1989 - Lady In A Corner starring Loretta Young

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[Music] [Music] gonna be early the earlybird what missus got Marty [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna pack here it'll be a miracle I don't name secretary yet so I good well I'm sorry if I disturbed you I'm sorry I didn't well I will not say I'm sorry again sorry well you surprised me mrs. Guthrie and well I'm Susan Dawson oh I've heard of you well I work here now do you yes I see uh-huh excuse me [Music] morning [Music] what's the big idea Oh Oh she was available so I hired her there's no sense letting her go to Vogue or glamour or maybe even over to the Russians huh well you were on vacation she's a very talented girl at putting lipstick on little girls we need a new contributing editor do we know that's what made a reputation of that rag she worked for kiddie models oh that was there she's here now she I know the rules hey you don't want her you just get rid of her listen she'll have another job in 30 seconds I have a good mind to do just that okay she's aware that it takes two of us to hire an editor hi she came on that basis eight and nine year old kids smeared with makeup not too many clothes on is that the kind of thing she expects to do here no she knows who sets policy here David what are you up to come on you're giving me credit for being a lot more devious than I am huh I wouldn't exactly call it credit grace we need a shot of energy here don't we okay take her mold her make her over you know do that are you having an affair with her oh don't be ridiculous where's that so ridiculous no shot of energy she's not even 30 years old and you are and Mary widower please I don't need an ulterior motive to hire an editor tell me how did you get her away from foxy girl hmm didn't have to she left Susan Dawson is one of the hottest young editors in the business she's had a meteoric rise that's right and she was looking to make a change from fashion editor at foxy girl which is one step from the top of the top-selling magazine in the business to grace magazine with a nice quiet little contributing editors office we're half of her things don't fit that doesn't make any sense I think it's because she admires you so much Oh David you and I have been together far too long for me not to know when you're hiding something and I intend to find out what this would be a spread for the working woman that would make for a coordinated wardrobe but everything is interchanging skirts tops dresses accessories all kinds of combinations ensembles a woman can put on in the morning stay in through the workday and go out at night and still be dressed in high style like a man can with a dark suit and a change of ties but not suits and ties nothing mannish I think I've got a title for you from morn till midnight you mean do you like it yes I like it who wants it feel I'd love to have it but it feels more like Mary okay Mary what about hmm uh tell us more well I'd like to that I mean I want to you say four models and follow them through a day as if they were working women well why models Lily won't fake it why not real people marvels aren't people well yeah but I mean real recognizable maybe even famous people it's a dynamite idea Lily but we could Commission for designers and have them meet to do one originals yeah yeah originals why not be terrific better miss Dawson let's let Lily and Miss Smith work out the story shall we yeah of course I just thought it was such a dynamite idea their enthusiasm has been duly noted you are a veritable shot of energy and this your first editorial meeting this is hardly my first editorial meeting mrs. Guthrie I've been to hundreds this is my first meeting here at grace how do we compare there is no comparison this is the finest fashion magazine ever and you have no suggestions as to how we could improve well I would like to see a second soup in the machine good idea now what about something for the Fall issue an idea of your own no no Simon I'm ready for anything whoa I think you're holding out on us you know when I came in this morning this young lady was already at her computer and what I would dare say was a creative trance yeah that how would you like to share it with us you know that piece isn't nearly ready for a crowd yet well now this crowd might be of some help what's the subject it's too young to tell I'd like to get a little more focused first oh you think perhaps it's a little too spicy Fras right I'll go get it no never mind not now it's too near lunch I'm sorry I brought it up Mary will those Hepburn prints be on my desk this afternoon mm-hmm good thanks very much everybody it's gonna be March this is got drinks waiter : not good mrs. mrs. Guthrie what was that all about I'm sorry not now I have a lunch date please mrs. Guthrie are we open the wrong foot here that way the wrong thing you you don't like me what me you don't even know me you want to dislike me fine but get to know me and then just like believe me I will get to know you miss Dawson but right now you'll have to excuse me oh I think your high-handed in maternal istic come in did you call each other names in the halls of that other magazine you worked for when appropriate it is never appropriate at this magazine ever nor do we circumvent the order of editorial relationships you make it sound like physics Mary Smith is senior fashion editor and she has more taste and the slightest whim than you have in your deepest thought well I came here to grace precise you can hire grace for reasons I have not yet discovered but when I do I will decide what to do with you what do I get an assignment when we think of one for you have a dynamite day what you expect tears Miriam get me mr. Henderson will you he's gone to London hmm all right thanks miss miss her not so fast thank you one thing David did say that made sense she's talented I've seen her work you could hardly miss it these last few years I know it's offensive but it's well done now if she just had some place to go along with that talent there you are again single-handedly converting Philistines not so single-handedly I thank you aren't you tired of it no no I'm not what is it with some of these young people today they have great energy Marvis ability and they haven't the slightest idea of what to do with it anything goes so everything goes yeah it's our time Stein's fault on Stein it's all relative there is no good or evil there is no right or wrong it's all relative well I think that's exactly what he has in mind they do huh maybe tell me something do you think as possible that take someone from a rag like foxy girl which borders