1986 British 500 Motocross GP - Hawkstone Park

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[Music] for all that the riders enjoy performing here so they tell me especially Dave thought the reigning British world champion with three Grand Prix's to go this citizen thought leads the table by two points from Andre Mao herb of Belgium but look out for the challenge of two more Belgians Eric Gerber's in third place there and the intrepid Georg obey who has a nice line in aerial overtaking down at number 7 Huck and Carl first the 1983 world champion and behind him in eighth place Kurt Nicoll the only other British hope really I warn you it won't be pretty because this is motorcycle racing at its most aggressive so thought Leeds mal herb is breathing down his neck and both men have been breathing into our microphones they thought two points ahead in the world championship and Hawkstone Park your favourite circuit in the world yeah Hawk stone is a very good track it's probably not many of the English riders favourite track because it is a sound track and generally that favors the convent was but for me it's a very good track now your arch rival of course is andre mal herb and your teammate as well but there's no love loss really in the team as they're well know at the end of the day honda is both to win and obviously being professionals were both very very competitive and there are times at the end of the season when it gets very close when sometimes you cannot be friends and I think that's the way it's beginning to shape up now are we gonna have two more wins at Hawkstone Park like we had last time you raced here I certainly hope so unfortunately I've been crashing too much lately so my my name is to try and stay on really I've been riding much much too aggressive trying to win too soon so hopefully I can stay on the day what about that Honda motorcycle of yours is that in tip-top condition yes it's very very good one of the things that makes it difficult to race against Andre is that he has exactly the same bike and it's just purely done our own ability rather than one night being better than another they thought good luck for this afternoon thank you very much under email hub the British Grand Prix probably a difficult race for you well and every race are very difficult but I think it's gonna be maybe more difficult here because Davi determined is gonna be very hungry and very fast he was really fast this morning and also George was fast and Capra the drivers it's gonna be hard just two points in the championship it's very close indeed out there with you and I've thought well it'd been very close all the year so we like to stay together yeah it's gonna be very hard and very difficult the end of the championship and I think very exciting for the people who are watching the race obviously on the track your great rivals but how are things off the track between you and Dave thought well everything is goes pretty nice no problem now everything is goes very good we have a good relation and team relationships no problem last time here it was two wins for Thorpe how's it gonna be this afternoon I don't know it's always hard to to say before the race was gonna win but it's difficult I hope David don't win it so if he doesn't win it's gonna be much better for me and I wish I can win so this will be the best yeah the best of enemies so Joan is in a matter here we go then with the first leg of the British Grand Prix conditions well-nigh perfect 20,000 spectators on their toes I've counted every one of them let's join our commentator Chris Carter and Dave Nichol five seconds to go to the start of the riders [Music] they Philip said to me this morning use we've got a good start today with a clear track in front of them a third spot Oh in practice al-mal Herrmann victuals it's composed of the three leading the board's obey in third place you can see the chaos and confusion over those jumps there Hulkster park one of the roughest motocross circuit not just imprinted in the world number three the Mazda before drove in Avalon day form number 21 at the moment and we'll be looking for them until there is Andre mile over the practice back through something like look to me about tenth or twelfth and that means he's got a lot of work to do member of the other [Music] and all the time he's big rival [Music] he's putting away there at the top of the infamous mobster Park Hill [Music] yes it was he's over the last two years it's still troubling him it doesn't trouble him riding the bike as much as training during [Applause] leaders so early in the race day yes I'm sure he can see the two in front he's got a close eye on their lives he's sitting tight watching their lines learning what he can I think he will put the pressure on within the niche at the moment he's learning all the time when these guys in front yes two years ago that he crashed on the double jump here which has now been changed into a tabletop it damaged his left knee which is trouble never say a fourth is up into second place forcing Kirby wide and look at four yes last week of chateau du noir the French Grand Prix he had to have a couple of hectic moments both reserved a hangar doors and that looked like a repetition so gorgeous sherbe on the Kawasaki a man who told me but Erica Bors [Music] as he goes level with the shores for the leaders to appear out of the trees the circuit here hopes the car and he's immediately the rules of this show they the second place [Music] the leader and look at those pens she [Music] they're certainly cheering him on well but are not liking look at the fool he is a sounds freshness he comes from the Flemish part of Belgium where the whole area is sand he is a sand specialist and he looks very comfortable environment [Music] [Music] to the start of the season Giorgio Bay at the former 250cc world champion with the bit between his teeth Belgians first in the form of airing awards in the second place 500cc Motocross World Champion in third spot and there is good boys number three behind him before [Applause] [Applause] yes it's in excellent condition they had overnight which has just put it into prime condition is the place yes palette come through there well it's always difficult time when you make a bad start to come through those early laps when riders are going everywhere [Music] there is panic you forced through in places you shouldn't you can touch other riders other riders going a little bit out of control my mistake the gap between this man Eric Avars [Music] Giorgio's they 1.9 seconds at the end of that third lap the cattle less than that between the bars between strawberries