1990 Bass Boat. Can We Fix It?

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i have not seen it yet it's a fishing boat that um gentleman contacted me ken i'll let him tell the story but i think i turned the camera on as we roll up on it there she is hiding in the corner land was unveiling we'll see we got smile people can can people hey but uh yeah this is it sure you want to roll it or [Applause] ain't that a sexy thing yeah the mice got into the seat here a little bit so you bought it 30 years ago you're saying yeah and what's that what's the backstory on it that's you oh i bought it off a guy he bought it and then like two years after he got it his wife had a baby they had to get rid of it so i bought it so it was two years old when you got it yeah about two years old i tried to keep it up as you know as good as i can but i just can't do it now with the needs of good washing and stuff when's the last time it's been in the water i'm thinking like maybe seven years ago seven eight eleven he's on a sticker yeah eleven ten ten years and yeah it's been it most of the time when i use it it sat six seven years each time and each time that thing she's fired right up there turning the key do you did it get run out of fuel when it was put away last time or do you know or i used to do it i put it away because i'd only go fishing for like two weeks with the guys every year we it was like 10 of us and uh i during that i'd siphon the gas out of the tank and run the engine till it was empty now i can't to be honest i can't remember i know i drained the tank siphoned the foot in my truck but i i don't remember if i fired the engine up to get rid of it okay well that'll make these guaranteeing if the mice haven't eaten the wires that this boat will turn over awesome well that makes for the fun part of it too to see if we can make it around exactly awesome ken i really appreciate it it's it's very nice of you to uh kick it our direction and yeah it's got 150 horsepower on it um it's got an all-aluminum deck most of them were marine plywood this is all all aluminum this is of course if you want to help me take this out we can okay but that's a well you know and uh got two live wells the trolling motor 12 24 volt solar motor i think that's the third trolling motor i put on it because i just wore them out you know it's it's a nice boat i hate to get rid of it i really don't i really do well but you can't do it anymore when i get it running you're welcome to take a putt around the camp with it and throw a line in the water that's one of the problems is i'm not steady on my feet anymore yeah and they're both not the greatest of uh no it's not those that's a brand new seat that's a brand new seat and when i seen it the mice got to this seat i was gonna buy two more of those and just mount them in here to get oil injected you know we'll pull the rest of that cover off and i'll turn the camera back on all right go for it inside the blue injector i don't i don't know how big the tank is oh yeah yeah and these yeah i just put them things in there to keep the mice out they said that it would do but you can't keep the mice out and everything i pretty much drag home has the same issue especially in our areas just so i i have a totally wire wiring diagram of the boat from the manufacturer and you said it had what two batteries for like the house battery or the trolling motor batteries for the trolling motor okay and then one over here for starting battery over there gotcha okay uh well you can use one battery you control the model run off at 12 volts about 24 volts oh cool so you you want to just put one the batteries they were junk so i took them out kind of bills pumps huh well they're not built it's got two live wells for the fish ah gotcha so two of them one is for each live well and then one and the other one i installed that because my pocket would go camping for a week or so and that way if it rained at night it would pump it out yeah and you know but uh that's that and then it's got i don't know if you can this is a storage area about the same size as that okay these are your two live wells open them up that's where you put your fish that you catch okay what's the biggest thing you caught seven pounds seven some seven four or something is that winnipesaukee or where'd you where'd you go no that was uh that was in massachusetts uh i forget what lake it was get old you forget everything you know and uh yeah those are like all the gauges i should go see what our uh yeah oh did you do the honors here shake the camera too much got a wasp flying we got wasps flying around oh is that yeah a couple of them just kicked out of the cover yeah there's a nest right there where's that that's you put brillo in there no i put stuff in there try to keep the mice up gotcha that's a steel wool yeah there's there is wasp flying around the back there yeah we may have to wait till we get home to go pop that off we'll let the 50 mile an hour wind i i don't know if you can turn it with that with the propeller that's good we'll make that for uh i i'd almost guarantee this it's not cheesed up or anything yeah looks like you took really good care of what you tried to do blocking everything out keeping them out of it yeah exactly yeah you said i just can't do it anymore you know you said you got a steering cable that's broke or something this is what this is what i know of that's wrong with the boat when i packed it gotcha the trim and tilt okay there's there's three switches to put the motor up