1988 Week 9 - Denver at Indianapolis

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I can picture Eric sitting at home like al bundy now, talking about that game

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Quasimdo 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dickerson with 3 rushing TDs in the first 14 mins. Nice

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/gopackxxx12 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'll take one "history repeating itself" please.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/clutchthepearls 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's weird seeing good things about the Post-Unitas, Pre-Manning Colts.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/darcys_beard 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

frick yeah

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Username checks out

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TMWNN 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
abc's monday night football is being brought to you by budweiser beechwood age for that clean crisp taste this bud's for you by nissan inviting you to test drive the new 240s by united airlines we dedicated to giving you the service you deserve come fly the friendly skies and by brawn electric shavers it is through superior design that superior performance can be achieved downtown indianapolis on a beautiful autumn evening a city so very proud of their sports involvement and rightfully so the pan am games in 87 the olympic trials this past year the indy 500 and they are also equally as proud of their indianapolis post sellout crowd in the hoosier dome tonight first time ever for monday night football in indianapolis a bizarre crowd if you will a little crazed in many ways they are into tonight they are into the football game and they are into the festivities there are sixty thousand masks that have been distributed throughout the stadium some familiar faces as you look into the audience [Music] yes and of course dan deardorff in the end zone as he should be and other faces a wild and hairy night in indianapolis on hollywood night the denver broncos and the indianapolis colts hi everyone i'm really pat sumrall well if that's the case i'm brent musberger here on cbs and i'm the only guy in this booth without a hardware commercial i guess that means i'm john madden and i do have a hardware commercial and lots of others it is a real wilderness in indianapolis they've been preparing for this all week long and there literally are 60 000 maps spread out through the stadium and of course we have to get serious because while the fans are having a whale of a time here there are two football teams that are very serious about tonight that of course being the indianapolis colts and the denver broncos two teams that have struggled through the first half of the football season they look to improve and of course as we talk about the indianapolis colts you think of their three and five records the defending champions of the afc eastern division they think they have it together they think they can go ahead through the rest of the season and perhaps get that wild card get back into the playoffs meanwhile the denver broncos they win tonight they're still tied for the afc west with seattle but this is a struggling team defensively they had a lot of problems they're ranked 28th and last in the nfl coming in tonight defensively and then you think of the indianapolis colts going against that defense al michaels and right away up pops the big guy eric dickerson are we really doing this adam i guess we are back to local pretty soon the colts have to feel pretty good about the way things have gone in the last couple of weeks this is a team that started out one in five and of course since they finished first in their division last year their schedule extremely difficult in 1988 but they beat tampa bay two weeks ago then they beat san diego last week they think they have it together but as frank mentioned they're in the same division as the buffalo bills who have the best record in the league right now so the colts are looking for a wild card berth and tonight is a very pivotal game for indianapolis dickerson against the league's worst rushing defense damn the denver broncos they come off their worst performance of the season last week against pittsburgh but at least they get elway back tonight yeah john is back tonight and while gary kubiak was the quarterback last week and their loss to the steelers it's certainly unfair to lay that loss at kubiak's doorstep al mentioned the fact that this is the worst defensive team in the league statistically against the run if they play tonight the way they played last week in pittsburgh we may see an nfl record tonight by eric dickerson something tells me though the two-time afc west champions will play better than that and so here we go before a sellout crowd at the hoosier dome in indianapolis home of the colts since 1984 and this town turned on and they have been turned on and have been thinking about this night since the outset of the season as monday night football comes to the hoosier doll indianapolis last year's afc east champions the broncos of course the afc champions the last two years in a row hopeful of getting to the super bowl the third consecutive time but a long long road ahead dean via sushi as good as there is in the nfl right now as a place kicker to boot it away ken bell and ricky mcteal back to receive for the denver broncos and a momentary delay as they take care of some debris on the football field and here we go before what we know is going to be a raucous crowd and they so already are completely into it in indianapolis to nation and ricky from the four-yard line looking to turn the corner does hit the 20 and then his run out of bounds at about the 27-yard line tackled by freddie robinson and so here is elway john injuring his knee and his ankle but it was the ankle that kept him in street clothes last week at pittsburgh back he comes tonight only seven touchdowns and 11 interceptions so a not too typical elway type of seasons who are sending wine to the running backs the teal and junction the wide outs clarence pay is the tight end we'll also see a lot of mark jackson at wide receiver and we'll watch keith bishop at left guard with a broken thumb from the 27-yard line tony dorsett takes it out to the 33 dorsett has been carrying about 15 to 20 times a game this season but his average only 3.7 yards per carry defensively now for indianapolis the three-man front joe flecko who was released by the jets signed with indianapolis prolonged his career here they love o'brien austin rookie linebacker young came from seattle the veterans crowds and vaquette food and daniel are the corners robinson and freya are the safeties and garcettis stocks for no game byron garvey who sees a lot of action at nose tackle he alternates with pleco makes the stop it'll be third down and five upcoming and as denver moves into the past situation we talked with john elway last night this last week with the ankle injury from two weeks ago he says that he can run to his right he can be fleshed out and move to his right if he has to go to his left it's going to be very difficult that ankle the injury on the inside and will make it very difficult for him to go to his left third down and five at the 32-yard line go away out of the shotgun for the first time and incomplete intended for nateel and broken up by willie tullis the cornerback and the ball getting there together and the broncos are forced to kick well it certainly appears that the kind of week it's been here in indianapolis with all the festivities as transmitted itself over to the football team the colts have taken the field and what i would call a fever pitch to say the least good coverage by tullis look out not even a steady step when he read the break by nateel closes on the football and made a play on what was really a good pass by john elway has trouble with the snap but is able to get it away and out of bounds and they will line it up and mark it out of bounds near the 35 yard line credit horrendous we mentioned bishop the ham that's broken is the left hand not the right he's normally one of the best snappers in football the broncos think he is the best but that time haran was able to bail him out keith bishop normally a one-handed snapper anyway doing it predominantly with his right hand so the colts at least don't figure that it affects him that much but with that cast on the left i i can't see how it can't play a part in a snap so now indianapolis and their rookie quarterback chris chandler from the 31-yard line third round draft choice out of washington and the top quarterback selected it in last spring to press goes right to the air completes it to brooks and brooks is stopped by the last man harden only hardened between brooks and the end zone and hardin makes the tackle and a big gainer for the colts on their first play from scrimmage 39 yards and really a simple turn-in pattern by billy brooks but mark haynes number 36 is going to miss the tackle watch brooke just stop perfect delivery in mark haynes just doesn't close and make the tackle frank and as we look at the defensive unit for the broncos four men on the line of scrimmage for down lineman that's not what they usually go with of course mecklenburg out of the lineup tonight with the broken thumbs gone for about six weeks and they have four down lyman once again this obviously the defense against eric dickerson and jefferson's first carry nets him about six as he takes it to the 24 yard line andre townsend and jim ryan converge on the tackle taylor looks over for the signal on a second down call chandler picked in the third round it wasn't a battery season for quarterbacks out of college so he was the highest selected qb in round three dickerson and bentley with brooks and verdan outside features the tight end and the offensive line a pretty good one hitting his back donaldson is the center but ron salt has been dealt to philadelphia second down and four at the 24 yard line dickerson you'll see a lot of this tonight and especially if it results in that sort of game greg cragan makes the tackle so indianapolis against a porous denver run defense can afford to keep it simple and keep it moving first down at the 17. basically denver just going with a 4-3 defense that's new and something they have obviously put in just because of the dickerson tell what they did that last time frank they went with basically a 4-3 defense like you said but they only had two linebackers in there and five defensive backs and eric dickerson went immediately on his cut back to the side of the denver defense where they didn't have a linebacker chandler wants a timeout so the rookie calls for a timeout with 11 17 the coast mounting an impressive opening drive with no score in indianapolis [Music] when they line up in that 4-3 with gilbert and boyer both in there craig and townsend would play in a three-man situation as well simon fletcher can also get into a down position if they want to go to five-man line they can do that also with simon clutch of the linebacker as dan mentioned only two of them rick dennison is in the middle and you'll notice in the secondary dennis smith is back he had been out with a hamstring pull back in the lineup first down indianapolis at the denver 18-yard line no score early first quarter eric dickerson third carry and again a good one as he takes it to the 12-yard line as you might suspect dickerson carries the ball about 80 percent of the time on indianapolis's running plays coming in tonight totally carried the ball 255 times in dickerson 204 of those eric has i guess gotten a lot of publicity in the last couple days going public with some statements along the lines that i'm the greatest running back that has ever carried the ball and thing about it if you examine what he has done if you look at it on paper it's tough to refute his state in fact second down and four as he nears the 10 000 yard mark for his career second and four [Music] and they give it to dickerson on a delay touches back to the outside but next time he's wrapped up number 61 andre townsend with the initial hit and then simon fletcher came in to finish them off so it'll be third down coming up at about the 13-yard line first comment by dickerson of course we're on the nbc pregame show yesterday when somebody asked him about greg bell and he really took off on greg bell of course having a great year with the rams called him a dwarf well i was going to be kinder well mcmahon called flutie america's favorite america's favorite had a pretty good day yesterday you said the crowd was going to be raucous tonight what about us up here just the fact whoa third down and four inside the 13 and dickerson breaks the tackle touchdown the great ones do that well it's a three-way trade that has all of the clubs involved very happy right now buffalo eight and one they can't complain they've got bennett rams doing well they're seven and two they've got all the draft picks and indianapolis and this man eric dickerson and that time the right tackle joel patton watching from the right side of your screen pull and trap and dickerson's gonna run right into his back now that might knock a normal fan down but somehow eric maintains his balance and that is a play designed to go off left tackle then he just routinely takes it off right tackle in for an easy touchdown so they soften him up early on the 39-yard pass and chandler to brooks and then it's dickerson for the rest of the yardage all the way into the end zone as viasuchi's extra point attempt is good and five minutes and 19 seconds into the game it's seven to nothing colts right into the trap man bounces off easy stride into the end zone and dan you sounded an ominous warning at the beginning of the show full five baltimore 16-13 nothing like a 24-hour room service here in indianapolis and who says the folks from the midwest can't get wild yeah who said that who said it who died the kicks off fielded by kenny bell at the seven and he brings it back out to the 30-yard line another look now at dickerson and has stated that this could be a very ominous note sounded on the denver defense well you know we've seen in the past what great rushing teams can do to the denver broncos especially with big strong physical lines and i think back to the super bowl and what the redskins and timmy smith did to the bronco defense and they really haven't rectified their problems they're really not any bigger they're not any more physical up front and if they don't do something to corral this guy i'm not going to speculate this early in the ball game but he's capable of astronomical numbers end around breaks a tackle in the backfield and turns it into a nice gain a nine yard pickup and he's brought down from behind by barry krause and there's a penalty marker down the first of the game this crew headed by referee jerry mark wright flags came in real late from the far sideline i would imagine something wrong with the blocking scheme somewhere against denver so that will negate the nine yard pickup push them back 10. meanwhile denver last 36 regular season games on grass and of course they play on grass at mile high 22 3-1 number 54 offense first down that's keith bishop and as you saw one and nine on artificial turf and one and nine is also their all-time road record on monday