they replace Sunday for in thirds yes Eric's been riding better the last few weeks he seems to come to form and the reason I say looks dangerous is about a monkey bag of the finished one reimburse basanta that's a very similar sandy circuit and he walked both legs comfortably the bottom of his back there and it's editable covers the kid who leads this race it hopes to park the first plane there in third place closing on Joe Bay it looks leads the world championship by just a slender to a point well they thought was of one state 16 foot sad and then disaster overtook it let's try in Canada he won the first race comfortably the second race he crashed at the start and into the shoulder remounted only got three to seven in America wait laser he has what are the coaches the symptom seventh today he looks to have the job in control he's not so worried about gorillas and Jovie as he is Mallard and no doubt his father the mechanic is boarding him to tell him exactly how far my lobe is behind and he will be judging his race accordingly and there is they thought the man 20 points for a victory 17 points so really if thought can get ahead of these two and put these two Belgians between him and mallow that would be a for sure yes he desperately needs to get a points gap between himself and male herb we've got three riders George surveys cringy gonca bars and date Thorpe is charging as well while date thought was confident before the race begins yes I spoke today this morning in the hotel effect he said he was full of confidence he'd slept well yesterday [Music] and as they go up the hill a new race leader number 4 Georgia may the former 250cc will jump in an America Wars and they thought still they're very much in the picture and it really is a tricky job at the top of that one into hell yes it's right down to possibly possum gear there's rocks on the corner [Music] the creditor cheering and shouting that is Georgia way the man who leads on back to before the Kawasaki and is he going to be late for who comes through the trees in second spot that it is co-op is there he was still composers please sir just one answered stable it is something about it with the motor song well I thought that last left a bit ragged weather the pace and his forcing Devore's to make mistakes whether he's got some suspension problems I'm not sure [Applause] they thought being up in second base [Applause] [Music] the world motocross riders [Applause] I won't comment on that Chris but he's a very wealthy young man and every penny against he deserves that's that's pretty live number three Erica goes the early leader led for the first four laps this is a forty minutes plus - Latrice and Joe Bay is charging and August strangely mantich between himself and he calling when the djembe quickened the pace there's a German there state board of scarcely more than a second as they go through the chicane at the bottom of the nail must appear to them thus delaying the mice Benjamin [Music] over the fence cheerin they thought put down the Saints steeping part of their Western with the other side a nail seventeen seconds the gap between Erica bores in third place and fourth baseman case Vanderbeck [Applause] and there is George of a cleaning in their crash helmet on Welli there's one man who's moved up from the true beauty quest of a 500 CC class without any problem today that's correct he moved up two years ago and I believe he won the first 500 grand prix that year in 84 and he had a good year in 84 last year but he came good last week with two wins in France and he's certainly the man in four [Music] mind over matter and as I said when I spoke yesterday the bike was good he was feeling what he was riding while he was off form and I think it paid Thorpe is gonna beat him and that's certainly very much on the cards they they thought will have to be at ease very very much [Music] [Applause] well the great Swedish Medical Strider Harken Carnegie was the second Lebanese up to six pot now behind and Remo herb and there's good to say conquest on the move again but he's still a long way behind these two [Applause] little it may be David's decided that relatively speaking in this race to get carried away Dave I think that Dave is good David's got the situation in control he seems to be riding easily he's got job in his sights he won't let him out of his my Swedish buddy what a nice power he is - and it's good to see him back in the race Arkan carpets chasing carla looks to be violent very well Chris it's good to see him as you say he's been doped with injury over the last few years I spoke to him this morning in the pits and he said it's the first time for months that he's felt fully fit [Applause] the reform of poor old Rob Andrews we caught a glimpse at him a moment ago number 53 about to be lapped by Jorge obey yes Rob's had a tough time lately he's got a groin injury which he did in training this week but he had an either the worst thing about three weeks ago accidentally walk through a plate-glass window in a shot that severed an artery his arm and he's really still getting over there [Applause] [Music] British comfort let's say that's right Chris last week in France as a double-jump but he missed scooted it landed on when first idea George obey the man who leads fight number four they thought and [Music] [Music] well it must be so sad for Robbie have such a good start of the year and then to be lacked so early in this race and the rain is beginning to fall here at Oulton Park the rain will have any can have any effect on this circuit remains to be seen the gap shrunk down one point seven seconds between the race leader George's giove and second place man and we've had about 18 and the heart-burnings so with welcome to the halfway stage show me just brutalizing lee in front of all must be so frustrating do you want a fast well I don't think David thoughts too worried at the moment I think he's good he's got his pit board he knows mouse position he's happy to tell tale job I keep an eye on what what's going on [Music] Chris you mentioned Robin Andrews being lapped I don't think that's a guide to his speed I think he must have crashed early in the race and he's touring now look at that second place third is Harkin car coasters gone ahead of and Ramallah it's a sad day it'll hook them to the Belgian is challenging for there's Erica balls get into all sorts of roller on your picture so mal have down in [Applause] place number fifty-four Mervin hansteen that's a good ride for him oh and Gabrielle from Belgium well we did mention Kurt Nicoll in that lot David no I haven't spotted him well that's sad because Kurt was the