1987 07 18 NBC GOW Cubs at Giants

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and while he was out of the lineup the Cubs were really hurting but he homered in its return and he 100% Andre Dawson has recovered from what could have been a serious beating against San Diego and he has got his all-star stroke back [Music] talking about all-stars Atlee hammaker served up a grand slam in the all-star game in 84 when he had a bad arm he does not have a bad arm now the Hartley Abel's her back the Giants and the cow [Music] the National Broadcasting Company now in its seventh decade of bringing you baseball's memories baseball's milestones baseball's majesty and baseball's magical moments [Music] NBC sports proudly presents the major league baseball game of the week today from Candlestick Park the Chicago Cubs versus the San Francisco Giants the game of the week is brought to you by Miller Brewing Company sole sponsor of the US Olympic Training Center by the heartbeat of America today Chevy trucks by Northwest Airlines look who gives you more of the world from more of the USA and by ACDelco the smart part [Music] hi everybody I'm Vin Scully along with Jill Garagiola welcome to Candlestick Park the Cubs finding themselves nine games back of the cardinal Bob De Niro's out with a groin pull Jody Davis is playing on a broken toe I think they can catch the Cardinal I don't think anybody can catch the Cardinals to where they're playing cuz they can make too many runs eight they can't with that ballclub I'm not gonna go into a long slump and Dawson can't do any better in the second half that he's done in the first half Sutcliffe has given us some hope but I think the Cardinals haven't and realistically I guess as an outsider looking at the recent trade that Cubs made you might say that they were actually trading for the future when they dealt away Steve trout to the Yankees well this would be the time to do it and they did it and I couldn't agree with you more it's for the future it's for next year although they're not making a concession speeches you just have to look at the standings and you see what's happening meanwhile the San Francisco Giants made a deal among others getting Dave Brubeck Ian Craig leopards to bolster up their pitching because they still feel they have a chance for only four back of the red well they have a chance to have a better chance earlier than the Cubs to win their division but you know then reading in a paper it's almost like they need a good weatherman here they they have problems here at Candlestick problems indeed you can sum that up easily by saying this the Giants have lost 11 of the last 14 at home we'll get to the starting lineups and of all the free game stats and stories all coming up right after this [Music] here's the way the Giants will line up on defense it's Jeffrey London and a milder node ready in the outfield ready playing for the injured candy maldonado candy starts to tick some batting practice although he just used the one hand the left arm because of the broken finger he'll be out another three or four weeks Mitchell you repaid Thompson Clark in the infield Brenly is behind the plate and Hammacher is the pitcher well Hanley Hammacher to talk about him we could talk about the mound I guess as we look at it but Hammacher is four and seven he is three and seven and twelve starts and the Giants now take the field the Chicago Cubs they've won two on this road trip they've split ten games with San Francisco and they've won three out of four here at Candlestick so it's interesting the Cubs have done very well in San Francisco and the Giants have done very well in Chicago here's the lineup for the Cubs Bob De Niro Penang up in center field and ryne sandberg at second base de near suffered a groin pull Thursday night unable to play yesterday and then just a few minutes ago he is in there in center field so then Sandburg Andre Dawson in right Bryan deyette in love keep marlin at third base Manny Trillo at first with a left hander Atlee hammaker going so Leon Durham sits down Jody Davis behind the plate Paul noche will be a shortstop and Maddox the pitcher he's five and seven one and O against the Giants this year and lifetime Atlee hammaker twice has had surgery for a torn rotator cuff you might remember he was a wonderful pitcher but by the time he got to the all-star game in 1984 he had a sore arm didn't tell very many people about it insisted on pitching with the sore arm and will forever have the albatross around his neck but he served up the only grand slam home run in all-star history but those who know him know that it was more of a heroic act rather than one where he would wear the horns of a goat aha Makar trying to come back and he is four and seven oh and one against the Cubs three and four lifetime and he's lost three straight then he gives us his wife Jenny a lot of credit for coming back on his injury talking to him in the clubhouse he said that in other injuries he said I would try to do everything that everybody told me but with this it was so serious she sat him down and said look you do what the doctor tells you and that's and states with that and he's come back very very strong the big difference in him I think it's with all injuries you really appreciate what you have now and bearing down for example when helping himself feel his position holding runners on and he's coming inside to write in it is just a short time to draw Becky's over here that's influenced him so he's a little bit different pitcher and he's got four pitches now instead of food you know with all of his problems with the arm about a year ago he suddenly began to lose weight that no matter what they did they couldn't seem to stop a third thing he couldn't pitch at all so it's really nice to see you at Lima girl fight his way back over ten make it as a starting pitcher and now we'll see how he goes against the Chicago Cubs five denier who's hurting as we said with a groin pull but he's tough he doesn't want to sit it out he's hitting 369 so denier followed by Sandberg and in Dawson Jody Davis is in the lineup he's had a broken right toe and refuses to give ground so here we go little breaking ball outside ball one [Applause] two balls and no strikes the count to Bob denier and Atlee hammaker who has lost six of his last seven decisions denier at the other end of the 60 feet six inches a very hot hitter that's on point venir 19 stars is hitting over 400 and he has six three hit game so when he's hot he stays on little nubber back towards a box Hammacher picks it up Nelson denier [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that is the scouting report on athlete number 23 second baseman he had a fastball slider and now he stole a little bit of a split finger and he's changing speeds but he's just his problem is inconsistency since some days when I walk out there I just feel like a different guy I'm just not as consistent as I used to be before injuries all-star ryne sandberg coming up brown ball wide a third into the hole Basin so Sandberg who is hitting better than 290 at Candlestick Park in his career comes up and gets a base hit into left field and that will bring up Andre Dawson bill the prince bang into the cove at first base and now the big guy number eight right fielder Dawson Ray has been wearing out the Giants whether he's with Montreal or Chicago [Applause] he needs one homerun for 250 in his career he has a 10 game hitting streak he's got 20 career home runs against the Giants hammer curb watching Sandberg apply into left field coming down for it is Leonard but going out for it is Uribe and it's diving Millner but they're still going to get a forest play because there was no place for Sandburg to go and if you've never been to Candlestick that makes it official we're checking to see about Dawson at first base he thought I think the ball was caught and he's out have you ever seen a double play like this one outside of the Magic Castle at Disneyland planet recovered they're gonna get a fourth way at second and Dawson you might smile like candy maldonado welcome to candlestick no scar the first inning after a wacky beginning any Milner leading off in center field my called ready in right field and Jeff Leonard in left will Clark hitting cleanup at first Bob Brenly behind the plate Kevin Mitchell at third-base Rob Thompson at second Jose Uribe it short and Atlee hammaker the pitcher and trying to stop the Giants will be Greg Maddux 5 and 7 he beat the Giants in Wrigley Field 8 to 4 Maddux is the youngest player in the National League he's 21 years old he is the second youngest player in the major league and that's a strike to mel new eddie korea of texas his 15 days younger than Greg Maddux the Giants using a lot of leadoff men they've had 10 different leadoff men this year but of course the Giants have been wheeling and dealing they've had 38 different players wearing a giant uniform including 17 different pitches nine starters they've made 60 roster moves already this year 1 & 2 the count duet email news jean-michel saw the Cubs in a very wacky introduction here the house of the wind and if you're keeping score that double play went 7 for 3 on that play Andre Dawson evidently thinking that the ball was caught failed to go to first in fact in double-checking with the scoring because we were watching the ball the play wound up going 7 for 2 [Applause] so Andre Dawson who knows the peaks finds out all about the valleys today fouled away still wanting to it was it's not a high sky here but Uribe never did see that ball and I'll say this Milner tried don't away from centerfield there you see the clouds that help but Uribe just couldn't find it and it turned into a real Halloween play 1 & 2 the count Eddie mill knew little nubber up along first base Maddox will take care of him one away take a look at the Cubs with the leather it'll be Diana the leftfielder near is in center field a little bit of a Brian Poole has been told you so it may cut down a bit Dawson is in right field Marlon no Jean what a versatile ballplayer he's turned out to be its shortstop Sandburg trios at first base with the left-hander going Durham arrest Davison Maddox here's my called ready hitting 319 in the number two slot he one of the nine different leadoff men weld ready in 11 starts since candy Maldonado was injured is hitting 375 as he tries to pick up the slack the difference of course al dready is not a power hitter he has just one home run over that stretch and a half a dozen RBIs Maldonado prior to his injury had a dozen home runs 48 RBIs and candy was hitting over 330 ball - they're gonna put Maldonado into a special nutritional and Fitness clinic beginning Monday I believe it is and they said to be for four weeks and when they said four weeks is I don't know I'd be ready in three weeks and they're gonna take that special cast off and see if they can't get the thumb he injured it here on a game of the week on after fall in the right-field corner when he ran into the wall and you might have caught a glimpse of candy with a big grin on his face obviously enjoying the discomfort of Andre Dawson and there he is walking with that hand heavily wrapped three in one and it's ball four to my called ready [Applause] greg maddux five and seven with the league and he'll now be working on Jeff Leonard [Music] like Dawson and Sandburg a national league all-star he is such a good hitter he's gone hitless for two straight games only three times this year [Applause] aldready at first held on by Manny Trillo they're working on maddux's moved now he's got I think six bucks already so he's having some problems with that moved to first base doesn't have any trick pitches fastball curve change of speeds on his fastball the chances are we might see a block today that's hammered into right field for a base ed Dawson