1986 Oct 10 - Oklahoma St vs Nebraska

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time to relive memories and a time to create new ones it's also a time to forget the books and let 18 year-old kids act like 18 year old kids and it's a time to get ready for the centerpiece of homecoming the ball game tonight big red against the cowboy [Music] why is this band smiling because he's Tom Osborne Nebraska's head coach you'd smile too with these guys for no ranked pips in the country after losing Heisman Trophy candidate duck DuBose to a knee injury ha sport turned the number 6 Keith endzone Jones and the fastest player in Nebraska history has responded with 99 yards of game rushing and 5 touchdowns including the 78 yarder and the Huskers have made the most of Steve Taylor's passing game tight end Todd Milliken has five catches for them for touchdown Pat Jones brings a very young team into Lincoln who will count on some excellent skilled people to make it a game the best he has is Thurman Thomas coming up knee surgery through four games he has 324 yards rushing not bad but not up to his standards either Thomas had his best week of practice getting ready for Nebraska a sold-out Memorial Stadium in Lincoln Nebraska they're here tonight to see Oklahoma State take on their corn Huskers the weather in a word is absolutely miserable a winter storm warning in effect 40 degrees in kickoff time rain mixed with snow and a strong wind out of the north up to 30 miles an hour which will definitely be a factor tonight good evening everybody Mike Padraig along with Pat mcanally great to have you with us for college football on ESPN Oklahoma State comes in here tonight to and to Patton they're a very young football team well they're young and they're small which is a terrible combination for coach to face they have one returning starter on their offensive line in their front seven guys defensively they do ever have a very strong secondary led by all-american Mark Moore on offense they have Thurman Thomas the problem is as you know Thomas was a Heisman Trophy candidate coming into the season he had knee surgery and with that young offensive line they haven't been able to move the ball course Nebraska is exactly what you would expect from Nebraska they are big strong and undefeated well they're big they're strong in their fast this is the most speed they've had in years defensively they're holding their opponents 254 yards of game rushing which is just incredible offensively they have Steve Taylor quarterback chief end zone Jones that running back and they have the speed to go outside of course of that big line they can pound it up the middle Tim Brando is working the sidelines for us tonight there's one thing guaranteed if Tim Brando is down on the sidelines it's raining Tim yeah but it'sit's what homecoming is all about you got to deal with the elements Mike there's no question though that the elements tonight in Memorial Stadium in Lincoln could play a big factor this carpet here is about two years old and when it rains it gets slippery when it's way in Lincoln Nebraska now to combat that the Cowboys of Oklahoma State have two different tacks one the regular shoe and number two we'll be the shoe they use the rain shoe now you can see the difference there the cleats are a much tighter here and will help with the traction they also used a squeegee earlier on the carpet but I should mention that there was a JV game played here yesterday it had not rained nearly as much and players were slippering all over the place so three things to watch tonight the cold the Cornhuskers and the Cowboys right here on CFA football on ESPN live CFA Football on ESPN is being brought to you by the glow of light super premium taste and less filling beer who says you can't have it all by Dickies they're America's favorite work clothes but who says you have to work in them by the Atlantic we can make a difference and by the US Armed Forces it's a great place to start [Music] [Applause] Oklahoma State will kick-off to start the ballgame in a strange turn of events Nebraska won the toss Oklahoma State after Nebraska deferred Oklahoma State had the option they took the gold to our left because they will be with that 30 mile-an-hour wind here in the first quarter so Nebraska will get the football to start the ballgame they will also have the option when we start the second half Joey O'Donnell will kick off for the underdog Cowboys Terry Rodgers number 20 Dana Brinson number 33 our deep to receive and we are set to go before a civic crowd of 73,000 650 26 consecutive seller here in Memorial Stadium [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holder and with the wind he drives it to Princeton at the to Princeton has a scene that driven out of bounds safety save the touched [Applause] Dana Brinson is the second fastest guy on this team he's four point three nine in the forty if he gets out in the old Phil he's gonna get me it's gonna be big trouble for the other team it's just a nice deep kick good height remember that was with the wind now just cut off his blockers and it's just a big scene no it's just a matter of speed again with the move outside break that tackle this is a game saving a team [Applause] the Oklahoma State right down at the 40 yard line by Leonard Jackson the big right tackle who leads this team with 44 tackles that's very deflating Oklahoma State there's Steve Taylor right there quarterback anyway I was saying Oklahoma State decided to go on defense to kick the ball up they have a 58 yard kickoff return that's the worst thing that can happen to a team right there they're down right now Nebraska's second and ten tailor [Applause] [Music] and he'll lose two yards and then at the line of scrimmage in behind it by sim drain number 53 take a look at that Nebraska offense behind quarterback Steve Taylor you have Keith Jones the I back to star runner since Doug DuBose had knee surgery the receivers don't get much work but they make the most of their chances the offensive line may be the best five is a group that the Huskers have had in a long long time third down and 11 yards to go as the ball is spotted just shy of the 42 and the officials will stop blood and it's sim drain number 53 may have some kind of an equipment problem that he was really upset I think he lost a contact lens found it but he's got to come off the field of they'll be charged with a timeout that Oklahoma State defense very very young as a matter of fact only one started back in the front seven Shaw's the big play man had a dislocated shoulder two weeks ago both the linebackers are freshmen they're improving each week the secondary is terrific with all-american Mark Moore he moves from the free safety to the corner because of an injury in that secondary but it's the strength of the Oklahoma State defense and they have Nebraska where they want them right now in situation the thrill is complete it's gonna be a first down the pass cut by Jason Donnie bruh and tailored to set in the pocket what they did in that play was they put Keith Jones that the ipact in the slot left he ran up the sidelines and took the safety in the corner with him and then gamble just ran a hook right into the receipt for the zone is nice toss this was the one element that in the past who sometimes missing from Nebraska the ability to throw the ball very well they have it this year [Applause] gets outside has about seven yards down to the 18 yard again by Leonard Jackson number 84 the right tackle out of Pine Bluff Arkansas I was born on the sideline great coaching job he's done 131 wins on a thirty losses in T ties now in his port team kid what an incredible record he has the third best active winning percentage in college football just a hair behind Joe Paterno who is number two second down and four for the Huskers two tight ends in the ball game power set up they give it to Jones and Joe we'll nailed in the backfield he didn't have a chance I pad Keith drillings number six had no chance on this play I came in unblocked and just nails him since gets the ball this is how you have turnovers on hits like that he did a good job just hold on to that ball he went right back on the ground the big hit was by Robert Nunn the reserve linebacker who came in for sim grain the young man who came out because he lost a contact none in 227 really put the hit on Jones third and three right now for Nebraska when the first boys run to the ball game maiya jumped offsides Taylor [Music] [Applause] the gender series tied in Todd Milliken and now we'll check the flag it looked like Oklahoma State had jumped offsides we'll check to see whether they were drawn off Sun and a tough break for the Cowboys they had held on third down and now Nebraska will get the automatic first Matt Jones on the sidelines he's the gentleman over there we'll all occurred the one without the Hat a local up mistake cannot make mistakes like this they give them a first down they have a big kickoff return against them well the defense first down when you're playing a team as strong as the brass but you've got to play flawlessly on special teams you just can't make mistakes like that on defense it's an automatic first down for Nebraska they're at the Oklahoma State 12 yard line and Pat Jones told us yesterday the one thing his defense is going to be doing is slanting skipping around doing every stunt imaginable they know they can't line up man for man against the the best offensive line option Taylor gets inside the 10-yard line brought down by David Bailey number 98 the left tackle there's the left hand of Steve Taylor and why is that important well it'll affect their option game he really is having trouble we talked to the coaches ester he can't pitch that ball when they go to the left he dislocated it last week and that changes their running game because they can really only run the option out of the right since he's right-handed he can't pitch a left-handed dislocated finger on the left hand so Oklahoma State there really doesn't have to worry about the option as on this play to the wide side of the field on second in seven one way that's when they ready to the one-yard line goes fullback Micah hybl it'll be another Nebraska first down hybl at 220 pound junior out of Lincoln Nebraska he is the backup fullback to Ken Kalin who was out with an injury let's watch that big offensive line of Nebraskans just blow people back then the full-back mica just takes the ball hybl big strong kid plenty room to run there they need the option McCormick a Walter Walter on the right side are very strong and they cut off the defenders on that plane stopped the pursuit first and goal Nebraska Jones touchdown Nebraska and the tradition here at Nebraska they let the balloons go into the first score use long and this time it didn't take long ten minutes 37 seconds to go in the quarter and the Huskers are on the board six nothing and Dale Klein will try to make it seven find who had a string of 60 straight point after is broken earlier this year drills the true and it's seven of the Huskers [Applause] hey against a big strong offensive line right over the right guard and center gap and he'll just dive right in that's why they call him in zone Jones he gets in when he gets close we have a timeout on the field here in Lincoln 1037 ago first quarter 7 nothing Nebraska [Music] Nebraska takes the opening kickoff and drives for a touchdown to lead 7 nothing here in the first quarter Oklahoma State will get the football for the first time Kline who made the extra point will kick it away to Bobbie Riley number one and Barry Sanders number 21 he's the far side and Sanders has not returned to kick off this year Riley has returned 197 yards for the touchdown Riley at the 10 24 returned for Oklahoma State scoring drive 40 yards consumed four minutes and 23 seconds eight plays and Jones capped it off with that one-yard dive and there is Keith's endzone Jones got a nickname like that you better be able to ply or your teammates rag you something awful well the key to that drive Mike was that third and 12 Nebraska show they have the ability to throw the ball and that was into the wind and Steve Taylor delivered a bullet it sure was Mike Gundy a true freshman leads the matter quarterback and keeper [Music] [Applause] the Nazca no way [Applause] there's freshman quarterback Mike Gundy starting his second straight game in place the struggling Ronnie Williams behind him Thurman Thomas who has not had a 100-yard game this year the receivers are exciting especially Hartly dikes the line has only one starter from a year ago Doug Meacham the the arrests are very inexperienced [Applause] ii can call it nine the oklahoma state the ball at the 25 yard line and the officials now marking up the other 26 it must be hard for Mike Gundy to believe this last year he was Oklahoma State player now he's glad to get to the grass before husband [Music] Thomas Thomas the tackle by Chris - big number 76 and Kevin parties number 35 the linebacker Nebraska's defense number 3 in the country against the run middle guard Danny Noonan a truly great players along that line the linebackers are good with bun for coming back from major knee surgery a remarkable recovery the secondary is solid seamless interception saved the South Carolina game a week ago so it's third and eight just the situation that Mike Gundy the freshman quarterback did not want to be in a position had to throw the football we'll be throwing out of the eye and he would the Dyson's went to draw the tongue Thomas a little twice over 95 preseason all-american familiar screen he gets Velveteen he's gonna play right off it make the play and that's why he's an all-american candidate outstanding play by the way deep to receive data bricks in Catalan Smith who was average with the wind taken by Smith midfield he's got a chance at teams again [Applause] see you've read here in Lincoln Nebraska they are seeing what they came to see Nebraska scores twice quickly [Applause] it's through in Nebraska in less than seven minutes has two touchdowns and ride Smith who would average ten point seven a return really broke this well it's a real low snap nope low fine he's the up man actually picks it off alertly now soon as he breaks this seam he'll have some nice down fill blocks all clean by the way and this will be a touchdown he just takes off that's two big plays by the return teams for Nebraska and that's why they were leading 40 nothing right now Heywood Patton every play you saw one white shirt the entire way they really wiped them out timeout on the field first quarter it's the Huskers by 14 [Applause] here's Pat Jones on the Oklahoma State sideline he has to find a way to circle the wagons his team down 14 nothing and they've only had one offensive possession well you work so hard on your offensive the defensive game plans and you know you just assume that your special teams are going to carry their own weight prepare for two returns like those mentally No Sanders Riley number one Sanders 21 to the far side they want [Applause] the 14-yard returned but he is a game breaker i floating kick into the wind Riley at the 12 [Music] [Applause] taste that amount at the 2701 Brian Davis downfield on special teams to run him out and a 15-yard return you know Mike talking about that punt return again was an alert