on pornography oh I think it's already crossed the border who owns foxy girl bed file man in London Charles Patrick bought it he's buying everything he tried to buy us last year David went to London not David he has too much class well he'd better have or I'll kill him [Music] the chartreuse slaver oversize show for give bed charlie did you drop the shoulders thanks Chris attire I think that's very good some hunting we will go to Jess [Music] great fun [Music] I'd fight the insurance I really lived it you know I think we could do a whole page on this outfit you're the boss understated maybe class I love the proportions and lives shoulders are splendid Thank You Dana told down gold lemon since super and egg as they say in China stunning how it is that and you cut like an age yes I don't tell her grace yes David's back [Music] thank you excuse me [Music] well how is London well changing Oh world's changing as we go slipping into the street ha ha ha speak for yourself then rain anyway I'm getting to where I feel the weather we will spend a lot more time than Lennox gardening reading writing some gardening yeah you'll never have seen it well you never have invited me well I never cooked then coming tomorrow tomorrow for the weekend yep come on David why not he's relax enjoy yourself no no I would not enjoy watching you slip into history hmm are you going to tell me or are you going to make me ask you're selling it aren't you we closed this afternoon this afternoon hold on to your temper why didn't you tell me cuz you try to stop me and you think I won't try to stop you now well you can't oh what a rotten thing to do you waited till I went on a vacation and then you all it started long before that it did let's just get out of this everyday another crisis business okay slow down let them put out the 500 new glossy pages every month what an idiot I am all the signs were there for months now Lennox gardening relaxing I'm just did every signal it's just my point we're so busy we don't have time to look around it's not we don't need this magazine you and I can be creative in a whole new way I don't want a whole new way I want this way this magazine is my creation I like it who are you selling it to or do I have to tell you that too shall we he gave me his word he is guaranteed Ian Oh your heaven's sake the man is a pornographer you're using a term very loosely what Bernard yes by any legal definition Patrick is never publishing why not oh come off but you know what I'm talking about will you listen no I won't listen the course may not have a definition for pornography but anybody over four years old knows it when he sees it are you gonna listen to what I have to say or not I'm not not if you turned into one of them hiding behind a legal definition so you can make an extra buck or Charles Patrick is the only publisher who can give this magazine a fighting chance for survival survival he has other publications it can make up for the smaller profits here and he wants the prestige great support something beautiful with sewage I went behind your back for very good reason yeah money or cowardice or both or have you turned into a dirty old man ah stop that I saved you months of frustration and embarrassment you would fought it and lost not necessarily well I'm finished here I've done it because I've got more important things to do now will you listen I want to take you with you honestly believe that this would bring us together well I hope that maybe at work date it's better than months of wrangling there's nothing you can do to stop it anyway well I'm gonna give you a chance to watch me try you may have more important things to do David but I have a magazine to get out [Music] miss Dawson come with me please I peeked in on the showing in the fashion room I hear your former employer is paying us a visit this afternoon I mean Charles Patrick well he was your boss at foxy girl wasn't well he didn't take a very personal role in the day-to-day operation but you do know him don't you personally yes bet you think you do is this gonna be another scolding don't worry we stopped using thumbscrews years ago come in [Music] and close the door behind you well you know about Charles Patrick you know that this magazine is all but sold oh but you might as well know that mr. Patrick intends to make some changes Sarah but one of those changes be you replacing me as editor-in-chief well the magazine should have continuity I've already told mr. Patrick that you should be made editor emeritus well how thoughtful and how reassuring for the advertisers well you could stay right here in this office while young Patrick vandalized my magazine right that's not why he's buying it we'll keep the old readership and just reach out to a whole new one Oh course you will mm-hmm I think you should stay I'll work for you and Patrick work with me uh-huh I'm sorry I choose my colleagues much more carefully than that well I believe that we could work very well together you knew I'm looking forward to it there might be some changes but grace has made a lot of changes over the years mm-hmm because I chose to make them and never at the cost of decency there's nothing indecent about anything I do you know there's an enormous difference between fashion and cheap sex for one it's simply sex after all sex isn't by definition cheap sex is life and I think that you'll find that Grace's readers women as well as men find sex to be a healthy lovely part of life well they're fewer inhibitions fewer hang-ups than they did 50 years ago we did everything you do we do everything you do you just don't do it for a camera look at you look at your daily newspapers look at your own magazine huh you've got ads for swimsuits and underwear and health clubs that would have been unthinkable when this magazine was founded now does that make them indecent in the hands or responsible people no but in the hands of someone like Charles Patrick anything and everything will be degraded so you're the sole defender of public morality on this magazine absolutely now part of my job is to make moral judgments Oh hot sorry I know that's not a very fashionable thing to say nowadays moral judgments but I am an editor excuse me and if a writer came to meet you with this your latest issue a foxy girl your cover story what to wear before going to bed kinky styles in heavy metal I judge that to be immoral and I wouldn't print well I evaluate my readers and you give them what they want brothers we all do that the difference is ISO standards for my readers I strive to sensitize them Charles Patrick brutalizes them know if my readership should ever decide to reject my standards