with that shotgun so stopping at second is already not only does Maddox have six box Hammacher has four and of course in the National League they called almost twice as many boxes they have been doing internationally Maddox leaves the major leaves in Boggs and if you were just wondering about a rather obscure record the most box by a pitcher in one season Steve Carlton at 11 two on one out in the first inning and the batter now will quite Clark had an 11-game hitting speech snapped last Thursday and interestingly enough that was the day that Davey Johnson announced the selections other than the starters for the all-star team and of course will Clark was not on that team for one and from that moment he has gone all 417 he feels he's swinging the bat but they're just not falling in he doesn't think it's anything mechanical at all he's got a positive outlook he has never done well against the Chicago Cubs even though he is a solid hitter hitting 304 against the lead the Cubs have thrown a blanket over not only this year he's hitting only 160 year he's hitting only 188 Cubs in his career two balls and no strikes the counter will fly bald ready and Leonard on the base pads with one out that's it the dead center denier a full turn to the track to make the catch and the runners at the scamper bag so Clark hits it hard and deep and the wind is blowing from right to left and it could very well have cut that ball down a little bit it's 400 to straightaway center and it plays a big part and any ball hit in the air here or if you're wondering if he's a lowball hitter that tell you something he hit the ball hard and which is what he said before the game I just got everything loved in here a full turn but easy to get out fielder and he still had some more room they have had tremendous wins high velocity winds in the San Francisco area not necessarily just a Candlestick Park it affected air traffic in the area but now it is settled down the Bob Brentley the catcher coming up brenly's hit in ten straight games I asked me about that he said if DiMaggio's listening tell him not to worry for about another week or so oh that reminds me in mentioning DiMaggio that's something I was just gonna mention along the way today you know there's making a tremendous fuss and rightfully so Don Mattingly has hit a home run in seven straight games and he set the record last night on July 17 July 17th was the day when Joe DiMaggio's 56-game hitting streak came to an end so one ended and now another memorable Yankee streak is in the books of course Joe's was 46 years ago one-on-one account to Bob Brenly Maddux on a walk and a base hit finally got Clarke for the second out two balls one strike Bob Melvin is on the disabled list a knee and ankle injury in a collision with Jack Clark Mackey Sasser was called up but it looks like bob brenly's gonna do the bulk of the work behind the plate we talked before about the Giants and all their roster moves one reason is because of the DL the Giants have had 11 players on DL [Applause] Korean one account to Bob Brenly [Music] no score bottom of the first inning we're just starting and that's hammered Wow so Maddox dodged a bullet there Brenly with nine home runs 23 RBIs sends a souvenir into the left-field corner but only a souvenir that's a favorite bath that he's used he's got about six boxes of bats atop his locker and I said then what do you do with all those bats he said decoration I only had one of the using for about a month now and that's it well that one has gotten him his ten game hitting streak three and two and a fake the runners of course will be ready to go [Applause] bill Fahey coaching at first Don Zimmer a third shepherding the runners on deck kevin mitchell runners go changes hit into left center and that's going to look for a base hit the run is over and the guy is laid goes to third Levin straight for Bob Brenly [Music] [Applause] [Music] look like the pits might have been out of the strike zone but just a straight change yeah took something off it and got it in a terrible spot that's one thing you don't want to do is throw that changeup high and you can see Tony Davis not her mr. it out there probably just settle him down say hey okay you made a mistake forget about it you still got two guys on and Fred out on Retro for the Giants to get out in front one to nothing trying to shake themselves the Giants have lost five out of six six out of 11 and even more so somewhat shockingly considering how good they played at Candlestick last year this year they've lost 11 of the last 14 their second best in the National League on the road boy they've done everything wrong at home so Roger Cressey with norm sherry his pitching coach illustrating what happened last and 11 games over 500 and this year eight names on [Music] and here is Kevin Mitchell one of the newly acquired Giants all won the big deal with Kevin Mitchell Dave drew Becky and Craig Lefferts coming from San Diego when the Giants traded away Chris Brown it was not only indication that they wanted Kevin Mitchell but they also feel secure that Matt Williams is developing nicely foul back and Jody Davis bitten by that one ball and one strike the count the giant since that trade are 5 & 6 well they've not really made any definite move Jamie Moyer throwing down in the bullpen Bob Tewksbury who's going to pitch Monday just stop throwing Tewksbury recently acquired in the Steve trout deal with the Yankee on maddux's [Music] every time I see a picture do that I wonder who do they really fake yeah right though friendly holding it first Leonard a third one nothing Giants first inning hard slider buddy miss women 2 and 1 the count to Kevin Mitchell Michell is looking for his first hit of this series over nine Kevin from San Diego and as you can see they've had 11 on the DL 60 roster moves 10 leadoff men and 9 third basemen you really need a program up here fouled away off first base and out of play and the count 2 & 2 remember the last time warp rail we were talking about how every time you change they change the park they've done the changes with the park now they're changing the players well the real collector's item here is a picture of the park and the team picture and dated that's right it's good for about maybe 20 30 minutes there are the dimensions now 335 365 and 400 so deuces wild on Kevin Mitchell two balls two strikes two out one end and Maddox is still at it he is the busiest pitcher in town he must have got a dance book from Fred Astaire or something and he just wants to practice well he's only 21 I don't blame him and as a fly ball up no to right-center do near with the shades down makes it and drops it going to third as Mitchell and the Cubs are the candlestick card it looked like he just never had that fall for sure he's looking and he's just not sure but he's not sure where he is he can fit of a stumble there get right off his fingertips and you saw his sunglasses reflecting the Sun he looked a little bit like Little Orphan Annie [Music] or denier an excellent outfielder that is his first error and what a killer instead of the third out it allows two runs to come in and you know if an outfield is gonna make his first error of the year it figures to be right here at Candlestick he might have thought he had more room for one to Rob Thompson hitting 239 Mitchell of course not getting an RBI it should have been the third out but it is three to nothing San Francisco what an inning for Chicago and there's a dunker into right-center and it makes it four to nothing well the club is this the kind of a day where you want to hold your hands up and say time let's go back to the hotel and started all over again you'd like to put the rewind button on and started over because on deep France they had as you called it venoth Disneyland inning and I mean on offense and now on defense the same thing he just gets jammed with this at all so the Giants are enjoying a slapstick first-inning and it is for two nothing San Francisco and Jose Uribe who's paid a visit to the DL coming up to the plate Uribe hitting 274 switch hitter and a very consistent one he's hitting 273 left-handed 276 right-handed interestingly enough to when Jack Clark went to st. Louis he's the only player left from that trade David Green Gary Reggie and Dave Lapointe and of course Lapointe is back up again for nothing San Francisco Uribe the eighth man to come to the plate [Applause] [Music] so first on a windblown pop fly the Cubs run into a double play and then you have denier drop a windblown fly ball and that's a three-run play as it turns out instead of the inning over one nothing Giants they're still hitting and leading for nothing and there goes the runner and it's fouled off so Rob Thompson who has stolen eight out of 12 going on the pitch and once again we'd like to remind our viewers we'll be selecting the NBC Miller light player of the game at the conclusion of the ballgame looks like he can get a pretty good jump off Maddux watch him when he comes said he almost like fingers that ball even after he's in a set position once he starts that he's gotta come to the plate I think he's been psyched to with a half a dozen blocks called on him [Applause] I mean that I think would intimidate a veteran pitcher never mind a kid you're gonna be a little more careful because you figure big brother's watching you he's made 29 pitches and it's been a long run for him [Applause] [Music] yeah Manny Trillo ryne sandberg Paul noche and keep Morlan on the infield Brian deyette Bob Danny Rand Andre Dawson in the outfield he's right on the borderline of a berkeley and he starts to throw up much before he takes a step and there goes Thomson and a pitch out is dropped by Jody Davis well I'll be now if you're I don't care if you're a professional or not you got to sit in the dugout and say you know what this might not be our day that pits out and I'm surprised Joanie tries to make a one-hand grab up now he moves he gets it out there in good shape and I'm looking here and I mean he closed that glove before the ball got there somebody's got a voodoo doll on Oh what a what a way to start we should point out though you know among other things on the 8th of July the Cubs were really down but they were home there's a drive to ride hooking foul and out of play the Cubs were trailing San Diego 7 to nothing and in one of the better comeback games of the year they turned around and got off the floor and beat San Diego 12 to 8 but again they were at home 2 & 2 the count de Jose Uribe Thompson at second base with the stolen base and Uribe trying to pick him up for nothing Giants 1st inning it's like that after you tell a joke and it goes flat and somebody always says I guess you had to be their parent well if you weren't with us in this first inning you really had to be here to and to the county or Ebay all three I really think you ought to recap it after Andre Dawson failed to run out a fly ball single comma or Nothing Giants the sportscaster uttered Riaan too and that's wack down the right-field line hooking in the corner fair ball Paige 10 years and it is 5 nothing San Francisco [Music] the Rob Thompson comes in on the double by Uribe and for jean-michel time to back up the team bus for the moment but for Bob denier he's got to be saying himself well that's great that's just terrific I make my first air of the year on national television and it opens up the Dyke [Applause] it can be a humbling game it really can Wow where's that Leehom occur who has struck out almost half the time but he does have two runs batted in in four hits he's got a good chance of putting an end of the rally yes one ball no strikes a little chopper to third Moreland and there it is friends the final out of the first inning nine men come to the plate and a Giants pickup an inning yawns have Cubs nothing you know we were talking