1984 Auburn Football Reviews

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but as a as a team as a team i think that we had enough out there tonight that we can build on i wouldn't show that to the miami game we had enough to build on but i think after what i saw tonight i think we can build on it it's going to take a lot of courage and a lot of guts and a lot of leadership a lot of quality on the football team to bounce back out to tonight get ready to play southern mississippi my first home game this is not the way i had it planned and it's not the way you had it planned but that's life let us learn from it let's learn from it we're nowhere close to being the best that we can be we're no club we're close to being as close to the football team as we need to be all of the things that make a difference between winning and losing we're still not doing as good a job as a coaching staff as we need to do and we're going to work hard to correct them but i i appreciate you going out there and laying your guts on the line to win the football game tonight just know that we all in a struggle together men me you the coaches this is auburn family let's stick together don't ever doubt the things that we've talked and preached all year long will win [Music] [Applause] it ain't going nowhere but up from here i'm gonna go back out there and thank our people the auburn football review with coach pat welcome to the auburn football review last night in austin texas 35 auburn 27. pat dye uh auburn's been on national television for its last five games now and the national audiences can't complain they've all been thrillers well we've got to learn how to you know this year's teams got to learn how to win the close ones and last night coming down the line at the end uh we didn't play well defensively and we didn't play well offensively we moved the ball but we turned it over a couple of times and we got down close and and didn't get any points out of it if we just make one of those field goals that uh you know we got a chance to win the football game at the end we wouldn't been in such a such a panic to try to score a touchdown and if we make both of them then we certainly got a chance to win it but texas had an outstanding football team they got a great talent tradition and i guess it's been what 17 18 years since anybody's won an opener there and we had a lot of things going against us mainly of an outstanding texas football team pretty stiff breeze well they were ready to win and the game was of course played uh the way it was played was the wind was blowing so hard that uh you know you had to had to get your points while you had the win and and the thing that uh was unfortunate uh for us the things that we didn't do is we turned it over twice in the fourth quarter when we had the win and gave them two touchdowns and uh you know it's uh we came back and got one and but it was a hard fault game on both sides i feel a lot better about our football team today than i did a couple of weeks ago i think it we showed the true open spirit last night and and the thing that uh you know it was very disappointing loss and of course losing both for i don't know how many weeks maybe the season is you know it's going to be a big blow to our football team but you know i think that now we can you know come together and make it not a little tighter and we can still have a fine football season but it's going to take a great effort on the part of our coaches and great effort on the part of our players and you know everybody's got to play up to that potential and better if we can expect to have a good football season now because we don't have any easy games you saw what georgia tech did yesterday and mississippi has got a good football team southern mississippi is going to be outstanding coming in here this week florida state everybody we got on the schedule so if we're going to have a decent football season then uh we've really got to eliminate mistakes and start playing as good as we can play let's go into the post-game dressing room and get some player comments now come back we're going to come back we're going to get it going i felt like coach i said i believe we have something to build onto because i felt i felt a lot better about this game than i did the miami game all the way through i felt just pulling closer together the whole time we just we had some bad breaks we're still gonna work at it and we're gonna come back and things gonna be all right we uh we beat ourselves by turnovers and down on the end zone when we jumped off sides the offense was working exactly the way we wanted it to it was uh you know we ran the option and it was working just exactly as we planned and like i said we just beat ourselves the first one was it high enough to go if it hadn't been locked i'm not sure i didn't even know that it was blocked i didn't get a good kick on it i tried to push it too hard into the wind the second one was just very close i felt as if it was good but i guess referee had a better position to see we made a few key mistakes you know that right there what took the game away from us can't do that here can't do that here you ready to go home you know yeah i'm ready to go home but i'm not ready to face the people that's that you you can do it though can't you well i can do this no problem it's just gonna be tough it'll be tough for me to be stronger when it's over huh yeah i you know we'll just have to forget it after tomorrow and work for southern miss next weekend 15 miles an hour gusts to 25 if you knew what you knew now you would have taken the win huh well we didn't have a choice first half uh they uh i guess we wanted to i guess we went to toss and they took one but no i would take it and i would i had perfect just like i wanted it had to win in the fourth quarter and that's where we plan to win the football game in the fourth quarter and you know at times last night we played really well defensively bill and our defensive front like texas had 126 yards on the ground rushing and they probably had what 67 of them in the fourth quarter so you know until the fourth quarter came around we had pretty well shut that running game down dodge on the bootleg there got it in for the first he did it he really did a terrific job for him and you know texas football team is mostly juniors and seniors that have all been redshirted dodge is a fourth year junior and you know they're just an experienced football team that that's got great talent and great ability they don't have a what you would call a you know an outstanding breakaway running back but they're a big strong physical football team and they know how to play the game this is the first quarter of course texas has got the wind here and and we come out