night football [Music] you don't usually put a whole lot of stock into that but i mean that is an amazing set first and 20 from the 20-yard line and elway airs it out for nation and it is almost intercepted knocked down by chris good as the pass hung the teal had gotten behind good but good able to get back and knock it down it'll be second and 20. frank you and i both looked at each other when john elway released that ball ricky natile was a good two to three yards past chris good i mean he is beaten cleanly look at how far he goes by him and then good sensing the ball severely underthrown i don't i don't know that gave me anything to do with john's ankle i think it might coming out it's like his right ankle and the teal was stunned john elway's got a cannon he could throw that ball another 20 yards he just didn't do it you don't normally have to come back for an elway pass second and 20. good protection open man over the middle is mateo and he gets about six they give him room underneath to roam it's still third down and 14 at the 26-yard line with nine minutes to go in the first quarter and the colts ahead seven to nothing here's where the noise factor in the hoosier dome is going to come into play with the denver offense third and long yardage they'll go to the shotgun formation at least they ordinarily would they have a domed facility in denver where they practice and they practice with loudspeakers playing crowd noise all week getting ready for tonight which were broken last week so all the players got on the sidelines and chipped in third and thirteen they sent four receivers out into the pattern and some miscommunication there with mark jackson and ricky nateel both in the same area and they looked at each other as if what was going on too early to make a judgment but i as you watch john elway he really is not driving off that right foot now he can throw that distance easily with his arm he doesn't come off like he strides into it ordinarily it's really difficult to tell which one of those two guys was the intended receiver but one thing for sure it's not by design that both of them were within a couple of yards of each other downfield koran having a great year and a left-footed kicker this one is a short kick and it bounces sideways along the 45-yard line and is down there so haran averaging 46 yards a kick and that one is just 28th so indianapolis has it near midfield 8 21 to go in the quarter seven nothing calls [Music] it all happened out here in the midwest [Music] yep halloween and indianapolis the halloween start for the denver defense as indianapolis rolled to a score on their first possession and now from the 44. chandler flushed out of the pocket and then brought down at the 44-yard line got back to the line of scrimmage it's pretty gilbert number 90 and walt boyer 65 are right there it'll be second down chandler out of washington and again we mentioned not a big year for quarterbacks last season so indianapolis figured they had pogba boom and they had trudeau and hogan started the season number one then trudeau moved in he got hurt and here he is a man who is number three on their depth chart and now number one and has been since the fourth week of the season second and nine at the yard line that's matt boucha in motion and over the middle under thrown intended for boozer low throw third down nine what about as bad as you can throw it as a matter of fact to do it lowest threw it behind him he had all the protection in the world but one thing chris chandler does give you is the added capability of being able to move out of that pocket he's a good runner good scrambler that ball was poorly thrown booze of wide open over the middle could have got the first down but cannon will scramble you'll you'll have to be watching him all the time third down nine pulse from the 45. bentley and dickerson with the running backs [Music] and andre townsend unless he was drawing off pretty quickly pretty quick start no i think that's going to be on denver all the way unless someone had a little twitch that i couldn't see but townsend really got off to a fast start he's not even complaining either no he was clearly across the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball so jerry mark wright and his crew discuss it joe collier the defensive coordinator for the denver broncos a long time denver assistant hey a brilliant one he is too he's been doing a lot of things with mirrors over the past two or three years of the very small team fall number 61 defense turn down good look at townsend he'll be the second one up and he's just guessing on the snap count and defensive lineman will do that a lot especially with a young quarterback who fall into a rhythm of using the same snap count all the time now it's the veteran quarterback gary hogable and here's the wishbone they went to the wishbone last week against san diego and they bring it out again tonight and this time they send wandsley in motion on third down and four and holgerboom has his pants tipped and incomplete intended for pat beach so last week against san diego they lined up in a wishbone late in the game in fact scored a touchdown on a pass to buzzer out of the wishbone they've been practicing it all week with hoga boom and utilize it here early and daryl royal turned down willie nelson and took another look daryl royal longtime texas coach and a man who made the wishbone famous with the longhorns in the late 60s early 70s breaking the teal to receive ron stark to kick halfway through the first quarter high booming punt the field calls for the fair tax that's just a decoy though and it takes a good indianapolis bounce and is down at the six yard line so denver pin deep 7 13 to play first quarter 7-0 colts fast penalties in indianapolis halloween night at the hoosier dome are you talking about a monster defense boy that scared me i've got these fans in with icebreakers oh you guys are so cute down in the trunk denver starts with its own seven yard line in the noisy hoosier dome and sandy winder takes it back to the 13 yard line funny thing about winder here's a guy who's been around his seventh year in the league he's never averaged four yards of carry until now and part of the reason is a lot of the pressure was taken off with tony dorsett coming over from dallas he's been the main man and winder has been his backup even though the two line up together off times winder has about half of georgette's carries there he is through his career a 3.7 average picked up six there second and four give it to winder again and he takes the ball out to the 16-yard line it'll be third in about a yard and a half barry krauss and dwayne pickett make the tackles i guess the broncos did spend some time watching the tapes of last year's super bowl on two consecutive plays now they've run the old counter gap play made famous by the redskins once to the left that time they came back to the right and i guess danny's no dummy if it works for somebody else there's no reason why it can't work for you all right to find a team without it today third and one from the 16. orson mobley is the man in motion kelly fumble if he has possession and indianapolis has it and a flag goes down pat kelly the number three tight end had it had a first down tossed it up and chris food recovers flag was again very late i think it's going to be barry krause the inside linebacker that strips the ball when kelly releases and just runs about a two yard pattern downfield barry kraus comes all the way out from the middle makes a play makes the hit and brings out the ball mark right here personal foul unnecessary roughness number 88 after the cuellar is over first down that's clarence k and then he'll push the ball all the way to the 10-yard line all right look at barry krause number 55 to the left now watch him hustle out here he's going to hit kelly from behind and you know kelly never really put that ball away you know what he's trying to do dan he was trying to put it into his right arm get it away from kraus you're exactly right and he had the first down watch once again he'll get it in the left arm now he tries to switch it back like he should to run with it in the right arm it's gone it is gone and the hustling colts make the fumble recovery and more laundry on a first and goal the nose of the ball was right at the 10. so they can't get a first down without a touchdown false start number 64 offense first down that's ben that pushes the ball back to the 15-yard line meanwhile kelly was in the game the rookie out of syracuse the number three tight end they had three tight engine on that formation third and one that's his first ever nfl catch but one he'd like to forget first and goal now chandler back in pogba has won one play out of the wishbone [Music] and steps out of bounds after a gain of four at the 11 he's run out of bounds by the quarterback jeremiah castille 5 44 to go first quarter seven to nothing colts who are looking for their third consecutive victory how do you defense a running back who just takes the football and really has not only the abilities but i guess the latitude from his coaching staff to go anywhere he wants to go there is a play that was clearly designed to the right side of the offensive formation and dickerson takes it all the way and breaks containment going outside to the left second and goal from the 11. they give it to dickerson and dickerson has his second touchdown mark boyer through the block to spring him and with 5 39 to go in the corner if biasy kicks it through it'll be 14 to nothing how do you defend him i don't know he's a big man he has great strength he does not look like he's covering the yardage as quickly as he is you take an angle on him you get there a little late and when you get there late you're arm tackling he just runs right through it number 55 rick dennison the linebacker coming out to the inside no chance to get there it just looks easier when dickerson does it because he's so gifted 14 to nothing in the seven prior games in the history of the cold bronco rivalry the colts had never scored a first quarter touchdown and they have two here tonight they lead 14 to nothing and the broncos have to think back to last week against pittsburgh when they were blown out early and never recovered look at this natural hole the broncos are going to go up field and inside here's rick dennison his job is to scrape into this hole and make the play on eric dickerson and watch how dennison a little slow to read it and then layton getting there and gets picked off that is his play all the way a linebacker is assigned a whole primarily frank and dennison for whatever reason didn't get there and they are playing a defense in which denison is not familiar it would be more like a dallas cowboy middle linebacker in the dallas cowboy defense and he is a new strong inside linebacker it's the little moment of hesitancy that was the difference he had to try the arm tackle and forget it was vickerson and of course the loss of mecklenburg to the bronco defensive team has thrown them totally into turmoil forced him into the 4-3 and you never really can play something different as well as you play what you do all the time well the denver broncos unfortunately not getting off to any better start than they got off last week against pittsburgh keep in mind how bad were they manhandled by the steelers last week they were trailing 24 to nothing before they got their first first down in the ball game that was late in the second quarter and here they're down biosushi kicks off he angles it and fielded up at the 11 yard line by jason johnson who was activated for tonight's game he's a wide receiver he brings it back out to the 28. he stopped there by jeff haraj so john elway who missed last week's game kubiak guided them and then ken karcher came in at the end and wound up throwing a touchdown pass and elway down by 14 to lead him from the 27. now cleveland with cozar healthy houston was moon healthy both winning yesterday each team a game back of cincinnati afc central that's the match up from the astrodome a week from tonight cleveland and houston on monday night football first and 10 denver from the 28 yard line and the whistles stop the play before the snap a whole lot of things wrong with that one well first of all joe klecko was across the line of scrimmage at the snap i don't know if somebody moved or not but looks like big joe got the full start number 66 first down well that's a sign of a veteran jim juriga the left tackle is the guy that moves and kleco sees it and no use waiting get across that line of scrimmage forced the penalty and he did it big tackle out of illinois jim zorriga first and fifteen two punts and a fumble and a first and fifteen and they're down fourteen nothing elway much too high intended for vance johnson second and fifteen eugene daniel with the coverage on the play john has struggled all year long not just tonight when he's coming back from a very severely injured ankle a couple of weeks ago but coming into tonight seven touchdown passes 11 interceptions just not a john elway year we watched him and we talked to him last night a 24 to nothing lead the raiders coming back to beat the broncos and john who took full blame for it shotgun in a mocking elway chant allah darrell for strawberry on second and 15th the catch is made by matilde and ricky is dropped at the 32-yard line short of the first down by about five barry krause in on the tackle on one of the three amigos and they're all back together nateel and johnson and mark jackson who suffered a broken collarbone earlier this season healthy again the former purdue boilermaker homecoming of sorts for jackson he had to dispense numerous tickets couldn't get as many as he wanted for family and friends coming to the game tonight here in indianapolis and it's a real break for john elway to finally get these three guys back and get the three of them healthy and when he finally does it's elway that's not healthy third down four denver from the 33-yard line and elway throws and a first down and the price is paid by vance johnson hit hard by willie tellers for the first down for denver out at the 41-yard line with four and a half minutes to go in the quarter you know this is what they should be able to do all night denver if they keep it short keep it underneath because this defense of indianapolis is not any great shakes they are 25th against the pass coming into tonight you keep it short you get your confidence back and get something happening and i think that probably is what dan reeves is thinking about right at the moment we've got to make something happening happen here they normally do it through the air dorset last night was lamenting the fact he said when we fall behind three nothing we go to the air unlike dallas they fake to dorsett elway going to the air again and down he goes in a heat at the 28-yard line the charge led by o'brien austin a 10th ground draft pick out of maryland and frank told you a little bit earlier about how john elway confessed to us last night that if he has to go to his left he's in trouble well this time his pressure comes from the right if john is going to get away he's going to have to go left to escape the rush of austin and he's not able to do it and it's not often you'll see john elway back in the pocket set some trouble coming from a certain direction and just stand there and take the sack he'd be gone now yep get it again he tried to go right