about how the Giants won so many games at Candlestick last year and how this year they can't get on track the first inning might remind giant fans particularly how things can go their way in this ballpark because in the first inning for the Giants missed a fly ball turned it into a double play the Cubs missed the fly ball and for additional runs come over tough place it really in you concede there near was fighting that son all the way he just plain dropped it oh I see now the Cubs can come back brian deyette we'll start it off they had hitting 316 with four home runs [Music] one ball and one strike to count they had followed by Keith Moreland and n Manny Trillo [Applause] breaking ball up yet has been a very top hitter against left-handers four home runs and 13 RBIs against lefties now 2 & 2 Hammacher said before his injury that he just go out there and throw it and let it go and whatever happened happened he said now I'm just a little more conscious of the hitters and pay more attention at the meetings got a better idea yes missed so leading five nothing he goes to a full count to brian de ed leading off the inning that's been getting on base almost half the time for over a month and he's aboard and that'll go to the screen and diet jogging defers so the Cubs get another base runner in the 1st inning Sandberg singled Dawson hit a flyball at Uribe couldn't pick up the wind took it away from Milner Milner dived and got his glove on the ball and I guess from where Andre Dawson was he thought the ball was caught so he never went the 90 feet none of the ball was picked up by Rob Thompson who ran and stepped on second and threw to Bob Brenly at first base for a weird double play so now in the second with day edit first here is Keith Moreland the next home run he hits will be number 100 in his career [Applause] [Music] marlyn moved from right field a third base this year and he is played in every game however it's really been a fight for him he's committed 18 errors while trying to learn third base and Atlee hammaker now is in a jam and norm sherry going out to the mound to talk to him two balls and no strikes after walking deyette well you have to be concerned got a five run lead the name of the game now is throw strikes give somebody a chance to make a play for you not to be aiming that ball not that he looks like he is but just throw some strikes that's the concentration you know when norm sherry found out that the Giants had made the deal with San Diego he had to be happy because he was a member of the National League champion Padres team in 1984 when Dave drew Becky and Craig Lefferts pitched the Padres to the pennant though sherry now has two fellows he is really familiar with back under his wing two balls and no strikes the count to keep Marlon Brian deyette at first nobody out in the second inning five nothing Giants and he missed again Maria no the count on deck Manny Trillo and trios been blazing hot [Music] the Cubs number one in the National League in home runs even a hundred and nineteen home runs one reason why they're not ever out of a game and there's a line drive base hit into Center dad had a hole thinking maybe Uribe would flag it he realized that the Cubs have had five batters come to the plate and four of them should have reached fastball and Moreland really hit that ball hard you can see it coming right at you with our centerfield camera Uribe gave it a good shot batting third it was by him number 19 go with two on and nobody out here in the second inning Eve Moreland lined single to center deyette is now at second and here is Manny Trillo since June the 1st Manny has been hitting better than 400 and in his last 12 starts he's hitting better than 500 on the corner for strike Randy marsh the plate umpire Paul Runge Jill West and Bob Engel working the basic so it would appear like the Cubs have the right man up there in the right spot trying to get back in the game five nothing Giants top of the second popped up foul heading for the stands and out of play oh and to will use the time and pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is kwq C and Davenport the sports leader in the Quad Cities for the moment at least candlestick is almost be calmed barely a Zephyr studying the flags out the center field giants 5 nothing in the Cubs with two on and nobody out against Atlee hammaker [Music] [Applause] on two busted bat ground ball to Thompson he feeds Uribe Hammacher so is a back half Manny Trillo debt has reached third but with two out and Jody Davis will be coming up slider hit it off the end of the bat looked like Thompson might take to play himself but wisely gives the Uribe who's throwing towards the bag he just came across an easy DoublePlay the Giants the most double plays in the National League 114 double play because there's a lot of things you can interpret from that good infield good defense but also an awful lot of baserunners they've got two double plays today and what day at at third here's Jody Davis Jody with a broken toe all they can do is tape it and turn him loose now that's got to be a tough day playing with a broken toe hoping you don't get that foul tip to hit you on that fat onion game and he probably hits it into left field coming up is Leonard to make the cat [Applause] left at the end of an inning and a half five nothing giant [Music] the state in baseball sixty years ago today Mel watt hit his first major league home run against the Cubs at the Polo Grounds and it was an inside-the-park home run for the then eighteen-year-old who would hit five hundred and eleven home runs and be immortalized for his years with the Giants and the memory lingers even here at Candlestick Melvin Thomas Hauk from Gretna Louisiana the pride and joy of John McGraw well with that batting stands where he copped that front leg up he really was the guy you pointed to when you say hey if a guy can hit don't fool with the stance in fact that was what John McGraw did when he saw a hottie at about 17 years old he refused to send him out to the minor leagues because he knew someone well-meaning well-intentioned would try to change that stanchion my legs and rhodium so McGraw said he sits next to me what a career Eddie Milner my called ready and Jeff Leonard on this state in 1979 Bruce Souter was then pitching for the Chicago Cubs and he was the winning pitcher in the all-star game and there's one hit the straightaway center engineers gonna have to play it on a bomb my ball single the center field five runs five hits for the Giants albeit for the five runs on earn they'll take them and my called ready coming up and with Roger Craig the manager of the Giants are running at first thing he's got Milner on even though it is a five to nothing score that doesn't mean that they're gonna play station the station my called ready walked in the first inning one ball and no strikes five runs five hits and no errors for the Cubs no runs two hits and an arrow old readies from one of the more beautiful places in the world he was born in Carmel California not too far away and there goes Milner and the throw away all in a great save by Paul no Chi or he's on his way to third he really had to no because Milner and a tremendous jump once is we pointed out manic start the finger that ball Miller just took off I mean he's gone he's got four steps right there and Jodie knows he's gonna have to get rid of it in a hurry he didn't have much of a chance at all [Music] so the runner at second base and nobody out in the second ending five nothing San Francisco and look at noche making a great defensive play [Music] - no and did you see on that slide where Miller was going for he was going for the corner that bag he was just gonna give the infielder a hand to tag and he was gonna have to reach for it the Cubs are unable to balance their books as far as the running game is concerned by that I mean the Cubs themselves have stolen 68 bases that's not that many but the opposition over a hundred now the Giants are not a running team either and the Giants have 61 stolen bases one ahead of the Atlanta Braves Rhian wanda my called ready in the right center is Milner around third Baabda near way so denier is having a terrible day [Applause] there was no team to make the play with you running so what here get one extra Boise take away that double play situation it was not a good throw at home the cutoff man is Manny Trillo and the throw isn't even in Rio's neighborhood [Music] we had no chance to get Milner you can see Zimmer was when Devon yet and that's a big base to pick up bet you michael is steaming as he chooses gum at Lynch is now throwing in the bullpen and the batter is Jeff Leonard 6-nothing San Francisco in the second inning [Applause] breaking ball out ball one the Cubs are doing fairly well with the Giants they've split ten games when trying to catch the Cardinals they have been buried going head-to-head against the Cardinals Cardinals have beaten two Cubs nine out of 12 times the Giants feel that they can still catch Cincinnati and you can understand why they've had six meetings with the Reds and they've split the six so they're holding their own here's the Western Division and since May v would you believe Cincinnati Houston and San Francisco are playing under 500 since the 5th of May 1 and 1 good fastball that was one of the better pitches that Maddox has made Leonard didn't get around on it in the East look at the high-flying Cardinals 26 games above 500 Montreal surprisingly playing very well 8 back and of course last year's World Champion Mets struggling nine and a half back my called ready waiting to be picked up at second base a run over nobody out 6 nothing Giants were in the second 1 & 2 and Leonard after getting a good inside fastball chases the breaking ball and strikes out [Applause] that's the curveball he's got in a good spot ahead of the hitter he puts it outside the zone Leonard trying to at least get a piece of it big out for Maddox that was right out of it the ideal scouting report fastball high and inside breaking ball down and away that's the way you could to Hall of Fame yeah little late right now six nothing San Francisco and here's will Clarke who flied to Center in the first inning by the way Greg Maddux is due to bat second when the Cubs hit in the third inning so Larry Lynch might very well be loosening up because they're going to use a hitter out away well I like the attitude of these good hitters women they don't get the hits they they just will not refer to it as a song even I mean just will not give into it psychologically [Applause] get the mole hard in the first inning just an out another ground ball to the right side Sandberg is on it on the play Al dready takes third and we have two down and Bob Brenly who kept his streak alive with a base hit to drive in the first run in the first inning Brenly has hit in 11 straight that was that appeared to disagree and to change up then Brenly singled to drive in the run and then Mitchell at the five wall engineer dropped it in the merry-go-round came right off of its moorings called ready a third two out 6-nothing San Francisco [Music] course for the Giants there is a very sobering fact and even though they might be inclined to feel loose and easy today memory tells them tighten up memory tells them not to take anything for granted because they've had some painful experiences this year you know the Giants have lost eight games this year with only three outs to go 8 because they came into the game trailing by 4 [Music] after winning their first ten one-run game the Giants have lost 14 of their next 21 run games they've they're not too happy about any score until it's over foul tip wanted to the frenemies not making any more of his Wild West statements 1 & 2 kick their butts drink their beer and steal their will their women they went in a big limb