1994 MLB Strike. What and Why It Happened.

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with major league baseball teams not happening for the foreseeable future because of what's going on in the world I figured I want to make a video in the last time that there was a stop as you play for the baseball season and the last time that was or that have happened was the 1994 and will be player strike spike in 1994 that wiped out the entire plot of the end of the season wiped out the entire World Series the entire playoffs and lasted until April 2nd in 1995 so they didn't play a full 162 games in 94 and at full 162 games he's in a 1995 but I figured I want to do this so that's why striking like just some background information on the strike before I kind of get just some facts about the strike I should say it's the longest stoppage of play in Major League Baseball history it beat out the 1981 players read this tribe began on August 12 to 1994 through the 2nd of April 1985 and it was the first time in 90 years that the World Series has not been played 1994 was the first time since I think it was well if you do the math that have been 1905 no 1904 was the first year the previous year that was the same plate so it's a time-honored tradition and which I will get in later on who it's about the season got affected by the strike what records could have happened or why not why did this dragster I think the strike started when the owners fired or gave Phaethon to the Commissioner before but she laid in 18 and 9 vote in no confidence at the point there was 28 teams yeah there was 28 teams during this time during 94 owners agreed owners agree to tamper with free agency as well and that's when Fay Vincent pretty much said the union basically doesn't trust the ownership because because collusion was a two hundred eighty million dollar theft by Bud Selig and Jerry blanket Sealy was the I believe the owner of the Milwaukee Brewers while Jerry Reinsdorf the owner of the White Sox pretty much stole money from players Donald furred who was the mo BPA director had no faith in Bud Selig absolutely no faith and no interest to talk with Sheila about what was coming up and that was how can we still get how can we still play baseball even though neither one of us think even though we both think we're not arbitrating in negotiating in good faith so the owners gave their pitch said hey we want the 94 season to finish this is well this is our idea this is our our ideas and we'll see one negotiate our here's wanted a 50/50 split on all revenues they wanted to eliminate the salary arbitration they wanted to permit players with four to six years to be free Asians but the main team would retain them if they match their offer it's kind of like a offer sheet hockey that that list or that uh that point is it's kind of like an offer sheet hockey I was that's what I'm thinking from what I've read they wanted to escalate the minimum wage their minimum salaries under four guys under four years of playing time so they wanted to X and that was negotiated through the the Players Association and the owners so that was the negotiating thing as well and the biggest thing that they wanted was a salary cap they wanted a salary cap to consent because at this time there is a big difference between the high end teams and the lower end teams which there is now because iron teams could take the money and get the big-name guys with lower teams couldn't and they were one of the things that they were wanting to do was have the which I will get into I believe later on yes they wanted the top 16 teams to share profits and share the revenue with the lower 12 teams and that that the salary cap and splitting revenues or I think probably the biggest are the biggest reasons that this didn't go through don't feel like I think it's for fair the director of the Union Players Association rejected the awful slide out but he did feel like the owners were gonna push this do anyway they were at an impasse they felt like they uh you know say screw it get this through and achieve absolutely nothing first felt like they had dad no choice but to strike if they didn't strike then they would have been they would had no leverage they would have had no ground to stand on for negotiations so that's why he felt like they needed SEC that was the last thing that they could do and they still had some power and that was the main fast I mean card that they could throw it on all right you don't want to go she it will strike and that's what happened on August fault players decided it's not playing until her agreement was made Bud Selig who at this point I don't think was officially commissioner and like he wasn't a traditional Bud Selig but he was acting commissioner he wasn't named Commissioner boots acting commissioner sealer set the date for an agreement to be implemented September 9th so if there was not an agreement between the owners in the Union there would be no season the season would end on September 9th or September 8th there was no agreement or no agreement no season now point players association sent the final offer to the owners the union pretty much said we want a two percent tax on top 16 payrolls divided into the lower 12 teams so take two percent text a two percent attached the top 16 teams two percent and divide that which how our money that could be divide that into the lower 12 teams to kind of make it a little fair try to balance out the competition which is something that all owners also wanted but that you could construe that into some other some other ways and teams also wanted to share or they also wanted the teams to share 25% of the revenues from the gate so ticket ticket sales pretty much they wanted teams to share 20 quarter of their revenues from tickets they wanted the Union wanted to share throughout other I would assume the lower 12 teams again obviously the owners said no it would not have accepted that now from and like I said baseball was done September ace September 9th last game is the age between the ninth and the second there's a lot of negotiations as well actually the the government the United States government gets brought into it I remember I remember researching it in Bill Clinton President Bill Clinton at the time said hey I'm going to set the date which I think was