even at that point yeah he knew it's the only way he can go right into the rush second and 21. he steps up and then fires complete and if it is complete it's a fumble and it's picked up and run back to the 23-yard line a completed pass and it's craig's slope who gives indianapolis the ball after mark jackson fumbles and i don't believe that's the homecoming that jackson had in mind a look at it from the reverse angle it's going to be coming right at you john had to scramble a little bit set himself up well and there's the catch by jackson and wow another hit by tullis this guy has been all over the football tonight and an easy play for slope they're going to take a look at this i imagine on instant replay he has to get both feet down with possession let's take a look at it from this angle good effort by elway we told you had a tough time moving to the left he just arms it back to the right now did he have it he was bobbling it around but they're going to let it stand craig swope with the recovery ball is at the 22 22-yard line first and ten on what's begun as a nightmare halloween for the denver broncos the 22-yard line indianapolis on top 14 to nothing replay bush said the replay was inconclusive that's why they did not overrule dickerson he just draws up his own running pattern doesn't he at the 18-yard line doesn't matter where the blocking is well they let him do that that play is designed they just blow forward and then he takes about a half a beat takes a little stutter step and he goes wherever he wants to go look at that already done that tonight that's about eight years worth this is a team that has regained their confidence you could just feel it the couple of days that we've been here they feel very strong that they can get back in and perhaps pull a wild card out even though they're three and five coming into the night second and five from the 18-yard line dickerson again he's already scored twice and a first down at the 11 yard line and the denver defense forest to begin with last in the league against the run and minus mecklenburg unable to do anything to stop indianapolis 222 to play in the quarters they've been giving up an average of 158 yards rushing and they have been giving up a lot of big plays eric dickerson has not had a lot of big plays this year so perhaps we can anticipate some of that coming up he had 169 yards last week against san diego but no run longer than 14. first and 10 after 12. dickerson again and he adds to his league leading rushing total earlier we showed you the graphic when he gets to the 1000 yard mark this season and that's what seemed to be an easy goal for him assuming he's not injured it will be the sixth consecutive year he's done it and only two other guys in the history of the nfl have done that franco harris and walter payton i don't think anyone's done it the first six years of their career having nobody in their first six dorset and he are the only who've done it in their first five and harris and peyton are the only who have ever done it six consecutive seasons he's done a lot of things no one has ever done he's gonna do a lot more [Music] his fourth straight carry is almost his third touchdown his first and goal at the one well this is a physical mismatch up front it's strictly a case of the cold offensive line just dominating the front seven of the denver broncos eric dickerson is slashing and running hard but he is following just a tidal wave of blue jerseys is blowing everything in a white shirt out of there keep in mind across the front the broncos 265 260 260 225 they're outweighed by 40 pounds of guy up front and here comes the wishbone because here's hoga boom here's the wish ball with dickerson it's a left hand back wandsley and bentley of the other backs they give it to dickerson and his fifth straight carry is his third touchdown of the night they could have scored on the neck bone just give it to him and that equals his career high in one game three touchdowns and he has done it in 14 minutes and 44 seconds so that'll make good headlines for tomorrow but they could have got him in there just about any way they want to do watch this line sir dan talked about it a moment ago it's going to be very close i think they were probably ready to give it to him oh i don't think he was in oh i i don't think he was in it looked like eric dickerson bounced about a foot short of the goal line it's almost moved because even had he not cutting it second and goal i would have liked their chances you know i don't know if that explanation is going to cut it in denver though all he has to do is touch that goal line with the ball as long as he was in the air and it appears that that might have been the case the isuzu with the extra point you know al i want to go back to that point about the mismatch up front check out the front wall of the colts as we look at it again 295. 290 288 286 and 307 there is no way that the denver broncos can sit in there for an entire ball game and play hardball with the colts of indianapolis dan didn't we say that about the second quarter of the super bowl with the redskins and the same defensive unit let's look again now did he get in i think he got him i think when he comes down as long as the knee is not touched if that ball touches the goal line you got six out of it well i'll be the devil's advocate i don't think he got it i think he got in i think that the nose of the football just touched the goal line oh what do you know we're we're 60 yards away from it what do you know you're sitting here with a 9 000 inch illustrator come on the fact of the matter is there's owl who is that who puffed that one up they got a picture of your ego come on come on oh man come on frank we're out of here elvira is going to do the second quarter he gets great color kenny bell from the goal line back after the 21-yard line orlando lowry yeah that's mark spitz on the left there that would be scarier i never i have to admit i've never had any of those i wear those big boxers with flowers on them that's not what debbie said you play golf and green pants with alligators look at this baby i don't know if this dome can can hold that one [Applause] then warm on there huh first and ten from the 21-yard line tackled by thompson and that's the final play of the first quarter and a dream quarter for the indianapolis colts monday night football in indiana for the first time ever 21-0 back after this message in a word from your local station 240 ss [Music] you know in a way you can almost feel this coming the way denver played last week against pittsburgh and with dickerson and indianapolis has it together in this town going wild they couldn't have asked for a better first quarter and i think one of the things that we have to do as the second quarter begins with a fumble and a nightmare and the second quarter begins the way the first quarter ends with a fumble by denver and a recovery by klecko of the colts the worst fears i think of danny reeves denver bronco fans maybe perhaps themselves are being realized tonight pittsburgh mauled him last week danny reeves said perhaps the worst game i've seen since i've been here we didn't drive we didn't play perhaps they played it harder than he thought the broncos already turning it over three times chandler was quiet at the 19-yard line [Music] who takes it to the 14 it'll be second down and five boyer and townsend in on the tackle of course the broncos were on the other side of the monday night comeback that we saw this year in denver when they had a that went 24-0 as the raiders wound up winning in overtime [Music] a lot of questions i think are going to be answered tonight by the denver broncos as to where this franchise is headed if they don't reverse this tide of the colts tonight if this continues i think this franchise is in trouble for a while to come second down and six from the 15-yard line is dickerson again and this time they stop him after a gain of one simon fletcher number 73 trips him up along with help from rick dennison will be third down and five elway and elway was telling us last night that lost to the raiders when they blew the 24 nothing lead was as tough as the two super bowl defeats he said he really wanted to win that game in particular because mike shanahan his quarterback coach over the past several seasons of denver is now of course the raiders head coach third down five from the 14. chandler into the end zone too high for brooks off his fingertip but he had him denver coming in the full blitz that forced the single coverage and brooks was wide open and working against jeremiah casteel that that's an easy touchdown if if chandler's able to deliver this ball look at brooks well out in front of jeremiah castille if that's a well thrown pass it's a 28-nothing ball game now a 32-yard field goal attempt coming for dean villasuchi this is an automatic for him he's made 27 straight like a 29 straight from 45 in 31-yard attempt officially spotted outside the 21-yard line mark puts it down and he splits the upright does that jump off that foot she's having a great year 450 yarders already 24-0 24 all in overtime bob thomas tries to win it with a 47-yard field goal for the chargers blocked by dennis smith picked up by louis wright who takes it in for a touchdown broncos beat the chargers 30-24 [Music] indianapolis on top 24-0 13-20 to play in the first half dean biazucci already a very active knight with a field goal on three extra points a yard in it's kenny bell coming out with it cuts back the other way and returns it to the 28-yard line so from there will the broncos begin this drive and the average possession start in this game significant difference denver beginning at its own 23 and indianapolis at the denver 35 and of course in good measure that has resulted from the three turnovers that's mike ruther at center he's bill bryan's back up and he was the center in there the last series when elway and ruther mishandled the snap from the 20-89 line elway fires over the middle and it's dropped by orson mobley at the 34 yard line brian is on the sidelines nobody attending him he appears to be all right so that's obviously just a change but it could have affected the exchange between elway and the senate ruther well they certainly ruther and elway certainly haven't had the experience that this guy bill bryant and john elway have had ruther got it played in the usfl played with the st louis cardinals while they were still in st louis and now backing up here in indianapolis but tonight i mean endeavor rather but here tonight in indianapolis having to play on second and ten down goes elway at the 17-yard line john hand two years ago the number one pick in the draft out of alabama he's shown signs of brilliance in three years but has yet to emerge as the type of star they expected when he was drafted out of alabama and does he go around jim juriga the left tackle like juriga is just kind of having his feet in cement what an outside move that time by john hands a guy not quite in the category of a reggie white or a bruce smith and boy he gave that guy diriga all he wanted last time around third and 19 from the shotgun [Applause] four receivers out into the pattern they'll weigh on that gimpy ankle and he can't go anywhere grade schwolk who recovered the fumble earlier gets credited for the sack on the safety blitz got to be the ankle there is not the mobility tonight with john elway that we have watched over the years could not play at all last week it's the right ankle when he drifts off to the right tries to get outside to the right because he really can't go to the left comes back to the left he just has to take it down himself and i think that's a classic situation where we would have seen elway do some sort of a reverse pivot a spin out oh he'd still be running yep not capable of it tonight and they've changed snappers at keith parts instead of bishop who does the snapping haran's kick is fielded at the 46 46-yard line by bill brooks and he takes it to the 41. so again indianapolis starts with terrific field position 11 54 to go in the half 24-0 indianapolis kennapolis a nightmare for denver and a great night for the colts as monday night football comes to indiana for the first time ever broncos huddling on the sideline after the last series that are already down 24 nothing team meeting or team prayer i don't know both indianapolis at the 41-yard line and tickerson's huge night continues his fourth touchdown there could not be a more basic play in football than the colts just ran and stuffed it down the denver broncos throat let's blow them out straight away blocking everybody in a white shirt being pushed backwards and this guy just explodes through it like no one else belongs on the field with him you know again he's so big and so fast even in the secondary as they came down on him they take that long angle and they end up trying to get to him with an arm and you never will get him with an arm the azusa packed on point number 31. collier who watched his defense shredded last week and annihilated tonight colts making it look like a scrimmage well their names are chris hinton randy dixon ray donaldson bennut and joel patton and look how they just disintegrate the broncos defensively and that guy can scoop there again the bad angles coming down from the secondary all of a sudden you realize he has kicked in that afterburner and all you have is a chance to arm tackle him and you can't do it that's the 50th time in his career he has run for over a hundred yards he's already picked up 112 and the game is not even 19-minute goals longest run of the season for him also isn't it ties his longest well the night's not over yeah right it may be for denver it might be determined only by stamina how far he'll go tonight there are those that talk and there are those that talk and then back it up and he'd be one of those this guy can say whatever he wants to say about himself eric dickerson articulate and at the same time confident in his own abilities and this guy can get it done he's not arrogant he just says what he believes what he feels they asked him a question he answered it some pretty good company right there as he eclipses the marks sold by amici and moore among others most rushing touchdowns in the game and he's done it with 11 47 to go in the first half sushi kicks off taken at the five-yard line by jason johnson and the just activated johnson pays the price fred young the linebacker and of course young really made his mark early on with seattle as a special teamer and he shows johnson why well he went to two pro bowls as a special team player for seattle before he started going on a regular basis as a as an inside linebacker and a flag down mark right illegal block on the return first time against denver they don't hate the coach here to think about it but i'm not for sure john elway should be in this game he can't do what he does and he is just not the great quarterback that he is when he can't run around and he also could hang around back there and get hurt and the crowd loves to mock him and of course it was john who passed up the chance to sign with the coast not when they were in indianapolis on pleco well kleco is just disrupting everything i don't know if joe is is guessing correctly on the snap count or what but he's just exploding into the denver backfield before anyone in a in a white shirt's able to block him once he's in here look at mike ruther just tackling the center but