that's when I'll go not before and the last time I looked I was doing fine just fine well good great so keep doing it with me what difference does it make really who owns the magazine well if you forgive the platitude if you lie down with dogs you're gonna get up with fleas uh-huh the bottom line here is you just don't like Charles Patrick more to the point is I don't trust him and if you do you're in for a terrible awakening well I'm afraid there's nothing you can do grace magazine belongs to him you know you said once that you wanted me to get to know you I think I've made a start I see that you're smart enough to know that you need me around for a while and it's been suggested that I make you over perhaps I will then you will leave here me a little more humility and much more respect for those who have more experience and taste than you you can go now you are unbelievable I came in here trying to be generous with you came in here trying to find out if I would Front for you and Patrick he sent you in here with that offer didn't he it was my idea I'm sure he made you think it was your idea well now you have your answer I won't so you'd rather lose your magazine completely I don't intend to lose my magazine it's sold it's all over Oh like the man said the game's not over until it's over and I've just found out who all the players are the game is just beginning Miriam when you got a mole would you come in here please thank you [Music] [Music] oh those got through mr. Anderson have someone with him yes I was hoping you would have thank you so much the weir oh hello David I'm sorry to be late mr. Patrick good afternoon I'm grace Guthrie editor-in-chief here and you sir Oh Robert Johnson I'm mr. Patrick's attorney how do you do miss Richard so uh you want to buy the magazine I understand your collection yes I do I see the cats out of the bag now out and hissing I suppose you know about the agreement I have with this company what agreements that well I have an option to buy the magazine myself a grace magazine cannot be sold unless I'm allowed to match any offer this made for its purchase and once a bid is made that bid freezes and cannot be increased have I have 90 days in which to match it what was your final offer there's no such agreement Henderson is this in writing oh yes yes it is in fact somewhere well David it was drawn up when we were in those five little rooms on 62nd Street remember Oh surely you haven't forgotten 35 years ago have you it's quite a long time ago but it was just after you name the magazine without consulting me we even had a drink of champagne honor remember well what could be more binding than that yes of course I do recall giving her the option the strange you never mentioned this tool now well so many years and I never thought she'd be interested in it this I have no intention of freezing my offer for three months actually I think it was more like 30 days I recall 90 it 60 the making all this up there's no option what difference does it make let him do anything wants to go ahead sell it to her for a dollar I don't need your fancy rag do you really intend to honor this fictitious option I remember very clearly now yes it was 30 days mrs. Guthrie I have an offer to put to you editor emeritus I've already turned that down this is a hell of a way to do business dragging me up here and pulling a last-minute stunt like this well that's the situation I have to honor my commitment to miss Guthrie and Charlie you take it or leave it I walk out of here and you're stuck and you lose the chance of owning the most prestigious magazine in the world and acquiring the respectability that you've always wanted and never had don't just her I heard that I hope you did not cutting your own throats you don't have a buyer looks like I have or I may have in 30 days can you wait 30 days to be respectable all right 30 days from today thank you bright and early till then 21 million oh we can do it I know we can if enough people know about this you know half the people in this town in fact half the people in this country like to put Charles Patrick on a rail and run him out yes but the other half believed in his constitutionally protected right to print whatever he wants oh how I would like to get the founding fathers and look at what eprints my propagate father has his well known squandered the family fortunately for I was 11 but he did leave me there in one no no Omar we are not gonna sacrifice that runwa no collateral no we need investors backers madmen we need someone with a head for business it's gonna be a problem grace why you raise capital for people starting out in business all the time well it's not as if you were a youngster my age what's that got to do with it it's very difficult to get credit you're kidding you mean if I were some young kid with no reputation no experience I could raise the money probably oh that's ridiculous I mean I'm I'm going strong I'm the best I'm at the top financial institutions do not make big investments at people over 60 unless they have great wealth but who needs money if it got great wealth huh now you have no equity in the magazine at all no not very nice of him oh he offered more than once but I I wanted my independence mm-hmm and that was stupid of me huh well that's what you get for working on a salary all your life bill help me please Charles Patrick is a very skillful very nasty fighter I'm sure he is I've got you haven't I no I must congratulate you on freezing his last offer I mean that was a clever little stroke of financing huh well that runs in the family you know hmm okay let's see if we can get you a little working capital here oh we need money to make money Clem isn't in Zurich hi honey grace I wanna shirring my sketch oh you are staying for dinner aren't you grace well since this is business yes I'd be delighted to yeah what have we here Oh grace Patrick's last offer was 21 million that's right I had a feeling was much less before I came into the room Heinz Gottfried please bill Guthrie calling from New York well there's nothing we can do about that now but if all else fails at least you got David a few more million he should share that with you yeah what he mentioned that and you of course said no I want grace magazine ain't grace look yeah well you did these yes be honest I'm always honest don't be nice just cuz I'm only 13 that's it I won't coz I'll know if you're not being yeah honey the first thing you have to know is let your work speak for itself okay okay I'll leave you two pros to it mm-hmm thanks darling hi did I wake you I didn't think so listen I have a little business investment for you yes I think there's a good