and and don't uh move the football in the first quarter and and they get good field position twice and get two in and we come back we come back with a win and uh we ran straight at texas last night and we threw the ball we did about what we wanted to do really we just turned it over a couple of times too many and there was a difference in the ball game you know both uh hadn't worked at the practice the practice a little but he had not he had any contact and you can see that uh you know during the game last night he was he was really not full speed well gray would never caught him on the long run he made as a guy right there you can see he is just absolutely fighting his guts out to win the football game and it was a you know i think our football team grew up a great deal between the miami game and the texas game i just hope that this loft doesn't take so much out of them that they won't come back and be as good as we can be as a option on the goal line pat washington pitching to kyle collins and and getting it in for the touchdown and that makes it 14 to 7. of course we right back in it now you know another thing right here that because texas is you know they have a great defensive football team and uh we got it down there two or three times and then school we kicked it too many field goals and that was a great play by gerald robertson and harold hallman falls on the fumble out of the midfield and we take this one in and get a field goal out of it and you can see that bow doesn't have his normal quickness and all the way he normally runs by that attack it was a fourth down play great play right here by pat washington and on the bootleg pick up about eight or ten yards on the first down going in for the field goal you know we actually have a touchdown call back last night phil that uh right we were moving down on the goal line and i tell you texas man's got those cowbells out there and you can't hear much when when you got to football they make it then this is a great thing for our football team here that showed maturity and poise and they would come back and stop them right here fine played by joel robinson it's looking at the film i think our defensive end has played played well gone daily and we get good containment on the quarterback and pressure and has been mccurdy out there covering and we get the full uh football back here and take it down and get a field goal right before a half tommy a.g breaks out on a nice game with a fullback draw out of our trip formation and 30 seconds to go now it's 18 seconds to go well we come back and and pat hits freddy away again freddie had a big night last night and come back and we had six seconds on the clock and didn't just i mean that's perfect execution perfect you ended up with one second they told me to give what he could and get the ball out of bounds and so he ended up getting a i think we were already in field goal range but six yards and eight yards closer would certainly put us in better position and we go in at halftime with momentum and there's no question in my mind about winning the football game right here we'll be back in just a minute the plan then was to hang on in the third quarter and give yourself an opportunity to win we wanted to toss at the start of the game and they they elected to take the win and which was a smart move on that part as it turned out because they scored 14 points and of course we get 13 in the second quarter and which meant of course that we had the choice in in the third quarter uh we took the ball and they took the win again and gave us a win in the fourth quarter which is exactly the way we wanted it and we start out and and have a and play well and they they come up with a great play right here the quarterback under pressure and we had kind of a missed assignment in the secondary and they got a guy at that point it was a big third down third and 15 i believe for him and here they hit us on a blitz that uh just have a the perfect play call for the situation and we ran our weak side corner and the saints was running over the top and they ran a post right into it and it was a great play and catch right there by beau on the sideline big third down play for us and we get it out to around midfield it was a nice throwing catch by pat washington and freddie weigan gets the ball down to the five yard line and bull's gonna score on the next play really great blocking on this play see why kyle collins is playing he takes that in well we we went into the game planning to play kyle and bowl together and tim justin brent forward together and and uh college campbell and reggie ware behind uh as you can see time and time again you know we get a lot of folks around the world greg carr and ben thomas and harold hallman really played a great football game last night there's john daly and ben mccurdy they have to give it up again on the punt this time we we you know right at this particular part in the game we're playing well enough to win here's a you know we had a kind of a cross up there and bow breaks out of there with us and you can see bo lemping on his left ankle right there he just does not he's not full speed uh he will put this one in the end zone as kyle collins hustling downfield in front of boat to help him and this is the play he heard us that's right that is where he separated his shoulder when he fell away on the sideline and the thing that we didn't get any points out of this particular field position right here and of course we were going into the wind here and as a matter of fact we scored in the third quarter going into the way but touchdown here might have won the game right and we just i don't think this ball would have been good if it was uh if it hadn't been blocked but it of course it was the guy got his hand on it but i think he just keeps it low and this woman's next possession hopefully play right here they we they get the ball on the 16 yard line and and take it in for the touchdown and make it 28-19 this is now in the fourth quarter they're going against the wind they played a lot of running backs against us a lot of different ones and they were all good they won i don't think it was a great one in the crowd this is a little cut back play right here we have a miss tackle and the guy goes in the end zone for the touchdown makes it 28-19 and we still got plenty of time and we're moving the football on texas really doing about what we want to run inside we was playing with that separated shoulder yeah beau went back in the ball game he told me i asked he doc said it was heard a vote said he was hurt and i said well can you play he said yes and so i said well we need you and so he went back in the game and of course when i found out his shoulder was separated we didn't we didn't