a good look there how kleco does get the face mask of dorsett but looked like ruther was tackling joe cleco at the same time personal foul grabbing the face match number 73 defense first down i talked to joe just before the game and he said oh look because i couldn't help it but i mean you're gonna see right here once again look at ruther tackling him from behind a couple of fouls right there but pleco says he's finally coming around he has much more movement now and we've seen it tonight he is very quick rocco's just happy to have a first down [Applause] and winder takes it out to the 30-yard line he picks up two it'll be second down eight it's almost back to the basics here for denver they're down 31 to nothing they're staying on the ground they just need to get something anything established at this point that's gary kubiak who played last week against the pittsburgh steelers and he was not assimilating there although the steelers defense that was scintillating he had a three interception a week ago in that 39-21 loss from the 30 on second and eight good protection and he hits johnson for a first down at the indianapolis 47 yard line vance johnson cutting across the middle the tackle made by eugene daniel good protection that time by the denver bronco offensive line all the time elway needed that pass takes a long time beth johnson taking you way up field you see him cross underneath as it's cleared out by mark jackson first down at the colts 47-yard line and elway going deep for mark jackson and he makes the catch at the two yard line a great catch the coverage by chris good and jackson making the cash and staying in bounds at the two first and goal well thrown great reception and good coverage by good and uh just an excellent study and concentration here by mark jackson watch him concentrate on the football really good coverage by gouda as frank said but look at jackson continue to move downfield and yet concentrate keeping his eyes on the ball i mean you can't fault anyone here excellent throw excellent route and catch and really good coverage by good jackson of course has to think where his feet are both having to come down in bounds and he concentrates pulls it in holds on to it both feet inbound they are reviewing it it showed it clearly but that's the delay right now the replay official is george slatke i don't know what they could be looking at other than this replay right here and it's certainly clear that both feet are down and there's one there's the other not bobbling the ball oh good possession come on guys denver is down by 31 points let's not be too tough on him but they're still looking at it now they confirm the call we understand now pinch back on the left is the communicator they just have to communicate it to the field and then mark wright will tell us what the play stands got a chance to see jerry mark wright informing everyone that 76 for denver is in there now as the tight end that of course ken lemire but they're having a problem with the uh communication equipment obviously and that's why mark wright is waiting as they go to the backups so it'll be first and goal after two 31-0 indianapolis 9 58 to go in the half winder and gorset in the eye formation would dorset the tailback elway takes it and throws into the end zone for a touchdown steve stool making the catch and so denver goes the length of the field it's a long way back but at least the broncos are on the way back and what a throw by john elway i mean that was a pass again where chris good was the defender with the coverage and he was in good position as well but john just throws this right in there that's not bad by good look how he's in front of sewell that's just a perfect pass and a lot of smoke on it also three good passes by elway but perhaps more importantly good protection for him because he is not the mobile elway that we watched in the past with that ankle all right with his extra point is good so at least the broncos don't just roll over and die they go 90 yards led by elway 9 54 to go on the half indianapolis now leading 31-7 in indianapolis al michaels frank gifford and dan dierdorff 31-7 colts broncos just driving for a touchdown carlos kicks off and it bounces at the three and then bounces out of bounds so it'll come back to the 35-yard line where the colts take over the euchre seats as you might suspect in the nether regions of the hoosier dome did you get them their tickets frank what a happy crowd though but we know who did yeah right we sure do the nose is not broken that badly oh yes i cannot help it my features are distinctive you're right larry zonka my nose isn't broken that bad at the 35-yard line the colts with chandler and dickerson behind him who's already run for four touchdowns and eric picks up five he's already rushed for 117 yards at this point with 9 39 to play in the first half dickerson if you're thinking about the record most rushing touchdowns in the game in 1929 ernie nevers with event chicago cardinals rushed for six jim brown cookie gilchrist each with five if you're wondering about gayle sayers he did score six in a game but four by rushing one on a pass one on a return maybe it bodes well for denver we didn't say who it was against by nevers [Music] second and five from the 40 on a draw dickerson and he takes it out to the 44-yard line it'll be third down and one eric dickerson he is a different person than he was in l.a very lives a very quiet life here likes to tell you about it a traveler's man of the year for the indianapolis colts first for his activities off the field as well as on and as i said he's a much different eric dickinson here in indianapolis and of course the average man of the year for the nfl will be announced with the super bowl coming up and he just hit the thousand yard mark with 121 tonight and out of the list bone with holger boom following the signals that's wansley's first calorie of the night wandsley played in a wishbone offense at mississippi state the funny thing about the colts is they have only three running backs on their entire roster dickerson bentley and wandsley and so when they go to the wishbone you're seeing the whole bench and hogaboom is going to stay in the ball game so they're going to stay with the wishbone he was kind of a beer quarterback when he was at central michigan before going off to the dallas cowboys from the 41 boy it looks crazy to see an nfl team line up in the wishbone and it's wansley for a gain of one remember last year during the strike bill walsh brought the wishbone out for san francisco's replacements more of a giant stoke though than anything else you know daryl royal was telling ron myers when they talked this past week said look the shots these quarterbacks are getting now in the nfl anyway from when they drop back to pass what's the difference at least they're on balance ucla now number six taking on oregon minnesota against michigan check your local listings or common football presentations this coming saturday second down and nine from the 47-yard line and hoga boom going deep for brooks he makes the catch despite haynes having position and then runs it in for a touchdown under thrown hanes was there phil makes the catch goes in for the score when the ball is that underthrown in many instances the advantage goes to the receiver because he's more tuned into the football and if the defender this time mark haynes if he's not right on the ball it's really advantage receiver to be able to come back and make a play on it watch haynes he'll turn a sprint take his eye off the ball and that's when he loses it so he never did see the ball after that point and it's too late to get back and pretty nifty running by bill brooks the most consistent of all these cold receivers the sushi for the point answer we still have 708 to play in the half and indianapolis has already scored points franchise record most points in the half by the colts when they were in baltimore 42 and a half in 1956 against the rams play action didn't mean anything to mark haines he was man for man all the way didn't even see the play action but when he took his eyes off the ball to get into the sprint we run side by side with bill brooks he lost it brooks comes back gets it easily but then he makes a pretty nifty move here about the 10-yard line to get it in this has to feel awful good to gary hoga boom who really has been relegated to second team status and billy brooks rather than just going down decides to make something happen and stay alive after the cash and a magical night i don't know what else you can say not much victory left not even for the overs and under setters at this point 38-7 that's more points than the colts have scored in any complete game this season one of the mysteries might be just how far dickerson is going to go tonight if they indeed let him go the colts have another rusher who probably would be a thousand yard rusher on any other team in albert bentley so it's just a question of how much they want to turn dickerson lose tonight as a running back if i were running back to oh let me have this one you can really run the numbers up [Music] from the four yard line jason johnson tackled out at the 32 top made there by jeff harot and the broncos who drove 90 yards the last time they had the ball start from that spot eric dickerson a king's ransom worth of draft choices going to the rams cornelius bennett going to buffalo and all three teams pretty happy with that transaction right now the new york city marathon the annual great race through the five boroughs coming up this sunday 10 30 in the morning eastern and pacific 9 30 central the nissan indie challenge sunday as well at 4 eastern 3 central and pacific elway on a deep drop sets up a screen for georgette and tony has a first down he's run out of bounds up at the 46 yard line tony dorsett talking to him last night and dan you asked him if he was going to play next season he was pretty definitive yeah he said he wanted to play one more year and he thinks that he's still in the physical condition to do so and frankly so do i he's not really hitting the fact that he doesn't feel that he's been utilized to his potential here in denver and a good example of that is i think he's an excellent receiver out of the backfield that's only his 12th reception of the football season first and ten from the 47-yard line and they give it to tony d fumble at the 47-yard line and another cult recovery donnell thompson with the football four turnovers for reeves broncos john hand stripped the football hey when it goes like this you're having fun out there donnell thompson all of these colts are having fun they'll be in there trying to strip the football and when you have this kind of a lead 38 to nothing you can take a lot of risks you can take a risk even missing the the tackle let's go for it let's see if freddie young the linebacker isn't the guy who puts a shot on dorset watch freddie young here to the right of your screen scrape in yeah see he puts the shoulder on tony and he knocks the ball out john hand comes in second and then donald thompson doesn't really have to do much of anything he's down on the ground and the ball comes right to his midsection but freddie young played that perfectly scraped off read the linemen pulling through the hole and put the shoulder right on the football oh and we talked about the draft picks and players involved in the eric dickerson deal and there were a whole lot of eyebrows raised when freddie young came from seattle for two number one draft picks earlier in the year they are happy here however in indianapolis from the 46-yard line chandler back in at quarterback and he throws in a fingertip stretching reaching cash made by matt bouza and the crowd with a booze a chance for a touchdown last week against san diego and dan reeves on the far sideline you can't tell me that somewhere in the back of his mind he's not saying to himself it's 38-7 and they're running play-action pass on first down when they get the ball in our territory aggressive play calling by the colts why not i'm just living out frustrations too they've had a tough season coming into the night they've won the last two but they feel they're all together once again from the 28-yard line it's dickerson for a gain of three to the 25. remember we saw them in cleveland that offensive line was decimated with injuries to hold out of ron's fault and we asked gary dickerson that day i'm sure you want to go out there tonight yeah because chris benton their all-pro left tackle didn't play and listen to the hand for dickerson standing over a thousand four yards the season just passed the halfway mark of course he holds the all-time record only he and o.j simpson have ever gone over the 2000 figure second and seven from yard line albert bentley to the 23. bentley's a real good running back but when you've got a fellow like dickerson as your main man in the backfield you're going to relegate bentley to a reserve role more than that out he's quite a quality guy he was on his way to what could have been a 1500 yard season a year ago himself all of a sudden uh just one year ago on halloween night they made a trade for eric dickerson and all of a sudden albert bentley was relegated to the secondary role and he gets well coming into tonight only 16 attempts here we go with a wishbone again pogba boom in the game [Music] looks like barry switzer designed the play bentley gets stopped after a pickup of one do you see who was the lead blocker on that play eric dickerson he came out and really put a good block on dennis smith and eric dickerson a little more than just a ball carrier i think we'll get a look at it look at dickerson to the left here he's going to take on dennis smith and really an effective block kicks him to the outside lifts him up spins him around look at this get after him eric what was he running down in smu did they use a lot of wishbone i don't think so not at that point they also had gary craig right part of the pony express miazuchi's 40-yard field goal attempt is no good scoop hooked it into the woods the only thing that hasn't gone right tonight so he had a long streak going from inside 45 and that's a pretty good time to have it come to a halt when you've got a 31 point lead it's time for this guy to be overly upset about the associate's miss well he has to be so happy with the turn of the fortunes for this game he of course led indianapolis to an afc east championship a year ago at the beginning of this season they had holdouts all over the place they had injuries they got off to a terrible start one and five and they still think they can get back in it pleco once again joe's really he's playing this one for the jets he's anxious had a nice talk with joe before the ball game encroachment foul number 73 defense at least he's enjoying the game you can see that this guy's heart is still and he said where he made a mistake was he came back too fast came back and played seven ball games last year and he really thought that was a mistake that if he would have had it to do over he should have laid out he should have stayed out and gotten his concentration back got his leg in better shape and he's playing good football for the colts now first and five elway drops it off underneath the catches made by clarence k and he takes it to the 33-yard line and a first down in elway with a lot of time and coming in tonight indianapolis had not been not been tough defensively on passers they were