 they was just in our way I know our heart was in it I don't know if our minds and everything else that was in it we let them do all the talking we did on a plan we're looking to the end now we're ready for the last four games and nothing is going to stand in our way the win over state suddenly put the maize and blue at number four in the nation now there were whispers of a Big Ten championship even a national title but nobody wanted to speak too soon and who could blame them up next Penn State on States home turf happy valley time to put up or shut up when we come back better than a hundred dollars it will be on hand for homecoming as the undefeated miok michigan wolverines my house to the Minnesota Golden Gophers there was a lot riding on this game not the least of which was the Little Brown Jug I took it upon myself to tell some of those players that you don't want to lose the job you do not want to lose the job that was the most important thing the jug wasn't the only thing that had Michigan on guard they had played Penn State to one point loss and Wisconsin to one point loss so there was they were you know that they were not being overlooked the Michigan defense welcomed Minnesota with open arms back here the 22 as Sam sword and company sworn the golden gophers Michigan's offense pulled a surprise attack Gracie call me low signal drops back gives the ball too hard on a reverse the Woodsen going left he's got a convoy in front of 15 10 5 touchdown Michigan AG's had been holding him back all season long they took a chance and it paid off with him doing his offensive skills and his defensive skills that that took them to the next level you could just feel was you know Minnesota's I don't think we you know I don't know whether we can play with these guys good legs right kosis at the time he dies from the three engineers own touchdown Michigan to play Whiteside Travis first to the sidelines 15 texture Michigan would not celebrate for long the hard part of the climb is in front of us so we don't have time you know when you're on Everest and you're getting ready to go to the summit there is no time for celebrating up there there anybody up there that's parties they're trying to stay alive and get up to the top so I think we're in the same boat yeah the descript isn't finished yet and we've got three more weeks that we need to take care of and to finish that that dream story but of course you can count on Charles Woodson to throw a twist in the plot at that same press conference a prophetic Proclamation oh yeah I do I do this ha ha i lo ho bagel boy yet I feel I'm the best player in the country they were the words heard around the world and they echoed loudest in the hills of Pennsylvania where many thought Michigan would finally meet its match down the Penn State down the Happy Valley the nation's watching ABC Keith Jackson Bob Griese how else would you want it every seat sold at Beaver Stadium the train is walking the field the folate steroid may be tricky but bad weather or no it's a big wooden carts with Michigan coming the challenge and bacon Joe Paterno's boys were favored to win armed with running back Curtis eNOS they promise to go right at Charles Woodson they wanted this game this at the road bought the stands on our way the Big Ten championship the Rose Bowl the national championship the winner had a shot at all three I think we all understand what's at stake and I expect a great football game we expect to win that doesn't whet your appetite you're watching the wrong chenna Michigan opened with a field goal before Jim Herman unleashed America's best defense instead of just running the ball at them with Curtis eNOS with their strength they decide to run a reverse and here's your first play precious sick it is Glenn steel number 81 and guinea-bissau if you're looking for a defining moment in that game daydrian Taylor comes out of nowhere and just blasts this guy on a screen pass right in front of the Penn State bench I mean this is the biggest kid I've ever seen anywhere he was like shot out of a can it sounds cliche you can see the play he was a projector both of them will not claim and the Penn State players and coaches were standing in right in front of them is where this had happened and they all looked and they went holy cow these guys mean business and that set the tone for that entire game Michigan's offense meanwhile was unstoppable there's the counter play Thomas bursting outside to the right he turns the corner at the punt touchdown Michigan they offensively really came of age last time Brian Griese ran that far his dad was stationed above a stick with the oxygen one minute later greasy found number two greasy to throw whatsit wide open in the middle he hits another post at the 20 see you later Charles Woodson 37 yards touchdown Michigan another touchdown pass gave Michigan a twenty four nothing lead as the teens went to the locker room and Curtis eNOS the feared running back had only 37 yards the first half of that game was as perfect the first half of football as a team could play Joe Paterno could not get his crew back on track in the second half they managed only eight points while Michigan piled on with two sacks an interception and another touchdown that was as good a football game as I've ever seen Michigan play an official even came over to Lloyd with about two minutes to go the game was over and said Lloyd I've been refereeing in this league 15 years and I have never seen a performance like this I think shows you how tough we yeah we came out and played a great game today this is number two team in the land and just put them in a dart today how was our goal today we had to come here make a statement earn respect of everybody in the nation after the crushing defeat over Penn State The Associated Press officially crowned Michigan number one now they were the guys to beat but if there was one team out there that could knock them off it was that crew from Columbus and guess what they were talking trash when we come back it's time for Ohio State or that you're number one you know you got to play each week because it's on when you're number one is more people out there trying to take you down well it's hard not to get excited you know I mean just you know you just can't think about it you know you got to go in just like you know we came in to begin a year where no one gave us no chance and now you know now that we're number one in the nation you know we just got to keep the same focus stay focused keep warm that was Michigan's mantra in frigid Madison Wisconsin Michigan traditionally doesn't do well up in up in there where do you go a badger trapping it's probably the most hostile environment we have in a big tent the last time Michigan had gone to Wisconsin ranked number one they were beaten by Wisconsin in Camp Randall back in 81 or something so there's some history that people are calling on and saying this and I think Boyd told all the kids that Wisconsin was Michigan's last hurdle before Ohio State and here the Wolverines could grab a share of the conference