third fastest in practice and and is Joe Bay trailing some tape from on Geo some sort of commercial on TV Chris that obviously means George had taken a wide berth on a corner I think it's wrapped around the sprocket side of his rear wheel that's better than the other side the other side they have disc brakes and it is dangerous for the tape to wrap around the disc brake it can cause problems overheating the brake leaders nothing in two minutes 22 seconds 10 seconds slower and they were doing in qualifying and practice day that's quite normal Chris but for the qualification in the morning is not qualifications time practice for start positions and they always put in exceptionally quick single laps which gives them the first choice out onto the line but when the race settles in the speeds normally drop down maybe five six seconds I think the watches were different then [Music] in the face [Applause] they for [Music] Kars is way past the tail Enders and of course these men here been that they've got no idea Jovi is there but while they may well hold up jobina ford a fork too close of course there's the equal danger that they couldn't get in the way of this man they've got there's a happy cheerful countenance could have been a professional footballer well stay for this second of the moment as well in this way Petrovic just perfect to ease the leader fraction yes I think lapping that rider he moved over in front of David thought but nevertheless I think David still got the situation under control and practice number four yo baby on the Kawasaki [Music] [Applause] [Music] Joe bayen thought first second [Music] and that you can see the problems there are and that was rusty on another day which riders smooths over again has a different line on the business everyone yes he's coming down the inside the hill obviously he's found a less bumpy line or less tiring for himself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] started Jimmy [Music] writers to become world champion in 1980 and of 1983 [Music] [Applause] [Music] no he's certainly getting there this last month he looks a lot more confident just to mention the bikes he's riding the factory Kawasaki as opposed to thought on the factory Honda these factory bikes the same similar spec to the production bike to the majority the field are on the top ten riders like jovian thought are on special Althorp at a nasty moment [Music] back to the bikes these factory bikes especially handmade bikes suited to the riders and they're used by the factory for experimental purposes to try out new leg equipment or to go into production in the future well it's difficult to say with the Japanese technology and R&D that goes into them but you're talking about probably fifty thousand pounds per bike including all the development that goes into the charge [Music] [Music] [Music] the Swede and down in sixth place at disappointing six is Andre Malraux [Music] [Applause] and drove a blaze from 26 minutes gone in this 40 minute was too afraid this is a critical time in the race Chris the the 25-minute mark proof about the 35 minute mark is when the riders can lose concentration they have to be extremely fit for this sport they are fully trained athletes for example Thorpe's training program he was telling me this morning he does about three hours per morning in the cheer circuit training with a professional trainer he probably does two hours bike riding in same day and every other day maybe does five to eight miles just bends around he's a super be fit athlete well and of course he's not unique in this game a lot of the top men are very big your own boy he exercises yes we live near Cambridge and Curtis Roy Carter who's is the university vastly rugby globe [Applause] number seven [Music] and they thought still be encouraged by all his fans they forfeit second place before [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Music] purpose [Applause] [Music] is that under Malibu practice gone up v Placerville put him on the 11th position but this is the race leader than before and the man we just see his lips off any second they're breathing down his neck right on his rear time here he is his date thought and thought this definitely getting closer even to the naked eye you could see this [Music] this is where the fitness counts this is where stamina both physical and mental come back to the picture and the outside the factory Honda chasing them around the works Kawasaki now the Uni interns goes out to encourage date the game [Music] two and a half seconds again book top the pressure close of the gas-turbine rises to the occasion you can see the captain has increased again [Music] they thought seems quicker on the nature of its day Joe be quicker on the faster sections of the circuit yeah David's got some good lines on those naturally bits at the top there he's cutting tight on the corner he's using the clutch first in the motor away music using everything to his advantage but he's got jovi in his side so I think who knows these but he's willing to sit back and be by the trouble [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] the moment of 184 points that's 23 behind the Edit Gerber's hoping [Music] positions but this man they thought number one picture is the man who's Willie Zion the title for the second year in a row and but they thought but it's certainly a question of pride yes definitely and winning today in front of his homes fans in England is certainly important to him too David is looking confident and I think he's got the job under control but he has in recent weeks to be a little unsettled I think for the first time this year he's been under pressure for his championship coming from behind at him and he's struggled to take the pressure [Music] the last few weeks while a good champion has to cope and learn to live with the pressure because when you are the champion everybody wants to knock you off that perch in the age of 23 I think with it very well indeed yes I think coming into that corner he took a tear off from his goggles spare lenses on the front I think you just moved his concentration slightly and he caught that rat rather awkward close to home I think that son Kurt and he's obviously got some problems it was third-fastest at the top he's much quicker on the roof stop whistling yes he's got some good lines across there George Gervais is beginning to look a little bit ragged he's but his trade off the foot rest a bit more than earlier in the race the art of riding this sand is to keep your feet on the footrest front of the bike light make the flight through the word [Applause] we saw the Mexican wave during the