play by Rod Smith coming up he was a short man and catching that punt it was with the wind and he hit it low so it was like a bullet it got there so fast it didn't have time to cover it and that's why I broke him for the touchdown eight minutes 12 seconds to go a tough position for Mike Gundy to find him is a situation like this down 40 nothing first quarter [Applause] with wide receivers right on the left and two tight ends that is Curtis looper the man in motion - Thomas up to the 31-yard line let's got off the ball well that time leave Jones number 98 and Mark Munford number 41 on the stop for Nebraska a team that is giving up only 54 yards of dinner on the ground and when you can shut down other people's running game like that you could win a lot of ball game puts them third in the country butter [Applause] seven you control that put past the Hartley nights one hand and clipping hoping that he's thrown to the ground by Brian Davis after the play dykes at 6-4 can go up and get it but he couldn't hold that one this advantage of being six foot four as a wide receiver he almost pulls his ball down very high I'll stick up one hand in the wind look at this he almost comes down with it he'll make some catch this before the night is over he's a big-time receiver big and fast drafted by the Phillies of pitchers spent most of his freshman year on the injured list third and seven for the Cowboys single back to tight ends the two wide receivers Potamus off to the side and the middle complete to Hartly dikes and nights at the 47-yard line brian's Sigler makes the stop at Gundy he had that one on the market as I said a second goal Hartly dikes is gonna catch some balls in this game they threw for 363 yards last year against Nebraska this is going to be a post pattern again when you're six foot four these are easier throws and if it's you throw into short guy right in the numbers and he pulls it down but there's a flag down back at the line of scrimmage and both teams have gone back to an indication that it was against oklahoma state that they are talking to cowboys giving them the option apparently they had enough for the first down on the banks completion Thomas having to and they will mark off 8:15 the password for the defense its decline have been first down roughing the passer call as Gundy got it late pretty good throw from being hit late wasn't really has never lost the Oklahoma State a lot of folks yes and walls too by director first intent Oklahoma State the Cowboys needed driving to midfield Parsons and Munford in there right now let's check in with Larry Barnett's our scoreboard update Larry all right they've got a good one going on in Tallahassee Florida State and Tulane second quarter Terence Jones the man with the ball for Tulane he fakes the handoff throws over the middle and it's picked off by Felton Hayes he takes it right gets a few good blocks and dives into the end zone for the touchdown that made it 14 to nothing it's now 14 to 6 for 'added state and the second Thank You Larry that's our score here in Nebraska 14 Oklahoma State nothing on a miserable night for football at homecoming at Lincoln Nebraska second and 7 right now Thomas is the eye back and Thurman Thomas gets the ball up the middle and it was Chris Spock pin number 76 which slowed his progress and then Danny Noonan number 95 planted the Molalla mark well Danny Noonan doesn't always have to make a tackle he's so big in there he's 32 pounds heavier than Wilkins the center focal in the state he just got to take up a lot of space here and the rest of the defensive line does a job with them they're not going to be able to move the ball up the gut they're gonna have to throw the ball they have more than heart Lee dykes and receiver Bobby Riley five caches 431 yards against Nebraska then go to either wide receiver Thurman Thomas five carries eight yards so far he has yet to break a hundred [Applause] Thomas got to the Nebraska 39 yard line driven out of bounds there by Mumford Thomas had a great week of practice Pat Jones who's very upbeat about it yesterday saying he was making the cuts a little stronger than he had before well I think the key there is that he's got to hope that his offensive line is developing they played four games together now they only had one man coming back and I don't care who you are as a running back you got to have some room to run your knees healthy or not and I think I think they've been proved there's maybe a little tough to be critical of me still averaging 81 your game a lot of people give anything to have a guy averaging 81 yards again [Applause] and a pretty good Drive they've reached the big to get outside Riley I've been trying to [Applause] Brian Sigler identity stuff prior Tomiko some good speed there yet number 91 Tony Holloway is a very fast defensive in he will hold early a linebacker he's four point six in the forty India he ran right away from him on that plane he was right on his tail so I think Thomas is ready for a good game but they're gonna have to throw the ball downfield to stay in this thing five second and five they have kind of offense in there because Mike Gundy this time up the middle to Garrett Lumbricus fullback and Limburg did me a bunch in memory at Nebraska defensive line spot went down there again let's go to Tim Brando on the sidelines Tim Mike book you and Pat have touched on Thurman Thomas's knee problem he came in there since my legitimate Heisman candidate he is wearing an anterior cruciate which many offensive linemen generally wear this is to protect the tibia and keep from any more injuries taking place with any respect to the knee and that is always something for all very concerned with particularly with commas big play here third and three out of the I they'll give it to Thomas stop short game tackled there's seven red jerseys in there I think there were 10 Mike could it be on corner was killing I didn't see on the file well it's gonna be fourth down and now as Pat Jones gonna go with a field goal attempt speaking about those knee braces uh Timmy showed their on sidelines I think his football progresses the next couple of years you can see more more people wearing those this is Broderick Thomas being attended to those knee braces are about the best idea to come along since helmets I think well I've seen Anthony who you know has come to the sidelines with the Bengals with the metal actually torn yeah and what would that have done to a knee ligament here is Brad Dennis the young man who in high school in Villa Park California broke all of Pat Mackin alleys records that question was why did it take so long thanks a lot my day off for some time Dennis for trying from 49 his long this year is 47 line drive and it's going to be short he had me hit at all it's a tough night to kick the football it gets very hard and it's this cold even with the wind so Oklahoma State comes up empty this might have been wrapping he'll go down after he kicks this ball he did not hit it well I think got hooked a little bit and then he went right down now I'll tell you you're right Mike when it's cold it's hard to kick timeout 359 to go on the borders still Nebraska by 14 our score here 14 nothing in ESPN's live presentation of CFA football continues next Saturday when Texas hosts Arkansas coverage starts at 7 o'clock Eastern Larry and Beno with the mercury college football scoreboard show Nebraska with with a football and they go up the middle they get the ball to the 33 yard line again be with us next Saturday night when we'll have Texas and Arkansas one of the fine rivalries in the southwest both teams coming off losses today Texas losing big Arkansas lost a tough game against Texas Tech we'll be on the air at 7 o'clock with Larry and Beno in the mercury college football scoreboard show and then 7:30 we'll be on second and nine and Nebraska will call a timeout we'll take a break here in Lincoln where Nebraska is leading Oklahoma State 14-nothing some of the fans here in Lincoln Nebraska more than 73,000 650th Stadium but there's more here for homecoming Taylor why don't he's got him that's Millican midfield driven out of bounds by at work more this is what Nebraska is doing so oh so well this year we have an injury here Oklahoma State players is down we can't see the number right now we'll check it for you and it's number 66 Reggie Christian who's the nose guard on the backup second-line unit they expected to play him a lot tonight me I'll decide it's a good player and can ill afford to you'd lose another defensive lineman they're so thin they're right now Pat told you earlier only one of the front seven comes back as a starter for Oklahoma State and he was only a part-time starters right into the season so they are it's ironic too because they have so much strength in their secondary they truly have one of the best secondaries in the country tending to the training staff attending to the injured player Nebraska is one of those teams Pat that does not make mistakes that's unbelievable it's been 22 years until they've allowed a punt return for a touchdown eight years for kickoff for an interception seven years it's just that's top-notch football that's why they win so many games you know people it's almost boring because they just don't make mistakes Christian up able to run off under his own steam that's always good to see and the way he's running off the field we should see some more from the pig number 66 before the night is over I was going to say about the passing game for Nebraska they've been very effective this year for instance with Claude Milliken he's only only has five catches that's but it's a 30 yard average and four touchdowns out of those [Applause] Sen Keith Jones he I back in motion around the give it up to Dana Brinson the wing back in Brinson driven out of bounds by more the wrong side line if you're gonna fight with somebody you want to go where there's more white jerseys than red there's a lot of big Richards over there for plain corner tonight because of injuries the All American free safety had been an all big eight quarterback and in fact at that position because of Denise Williams being hurt now this is not the optimum place to have a late hit or a hassle on the sidelines now wait to see all these the the red envelop the white the one white jersey this is fun again he's got some comrades with him not enough though second and six Nebraska whilst the 46-yard hybl who gets to the 1440 check in with Larry Burnett for a scoreboard update Larry our story here is 14-nothing Nebraska with the lead and the football at the Oklahoma State 43 yard line hybl is carried three times for 12 yards he's dating and studying place the beans and Tim Kalin at fullback Nebraska's survived several injury there's so much depth out of the eye this time Taylor on the [Music] [Applause] long safety Mike Hudson number ten but he's got the first down both Steve Taylor's averaging five point six eight a carry this year 53 for 298 missus wide he'll just run the option again to the right his hands healthier so he has the option to pitch it but this read hybl nice block by Howell and he'll go outside he just adds so much speed to this team and they need that a quarterback well chat number 69 right there right tackle they think he may be the best ever play that position here quarterback this finds a hole Walter the right tackle and part of the left guard met each other in the state high school wrestling championship Clark to warn these guys at both burgers to throw Taylor under pressure trying to get away from drone throws downfield intercepted man drop by Mike Hudson Hudson had it right his hands and couldn't hold it to to give some credit to sim drain the middle linebacker put some pressure on Taylor and made him twirl running to his left right now this again that you'll see you'll see chief Jones he's got some speed he'll elude his tackle and this is just a poor pass and he's absolutely Steve Taylor throws a fall should have been intercepted and Oklahoma State needs these plays right in his hands they've got to come down with those instead it's a dropped interception Nebraska's got the ball going on third down second down low Nebraska Act of 20 minute the 30 yard line the one remaining back is Mabel get the football still on driving 40 25 yard and he ran right over Rickey Sean number 97 a young man who's coming after Schroeder injury now how cold do you think it is it's under 40 degrees the windshield must be around 15 they should not do that that is ridiculous Dante when we played in the AFC Championship game 59 below zero we had a fan died doing that particularly after your drinking particular after drinking but you don't feel the cold and you can die so don't do that if you ever see it you know if you're a fan of the cold Stadium in the morning don't do that at home these guys are professionals third and five blitz and they may have gotten here early they brought both backers on that play Oklahoma State will have to gamble on defense Jonas knows that you line up playing man-to-man with Nebraska you get your hat handed to you procedure penalty will be called against the Huskers apparently somebody moved as they showed the blitz earlier in this Drive Nebraska took a timeout Steve Taylor was a little confused when he went up to the land scrimmage in what Oklahoma State somebody did move Oklahoma State needs to move their front surround they need to confuse the offensive line as well as blitz and they don't want to blitz but Nebraska's moving the ball too well they're gonna have to gamble starting right now so it's back to third and 10 after the penalty and Taylor leads them out hybl the pullback Jones goes wing wing as it come against the boyars they picked it up beautifully and Taylor has all day it's picked on by Jerry Deckard number 47 his third interception of the season and that was not a good throw by Steve Taylor who had all day to throw it they tried to go to Todd Milliken again number 43 the tight end has been so effective this year the cherry checkered number 47 for Oklahoma State's very quick he's for six he plays defensive line but he's really a linebacker type a drop that's a nice catch Haney plays like that they have to get the turnovers when they have the opportunities big play right there if Decker could have kept his feet he might have been able to run that one back he has an 82 yard interception return already this year big break for the Cowboys they had the ball at their own 20 hardly dykes couldn't holding covered very well by Charlie flyer but the pass was there prior got handed just as the ball arrived one thing they're going to do with Mike Gundy today is they're gonna go a lot of three five-step drops like that quick throws to offset the the young line and the strong defensive line of Nebraska that's exactly the type of throws you need to do hit those fast receivers when I'm catch the ball in stride break some tackles maybe get some big plays they can't afford to have those sacks Gundy bashing right now one out of three fifteen yards Thomas 8 carries 23 yards 123 to go first quarter second tip for all the state to own one nebraska show is free man the other defendant Thomas and Thomas wrapped up by Chris Bachmann again who has been all over the field in the first quarter well Thurman Thomas again no matter how talented you are if you don't