title they don't vote you the Big Ten championship you have to go earn it and the Badgers were still in the hunt for Wisconsin if they win the last two games they go to the Rose Bowl they were going against probably the biggest offensive line in the history of college football in Wisconsin and Wisconsin's deep it's a very scrappy defense so I think they're beatable you know it's just a matter of how well we play and how well they play when you're coming to Camp Randall Stadium to play a game you better double clutch your chinstrap because you're going to be in a Smash Mouth game the Badger defense came ready to play but Lloyd Carr had a few tricks up his sleeve what the ball game we'll get Wisconsin's attention here's ain't lateral to Woodson he's going to throw the old transcontinental the greasy right side of the 25 the 20 15 10 and he's run out of bounds inside the five down at the one-yard line Olivia like that razzle-dazzle stuff more things that Charles Woodson can do that thump you just heard that was Bo Schembechler fainting as Michigan fans picked themselves up off the floor Kris Howard took the handoff right side touchdown Michigan on fourth down Chris Howard picked his way off the right side did not run into the pile found daylight and got into the end zone and the Wolverines take the lead six to nothing on the opening drive of the game Michigan was relentless greasy rolling right the throws that all kinds of room he's going to go deep for ty streets open at the goal line touchdown Michigan high streets makes the grab for the score from 37 yards out and the Wolverines have a 13 that nothing lead Wisconsin needed to regroup and in the second half they did in the third quarter the Badgers came out strong flying 80 yards down field in just 11 plays Wisconsin was able to get the ball out on some options and score and keep it close touchdown he disappeared in the pile but the Wolverines kept the Badgers at bay Michigan players were tempered in their celebration of the 2616 victory our first goal was to win the Big Ten championship we did that we want to share the Big Ten championship but you know we didn't say our goals that we wanted to win a share of the Big Ten champs oh we want to win the Big Ten championship and so our goals have not been satisfied yet and we have one more week to go those are the Ohio State Buckeyes knocking on the front door and they come in with a world of incentive for the Buckeyes a win meant a trip to Pasadena and a possible shot at being national champs they get to come into the Michigan the big house and get a chance to knock Michigan off of its pedestal oh God I I would I wanted to play you know you're talking about total reversal of fortunes here Ohio State has a chance to do something that Michigan's done to them for the past two years for the past two years Michigan had beaten the Buckeyes ruining their hopes for a national title this year with fans rabid as ever the teams were battling long before the game began the war started with David Boston taking aim at Charles Woodson taking on the entire Michigan team I think of our office in defense of clicking we should be about to a detergent well I mean that's a strong statement about thing about offensive defense clicks then we should win by two touchdowns we come to ESPN USA today time why he's the best college player got out of the room so now I'm just about to watch them willing to see what's up Shawna's for you if those guys want to talk you know let them talk but the game is gonna be played on the field you know you can do all the talking you won't forget up there with a new Saint enable they did that last year he said my name so I mean it was like a personal challenge to me are you gonna say somebody's name then that that person has to take it personally and I did two years ago and uh I guess a boss to mention my name so I mean I take it personal and I like I say I seen him on Saturday they're undefeated they're 10 and oh ranked 1st to the 8th people 2nd to the coaches poll all championship forty-eight it was show time and Woodson wasted no time silencing Ohio State sets the throw has time now steps up and fires puts in spin around a crossing left 35 Feeny hit from behind by Winfield inside the 20 and Hall down at the 16 yard line 37 yards the trails listed on the crossing road first found me 16 yard line with Woodsen's catch the Wolverines were knocking greasy gets the staff turns gives me a train let's go Michigan Anthony Thomas the Fishman bolts in from one yard out his fifth rushing touchdown in the air and Michigan has taken the lead six big what's on their next possession the Buckeyes were stopped dead in their tracks by Michigan's defense and had to punt away looks and back back grabs this one on his 23 laces to his left that's running five splits two men 20:25 and there is old James Wilson down the sideline he's gonna go all the way touchdown Michigan you could just feel this kid who had the Heisman on the line possibly you didn't know it at the time but it had been called out by the other guys he was in a big game and he was stepping up to the plate he was making contact real backbreaker is his intercepts the ball that receptivity Ohio State was on the ropes but then the Buckeyes got a second wind one a goodness and punks charles woodson after Boston's brash touchdown Michigan began to stumble turn over turned into a touchdown and it was suddenly 22:14 but Ohio State could not overcome Michigan's defense which denied the Buckeyes last-minute bid the Wolverines were Big Ten champs they were going to Pasadena you got the Rose in your hand all red stain they David Boston said some things he should not have said obviously boo that Boston coming back oh I don't know I don't know this was all about Fitch and this was all about I mean just wind having a good time playing as a team playing together playing focused and just bringing it all in what has to be done I know I've been waiting on it since I came to the University of Michigan I figure when I came here that I would have already been at least one but hey we're going to come at a better time we finally going it's the most incredible thing that's ever happened I got it you don't think about the national Germans you know why not I think about Rose Bowl chambers so that's what my goal was that's what's important I wish you do the final episode in this dream season begins in just a few hours think about it a national title on the line in Pasadena of course you can see the entire game right here on Channel seven and don't forget up next we have the Rose Bowl parade for you special thanks to our good friends Jim Brandstatter and Jamie Morris we thought we'd leave you today with a little Frank and a lot of Charles as we tip our hat to a man who this season definitely did it his way you
Channel: WolverineHistorian
Views: 62,842
Rating: 4.8107667 out of 5
Keywords: Michigan, Wolverines, Football, 1997, dream, season
Id: cNP9wuk1e8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2012
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