World Cup with within Seahawks version because every section of the track [Music] [Applause] he wiped his goggles then first I believe he's used up his tariffs he's now got just a plain pair of goggles and with the lapped riders in front door slamming comes his way past Erma 29 Corrado Mandy one of the top Italians [Applause] literally carving their way through and Thorpe has never been as close as he has as he was when he just disappeared [Music] thirty-five minutes you've got in the race we're in for at least another four more laps the order silat own job a out in front they serve in second third still Eric the boys and we're waiting still for the four point eight red zone and [Applause] the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stretch the advantage so first over that bit okay spam de velas we say then now herb and mal herb and harken carcass still having quite a good guy said four bits of significance [Music] [Music] less than a couple of seconds between the girl [Applause] [Music] and they're carving their way past the tail [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] tend to stay behind the Bozeman quicken panties look at the gap the curse is increased with the crowd still forcing all three at one seconds now [Applause] [Music] well thought we'll get 17 points to add to his world can reach it twenty-nine goobers is on for 11 so thought will stretch the lead from two points to eight stay as they are at this moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just ahead in there is Andre Mel hug and a fall there the yellow fat goes out and this is the battle for fifth and sixth place and it's crucial every bit is crucial for Parkin Tarkas can force its way back in front cushion before they go [Music] there you throw Kalfas then pull it cleaning his goggles - I think they're all having a problem with sand on the goggles it's been spitting with rain and the sand wet also it's sticking [Music] [Applause] there's the gap between fifth and sixth places harvest chocolates and we back now where does the race lead at number four Gervais he's done 17 laps thirty nine and a half minutes have gone so at the end of this lap they'll be two more to go so just three laps to go now for obey any have a look runs down the veil to see where Dave fourth is [Music] technically really all he wants all they wanted to do was to beat yes as we spoke earlier his mechanics have given in the signal he knows Mallos position he knows he's taking good points of malware and I think it looks as though he's eased off happy to let Giove press on there is they for insisting is random clothing Milwaukee's champion [Music] anything can happen certainly the last lap when you're lapping riders a rider can go across your path the lead that could be brought down he must relax they must press on because anything can happen [Music] [Applause] i'ma walk fall brew that's the gap [Music] [Applause] oh gee willing day for income the bus for any better support [Music] oh we're talking about mistakes being made and suddenly it's Dave who's passed him fortunately he's got an enormous lead but here we see the incident again he lands and the suspension bottoms out the forks dig in and spits him off and he rolls there and right at that moment he's not shortly hot or not so there is Joe Bay and that we were expecting we were talking about a mistake that can happen in the end and sadly that mistake happened and he's happened to Dave thought and Joe may look behind and he can't believe his side because he can't see they thought well waiting [Music] Hebert he's not on board that was goobers who went through so Eric de Bourgh's is up into second place and here is to open enormous leap [Music] and they focus now in third place so his way too [Music] come at the end of this season every points crucial and David at the moment is hurting he's lost his goggles he's pressing on he knows there's only two laps to do on the other hand this man George Joe Bay the board his Sigler's have told him thoughts back the pressures off they'll be picking his lines carefully probably taking a gear lower in places making sure he comes home safely chips and a beer [Music] go May 23 25 years of age well the first part of this year Honda's had it all their own way nearly 1 2 3 had every Grand Prix but just recently KTM and colors of the wind Yamaha would lay bare someone a leg in Sweden and this is Jo Bay's fourth leg wing in the last few weeks [Applause] surely stopping his point [Music] [Music] and there is a 4-bit third place at the moment and it goobers between the race leader sherbe and Dave for after that [Music] would you believe it they Thorpe is 58 seconds it's always a typical situation you crash first of all you're worried about the injuries yourself then you have to father by car check the controls because you must set off too hastily you may have a damaged throttle cable a trouble can stick it's a check and controls on the bikes set off carefully then within port of a lap you know you're okay and he's away again first and second in this first leg of the British Grand Prix Thorpe and up into fourth place goes and Ramallah so an even greater disaster for days for 15 points Malheur will pick up 13 episode neat leg [Applause] so job a the winner of this opening leg and we're waiting for a dick covers to go through one of the other fancy Honda's [Music] yes that's your Joubert told you he could fly didn't I he was the first leg then but they thought said his head was still hurting a little while ago I wonder how he'll manage in the second leg Chris I think that pain will go away the five-second board is shown to the riders they light up there and away they go with a jermay and they warp on the inside much that's bad news but they thought Palooza war but the start of that so boletus into the loop on this crucial opening lap [Music] it's a case panda ventilating from American wars and solidly finished fall and incidentally it was finished [Music] the bill picking their way [Music] in this case vandeman still around preparing to pause there position and it really is getting better your uttered a samba sports the Park Circuit case fund events good boys and the baseball there in the third spot meant for sure [Music] Jamis there then this yearõs runs behind him the ends of the opening the later case Jemma's the belgian bourbon and stamina bar because he had a nasty fall in the first leg yes Ervin had a good ride he was running about eighth place after thirty minutes he's through it all the way with quite a nasty accident back up there in the second one so you must be fairly pleased with that start yes let's