play anymore that was nice throw and catch by freddie weigan and as a big player jeff parks gets the ball down to the five yard line brentfulwood takes it to the almost scores to the half yard line and this is this is where you know four is in conference right here we score right here beau goes into the end zone and we have a procedure penalty and that right there now if we go for two and make it then and of course we're gonna be it's gonna be what 27 to miss the field though 27 to uh 19 and still got plenty we're moving the football we got the win right here we probably went to the well once too often and and you know that we had a deep route called and the protection broke down and the guy hit pat in the back and we found the ball and we're still scratching and biting and but they are too you got to give them credit for it they hit that little cut back play up inside and rip was pretty good with it that number 35 johnson i believe his name played well against us here's we've got him stopped at the line of scrimmage he breaks out of there we missed two or three tackles and he gets it in the end zone for the touchdown and makes it 35 to 19. i guess probably a lot of folks thought we were dead right here but i didn't and the players didn't and we come back and hit tommy aj on a little screen and he runs the ball out around the 50-yard line don't it doesn't take us long to get this ball in the end zone here pat comes back and hits clayton buford for a nice game first down here he hits kyle collins in the flat for down to the 35 tommy uh college camel on the draw down to the 30. we run it we actually run our no huddle offense here and hollis campbell again down to the 20. i believe that was a fourth down play right there head hits clayton buffett down to the nine yard line hits tim jesse in the flat he's really throwing the ball down to the two and brent forward over the top for the touchdown 35-27 on-site kick coming and we've got time to we can score again in two and a half minutes right you got plenty of time no panic that's a on sidekick that guy hit it before it went 10 yards and i'll kick you covered it just like you draw it up in practice and and we're back in business two minutes 32 seconds remaining on the clock [Applause] we had clayton going down the seam on the route and and jerry grey that all american precision makes a great play on the intersection and that stops the driver we still get it back because they're trying to run the clock out john daly makes a fine play take the last time out and then they run the clock that time we could have got out of bounds right there we'd had one more play but we didn't get out of bounds and clock ran out and we had called the play hoping that he could get out of bounds get the ball a little closer to where we could throw the ball into the end zone one last time for a chance to to score and at least tie the football game 35-27 texas over auburn we'll return in just a minute in the week you said that you were more concerned with uh building a football team than beating texas [Music] do you think you made some progress in that i don't think there's any question about it phil we we were closer together through our preparation for the texas game you could feel it on the sidelines last night i don't think we're there however i still think we got some some work to do i think it uh and right now it's a big challenge to our coaches and our players as leadership on our football team to to you know to to not give up to not write the season off because bo's going to be out we've got a tough skill we can have we can still have a lot of fun in this season i mean it's a it's a game you know i know our people are disappointed i'm disappointed players are disappointed but we got a lot of football left to play and we won't be favored in too many of them probably but we get back to playing football the way that we believe in the way that players believe and we can still have a fine football season and and uh we're not at the conference race yet the thing about southern miss is they are good and they don't get a lot of respect they're hard to prepare for well they'll be good against us and they've always played us tough and they've got a great little quarterback in the jarnette and that quarterback is you know he's seasoned and right it'll be uh everybody we play has got good football players and you know we're not playing anybody that uh there's any blanks out there so uh it's uh it's a big challenge for us and and one that i'm you know i'm excited about i'm looking forward to it it's a it's certainly different today than it was uh six weeks ago but uh you know that's that's what you deal with in this coaching profession we don't have any say so about who gets hurt and who gets injured and the thing that we we do is we work with the youngsters that we got and try to get them to reach us their fullest potential you're getting really thin now at the halfback spot well we'll probably take uh make some adjustments back here we'll probably move college campbell back to half back and and uh of course tommy and reggie ware and demetrius threat should be coming back from an entry and we just got to overall offensively we got to execute better defensively we just got to we've got to play better uh it's uh i don't think that you can put your finger on any one thing defensively i think we played better against uh texas than we did miami but we still you know didn't play well uh enough against a a good football team and we've got to get better i don't think our tackling is as good as it should be so um we got to come up with more big plays and like i said we got a lot of football in front of us and i'm looking forward to getting on with it and we'll see you next week with a replay of southern miss the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper [Applause] see the artwork of new orleans artist ida colemier at the montgomery museum of fine art 440. auburn tiger football looking ahead each day before practice every auburn football player steps up to this window in the coliseum where he's issued his practice gear from jerseys to socks to mouthpieces the auburn equipment room looks like a giant sportswear store it stocks everything it takes to equip a major college football team but there's much more to it than handing out equipment it's a costly and important operation auburn's football equipment foreman is frank cox the inventory and control and maintenance and the purchasing of all the equipment we maintain probably a 250 000 inventory of athletic equipment at any one time and that's a lot of money the other side of the coin and really the bottom line on the whole thing is the protection of the athlete and and we need he needs to have confidence