and down there's one right here there's one up front and there's one on the thing the one on the front and on the back won't tilt the motor back down now my friend had that he had one and he found out it was the solenoids to okay it so the steering cable about 10 12 years ago i changed the shot steering cable now i think the long one dried out okay it's just it's just tight and won't turn or it's free when when you go it's hard to turn one way gotcha yeah yeah it sounds like it's dry you gotta turn it it won't turn back by itself you gotta turn it back you know and the the last time i used it i noticed it wasn't a real hard stream coming out of the water pump yeah i think the water pumping power might need to be replaced and that that's about it cool and whatever we find when we go to get into it this time for person the body of it looks awesome yeah you know i try to keep my stuff up as well as i can and that's why i'm getting rid of it i just i just can't do it anymore you know my health isn't there and my you know i'm not that steady on my feet anymore but and you might find some other things small things that are wrong with it i don't know well that's what makes it interesting yeah you're right again thanks ken i really appreciate it and hopefully we'll have this in the water soon i got a pontoon boat that i ordered interior for i'm still waiting on parts to show up yeah so that's really good that's where this will go afterwards [Music] well i definitely say it needs a date with the pressure washer not a lot of the crap off of it but i want to get the engine cover off and we'll see what is happening inside there first and whether there's critters or whatnot that are packed inside there i believe it did have a fairly decent problem with mice and he took steel wool looks like he packed it around all the corners so we'll go pop the cover off of that maybe get a battery hooked up to it so you can get the tilt to move up and down gonna get a battery hooked up to it so let's get this strap out of the way if we can that way you can open the hatches up that direction looks like we get a bunch of cables looks like on both sides too so one side is probably the house batteries for the trolling motor and electronics and the other ones just gonna be for starting it i would say we got two negatives and two hot so i would say this is the 24 volt side which was probably everything i've set up for the trolling motor because the regular breath is going to be 12. you're on the other side so we got a couple of grounds tied together a bunch of hot stock tied together let's um she smells kind of musty it's right in my alley definitely needs a pressure washing you can tell where all the mice have been living you see how dark shows up on this side i got no light over here you can see where all the paths were where the mice are running on it gas tank looks pretty empty from what we can see and the bottom of it this could get a jumper pack or something just hook power to it so you get something to come alive you look at the jumper pack right too but i think what i might do just so we can kind of get power on all these i'm gonna go grab a nut and bolt for each one kind of stack them together and crunch down on it so that we're not trying to just grab them all with that get the jaws of the plier i do think i've upset a family of ants that is living in it somewhere running all around moving day and hopefully nothing smokes let's go put some power up to it let's see if anything comes alive it's not drawing any sparks let's go see if we can get any kind of the trim to work it's kind of what we're looking for right now it's got one right here there you go doesn't go down though oh yeah let's get a little kickstand out of there oh i sat up there that just kind of deteriorated to nothing huh it's been a few few days yeah that pull up and get that right off of there let's figure out there's another might be in the front where would i i know you're looking right at it you're not telling me usually it's on the controller yeah yeah okay trying to catch it on a good one all right let's see if we get that cover off there my guess is someplace here this one should come off there's a little latch underneath it or something there you go good evening just a bunch of steel wool that he put in there to keep the critters out let's go these guys just open up like doors on the side oh yeah now we got critters something fell or something ran yeah all that nest material in there what they took out of the seat there's more here smell it can we get those covers right off let me go pop you in the stand there you go door number two not my one you just screwed that way i didn't scream like a girl i think i missed him on camera though we go see if he's got any other family members back the camera thing is i don't want him hanging out my garage jumping into another car you know there's his nest you would think you'd have family i'm gonna go throw this right outside let's see if you didn't damage if you need chomp marks on anything you know wiring is probably the biggest issue that and probably fuel lines and most of the nest was here don't see anything yet this is the area to be concerned i think probably we should do is hit it with a pressure washer first how about getting out of the wiring weapon it is a boat right how many times did they work in a wet condition i think the one shot maybe washing it down a little let's um on someone someone decided let's go pull the plugs out of her real quick we'll throw