chance you could lose it all yes it's someone I know very well it's my aunt grace Guthrie I think he's about to propose marriage she wants to buy the magazine no not from Patrick she's bidding against him well about half a million to work with well you could do it as a limited partnership or do you just want to make it alone fine no you leave it where it is Thanks danke Schoen bye-bye done just like that I have a million dollars well it's not the first half that's hard to get it's the last Oh besides thanks Gottfried had a few choice words of his own to say about Charles Patrick he did one what'd he say mostly German oh yeah look at hey I'm shaking I don't know you do this every day I couldn't well if you were to tell me to close my eyes and decide whether spring this year should be yellow or green or purple and that on my choice thousands of people would spring into action and lives would be affected me my brainy trees Oh when it comes to money this is what I do and you do it well but it's a little scary for me if dad were alive you'd be in this together yeah I know we would we are [Music] you [Music] he said you were expecting him oh it's alright sure yeah I told him I didn't know anything about it but he said you would be angry if I didn't let him in right really yeah I didn't give him that drink he took it I understand okay she hasn't changed and she has her orders you know what thirty-five-year-old orders afraid so I tried to explain to us at you yeah I'm single now you know my wife died I'm not a married man anymore and then she almost broke my foot off in the door sorry hope she didn't hurt it really this you good you were terrific this afternoon of course I was I don't want to talk about that not that it makes up for anything else I said I don't want to talk about that okay I don't want to talk about Patrick or the magazine or pornography or none of it okay is there something else I am going to become director of the Ben time Museum in Lennox so it's not just gardening no I was trying to tell you that this morning well hardly get a word in because you never let me finish oh I know it's a terrible habit I have I'm sorry go ahead No I've got a job for you as well because I'm going to put in a costume collection of historical costumes it's gonna be the best in the world and I want you to head it Oh if it were anyone other than Charles Patrick you forget about him and think about yourself now you can build something beautiful they're permanent the Patrick's of the world won't be able to touch it I can't say it's not tempting but there is a war on don't stop fighting it don't break your heart I'm not going to because I'm going to win it that man is not going to gobble up our magazine I'll tell you something there are going to be checks coming in from all over the world just tonight with one little phone call one half a million dollars but even get that I think you're the most vital intonations woman in the world and where your knowledge is concerned you're a national treasure who how this collection is gonna be the finest ever can you tell me a better combination no you are not going to get me to give up what do you think this is some kind of a ploy I'm gonna build a whole wing on a building to keep you off the street well maybe later after you lose no no no not even later I can't even think he is there to fall back on I can't Mull it over no I don't want to Mull it over huh I can't just quietly walk away and watch something splendid that I have poured half of my life into become a trophy on that man's all I I can't do that I'll keep the job open for a month please don't I need every ounce of resolve and if I know there is something there to fall back on I I might not have it okay okay I got another deal for you but [Music] at least I know you did not have any affair with Susan Dawson shut [Music] naari [Music] look at this I'll call you right back [Music] she can't be more than ten I got them about an hour ago courtesy of [Music] well what do I do with them first get an axe then take these and miss Dawson and toss them in a circular file no no no not her not yet we'll keep around for a while there has got to be something feminine under all that feminism [Music] I hope you got insurance not enough you know this is good it's provocative and bold and it sells magazines but it is also good artistically good well stuck somewhere in 1950 1940 God knows where Lucis got through his province he improved the peace on children's fashion obviously she didn't like the way it turned up I did why what she sets me up to knock me down it's her gain Oh Susan slow down I didn't get to where I am by going slowly yes but you're here now you're gonna take over the whole shebang before long so if you just stand still and shut up you might learn a couple of things I did not expect to be sitting around in my office for an entire month twiddling my thumbs I want to work I want to work with her work with her take criticism when it comes I would welcome criticism but she is shutting me out grace Guthrie is a great editor because she is fair almost to a fault personal feelings never get in the way of her good judgment yeah well they are this time then it's the first time in 40 years it's still there between you two isn't it well better I should ask and hear about it at the water cooler I'm Betty should mind your own business see that's the difference you're all so uptight about those things so so you were lovers so what so you and grace Guthrie where a famous secret liaison it everybody talks about it but the two of you so what are you talking about it clear the air we can even do a spread about it you're a very talented young lady the fastest and brightest animal on earth the American girl I just wonder sometimes you're so busy going places you don't have time to become someone you could turn those perceptive powers on yourself you might find some rough spots Kang shot my mouth off I was out of line I'm sorry there but there's one thing I'm right about she's not giving me a fair shot tell her well you give me something that I can put in the fall issue and I will put it in you mean something straight something you would do no I do not I mean something that demonstrates restraint in keeping with this publication we don't shop to get attention here we don't have to can I set up a shooting session yes within reason photographer anyone on staff and you'll judge it fairly no prejudice no miss Dawson I have not been prejudging you right [Music] all right I want to do a piece on guerilla fashion as in ape as in military all right and miss Dawson I assume these gorillas will be adults yes mrs. Guthrie lovely I'll