ranked 25th in the league through their eight games only 14 sacks so they have not been pressuring quarterbacks thus far in the year but they were certainly going at elway in the first quarter away to winder and sammy is stopped up at the 38-yard line after a gain of four and he does get out of bounds to stop the clock with three minutes and six seconds to play in the first half again colts scoring more points thus far tonight than in any complete game this season their previous i-35 against tampa bay that's tom levat the assistant head coach of the colt he was one of my offensive line coaches when i played with the cardinals and the assistant head coach and the guy responsible for the big guys up front talking there to his right tackle joel patton boy what an impressive group they've been tonight second down and five from the 38-yard line as elway has time and hits matilda looking for the sideline and he can't get out of bounds he does get the first down he's dragged down by the rookie out of maryland o'brien austin but the clock keeps running 250 to play in the half again the colts just seemingly confident with their zone defense they bring three men no pressure on elway it's a full zone dropping back and they'll give up the short yardage this kind of lead you can give up a lot of things underneath from the 45 yard line first and ten two and a half minutes to go in the half 38-7 colts elway under pressure and throws it out of bounds o'brien austin put the pressure on that time you know one reason the colts didn't get conservative dan in terms of their play calling and felt they needed more points i'm sure ron meyer thinks back a couple of weeks ago they let tampa bay 35-10 they had that one wrapped up and the next thing you know tessa verdi threw for three touchdowns that game wound up 35-31 oh no don't misunderstand me that was not criticism of the colts for their play calling in this league you don't ever stop pouring it off my point was if you're dan reeves and you're looking at that scoreboard and you're standing over on that far sideline you can hardly believe that they're still coming action waves like that there's no mercy in this league no mercy for railway the mocking chance of elway who steps up and runs for the first down and more and then slides at the 36-yard line and elway gimpy ankle and all taking off and picking up the first down they spot the ball at the 35-yard line and that's going to take us right up to the two-minute warning you have to admire the effort by elway though down by 31 a courageous effort broncos have their full complements of finance remaining 38-7 that says it all huh it's the play of the half 38-7 indianapolis denver's ball at the colt 35-yard line first and ten all three time-outs left for the broncos elway out of the shotgun and sewell in traffic off his fingertips and incomplete second down well we saw elway run for 20 a moment ago and pick up a first down and yesterday about as spectacular 49ers with a very big victory he got some great block from edmond also second down and ten at the 35-yard line bolts jump off flag is down could be a free play elway going for johnson and it picks off in the end zone but you've got a penalty marker down chris good we've also got reception i think we've got two flags one was an offsides against baltimore but now we've got a little fight going on back at the line of scrimmage and a late flag i mean with indianapolis and a late flag thrown up at the line of scrimmage i don't know if we're going to have a personal foul or whatever ezra johnson was the man who jumped off side initially jerry mark wright the referee headlines is terry gurkey i was wondering which one of us would be the first to do a baltimore i'll confess to it double d i've done a lot of opens it's when you start rolling uh the subconscious takes over sometimes frank you could have called him the dallas texans or the boston yanks they go back defensive falls on the play offside number 90 defense penalty declined personal foul unnecessary roughness against the passer number 99 defense first down donnell thompson is going to hit john elway from behind after he releases the ball and keep in mind this year the one step rule is in effect you can't take more than one step and hit the quarterback and you see the hat right in the small of the back and that's a good call you can't hit a guy in the back with the top of your helmet that's going to draw a flag every time it wasn't so much the steps i would agree with that that it's the way he hit him in the small of the back with the crown of his helmet that's going to draw the flag out of the shotgun on first and 10 from the 20-yard line elway johnson nice move to the outside and he's tackled at the nine he picks up a first down he's tackled by o'brien olsen and denver now stops the clock they take their first timeout and it comes with a minute and 33 seconds to play in the first half as elway goes to the sidelines [Music] you see the zone as it develops and then the coverage and johnson trying to get to the outside former tailback at the university of arizona good running back and kind of wondering what's going to happen at halftime you know danny reeves the swept head uh last week after the 39-21 loss to the pittsburgh cedar i don't know what would a coach say to a team other than let's go back to the basics i don't care what you do how much we lose this buy we're going to go back all i want to see you do is give me 100 effort and they've been kind of warned if they don't and dan's reaction to last week this past week that there might be some dire things happening well elway back after being injured last week and coming up at halftime on that subject jim mcmahon live in chicago and jim has a physical price to pay a feature on that on the injury situation and the mcmahon update and we'll get the latest from jim as to when he continues to be back in the chicago lineup after being hurt yesterday at foxborough first and goal denver at the nine yard line with matheal in motion a lot of movement but no flags and gorset takes the ball to the two-yard yard line yes there was a flag a flag at the 10. so again mark right to sort it out it may have been indianapolis offsides again looked like somebody was in the neutral zone from the colts was he drawn or not one thing about indianapolis and joe klecko and the way they've got these tackles playing they're not afraid to crowd the line of scrimmage unfortunately tonight they're just being a little sloppy and doing it when you play that close to the football it only takes a twitch to move part of your body into the neutral zone and thus the flag joe of course playing right on the nose he's right on top of a 78 defense still first down it's a jon hand who's offside it's still a first down it's first and goal as they'll move the ball half the distance to the goal line with 127 to play every team that lost the super bowl has reached the playoffs the next season since baltimore in 69. denver of course is in that position losing the last two in fact a loss tonight they'd be four and five and the way things look and then afc west to get to the playoffs you're simply gonna have to win the division a wild card does not figure to come out of the afc west seattle would have a lead by a game school in motion on first and goal elway has it batted away intended for clarence k and it was fred young getting the hand up to knock it away second and goal excellent anticipation by fred young hung in his zone hung in his own didn't over commit come up to the line of scrimmage to try to force john elway stayed back there hoping to make a play on the ball and that's exactly what he did good look at him right there at the bottom of your screen going to his left and then being able to stop react come back to his right get up in the air and get a finger on the football good play that time number 56 fred young two number ones you better make plays like that that's a lot to give up for an inside linebacker 89 and 90. second and goal sammy weinzer goes nowhere number 55 barry krause tenth year in the league wraps him up we talked about krause and cleveland as elway takes a time-out kraus had never played in a monday night game he spent his entire career with the colts and he finally got the prime time exposure about a month ago and more tonight and barry has been vocal talking before about what a treat it was to move from baltimore to indianapolis to the newfound enthusiasm that the folks here in indianapolis have shown since the colts got here in 1984 and boy he played a lot of years when it was down and you have to feel for a guy frank that hangs around the league that long finally wins the division last year and then again looks like they're on a roll again this year harry krauss has the most memorable memorable moment in this game well i have to go back to probably uh winning the championship uh last year when we uh it was probably the highlight of my career but finally we were champions finally we were winners and uh when we did it we wanted in a hoosier dome the fans stayed around after the game and still cheered and cheering it was great it was just probably my greatest greatest moment now play back in on third down and goal from the five and elway has it tipped away intended for vance johnson mike pryor covering and it will be fourth down in goal and with a minute and four and you're down by 31. you can see dan there signal to go ahead and take another timeout they'll talk this over they might as well you're not saving for anything yeah you're not going to go for a field goal 38 7. i don't think there's any doubt in dan's mind that way or perhaps a little more mobile that he would come with some kind of a roll out to give elway an option to either put it in the end zone or run it in himself but we just don't know because although elway is not limping we do know because he told us though it's very difficult for him to move to the left and when he scrambles he goes right and left and left and right well kind of amazing came up 1965 as a quarterback and they turned him into an all-purpose half back to the dallas cowboys ate around there some 15 years as a player and a coach and then only losing season he had is but gary kubiak is going to come in to hold they are going to go for a field goal also yeah well you figure it out 38-7 is the score cut it to a 28-point lead there'll be four touchdowns down yeah right well sooner or later when you're down by 31 you will need a field goal forget about a fake because the colts have got to be thinking that also and they're going to let the clock run down they're on the hash mark and a 5 yard penalty would actually be beneficial to carlos but the pulse don't have to take it i think that's what jerry markbrite is going to explain right now to indianapolis that this is a penalty that they don't have to take they're going to be smart and go ahead and decline it it really is an advantage to the kicker to be a little bit further back you have a little better angle it's not quite so severe in angle well initially they said we'll decline it but in fact they have accepted it they've now moved the ball back to the 10 so they give carlos the better angle that's about the only thing wrong indianapolis has done this out yeah 27-yard attempt kubiak just spots the ball at the 17-yard line and the kick is just good fact that that five yards may have made the difference so rich carlos just does make the field goal with exactly a minute to play in the half and it makes it 38-10 she'll give us an indication as to how close it was could not have been a whole lot closer as a matter of fact it looks like the ball went over the upright it looks like if it would have gone inside it would have hit it good thing he got some elevation on that ball or it might have it might have hit the upright and bounced back out and i would not have wanted to be rich carlos and walk over to the sidelines and have to face dan reeves if he misses that field goal i don't think i'd want to face dan reeves at halftime whomever i was it's been it's been a terrible week for dan as well we saw him yesterday he preceded the team in here in fact his his father is ill in georgia and he left denver early to spend a day with his dad who's hailing and we wish him well on his road to recovery so dan came in ahead of the team this nightmare first half for denver very close family ed reeds suffered a stroke and now recovering down in albany georgia on time instead they take it to the five yard line and taken there by albert bentley and bentley has a pass and carlos is the man who trips him up as he takes it out to the 44-yard line fireless making the tackle that's the problem when you line everyone up to one side of the field giving it that onside kick look and then if the return man makes a move to the other side of the field as bentley did that time where's your coverage team they're all on one half of the field and the guy running the football happens to choose the other this came within that much have been six points i'm wondering if they didn't miss a signal there because they lined up as if it was going to be an onside kick and you saw carla shaking his head as he went to the bench well carlos saves a touchdown the only guy who had any shot at it was randy robbins number 48. he might have been able to catch bentley now the calls have two time halfs remaining and the emphasis want to utilize those for the 45-yard line they're not content to sit on the lead they're going for more puzzle makes the catch and that's a first down at the 40-yard line booze is the chance of the crowd with 41 seconds to play in the half keep in mind indianapolis is doing something else here this is the maturation of chandler the quarterback as well this is valuable experience for him only a rookie and they've got viasucci remember who's as good as they come to kick field goals so they're almost within range taylor for virgin touchdown the speed man bourdain his first pass of the night he beats jeremiah castillo and the colts have just established a franchise record for most points and a half we didn't just beat him he just obliterated him blew right by man what a strong arm displayed by chandler dead in stride some 55 yards in the air castile here locked up on man coverage all the way and clarence verdan the fastest of the bolt wide receivers a simple fly pattern nothing more than dependent upon a good pass from your quarterback and chris chandler delivered that time and i don't know quite how to describe what we're witnessing here with this extra point this would be 55 points in the first half 45 of them for indianapolis that makes it 45-10 that's the problem great protection for chandler and for dan again we've talked about it the speed on the outside just a straight fly pattern and jeremiah castile does not stay with him this is kind of like the way you draw it up with the x's and the o's except the x's don't move they just stay in one spot and the o's do exactly what they're supposed to do right off the chalkboard for indianapolis an incredible first half well we'll have an entire second half to diagnose the denver broncos and where they go from here we are going to be busy diagnosing but they have major defensive problems now again this guy joe collier is their defensive coordinator he doesn't have carl mecklenburg at his disposal tonight but still i think over the last couple of years denver's weaknesses defensively have really