in the equipment that he wears and when it comes to protection cox makes sure it's available for auburn's players that involves keeping abreast of the latest and best equipment on the market keeping track of inventory and making sure it's all in top shape before a player wears it out onto the practice or game feel just to give you an idea of what it takes to outfit a football team think about just shoes including walk-ons there are approximately 120 auburn football players multiply that by two and you have quite a few feet to cover and cox says that the shoe business has become more and more complex the shoe business has gotten very sophisticated as far as athletic and cleated shoes are concerned we inventory about 10 different styles of shoes six for turf and four for grass so an athlete has several choices depending on the position that he plays and what size he is so now when you see the blue jerseys and familiar auburn helmets come into the field each saturday you'll have a little better idea of just how they get there from the athletic department mike hubbard for the auburn football preview [Music] saying that we needed one to get you know the open eye kicking games up and everybody we got in the huddle and we say we pull our stuff together we told each everyone to get one man and everybody got a man one day man must have tripped up ada broke loose him and arthur johnson and also terry walker they broke loose and i just broke up behind them and just utilized the speed we were gone one guy and that was the easy part david king he threw a key block he kicked the number 96 out and uh fortunately i got down the sideline with anybody touched me and i saw oakland lane cut back and uh you know just lucky [Applause] go go oh [Music] [Applause] i feel very strong and very deeply that we got quality people and i haven't felt any different i just you know and i going back to the miami game i take that responsibility that was my fault i thought we played our hearts out and caught your guts out against texas and i thought you came out here tonight and showed a lot of class and you know this whole game with out there playing tonight is nice and like tonight is what makes it wonderful because you can look back and you know you just can't pick out any one superstar a lot of folks contributed defensive lineman defensive end secondary kicking game offense defense all of it and that's what makes it so wonderful that's what makes it so great but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked and preached all year long will win [Music] this is it ain't going nowhere but up from here i'm gonna go back out there and thank our people the auburn football review with coach pat welcome to the auburn football review last night 75 000 fans of jordan hare auburn 35 southern miss 12 and war eagle sounded good in the dressing room after the game coach well uh phil we it was a big win for us i was scared to death going into the game i promise you southern mississippi has got a fine football team they've got good players i would watch them go into athens and between the hedges and play georgia right down to the wire and had a chance to win the game i knew that we were a football team with potential with very little confidence and but uh you know we did what we had to do last night and i i'm so proud of our coaching staff and and players for just you know for not being discouraged and you know in the face of what we've been through uh came out last week and and worked extremely hard to to improve on all the little things and we still got a long way to go before we're going to be a polish football team and a good football team but i think we got a chance to get there if we can just keep on doing the the things that we're doing and uh you know as long as you as long as you're working on the right things and doing the right things then maybe something good is going to happen to us 40 years old because uh i do i do think if there's still a lot of potential on this football team the thing that i've said all along is you know a lot of us young and a lot of us inexperienced even some of the older guys that are playing now haven't played that much so uh i hope we can use this game as a as a stepping stone and want to gain some confidence and uh i know that uh the game the people that saw it and you look at it on the field a lot of folks contributed to the win last night i i can't recall a game where some so many different players had a big part in the outcome of it uh the kicking game was outstanding the the specialty team did a great job kicking off we didn't have to kick any field goals and uh you know our coverage has been has been outstanding and so you know you got we got some things around our football team that uh and i tell you something else we got a few kids on our football team and not all of them but we got a few kids on our football team playing right now and have played all year long as hard as any that i've ever been around i never have been around kids that are playing any harder than tommy agee and tommy powell and arthur johnson and jeff parks and of course kyle collins right now and uh you know the that uh and we've got others too but those those just stand out in my mind right now that that uh you know just playing with everything they got to win all right and we'll talk more about that excellent kicking game last night but now let's go into the auburn dressing room right after the game how do you feel i feel great it's my first win as a quarterback here it's something i've been waiting for this is the kind of a confidence builder well let's take a little heat off the guy yeah i think it's a good start but uh you didn't have a great second half about a great first half yeah yeah and he's playing with confidence and uh we just you know we just we're not all 11 of us you know going out there and playing consistently it's a beginning i don't think it'll be tennessee i believe it'll win the sec but it's the beginning you moved to halfback this time and uh it's a position you're not unfamiliar with though and then you got the score how did it feel it fell i was kind of surprised when i got open you know i thought the guy had me down and i kept moving my feet i just came in open next thing i know i was running you know like that what did y'all talk about this week without voting just working hard and you know we had to go out there you know and do what we had to do without boss so we just went down there hey you stayed home tonight dude oh yes we had to you know because last week against todd dodge you know someone bought broke backside you know they saw that happen i was figuring they're going to try the same play well i tell you we're coming a lot closer and like we're playing