look forward to seeing wait stop all this I don't like this this is really boring kick it get down there for a second okay just jump down and we duel energy here notes let's let's try something up shoots grabber grabber that's in a grab bag that's it that's it yeah okay now now that trace number [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you just the best sex of your entire lives okay [Music] beautiful good great great riveting aren't a very we could print them the girls good she's a menace but she's good buried somewhere in the middle pages record yeah wouldn't we Leslie Paulo [Music] I don't know I've been striking out all day don't feel so bad so bye come on that's comforting and it's my profession you know by now they all know why I'm calling just lock up your money here comes grace bell three here they are look who came in right behind them I wonder if she know I was going to be here and is deliberately parading in here with that man what's up with her William Guthrie I don't know the old you up her son no no she has no children her husband was brought back from World War two in a box this fellow's her nephew more like a surrogate son investment banker money manager access to minions a comfort to a childless lady and her golden hands you don't think that she could pull this off do you I never prophesied what's the whole story with her and David Henderson that's all I'm a computer we put the facts together several times once for private Life magazine and another for gossip and it was another time for that but he never ran it still if you think it's some heating up again oh I don't know I was just curious she and Henderson were lovers for a time after the war yes that is not done yeah Henderson's wife was one of those plain quiet dull women afraid of her own shadow Giada couldn't or wouldn't keep up with his success in life some say she wasn't very bright spend time in a lot of institutions of break downs to contain the pressure perhaps that's why I hold a soft spot in my heart for the poor fellow oh do you why do you think I suggested this 30-day Sharad mother bludgeon over there had him backed into a corner wielding a battle axe I saved the man's dignity am I in your computer indeed you are if you like after dinner why don't we pop up to my office and I'll show Jim your electronic key hole like that electronic key ho there's a whole new magazine for us to do together so what'd you say after dinner shall we compute you make it sound so romantic you'll be on that aren't you you're then you woman romances for those unliberated ladies who are so devoted to grace magazine what's that what you think of them well they have that place and we liberated women do we also have our place that sounds like a trick question I get the feeling you don't like women much and yet you're buying grace I don't hunt but I own the hunters Journal you hunt oh I can't tell you what a treat this is with all the good intentions in the world we just don't get out as often as we want to the children in the house the whatnot before you know it life has passed you by oh no I doubt that what you're living is life this well just a restaurant mm-hmm now we've been whining you and dining you for a reason we'd like to sell you something well let me make it easy on you the answer's yes Oh f was easy wasn't it bill and I have made a lot of money together grace magazine is a natural diversification for Meriden let me tell you why apart from its being the most beautiful magazine in the world oh thank you Maradona choirs companies in many different fields and every single corporation is independent and autonomous however they're all part of the same family the Meriden family now this coincidence if you're calling me is remarkable because we are and this is please very inside for another week although I'd buy a little stock if I were you we are acquiring lacunae lady the big fashion house yes I know uh precisely what kind of a relationship would you expect grace magazine to have with Laguna lady oh you can be sure that they'll pay for all of their advertising and they'll buy plenty of it and if you can see your way clear to giving us an editorial boost from time to time may be a feature or two once or twice a year what would be good for everybody wouldn't it when mrs. Henderson found out about the affair she came to long enough to threaten suicide she almost made it it was in all the columns for weeks rumor has it that grace broke it up she was also quoted as saying I we can't build our happiness on other people's unhappiness anyway she left him cold but kept a job so David and the wife stuck it out for 35 long years right until she died six months ago thanks when til somewhat sorry for grace Guthrie why because she wouldn't wreck a wretched marriage she probably felt a sense of sisterhood for the little wifey I really think you are a misogynist not aa language so she and David work together every day after that I never got involved again oh she consoled herself with other escorts but everything took second place to the beloved magazine now that's about to go and mrs. Henderson's with the Angels she could do worse than to cuddle up with David Henderson again I wonder what she will do they didn't buy the gun lady I don't know why honey I love their clothes it would be a blatant conflict of interest I had no idea no no I know Laguna lady hmm sounds like a racehorse it is one of the biggest knockoff houses in the business I'm sorry and they're those to sit sharpening their knives well shall we perhaps she'll reconsider your offer and stay on for the transition hi good evening did you have a chance to look at the proofs of the guerrilla shoot yes and well I suppose I'm just a hopelessly old-fashioned pacifist No good night Charlie I want her out magazine is mine I have been manipulated and ridiculed and kicked around from the first minute she saw me I want to see her office empty I want to see her getting on that elevator and I have an account the numbers going down [Music] hi I finished the copy and I think I've got a great title stand out in camouflage oh I'm sorry Lily I forgot to tell you what's um it's dead she blew it out of the water but she hasn't even read him she saw the pictures I'm sorry I should have told you this morning did she say why she'd have to say why it's my piece so it's dead we should've put your name on it it would have gotten into the issue she's never been like that no she's never been fighting for her life before well read it anyway hey listen it's not wasted I promise you come the revolution will print it I can't believe this is just a personal thing against you I don't know well I don't