been exploited by other people and they start with not being big enough and physical enough have to say that finishing as high as denver has for the past four years drafting as low as they have they have not been able to get that big man they have not been able to get the great outstanding players because they've been drafting way down there 26 27 27 is tough we're flirting with offensive greatness here in the first half just be curious to see what they do with dickerson in the second half at 83 green bay was that a monday night game yes it was against the redskins that's right i remember that kenny bell from the seven yard line three flags make it four all the flags after the 38-yard line tackled by steve bryant and i think you see the frustration starting to surface on dan reeves i think he's trying to say that one of the cults turned his back and that's why illegal block number 95 on the return first down see a lot of times a coverage player can turn his back when he senses a block coming and that way he can draw the foul the flag that time is thrown on steve bryant let's see if we can take a look at it right there at the bottom of your screen see number 95 steve bryan against john holt i believe dan that's number 21 john holt that he gets buried clearly a good call whether or not holt turned his back and drew the block is relatively inconsequential [Applause] after the 35-yard line and that's the end of a green first half for indianapolis a complete treat for the colts and a bad trek for denver on halloween night at the hoosier dome halftime 45-10 indianapolis will return to the hoosier domain for this message from the national football league to work from your local station here for elway and the broncos totally and completely 45-10 indianapolis on top and they will get the ball to start the second half bentley fields at the one and brings it back out to the 22-yard line stop there by bruce fosterman this abc sports exclusive is being brought to you by dodge cars and trucks on the street or off the road it's the new spirit of dodge by delta airlines we love to fly and it shows and by bud light everything else is just a light colts at their own 22-yard line after a 45 point first half the rookie out of washington rick sandler third round draft joint starts over from the 22. dickerson with four touchdowns the goal running back eric's first carry of the second half is another jam a first down and out of bounds he goes after a pickup of close to 16 and a flag is thrown and look at eric that was charlie waters he was saying hello to over there long time great defensive back for the cowboys and that's how he got outside someone at the point of attack was guilty of holding might have been the tight end number 64. offense first down it was the right guard we have one question answered right away as to how they're going to use dickerson i think they're probably just going to stay with their ordinary game plan even though they lead 45 to 10. pick it with a young quarterback they want to work this young quarterback he is their future they feel so they don't want to get merciful with somebody who can really use the on-the-job training first and 20 from the 12. this is bentley and he's tackled by hardened pardon came up from the secondary pardon last week he was one of the few bronco defenders who had a good day the problem is when your free safety makes a lot of tackles you know you're having a bad day defensively mike harden one of the hardest hitting defensive backs in the league i think all of us remember the head he put on steve largent earlier in the season it drew a fine from the commissioner but mike harden a clean ball player all of us remember the hit that beau jackson put on a pardon last year they ran over and threw him for a touchdown boat was back yesterday stomping around huh sometimes you give it sometimes you receive it second and 18 from the 14 yard line pump fake and then the open man is found at the 31-yard line making the catch there is matt bouza short of the first down by a yard it'll be third and one boy another sign of maturity on the part of chandler he was looking all the way to brooks who ran a square out and down he ran it right into a zone defense he was not open and chandler did not panic looked off found the secondary receiver and gets the first down out of it you'll see it right here now he is looking to the square out and down brooks you'll see him come into the view and they pick up brooks he checks off right there and buzzer wide open good work for the youngster still the key to that play he had seven seconds to throw the football shotgun now here's hoga boom or as they see wishbone and not the shotgun as wandsley carries for a first down to the 33-yard line and if you joined us late this is a formation used by indianapolis last week against san diego in fact the only touchdown of the game was scored out of the the wishbone formation and tonight they went to it early and with some frequency in the first half i would have to think that the only guy that would be overly thrilled about this formation would be eric dickerson i mean he's certainly made it well known over the course of his career that he'd prefer to take the football out of that tailback position dickerson swings to the outside doesn't matter where he takes it or how he gets to the 50-yard line i don't think he minds it as long as they don't use it as a base formation actually this week he said it's not bad because it's unique and it's different it gives them some more options well look what they did with it that time i mean they didn't run it like a classic wishbone in the sense watch dickerson gain depth and when he takes that pitch he's still a good six yards behind the line of scrimmage so they're lining up in the shotgun i mean in the wishbone now you got me starting with shotgun they line up in the wishbone but really in essence they're getting dickerson the same way they'd give it to him if he was in the eye who's that baltimore denver i think it's indianapolis all right out of the shotgun from the 50. first and 10. bentley looking for a first down and he gets it out of bounds he goes at the 38-yard line jane is 12 with 11 43 to play in the third quarter dennis smith just off the injured list coming up to make the tackle came back from a severely pulled hamstring dennis had a tough year last year up with a broken arm had all kinds of problems missed all the six games and he just come off missing four with the hamstring pull to the bronco 38 yard line opening drive second half 45-10 indianapolis [Music] and chandler goes to the right side and winds up hitting the tight end mark foyer who is pushed out of bounds at the 33-yard line after a gain of five it'll be second and five you really have to be impressed with chris chandler i think i think he has just operated admirably tonight he's been under control of course he's got the big lead early which is a plus but still he's thrown the ball with authority he runs a good huddle that's one of the things that indianapolis coaching staff likes about chandler is the fact that he's a very aggressive and very intelligent young man i want to tell you a little story about their playbook after this play second and four from the 32 bentley it's across the 30. it'll be third down and one talking to jim irsay today the general manager of the colts and he was telling me a story about chris chandler he had a hold out about a week and a half long before he reported a training camp and his first day in camp they said i don't even say well it's going to be a long road to get you back into where you know what's going on here and they start going through some things and here he had memorized the entire cult playbook and when they give the psychological testing to the rookie chandler had scored higher than anyone the colts had ever tested before the only thing he hasn't memorized to this point is the wishbone because here's pogba move back into running on third down and one off the fake he keeps and he looks like an oklahoma sooner as he takes it to the 27. you know it's surprising that they don't use chris chandler as the wishbone quarterback because he's a fine athlete even though he didn't run that much of it when he was at washington they didn't run any but in in high school ever at washington high school he was he lettered in baseball he led it in basketball track was on the golf team superb athlete you know when gary hoganboom had those exciting years in dallas i don't think he envisioned his career coming down to running out on the field to run the wishbone though i don't think he envisioned it in indianapolis indianapolis averaging averaging a first down every first down 11.6 yards from a 27. it is batted and then caught by a lineman at the 30-yard line and that's an automatic penalty as ray donaldson makes the catch but after it was batted very marked by signaling the deflection from walt voyer there's no foul in the play the ball was tipped there's no foul second down as long as it's tipped then you get away with it but that's an ineligible receiver if that ball is not touched that's going to draw the flag smart play there pick up the flag move on loss of three as it turns out here it is again greg craig in the nose tackle the guy with the blocks second and thirteen here's dickerson and he's wrapped up by kragen after a pickup of two indianapolis has had the ball for the entire third quarter to this point 9 25 to play in the period they lead 45-10 [Music] third down long yardage they're going to change up from their four down linemen go into their nickel package and this is still not a bad time we have an eric dickerson one thing you can do even in this situation you can run an eric dickerson he's that kind of weapon third and ten victors set back and they do run him and he exploits the hole and he gets to the 12 for a first down simple trap block when denver is thinking past third down and long yardage when you have this kind of weapon just slide it to him good looking play that time the right side of the indianapolis line shows pass watch 64-65 button patton set up and then chris hinton the left tackle pulls on the trap and that kind of a blocking scheme thoroughly confuses denver and dickerson just explodes through that huge hole you don't do it unless you have somebody like a dickerson a herschel walker the cowboys love to do it what acceleration i mean first and ten at the 12. [Music] bentley is the running back it's dropped by chandler he picks it up and then he gets tackled by ryan back at the 14-yard line loss of a couple will be second and 12 and the colts taking the opening kickoff here and they have now had the ball for almost half of the period ray donaldson the all-pro center puts it right into the hands of chris chandler that's the quarterback's responsibility to control the football once the center gets it to that point a little improvisation doesn't go anywhere jim ryan played it well second and twelve from just inside the 14-yard line donaldson one of six pokes to go to the pro bowl last year [Music] on that same play that they ran with dickerson a moment ago he takes it to the 10-yard line it'll be third down and seven was 7 15 to play in the third quarter and we touched on bentley earlier a year ago before dickerson came just one year ago today he was the man he running back for these cults and he was on a good roll he had was heading for about a 1500 yard season they bring harry dickerson in that's the end of that role but he's handled it so well and a real tribute to the character of this young man tough to do and you know you can do it also to sit back and subordinate your own desires now out of the shotgun on third and seventh from the 10. goes out into the pattern and then it's batted and incomplete trying to throw it over the middle and i believe it was shawn knight who was in his face number 99 fourth down and seven and i think chris chandler is still feeling the after effects of that hit that's when he held that ball to the last moment and he's he's still smarting from that shot here's a good look at it right here that's jim ryan number 50 and chandler might have waited just a half a count too long ryan is already into his body before he starts his throwing motion that ball had nothing on it at all pretty classy ryan though he pulled up on that one let him out of the grass viasuchi now a 27-yard field goal attempt starting to hold and the kick is good so they have the ball for the first eight minutes 26 seconds of the third quarter and indianapolis now leads 48 to 10. that's good everywhere works the boot the field hotels whole thing neem via sushi kicking off something he has done with great frequency tonight it's a penalty as indianapolis was offside so this is a free run back for jason johnson that he takes it to the 32 and one of the colts came across the 35-yard line before biasy put it in the air offside against indianapolis denver's going to get the ball for the first time in the second half and the clock is already down to just 6 26 left in the period long indianapolis drive which culminates in a field goal by misushi number 47 of the kicking team penalty declined first down timeout that's freddie robinson 6-2-6 to play third quarter at the hoosier dome there's a vacancy they are out in force in indianapolis on what's been a real holiday in this town halloween night and their team leading 48-10 is sammy weiner on denver's first offensive play of the second half takes the ball out to the 36 yard line who dad another end zone 60 000 of these masks they produce here in indianapolis they've been planning this for months we have been hearing about it but what a festive occasion stained with glasses so we can see that's without the bridge work second and five denver from the 36 yard line and elway throws over the middle and the teal makes the catch and is close to a first down as he gets to the 42 and the euchre seats [Music] they haven't given up haven't that gift for due i don't think i don't know how long this game could last but i'll never get used to seeing those those mess i've seen i've seen you in that position before that's many times that's the position of the denver game plan right now too upside down broncos from the 42-yard line [Applause] and a one-handed catch is made but for no gain by clarence cave all sports loose but well after the play and joe klecko hurt his knee joe klecko one of the guys in rushing the passer and he got it from the side and there he gets up but you can see he's hobbling a little bit joe one of the guys back in the backfield that forced john elway out of the pocket what a pointy piece we had at halftime joe pleco talking about it saying he did never want you never want to leave this game because of his knee and two major reconstruction surgeries the jets asked him to report retire said he couldn't continue medically he came out here that's the physical has tried to play but nobody knows better than joe klecko when that knee is hurt and he didn't hesitate started to go back to the line of scrimmage but then came over the sidelines the thing is you get to this point and it doesn't take as much to reinjure it you're missing components in there it doesn't take much to hurt it more second to nine inside handoff goes to the seal he has the first down and a lot more and he is bumped out of bounds at the 28-yard line by mike pryor ricky matteel on the end around with 410 to play in the third quarter