together now and we're knowing what you know each guy is going to do everybody getting to the ball you know that's what we're looking forward to that right man oh yeah definitely you know it's nice to have a win on your belt at home especially when you know we got you know the week we got ahead next week again tennessee yeah how about tennessee oh well tennessee's gonna be a big powerhouse and uh they're gonna be just as good as they were yeah they got tied by army oh yeah they're gonna really be fired up and uh they're gonna come in here and give us some money they got one of those strong arm guys oh yeah definitely robinson you can throw it you know you know when you got a quarterback that you have to you know to contain them keep it from running outside and plus keeping you dropping back and throwing the long bomb you know you get a little bit confusing you just got a quarterback who just dropped back you know it's kind of make your job a little bit easier here we go again another good quarterback oh yeah it's great to be back in jordan hair stadium there's the injured bo jackson who had surgery last monday and the defense got after him well that looked like old auburn playing and of course we played you know we played hard against texas there's an outstanding play right there to start the game by kevin green we tackled family jarnett on the 15-yard line and they start and we you can see we're getting after them from the very beginning and make a first down but then they didn't make many after that the uh we got good penetration time played by ben thomas and harold hallman and um paul connells and his staff robert they just absolutely had the stadium magnificent the grass was just a beautiful color as pat washington hitting jeff parks on a bootleg pass third and ten here this is a big play right here pat hitting freddie wiggins across the middle and freddy's just is really playing well as you know he's just beyond his where he's supposed to be right now as a freshman because we felt like that when we were recruiting him and he has certainly not disappointed anybody kyle collins running inside on the count of down we're going to take him all the way in right here getting the first down brent making the first down and uh pat's gonna score here on the bootleg he just takes it on the corner and outruns him to the goal line that's speed that's can't beat speed pad i thought really probably improved more in practice last week than uh and we we we really worked on the basics and as you can see we had pressure around duckworth all night long but we didn't tackle very well i didn't think at times last night we just was a a a guy like duckworth and he is so quick and so strong and he can make you miss a few tackles and uh you're gonna see time to make a lot of plays i believe that's gerald robertson john daly coming from the back side and john played much better last night kevin green looked like our defensive ends all played well last night as clayton buford catching a little stop route getting out of bounds we tell how pat can throw the football well we i believe we took the first two in last night then we right there's another great catch right there about freddie wagon and replay and you can see this ball's overthrown right here uh and you know when i saw what lady pat's in i said well you know he's overthrown it and freddie just goes and gets the thing here's a college campbell right there they got uh good blocking and good movement and look at it again came up outside call us let's get in the end zone before you hold that thing up now i have seen it come out of folks's hands when they try to get that college did that a couple times that he is so strong and i couldn't be happier he has been worked and worked and worked and been hurt some and played behind tommy a.g and nobody's any more popular on our football team than carlos campbell is watch andre bruce here right here andre is not far from being in a playing status he's he's working hard and getting better each week and he is going to be a great football player that's chet williams we played four or five linebackers last night chet williams raycorn and third and 12 had thomas a lot of different ones there's tommy powell again i don't know how many tackles time he made last night but he was around the football all night long in the second quarter now they get a little drive going here you can see that we're getting a lot of folks around the football and you know we i really thought we played pretty well uh defensively they and stop what they do best now sam heard us some in the little quarterback heard of some but they're great football players and they're going to do that here's something auburn did well last year returning a score with a long drive this is a pet pitching of all the kyle collins on on the option and just brent fullwood on an outstanding run right here for a first down on blue's role play and uh third and seven now there's another throwing catch from pat to freddie wagon was running our offense here as eddie graham played a lot of backslash nice gain up to about eight or nine yards and fourth and one right here big big big reggie wear is going to be out designated short yardage on it i think he's uh pat washington keeping the ball on the option on the goal line now well yeah that's tommy agee again you know our offensive line i know played well last night and got movement on their people and as brent fullwood going in for the touchdown and we've got uh you know at the half last night we'd played about as well as we could play offensively and at this point in the second half that we didn't score a touchdown on our cause that's two missed tackles right there that's what i'm talking about you gotta you gotta stay in the football position you gotta break down and you gotta get in the middle of those guys like that because he's strong and has a nice play by gerald gerald robinson and third and eight and uh harold hallman makes it harold and tommy powell again as alex duchalk played a lot last night and played well 37-yard field goal there by banks he's a good one and that's the way it is at half 21 for auburn southern miss six we'll be back in just a minute feature today the computer age has come to alabama's farming industry and it's been hey i had an opportunity to to meet dr thompson that you just saw dan thompson's property extension service right she's uh just newly on the staff i met her over dr martin's house wednesday night i guess but i think that the excitement around auburn university right now is at an all-time high as far as the students the faculty and dr martin and you know it's a we just got to get our football team in the right in the right place and team's got to catch that right so we'll get