know if it's because she's got me all mixed up with Patrick or if I just come on too strong I don't know of course I did pick a pretty stupid time to ask her about it we were all at the same restaurant for dinner last night and Patrick was sitting right there yeah well it wasn't my most tactful moment sometimes my mouth just has a mind of its own hello yeah tell me what you think about it I've got to go before the babysitter charges called in time what was some other blood and bites the dust yeah so I guess that's it then okay hi that was Patrick a big-money man just turned her down looks like she's lost her magazine look Lily I did everything that I could for her really I I even offered wait wait wait a minute wait a minute I'm gonna show you something don't ya your babysitter can wait with a second here oh this is my grace got three bucks yeah every cover every article every editorial she ever wrote by grace go three about grace Guthrie I was a grace Guthrie freak I could be making twice as much of five other magazines but I chose to come here because I grew up with this box and more like it and she has treated me like germs [Music] so I'll keep a box she can go hi Thanks no no go home to your family I know that well don't let it we're doing whatever we can yeah and give the kids an extra-special hug for me will you yeah all right bad year shall I stay or is that all uh no Mary and that's all thank you if you were sign those letters I'll drop them on my way tomorrow will do well I I will be here tomorrow so don't go into mourning yet mmm I know I didn't mean I know it'd be all right it will done I'm just so unhappy about all this well I've got a whole week yet and commit that's right lots of money but how could they you are grace magazine go home dear go on hmm [Music] [Music] you've been avoiding me [Music] rumor has it you raised 8 million bucks rumors not quite up to date we've raised 9 only 12 more to go good luck thanks know are we celebrating something special not that I'm pressing for an answer not much you are hmm you know I've been thinking a lot and I see that this is what you had to do Margaret died and this is a turning point for you but it's not for me No if this was 35 years ago and Margaret suddenly corn this were 35 years ago I would be madly in love with you but it isn't and I'm not I'm sorry forgive me uh well it's okay I just wasn't ready to hear it put so clearly I thought it best just to say it right out because I've been thinking about it for months now ever since she died and well kind of turned myself inside out searching for that magic that we had maybe that was asking too much I don't know but I couldn't find it no I feel now just exactly as I did then your eyes haven't changed and slightest what baby I'm really sorry you know they have these marriages where nobody loves anybody now with us at least we know one of us is in love hmm no bird can't fly mom wing no chance at all course as my dearest and most cherished friend always you know that don't you Oh what are you gonna do then if I lose your man oh quit kidding around oh come on well you've got a week to go you're never gonna raise twelve million dollars in that time I got a lot more bad news tonight how do you know that the whole office knows about will they're following it like what's the Super Bowl they're taking bets down there in the mailroom now make a grand exit the museum yep well I love museums but I wouldn't want to live in one we'll make a big announcement there's gonna be a Grace Guthrie party with World Press huh and then a triumphant graceful exit no no no what do you want to do stay here and get kicked in the pants you didn't really think I wouldn't do this did you Oh suppose I knew you would you know this magazine the best gift anybody ever gave me and I can't just hand it over I just can't cooking clicking clicking hmm acoustics the acoustics and these offices are maddening was she talking huh wonder girl in her computer I don't hear anything there must be a duct or something between here and there mm-hmm she worked hard mmm like a beaver chewing on all the wrong logs I told you the world's changing she stopped changing yes I know fast too fast oh how I'd love to slow it down a little well my darling I am rooting for you yeah sure I am if you win at least I'll always know where I can find you oh hell David you know aah Davey hi having a farewell drink yes the matter of fact we are it was you care to join us not me I'm just leaving oh yeah all right at night good night well I didn't think you'd be ready to admit defeat this soon hahaha a farewell drink only means that in one week one of us will be gone it doesn't specify which one would you like vodka champagne or milk and cookies no hemlock not the day whatever's open important fact I have been remiss usually I invite new editors in for a drink on arrival but you you came in the sideway yeah when you do go we're gonna throw a major dinner for you hmm speeches gold watches gala testimonials the works it might even make a color spread that is the second party I have been offered tonight will yours have naked little nymphs popping out of cakes - please mr. Patric I'm not his errand girl no I think the other stuff he publishes is just as sickening as you do then you're keeping pretty sickening company only temporarily in a week or so he'll be far away from here and I'll have total editorial autonomy until he fires you just because he publishes some risque magazine publishes pornography softcore hardcore that does not mean that he will do it to this magazine he may not turn this magazine into filth but you have any idea what he can do to you I'll be the editor-in-chief and he'll be no further away than that telephone oh I see the strategy you've lost Winston Aldridge turned you down huh that's it all the marbles you're desperate so you invite me in here to try to drive a wedge between me and Patrick you don't think that's gonna keep combine this magazine do you you're just a cog in his machine and you better fit in and we'll toss you right out it's funny you should put it that way you're the one who's been trying to get me to fit in yes I have and I don't fit do I and I have him tossed you out I'll I have it no you've just been using every chance you get to make me look bad I have been giving you the chance to demonstrate taste and a little self-control dismissing my work arbitrarily because it deals with subjects you don't like well don't you think I know what other people do with rock and pop and punk in all of it well that's what they do I want to take that same material and raise it into art but you won't even try to take the time