hope he has a better second leg the first leg ended in disaster with the machine breaking so this is the race leader the Bushman case of Enderman [Music] 59 years of age [Applause] and hopes to land murdered em stays on the outside of the picture Genet runs where people go to get real and that is the Dutchmen on the KTM their case panda ven has a unique record he's the only World Championship motocross rider into a 1 1 2 5 or greater 250 gone rate and also this year in Sweden 500 perhaps a chance to bring of the points table up-to-date after that opening leg day full of course finishing in third position that means he is the championship leader 44 238 Eric de Bourgh's in third spot the 224 than the Georgia a 260 Ramallah [Applause] Cobbers behind him for in third place 2.1 seconds the gap between the bed there is a 4-pin third spot number four zero may the winner of the first leg Andre Mel herb the man who's battling there with they fall to the championship Val herb a man who's almost made the world title his own authority until they fought no I spoke to him between races and he said it's just an off day I'm not up to par he said I don't feel part of the bike and he didn't go as well in the first races people expected him to [Music] so setting the pace this is the [Applause] number three days forth number one in third spot then show me the winner of that first Lake Champlain mower there the first vibe now stretching a lead over the rest of the pack [Applause] case panda vein Chris being a Dutch when he lives in the sand is all his experience because the soundtrack changes so rapidly the holes dig out the rats in the corners get deeper and in the past astral findings moving to right not automatically in sander you and son Kurt managed to lead supporting suspecting man to his doom impractical find any unforeseen yes Jack the wine adulterer was having problems with the triple jump we gave her a little bit of advice and speed in line unfortunately wrong advice because he took it rather nasty tumble he's still speaking to you I just doesn't believe that she just shows at the beginning men please disregard this is a vulture though we're looking at now his name is Eric de Bourgh's in spaghetti George obey when casting his second in this second leg has got the suspension problems that caused him to slow down in the third thing they sorted out yes Eric we certainly saw him over a few muddles on about the third or fourth lag and told me between - slowly as it happened he still finished second the thought [Music] [Music] [Applause] case van de Ven and there it bores behind divorce poster disappointed of missing our first egg victory is forcing the pace of the bitter rival in the form of van de Ven sixth in the championship table as they stomach see another 20 here would suit him fine [Music] yes Chris case is a science specialist and this year in the world championship this is really the fits and race we've had Holland of us and Sweden that was sand and Finland van de Ven under pressure now from Airy goobers goobers as got him in his sight throws off the terrifies er that was a piece of plastic you saw him throw onto the ground there and goobers making a determined charge behind is still there in third place [Applause] with them 20 points here would do him a pair of good I'm sure so first they've needs to get the boys picture number three Eric covers and covers whiny himself up for a big leaf trying to come alongside the Dutchman is a Dutchman leading a Belgian and they thought [Music] and at the top of the hill average give us close lines on the power [Music] [Applause] [Music] 21 the van the van in front area covers then here comes this battle for third and fourth-place at it state thought and to Australia's and right on his tail for the hands obey [Music] chubby as bane let's pull alongside the radio champion more than once [Music] there is state court in third position obviously disappointed after that fall that robbed another place in the opening race and for being urged and get the stopwatch the gap between the cabal's in second place and Thorpe's in third spot behind thought is germane the moment say of moher then Harkin confers to gain fighting through from in left spot to six in seventh position is Mervyn and stay in Gemma's night is really holding well champion the fans here hawkster urging man partials even leaning out and saying go on Dave as you were saying in the first lake [Music] really babies only concerned with webmail Herbie's that's true David riding more for the World Championship the overall points rather than each leg and his father Keith the mechanic will be exactly man herbs position and he'll be riding accordingly [Music] he said he's okay he looks a little subdued at the moment and the gap between the birds in second place and Thorpe in third spot almost six seconds so not a colossal amount what has been truly they've done just over 12 minutes of this 40 minute costume of imminent Angelia gain each poised for attack Joe Bay the winner of the first race would like to repeat it in the second row and Thorpe is hanging on grimly to third place Gervase nothing as it he at his heels [Music] between four and Joe Bay continues for third juve Chris it looks to me as though Java is stalking Thorpe at the moment learning his lines he will know by now some throw parts the track where Thorpe isn't quite so good and I think he's heading in to have a garden [Music] [Applause] it looked to me then as though Java has goggle problem again he said in the first race that he couldn't clear his goggles and he was frantically wiping them they and he's lost a bit of ground [Music] some grandes the race leader case Van Deventer narrows guitars there is third place man they thought and that problem of visibility for Joe Bay has lost in a bitter gram but he's come charging back a new leader has taken the factory Honda rider Harry could come ours [Music] for third and four positions [Music] and behind them Andre Mao herb today that for a man who's our four by suppose he'll be happy with to pinch places if that's how it works out they I'm sure he will he said he was just hoping to get through today collecting for in summers looking forward to getting on to his home ground the next one in Belgium much better line there forty yards away from the Belgians and saw under pressure juvy four times across the front wheel and again you see at the Belgian why perhaps across the goggles tried to clear the to the perspective these bubbles has for is information drove in spectacular style is there in small well round this course at Hawkstone Park it's fairly heavy sand I don't think