a little bit of oil in each cylinder just to give her some some wetness maybe we'll give her a bump at the key and see if she spins over for us this is fogging oil generally what you'd use that for is when you're putting an outboard away or any any engine really you would run it into the carb the intake let it suck it in you kind of like stall it out with the oil and it would coat all the components on the inside that was a good shot wasn't it and then on the end you would pull the plugs out and do just what i did now but it's good enough to put it away it's good enough to revive it right we'll try bumping the key see if we get any kind of crank out of it maybe we can maybe turn that flywheel by hand a little cover over the flywheel it's the last one last night to take off see if we can give her a turn shouldn't have any compression so we should be able to move it by hand damn it as long as that works even comes with its own dish come on baby ah there we go returns fine spinner once all the way around looks like it's got notches to put a rope on for a pulse i wouldn't want to try pull starting this thing nice it turns we're gonna go throw a key in it see what the starter does keep any other mice just like him jumping out of it don't be even nothing clanking i wish one of you go turn the key and i can go look for spark real quick or we just go with a visual see if that'll work for us can't see it can you it's not a good window for me i am not seeing anything about yourself i'm gonna move that around one more time so you can get her in a better window there you go no i'm not seeing anything i don't know if we have anything that is disconnected that would not allow maybe the battery on the other side or again we got critters in this thing so that did not help it i would think it's down far enough for that not to be an issue choker chokes work yeah i don't have any other kill switch that's on it it's in neutral try one more time there it goes now i saw it did that have something to do with it now it's sparking anyway i'm not gonna complain i'm just glad it is what it is let's for shits and giggles put a little bit of dribble of fuel in each one of those and give it a quick fire because you want to you know you do and a little for you a little for you a little for you little for you don't forget you and last but not least you that's just two stroke gas go throw those plugs in and the wires back on iron hole let's go bump up that throttle just a little bit i think we need a little bit of oil i'm a starter i'm gonna try that okay all right well she knows you're coughing apart a little bit i think that's good enough for now i'm gonna go clear the air out yeah i think we should just kind of go around with a pressure wash and kind of clean up all the crap that is just floating around in it just to even make it smell better because it does smell a tad rank i would be not surprised if we got critter nests inside there plus it smells just like old gas i don't know if we have to get any more out of that tank he says he drained it out it looks pretty low but we may need to uh kind of poke our head in there and see if we can get whatever is left out of there maybe pump some fresh stuff up to the to the carb carbs this does have carbs yes it does so we could probably take the fuel line it's probably disconnected already there it is yeah it's a tad stiff so if i get that to prime some fuel through it and he looks like you put the carbs you know you disconnect the fuel from it and you run it till it dies so there shouldn't be any fuel in the carbs hopefully it's not caused an issue check our throttles and stuff everything seems like it moves good yeah let me go finish getting whatever little bits and pieces i can get out of the way by hand and then let's go throw a couple hundred gallons of water at this thing as you can fill up the milk crate with whatever stuff we find spare prop spotlight earmuffs for the motor we got an anchor this is supposed to keep the critters away i don't know how well it did anything else go check the other ones which way is a flip or does it whole thing there we go got rid of a couple of those each one of them's got like mouse pistons on them too so for as far as cling free she's detracting them i'm not quite sure that's working very working out very well let's put her back up in travel mode see how far goes it's pretty far [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] um so well definitely made an improvement see a lot of black stains down there i don't know if this is the old oil deposits that got into the the fiberglass the same with over there so i'm gonna go hit it with some bleach and we'll see if that improves anything not sure it's not mouse piss or if it's just mold that's growing on there so we'll give that a little shot but i think 95 of it already came out with the pressure pressure washer let's go give her a little bit of bleach i see definitely it was a black mold i see it changing up in the i want to call those guns it's really pretty nasty where i didn't get with the pressure washer so i'm sure there's a bunch that's gonna be behind there that i'm probably not gonna get me just do my best to go soak any of the locations like you know up behind the gas tank back in there see how black that is all that crap on the hose right there well i hung it outside to dry for a while and it seems pretty good it's dripping a little bit still out of the uh the drain but i would definitely say it has improved about 90 it's cleansiness bleach