December or something or January something said hey we're gonna get this figured out and that day up and went nothing happened and then I think eventually it was settled by it was on February 6th was the date Clinton set and it's a whole bunch of legal battles arbitrations between the owner in the union course get involved it's very interesting to sit down read I that stuffs way over my head I just want to kind of keep this as simple as I can and that's what I'm hoping I'm uh that's what I'm hoping to do in April set on getting back onto the timeline skipping most of the middle all the negotiations with courts and stuff April 2nd 1995 the players agreed to return players and both the players and the owners would have to work under the old collective bargaining agreement until the new one could be made and that entails really the big one the big ticket on that there was no salary cap they didn't agree to a salary cut up but they did agree to a luxury tax and that's still what's implemented today that's not that's the competitive balanced attack cycle which I think now the Dodgers are completely over I think and the Red Sox are trying to get under it now and it's still a hot topic item really I think now and fan now we're getting on to the backlash from fans fans were completely angry at both players and the owners and I mean if you even look I mean 1994 is not ancient history if you remember it I mean I wasn't born but just looking up pictures of and researching that fans or completely because there were field of greed and field of greed was was one of the big signs and strike owners when players when fans Louise I was another big story and these are instances of fans bringing signs and in this case which I think's probably the most outlandish a fan paid a plane to fly over above riverfront that's the old since in I need state we're the front stadium for the old Reggie supply and on the back of that plane had a sign said some players to hell with you and it just shows you how they insult about 1992-94 strike they felt like you're getting paid enough let's just play ball and now I wonder how they sold today with players getting paid millions I think the average salary is 4.6 million in 2019 for the average salary which is completely gone up so I think the salary in 94 was 1.2 million I think was the average salary of players and like I mentioned 1995 there's only one hundred forty four games played now getting run through the 94 season ballplayers the 1994 season lost players and teams affected when you think of the 94 strike first thing that pops in your mind of missed opportunities is the Montreal Expos the first thing that comes to mind they had a great team that Pedro Martinez they had freaking ken Hill John Wetteland free can climb up Lincoln cliff Floyd Larry Walker marquise grissom Moises Alou this was their best team and they got and they were first in the they were first in their division as well and this strike just said no baseball guys struck them down and said you're not your time as home you are not getting the chance which sucks absolutely considering what happens after the strike they have to cut payroll they lose marquise grissom who goes on to win a World Series with the Braves they've lose Larry Walker they lose Ken hill add a loss John Wetteland who Helen Wetteland or outside of Paige other top two pitchers Wetteland Hill and Pedro pages obviously that I'm throw on him when wet alone especially Hill was really good when line was pretty good and there was all those guys because they had caught payroll after the after strike at a compare 195 and and it's not just the expose that are effective but that's the first scene that pops in your mind $21.99 1994 head I believe at the end of the year he had a 396 batting average he used that year if there was a straight if there wasn't a strike Tony Blaine Curtis at 400 could even hit 406 maybe but I think that year was the last time anybody will get close to 400 I just don't see anybody hitting 400 or breaking Williams's record anymore with just the way baseball's played I don't see it you're focusing on more hit power hitting then contact getting on base today Matt Williams may be breaking Roger Maris's record is also another lost opportunity he had it I believe it was 40 43 home runs no 48 home runs with 43 games to go so he was only I think it was 16 or 17 away from breaking America's record so that's in reach and the strike took that away and I think the last big thing that got taken away was Carlos by Baerga by Erica I think that's ACC is listening the second baseman for the Indians 92 and 93 he already hit 20 homers 200 hits and 100 RBIs by second baseman he was doing this and that's a record right there in an in of itself 20 homers 200 hits 100 RBIs by a second baseman he was going for his third year in a row and the strike took that away from him and probably and I'm gonna end on this note the Hat bird not the happiest it gets to that the best thing to come out of the strike is from 1995 to 2020 this is the longest prolonged labor piece in Major League Baseball it's there nobody wants another strength not with the way the fans reacted not with the way not with what it did to the game Bud Selig Senate tore the fabric of the game it ripped some frydrych of the game and he's not wrong the strike ruined the game nobody cared about baseball until 1998 when Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire Mark McGwire were in the home run chase that revived baseball because the strike killed it the home run chase revived it and right now we're in the unprotect on unperson we're in the longest piece of Labor piece in Major League Baseball and I hope it stays that way for years to come but I hope you guys like video if you liked it press like button subscribe down below that greatly appreciated shares video with all your friends and buddies let me know what you guys think about the strike if you were alive when it happened I don't know wait you guys how you guys felt about it um and yeah let me know what you guys think about it and I will see you guys later
Channel: noah sharkbait123
Views: 137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB
Id: ziLdJfkA52A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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