broncos on the move first down at the 28th after a 29-yard pickup so the colts 38 points to the good here and on their way to their third consecutive victory in a four and five overall mark nothing more than a simple underneath handoff almost the entire bronco offensive line pulled to their you can right that gerald perry was clear across field out in front of ricky natiel colt's playing it a little soft right now elway with a very deep drop even deeper now and then throws and completes it to k and he's tackled at the 23-yard line there'll be a denver holding on that play though and i think we all could see it and that hurt john elway all right every time he goes to the left the ankle injury is on the inside right the pain is in that ankle you really have to admire his courageousness tonight i mean this is a game that maybe he shouldn't even should not have even played and yet i think it's a statement to what kind of guy he is that he is playing number 66 office first down you can see him in the lower left of your screen he's attempting to block on john hand i believe and there's number 50 dwayne vickett jerry is working on biket and you can see he's got his jersey and just about anything else he can find gerald perry the left guard is working on john hand and looks like he could have been flagged as well flecko is back in the game there's joe lining up at nose tackle cruise that knee brace down one more time after the penalty first and 20 from the 38-yard line elway rifles one from the seal a little bit too high for ricky who was covered well on the play it'll be second down and 20. as far as the broncos are concerned right now the best thing going for denver is the fact they're playing in what's turned out to be at this point the weakest division in the nfl the afc west with seattle on top seattle will be the only team above 500 four denver and the raiders would each be four and five and then san diego and kansas city so the bad news of course two straight devastating losses the good news is that only one game out of first and with that in mind i think the utmost thing to denver tonight looking at this stage of the game is that elway has to survive second and 20 in here we're going to have another procedure called it was juriga who's already been called twice for holding tonight who comes up out of his stance before the snap they were going with what they call their silence count number 66 offense silence count and they do it by code between the center and elway and just didn't wasn't in on the code talking about the division the afc west the odd thing is in a 10-year period 78-87 the afc west was the best of the divisions when they played out of division foes at 5.86 and after this play we'll show you how they have done this year a marked turnaround second and 25 after the penalty elway under throws matilde it'll be third down and 25. the afc west this season when they played out of division foes again there it was over a 10-year span coming into this season they were the best and then this year on the right a 225 percentage by far the worst and last sunday every afc team every afc west team played outside the division and lost as did all of the nfc central teams yesterday oddly enough including chicago and minnesota third and 25. and he throws that one behind mark jackson and there's a fight that breaks out at the 40-yard line ezra johnson and perry all involved with john hand [Music] this is more often than not the time in a football game where you're going to see tempers get out of hand the denver broncos two times they have won the afc championship the last two years i mean you don't need me to tell you that this is a team with a great deal of pride and here they are getting their noses rubbed in it 48 to 10. i don't think anyone can blame anyone on a blue helmet tonight for being a little hostile with what's happening if you've got any pride you're going to fight back kick he angles it for the near side and a fair catch is made and a penalty flag is thrown mike fryer makes the fair catch at the nine yard line and the flag went down back up at the 20. a lot of penalties like even the officials are getting a little hostile 308 to go third quarter bolts on top 48 to 10. chandler ready to move the offense but first let's see about the call well it looks like it's going to be against indianapolis by where the colts are going to set up their huddle now there seems to be some confusion the colts were all the way back towards their end zone to set up a huddle and jerry mark wright is trying to get it sorted out face mask fall number 38 kicking team first down time out after all that plumber 308 to go in the third and chardonnay on the right or that pup has got a commercial she's doing all right dry sack stands up to the ice from the 15. albert bentley after the 17-yard line something to do with carpet cleaning yeah right in a major way which leads me into this nightline promo tonight campaign 88 whether it could be done for the night second down and seven we could be also 48 to 10 we know you are that's the 18. flings it to bentley and bentley takes it to the 21-yard line every third and four randy robbins in on the tackle bentley will have a chance to be busy tonight we talked about him earlier fine running back good receiver too they used him that way when they had the opportunity to put the two together but he had to take the back seat and eric dickerson came a year ago and he's handled it very well tough it's tough to do that i wonder how often jim irsay's phone has been bringing inquiring as to the status of albert bentley whether or not the colts might be interested to trade him there's jim irsay the general manager of the colt you'd have to think that there are some teams in this league that could use an albert bentley as their primary guy sitting by two phones as we speak third down and four for a first down so the rookie out of washington improvises finds his man and they keep the ball have it out of the 35 yard line first down he's growing up we've told you that he's a fine athlete has scrambled well in the past has done so on several occasions here tonight so much for dickerson being done for the night he's back in there and he's back in there because they're going to bring hoga boom into the game and maybe run a little wishbone here for a while how serious do you think ron meyer is with this wishbone and you know what they're doing there's willy tullis how serious is he that's a cornerback willie tullis who's gonna be the quarterback he ran some wishbone in college and they had him practicing as he gives to wanderley last week he had hoped to come into the game last week in san diego but didn't and here's meyer giving him his chance in prime time one play in primetime but he was a quarterback at troy state all those many years ago eight to be exact and a good running back when he first came into the league he was a excellent return man [Music] how great is this my moment in the sun yeah will they tell us he says hey coach what's my quarterback rating right now if i was going to play quarterback in this league i'd like to do it with a 48-10 lead yeah barry dickerson behind me second down at eight from the 38 yard line for a first down by mark boyer he takes the ball into denver territory to the 47-yard line and the waning seconds of the third quarter how great is that for tulas though can always say he played quarterback on monday night football you look at denver and the problems they're having i'll tell you it's tough coming up they got kansas city at home then they have cleveland they have new orleans they have the rams the raiders seattle they also have new england for their grand prospects there's willie all smiles he's thinking about applying for a scholarship at oklahoma fourth quarter coming up 48-10 back after this message about an upcoming show on abc and a word from your local station so we start the fourth quarter in indianapolis foxworth is here noted author howard the duck yeah first and ten from the 47-yard line here's bentley and simon fletcher helps to run him out of bounds near the 41. indianapolis on top 48 to 10 exploding early and often and there is uh nfl management council right next year's monday night crew there it is oh no that's an interesting montage that's right thank you thank you for making everyone ill with that last shot we're going to eat there after the game you know second and three at the 40. bentley and he gives it to verdan and verdan gets a block and runs out of bounds at the 33 yard line after picking up a first down ruling jones and it's the first time we've called his name tonight ran him out of bounds one thing about clarence once he got towards the sidelines at 5-8-163 you notice that he plans on playing in this league for a while he stepped right out rather than trying to challenge rueland jones hardly fault him for that decision came from the redskins kind of ideal they liked that size indianapolis was able to make a trade in the offseason for vadam he really represents what speeds they have on the outside that's the 33-yard line fakes the bentley chandler takes off and slides down at the 25-yard line a little bit short of the first down [Music] sally went down just to keep that clock moving he could have run out of bounds stop the clock and he went down just right at the sidelines and stopped the clock well ucla will try to rebound second and three at the at the 25 yard line and it's pogable running that option again michael brooks hit on the tackle it'll be third down and two this is crazy we begin at any age here in indianapolis even our cameramen get into the act get through four touchdowns yesterday yes i've gotten a few letters reminding me that michigan has not yet won the road they still have to play what illinois i guess minnesota ohio state on third and two george wensley is short of the first down and it means we'll possibly take a look at viasucci even though the crowd wants indianapolis to go for it they look over toward the sideline and they will go for it on fourth down in the yard at the 24 yard line why not go for it the way the indianapolis offensive line has dominated this football game it doesn't look like a yard is going to be all that tough to pick up the way they've been manhandling the denver front seven not when you have a 29 in there out of the wishbone fourth and a short two option bentley first down and a first and goal to the five oh that was pretty i i really have mixed emotions here do we praise the indianapolis colts for playing a superb football game which of course they have but can you do that without at the same time noting the disintegration of the afc champions i mean the denver broncos aren't even here tonight and it's not just tonight we'll go back the last three games they gave up 246 yards 5.1 average against san francisco rushing atlantic had 174 in the ground pittsburgh 256. and a touchdown for bentley you can't let a team totally dominate you on the ground as the broncos have certainly the last three games throughout the entire first half of the season bentley taking it in with 11 49 to play in the game and dean villasuchi to boot it through and dan reeves will take the flight home with his team tonight trying to regroup with the tough two games coming up yep next week kansas city goes to mile high but then they've got cleveland at new orleans and the rams back to back to back i know last week the broncos didn't even watch the films of their defeat by the steelers heaven knows what they'll do with these films well that touchdown has turned the hoosier dome into a giant primal scream room i love it halloween and that means a plethora of elviras we have the original yep elvira's new movie elvira mistress of the dark coming to a theater near you 55 sand colts taken by jason johnson and he brings the ball back out to the 23-yard line 55 points for andy tonight most points ever scored by one team in a monday night football game 55-10 and it's the most points scored by any team in the nfl this season and we still have 11 38 to play [Music] what a night for indianapolis so they've turned it loose in every way everybody in the city has gotten behind this promotion is one way to put it for tonight spectacular in every way flew in sandy patty she playing the national anthem great singer gary kubiak is now the quarterback with elway back on the bench and johnson makes the catch out at the 32 the folks here of course are hoping that uh the 1992 super bowl will be awarded to indianapolis the nfl has said they will play it in a northern tier city in january of 92 meaning either seattle minneapolis indianapolis or pontiac michigan the home of the lions one of those four and one of the things you have to prove to the nfl is that you can pull off a big deal and they have certainly done that here tonight of course they've done it in the past with the pan am games that were here in 87. do it every year with the indy 500 yeah that's only 400 000 people second and one kubiak throws over the middle and the cash is made by winder in the first down out at the 41. it is a sports-minded sports crazy city really and they've they've done a lot of things here through the years they built market square arena now the home of the pacers and of course the hoosier dome they built fish before they even had a football team they built it in hopes of getting a football that took some guts didn't oh boy and of course the tremendous amateur sports facilities there are towns that won't build a stadium with football teams yeah that's right much less this city that build it on the upcoming at the 41-yard line no game there for sammy weiner and they were telling me today if the time comes when they can get a major league baseball team they're prepared to build another stadium for baseball yeah because this building is strictly a football building it's adjacent to their convention center so they use the floor space for other things but this building is not large enough floor space to accommodate a baseball city india's pro baseball they've had a good minor league team here a good franchise they've grown a lot of people for a minor league operation through the years of course if you talk about major league baseball franchise you've got to talk about denver as well don't absolutely tops a lot of lit second down and 11 from the 40-yard line and the pop is made on the teal by eugene daniels out of the 44-yard line nice job that time by ricky holding on to the ball eugene really came up and stamped him something tells me frank you've been in this position although i'm sure never by this large of a deficit but oh i heard that it has to hurt a little bit more when you get hit that hard i was thinking back to a pittsburgh steeler game 62-7 i think we lost that one it all hurts but you're right it hurts a lot more when you're down by 30-40 points third down and six with the 45-yard line and kubiak hits school he has a first down as he's tackled at the indianapolis 45 with under nine minutes now to play [Music] he was a kid when we started colts stay home this week and [Music] they'll be taking on the new york jets yeah in a game that he didn't come on no broom [Music] [Music] stay at home jets come in here next week indianapolis will be four and five after this victory the game and a half behind the jets who are in second place kobe aqua mckeos fingertips second down [Music] this has this has been a nightmare that's the front view of the boss man