the speeds get much higher than six to a 65 miles an hour but on harder faster tracks such as Belgium next week in places they can get up to 70 80 miles an hour but the technique of riding this sand is all about proper control also suspension they spend a lot of time in practice setting their suspension up which is by the way what good floors change just before the first race which caused them a problem but looking now it seems as though is sorted a suspension on a track as rutted and hard as this it's also [Music] you better be a part of fifteen minutes of racing in conditions like this name yes as we spoke and the first leg superb athletes they train very hard during they do gym circuit training running practice on the bar during the week first two men go through job a is there Joby's through the third position relegate the fourth spot now and Malheur bees they're in fifth position and I'm sure mechanics will be pushing out the board that story yes when I spoke to Andres mechanic this morning after practice I said does he have any problems and the mechanic said only that he's not turning the throttle way I'm sorry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well we've been watching the Tour de France I don't think is any exaggeration they've to say that these athletes along with those professional cycle races the fittest man in any kind of sport well I believe so I'm a bit biased because obviously I'm an H rider could I believe this is a very tough sport the same as the Tour de France cycling you have to go non-stop in 45 minutes you can't relax for a second if you do you saw it happen - thought than the first leg but there aren't many other sports where the participants don't take a breather at some times during the event no breathe at all no rest for the wicked [Music] I'm sure they want him to be higher than fourth place course fourth place still give him 13 more points for the second third and Dave Thorpe is four [Music] [Music] having already Red Steel [Music] we have lost Andre mehleb on our lap scoring chart there he is he has gone through it though he's got through buddies sir he's dropped an awful one way down that was made a mistake somewhere and that's good news indeed and there is number 21 and according to our map charts now Harken conquest in bit spots then up until six this girl a person and pushed in the seventh position is andremaheux Sao Paulo dropping two places George obeyed not losing any ground in fact he's getting closer and closer to the Dutchman ahead of him it's relay into third place down [Music] we had a clips obtained fall behind in fourth position well Dave been disappointed that he's down in fourth position there is cameras and a problem there for number 33 and that is Mike Ross at one of the Americans took over Eric about his brother Sylvain you're a sicko yes I race to survive a good character and he's been Eric's mechanic now for the last three or four years the advantage of having a proper showed more than once in this sport of motocross yes it's always an advantage to have the family with the knowledge and they live they live motocross in the house they get all the small hints and tips that just put the final edge on there's debate going through them before [Music] [Applause] [Music] first I think David's not having a very happy right but he will have been boarded the Malheur he's been off I lost two places and that's just a sort of boost that David needs at this time that'll spurring on [Music] oh wise in society the man on the Kawasaki really trying on and the crowd urging and encouraging date thought but they know but he is losing time on the leaders I believe in the fourth position the championship lead further ahead and provided he finishes ahead of little prophecy in the person who's wide about how many points she's gonna get the check [Music] now I think you should make another prophecy curse because you're there to be shot down in fourth place fourth place would give him 13 points Mao herb is in 7th place at the moment that would give him 9 points that could stretch day Forbes advantage to 10 points as they go to the final two rounds this year's World Championship in Belgium Ballard home track of course number one famous circuits of Europe and of course Chris Luxembourg being the last round is virtually a second Belgian Grand Prix so that's how it feels and the gap between the race leader Erica balls you guys found the been striking for six seconds [Music] Thunderman second Gervais third for more Harkin carcasses in fistfight [Music] [Music] there's no one in the craft who is not cheering and urging him on but at the moment twenty-three-year-old the British mother has no answer Joe Bey was just seen go through there he's in fourth position bite number four there is thought [Applause] [Music] there is goobers we just caught a glimpse of em there is 21 in second place case and event where is your base there is goobers little stocky character he really is full of funny spoilers for the character of the yes Erik's a fine lad and he's he's surprisingly small in stature for 500 rider and he does tend to crash and I believe this hold onto it when it gets into trouble [Music] you don't want to be too big because that could be a problem but you don't have it too small for its former 1 2 5 cc world champion started racing back in 1978 in sports features but he has to make the choice between motocross teaching boys nothing did motocross would do for a while I would think his bank manager would agree with that spending all these Honda riders made those along with the same squad as comment on one my million pounds in the past two years a date for a little bit down on that but not so far short no I would say he's earned a good living out of motocross and he comes from a family as we've just spoken that's been involved so many years therefore he gets the right management advice with his sponsors there is Giove tell you Enders 21 second to the gap so a comfortable margin the day thought and sure he'll know about that all it's got a hope and pray is that now herb doesn't come bouncing back and assess some misfortune much like some of the foreigners [Music] nearly at Hawkstone Park over the years is written here trucks a circuit on several occasions mainly the 250cc class Gervaise name in that 250cc championship he had another second in 1980 and a second and he had a win in a second in 1993 so jujubes he's gonna be he's gonna like before yeah he's had some very good rides in of course we mustn't forget two years ago here for the 500 Grand Prix he was the sensation jumping the double jump and at one stage when leaned over