into the second half sue said our band was outstanding again last night and it was just uh it doesn't surprise me at all because they do such a great job and our fans were just out of this world you know i don't know what did they call that chill that we had the waves the waves last night the only thing wrong with the wave is we got to get the waves going when when the other team's on offense rather than us that's right i can see the guys looking up out there you know well then handicapped you at quarterback we want to handicap somebody's quarterback we're going to handicap the other team quarterback that's right so we love it but you're going to see a thing of beauty right here now arthur johnson i know there was some good blocks right here but author johnson gets two he's already blocked one watch him right there he gets the last one he knocks him down as eddie graham and jerry walker good black and white of attack right terry i think chip might have knocked down two at the at the early end when it started and look at the uh trainer there yeah bo and brent roommates on the road well great play right there gerald williams has played his final football in the last two games as any defensive tackle that we've ever had around auburn and it was a nice play right here by gerald robinson and we're just uh you know we're we're not there yet but we we're gaining on it defensively it shows you what happens when you get after a quarterback he makes mistakes through behind and pat was more aggressive last night uh running the ball and then uh he's been third and seven it's a big play he's really is a great run right here by college campbell you see colors to see the pure strength he's got right there is just old big legs and here's another little run for first down right there by collis this is about 220 pounds and oh man it's all his first mistake it was it was a fumble too i thought it was i thought he was on the ground but that guy reached in there i wish we could run that back and look at it a little closer but he didn't have it in the right place he's got to hold that thing as sam and sam thought he was going to outrun nate but nate didn't think so so that's his old buddy they came to auburn together five years ago nate runs him down and keeps saying scoring that touchdown you as ben mccurdy and harold hallman and a fine play right here by alvin briggs that's third down third down and long and i don't know alvin said that this guy gave him a little nudge right there and uh he might have i don't know but it was a touchdown for southern mississippi they go for two and it fails well covered by victor beasley and it's 28 to 12 and we're gonna move the football a little bit on offense but we just don't uh we don't take one into school we turned the ball over twice the second half and and that kept us from getting on the board they never did really i don't think what you would call shut us down they can't run the bootleg again and comes the interception we had we had a guy kyle collins has opened down the boundary here and i think i really think that pat tried to pull the string on that one a little bit and not throw it late and ended up not getting anything on it but here's where the defense takes charge though that's what that's what you like to see right there that's playing football like auburn's supposed to play it and and those guys are having some fun and that guy right there well he's trying to get on the ground and getting a little excited well you know i i'm going to tell you i was i don't really i've ever felt as much pressure to win a football game as i did that one last night and i don't know whether it was seth or whatever but i just because i i just want us to be the best we can be and we've been far from it and we're still not there but kids we got a good bunch of kids and i told jeff last night he's he's got to try to work himself stay in bounds and you know he could turn up field and run over some of those little defensive backs pat runs out of here now and makes a nice little game but we still end up punting a football here louis colbert angling for the corner yeah lewis hasn't really had a what you would call a since that first ball game up here against miami hadn't really had what you call him outstanding night kick in the football hadn't been he kicked into the 40-mile-an-hour win out there in texas but as gerald williams and alex duchass alex dude shots played hard here he comes again you know i think as that's kevin green we go i guess um i was encouraged to see the defense get stronger here it is pretty right here well that was actually we had a middle return on there and and i don't know if uh trey got outside and yeah i'll tell you he looked pretty quick at it there's david king and a little excitement and we had two of those tennessee trey ganes last year cute as he can be i'll tell you what he's uh meant a lot to our football team in two years the uh he's not he he wouldn't measure like you would want him to but i tell you if you measure him in heart he'd be as big as anybody on our football team we'll be back in just a minute uh the defending southeastern conference champion goes in the conference against tennessee next saturday at jordan here well i think that you know there's no question that tennessee is going to be on an all-time high they feel like they've got a chance to win a conference championship and they certainly do they're playing extremely well i don't know what happened up there yesterday with a tie with army but robertson is probably getting ready for auburn robinson has done an outstanding job at quarterback form they probably got the best running back in america now that beau has heard and johnny johnson and johnny jones and uh we've got to get ready to we got to play better on defense number one we got to tackle better than we than we've tackled and offensively we got to continue to improve and eliminate the mistakes we won the game last night 35 to 12. we got two two touchdowns on the kicking game the two turnovers that we had in the game and when what our offense produced would have made it a 21 to 12 ball game with so we're we're not we're not perfect by any means you heard coach crowe say that we're not good enough right now to beat tennessee so we got to get better in practice this week in order to have a chance and we'll have the replay next sunday so you be with us [Applause] the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper and the smart cimarrons cimarron [Music] [Applause] father we thank you for life we thank you for all the blessings you've given us lord jesus we thank you for this victory father but we also ask that you be with the other team let them arrive safely back to tennessee be with the many fans on their