have any room to run you're not going to get many yards Chris Bachmann just makes a great play right here he's in the backfield and pulls him down he's a two year starter and you know last year he had two interceptions four touchdowns which probably is the record the n-c-double-a for defensive lineman he's excellent against a run a very very quick and 265 pounds so it's third and 12 as time and once at all - Riley and Bradley made the text catch by Bobby Riley [Applause] that's nice for the quarterback guys receiver cut mo go up and get a ball like this mommy Riley again he had five catches for 131 last year against Nebraska he shows you why right here right between two guys unbelievable timing he's up above me the only 590 out jumps and he comes down with the ball Brian Davis at 62 they couldn't stop the little guy out a Stroud Oklahoma [Applause] gun D on the option gets to 35 yard-line stacked up there Kevin Parsons number 35 the first man into hitter along with Brian Davis 32 I think plays like that gives such a lift to a team into a young quarterback like Mike Gundy it really means a lot clock running down and Oklahoma State born with a win in the first quarter is not going to get another playoff as time expires with Nebraska in the driver's seat but Oklahoma State driving high score here in Lincoln Nebraska after a porter of college football 14 nothing Huskers yes Oklahoma State down 14 nothing in Nebraska territory for the second time in the first half they had the ball up to 35 it's a second and such situation for freshman board Mike Gundy [Applause] got it back knocked out of his hands by Brad Tyra number 83 the son of the former great Jim Tyra now he almost actually got this ball as a handoff this option was well set up if he could have held on to the ball got this pitch out to Thomas he might have some yardage but as you can see Tiger came in and almost took the ball right out of his hands it's good thing he fell on top of it but that's the way to stop that option you got to put a guy on the quarterback in a hurry don't give him the option to run a pitching [Applause] right player [Applause] [Music] and complete to hurt leader worst of all and complete was out there but Tony Holloway dropped off from the right-hand spot was right with him Gundy had the ball where Hartly dikes is the inside man on this right in the slide on the right of your screen he's gonna run a quick out pattern little pivot he reads the defense Holloway makes a nice play very fast again these aren't true defensive ends they're almost linebacker types they can cover the field and put a pass rush on okay he almost caught this bobbin in in actuality when the mattered he was about five yards short at first down that's not the pattern you want to run on third nine but another Oklahoma State player is down and it looks like Mike Wolfe the left tackle sophomore 65 263 found and they're looking at his ankle right now we've got a scoreboard update from Larry Burnett [Applause] [Music] Larry thanks very much still attending to Mike wolf the injured Oklahoma State cowboy and Oklahoma State will be facing a fourth and seven right now and had a fewer head coach Matt Jones with fourth and seven at the 36 yard line down 14 nothing against the wind we wonder what you do we'll ask you that question when we come back right now there is a timeout on the field 14 17 to go in the first half [Applause] [Music] the Nebraska early second quarter and Mike Wolfe still down for Oklahoma State the injured player and they are bringing a stretcher out on the field boy you hate to see this plus a shame they're very high in Mike Wolfe he's one of four starting sophomores in that offensive line we alluded to how young they really are and they have a number of sophomores and freshmen throughout the lineup you know you hate to see these young kids get hurt it looks like an ankle there that doesn't look you know when you have to carry him off like that could be serious back to my question you're facing a fourth and seven from the 36 yard line into a strong wind yeah I guess you have three options you can go for it try a straw a long field goal into the wind or you can pump them well they're not going to try a field goal they didn't make 49 yarder with the wind so I'd say that I'd have to punt this ball I got to be honest Lee I hate to be conservative and he's let's go down to Tim Brando on the sideline he can tell us more about the injury to Mike Wolfe Tim a wolf has had it put in a split as you can well tell they're carrying him off the field now Jeff fair the trainer for Oklahoma State getting some assistance from George Sullivan there's some concern about a break on that left leg right now but we should also mention that Reggie Christian who was earlier injured had a left knee twist and in that twist it was a case where that knee brace really perhaps may have saved a far greater injury so we've already seen that particular device come to the forefront and you can tell now that the fans the breasts are very hospitable as they give Mike Wolf's an ovation as he is being carried off the field that's an excellent point on that knee brace Timmy there's no question that they are saving injuries and they should be worn prophylactically as a preventative measure and again you'll see more and more running backs not just offensive lineman waarom from now on the most professional teams they are mandatory not and they will go with Pat Mackin alleys advice and punt the ball Dana Brinson is deep to receive coach mcanally please yes when you're right it's coach Mac analogy when I'm wrong on the brother all its former punter not gonna happen thread well this is an advantage actually kicking into the wind from this distance really helped a punter he should be able to stop this ball inside the 10 Coker a 30 mile an hour who gets it up at all it's really and he and the wind pushes it back hits at the 10 and out of bounds and there may be a roughing the kicker call flagged down at the 47 yard line after a 26 yard punt but a good one and it is a roughing call against Nebraska an unusual error for their corn Huskers they usually don't make plays like this and no reason really to go for punt walk in that situation I agree I think you let a punter just you can't let him stand and kick it all day but at the same time they knew that they were gonna get the ball that's that's just like a turnover the other thing is that that again we've had this a number of weeks right in a row you'll see it again this fall is gonna be blocked he's gonna try to block this putt but he comes straight into the punter I don't know how many times I can say the only way to block it is when you dive across you don't want to run into the punter go straight ahead that's what generally happens you don't get the ball and you do get the punter just like a turnover first down for Oklahoma State look like Danny Noonan the nose guard one of the few times you're gonna see him make a mistake he'd barely hit Carey Cooper but Cooper put down like he was hit by cannon there there are no fair leaves when you're planning the vegan net you go down that's a penalty take a look at the statistics in the first quarter and the return yards are the thing that stands out for Nebraska 121 yards in return yards otherwise it's relatively even but set on the stainless lightly well set up the first score and it gave him the second score so it's 4th and 2 after the penalty and Oklahoma State will now just bang the punt and they'll go for it I think this is a great call by Pat Jones from the [Applause] calling signals one dives to the 30 heated mega 2 pitch that ball Neil Smith number 9 the man who and Gundy comes up the yard shy the neil smith 99 is a big play a player for them he's very quick got up they say he's got an arm span of 7 foot 1 inches and he uses it all on this play it's gonna pull down Gundy shorten the first daddy came from the offside that's great quickness that's a heck of a play to come from the opposite side and pull the guy down for one yard game ok when they go to the second string here at Nebraska it's not substituting they just reload coming out scraped off first and ten Huskers their own 30 Jones the sauce [Music] got to the 36 up orchid over there Larry Burnett has a scoreboard update for us from Bristol Larry the game in Baton Rouge we saw Harvey Williams earlier in the year he is going to be a truly outstanding player for a long time [Applause] braska Jerry Decker's made the tackle that's a week it's definitely cold everybody's work gloves down there that's we talked about earlier Mike they can they go outside with Jones or with Taylor the quarterback and they go inside with Mike the hybl they're so strong and that front line their offensive line so big and strong being run the ball up the middle they go over the running game again Taylor on the option this time you won't get much 47 yard line is where they'll mark it down David Bailey the big left tackle credit for that star so it's second and eight Tayler the best quarterback Nebraska's Hansons Turner Gill and Bobby Bowden the head coach of Florida state said he didn't see much difference the young man just destroyed Florida State 130 yards rushing 139 yards past me touchdown return of guilt type number Taylor under gets away throws back man it's going to be a touchdown Oklahoma State is gonna score on this one [Applause] picked up by Jerry Deckard his second touchdown he almost said literally if he kept his balance [Applause] [Music] and the small crowd of Oklahoma State partisans really enjoy this one as Deckard has his fourth interception of the season his second for a touchdown and Steve Taylor probably wanted that one back you let it go and has to Oklahoma State has cut the lead in half well this is a check Detailers gonna roll right he uses his speed to set up they're setting up a screen of a real delayed long long delayed screen the problem is Terry Deckard sniffs it out he's the only one over there but this ball is about 50 yards in the air by the time he gets to it he picks it off and as a touchdown he is a big play player he is not your typical defensive end he's all over the field the great defensive play by Deckard and a 45 yard interception return makes it Nebraska 14 Oklahoma State 7 business 14:07 there is Jerry Deckard on the sidelines he has been the star tonight two interceptions one for touchdown and he has four interceptions as the defensive end they moved into defensive in nature but last year he was there nickel back he does have four six feet so he's kind of playing out of position although I would call him out of position with 200 Simpsons I wouldn't move him now and you know [Applause] and we've got Terry Rogers and Dana Brinson day 225 waiting for some health gets back Toback the 33:39 in Rome or well they didn't rascal we'll start from there it just ran some time off the clock today for his blockers didn't go forward and that's Doug Dalton a backup fullback who was in on the kickoff team and took that low bouncer good way to kick it off into this 30 mile-an-hour wind Tom Osborne on the side I have seen is we cut to seven points hybl over running back Jones the ball dances outside good solid tackle by Mike Hudson the safety who came up and put down a big kid 190 pounder Jones Oklahoma State with something chairman right now they cut the lead to 14 to 7 after Nebraska jumped on them in a hurry second and seven for the Huskers the way back is Dana Prince and he hasn't touched the ball except the extra night a big point kick boom it's back to Jones dangerous pits that almost result in for home bug but Jones gets it up to the 44 yard line and a little extracurricular activity afterwards Leonard Jackson chased the play and made the tackle Jackson's had a big first half defensively for Oklahoma State he came in with 44 tackles actually is their leading tackler they need a lot of plays from those defensive tackles tonight very unusual for Oklahoma State their leading tackler is Leonard Jackson the right tackle as a matter of fact three of the top four tackles on the team four defensive linemen that's extremely unusual usually it's your linebackers head and a strong safety positive [Music] measurement will give Nebraska the first down the Cornhuskers had a surprisingly difficult time with South Carolina a week ago South Carolina really pumped up for the game and of course you do get pumped up to play Nebraska week after week year after year remarkably record they've maintained Jones so far 24 yards on seven carry this fumbled the football look like he was almost trying to lateral it because he had bobbled the ball and tossed it to one of his own teammates hybl had gained 26 yards before that carry now watch the linebacker number 33 Chris Pegram he plays T he's almost like a tailback and he moves up like a running back he's gonna split right between the blockers and make this play and that's what they want to do in Oklahoma State's defense they have the five linemen up front to take on the blockers they put their backers deep the two guys and they come up like almost like running backs and try to make the plays it's important for those defensive linemen you keep the offensive line off to the backers so they can make those tackles paid room a redshirt freshman out of Dallas Texas number two on this team that tackles came through and got him and it's second and eight as Nebraska got a break and retained the ball on that fumble the officials are discussing the play right now not sure what they're talking about here comes the explanation no they're not explain it they're just going to resume the clock we understand one of the officials may have been a little banged up on the play wrong place the wrong time no pants in a couple of sandwich a second and eight for the Huskers [Music] nice fake as would belong the Oklahoma State 42 yard line finally stopped by Doni Brown number 4 Steve Taylor is gonna run a naked counter plan this the fake to Jones and they no row left he's got his tiny Millican he could toss a follow him right here but he decides to tuck it and watch Milliken throw block you can come in protect his quarterback keep the guys off him he could have gotten either way run or pass on that play paper also went on that stop Taylor now 5 carries for 30 yards of that option offense here's the wing back and Brinson diagnosed very well he stopping him to line of scrimmage we've got another nick date from Larry Burnett larry mike stanford quarterback john pay has thrown his second touchdown pass against washington here he goes 19 yards to Jeff James for the score Washington is out of the field goal it's now 14 to 10 Stanford at halftime second and ten Nebraska with the ball at the Oklahoma State 41 yard line the Huskers are up 14-7 but the Cowboys are giving them a ball game [Applause] they faked the way back to verse this time forward out of the tackle of Ricki Shah the big play defensive end seas I thought he was in Reykjavik Iceland but wanted to catch this ball game it feels like Reykjavik Iceland here trying to maybe warmer there than he was tried here to see if Tim Brando can get the sideline interview with that gentleman second third make it third down and seven for Nebraska Oklahoma State's defense trying to dig in and force Taylor into passing situations the eye Jones is the deep man they