in the wheels came off the wagon man had to circle the wheels not the way you painted dandy 1 and 2 to Bob Brenly two balls two strikes he's my prospect for a broadcasting Brenly Brenly yes sir I think he's gonna be broadcaster one his face where's he's working on DiMaggio streak right now that's right guys what 44 more to go 45 45 two and two fouled away [Applause] well we think of that that's incredible and you stop to think that the base on balls you know walked him stop him I had a widen his own that's an incredible secret 56 straight dundun no high change of the high fastball to punch him out however the Giants get a run on two hits and a man left and at the end of two giants six cups nothing we'll be right back after these messages we're going to the third inning with the Giants leading the Cubs six to nothing the Cubs will have Paul noche and Luis quinones is out on deck to bat for Maddux though it'll be no jaqen honest and denier Atlee hammaker leading by a half-a-dozen however Sandberg singled and Dawson would have had a windblown single except for the jam in the first night they had walked and Moreland single different industry or hit with double play the point being that at least for the moment Hammacher is not really in control of the game not by any means the year's noche hitting 279 and playing exceptionally well with the regular shortstop and out and banknote a did a wonderful job he and Mike Bromley while Sandburg and Dunston were both out [Applause] three home runs 12 RBIs football on two sliders really had that been good spot no Chi hits that volley it's a little dribbler to Mitchell oh and to filed off to the on deck hitter and pensioner Luis quinones and Ed Lynch tuning up in the cub bullpen to he'll be pitching to the Giants in the bottom of the third oh and to [Applause] [Music] but still one and two the count appalled okay we were showing you the standings before and an interesting point about the st. Louis Cardinals who are 26 games above 500 the fact that they are manufacturing so many run it could be a rather historic year [Applause] ball away strikeout number one for aunt Elaine Hammacher and the batter will be Luis quinones these rares back and throws a strike something on it out over the plate seems to be the kind of a fault it may be note you can punch out there but just didn't here's get on it and honest a switch hitter brought up from Iowa they still have another switch hitter on the bench Jerry mumphrey ball one to conclude the thought on the Cardinal they are leading the major leagues in runs scored and at first glance that doesn't mean anything there's a drive to center starting in was Milner he has to go back to Flanagan see down the ball for the are think about the Cardinals since the inception of the designated hitter in the American League and that's back in 1972 no National League team has ever led the majors in run score this late in the season but that Cardinal machine is that good built at the scoring more runs and even American League teams with the D H I'll tell you Jim Murray had a column on the Cardinals was just a classic he said they're all clones everybody's a switch-hitter there's it's really a three-man roster they could switch a uniform and a pun intended I guess but whitey does have the cards you want if you want to play with him you better have a hot hand want to know it was an interesting point too it shows you what happens when you have speed in the lineup Ozzie Smith has like 45 RBIs just about half of those runs batted in he knocked in Vince Coleman who can score during the anthem I don't keep an eye on him right don't one the living Guerrero say he said even during the national anthem you look up the bases are loaded Jack Clark dis bad shot that'll scare you 2 & 1 ground ball to the right side and there's Rob Thompson [Applause] near and gone one two three at the end of two and a half innings here tonight six tops of it [Music] [Applause] and I have a ship don't take a lot just a little more now you really hit a peg for us she wouldn't give him any and he was looking right at her please and finally she's heavy in that one there's a score in a story Mike Flanagan who's had all kinds of problems set out to the - for rehab brought back starting today and winning three to one with Baltimore in the Pittman's flinch taking over now for the Cubs Eddie is one in six only made five starts and since they put him in the bullpen he's picked up or saved he'll be pitching to Kevin Mitchell Rob Thompson and Jose Uribe [Applause] Mitchell hit the fly ball that was dropped by Bob denier and turned out to be a killer it turned the one-nothing first-inning into a five nothing first-inning flinch can really change speeds if he's got his good stuff he'll get some ground balls because he does throw a sinker oh and one little breaking ball in the count Owen - Kevin Mitchell he saw those numbers before from the all-star game last year to the end of the year he hit in the two 30s and then he hasn't been hitting this year so really for a year now he's been struggling with the bat fouled away Owen - he is in a current ole 410 slump and Kevin said maybe it was too much to go back to his hometown when the Mets traded him to San Diego he went back to San Diego he's kind of a street kid lived with his grandmother and naturally with his friends around he just felt there were too many distractions so we'll see if he blossoms here in San Francisco and of course you know all about playing in your hometown I don't recommend it strike three Paul so Mitchell continues to struggle and Jean might you was all about struggling as he looks on and Lynch picks up his first man like he catches the outside corner Lynch has good control he's not gonna get himself in trouble no doubt about it second leverage is even wiser quickly one thing everybody went to school with you everybody went to school with your brother your family work with your father work bill won tickets baseballs call you all hours of the night and if you don't do it you're a real iron head and that's where it begins here's Rob Thompson and it's a strike did you also find that you you subconsciously or even you were aware of it there tried too hard at home because you nobody knew and there's no question about it you try too hard and the other thing is I think I'm the only guy ever went to the big leagues never got a hit on the playground everyone everybody comes up - I remember you ace - strike you out all time you say wait a minute I got a hit song boy someplace I got a heavy-laden one - Rob Thompson one out on the third six nothing Giants in the third inning with Jose Uribe on deck breaking ball pulled the Don Zimmer wanted to Don Zimmer is he something I have a picture of him my score book of him dressed in a tuxedo and him wearing a tie is a real upset I may just give you a little bit of the National Enquirer on him and ties if you want it oh boy 1 & 2 the count to Rob Thompson and that's fisted foul upstairs so Robbie is still ere he was with the Yankees and a head of worth ties his wife had a tie the tie and put four little suitcase anti past Don's era he might have been a great player he was seriously beaned in the minor leagues the first time I saw him was shortly after he'd been Dean he couldn't speak oh really he could not speak there's strike three ball two Rob Thompson I tell you one thing if there's a Hall of Fame for good guys and popular guy brother he'd be right there holds them in the World Series the year that he was being in the early fifties he was given the Dodgers requested permission mr. Lowden and Don Zimmer sat in the dugout during the World Series the Dodgers Yankees and then finally with a plate in his head made it to the big leagues and was being together how Jeffcoat remember Jose Uribe takes ball one [Music] two out in the third 6-nothing Giants and a little foul ball off third that will go way back into the seats so it's still one and one first the damage is done if you tuned in late and the wind played a big part in the top of the first when the Cubs had a base running misadventure and in the bottom of the first when Bob denier dropped the fly ball and it is six nothing San Francisco [Applause] one on one change and a good one popped up to Paul noche and now it's his turn to fight it so an easy inning if there's anything easy and at the end of three it is six to nothing Giants ryne sandberg will lead off the fourth and now here's a look back at a very special Olympic moment John Zimmer the likable third-base coach of San Francisco and Joe has a picture actually in his score book that he carries whenever we play two giants he can lay this picture and look at simmer this is like a little choirboy I just educate him with it he are always doing things to one another he has that the old Fred Astaire David Niven look I mean he just born to wear a tuxedo today now watch watch the next time he sees me he'll do somebody hit me with a fungal batter do something but he'll come up with something he is really something a nice man meanwhile let's see if the Cubs can recover from the winds of war in the first inning and they try and rearrange things here in the top of the fourth [Music] Ryne Sandberg Andre Dawson Brian daya yeah well I got a chance I like to mention the guy an old ballplayer oh just got a new job he trained Massey he's gonna be the pitching coach in Miami dates nearly college number old people call it Cuban town but he's new pitching coach and we wish him well and he'll into the fourth six to nothing in favor of San Francisco and Atlee hammaker trying to win his fifth trying to snap a three-game losing streak against the Cubs and trying to balance his books a lifetime with Chicago ball one the last time we did a Cubs game they were playing the st. Louis Cardinals and Sandberg racing down the line stepped on first base and his foot slipped in the next you know he he twisted his ankle a drive into right field coming over for it is out ready and makes a fine screen and he really surrounded that ball he started back the wind swirls here you look at the flag you don't think it's a factor but watch him done he's got a pretty long way to go to get this one [Applause] nice play by my called ready to take a possible extra base hit away from ryne sandberg and the batter will be Andre Dawson Dawson has a 10 game hitting streak and he hit the pop fly into shallow left field Uribe couldn't handle it Milner dived and couldn't come up with it but they got the force play on Sandberg that was understandable but all of a sudden Robb Thompson threw to Bob Brenly at first and Dawson had only run about 70 feet evidently thinking the ball had been caught and now he looked 1 2 left a late start the Leonard but he makes the play [Applause] [Music] he wasn't sure about that at all gaulden get up that high not watch him high he battles it I mean that was a hope I catch him Duncan hurt kind of play it'll stick barn yeah two out of the fourth inning and Brian day at the batter that was in line George will Hannon a column about it the politician in Chicago who might very well have have been involved with the mob and his aide said to me when you run for office it'll be both the so and so and nobody gets hurt well so far Candlestick nobody has gotten hurt it's six diving Giants at the end of three and a half a reminder Bobby Ray Hall a hottest driver on the IndyCar circuit of lately to top field including Mario and Michael Andretti Danny Sullivan Alan's a junior in the cart Toronto Indy our coverage tomorrow begins at 4:00 Eastern Time two in Los Angeles the Indy cars take on the tight road course in the streets of Toronto and through the aisles of candlestick take your pick [Applause] [Music] look like the sunglasses Bob denier when he was going in for that fly ball the way they were glistening Atlee hammaker Eddie Milner