has his little horseshoes on his cheek looking up at the monitor here in the stadium realizing he's made it where i'm not sure but he's made it his way andy world said it right let's look around go to a monday night game you get about five seconds second ten vance johnson to the 38 yard line it'll be third and about three abc's monday night football we pause five seconds to allow our local stations to identify themselves midnight in indianapolis with 7.55 remaining in the game 55 to 10. on third and three kubiak the winder we've got flags all over the place three flags thrown on two distinct occasions so there should be a couple of penalties here very mark right we have offsetting power illegal contact file number 37 defense an eligible receiver down field in the past 57 offense penalties offset third down send money well maybe dickerson's making all they have to give or freddie young went up there pretty high right a lot of interest in what's happening downfield when's the last time you saw professional players naming around they could send money third down and two from the 37 yard line kubiak tay can't hold on we'll be fourth down i guess it's easier when you don't have the ncaa to contend with you can blatantly ask for somebody right just happy have to be bizarre costumes tonight yep about eight weeks too early up there where that woodwork goes on and on doesn't it after the play was over penalties offset fourth down well you've got carts and thompson and jerry glanville's tickets were left several weeks ago and he finally showed up [Music] and we'll see glanville next week and the houston oilers at home will probably see this guy too right against cleveland on monday night football fourth and two and they give it to school on the inside handoff and sewell gets inside the 15 and is bumped out of bounds at the 12-yard line by eugene daniel is that your buddy david cohen absolutely the erstwhile journalist right there and his ghost rider so to speak yes everyone in indianapolis is proud tonight denver at the colts 12-yard line 6 56 to play 55-10 indianapolis and of all things a time-out kubiak knowing we were behind on commercials with 6 56 to play we'll be right back we're out of control totally [Music] indianapolis the hoosier dome all colts from the very beginning dickerson scoring three touchdowns in the first quarter alone and indianapolis routing denver 6 56 to go in the game 55-10 colts first and 10. denver at the 12. kubiak hits school and he gets tackled in bounds at the seven yard line after a gain of about five interesting play on psychology tonight as far as the fans are concerned i think of course they were partisan fans for the colts but they came ready for a real contest they were stoked up they were fired up they got about two minutes of it and they looked down there and all of a sudden realized this thing as we did was out of control and they have set quietly silently and now they have started to disappear i think the magnitude of this victory has surprised us all but we all watched the tapes of how denver played last week none of us are surprised that indianapolis has won this game for them second down and five the surprising thing though is that a team can play like denver has two weeks in a row kubiak throwing into the end zone for a touchdown to vance johnson so denver adding six more and maybe a seven the funny thing dan is that when the team plays as poorly as denver did last week normally you rebound you don't see back-to-back clunkers like this very often from a good team after you've been blasted by dan reeves who is relatively quiet said it's the worst exhibition that he had seen in a long time i think it's how he praised it john elway told us last night he said hey we've had a real good week of practice we feel like we did last year after they were beaten by buffalo they played their worst game of the year against buffalo and mid-season as carlos's extra point is missed and doesn't matter and then they rebounded last year with that tremendous monday night win over chicago and that really got him started on the way back to the super bowl and they thought they were in the same relative position now but that's not the case a look at the touchdown pass kubiak just floats left vance johnson good pattern too late [Music] denver lined up for an onside kick and loose ball who's got it they've got it denver so with 601 remaining in the game and indianapolis leading 55-16 tim lucas recovers the onside kick and denver will keep the football when we come back something that would be the termination of one el michael knock it off denver at the 46 yard line the first and ten wrecking the deal he's looking to pass sends it back to kubiak the other way right off the street it's incomplete second and ten i think i would have saved that yeah i think i might have saved it as well i'm dying we have been picked clean well what do we have to look forward to now i think it's time for denver to go to the bone they might go to the wishbone how about cleveland and houston next week second and ten from the 45 rounds and oilers from the astrodome next monday kubiak he runs out of bounds as he crosses the 50 and that stops the clock with 5 47 to play in the game matrodia to beverly hills eatery frank frank's out here it's you and me dan frank come back i looked at my oig and there was a red eye how many of you watched that game last night in houston washington houston is back also how many uh how many helmets does houston put on a ball carrier do they have a swarming defense or what they get to the football and of course the browns beat the bengals yesterday the dogs did they play defense had their day and both quarterback stealthy again cozar and moon shovel pass to stool and sewell staying in bounds and going all the way for a touchdown steve sewell with a little shovel pass moving in on overtime 48 yards and so the onside kick is successful they go in for the score they'll i'm sure try another on sidekick with 5 39 to play in the game this becomes kind of like a practice try a lot of things that you don't really work on in the heat of the contest i guess maybe that's the way denver is looking at it those aren't masks [Music] all right unless you missed the last extra point hits this one to make it 55 to 23. so if you made it over and under bed at 77 you've just made it something to keep in mind is that this telecast is presented by the authority of the national football league it is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or any other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the national football league is sort of this is strictly prohibited there's a lawyer who wrote that giddy residually i don't know if he did he'd be doing all right bring up today transactions in october in the nfl i think most of you know about mark gastineau and his retirement bernie kozar of course has been activated again and we'll see him next monday quad rivers went on injured reserve and to the dave deirdre placed on waivers by the cardinals finally realized he wasn't coming back at least they had the decency to move before they did it another on-site attempt this morning and he's tackled by carlos at the five yard line oh and then carlos goes in for another shot there's a little flaw in that and pat beach figured it out he saw it once before everyone lined up outside of him well the key here is if you're the kicking team you have to let it go 10 yards before you can touch the ball if you're the receiving team you don't have to let it go 10 yards you can go take it right off the tee if you're quick enough that beats he had planned that all the way there's a good look at it from high above carlos trying to time it out that ball goes about six yards before pat just helps himself and old rich goes in for a mugging yeah his second tackle of the night he may be their leading tackler tonight at the sixth first and ten pogo boom and this time not in the wishbone in a more conventional set from the six-yard line and he gives it to bentley hogable was tripping as he gave the ball away to bentley both men go down loss of a couple 5 20 to go in the game pogba might have been stepped on as he pulled away from the center you know the one thing about this is what would we have done if this wouldn't have been halloween good point [Music] they've been hurting in a way now we need to look for an inflated pumpkin in about 43 fights in the stands that's what happened the last time we had one of these serious for this man deadly very concerned he was so concerned after last week but he's been concerned for a couple of years trying to make a bigger football team hard to do when you're finishing as high and then drafting solo and now he's even more concerned but it's not banned up they send eric dickerson back into the game on third down and goal they figured dickerson has scored four touchdowns tonight and they may give him a chance for a fifth and what are they going to do they're going to call a timeout that's what they're going to do the clock was ticking down they were going to get hit with a delay well the colts are dangerously thin at the running back position they only have three on their roster with bentley wansley and dickerson it's not like they have a wealth of running backs [Music] out here dickerson with four touchdowns in the game tying a close record and may get a chance for yet one more on a third and goal and the new york city marathon always key on eric he does attract attention hoga boom stays in the game and up they come in the wishbone on third and goal from the eighth and then they hand it off to wandsley who takes it to the four-yard line so it'll be fourth down and goal with under four minutes to play crowd wants them to go for it they obviously will here with a 32 point lead dickerson was the decoy last time for ron meyer i wonder if he's brave enough to do that again on fourth down you have to give it to this guy and give him a chance to get number five i waited a long time to bring him in i think they probably just got word from up above perhaps that he had a chance for the record fourth and goal from before and instead it's wandly and he goes nowhere and they turn the ball over on down so denver takes over at its own four yard line with three minutes and 13 seconds to play and the colts will come up just short unless they get the ball back and score of the most points in kohl's history 58 baltimore against buffalo in 1976 most points the broncos have ever given up 59 to the chiefs all the way back in 1963. and they have been flirting with that [Music] from the four yard line kubiak sewell after the eight yard line but there was a flag before the inception of the play before the snap tell us gary ball starts number 72 offense the play does not count first down again first down at the 5-yard line 307 to go 55-23 indianapolis dan reeves taking his head long trip home and that turned it all regrouped similar to the expression we saw in his base in san diego last january 31st kubiak runs it after the nine yard line and we can tell you the executive producer of monday night football is jeffrey mason tonight's game is produced by ken wolf we're going to try to get a shot of kenny in the stands in just a moment directed by craig janoff our technical director joey chavo associate director ben harvey rob binder our halftime producer emily deutsch our halftime associate producer second down and five from the nine yard line and kubiak takes it to the 18 yard line and that's a first down and that will take us to the two-minute warning two minutes to go in indianapolis where the colts lead the broncos 55-23 two minutes to go in indianapolis 55-23 the remnants of this big crowd remaining big night for the colts and the big night for the franchise their first ever monday night appearance at home takes the pass and takes it out to the 35-yard line all right chris he's got an idol so much for deardrorf on waivers huh what a fabulous football player he is man six pro bowls and he's got four and he takes it out to the 37-yard line and we can tell you uh there's kenny wolf we've promised you a shot of them our technical manager bill freeberger unit manager ed mckenna frank seeger bruce clark joe castellano marcumento on our crew our research and information is always from steve hurt and up in the booth george hill of the palouse and malibu kelly hayes neighbor of dickerson we thank you folks he lives in his carriage house doesn't it big night for dickerson big night for the colts [Music] and why not unfortunately he's been playing that since the first quarter that's that's when the colts played taps on the broncos they put them away early with a tap dance on them fumble i do believe denver has recovered well they're going to rule it down i believe or they recovered take your pick who knows they're going to keep it and this guy turned in a game effort tonight he came in here hurt maybe shouldn't have played it was obvious to watch him that he was trying to do what he used to be able to do but couldn't do it tonight and another three flags even mark wright's discussion at this point number 66 offense third down don't even say his name oh you're right but his initial but his initials are j j and he has had a tough night [Music] so was he there's more to come i'm going to miss these masks i know about you guys but i've grown fond of them koviak or jason johnson i mean how many novelty shops in costume houses well how would you be in that well how would you like to be someone who specialized in having halloween garb here in indianapolis i mean this had to be a banner week [Applause] crowd with one final elway stand even though kubiak's in the game as johnson makes the catch out at the 46-yard line and a first down so ron meyer who watched his team go one and five now watches them win three straight four and five and a chance to get to the 500 mark this sunday when the new york jets visit the teal with 10 seconds to play in the game ricky makes the catch and denver takes a timeout the broncos take a time out take command early score often and there they were the montage of dickerson touchdown kubiak on what should be the final play of the game throws a hail mary incomplete and that will do it so for the first time ever monday night football comes to indiana and the colts make it very much a night for the home folks to remember and for us to remember and remember i'll see you guys in houston maybe once again the final score indianapolis 55 denver 23. and we can tell you that coming up standardly on abc's college football troy aikman and the ucla bruins will take on oregon some of you will see the golden gophers of minnesota battling the michigan wolverines check your local listings for the game in your area and then sunday on abc sports over 22 000 runners compete in the world's largest rate the new york city marathon tonight on nightline campaign 88 whether bush or dukakis how much difference can a new president really make if greenfield talks with two men who wanted to be elected president this year his guests are senator albert gore and congressman jack kevin now michaels frank gifford dan deardorff good night from indianapolis
Channel: Sports !
Views: 4,740
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Id: 93JMgqbcMiQ
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Length: 159min 23sec (9563 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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