fake it to him and go to throw off the hands of Milliken may have been tipped by Deckard who was he almost picked another one Deckard stuff the quarterback Steve Taylor is going to throw this ball you'll see it he kind of site arms if you really doesn't have a receiver that open and you can tell why because Jerry Deckard and he's going to go sign on with this ball and the Deckard almost picks this up again you can't see it he would have been in the open field again there we do get to see Deckard he almost got that ball had it been a little lower he hit picked another one I'd go away from him why was the browser day offline we'll come on to try a 55 yard field goal attempt with the win he is missed this year from 49 [Music] he got all of us what just short [Applause] was the would have been the longest field all of his career but he missed it and Oklahoma State will have the ball when we come back winter has come early to Lincoln Nebraska it is winter tonight believe me the freezing mark and the windchill on the field must be in the the football Thurman he gets up to midfield Thomas covered by strong safety Brian Washington but Thurman Thomas rips off his biggest run of the year our biggest run of the night bro though let's go to Tim Brando on the sidewalk and that is exactly what the coaches wanted to do in this drive for Oklahoma State three Thurman Thomas up the middle he has 32 yards now and then open it up for Riley Bobby earlier Hartly dikes in other words soften the Nebraska's secondary a bit more challenged them more let's see if the freshman has it any we understand Mike Wolfe has a fractured [Applause] first down and more what nut banana bombs wanting to pick up extra yardage and driven at heart by mark Blazek and to the play and Matt Jones on the sidelines hoping it's not against his will after Gundy goes 21 yards and poor is he disappointed wait Mike Gundy showed some speed there he rolled left and went all the way back across the grain all the way across his field and picked up big yardage take a look see what you told what happened let's see Mike Gundy he's gonna roll left here he's looking for his tight in 87 just leaves your screen he doesn't have it they defense it well now he has the presence of mind and the athletic ability to start running he rolls right he could toss this ball but he decides to run it he picks up a blocker late let's see if we can pick up the penalty I think it might be right here nope broke that one well I hadn't seen anything thus far but I couldn't see anything it's coming Nebraska player and an Oklahoma State player ended up into the pile there and it's a dead ball foul pan watch the 32 Garrett Lynbrook 32 is gonna hit he's gonna block late come into your screen right there he clips and he hits him late that's a boy no excuse for that no need for that penalty they have a first down down the 20-yard line just a silly foul plays already over and Garrett Lynbrook go will be talked to you can bet when he goes to the sidelines and it's a first and 25 because the penalty occurred after the play was dead so tough break for Oklahoma State first and 25 for freshman quarterback Mike Gundy play-action dundee the plenty of time throws over the middle complete to Hartly dikes and dykes has the ball to the 35 yard line Brian Washington flattened him but Gundy has been impressive here in the first half in their foot Ronnie Williams let's watch Hartly dikes on his play just gonna run a simple cross batter he gets inside the zone and Gundy finds him with the ball and that's a smart play first and 25 pickup 1510 of it you don't have to pick it all up on first down nice catch nice pattern very nice throw in that zone Gundy now three out of six 61 yards two of them two dykes for 25 and it's second and 15 is that did get 10 on that [Music] [Applause] I didn't dimmer than Gillard to the 29-yard line where Brad tower brought him down Gandhi is really impressive he's hanging in there against the pressure and delivering the ball fourth catch of the season for Dillard play at Dillard had 22 catches last year so they really haven't gotten too much they sure that's only the fourth one as you said Mike and they're gonna have to start getting the ball more to the tide in because they'll start doubling those white outs Dillard is like a loose building when he secondary 250 third and nine for the Cowboys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here the signal well we're up here and he's down there and Gundy has the right to ask the official supplyin they have not signaled a time out yet what he's cool isn't he freshman quarterback goes up there he doesn't like the crowd noise so he just tells the officials he wants to quiet it down that's exactly what he should do it's his decision and he seems refreshment to Pat there had been some talk of red shirting him because Ronnie Williams had such cemented statistics but Williams got off to such an awful start at the beginning of this year they say the heck with red shirting gun he's got great talent spring in a plane way through for just under five thousand yards his last two years in high school so Pat jump made the right decision his veteran quarterback wasn't playing well it went to Gundy you can see why third and nine and you can bet the crowd will be louder this time and Gundy goes under the plan took a gun he's got time to defend her fault the custard the man who now then Riley almost fell down and the ball him in the chest what a play 27 yards Robbi Riley he's hurt him he hurt him big last year he's going to do it again here in Nebraska gamble they brought three people up the gut their backers is man-to-man coverage he outruns a guy when he falls down that watch he's going to slip right now but he's going to keep his balance and once the ball and catch it that's a heck of an athletic play he did not go down say what makes your heart stop cause you're that wide opening up start to fall down [Applause] back up to the ball the field is very slick it retains a lot of water first and goal Oklahoma State they're going for the tie Thurman Thomas airborne stopped just short and a little extra curricular activity again [Applause] and Jay or Dillard started to get into it for bad knee I'm saying he sure got high on that thing didn't make it though Nebraska you forget about the exit pain and there's Tom Osborne whose Club came in heavily favor but he's been in that position before heavily favored almost every time he plays like last week against South Carolina Tina went down seconds before now with 33 yards rushing that's almost what Nebraska gives up second and goal [Applause] jump offside what a terrible break that would be for patch [Applause] we'll now sort it out it looked like the entire left side Riley has to be a little heartsick that he could not get that extra yard after almost falling down cuz she had a short cut Steph well today he's happy made the catch tomorrow he'll be yeah chagrin that he didn't get in the endzone wide receivers hate to get to the 1 or 2 yard line how the running backs get the touchdown here's the call well start running off there that's the third penalty against state the left side of your screen you see the offensive left tackle jump early and the guard one thing you have to understand there's so much lighter than Nebraska they want to get off on the count but they went too early so now it's second and goal from the six two tight ends the ball Thurman Thomas the deep man in the eye and he wants to throw it now he's going to go back the other way No Thurman Thomas [Applause] [Music] look like an option pants the fifth question what they were doing on this play was I saw it was very clear in the white screen Gundy hands the ball off and he's a receiver Thurman Thomas is supposed to set up right here throwback to a but Gundy was covered by the optin off into the outside convinced now Thurman Thomas is stuck with the ball with no receiver he just did the best he could that's his run so now it's third and goal Palma State at the 10 yard line they are going in the wrong direction [Applause] back into the ballgame atrophic dykes he had it Boston to go on perfect row and dikes cannot hold that is evil by Charlie fry it was an ideal situation you have a six foot four receiver against a five foot ten defensive back and Gundy puts his right on the numbers he splits the defenders perfect fast to Salou behind him but I mean there wasn't much room to get that ball in there he says now I have to go with the field goal grant Dennis from 27 yards excuse me this is so Donald Indians Ryan has the stronger leg O'Donnell puts it up and it's good so Oklahoma State within a yard of tying it up they settled for the field goal they're down by we've got a good one in Lincoln Nebraska where the Cornhuskers lead the Cowboys 14 to 10 less than five minutes to go first half Oklahoma State will kick off deep to receive Rodgers 20 and Brinson 33 Rodgers by the way the son of former Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Rodgers and this is O'Donnell a man who kicked the pee hole to kick away Rogers number 22 the nearside they have under retired the number of Johnny Rodgers had given to his son it's quite a story that's wonderful yes kid can fly yes in the hand just because you're playing second strength Nebraska doesn't mean the low bouncing kick again one of the Nebraska we'll start from there once again it's back up pull back Doug Dalton on the kickoff team he showed he was coachable that time Pat the ball and he ran North and South was exactly what he should do they have the ball 39 yard line great field position if you're gonna squib kick like that you have to get it by those up guys are you gonna be in trouble 14 to 10 as Oklahoma State has come back from a 14 nothing deficit to make it a ball game and if Riley who makes the long touchdown or long catch does not slip and fall at the one-yard line it's a touchdown in a tie ballgame Brinson the man in motion and they'll give it to keep endzone Jones makes it across the 50 right goal [Applause] - man to the 15 boy can he fly but it's nice to have a hole like this Thurman Thomas is fantasizing about seeing this much room watch this I mean there is no one there now watch him take off he won the Big Eight 60 yard sprint last year the title of six point something he could really fly four three three legitimate when he gets out in the open field not many people are gonna catch him this is what Nebraska does so well when they are challenged they respond in time Bible will pull back those inside to tender about the seven yard line by more and Danny Brown Tim Brando has an update of the sidelines one thing to watch for Mike and Pat where Steve Taylor's concern with that injury is the sinner stabbed George Sullivan the trainer told me earlier that there had been some complaints from sailors with regard to the center exchange now as cold it is as it is in the third quarter it may not be a problem he may not feel his hands thank you Tim Nebraska now has a 153 yards rushing first half Taylor almost on that exchange back him up there take room number 33 hanging on along with Leonard Jackson this is what Timmy was talking about right here as far as it's difficult to get this exchange with a bad hand this is up close he's excellent camerawork watches he's gonna bobble it that's almost a turnover and furthermore right here he's running the option left and he really doesn't have the option to pitch it because his left hand is bad and just run in that play and they're either giving it to the belly guy or he's keeping it himself Taylor seven carries 36 yards its third and a yard for the Huskers great camera work by our crew guys Jones push down call them Enzo and he got at that time [Applause] our coop of the sitter is gonna have a clean exchange to the quarterback Steve Taylor here and then it's just into the end zone Nebraska sent you up that go outside with Jones and they come inside with hybl they go outside with the option with Taylor and back to Jones right up the middle for the touch flying is on to try the point [Music] downsweep flight from the holder quarterback Incline he kicks it through so with 256 to go in the half Nebraska 21 Oklahoma State 10 [Applause] you look even worse than you feel when it gets this cold that's not a mask [Music] 21:10 Nebraska or Oklahoma State with 256 to go so what a turnaround oklahoma state was within a yard of tying the ball game up couple minutes later the down by 11 [Applause] speak for the sea bouncing ball goes to Riley buried at the 17-yard line take a look at that last touchdown and Keith enzone Jones well this is a nice chance to be able to see what an eye backer the deep tailback has an opportunity to see the blockers in front of him you see caught he was originally supposed to go to the right he's deep enough where he has time to make that cut left get his shoulders down and get in the end zone that's what it looks like when you're an eye back or deep tailback so Oklahoma State will have two minutes and 52 seconds to operate here's the scoring drive as Nebraska answers the Oklahoma State score in a minute when 61 yards [Applause] and is dragged down from behind by Broderick Thomas he is Mike Singletary fu and it's always nice to have the bloodlines now we've covered three fumbles against Oregon earlier this year and he stripped that ball last week and helped win that South Carolina game so he has a big play player [Applause] Thomas 31 carries so far Roderick Thomason [Applause] facing second date it'll flare the kerbin time it's got a screen in front of him cuts it back he's got enough for the first down 29 yard line let's go to Larry brunetti as an update from Bristol Connecticut I'd like the Georgia Bulldogs coming back at Baton Rouge 2nd quarter here and James Jackson rolling out looking for David McCluskey he gets it and gets into the end zone to make it 10 to 7 Georgia has scored again they have taken the lead it's 13 to 10 over LSU late in the second quarter oh you hairy dogs first and ten for Oklahoma State Swift's Def Jam [Music] those beautifully understand waiting for Thurman Thomas and even though this is artificial turf and they are wearing rain shoes there's not a lot of traction out there they have no chance can you pitch the ball you have the defensive income in your faces quickly like number 80 Jeff camera arts gonna go see on the right-hand side of your screen he's just gonna come appear out of nowhere Thurman Thomas does the best thing he do he tries to cut back gets the grain to just no chance gotta give her a running back Running Room situation six out of ten three yards he's had a good first man draw tops and he's buried as he got back to the old original line of scrimmage Danny Noonan number 95 was the first man there waiting for talking to the Nebraska coaches what they were most enthused about defensively is of course they're big and strong but this is the most speed they've ever had on the defensive line they're really able to you know they have the great strengths with Danny Noonan at nose guard and the other the defensive ends and tackles can run so well they can really stop the option game those wide pitches little surprising Nebraska is not stopping the clock they have two timeouts left we're down to 39 seconds and Oklahoma State can take its time and maybe run out the clock