to understand well there is a dream in you [Music] really get that Oh no I'll get it yes Lucas Valley oh I'm on my way downstairs right now oh don't let me rush finish your drink once upon a time I was a B Bennett a successful man with a happy retail company that branched out here and there now I'm Bennett Intertek with oil wells in hotels skyscrapers in eight cities they put my name on movies my great-grandchildren shouldn't go to see and they roll me out and show me to the stockholders how did this happen I never took the time to find a human being I wanted to take over when I was ready to give up so who took over a company took over a conglomerate I'm a big tycoon but I'd rather have the store and all because I didn't take the time to find a personal successor and you see how this applies to you hey you want me to designate my successor that would make me happy could you explain how that would work in the purchase of the magazine mr. Bennett I give you a signed letter of commitment for all the capital you need to buy the magazine and in the letter is a break that you fill in with the name of who should be the editor-in-chief just in case mrs. Guthrie is out of town our problem mr. Bennett is that mrs. Guthrie has six days left on her option now finding a potential editor-in-chief in that short period of time will be difficult you don't know the people in the business oh yes of course but well I have to look at everybody in an entirely different way exactly Oh no it's a wonderful idea mr. Bennett the problem is time the option I'm afraid is not my doing and not my problem my wife liked grace Magazine however I wouldn't want to buy it and find out a day later that there's no grace cut three she ran off with a fella and there's nobody in the office that could be gobbled up by anyone you and only you know who can run that business I will not question your selection even for a minute here signed and notarized and witnessed so the expert thank you just the blank that you fill in and grace has your personal selection of a successor choose a young human being promise me to do this course I promised circle um before we break up there is something that I would like to say I know how rumors fly around here and I'd like to give you the facts the truth is I now have the resources with which to buy this magazine however there are certain commitments to be made and I assure you that I will be able to make them very easily and then you will hear one magnificent victory speech Lily would you come and have lunch with me in my office today excuse me oh look she would never make an announcement like that unless she had something to back it up she must have gotten the money from somewhere where did you say she was going damn you could have followed her I have a lot to teach you now what we've got here is chaos oh there's something in it it's by Susan mm-hmm and some of it is quite good but it needs you and it needs about a thousand words come out Oh Susan do it as suited someone has to edit it but I'm a writer uh-huh just seems backwards miss Susan is an editor and I'm a writer and you want me to edit Susan's piece well every editor was once a writer you'll be making a jump yourself soon I don't know if I could work on someone else's piece I mean how do I know what she wants to say I'd rather write a whole new one oh well we can't have whole new articles every time we get one with a problem can we sorry oh well okay thanks Lily thanks anyway you want some more coffee no thank you nice but I don't know what this is all about but you and Susan have been shooting it out since the minute you met I guess maybe certain personalities just clash but there's something you ought to know what there's a box in Susan's office with your name on it and I mean if anyone ever wanted to tell the story of your life mrs. Guthrie he'd be smart to take a look at that box it's quite a tribute thanks for lunch yeah [Music] as I understand it how benefactor want someone under 40mm continuity is he all their grace I'm sorry do what you say our mr. Bennet is he in full command of his faculty oh absolutely he knows exactly what he's doing all right then we'll go outside the magazine I've heard very good things about this next young woman she knows the queue when she hears one Henshaw mrs. Guthrie yeah I cannot tell you what an honor and a privilege it is to meet you I have read every issue of grace ever published every editorial you've ever written every page you've printed of course I I have no idea what this meeting is all about however any chance to meet you after all these years of admiring you from afar I mean it is such an honor and you know actually I just I love the mystery of it all Oh Oh mrs. Guthrie well I guess your deal can't be all that solid or I'd be out in the cold by now what is giving you some time to buy a nice pair of warm mitten I want to ask you to do me a favor yeah the pictures of the military clothes yeah well you can get new ones if you like but Lily wrote down in my copy for it I think you ought to read it good I'll send it over to your all among the inhabitants of Locust Valley is EP Bennett by a lost cause means she's done it I can use a features editor on private lines magazine no thanks with all due respect mrs. Guthrie but I'm trying to get out of fashion why frankly yes I think it's superficial synthetic materialistic and irrelevant one big narcissistic hoax that tries to make appearances more important than reality the only things phony urban fashion designers are the pathetic half-human models they're designed for I know saying this to you is almost heresy but that's the way I feel thank you candy but if you want to start a political department I'm your woman hmm then extend the option for weeks no - I can't play games like that I suppose Patrick plays by all the rules does he oh that's beside the point you don't put a big corporation up for sale and take it down again it isn't done that just ruins your standing in the business world but what do you care you're retiring from the business world oh not at this rate I'm not David David please I have more candidates to see and if I only had a little bit more time I find somebody I know I'm not sure you would of course I would why wouldn't I because you're not much of a compromiser I'm not looking for a genius honestly or not no you're just looking for another grace Guthrie I don't think that's true I'm not looking for a clone of me Emma I don't think such a thing is possible huh at any rate we have to fill in this blank by tomorrow hmm let's put me down Neri no she's not 40 but mr. Bennett we don't quibble over a decade or so would he know Mary