definitely helped a lot on things so that would be more comfortable for us to see what's going on and work on things and chase it and just in general it smells so much better so i can let it sit overnight i'm going to go for a mute or sickle ride and we'll let stuff dry out then we can get back on to uh attacking the engine and dealing with some stuff and looking for mouse damage and that kind of thing i do see some chomps and chewing on the top side and some other issues that we got to go address but i'll see you in a minute all right it's the next day and it's bled out a little bit on the floor what was left in the hall and it looks pretty good so i think we should probably jump on to trying to get it to operate off of the fuel tank and start with a key that's kind of the general direction we want to go we got the work we got to go do but that's the primary plus i just want to make sure that put too much effort into something that the engine setup is good on it might be a little hard for you to see everything's kind of just black or silver over here but when i was pressure washing it there's a tank right here and there's an open fitting here there's an open fitting here here and here i believe that piece of hose just shattered and blew off there that is the oil fill or the oil oiling system the oil tank for the automatic oiler and this is fuel goes from here to here so we have to do a bunch of fuel line replacements so let's get on that we'll probably do the oil one first because when it's standing up all the oil is starting to leak out of this bottle i think what happens is there's a big tank under the deck this tank i think has a float on it and when it gets so low it fills itself back up again from the other tank that's just a guess we'll uh check that out later let's get some hoses on this and get some of these leaks buttoned up at first these look like tie wraps but they're not they're a they're a special kind just like stuck somewhere let's see if we can get them to pop and then reuse again it's got like a ratchet and there it is a ratchet in the center of it you just kind of close up on i don't even need tools all right so we wanted the one from the oil tank which is right here to here first actually here to these two locations it's gonna be a bigger piece of hose and it's just turned into dust that connector we just wanted nothing you pretty much don't we're going to do all the fuel lines i guess let's go see what diameter is i got a couple of different sizes of hose that's not going to make that one and this one's even larger setup i got some boat hoes like you would use for tank it's that double for a pressure tank and that'll do us just go with that stuff all right let me go get some uh cutters and we'll go clip some stuff back run some new hoses i should probably do them all and we need a little one right i there this would be the size that we need just be a little generous on each one a little on the long side that's the oil feed is the gas line we just did yeah that top tank looks like it has an electric pump that you know having wires coming out there's going to be a sending unit telling it to put fuel in it oiling it or that one is one of the two let's try turn the key on see if it'll fill that tank up because right now the oil level is just to there and it has a big oil tank right there so let's just see if anything happens when we flip the key to a run mode yeah whatever has to be running isn't it not liking this i always say this would be the pump nope that's the scented unit i tell it when i give when it's full so that's the be the oil coming in and what feeds that so that just goes right to the oil tank and the oil tank looks like it runs off of pressurized air so yeah it's not going to do anything the engine's got to be running for it to fill that up but what we can do for now is we just dump some right in the top i'll just put some pre-mix in there and fill that up well it's going to get some yama lube because that's all i have right here again just enough to cover it so that once it runs it should fill it up plus we'll go be able to see if that part of it works so now we got about three quarters of an inch in the bottom and if that tank fills up i don't know that part's working yeah the tank on the bottom is more than halfway full so as far as gas is concerned i know it's dark i think there's a line right about there maybe shake the boat yeah so this is a good inch of fuel actually we're tilting a little bit towards this direction let's go get the primer bulb so the fuel line goes out of here up and around and it has a primer bulb on it that's for you to help to start get fuel going in the flow but it's already disconnected i wonder if we can get the end off of that and we'll just go into a pail or something we'll just let it kind of dribble out yeah we could probably unthread it right there yes this is working get the end off of there oh yeah it's a good vintage i know we should be doing that that is coming out of the fuel tank and the fuel tank should have no oil in it whatsoever because this is a automatic oiler so i don't know if that's just gas that has gone bad or gas that is uh somebody maybe put a stabilizer in no there's chunks in the bottom yeah and water it's a mess we have to let that run that's a good thing we didn't try using that stuff huh what stinks is we have to try to figure out how to flush that tank then i don't really want to try to pull that out of there but if we have to we have to uh it's probably gonna