way back home father we just love you praise you and honor you giving you all glory amen it's not going to get any easier it's going to get tougher but that's the way you ought to want it that's the way you all wanted it that's like life is the bigger you're getting the higher you go the tougher it's going to get and the men will stand up and the weak ones will fall by the wayside and we will know where our place is on down the line i don't think we can play any worse on offense than we played today as far as the mistakes we made and uh maybe we got that one out of our system and uh maybe we can learn from it the concentration in greg i'm sorry i missed you out there in the middle of phil i looked for you but you were gone i told greg i would mention it on monday and i will mention it on television that it appeared to me that our linebackers played a lot better today coach [Applause] i saw i saw some sparks fly time or two out there you know uh it's fun to win in it [Applause] but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked to preached all year long will win [Applause] i'll be [Music] the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens better rated guarantee life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review yesterday jordan hare stadium jam-packed crowd in the conference with tennessee and auburn one 29-10 and what a defensive show that was pad thai i think it uh you know i think we made some progress in that area um i thought that uh it was it was a hard hitting football game that tennessee hit us and we hit them and we had they they caught some turnovers and forced some mistakes and we made some and of course we forced them in some into some mistakes and uh fortunately we were able to move the football and control it a little better than than they were and um we came out of came out of winter it was a it was a big win for us there's no question about it uh i think we grew some as a team last week i think that uh you know i can kind of feel i feel our team coming together and we're going to have to be together with what we got facing us down the rest of the schedule your plate is too loud well we got to go to oxford mississippi next week and they don't get any easier and after that we've got two or three undefeated teams on our schedule so it's a but it was a big win for us and i might have happy for our players and and we had some individuals that uh stood out and um i was happy for our linebackers uh you saw it and you've been on them for a couple of weeks well i have i you know i guess that's uh that's a old that's a hang up with me being an old linebacker coach i expect more out of linebackers maybe than most people do but uh and and in all fairness to them greg's been hurt been my curtis played heard all year jim bone played his first game since the miami game yesterday coming off of spraying me chet williams is playing and we've got some other youngsters that have the ability to play and i hope they're going to come on in and help us but you're going to watch you watch your tape today and and you can see that that we got great effort and great intensity and and played the game the way it's supposed to be take turnovers out of it it would have been unbelievable okay let's go in the dressing room now and talk to some of those players alvin well you reckon they'll start throwing balls somewhere else besides your side now that you've had that interception no obviously i'll pick on me some more yeah you must be uh auburn's designated tennessee interceptor you've had one in the last two years right i believe it got lucky today you threw it right to me i couldn't i'd have been crazy to miss it but uh well i think the defense played well today and the coverage was there when we needed it and i was real happy with the win and that's that's what it takes just a secondary to hold just one more second just a half a second and it gives the defensive ends and ryman a chance to get to the quarterback well you got your first start how'd it feel oh it was nice i came off the ball pretty good i thought and well the offense we were we did a poor job of having the ball but the defense came through now tell me the truth were you scared me i was nervous at the beginning but once i came off the ball once and he hit me and kind of went out did he hit your heart yeah it was pretty hard hey you made a great play on the goal line did you know where you were just short of the goal line no i really didn't know where i was but i saw the ball up in the hell and he jumped for and i just went through try to go through him i didn't know where i was i didn't have an idea any idea you didn't know you were keeping him out of the end zone no no well you did though luckily yeah and you you just caught him from the backside yes sir they moved us into linebacker me and tom and have greg in the middle of us and we just come on that play and lucky to open up and just made the top we had a little trouble at times moving you know executing but i think we uh controlled the line of scrimmage at times and other times we had breakdowns do you recall how remarkably alike bose tipito run that one was against tennessee last year same position same yardage well i'm not i'm not about to say that i'd do anything like bo jackson i wish i did but i remember that run i sure do uh i didn't i hadn't thought about it until now i guess i guess it could be familiar but uh bo jackson has the ability to do it i just i just got the luck [Music] they ever helped the team fans or something yesterday goodness i'm telling you they just and they they handled the wave at the right time has john daly and i tell you john daly i just you couldn't help but see him but we we have i really haven't talked to the coaches yet about the grades in the film but i didn't see anybody play well in the ball game john daly and gerald williams made a ton of tackles and plays and harold hallman and ben thomas and how we're going offense and this is the first time we get to football we just take this thing right down the field and it just looks like it's going to be so easy it wasn't all easy there's pat washington pitching to brentfordwood good block by kyle collins good run by brent get the ball right down the field and you're going to see a tennessee man make a great play right here just put his hat right on the football oh and brent in all fairness to him and you're supposed to have that ball squeeze tight that's the way it doesn't make you what angle you get hit at that you're not going to turn it loose but i don't believe you ever saw him coming and uh a great play by tennessee and a big play for him he kept us out of the end zone there's fine played by ben thomas and you know gerald williams harold holman in the