the top of Mallard to pass him forceful style is carrying joven [Music] and there's the gap between the van de Ven and Joby for three seconds anchovy is reeling him in something tells me you don't have to be aligned start opening jaws obey in fiction chief Jo Bay can pull back from the men quickly the boys it's certainly Oh sure Chris Joe Bay has really got the message now he's found he's found his lines he's found his rhythm it's all about timing he's over the jumps correct he's got the good smooth lines and he's reeling in burn all the time but it looks so easy to make a mistake what's the technique for taking these picture protecting these jumps as you receive and event coming down now it's all throttle control you have to ease the throttle off as you leave the fest of the jump and bring the power back in our landing that sounds easy so what happens if you bring the power in too soon well in too soon and just flip over backwards not for these expert World Championship riders obviously go down in that first race the bhojas goes through [Music] [Music] thirty minutes gone in this race four minutes plus two laps to go first as we said in the first leg this is the time when it's difficult to keep concentration there they're becoming tired there's ten minutes plus two laps to go and as we saw in the first leg one slipper concentration is Thor bed and you're down [Music] from still looking comfortable but I'm sure he's getting the signals as to where in the house nobody is going [Music] [Music] riding skill 11 seconds began between the Boers the race leader and Joe Bay is third place so in 11 seconds to pull back they've done 13 laps in this one based on the first race I think they did 20 laps in the first race so we must anticipate approximately 7 laps or they're about to go can surely fall back 11 seconds he will be trying all he can because the first race he won at Google is second and if he bores wins the second race think opposed takes the overall victory to the Grand Prix they have equal points that the doors will take it on the second best result so George won't walk back because there's all sorts of bonuses and pristine just points bonus money there as well and prestige of course has been to Vegas yet caught up the bed we're a little bit premature of this maybe [Music] ancho Bay certainly on his way trying hard he could see Van Deventer him and look at those high-flying leaps of Jove HOH poised to make the charge he looking for the gap a tight turn there from the Belgium the Dutchman out of him and again looking before the place of the circuit weighing thinks he is quick or maybe knows he's quicker than the Dutchman out of it [Music] and there is Thunderman there behind him his obey and show they boys I've said it before he's almost alongside he's gotta be the line this time and Joby well we talked about last yearís monster jumps and Gervais is never very nice move and he lined him up over the tabletop he took a little bit of a risk jumping onto the tabletop gathered the extra speed and then took him over the down the finish straight [Music] [Music] so we now have Kerberos leading drove a secondary person the first leg and just to repeat they think I was saying that would mean that Cabela's because of his better second leg result would be the overall winner [Music] [Applause] [Music] thirty-eight minutes almost gone so five minutes plus two laps to go for this manner Erica balls to hang on to the lead pika this is a fine ride for Eric because as we spoke earlier his fitness is a little bit suspect with the injured knee that he injured here at Hawkstone two years ago has troubled him ever since and in can't go running and his training program is reduced and he's some of the staff lack of stamina all year Gerber's in front I'm sure he knows that though [Music] [Music] coming around now to complete coming through we wait now for the green Kawasaki of Giove various ten and a half seconds they do it he's got four or five laps I say four or five because for the two laps signal will go out and that depends of course whereabouts on the circuit they are on the Kawasaki bike number four the winner of the first leg in second spot at the moment and he's trying all again [Music] Joe be two times 250cc world champion twenty-five years of a each we're talking about money and I know McCroskey don't like to talk about money Dave but but Joby must be on the father too I don't really know he's not quite up to the Honda money but he's sitting on tracks I would think so yes but interesting now because Yahweh is known to be strong at the end of the race of the previous two on Freese this year is always come strong for example Asia Jovie is trying you can see that no problem thoughts challenge in the final few laps before still we're in fourth place no problems pop it's a big position now mate Tarkin Farkas mal herb in seventh spot when the Brits are 54 move in and the snake is down in pitch position and Kurt Nicoll is it No now that looks better the first race we spoke out is a disaster he had radio the problem lost the water and the bike seized up but he'll be happy over this nine the previous lap was just under ten and a half seconds [Music] magnificent shot it holds the power the final figure to think well over 25,000 spectators raising and hopefully we shall finish the day with day for having fallen further and further away it looks as though Germany has not managed [Music] there is obviously decided that TV was gonna stop anywhere it it's stuff on the hill descent day but I think you just stop there to get the best view of the circuit seems an expensive way though to buy it buy a ticket for that spot well over the thoughts over he must have his reasons [Music] make 40 minutes expired to save the 2 minute board is about [Music] [Music] the next time around they've done 16 laps the next time around the race there is a thought we're watching the man who leads the World Championship is fourth in this race at the moment [Applause] [Music] and I took that many times in quotes because thought has a good result and he's a head of a same hour and he's gonna go away from here with more and kubarz to stomp through and the two minute board has gone out so we've got two minutes to go in this race forty minutes the leader every covers and really true Georgian job a bleats hey the next mystic to a mythical coming to win this one I would have thought so Chris there's differing things going through their minds go Boers is now holding his lines being as safe as he can whereas George is pressing on possibly taking his breaking looking for when they I'm sure dreamt of coming to Hawks too far