have water in the bottom i'm looking at that pan there's about an inch of water underneath the gas right now i'll bring it back when it's done switched over you see a little bit better you see all that crap on the bottom there where that whatever it is that's separate that it's acting like water dirty water again this thing sat for 11 years outside so expansion and contraction of the fuel tank drawing in moisture from the air over time i might have done that let's see if we'll go pour off this one see what's on the bottom [Music] yeah all that it's like a dirty water nasty yeah it's all gonna go the same place anyway trash we have uh recycle twice a year in our town i got just an old gas tank an old um boat tank plastic tank that i put all gas in it and then i bring it there and they recycle it that's how i get rid of it or my neighbor's car when they're not looking well that's doing its thing i want to get in to be able to at least peek at the tank a little bit looks like we got a vent right here let's go see if we could pop this hose off and take a lookie glue that's not going to help us much that's just the gas coming out there's a sending unit for the fuel gauge possibly we can open that up if we need a bigger area to try to get in with rags and the only other ones the fuel neck right here so i was getting a tank out that goes that's the problem is it goes so far goes all the way back to here i guess if we take that out of the way we can quite get it to slide forward i guess we could do a little peekaboo let's go see what we got got a low bat this thing has to have a light on it there you go she's gotta charge up well i'm waiting for that to charge up so we can look in the tank let's go see what does what if anything does anything light up something's making noise is that our bilge pump so that's bilge all right what does all this stuff do don't see any lights coming on maybe dash lights yeah that's what it is i think they're lit it's hard to say that's the most important one to me right there i'm going to go through i think if the lights came with it we'll go plop them in their location there's a a bow light and a stern light that hooks up so at night time you go travel i think they just kind of pop in oh he smells bad yes yeah where did that go right there so one of them goes right there you pop in it's good idea see what's working i climbed up back one thing it should work without having to master power on hopefully is the float let's go see if now so we are not getting the bilge pump to work automatically off of that i'm not sure if that comes off a different power source there's no battery connected on this side let's go throw some power on this side and we'll see if anything else comes alive maybe it's not meant to draw off the the crank battery and just off the house battery i think that's it go flick some switches problems on too we'll just click everything on don't need that we have the rear one it's working let's look at a button kind of looks like a button to turn on and off with you don't see anything on this yeah not like it clicks kind of just have a bulb that's out actually should be might be two different bulbs because there was three wires on it with the back when i had two okay nothing it feels like i just have a switch that clicks on and off but it doesn't hit the detent all right we'll worry about that later let's go look at our fuel tank oh do you think by the fact that the camera lens that's really bouncing around there feels like it's sitting right in the liquid yeah i think there's still plenty in there we didn't get is it wet yeah so we unfortunately i think we're gonna have to go get that tank out of there i'd say first thing is that oil tank's got to come out of our way whatever it takes to remove that oil looks like it's just got a bungee holding down that's easily removed huh it's probably just they could fill it outside the boat how did i know that i would have done that for cleaning and i'd say we have remove that the coupler for the gas tank and the wires off the sending unit and it looks like we got three screws on each side holding the bracket down we'll loosen that up we'll see how that tank wants to play once it moves forward to this if there's enough to come out of the hole [Music] you can get that gas neck off the other side will be okay i think this is going to fight himself i don't have anything i already tried to sneak his screwdriver up alongside of it just tried to get it to break his death hole but i think it goes all the way up to there i don't and i don't know if on this side if we can can we just unscrew it on this side maybe let the whole neck go with it let's go try that well sometimes when you're going at it you're just too dry a little bit of lube up in there happy again get that up far enough where i got the gas cap loose so i'm kind of able to turn the whole assembly i don't want to cut that if i don't have to i'm going to wrap it with that a little bit more about the right tool for the wrong job frying on it there she is [Music] all right one step closer one side's got to come up first there we go we got her well there's good another gallon and a half still in it lovely crap let's go see what is in store i think we do for another date with the pressure washer before we put that back in huh yeah look at all that crap that's the whole thing used to look like we can get in there kill the rest of that plus uh maybe while we're here we can kind of screw around with that pump assembly and that uh automatic