and my called ready bottom of the fourth inning six nothing Giants and Ed Lynch pitching now for Greg Maddux and Lynch New York boy originally with the Mets I remember correctly his dad was an usher way back in Ebbets Field so he has a New York and a baseball background one and one and the bun had a chance he is least to the bang he caught him by surprise because he tio is ready to flip but beeps links at the back there's nobody there now he pushes it past him [Applause] and there he beats him to the bag and tree oh there's nothing he can do but just holding so Adly Hammacher gets a bunch single that would be his head of the year an egg Lynch will now be pitching daddy Milner followed by my called ready millinery head back to the box and singled and Hammacher not being held on by Manny Trillo [Music] breaking ball strike interestingly enough Hammacher has not sacrificed this year there was no tip-off that he was a good Potter and he dropped a dandy picked a pretty good picture to punt on change the speeds doesn't really knock that bad out of your hand and there's a high flyball to right field Andre Dawson [Applause] and holding his Hammacher go one out when you look at the giant lineup and remember only in the fourth inning the only people on the outside looking in will Clark who flied deep to Center and grounded his second Kevin Mitchell who hit the ball a denier dropped I struck out they're the only two without a base hit Mike aldready has walked and singled [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hammacher advice [Music] already hitting 324 gone [Applause] [Music] Giants trying to somehow turn things around at home they've lost 11 of the last 14 they've lost three out of four to the Cubs here at home and the record eight games under 500 at home but a had him all of trio would have gone there Jody Davis gave one of those flip jobs and Hammacher put his head down and was walking back now he takes his eye off the ball right here if Trillo gets in a bag they got him yeah she made it and I'm sure bill Fahey was screaming in that first base coaching bugs well that's some explorer territory for most pitchers yeah I think maybe the bunt went to his head at least he was thinking about it figuring out his average see we have reports of a couple of other precincts there the Cardinals are at it again 26 games not 500 now leading San Diego 2 to 1 in the fifth Baltimore Mike Flanagan coming back from the minors leading Kansas City 3-2 in the fifth come on just to put things in order Montreal trails the Cardinals by 8 Cincinnati leading Houston by 2 and a half and the Giants by for the Yankees lead Toronto by 4 and Minnesota leads Oakland by only 1 his both Jackson taking it for that football statement I saw a picture in the paper today had a football in his hand fans are throwing footballs daddy - and - and that's lace - Center denier however in his tracks to handle it though he have to down interesting they did a little research - now that Oakland is only one game back and historians would like this one the fact that only 9 teams have ever hosted an all-star game and gone on to host a World Series only 9 and of course Oakland would love to have that on it builder Jeffrey Leonard single to right and struck out warden for - speaking of striking out we'll just got word that bull Jackson - struck out twice already today in that game he's really put a lot of pressure on himself right now another fella who strikes out so much that it's mind-boggling after all Jackson does hit a lot of home runs so he just pays the bill when he strikes out but Gary Pettis of the Angels strikes out a remarkable number of times considering he's not a power hitter they get the force play and that's that a base hit and nothing else so at the end of for the Giants 6 and the Cubs another and we'll be right back after these messages from your local station he was the honorary coach for the National League in the all-star game in Oakland all of Famer Billy Williams I love that one quick shot we had at Billy Williams coming up out of the National a dugout full of enthusiasm after they had just dodged a run-scoring situation it showed you just what makes a great ballplayer and and now a coach tick still has that competitive desire okay he still got that beautiful swing every swing he took was a hitting clinic I'll tell you man it was something to watch that old-timers game I played in first time up bang well the Cubs are looking for bang line drived they come up in the fifth inning and if he was playing with the Giants six runs seven hits and the Cubs no runs two hits Keith Moreland singled in the second inning but was doubled up when Manny Trillo hit into a double play Moreland Trillo and Davis an athlete Hammacher on the mound for San Francisco one ball and no strikes we mentioned before about Moreland with 99 home runs in his career and all the ten of them as a cop [Music] he played for Dallas green in Philadelphia [Music] Hammacher walked deyette opening up the second inning and fell behind to Moreland - and old and that's when Sharri came out to talk to him now he's behind the Marlin three you know and he walks him so of course that's frustrating for Krave they have his pitch a walk a leadoff man two of the five innings when he's leading six nothing and a batter Manny Trillo [Applause] [Music] Manny Trillo hitting 297 kind of a suitcase man you see he's bounced around Ron Davis begins to throw now in the Chicago bullpen if they get down to ed Lynch's spot feed Michael thinking about a hitter [Applause] there's Davis [Applause] on one - Manny Trillo we're in the pill 6-nothing San Fran Moreland at first foul back [Applause] oh and to the count [Music] the Cubs we were talking before about the Giants and their problems at Candlestick and then how good they are on the road they're second to the Cardinals the Cubs are a little bit better on the road than they are at home three games over 500 at home five games over on the road and they're 2 and all on this road trip 1 & 2 after tomorrow's game with the Giants the Cubs will move on to San Diego and then they'll finish up with a three-game series with the Dodgers [Music] [Music] standing at pers Keith Moreland they don't figure to have Moreland do any running so will Clark is kind of visits with him 1 & 2 they got Triana a ground ball last time was a double play to where that grass is here and sin you really have to shoot that ball to there it's a cut that way for aesthetic purposes looks nice but it is a bit high and it'll slow that ball down which could be one of the many reasons why the Giants lead in turning double plays two and two and that's almost a check swing dunker in the right field Borland will be waived to 3rd so a Manny Trillo kind of stiff arm one in the right field and the Cubs are in business with nobody out that's what the ballplayers call and excuse me swing he started swaying stops and it goes for the base hit watch him Knight and drive that ball to right field he tries to stop this swinging Oh got a base hit he'll take it first and third Trillo at first Moreland the third and Jody Davis coming up with Paul noche on deck Jody Davis has hurt the Giants in the past he's hit three home runs against them this year and he's hitting a little better than 280 against them he flied to left field in the second inning [Applause] first and third nobody out [Applause] that's a strike [Applause] Davis with a bad foot has hit into ten double plays and he's against the the team that leads the league in double plays so the Cubs are hoping he can at least at the ball in the air and the breeze blowing from right to left on one and Jody now asking for time [Music] one ball and one strike this has not been a good year for Jody Davis oh he has 11 home runs 30 RBIs nothing wrong with that but he's hitting in the very low 200s with runners in scoring position and he's hitting way under 200 with men on base period but he's been struggling with the bat when it really counts he tried to golf that breaking ball he was really trying to lift it he's a curve ball in a good spot and he wanted to try to get that ball in the air to get that sacrifice fly but he misses it had good margin 1 & 2 the count of Jody Davis Paul noche on deck Rafael Palmero is on deck that's in the dirt and it's going to get away from Brenly down to second base goes Trio Moreland did not want to risk trying to come down the line from third so second and third and nobody out and of course that takes the threat of the DoublePlay away [Applause] look like a hard slider he just overthrew and you can see brently tried to block it but all you can do is get in front of him and put your glove like he did but hit off the shin guard once it did that nothing for him to do but pick it up and watched Rio go in a second so it's a wild pitch charged Atlee hammaker three giant pitches have had five wild pitches now this year 2 and 2 the count to Jody Davis it is 6 to nothing Giants the Cubs with an opportunity to get back in the game now at third-base keep Moreland at second Manny Trillo nobody out ground ball foul [Applause] [Music] when you look at the cub bench and jean-michel is trying to wheel and deal a little bit he is stocked with left-hand hitters Martinez Durham and Palmieri oh he has a switch it of mumphrey he's already used canola and he has Jim Sundberg slow roller to third the runners are gonna have to hold so Davis joining what he has done all year and that has really driven him up a wall he just can't advance pace runners and Jodi leaving runners at second and third as he grounds out nothing we're morally to do but become a spectator as Mitchell gives him a good luck even adds a fake to it unnecessary but he had so much time with Jodi running Paul what he did so second and third and one out and Paul noche coming up [Music] noce hitting 276 he struck out in the third inning me Rios swinging a bat on deck he's a left-handed batting as we said they have mumphrey you switches but the only right-hand hitter is someone you certainly don't want to use your backup catcher note he uses the entire field and you can see the Giants respect that because Miller and sent a field directly in line he is playing him straightaway [Applause] he came into the game hitting 333 against the Giants so they have to have a healthy respect for him on one fouled off [Applause] [Music] no balls and two strikes the count appalled no Jayde second and third one out in the fifth giant six Cubs nothing 24 million rosters kind of placed some ball clubs in jeopardy especially with the catchers they had Red Sox in Oakland last night John McNamara's club kind of ran out Greenwell ended up back there [Applause] on to to paul noche [Applause] Brown ball and the run is it gonna have to hold again so the second and third and Davis and noche Brown to Mitchell and now the batter will be Rafael Palmero who's only had nine at-bats against left-hand pitcher z-- all year he's 2 for 9 Palmero coming up these meetings are always good just here hamburgers in what we say about him in the meeting don't get it out did you see him hit no I didn't see him hit but that's what I heard well what do you want me to do I mean it goes on and then when it's all over he's gonna do what he wants anyhow well is he about Bob Mero you know we talked before about mumphrey - as a switch-hitter and yet mumphrey rarely comes off the bench just swing right-handed so he is basically a left-hand hitter bump he's only had three at-bats hitting right-handed so you can call him a switch hitter but he's really a left-handed batter so they're strong on that side but there's a left-hander going for the giant if keeping what we said about Hammacher paying more attention and hitters rather than just going out and getting the job done even before you pitch the pulmonary oh he looked at the bench and asked