winning and going away with a very comfortable margin that he's not on that man like Erica Bors here in the picture leading the second race and the second part of put a stop to that before with a third and the fourth and with chuckling good to find anything like is real form or look set to go away from me in ten points and he was only two when he came so it's got to be better yes short Chris he will know that he's to place the head of Malheur he'll be happy just a game points on him he took a fall in the first one he'll be happy to finish this one gaining in the car [Music] newcomers on his penultimate lap [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we've said it before and we'll say it again no one can afford to relax no he's having to concentrate very very hard this is the time as we saw with Dave thought it can all go wrong small lapse in concentration maybe a rock out on the track wasn't their last lap and you're down in the flash covers we'll need to do something very very silly or Giove something very very spectacular like taking a short stop to meet you I don't think that's likely Chris but I think now we need a mistake from Eric [Music] desperately trying not to me and these similar errors on this final set he looks pretty cool looks pretty relaxed but the race is never finished to look like a rundown ugly little buzz off the 18th October clean and romancing case van de Ven third fourth position fifth is late Pearson and six at the moment - kalfus and in seventh place still not having completed 18 laps should be Andre now herb the greatest visit to hosting farm ah [Music] cigarette only stars for the area to cheer Eric averse to a very fine victory in this second leg but they'll also be there to cheer Dane thought who with two rounds to go in this world championship extended Lee the little Belgian having gotten so bad in this second race not so far now to the chicken egg just a few hundred yards and that looks like two men behind ridiculous there is George Sherman sophie is very close and is he going to be a dramatic finish to this one and Joby is gonna win it's ever so close they go to the line always side by side say who's what Matt they went to cross guard virtually side-by-side and it looks at wandering marker performance from Jorge obey absolutely model seven and a quarter seconds the gap between the first two men as they start to the last lap gabbar's obviously slowed and quite rightly - he didn't want to make any mistakes but he was almost caught napping a chance to see the replay of that finish and there we go the checkered flag being held ready and here they come sprinting for the line side by side and he really was close gobias by half a wheel perhaps dave McClure only just there was a fine effort by Joe Bay he proved what we say that he's so strong at the end of the race well we shall have to wait for confirmation from the officials deboers then and Joe base sprinting for the line we fourth home is Dave for Ben that excitement in fifth position is number 37 late Pearson waiting now for Harkin Kaka so for his home we're waiting for Mauer still some way to go so they thought would have added 13 more points to his total there's George obey he looks fighting pit didn't look very pleased about that I think George is disputing the finish line I think he thinks he got the finish so we shall have to wait and find find out exactly who won that race was it Erica bars was it George obey it was certainly Dave Thorpe in fourth place an exciting moment who was the winner join us after the break [Music] and confirmation of a victory for Erica balls from George oh babe blend Evan second third and they thought in fourth place and with the man who made the news down in the pits let's join Paul Fowler Erica balls congratulations you just grabbed it on the line there it must have been extremely tough yeah it was okay on just the last lap I have some problem with some lapped riders I choiced the wrong line so I lost some time on George also I was slowing down a little bit too you know to be sure but I didn't expect himself so quick to my to my back of me you didn't know that he was coming up behind you so quickly I know but not so quickly and I knew that he was coming but like the very very end the straightaway up to the tabletop you know there's a very fast line on the right and I couldn't go there because there was a left right I lost short three seconds there so an overall win for you you must be very happy yeah of course I think you know I want it so I think I deserve it now George obey just losing out there on the line it must be very tough after that terrific last lap - yeah after ten minutes I broke my shock I didn't have any any rebound anymore so it was very difficult for me to control my bike so I was about seven or eight second behind Eric and I knew that I had to go very fast to to catching him so the last the last two laps I go very fast but you know sometimes that control but I I went very fast the last lap and I come very close to American that's the race II you know I finished second and but I hope that the next race I can I can win again and finally Dave thought you look exhausted Dave I'm not really tired I didn't ride very well in Georgian Eric rode very well obviously they finished in front of me you have any problems in that race no I didn't feel very safe I wasn't very confident and I think my performance showed any after-effects of that unfortunate first leg crash I'm just a little bit stiffed on my left side and I have a headache the good news for you of course is that Andre mal herb did even worse so you're in fact now ten points ahead in the championship yeah I'm turn in front of Miller but Erik is also 12 behind now so maybe it's a three-way fight now so now we're going back to Tony Francis so to buy the despite today's hiccups Dave thoughts still on target to retain his world title with two Grand Prix's to come in Belgium next weekend and then in Luxembourg we hope you've enjoyed your excursion to deepest Shropshire just a reminder that next Saturday afternoon its athletics from Alexander Stadium Birmingham the pearl assurance meeting but we leave you with the ups and downs of World Championship motocross from everyone here are very good afternoon to you [Music] you
Channel: Staffihound
Views: 165,086
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: Dave Thorpe, Kurt Nicoll, Georges Jobe, Eric Geboers, 2 stoke, 500cc, Motocross, MXGP
Id: l6l4vkkY0T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 35sec (6155 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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