switch and all that crap balls out of it we actually get down inside getting ahead of ourselves go see what's going on with that fuel tank let's get the rest of the gas dumped out of that and see if we need to go do some kind of purging yeah of course i could flip it up i could actually see the sludge kind of running down on the inside of it well that needs a bath too so i think i know what's wrong with the automatic bilge following the wires coming up it had power that went right through that same strip with the battery that was all tied together that would have been direct power from the battery and just the end was broken off so we could try putting power to that and give her a little flick see if she works but i'm more concerned i don't know if i want to start washing this crap out of it now or start screwing with the gas tank which one would be a better option to chase at the moment well not to pile on of things that need to be fixed this is one of them as far as it turns so if you look one of the two steering cables is not moving yeah you wash these two steering cables you'll see one of them the one closest to you wants to move but the one that's further away is locked up solid so let's unbolt some bolt it right here because again this goes through the same area where the gas tank is so we're addressing stuff we must continue on let's see if we can get this assembly out from where the motor bracket is and see if it's the cable or if it's bound up inside here that back one's unbolted let's see what we get i think the motor seems free again one of the cables isn't turning so it's not going to allow the steering wheel to turn they they kind of oppose each other they go up around the rack the steering wheel and come back around actually two separate cables so one pushes and one pulls let's go undo this you can get this out of there and see if we can find what the bind is a lot of times usually they're right on the ends where you get them but if they get to the point they get a lot of water and rusted them and the little individual strands start breaking away then it's done get something to hold that so well the cable's moving here that's actually a good sign in my opinion it means maybe the cable is moving be nice if it's careful what i wish for right may be a total bear to try to get that out of the motor not so it's that part's moving and the cable's not have to work that out of there right if this moves then we know the cable's moving inside the harness i didn't end up disconnecting bullpens i want to see what we got happening so i think i think the cable works but it's just sleeved i think this goes in the the id of this and the whole thing's supposed to slide back and forth but that is seized on that shaft kind of like originally what i thought was going on because we have no no movement on there whatsoever with all this apart i can't even tap this to get this to move so that is definitely what our issue is that it's seized up i don't know if there's i would think i would have grease fittings there of some sort to be able to access we should flip the motor up and see if there's any you know points that we can kind of get grease inside here if not i guess you can just shoot a bunch of lube what's that right there nope maybe one dead center in the middle right down there yeah let's go uh let's go put a screwdriver in there and see if that'll at least get it to spin a little sound has locked right up there it goes that's just the end of it turn that's the end turning on there that's not turning all right so let's get a grease gun on there and we're going to try hammering some grease into that thing at least a little bit and then we'll spray a bunch of lube from each side this i think is the pivot this is the knuckle or the bushing that the whole thing pivots on so you can't take this apart without you know nothing supporting the motor can't if we have to but and unfortunately that grease fitting is for the knuckles that we just talked about for the motor to pivot on it does not access the middle of that i definitely think we are dealing with just a ton of crap and rust that's packed up inside that cylinder so maybe we can get like an air gun and stuff we'll start shooting in here and start shooting some lube up inside there we'll just even get whatever all this cakey crap is out of it you know plus that's again that's that's got 12 inches that stuff packed in there it's got to come out somehow i guess i'll try to get it to expose as much as possible that's it right there give us some room to work compress there start with that a few little chunks blowing out at me didn't show up on camera but i'm getting pelted with crap that's coming out trying to capture some other rag but it's not happening little rocks there's a bunch of it down here almost like a sand rusty sand oh that is pretty stuck again i could probably take the nut off of this side right here i wasn't going to gain us anything though we got to get down inside the the cable's inside here and it attaches to this end but this is seized on all this crap if i throw some heat on it too worst case scenario let's get that seal up and get a little bit in there what if i could drive it either way i'm going to get a piece of wood and we can kind of get get a good whale on it and we'll mark it with a sharpie just to give ourself like a a reference to if we're getting to move at all probably better off with a long piece i can crack the wood though hmm nothing goes here anyway so we might as well crunch