without having a punt into the way and if they throw to the first give it the tops they just [Music] ball came loose but it's got to be late and now the officials are conferring as the whether it's a fumble or not and they say it is dead 21 seconds left in the half and with that 25 second play clock they're not going to have to make the snap said this was after the clock or not he's hit necessary they didn't foul his progress has definitely stopped and he's long way after the phone oh god that made that tackle Leroy Etienne I've got to give you the statistics one of the greatest I've ever heard he was that Louisiana Player of the Year in 1884 yet 210 solo tackles senior season never got many factors now Nebraska will call a timeout but there's three seconds to go Nebraska had a chance I think he has had to put up Lahoma state in a tough position coming into the wind they had two timeouts left they let the clock run down let's reset well it really isn't gonna do much good what the planner needs to do here is he really shouldn't kick the ball he should just get right and run around but not drop the ball as we saw earlier against Georgia I agree with you Mike they really should have called timeout after that third down play for sure awful tough on a punter kicking into the wind Tom Osborne talking the official and the gesture would lead you to believe that something is amiss over there got Larry and Beno coming up with all the scores and highlights and a lot of the teams that were expected to win one big others did not have big games today and we'll have a report on the future of Homer Smith the offensive coordinator at UCLA boy UCLA has had a tough time although they did come from behind and win today and I'm sure Beno may be talking about the future of Fred Akers at Texas who really took his lumps today well to the most disappointed player out of the field right now is Rod Smith who returned that punt earlier for a touchdown I know he wanted get his hands on the ball again yeah I don't think he will I think you're right they they shouldn't even bother to punt this ball they only have to run three seconds off the clock and they're doing the right thing they're not even going into punt formation Gundy is going to take the snap from center all he's got to do is kill three seconds and a dangerous play as he goes on the toss although you cannot run with the fumble after it's at the ground Thomas makes the tackle on Thurman Thomas and that's the end of the first half our score here in Lincoln Nebraska before a sellout homecoming there's the branch 221 home estate 10 a big first capsule the Huskers but Oklahoma State is made of the ball game stay with us we're at halftime we're here at halftime on the metlife halftime halftime on the MetLife halftime Matt Jones who was usually much more emotional on the sidelines than we have seen him in the locker room tonight and he is exactly the kind of coach I think Pat that a program like Oklahoma State needs he is a motivator someone that really gets his kids up well I could think you could you could see there when the way he talks intimately with his players instead of screaming at them what you the persona you see on the sidelines is not what that team season I think that's very important he he's like a friend to him and that's why they're playing well tonight this is a tough game yet they're performing well at Nebraska and they are playing well if you take a look at the halftime statistics Oklahoma State is right there with Nebraska and in fact they have 62 yards rushing which is above Nebraska's average so far this year they've only been allowing 54 yards in the ground that's for the entire game the big difference I think is that Smith punt return that really broke it open early in the first quarter well that in the early kickoff return they came right out and going into this game you know a team that's under man physically as Oklahoma State is they need to play exceptionally well in the special teams they've given up to big returns and on their side of the ball they have not broken a big one O'Donnell will kick it away and deep to receiver Terry Rodgers number 20 and Dana Brinson 33 Rodgers has not had a chance to catch the ball from scrimmage and he would like to get his hands on it on a kickoff return another low bouncer loose Rogers he's a burner lost his balance in Martin Lorna the all-american playing on special teams made the tackle at the 40 after a 26 yard kickoff return here's what Nebraska did in the first half the first time they got their hands on the ball they went in for the touchdown to make it 17 othing then they were stopped two consecutive drives by interceptions and the second one of those interceptions went for the Oklahoma State touchdown then the next possession they had a missed field goal and scored on their final possession of the first half see what Nebraska can do across the 40 up to about the 42 yard line where sim grain little linebacker is in on the tack day for the Cowboys along with number 98 David Bailey the left tackle played rain did a heck of a job to fill in that hole he came from 6-7 yards deep and he was running faster than the ball carry and he dropped title right in his tracks that's what those middle linebackers need to do for Oklahoma State 500 again only a hundred and three yards coming into this ballgame as eight carries for 37 second and seventh situation right now poor [Applause] near sideline and off the fingertips of Rob's knit slur who was operating they the bad shoulder loosely couldn't hold on one interesting thing about Nebraska's past on the link the backs can't have caught the Normans pass in the entire season that's not counting the wing back that's just unbelievable and you think with someone like Jones and some of the running backs they have Rogers they want to get that ball out to the receivers the backs has receivers but I guess they're so confident in the running game they just want to throw the ball downfield ooh they're tight in wide receivers let the running backs run and it's a little tough for the throat of the backs out of the I to Nebraska is converted four out of six on third down they're facing third and seven right now Taylor wants to run the option and Oklahoma State defenses it very well he gets to the 46 but that's gonna be about three yards shy of the first down so Oklahoma State holds on defense well Pat Jones told him at halftime that they're playing defense better than they have in 83 84 and 85 and they held right there David Bailey again on the stop and this will be the first time the John croaker will have to come on and kick it away averaging 41 point one sophomore 180 pounds 5:11 he will be kicking into the wind here on the third quarter and you'd have to think of Oklahoma State is going to do so offense they need to do it a third quarter width that 30 mile an hour wind and the conditions are getting nothing but worse trunk room Jeff get signal for and it all but he got out of the way once again Riley lost his balance uh-huh this was really close but again the field came into play here Riley comes up he's having trouble what if he should be wearing those rain turf shoes he's gonna come up to catch this ball it's a short wobbly kick it's got a fair catch but then he slips right there the kid he catches himself with that left hand this ball really hits his shoulder I don't know if he was acting or that ball did miss awfully close not good field position for the Cowboys they have it at the 17 yard line after 36 yard punt Oklahoma State down this is the freshman Mike Gundy [Applause] he's about to Thurman Thomas couple and Gundy recovers at the 10-yard line Thomas coughed it up but Gundy got it back well Thomas really never had this Paul solidly just out of the eyes gonna come up take us home oh they didn't have it he got stripped got strip Tony Holloway was the man who knocked it away from him number 91 from the right in it's a good thing Gundy followed through with his fake he hands the ball off act like he was passing the ball he was 8 yards deep the ball roll - it's very fortunate second and 17 Oklahoma State in a deep hole in a turn and they'll go to consumer group Thurman Thomas I'd to cut his back he's hit first by Kevin Parsons and Mark Montfort number 41 wrapped it up here's what Oklahoma State was able to do with surprisingly good offense in the first half the first time they had the ball they had to punt away second time they missed a field goal the third time they went for it on fourth and short lost the ball on down then they had their only offensive score the first half on a field goal after a first and goal situation and then halftime ended with them in possession Thurman Thomas a tough 17 carries tonight 36 yards he was averaging 81 yards of ball game third and long and they want to go for all the throwing deep little contact no flag and Hartly dikes us up beeping at the official he thought he got bumped on the way down by Brian Davis and they want to keep Davis on him who was six - because Hartly dikes is six for the other corner of fire is only 510 well there's definitely some contact here but I think it's the right call by the officials I think it was incidental they're both going for the ball and that's a good play defensively that is not a penalty excellent job by the officials Cooper will come on to punt to Brinson and Smith Smith is the one who broke the one in the first quarter for 63 yards in the touchdown Smith is 88 33 and we'll hit it from his three yard line oh nice with the win and got it up see to the 24-yard line in a butcher turn [Applause] 49-yard kick [Applause] [Music] Dana Brinson tremendous speed again this balls it's a nice long kick but it was a little low with that wind and now they said this is excellent picket I mean they had a mall block except the last guy he cuts back runs it in his old man they make the tackle but he can't set up punts any better than Allen that punt returner excellent wall great return by Dana Brinson puts the ball and now give it to Brinson on the wing back reverse Brinson to the 14 yard line that should be good enough for a first down and Brinson coming into this game averaged 14 yards a carry winner in the bowl Dana Brinson is a threat that's a wingback spot they run it very effectively just little crossbuck to him they pulled the guard bake the block and then it's just feet around the corner Walter that's a tackle making that pole they said he was big and he's fast and when you pull a tackle from the opposite side and make a block like that you can do it all there is Princeton who's gained 14 yards on three carries first contender Braska leading 21 to 10 bidding for more nelson the man in motion and they run the option the pitch to Jones no dice football it's dead there though mistake to not advance the fumble that's more going for what he would hope to be a touchdown but the ball hit the ground but it's going to be an Oklahoma State recovery of the fumble as Jones coughed it up the third Nebraska turtle run the option to the right on this play Baylor just makes a belly now pitch out to Jones he has plenty of time yes looks it away but he strips them Jerry Decker stripped he's probably mad that he didn't catch the pitch or catch it in the air so he could have advanced it Jerry Decker who has two interceptions one for a touchdown caused that fumble [Applause] for hartley dates in the Boy [Applause] you're supposed to do is we see we really didn't have a chance to pitch this ball but he's going to take it away from fryer remember he's six he's six inches taller than fryer on this play and he'll come back watch and he'll knock this ball away this is what good receivers do he's no chance to catch it so he'll go over prior knock it down he'll care if you get inference you just don't want an interception fireman had ball got there [Applause] we're trying to throw a whip that win they give it to the full-back Garrett the Limbert and absolutely nothing [Applause] you know 2:05 [Applause] so it's going to be third and long for the Cowboys Holloway was one to strip that ball the last Drive that Genji fell on after Thomas fumbled it he is in that backfield very fast as the defensive end 11 Oklahoma State now averaging just a little over two yards to pull it up on this one he wants to grow quit scream - Riley driven out of bounds Broderick tournaments out there Clippers and knock them out of bounds there's a clever little play though he threw out wide out the other white out block almost an effective shield tight pass to the lighthouse Gary Cooper will come on the punt is probably the one thing cat Jones doesn't want to see is Brinson and Smith go back to take apart they've been devastated Brinson is 33 straight ath has a touchdown Brinson has a big return Cooper would like to get one it's another low kick [Applause] Boyd's a couple of tackles and finally snapped at the 42 43 yard line the best punt coverage Oklahoma State his head in a six yard return timeout flinte to go in the third quarter Nebraska by 11-footer in Lincoln Nebraska 1010 left to go in the period it's Nebraska 21 home estate 10 it's been quite a ball game and Nebraska has ended its own Jones who fumbled the last time to the fire of your heart more the All American free safeties playing in corner tonight on the bottom of that pile you know it's interesting my cow one player could have such impact last week we saw Hornsby Crenshaw will single-handedly slow down Taylor and tonight Jerry Decker two interceptions caused another fumble one guy on your defense is enough to disrupt a lot of offenses you were saying something during the commercial Pat Jones got to be a little discouraged his offenses played well as defenses played well you don't expect to come to Nebraska and lose to the second and seven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 8:45 the fumble came after the play rod Smith on the tackle play free safe again it's an under at me panned off let's see what Decker does on this play well he gets blocked but he's not gonna give up he comes back and makes the play anyway so they're blocking him all over the field but he's not gonna go down he gets up makes the play there but it's a 8 9 oh let me arms down the field on that play and he was blocked by stand partner who outweighs it by 64 pounds and when you're stinking spill you're not gonna play off that block very well first to 10 Huskers Jones nice play by Mike Hudson who fought off the block to make the tackle drain at the end linebackers haven't been there a lot for Oklahoma State both of them freshmen and such youth in the front seven of the soak Lahoma state defense they've really acquitted themselves very well tonight oh yeah the front you know the only thing they could do against this Nebraska team so much bigger on the offensive line they had to use their quickness and they've really done it effectively they've changed their fronts they've spent it they've used the Blitz when they needed to edge events of Lionel Pat Jun to his coaching staff deserve a lot of credit for the defensive days like this Taylor on the option pushes it back and to Brinson who carries it out of Bounce let's see if he got enough for the first down into purity did there will be another first down the braska they're trying to build the score right now the leading 21 to 10 pretty good