would be the first to admit she can't run the magazine as long as she doesn't admitted to Bennett Oh mark I can't just name a name that was part of the deal if you don't I'll be out of a job myself when they take over oh there you see I have a choice now betraying Bennett or my lifelong friends and colleagues how did I get into this mess firstly that's the least of the mess my dear you have the choice of betraying Bennett or turning a magazine over to the vilest man in publishing how did the circumstances a little white lies what everybody would expect you know something the Charles Patrick's of the world didn't come from nowhere there's a marketplace out there and they're doing better in it than we are now if we can't pass down our values our standards of decency to the next generation compete with the Patrick's of the world that we are lost grace you have not lost you've won you've done the impossible now all you have to do is write in a name look you can walk in there tomorrow and tell them that your deal fell through and your option is expired or you can walk in there with a name right here and have everything you want except the truth way the pristine truth against the specter of grace in the hand of Patrick oh don't makes me sick oh there is someone of course who can run the magazine and we both know it David knew it Patrick knows it you know it Susan dose see you in the morning yeah [Music] welcome to a firm attics which is General Grant and which is General Lee well since I'm the one who's about to become freelance I guess I'm Lee come in general well I haven't been out of work since just after school looking forward to it I might even write a book Oh fiction collusion Oh so to the better woman well you have mr. Bennett Patrick's octopus of corporate intelligence confirmed it so guess I'm off to buy those mittens I should have thought you'd simply go over to one of Patrick's other magazines they're not all garbage you know I wouldn't be cool you really think that don't you yes no no I will not simply go to one of Patrick's other magazines I wouldn't have a cup of coffee with a man if you weren't buying grace I wanted this one because it was the best and because I thought that I could be the one to bring it into the next century but you've got your hooks into it so deep you won't let it go and you won't let it reflect anyone's image but your own I promise you something one day this magazine which was once so young and lovely will stiffen and look up at you and die and you'll be there to see it too because it's obvious you want to make sure it goes first miss Dawson suppose this is the next century and you're not trying to get into this office you're in it and someone like Charles Patrick is trying to take control and someone like you is trying to help him what would you do same as your doing I suppose David read this will you please I've decided to name Susan Dawson to be my successor you're serious yeah we have deep differences that's true but she has standards of her own no they're pragmatic but she's got them what makes you think she'll stay well she won't Patrick wins put any name in I can't I can't why uh mr. Bennett is right I too have to know that this magazine can survive without me by cheating him and just filling in the blank I'm only delaying inevitable anyway hmm what time is Patrick do here why would he show up at all he knows you've got your money the party's over but if it does come when would he be here about now yes stolen what stall him send him somewhere Oh for pete's sake put Minnie Mouse's name in there will you let Bennett buy the magazine I can't send him into the conference room oh good morning I was just paying a condolence call on Susan not a terribly good loser I didn't expect to see you till the big showdown well I have something to do first it's just trying to prolong my agony while you every chance I get excuse me I'd like to have a word with you um actually that's the only reason I came this morning if we could find some privacy and you mind do you mind I don't know what your terms with Bennett are that I can beat them hmm I'll capitalize the entire purchase of this magazine you stay on as boss for life if you want absolute authority no interference whatsoever you'll never see or hear from me again ironclad in writing with a substantial salary increase and 15% of the profits that's hard to turn down it is isn't it Heather but what about Susan Dawson out I thought you said I had absolute authority Oh Ian if you want her I don't care I know you don't but some of us still do what did Bennett offer you the future read this please what could I read please didn't you just ask me to read try me yes well everybody else was that bad no you were that good well this is all signed sealed and delivered you could fill in anybody I don't want anybody well suppose I say no well then I just be forced to uh compromise you really think you can make me over I think I can make some adjustments and if I don't adjust I'm betting that you will you see right now you think is very exciting to tear down all the boundaries I'm going to show you how much more exciting it is to work within those boundaries suppose you can't then I'm fired oh no now if I can't then I failed and I'll be the one to go but I don't like to fail I want you to help me to take this magazine into the next century there is nothing so out-of-date as an old magazine right [Music] [Music] I can't say that I like you Gilbert barely spoke to Sullivan who Gilbert and Sullivan they were musicians they made I will never mind this far before your time what do you say it's either work with me I'll write that book oh I'm writing it already and you're in it well [Music] oh thank you let's go what can I get a bigger office oh by all means you have so many boxes yeah [Music] sorry to have kept you waiting [Music] Sean oh yes she says gonna buy a brand new magazine and run you right out of business ha ha ha ha that's good competition very very healthy well sit sit please miss Dawson would you like to fill in your name yourself do you do it oh you do it no you thank you [Music] Susan come to hear no no I think I'll just did right here [Music] you you you
Channel: The Loretta Young Show
Views: 326,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic TV series, Loretta Young, golden age of TV, glamour, dramatic TV, family values, Hollywood, Brian Keith, Roscoe Lee Browne, Lindsay Frost, Christopher Neame, Bruce Davison, Peter Levin
Id: RZ8gojN73bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 54sec (5634 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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