is this the kind of a guy on my punt and he had because I have a true story to say this actually happened a northern I'm not going to embarrass the player and the picture was going down the starting lineup and he came to a name and he said does anybody know this guy and a player big outfielder in the back room said I know him pictures to tell me about it he said well he's married he's two wonderful kids and he drives a station wagon ball to doing one wonderful I tell you if you could tape record some of those meetings [Applause] I'd like gardeners called Billy garden is advanced to have meetings the only meetings I like is the one where you split up the shares yeah and how what a nice meeting that must be and that's popped in the air and we'll Clark is gonna have a play if he can find it he found it so the Cubs have second and third nobody out at the end of 40 have any six nothing giant here's will Clarke fighting the elements on the towering pop fly yet the sunglasses down he needed the glove to really stay with it and then finally when he felt he had it in his sights he took the glove away to make the catch you learn every possible defensive trick and of course one other thing is black and underneath your eyes to cut down reflection so Clarke who's been struggling wide deep to Center grounded out old for two batting 302 for one Ron Davis on the mound Davis the third cub pitcher Ron in his 19th game and an earned run average of just under five so it's not been a good time for him and there's a high one into left field coming down the line is day yet a nice play one away [Applause] if you don't have sunglasses out there today it would be a disaster and deyette needed them every inch of the way cut that bow behind Bob Brenly singled in the first inning to drive in a run he is hit in 11 straight and then last time up he struck out on two balls and no strikes the count jaian scored five in the first you had to see it to believe it added another in the second well here's another pop fly in the wind woohoo no che dropped it the fall no che is another witness who will take the stand and tell you about a lovely day of Candlestick he was waving people off watching and it just he never gets to it never did get to it he waves them off he says I got it and the wind that probably saying oh he is and down she goes it is your usual double to the shortstop that's how it's ruled so Brenly as a single and a double and Kevin Mitchell will be the batter Mitchell hit the ball a denier drop and then struck out in the third inning you know when you see the Cubs having as much trouble as they're having today you wonder how in the world the Giants have not been able to win at home because obviously they know the ballpark they're accustomed to the wind if you can ever get accustomed to it the visiting team you would think is at a tremendous disadvantage and yet the Giants have lost 11 of their last 14 at home Gregg when he talks about it then he says listen if they weren't hustling weren't playing doing things badly it'd be something else but he said these guys are really out there really busting their hump trying to win this game she's not winning two balls no strikes then Wanda Kevin Mitchell how could there you see Roger Craig with shirt you know I never could understand that kind of scoring on a pop fly like that well the basic thing as well he never touched it but Lonnie especially the other pitcher [Music] there are a lot of things the rulebook doesn't say it but you know it is the big league and strike that ball should have been caught off sure now the run comes in Ron Davis er a skyrocket some more 3 & 1 the count to Kevin Mitchell foul back what was the difference on that pop fly then the one that Milner tried to catch that goes abasement yeah Milner diving at the ball at Andre Dawson it would have been a base hit except they got the force play in the second base yeah Sienna I don't that kind of scoring gets to me six to nothing in favor of San Francisco bottom of the fifth inning one out there's a great columnist here in San Francisco I think he's on his vacation number whenever I come up I always love to read him herb cane strike three fall and hurricane made an observation on teen years ago about a rather garish looking new hotel in San Francisco but it really applies now to Candlestick Park because he said quote it looks like the box that Disneyland Thompson you see a game like today here do you think that's right Disneyland arrived in this box here's Robbie Thompson single struck out one patootie with him to the all-star game when Stu Miller was blown off the mound yeah yeah yeah wanna know the counter Robbie Thompson will have a station identification coming up in one moment just after this [Applause] all right we'll pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is kW QC and Davenport your best bet for sports in the Quad Cities okay it is six to nothing Giants Brenly with a wind blown Sun blinding pop fly double is it second base with two out and Robbie Thompson up it would the count one ball and no strikes five Giants have struck out today they average about seven a game that's why they lead the league in striking out breaking ball and X not struck out that's hit deep to left it is here and it is San Francisco [Music] shortstop that winners a double [Music] Davis came sign arm to Robby Thompson but Robby didn't give any ground ball stayed inside and he just drilled it some suicide right down the middle San Francisco leading now eight to nothing well Rob Thompson is a home run of the year and for Ron Davis the fifth home run that he is allowed and that slapped into left Erol drop for a base in the Uribe a looping single left and it continued a day as far as jean-michel and the Cubs are concerned eight to nothing San Francisco [Music] sadly Hammacher coming up and see the cub to top the heat [Music] and the Giants are right there [Applause] by the way the Cubs are on a pace to hit 215 home runs this year that would be an all-time club mark the Giants are on a pace to hit 207 another mark strike and Mark McGwire's on the paste is just not to be believed [Applause] oh and two and that's hit in the air to right filled Dawson was playing shallow and makes the cat two runs three hits one left at the end of five here's another the me it was on this day when Willie Mays had his 3,000 hit I guess the best ballplayer I ever saw that's for darn sure willie Mae I want to double-check the year said 1971 and of course he will forever live in memory citizens along with Mel watt another hall-of-famer there they are Willie McCovey Juan Marichal Willie Mays Carl Hubbell Mel OTT Bill Terry Christie Mathewson [Music] and talking about return numbers rod carew in Minnesota they'll retire his number tomorrow and I think that's a long time coming I should say so it's nice of course to there'll be a big crowd there Minnesota in first place and that's really what Carew needs anyway a great salute well-deserved [Applause] two balls one strike [Music] line to left field that's sinking for a base hit [Applause] I've stuck the scores the Red Sox took care of Oakland today the A's were just one back but Boston bangs him 5-3 st. Louis leading San Diego three two one in the sixth inning Baltimore piling it on now breezing 8 2 and the 7 soda near with a single or left field that brings up ryne sandberg for the Cubs there for the head it is 8 nothing Giants so at least for the moment they're near single can be listed as a whimper of protest strike Sandburg single aloud and hit a long fly ball to right field my called ready made a nice catch [Music] Hammacher is pitching dangerously but of course he is leading eight to nothing but it's still a very dangerous way to pitch there's it drive into deep center back goes Milner to the track at the wall to make the catch and so Sandburg has come close twice but you have one out and a man at first the dangerous thing about Hammacher is allowing the leadoff man to get on base but even able to get away with it and Andre Dawson coming up hit the flyball that dropped or an apparent base hit that was turned into a force play that wound up being a double play that was the overture to the Cubs day today in the first inning I mean that was the theme song and then last time up he flied to left so denier at first one away [Applause] venire has stolen 11 out of 15 in normal circumstances you would think he might be going but down 8 nothing they're gonna hold him filed away Dawson tried to drive that thing in the right field go with the ball well with that stance you can see him just dive into the pitch and he really spreads out when he takes that stance steps towards that ball Atlee hammaker x' numbers a couple of walks and four hits he really did a great job of pitching in the fifth inning when the Cubs had second and third and nobody out and failed to score ground ball to the hole backhanded by Uribe sender will fly that's the third DoublePlay turned in that leads to lead and it still ain't nothing giant they don't drag the infield here at Candlestick they wet it down if they wanted to drag it after gonna stands to get it it's blowing in there that ball was well hit by Dawson that grass slowed it down Uribe makes a fine backhand flag gives it to Thompson in good shape that was a major league DoublePlay there is no chicken rebuy the way in watching the San Francisco ground crew wet down the infield that is done because of the winds here it would blow the topsoil off the base paths and it would blow into the box seats where the high-priced customers sitting [Applause] so every 5th inning they wet down the infield it is not turning the clock back to 1962 when they to make sure that Maury wills could not run in the slow track [Applause] Alvin dark who was from Louisiana anyway they put a pretty good label on him in calling him the swamp Fox after to Francis Marion that's the only time they ever drowned the infield up here for another reason besides the cleanliness of the Boxee holder Eddie mill knew it back to the box single dissenter stole a base and scored and flied to right he's 1 for 3 hitting 205 Brown Valda first and Manny Trillo brings that to the bag one away it's funny he talked about dragging the infield how your mind works and he mentioned that was Clary before he's such a funny little guy once got a report he turned in he said this pictures so bad that they dragged the warning track here's my called ready walk single to Center flied out he is score to run 8 nothing Giants bottom of the 6th inning [Music] [Applause] on one on deck Jeffrey Leonard who is one for three the Cubs have used Greg Maddux at Lynch and Ron Davis Atlee hammaker going for the Giants trying to win his fifth and he's leading handily and he's gone the required five so at leas in pretty good chance to pick it up today 1 & 2 you know we've been giving anniversaries we talked about the fact that with Mattingly's seven straight home run games completed on a day when Joe DiMaggio had his streak snapped alive is 17th of 41 and we showed you Willie Mays getting his 3,000 hit on this day in 1971 aldready comes up empty down he goes this is not a big streak it's not going to get any headlines but in the national league record book it was on this day that Ron hunt was hit by a pitch and when Ron hunt was hit by a pitch on this date he brought robinson lake record of being hit most times by a pitch Ron went on to what we thought was stratospheric Heights and being hit by a pitch but Don Baylor has broken that mark so Baylor now is the champ battered and bruised and lumped but he's the champ opposite Ron hunt said about that he said I was always hoping there'd be somebody dumber than me it took to win the award he said you know when they talk about players being able to hit they say he gets good wood on the ball Ron hunt they said he gets good