pitch with his left hand yeah and if you joined us late Taylor has a dislocated finger on his left hand new Avenger though they will set their defense they're not worried about the option of the left-hand side because with the ball in your left hand is so difficult the pitcher I think they have in fact they started their defensive line to the white side that last play well Jones took a shot from Mark Moore Moore really came up and nailed him Jackson also when I was stopped there's the big guy Jackson well intact well Enzo Jones had some big holes but sometimes it's running back you don't have anywhere to go this is one of those cases oh just gets hammered both sides nice little end zone sandwich on that play I'm sorry I said it was more it was Jackson the first man in there and he's made a lot of plays tonight sure has came in as their leading tackler and he's proved himself well today second and eight Nebraska Oklahoma State trying to dig in on defense tailored play action to the outside and they'll chase them out of bounds and a flag goes down [Applause] do it on the sidewalk [Music] when you're visiting the place like Lincoln Nebraska the Nebraska if that player wasn't not [Applause] and Pat Jones is going to go over and try back on the we were wise move by Pat Jones [Applause] man where's you got to talk three straight balls they've gone too and they're certainly not both picture this year particularly if they can play this game school they tailor get in showing a speed here that just moves like a running back out come to the sidelines [Applause] [Music] all America play by mark more you don't expect it out of one of your leaders on the defense this just gives them a first down and it's this shouldn't be part of football you don't have a quarterback five yards out of they need one after a shot like that you'll be to the dance and sleet Blakeman done a job here's a man who spent his entire coaching career at Nebraska was an assistant to Bob Devaney who did a wonderful job in his currently the athletic director and Osborne has done nothing but win it with very rare example of someone following a legend yes Bob Devaney was definitely a legend in the sport one of the great coaches at the modern era he came right in he built his own dynasty helps to have someone like that as your athletic director - it sure does he's been there and he knows what it's all about he's done well the job is half lemon correctly to serving one for the Brasco the first down to the 3 yard [Music] [Applause] the crowd going personal foul yeah that's what their tough penalty something to his defense but you wanted to be hit hard but enough is enough listen altercations it's gonna be deep in the end zone hand-side her screen if we do get it he picks up the first down [Applause] is just that's good walking Jean MacCormack now more involved that that's pretty ticky-tack there yes not have given that penalty to Hudson who came over because performer to a late block he was trying to get back and more first we gold from the two the Fisher's want to control it not let me get - touchdown [Applause] that was Silla is one thing but [Applause] that was mark more again and if you don't take another ball game somebody I'll throw them right he's gonna get thrown out here soon by his crowd I don't think there's any question on the first hit - threatening someone's career Claire you should be kicked out of the game and acting like spended I think she spend in the next week or two late Blakeman the man who scores the touchdown will hold for Dale clients two scores mounted 427 to ten [Applause] [Music] 18-point lead and [Applause] Blakeman comes in and runs the option very effectively he'll take the snap he's got the pitchman wide and just hold it now he's six or seven yards deep in the end zone mark markups on Pizza totally on this that's two personal fouls three out of four plays Morgan was a great player but you can't do that 6:05 to go third quarter is Nebraska [Music] well here's the touchdown again he's just gonna option laughs Blakeman bake the belly he's gonna keep the ball he'll be in the endzone clearly mark Laura comes up and veins him late I mean you just stand there he scored he's happy now he's on his back he could be hurt mark Laura could have knocked out their first and second Street quarterbacks in three play that's right that's not fair to the team at Nebraska it's just not fair you shouldn't be still in the game he should be out of there so they'll mark off the penalty on the kickoff and they'll kick it off into the wind Klein will kick from the 50 yard line with Riley number one and Barry Sanders number 21 deep to receive and we will get an update on Taylor for you the quarterback and maybe Blakeman who was a little shaken up after as soon as we can Tim Brando checking on that at the sideline for us right now fine to kick it away 28 10 Nebraska high into the wind and then while hanging up short Oklahoma State got it back Riley bobbled the ball [Applause] it's tough to catch it in like he knows we're coming down but boy did he get lucky here right now he's gonna be laying down and the ball bounces right back to just before free red shirts fall on he was very fortunate on the sidelines he's got [Applause] this field position is because of that Lake penalty gonna kick off 15 yards [Applause] Thurman Thomas and you don't think [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get down to Tim window on the sidelines Tim Mike right now Steve Taylor's in good shape they join the games who smell exhaust just got named but now considering the school and the weather conditions in his hand things to put him back in so look for Blackland on the next series and this entire Nebraska [Applause] part wars in the game on the next series he better watch out second and nine whistles flags everywhere and the officials are really hustling in there trying to keep these teams apart they are going to war that's the left side of that line again they jumped early they're young Jason Kidder the left tackles replaced Mike Wolfe was that broken tibia our fibula and it's on Oklahoma State right in the billiards cream 95 denuded he has a free shot boy he touch you basis nuts all three down Thurman Thomas backed up this is the domino right here boom boom okay Newton bench presses 485 and he took two guys down on that one to throw is now seven penalties against Oklahoma State a total of 62 and 13 says I can't hear a thing some great boys tonight a true freshman who's replacing running [Applause] 363 yards against the basket a year ago and made it a game in Stillwater has been benched in favor of the freshman who has done quite a job and now the crowd you can bet is really going to be on Oklahoma State after they found out they could stop play once trying to quiet him down working Fendi on the [Music] contact over there the dykes again by Charlie fryer I think it's a good play by charles fryer balls going to be thrown by Gundy it's a deep throw it's up in the air a long time fryer is trying to get through Lee dykes to the ball which is a good play can't see it there but it was I threw it just didn't get enough on that bothers rolling goes left he had a pastor I showed he's lucky that was Oklahoma State will only have the wind for another five minutes in 14 seconds in this quarter gun d50 it's a safety the ball came but it doesn't matter the second time in this series went - this time [Applause] store just about every way [Applause] and sick for the safety number eight let's show you one thing we'll see Broderick of 89 to make this play sit earlier he's a big play player and that's a safety just so quick and he's so strong at his size it's tough to block a man-to-man but this shows Mike you do not want to get a team fired up taking out as normal to guys keeping a busy which frees up someone like Ryder Thomas to make the play when you have to double-team your nose guard it's going to free up those ins and tackles with the plays Noonan got to the party anyhow at the quarterback but Danny Noonan they say he's unbelievable huge he's 6 for 280 and they say that he eats 6,500 calories he tries to intake 6,500 calories a day comes in meetings with down the milk at six bananas 6,500 calories is a buffet by yourself there's Pat Jones and now has his club down 3210 and Oklahoma State we'll have to give it away on the free kick from the 20-yard line [Applause] and Nebraska will send it skip return people back Brinson can Smith 33 and 88 respectively [Applause] and Cooper will have to give it he's got the wind in his back he has gotten off some good kicks but they have been low and Nebraska has Byrd them on the and that's what this is [Applause] normal punt the free-kick must stay in place oh you'll be penalized five yards they're definitely gonna get a big set up a big flowery turn here this is the optimum position to be in he'll have about 30 yards between the ball and the tackler is when he catches this now Nebraska has the option of course I can take the ball where it went out of bounds they're going to do it that surprised me the penalty is declined there's a timeout with five minutes and five seconds to go third quarter it's Nebraska by 20 [Applause] American safety mark more on the Oklahoma State sideline he is not in there right now of course none of the starting defensive backs are in there Pat Jones is gone with his second team defensive secondary so we don't know if Moore will be back in the ballgame or not he has had been involved in in two very flagrant personal foul calls on the last nebraska drive and Blakeman and Taylor is back in a quarterback hybl across the 40 dragging people of a 43-yard line good run by hybl Pegram number 33 in on the tackle Tim Brando has an update for us from the sidelines Tim right now mark Moore is not playing but he has not been tossed out of this game Pat Jones just thought it was in the best interest of Moore and his team to give him a break and that's what he's getting right now Terry Rodgers number 20 comes into the first winces just tripped up could have had a lot more out of that play and the man who got him was number 98 David Bailey who's turned into fine defensive performers for the Cowboys when they get that ball to Brent's and they're so effective now as I said earlier they're off its blind it's big and they're fast they're pulling their offside tackles in that play was rod Maggard 72 72 made the block and leading him around the end it's awful tough and lank and run so well laterally to stop him and there is Ronnie Williams who is now the backup quarterback and this is Rogers for the first time the son of former Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Rodgers who was wearing his number they took it out of retirement Leonard Jackson made the tackle there's a picture of the great John Rogers the unretired during the assess wearing tonight that's really a class move by time well sure is a great thrill for the young man to be able to wear his dad's number it's really touching he is a freshman out of National City California throwing deep he's got a man out there was his tight end Todd Milliken but he overthrew it and there is a flag down I think we're gonna have a late hit as Taylor was nailed in the man who got him was sim drain the middle linebacker right now Coloma States just killing themselves they're taking themselves right out of the game he's middle backer 53 sim drain right in the left part of your screen he's gonna come up and he's gonna come in and he's gonna hit Taylor the ball is already gone he could have laid off and now he's gonna take him down that's what the penalty is yeah I think if he had just hit him and in held him up there wouldn't have been a penalty because he didn't get there that late but when he drove him into the turf and that is the eighth penalty against the Cowboys 77 yards its first down [Applause] this is how wet but good slide time [Applause] that's the optional cheer you don't have to do that if you're Cheerilee that's right I want Timmy Brando to do it let's see if we can get him to drive it 331 to go third quarter [Music] he's can fly he is quick Rogers [Applause] five freshmen rips off 27 yards though he stopped earlier tonight he had he returned to kickoff you could really see something his father his balance he know he's smaller little smaller but he may be a little quicker than his father was machito just cut behind these blockers again they're pulling them out they're so big the guards and tackles and now it's just a matter of cutting and this is a real wet field he's cut great footings he loses it there at the end but very low center of gravity and great acceleration we're gonna score a lot of touchdowns before he's done this field is wet and he showed great balances Pat said until it slipped getting inside the tent first and goal from the 9 for the Huskers trying to break it open hybl still on his feet inside the five dragging people to the to Micah hybl the backup fullback plane because campaign let's talk about the Nebraska injuries for a second they have they are so deep that they have overcome a lot of injuries to starters listen to what they've lost in their husbands a back row Ken Kalin their starting fullback Doug DuBose Heisman Trophy candidate I back Vaughn Shepherd they're starting wing back and table and aricept starting tied in and they're still in the top five and Sheppard a great player at wing back of course DuBose you mention Heisman and they just reload and bring him off the bench second goal from the to Rogers hit in the backfield fumble the ball it's still loose the state has it they got it on the bounce picked up by Mike Hudson the ball is dead after it hit the ground and can all of you were covered and not advanced but the second time Nebraska's had the ball deep in Oklahoma State Territory and coughed it up well when you're five foot seven 265 yards and you get a handoff you can hit this hard and you don't have time to put the ball away you're gonna fumble the ball there he's a true freshman and he just gets it only get stripped mean get hit that hard he went down the ball sweat remember the ball is wet awfully hard to hang out of that ball multiple home estate will have the ball deep in their own territory when we come back down by 20 [Applause] Oklahoma State up is going to make you come back is running out of time to 24 to go third quarter the down by 20 and they'll send in Ronnie the junior from Wichita Falls Texas and he will learn the offense that posture no dice mark Munford who's coming back off a crippling knee injury and surgery to rebuild a knee make the tackle and it's quite a story for that young man to come back well he's a two-time All Big Eight selection and they really didn't know if you'd be able to come back or not just an awful knee surgery a huge scar he just worked himself back in and look at that like his back playing he's playing well they say his back about 88% of where was before his sheer hard work Williams back he has a gun for an arm and completes it - Kenneth Brown at the sideline let's go to Larry Burnett for a scoreboard update all right here we go SMU leading Baylor by the score of 24 to 14 that one is in the third Clemson a winner over Virginia tonight that's the final 3117 also a fine old Florida State wins big over Tulane and Washington knocks off Stanford the first