down so you can get a little bit of turn you kind of want to make it do what that one does it turns a little man is that chalky but that may help us as long as we can get some movement out of it and it's freeing up quick as we speak where's the whole thing turning that's either not turning over there [Laughter] foiled again tighten that assembly up so it doesn't turn make sure i grab another pair of vice grips on this the the whole assembly's rocking back and forth not the inner part so the engine was straight back that means it's kind of like in the neutral position and this has the capacity of driving this way you know probably that much further to steer the engine all the other way i think we're going to try taking a slide hammer i'll get another bolt set up we'll bolt it right to there and see if i can draw it this way a little and if i can that's usually like when the rust will expose on this animal to get some fluids in it and try driving it back so let me see how that works out for us the other thing is i don't want to hammer on it this way too much and destroy the eyelet of this also and see we can break broke the bolt that's better than breaking other stuff i guess i'm not sure what we're going to do about this i'm open to suggestions i guess if we have to we could take that sleeve right out of the center of it and pull the whole assembly out of it and then you know of course the engine is going to be hanging because it's going to have no pivot support in the center and then get the whole thing over and like heat it up on a visor or press or kind of press it out of there the other part is too we're still connected to the boat you know the cable still kind of goes up around through the side around and up over the steering column worst case we can get that out of there but you know rather not try chasing that stuff hmm yeah we can get some lube on this side let's go try taking i almost got to do anything now and that's really not what our issue is it's yeah take the nut off it's just gonna expose those threads it's not gonna do anything for that this this right here actually just get that crap out of our way wherever that bit of wicking is and we'll see you can get some fluid in there be nice if like that is just a seal stuck in the end right there we can get that out of a i can't see that seal maybe this is a seal right here i think it's not that i think it's just the end of the threads it's all that crap yeah that was the seal would be awesome but i don't think so so come to the conclusion and somehow we gotta set it up in a press to get it out of there it is just so seized inside there so this has to come out of the middle and again that's what's holding the whole motor in place but there is a couple of holes that looks like it can line up here in the trim and we'll just throw a couple bolts in it and let it hang off the back of that for now and i guess maybe we'll put a floor jack or something underneath it to keep it from from doing one of those that's good i think we should probably run a strap up high too one again the only place we're holding on to is right here and this is the whole top is going to be free so maybe we'll run our ratchet strap around the top to a couple of the hooks or something just to keep it from really wanting to flip over the other direction hmm yeah i'm gonna end up having to free that cable from the body probably just because i can't get enough of a a curve on it to get it up and out of there do i gotta get a whole bunch of cable out out here to be able to work and flip it up or drive it right to that hole and that's not going to happen because this still has another there's another 10 inches in there yet that's going to bring it way out to here we got to figure out how to get this cable free play let me cut a bunch of tie wraps going down the gunnel and get the cable to kind of move in this direction give us some work room see if that's enough for us to get it out of there i'm afraid that whole board's gonna come crashing down though there we go so close we get so far there that's what i want to do with it i'm kind of wondering if we could heat this cylinder up i don't again i just don't know what's in there for any kind of seal or anything let's go that fill up and soak down in there definitely puking out a lot of crap yeah just if there's any kind of seals you know would there be though what would so this diameter i believe goes inside here so this there's a cable that's in here there's a kind of a jacket i think just hold it just holds it from maintaining going straight there's cabling that goes in i think this travels inside here but essentially this is really not supposed to be sliding that's all supposed to be clamped together and this piece slides over this this is sliding i guess we could try heat that's good i mean we're already screwed right there possibly we can do i wonder if we could drill some holes in it maybe even like right down here somewhere drill a hole in it and get some penetrating fluid in it on the other side again this is the this is the side that it's bound on i like the other thing too possibly putting it in a press if we can bring the press over here and kind of try to set it up in there and push off of it if we can get enough room probably get the rest away you know out from under the boat i wish machines would just understand that i am going to keep escalating the situation until either it breaks or it comes free you must just give up now all right we got to press that up got a cup on the