skin on the ball take one in the neck for the club one in one the count did Jeffrey Leonard eight nothing Giants sixth inning used to practice that good on in practice getting hit yeah that's dedicate all my hospitalization [Music] giant score at five in the first one in the second and two in the fifth they've had one home run that by Robbie Thompson and Leonard and I've got to believe his wrist is bothering him he strikes out for the second time it is eight nothing Giants at the end of six we'll be right back after these messages from your local station our a minder NBC's baseball coverage continues next week doubleheader action an inside look will started off with Major League Baseball Game one it'll be the New York Yankees taking on the White Sox or the defending Western champion California Angels and the red-hot Tigers stuck in half of the doubleheader the Cubs will take on the Dodgers in Los Angeles hope you'll join us then Bryan deyette Keith Moreland and Manny Trillo seventh inning eight nothing San Francisco you talk about anniversaries and you mentioned Detroit how about our friend Sparky Anderson winning over 700 games in both leagues that's great and he has his Tigers on the move Detroit when the Sun came up today five games back of the Yankees high flyball to straightaway center any Milner going sideways oh isn't it something that was really something I guess that'll sum up this place as well you can put this to music now turn sideways and take two steps two steps two steps two steps in catching if you can play here you can play anyway sir good play by Eddie Milner on what should be just considered a routine fly ball but in all honesty especially in the day game there is no such thing as a routine fly ball the contradiction of terms in this part one ball and no strikes he might not get in the game today and we want to wish him a very happy birthday that would be pinch-hitter Harry Spellman of the Giants he's 33 years old today 1 and 1 to keep Moreland singled and walk 1 for 1 lined into left field that'll be a base hit Sam Moreland bidding for a perfect day two singles in a walk that is hit number five all of Atlee hammaker and the batter will be Manny Trillo get into a double play single to right Cubs had that rocky first inning because of the confusion on the pop fly they had two on and nobody out in the second Trillo hit into a double play they had second and third and nobody out in the fifth and he couldn't budge him there the leadoff man get a board in the sixth and Dawson hit into a double play and now one out single by Moreland and trio drives it to left and landed going back to the track and this one is gone she hits it out and that makes it Giants eight Cubs two for trio his sixth home run he has 18 runs batted in that's the 11 run that he has allowed it looked like users gonna try to get ahead of trio and Trillo wouldn't let him he jumped on it fastball hit it over the fence 120 home runs for the code number one in the league and as we said they're on a pace to hit well they're going to break the 180 to set in 1958 [Music] man makes a pretty good catch drops it but he'll recover it so eight to two Giants and here is Jody Davis and he goes the other way but he hit it more at the end of the bat and it's going to be an outdoor Eddy on the track two down amicus pitches coming up a little bit now he had the long out by diet high in the air then Moreland single trio homers Davis a flyball to right and Paul noche will be coming up they're not letting Hammacher get ahead of him and going after that very first pitch into the strike zone noche struck out grounded out left hand to frank de pinna always throwing in the bullpen that they get to Ron Davis spot evidently jean-michel will hit for him one there's Frank turpino fouled away boy what a thump that made one ball and one strike jim sundberg the backup catcher to Jody Davis is out on deck one and one ball two [Applause] [Music] and there's another one hit in the air but aldready comes up to pick it off and that's that two runs two hits nobody left at the end of six and a half eight two giants and here's another edition of the seventh-inning stretch a fitting subject for the seventh-inning stretch second baseman brine Sandburg of the Chicago Cubs we're going to the bottom of the seventh eight to two and some smiles on some pretty faces father and daughter [Music] we'll Clark Bob Brenly and Kevin Mitchell in that order and right into Ron Davis who was due up first when the Cubs hit in the eighth inning though this might be his very last inning with his team down by six working on Clark Oh for three Clark and Mitchell are the only two Giants without a hit we'll batting 301 [Applause] ground ball to first backhanded by trio feeding who's man Davis coming over one away makes a nice play a little bit undecided to start it off kind of a strange position in a way but he gives davis a good feed and they got one manager trio doing the job for Leon Durham since a left-hander Atlee hammaker is on the mound here's Brenly single to center struck out and got a pop fly double when no chase surrounded it but couldn't catch it so Brenly 2 for 3 has hit an 11 straight and he's batting 287 [Applause] Walter Kevin Mitchell on deck Bree you know [Applause] [Music] Greg Maddux edy Lynch and Ron Davis working for the Cubs today and one i flyball into left field and deep that goes back on the track at the wall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to unique situation here in candlestick when those fans come on they're really battling for that homerun jean-michel doesn't like it all those kids haven't filled a look at him [Applause] they come out of the stands like a wave look at them coming over now these kids want that ball in some of the grown-ups and boy here it comes look at this and the batter now a Kevin Mitchell ball one Ron Davis can't find any humor in this situation that's the second home run he's given up today a rather pained look on his face Mitchell hits a high drive into right-center denier going back now on the track and makes the catch two handedly two handed it is nine two giants to hand it to late I remember years ago Enrico Karndean I think Rico cardi was the first outfielder to introduce the one-handed catch of a routine fly ball when he came to Atlanta before cardi well maybe wags with the Giants I don't know but I know cardi just always did it and I always felt he was the one to introduce it and Paul Richards was then running things in Atlanta and he told cardi I don't want you to do that again and cardi said I can't catch the ball with two hands he said you're gonna have to learn and somebody hit a fly ball party tried to catch it two handed and dropped it went back to catching one handed ever since then and before that I don't even remember seeing people catch balls like that no they always caught the ball too handsy the worst thing about it is and of course Michael could attest to it if you have a center fielder who drops a fly ball with two hands you say well it's one of those things when you see a fella drop it one-handed that's really hard to swallow 1 & 2 foul ball in this telecast presented by authority of major league baseball and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of Major League Baseball and I doubt very well if there'd be many requests for this one especially in Chicago if so we'll go see him 2:00 to 4:00 on Sunday they'll be in the place like that you know getting back to catching that ball I remember Terry Moore a great center fielder with the Cardinal yeah always caught the ball on the right side of his body so you didn't have to swing around to throw it he was always in position to throw I remember as a kid reading on the back of a cereal box they had the big league ballplayers talking about how to catch a ball and one of the things they said catch the fly ball as if it was a baby bird falling out of a tree very gently well they get a run on a home run by Brenly and it is nine two Giants in the end Roger Craig's battle cry in San Francisco hum baby and they're humming today nine to San Francisco Jim Sundberg it's one foul batting for Ron Davis and the count on one though we've seen cannolis maril and now Sundberg you know that something's gone out of baseball you talk about some of this missing you don't hear guys hollering the in feel anymore get that ball over or whatever I don't know it's pretty hard to hear and pull up here he is watching we used to be guys were you know with chatter a little bit maybe it's just today I haven't really been yeah I can't hear it but in a 9-2 game probably not too much to say pay attention to him and that's game you think I'm gonna give you a written test all I wanted to is a kid remember things used to say you know this is a true story trying to play baseball up at Fordham right and Jack Coffey was the coach and the most literate man you'd ever want to meet one ball two strikes hard ground ball to short the grass takes the sting out of it and uribe pulling out one down anyway we were playing some team and there was a pop fly in the infield and the Fordham infield I said I got it I got it I got it he made the catch came in the dugout and Jack coffee said son you represent you represent a fine University if there is a pop fly you should be grammatically correct I swear to you oh come on I swear to you now he said you don't say I got it I got it I got it you say I have it I have it Pelisson okay coach on Wadden account so the next game we played so help me bases-loaded two out somebody hits a pop fly and the same kid on the infield yeah I got it I got I mean I mean I have it a heaven then he dropped it I guarantee guys and say I have it in Canton will Roger that 2 & 1 the count de bob de near please proceed me and you went to play the odd deck ryne sandberg ground ball to the left of Uribe but he sucks that one up like a vacuum cleaner and again that's where that grass really comes in handy not to take anything away from Uribe but earlier Dawson hit a ball in the 6th and it's a base hit but it was a double play this one is smacked right on the screws tell you the groundskeeper can help you ball club there's nothing wrong with it there's nothing in fact al Rosen and they had the best over in Cleveland well I say the best I mean one of the best because that hole fostered family even going to now those guys could really work on an infield where's Ryan Sandberg single a left it a long flyball to right and a long flyball to Center it Oh Rhino 1 for 3 hitting 284 it is 9 to 2 Giants the game really kind of went down the drain by the second inning it was 6 to nothing San Francisco one and one the Cubs I guess knew they were in for trouble in the top of the first Sandberg single Dawson hit a pop fly that fell for an apparent hit Dawson didn't run it out Sandberg was forced at second Dawson was doubled up at first and that was the beginning of a bad day and that will take care of Sandberg and the Cubs in the 8th inning and at the end of seven and a half Giants 9 Cubs 2 [Applause] well we were talking about it early it must have been very tough for the Cubs not to say to themselves what a day this is gonna be but that's really been the kind of a day it's been it is and I tell you it's really hard you almost have to kick yourself and I'd duck out to make yourself go because you know the things are gonna go against you and it's just very difficult to doing ahem they will do it you've been in dugouts that have been overwhelmed by the opposition once or twice in your career home I mean it's pretty hard even to say come on guys let's get him when you're down by seven going into the ninth inning it's like when you're a little kid your mother sends you out at night you know you're whistled and you but forget it isn't gonna help ya you know better you're saying it but it's just