loss to Stanford this year 24 14 that's a final pack tens been a lot tougher than anybody thought this year the Cardinal losses for the first it's a first content for Oklahoma State Williams career last year against Cobra for yard throw sideline for the Dyke said he is driven Alabama great coverage there by Charlie fryer who buried him they've had quite a battle Lee thanks again has six inches on him he's a lot bigger but fryers playing him tough he'll be on the upper part of your screen this ball should have been caught he delivered it I mean he's rolling left he threw the ball about 30 yards on the line as you said Mike he set records last year my fryers playing him tough he's a big you know when you're smaller sometimes your little fights here he came in this game psyched up that he can handle Lee dykes so far he's done an excellent job good news for him or encouraged out of Williams either last year he suffered a broken jaw came back in four weeks and played again and you just don't do that that's what we're gonna say he did set to school records last year at 27 completions for 363 like you said last year through for 1,800 yards last year with that broken job played eight weeks couple of those weeks he had his jaw wired shut so he was very tough and they were expecting big things out of him this season the problem is he came in the first couple games had a couple picked off four touchdowns fumbled twice where they scored four touchdowns yeah tough to call signals with you jaws wired check sounds the same Williams dykes dropping off the line of scrimmage with Jeff shamrock number 80 who was playing in front of him very good when you get drunk defensive in back with detention 30 yards into the secondaries right double-team the receivers and that's Carrie Cooper who will have to come on Tom DeLay when average is a little deceptive they had been low and returnable and they'll send Brinson 33 and Smith 88 back to receive [Applause] another short kick and this sideways and abounds at the Nebraska holding on yard-line those kicks are with the wind and that one was 33 yards not what Kerry Cooper would have wanted to get out of that ESPN's live presentation of CFA football will continue next Saturday when Texas plays host to Arkansas our coverage begins at 7 o'clock Eastern that will be 4 p.m. Pacific when Larry Burnett and Beno cook hosts the mercury college football scoreboard show Steve Taylor back at quarterback enemy broke most of markets Marcus Allen's records in high school he averaged 11 yards a carry broke his totally Arden's offensive record 35 seconds to go and look is in on defense and they'll run up the middle [Applause] a little surprised to see more even though he's an all-american come back into the ball game it was a smart move by Pat Jones though he wanted to cool those guys down yeah they were a little hot and that's a classy move as a coach took them out the last series you can't afford to keep guys like that on the bench though it's just too good a player mores back at the free safety spot [Music] [Applause] [Music] and whistles will stop play this time and that's the end of the third quarter our score with 15 minutes of football still to come from Lincoln Nebraska 30 Oklahoma State 10 there's a score Nebraska 30 to 10 they can put this ball in they can they can put Oklahoma State away this is a big drive form right here [Music] second and eight Nebraska the tailback and for the weather to the wingback brother for the first time tonight they've shut down Dana Brinson [Applause] mark Moore is now mark let's see they're gonna block him every time they got a chance Nebraska is not happy with what they did to Steve Taylor and to Blakeman they're gonna pay him back every chance they have that's the problem when you make those lay hits that was really gripped in the back up tight and he was too [Applause] [Applause] whoa wait [Applause] [Music] so his mark more Ken's drive back playing safety now come up and he's going to make this play he's gonna show why he's an all-american player [Applause] intended for Hindley Hawkins tough throw across his body but this ball should have been grabbed a little late hit there to Oklahoma State's uh [Music] Nebraska Pro Google pundit with the wind and really sails one fair catch fumble and Oklahoma State will get it back inside its 15 yard line that was Bobby Riley you couldn't hold the 43 yard kick Nebraska by 20 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the statement of football and absolutely the story the entire second half the Cowboys have gained nine yards in the second 9 that's also unbelievable I knew Jerry jacquard there he's been the best offensive player this that's kryptonite and Nebraska continues to roll of course on offense and has really shut down Oklahoma State which did a great job on offense in the first half second and nine right now Williams is in at quarterback we've got a rifle for an arm he's going to throwing deep into the wind for Hartly dikes and dykes goes down and once again says something the official interference golf but he stumbled on that good coverage too that's awful tough coming in as a quarterback when you're down by 20 points in the fourth quarter no matter how strong your arm is and he was rolling to left and he delivered this long way it's tough to throw into a triple coverage like this into his own lead Ike's just falls down it's not a penalty but one of the problems Mike that Oklahoma State has had this year is the quarterbacks Gundy and Williams have a net of a - 55 yards rushing try and you know they're not able to run the ball is awfully tough you stand back at all third down Williams rifle that's Dillard his big tight end and Dylan to shout to the 39 big Dillard listed at 255 Pat Jones told me yesterday he's down to about 245 they smelled 245 Pat Jones talking to his coaches on the sidelines and for a 24 yard game he just absolutely whistled this player rolls to his right and just nails it to his tithing about the big body nice hands to catch this ball get it still fun tackling on the turn 55 yards 255 pounds he's awful tough to bring down Broderick Thomas dropped off from the end spot to make the tackle its first in town Oklahoma State their own and eat all the past the police's they can get Brian Keith the other tight end who was hardly diminutive himself at 2:35 well part of the problems with Williams really is he said he throws such a hard ball that the receiver who the receivers have a lot of trouble come down with Dillard made a great catch there he's got to learning a little bit of touch particularly on those 10 to 15 yard patterns you know receivers aren't going to come down with them all the time particularly when it's cold like tonight I mean you take a look in the record book and all the guys the Braska has the people's records they have broken in high school I know we'll get into that in a second counts [Applause] and into the ballgame for the first time - Karim it's named for him between tattoos a good running back month month with rugby tackle now you go back SOB's and Nebraska employers who break high school records they don't break anybody's records they break they break the great spreads well they had that as we said earlier Steve Taylor Brook Marcus Allen's records and their I back Keef Jones broke some of Gale Sayers records and those are two pretty big names [Applause] rushing total Oklahoma State with 58 they at 50 [Applause] to his pay down move down to the 41 and Dillard has good hands Jeff jamrock made the tackle Dillard really a load when he gets to the secondary when the grass is up by 20 but Danny Noonan is not gonna stop coming at him right there in the middle 95 the double-team and he faces it all night long and he will not quit he almost makes a sack here he never quits and that's why he's got a good shot to be all-american the heck of a player to 86 for for seven four three out of 750 yards push down [Applause] got out of bounds at the 36 yard line chased out by shamrock especially on the lines they probably have more letter than year in and year out at Nebraska then most people have get in the ballgame they got a 60 65 letter in the seasons I didn't need that many people on the heart of the football teams in 40 years it really is amazing and that's why they perpetuate the power they have such a rapid instep right in there second and five [Applause] school 35 [Applause] will the quick pass so now it goes deep for hardly ducks he's got it and dropped it that thing for about five yards and look at the reaction of Ronnie Williams he laid that one right there this is a this is a really strange call our plate hardly dykes is gonna run he's at the bottom he'll come into your picture he's just gonna run a fly pattern what's really odd about this play is number 11 chef Tom Jack's gonna come up and you just overruns the ball the safety lead axe heads right in his hands and drops it the second half it has been broken home estate and Williams was more disappointed than yikes whoa [Applause] they've got a store every time well this time inside the 32 about the 28 yard line and he's got Kenneth Brown should be good enough for a first down and ground broke away but late charlie fryer on the stop for Nebraska well Williams throws a short pass is so hard oh this is a bullet and there is a facemask that he's going to get away with there's those are awfully tough on those types what I like about Williams last two plays is he delivered that ball to pull it strike on the and the other play the while to play that lead iooks drop that ball is a nice touch you lob that ball it's got to mix it up like that Williams drill shorted you know Kenshin is like blankly to stick to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and just gun this one over the head of Kenneth Brown the airmail paola if you don't see him at least you can hear him going by that's gotta be awfully tough for him you know he came into this season as the incumbent starter put up some good numbers last year and then he can beat out by a kid they really wanted to read sure yeah Gundy they didn't expect to play this year and Pat Jones had to make the move and it's I'm glad Ronnie Williams come back and still have a pet Joe said yesterday that he he about it but he's taking it like a man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] put it out there and Riley just picked the hold that dropping back on defense Broderick Thomas eighty-nine but Riley was open now the coaches told us this money Williams has an incredible arm you really can't see it on the television that welcome we're up here like 85 stories high and he releases that ball and it gets there in a second four out of 11 so far 57 yards for the junior out of Wichita Falls Texas our producer John wildhack just asked so we were afraid of heights no John were afraid of cold hold up here Williams quits and they got him set by mark loves that when Munford does something really behind us young man [Applause] argh Munford - time all the gate number 41 it's gonna blitz here and make the play it's great to see someone come back as he has not only the bomb then he almost died from kidney problems I mean they really worried about losing him this year he's had back spasms and ankle problems and Mumford is happy that he came back and played this year and after all that still a great player Cooper will now punt on fourth running into a strong win hangs a tie and the wins is kills it to let it go and it will take an Oklahoma State bounce and die at the 6 yard line 1021 to go in the ballgame we'll be back in Lincoln Nebraska right after this they did Lee Cup champion 1 3 all Canadians clash with a talented Buffalo Sabres live Wednesday night at 7:30 Eastern on ESPN there's two guys it must go to Pat McAnally barber don't think I'll you think the natural redheads are the natural blondes well their ears are warm I know Nebraska will start from its own sex leading 30 [Applause] another example of the depth they have it on the Brassica Taylor is the starting quarterback of course cleat Blakeman is a backup in the Cathar clayton at a great game last year 8 for 16 461 yards a touchdown ran for public type downs against Oklahoma State he used two starter ten out of twelve games and this is Shaw the young man who was coming off a dislocated shoulder two weeks ago and has shown an awful lot of courage to be out there you see his left arm he's wearing some kind of a sling device to try to protect that left shoulder and a dislocation is an extremely painful injury these are only returning starter hope he's gonna be all right he's been their big play man came into this game with ten tackles behind the line of scrimmage three sacks and seven other tackles for loss now though so that's a lot of big plays in four games one thing I'm sure he's proud of I was looking in the press guide and you know he was Allstate as a sports writer in high school North Carolina he made the journalism all-state team which is quite a combination as a player aged all-state player an all-state Rider yeah he's free out of Fayetteville North Carolina and he's up and coming off the field in some obvious pain his Ricky Shaw there'd be second and seven for Nebraska the clock show is ten minutes and eight seconds to go this ballgame Oklahoma State was within one yard of tying this game up in the second quarter did not score after first and goal at the 1 now they're down by 24 [Applause] hybl is nailed by number 92 Robert none let's go down to Tim Brando at the sidelines Tim right now a very popular place for all of the Nebraska fans is going to be a homecoming dance now for Oklahoma State this is a very popular place it's the heater 85,000 BTU heater now I've been invited to the homecoming dance I may have to use this as a hair blower though to get my hair back in here for the dances afterwards okay Sam I always hung around those things I had a permanent spot on the sidelines really into hair here in the fourth quarter 36 Nebraska with another good play big defensive night for winner Jackson you'd have a heck of a time trying to put that in your suitcase okay overnight days is your hair dryer the Turner goes to the sideline in Nebraska will have to put it away with my away to go you know I actually melted the tops on my shoes a couple times when I put it right inside those things the rubber doesn't smell real well so no one would hang around I've had my own spot all by myself they didn't have a course in sideline heaters of Hartman and I get to say something about this punter John croaker he was Nebraska athlete of the year last year he lettered four years in three different sports and in those three sports basketball track and football his team's won state titles in each pretty impressive not bad and you would think if he had gone somewhere else he would have played a couple beautiful [Applause] the art-line taken by Sanders but if you're the player here in the state of Nebraska you go to Nebraska nine minutes to go we've got a timeout and by Allstate we insure your home your car your health your business and your life you're in good hands with Allstate [Music] [Applause] and it's 3210 Oklahoma State with the football Williams running the offense [Applause] [Music] intercept beautiful kept up by mark just pick it off blooney to secondary and Nebraska blitzed on this plate what