bottom a bushing the nut that goes on that shaft and then the shaft is pushing right out there got a bolt back in there to try to keep the hole from crushing on it let's go see what happens let's mark it again too just so we have a visual [Music] there she goes let's uh remove it from the other side but it's gonna be going down into a dry hole isn't she probably have to reset i'm going to run out of cylinder in a minute foreign hopefully this thing isn't egged out where it gets larger it might be a little bit i'm going to go take a flapper disc real quick and just knock a little bit off there's a little bit of a shoulder right here i don't want that to get bound up going down in there and you know in the point of no return i'll take a couple of seconds now hopefully the last little push yay [Music] finally you got it apart that wasn't so bad now was it let's go see what the major malfunction was there just right there all that all that crud that just built up on it right in that area you can wire wheel and clean that part of it don't cost you no lube now hopefully when we turn the wheel this travels on here without being bound up let's see if i can hold that there we go good nothing wrong with the cable everything just bound up inside here which we are going to clean thoroughly and same thing on that cable on the end of it we'll clean up the end of that you have to run a reamer or something now you can see with a gore gets smaller ah relief so it does look like the side that was bound up had an o-ring in it i think it just held all the water in i don't think it kept the crap out now we gotta figure out how to roto-rooter that thing kerosene lube i got a gun brush the problem is i don't have the extension to add onto it i guess we're just gonna have to work with what we got i wonder if that's like a plastic bushing in there that's all mangled up like this part right here the poke added a little sheep's kind of flexibility to it i think it's metal i think it's just all the rust that built up on it well i'm going to do my best to work with this setup [Applause] i have to i might even like weld a piece of rod or something onto that here's something to work with a quick little cleanup let's see what we get for penetration is it like it was like that wasn't it it's about halfway into it i gotta come up with something what if we could chuck it up in the lathe and kind of run a boring tool down the center of it maybe oh you see how just how crappy it is in there something more aggressive than a wire wheel something actually scrapes that deposits away actually about make it that far on the crappy side there you go the crap that's in there that's more i like it [Applause] so i'm gonna work that the next 20 minutes that's a little smaller than the boar let's go make a little french tickler out of it give her a little something like that there we go and she's got some resistance like butter doesn't even have lube on it yet good you can get to go grease all that back together i'm going to put that o-ring back in where i'm going to pack it with grease before i even assemble it and bring you back when she's all back together hopefully i don't drop the motor off when i'm trying to reinsert that hopefully a little bit of wiggling we can get that to go right back in nice there's the other side let's give her more a little shake i guess there it is almost it's gotta go towards us i'll get her we're halfway there get all back together [Applause] who's your dad that one didn't put up a fight at all now did it well guys i think this is going to be a good jumping off point i still want to go back and bleach all that get rid of all that crap that's growing inside there and do the same to the to the bottom of the tank but i ran out of bleach so i gotta run to the store and they're gonna go call us i'm gonna go wash that out i'm gonna put a gallon of gas in the bottom of the tank to kind of let it slosh around for a while and i got some stuff to do for the next couple days we'll let that stuff do its thing and then we'll pick it back up from there we got pretty far got it educated what it's going to do we know that the engine is going to run i don't know how well we do know it's gonna run we've got all the crap cleaned out of it sixty percent of this stuff works electrically i gotta get some batteries for it uh some house batteries on the other side and then the uh the main one for running the motor on this side and uh i have to go chase down tomorrow today's today's sunday nothing really open so with that guys i'm going to sign off i want to thank you for having a little bit of fun and uh bringing this bad boy back to life definitely cleaned up well didn't it too bad about that seat i may try dropping that off and see if they can just upholster something in the center of that right there we just get a fix on that because the rest of it looks fairly decent i don't care if it doesn't quite match we'll throw a towel over it all right guys with that we're going to sign off again thanks for hanging out doing a little bit of wrenching hopefully a little bit of fishing pretty soon till the next one i'll see you so is it a free pile or are they for sale hmm this sign would probably be helpful you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 1,531,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: cN_Czn2k3fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 58sec (4678 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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