for effect I always remember the t-shirt I saw on a locker room the front portion of the t-shirt said it ain't over till it's over and then as the fellow walked away on the back of the t-shirt it said it's over well Frank de Pino has three outs to get in the aid he is the fourth cub pitcher Johnny Oates will scratch off one more name so it's been Maddox Lynch Davis and now de Pino he'll be pitching to Uribe Hammacher and n Milner 9 to 2 Giants bottom of the 8th or that popped out for one [Applause] uribe double to right popped a short and single the left uribe hitting 287 by the way nice crowd today 26500 and 426 504 that's about 6000 above the average here at Candlestick as they slowly get to the million mark they're not there yet they're our last I read seven teams in the National League including the Cubs who have drawn over a million the Giants are over the 850,000 mark now [Applause] it's Jeff Robinson and Craig Lefferts Lefferts just acquired from San Diego the left-handed fouled away the Pinot's like a lot of those relief because they pitch off the stretch with nobody on they feel more comfortable but he looks like he thinks she's a guy on third almost like he takes a look like I'm from davey lopes let's watch him yeah he does kind of peek over his shoulder dummy like he's disappointed that nobody's there two and two [Applause] breaking ball hit file to Don Zimmer still tuned to you know when he was that kid shortstop in the minor league not only was he a terrific fielder he had a lot of power he was a home run hitter I think he was leading the international league in homeruns when he was being [Applause] two and two we're not telling the people in Chicago anything about dying Jenna he was the coach at third for the Cubs when Jim Frey managed the ballclub Jim of force is now broadcasting Chicago radio play-by-play of the cup games and Zimmer's coaching for the Giants two balls two strikes [Applause] interesting away checks over his shoulder another foul ball [Applause] I guess if you feel comfortable do it well San Diego fought back to catch the Cardinals and there are 3-3 in the seventh-inning hopped in the air foul Jody Dave is coming back that takes care of Uribe one away [Applause] with the Cardinals at San Diego today Joe McGrane was to be pitching against Eric Shou the Cubs are on their way to San Diego and the first notice in the paper a couple days ago is the fact that Shou would not be pitching against the cub family Hammacher grounded to third bunted for a base hit and flied to right he's 1 for 3 [Applause] he's gotten a windfall 9 runs but he's also pitched well it's interesting to going into this game Atlee hammaker had lost six of his last seven decisions and in those games the Giants scored a total of nine run they got him nine today in a couple innings you know who's really been getting the runs Tommy John of the Yankees he leaves the major leagues in batting support the Yankees are averaging better than seven runs a game that Tommy John starts seven in the nationally Bob Forsch of the Cardinals is getting almost seven better than six and a half a game that's a lot of runs for the starting pitcher Wow it's funny how certain pictures you just get a lot of runs they walk out there when I haven't that kind of a year Rick Sutcliffe when he had his sy Young Award year got a bunch of runs and then it tailed off considerable 1 & 2 the count of course there's one other side to that coin too and nobody ever explores that it's the Hamaker brown foul well would you say okay Hammacher has lost six out of seven poor guy the Giants only scored a total of nine runs in those games and you say yeah G was really unlucky I don't say this is true but if you look it up maybe he allowed 79 runs all right they'd never tell you the runs that he gave up one and two it all at the end of the stick foul outside of first he broke his bat the giant sitting back that's Dave Drew Becky see he looks a little different in a giant uniform Cincinnati is at New York tonight the Reds leading the Giants by four Houston by two and a half Ted power is due to go against Sid Fernandez and Philadelphia at Houston Don Carmen and Bob Knepper [Applause] 1 & 2 the count Bal Dail Hammacher making do pineal work and it's still one ball two strikes Jody Davis been hit with three foul tips just this time at bat he's in one of those catchers slumps like that mask is a magnet 1 & 2 got another one here someday we'll have a record kept most foul tips and you'll keep track of it I know that well you think anybody has looked at there is Jody Randy's just looked at the ball and said we'll put a new ball in play and that's just what Jody's talking to the umpire but why didn't they hit me now I know somebody's gonna probably want to look at the ball tomorrow and that'll be jean-michel and Down Goes Hammacher tomorrow's pitchers les Lancaster and Mike Krukow and the last time Foucault pitch for the Giants against the cub jean-michel acted as if it was Mike Scott of Houston he was claiming that Foucault was scuffing the ball now latley gets himself a standing ovation he's another fellow for nearby Carmel well with that new catcher they brought up that's gonna be an audition as Hammacher pitches successor Moses answered ok Hammacher strike add Lee's mother is from Kyoto Japan Kyoto being the old capital of Japan thank the Japanese did an interesting thing that the old capital was Kyoto KY OTO when they established the new capital all they did was rearrange the letters TL kyo tokyo you moved your hands just like Vanna White then grabbed all the short noce the first it's all in the hands and at the end of eight whether it's t o KO that's nine two giants the oldest ballpark in the National League and one of the great spots in America to spend an afternoon watching the Cubs play ball Wrigley Field think at this juncture the cup where's would just as soon be in Wrigley Field it is nine two Giants in the ninth Andre Dawson Brian deyette and Keith Moreland Dawson has a 10 game hitting streak that will be snapped unless he does something in his last at-bat ball one and he might have gotten a base hit and was somewhat embarrassed in the first inning he's waited almost 12 two years Atlee hammaker coming back from it twice he's had surgery torn rotator cuff this is his longest outing of the year he went eight innings back in May to a No all three the only disquieting thing he has done upset Roger Craig's day has been walking a couple of leadoff men allowing a couple of leadoff men to get on but he has a big cushion leading nine two in there three and one nine runs 11 hits for San Francisco two runs six hits and an arrow for the Cubs ground ball to the left of Uribe Orsay Nielsen the Dawson and a 10 game hitting streak would appear to be history the major league baseball game of the week has been brought to you by Miller Lite but great taste is only one light beer by armor-all it's the finishing touch every time you wash your arm by the Prudential offering a wide range of insurance and other financial services and by your Toyota dealer and the reliable Camry sedan and wagon who can ask for anything more Toyota Bryan deyette gone they had walked grounded to third flied to Center [Music] [Applause] chopper back a third foul one-on-one account for Adly Hammacher he is certainly not an overpowering pitcher he is walked two and struck out one but he had that big five run cushion to lean on in the first inning and it just got bigger and he was leading eight nothing by the end of the fifth inning good change 1 & 2 [Applause] Cubs got on the board in the seventh inning with one out Moreland singled and Manny Trillo hit a home run ground five Gianluca coaching at third Jim Snyder over at first [Music] [Applause] [Music] wanted to we have one out in the ninth inning Giants leading by seven Atlee hammaker trying to snap a three-game losing streak and win his fifth of the year the three-game losing streak against the Cubs boy he was trying to catch an echo that thing was already by him line drive single for Brian day yet seven hits for Chicago [Applause] Ericka's follow-through is a good one oh well here he gives it a try but you can see and you said then it was buying oh yeah well what was that [Applause] keep Moreland bidding for a perfect day as two singles in a walk he is scored a run he was aboard when Trillo hit it out he as day at at first and on holding ball one take coming off a torn rotator cuff surgery twice that mystery malady where he lost all the weight this is quite a milestone for Hammacher to get into the ninth inning there was a feeling for a while up here he'd never pitch again he was really courageous for him to be able to fight his way back he's gone through a lot 90 had a long talk with him and it was great to listen to him then I battled back high cheezer's thinking and and how his wife was such a big support system boring he's only 29 out away Amica came with others from Kansas City in a deal that involved among others by two blue [Applause] [Applause] they added first two balls one strike fouled away down the right-field line out of play 2 & 2 [Applause] [Music] one away in the nine fastball and that's hit into right field for a base head day at the second we'll keep on going to third aldready tires into Rob Thompson so with one out runners at first and third big day for Moreland three singles and a walk and the batter will be Manny Trillo well you can see what two strikes he wasn't about to take that big swing he was gonna stay with him went the breaking pitch he just served it in the right field that's good hitting Trillo hit into a double play single to right hit the two run home run in the seventh inning [Applause] Jeff Robinson gets up down in the giant bullpen Bob Lewis wearing that walkie-talkie headset good change trio jumping on it there's Robinson going to work [Applause] [Music] half swing they're gonna check it first swing says Paul Runge oh and to the Kaunda Manny Trillo [Applause] good call Trio tipped it off - as soon as he tried to check even backed out he was annoyed he knew he couldn't hold up that's why I think Runge kind of smiled when he pointed to him as if say yeah you were right you did swing oh and to for one one out ninth-inning day yet single dissenter Moreland singled to right sending day at the third and trio up there followed by Jody Davis [Applause] nine runs 11 hits for the Giants two runs eight hits the Cubs [Applause] [Music] whoo and do [Applause] waiting his turn on deck there's Jody two balls two strikes line drive Kevin Mitchell the trio hits a bullet but instead of perhaps an extra-base hit and one or two RBIs it's the second ball drilled right at the third baseman and that will bring up Jody Davis over three flied to left grounded to third flied to right Jody over 3 [Applause] so a Glee Hammacher trying to pitch his first complete in over two years gone was June of 85 on the 18th of July and 87 he needs one more out his last complete game was his shutout one ball no strikes all too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i flyball into deep left-center female 'no going back on the track and one hands it at the wall [Applause] as his first complete game in over two years [Music] climbed a mountain to get over all kinds of physical ailments and he wanted other cuts it was just one of those days so the Giants come back to win em for the Cubs in one last night tomorrow it'll be less Lanchester at Mike Krukow Giants beat the Cubs 9 to 2 Hammacher the winner of the Maddox we'll be right back after this [Music]
Channel: Classic SF Giants
Views: 4,430
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: a_b0LccJBA8
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Length: 131min 37sec (7897 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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