they did was they played man to man outside they kept their free safety as a centerfielder he comes over and makes his playoff cut right in front of it and helps out fryer that's what you want you want to safety it's going to cover the field like that take the ball away again though fryer was all over him what a play from mark blaziken fryer you're right he had great coverage man-to-man so Nebraska has the football back [Music] you know people if they chased out of bounds got to about the 30-yard line Nebraska approaching what it normally does in football games and it's the mark of consistency the Huskers averaging three hundred and twenty seven and a half yards rushing and giving up only fifty four point three that is incredible defense tonight they have allowed only three tenths short of their average they gained 267 and with 848 to go in the ballgame they may hit their average in history we're also averaging 42 points again maika hybl the big fullback rambles to the 41 yard line finally stop by strong safety Mike Hudson just gonna break her out the middle quick breaker right here give it to the up man instead of the tailback he'll just run it I guess he's getting kind of confident here he put around old school backs we'll take that ball go right north and south when you only have two linebackers your backers have to make the right decisions they were just taken out of that play they are both freshmen nibel down with 73 yards rushing on the night quite a performance homegrown part I've got a nothing this time in the tackle made by the Leonard Jackson who's gonna star it on defense in the middle of that Oklahoma State defensive line 80 for tackling 48 clock is running just inside the 8 minute mark if sold at this Stadium a hundred and forty six straight times and you got to love your football to show up when it's under 40 degrees and 30 mile an hour wind rain and sleet you got to love the state to come back for homecoming use either you wear your homecoming to Rogers and Rogers lost the football they'll say it's down though at the 40-yard line good defensive play by Robert Nunn who's in there - linebacker spot now the second big play none is made in the Nebraska backfield we're getting that penetration now one thing is Terry Rodgers has been firmly on the ball now he's down on this play but he's got to start hanging on the ball these guys are a lot bigger than that was very close but that's an adjustment a high school player has to make the people they're hitting him not only are bigger physically but they're stronger with their hands and they can strip you of the ball they're taught to do that third and 11 for Nebraska they're more concerned about the clock and they are anything else only all day to throw over the middle and it's complete yet rod Smith the young man who returned the punt return for a touchdown earlier in the ballgame very close to the first down yardage and where they'll market it looks like Nebraska will have a first a mistake for you let's drop back play action Smith's gonna run the hook you did this earlier the game it's a nice throw by Taylor right just beats his own that's the tops of difficult puts a lot of pressure on your defensive backs and your linebackers when you have to stop that running game you run that hook right behind the backers because they don't get enough drop melvin Gilliam number two made the tackle he may be to the best athlete out there he's a letterman as a freshman last year on both the football and basketball team here's been tossed to the do i back Jeff number 25 75 pounds soft well as Tom Osborne goes deeper and deeper into his depth chart not going to be able to accuse Tom Osborne trying to run it up but you see those scores from Nebraska 63 to 754 14 and they really didn't rent it up intentionally they just have players that are such a quality players they come in they play well and now Blakeman is come on to play quarterback fleet was on earlier scored one touchdown second and 12 this is wheeler hesitated had a hole and then to shut down as he got to the 46 David Bailey again on the tackle we mentioned earlier that Kim Kaelin the starting fullback was hurt so Michael hable came in you think well here's the second string pull back well he was a high school all-america he was the Braska Defensive Player of the Year in high school that way that his math major and he played the trombone in the concert in the jazz bands I mean there's a backup that's an all-american high school that's right now Nebraska has the one advantage the only state school and they get a ball or virtually Lichtman runs the option keeps the ball caught from behind he gets to the Oklahoma State 40 he'll be two yards shy of the first down pulled down by Kenneth come be number 30 got a handful of Jersey I talked to Tom Osborne last night he called me Edna we were talking and he said I said well what do you do as far as a running game goes he goes with that we have more running plays than I could ever tell you in a week and it's true they use so many formations they run fake reverses like that they ran a fake reverse option he kept the ball Nebraskan fourth and two is going to punt it away four minutes 36 seconds to go and Croker we'll kick from the 40-yard line to Sanders deep to receive proper tries to floated up the wind knocks it down to the block takes the bounce the raster trying to save it yes Kri playing now the moving back to the mine [Applause] and not a bad punt by croaker [Applause] now this is classic nebraska look at how many guys they have down here they're not gonna quit they're up by 20 points one man saves it the second hand saves it and then the smart play now they'll knock it out that was a great play back to the five-yard line no return yardage at all for Oklahoma State on poor punts we have a timeout stay with us [Music] [Applause] Oklahoma State will have the ball first lieutenant its own 20-yard line they've gotten the first down we missed two plays apparently the officials decided to the commercial break was not nearly as important as getting out of here and finding a warm place to sit down we've had to break in a sit on come on keep the clock running and let's play Williams watch near sideline and overthrows Riley the officials make correct decisions sometimes don't they yeah I think that was a beauty lSU has beaten Georgia we're told a final 2314 and our game coming up next Saturday night Arkansas Texas from Austin koryaks will make the trip down there it's nicer in Texas couldn't be much colder [Applause] second down and ten for the cow we're really quite a fine game tonight acquitted themselves well had a chance to tie it up the second quarter Dillard couldn't hold that one tried to make the one hand catch let's go to Tim Brando at the sidelines Nebraska fans come from everywhere always shot Larry and dick beverage came all the way from Orange County California how many times would you do this Ollie during the course of the year I will be here with two games this year this one in the next one that would be the Missouri game yeah and now that'll be it for this year next year if either you try to make two or three Dec let's let's how many guys and ladies made it in from Orange County 169 on this trip the one of the biggest we've ever had Jim I look tremendous Tim's the name cap yeah yeah you can't you don't know my name but he's gonna give me his hat Williams going bombs away for Riley Riley got away with a push and now the officials gonna throw the play Riley push Cleo Miller who was right in his face on defense and I call him face guarding on that I think he really wasn't going for the ball you can't wave your hands in front of the receiver well the official caught the second infraction then boy he threw this a long way into the wind and 17 you'll see Cleo Miller he's gonna start waving his arms here he's not really going for the ball he's just distracting the receiver and that is a penalty you don't always have to make contact to uh break a rule Jim Brando has more on the sidelines Tim one more question dick now you got 169 people from California's very cold here and you gave up some tickets at UCLA for this game right I did indeed that was a great game today in our Bruins one and my daughter was there watching it he routed us home but I love the Husker how many of those 169 are still weathering the weather I think somebody left early some trader they are they calm in all sizes and shapes and from all parts of the nation thank you Tim get a chance to work on your tan bunch in Lincoln this weekend first intent waves draw out of Sanders was a terrific little running back between 132 yards last week when he was alternating with Thurman Thomas Parsons makes the tackle well you got to love your corn Huskers to leave the warmth of California and show up here you got to buy all new clothes right it's California too tough though of course there's one thing it's a big supply here's red clothing yes I'm sure they've sold a lot of parkas and sweatshirts tonight second and ten OSU Williams with a rifle it bounces in front of Hartly dikes you've got another big program here in Nebraska and that is their walk-on program and they get a ton of people that show up that they don't give scholarships to and look at some of the names now there's a couple starters there a couple prominent back up guys 13 people they have is walk-on so that should give hope to a lot of kids aren't recruited they don't get get an opportunity for a scholarship and that doesn't mean they have to quit they come to a program like Nebraska's and they make the team and some of them start and then they get scholarships you make the first second team you're put on scholarship and it's a great reward for these kids and it's great for the Nebraska football program to get some talented people and they got Williams number 96 lawns Pete the backup nose garden 280 pounds comes through to get the sack Ronnie Williams they show a good speed on that plays 280 pounds it's a strongest player to ever perform for Nebraska he bench presses 500 pounds and he can run he benchpress the 250 pound quarterback that time Brinson is deep to receive that's the third sack of the night Gooper wipe the punt into the wind this time hangs it up there Brinson trapped and dropped at the 35 so with a minute and 38 seconds to go following a 36 putt we have Nebraska a bite buddy [Applause] there's the story we're down to a minute 38 and Nebraska has salted away another victory they will go to five and old ranked fifth in the ESPN national poll this week certainly is not going to hurt their chances at all [Applause] [Applause] got a new quarterback in there right now and the castle and platon who was the starter a year ago well this shows you as the players come to Nebraska the game wait they get stronger and they actually increased their 40 you know they get faster and they get stronger that's a combination a good way program not only makes you bigger makes you faster [Music] signals gives off the Tyrese knocks the backup for back want to thank our spotter been Boyle tonight and our statistician as always is Chuck freebie and we really want to thank our camera guys who have been out there freezing it tonight Kim Elston Mike Miller Bill Moore Tony Marshall Chris Rea John and with Ed and Silvio Garcia and they have really done a great job for us brought you some tremendous pictures tonight also want to mention the people who have worked in you know video tape John bullseye I'm sorry john lunsford J Morel and in audio Bill Williams and milk Dooley our technical director Jimmy Moore already talked about our producer of course John wildhack and our director Mark Payton who is in mourning over his Astros on the 20 seconds left to go Nebraska salting it away 3210 as Clayton carried on that play Nebraska's got a chance at the national championship and of course Ronnie or almost everything they do leads up to that November 22nd you know it seems unbelievable but Nebraska may be sneaking their way to a national title if they get past Oklahoman they play Miami in the Orange Bowl they can walk away with a crown they got a shot that's the end of the ball game and Pat Jones will go across to the middle of the field to meet Tom Osborne our final score here in Lincoln Nebraska Nebraska 30 and the Oklahoma State Cowboys who made it a close game in the first half 10 prove the Seuss Financial Network welcome back to Lincoln Nebraska our final score Nebraska 30 to 10 over the Oklahoma State Cowboys I'm joined now by coach Tom Osborne coach you expected a tough game you got one particularly in the first half now they played us pretty tough and we had a lot of people knocked out Keith Jones our starting high back was knocked as he couldn't play and Steve Taylor was hurting a little bit and so we're a little bit we're scrambling as far as people we could put in their second half then hang on the ball very good considering the fact that you've lost as many facts as you have it's amazing that this team is unscathed at this point well we're not unscathed but we're hanging in there we need to get some people back our starting fullback may be back next week and we hope Keith Jones will be all right coach one final thing I got the impression that early in the third quarter with all of the difficulty when the late hits it inspired your team particularly on the defensive side and that dictated the tempo the rest of the way his fighters a little bit but also got a couple of players knocked out we needed Tom congratulations on the victory thank you Tom Osborn the head coach at the Nebraska Cornhuskers his team perhaps on its way to a national title possibility let's go back now to Mike and I thank you very much Tim Brandon our thanks to coach Tom Osborne and Pat Jones who helped us get ready for this ballgame our player of the game Jerry Deckard defensive end number 47 out of Nacogdoches Texas for Oklahoma State University it was his play that kept it close in the first half two interceptions tonight that when he ran back for a 45-yard touchdown he also forced a fumble that was recovered by Oklahoma State our congratulations to the junior from Oklahoma State we'll be back to wrap it up from Lincoln Nebraska where Nebraska's celebrated homecoming by beating Oklahoma State right after this [Music] once again tonight's final score Nebraska 30 Oklahoma State 10 coming up next The Hartford Insurance Group college football report with Larry and Beno ESPN's live presentation of Thursday night college football continues October 15th with Gerry Faust in the Akron Zips against Murray State and next Saturday joined paths Tim and me for live cfa action when Texas hosts of Arkansas cleek Blakeman the backup quarterback for Nebraska getting the touchdown that broke it open as he came in for Steve Taylor who was shaken up and Steve Jones the starting I back the fastest player in Nebraska history with one of his touchdown runs for Tim and Pat this is Mike Patrick saying good night for Lincoln let's join the Hartford Insurance Group College [Music]
Channel: bmboldt
Views: 9,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nebraska, Huskers, Football, Oklahoma St
Id: 5rPCNL52iAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 50sec (8930 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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