middle there and they just stretching his good pressure by kevin green and tackled by greg carr going the other way now middle of the first quarter as pat reading and handing it off to reggie ware i believe on the short yardage play and that read you on a pine block bootleg pat picks up boy he gets hit right here i scared me to death i thought he got hurt and uh third and nine play right here tough as a lighter tonight that was a great great great catch by kyle collins again kyle had a super day yesterday as a handoff he i thought it was a handy this is a great run right here watch kyle walk tight rope down the sideline gets it in the end zone and you know kyle said he didn't have much ability and and he's he has really come on and and he's got more ability than he probably realizes himself but uh good great job right there now you don't realize what a great play that was and it didn't look like he nobody hit anybody but to recognize that screen and pick it up the way edward phillips did and make him throw the ball into the ground and there's johnny jones and of course he got hurt in the ball game yesterday and he i think he will he was hurt coming into the game and but he is certainly a great football player and i hope he gets well for first play of the second quarter is an outstanding play by tommy powell and you know we're getting closer to getting everybody to play in the same speed on defense as tommy powell and arthur johnson and and the closer we get to that then the better we're going to be fat turns it up field and tennessee had a good plan and gave us some problems on the option he comes back throws afraid away again picks up 12 13 14 yards but the drive stalls and louis colbert has to punt it away this was this was probably the greatest thing we did yesterday is our punting game down in a bowl and just we had great field position all day long lewis did a super job in the coverage and on our specialty teams i just you know i just was covering them up right there there's chet williams and ben thomas and harold hallman and has a great play right there by gerald robinson joel robertson had a similar play last year against robinson he hit him in the back and we got a problem to turn over down close and got touched down or field or something out of it but anyway we've got a safety here they punt trey gaines runs it back i think 14 yards or so you can see tennessee is really they are they you know they they played as hard as as uh you know the football team can play and we got penetration there and we we just we lacking something right there with the offensive turning the football over pat didn't play well yesterday and uh he he'd be the first one to tell you had some good plays and big play there's gerald williams again every time you look up you see that number 98 around the football javez kicks a field goal 40 yarder 9-3 next series for auburn there's a nice run block who was that made the block was that brent kyle collins makes about a 15-yard run on the sweep down the sideline here's pat coming outside there's kyle blocking on the corner right there a fine run right here by pat he's turning into an option click i think it uh that was about a 26-yard run wasn't it here we get zach god just whipped us up in up inside third and 21. this is a big play right here had a little roll to get away from the pressure hit spreader weight gain on a crossing route what was that 23 yards right 23 yards first kept the driver alive for the touchdown kyle campbell we're not getting the football to call us enough we got to we got to get the football to him more he i don't think he was i don't think he was tackled a time yesterday they knocked him out of bounds here three times but i don't believe it knocked him on the ground anymore well i guess he did but he's just so big and strong and he had a great week of practice last week great option right there by pat block run by kyle collins takes it to the one foot line and reggie ware's gonna get it in there from from there auburn short yardage specialist well he's about 240 and he's uh you're going to see him early in the game he's got to learn how to to to move his feet when he gets up in that thick traffic and on our reed stuff inside because he breaks out of there and you know you can't run into too many piles there's a big tight end they throw two on a crossing route and tackle by that season greg carr good pressure right here and sacked by ben mccurdy outer alabama did uh did you all have a special on being benjamin yeah he can do it all his look at this right here by gerald williams causes a fumble gerald's just playing like a mad bull it's a bad play and a bad call and we're getting probably getting a little too greedy there right before the half should have run the clock out there's pine played by david king and and uh ben mccarthy that's turning point in the ball game to me right here right before the half they take it down and and make a great play net caesar keeps them out of you never know that's a game of inches just that one play right there careful about the end zone and we come back and keep them out of the end zone again there's a two two strong safeties right there arthur johnson and uh um tommy fowler amy powell met on the quarterback and kevin by the end zone they had five seconds to go when they ran that play and and they both got penetration and got there and great half of football what's wrong with the feature today you will remember the guy who wore number 99 several years ago for auburn edmond nelson let's see what he has to say about his university a couple of pretty good players have worn that 99. well i'm gonna tell you the uh edmond nelson is one of the cornerstones in auburn football program since i've been at auburn he played on our first season team and we didn't have a winning season but we built something that we can stand on today they recognized his value at pittsburgh too uh and the other 99 you'll see the cut away here there's a colonial girl there and i picked her out in the crowd you'll see doug smith uh in the crowd as uh ben thomas and greg carr and we'd come back as author johnson in the short yard situation he'd play with his head yeah without shoulder pads or any kind of way doesn't make any he's just a football player frank smiles yesterday here's brent great run right here brent running so hard he's got to rep that ball you know i believe steve wilson knocked that ball out of his hand man i know steve didn't mean to he's trying to help his buddy down there and we flying around trying to get on it anyway tennessee comes up with it and big break for them with the defense they asked where jones got hurt right there jim bone put the leather to him and ben mccurdy wrapped him up and they come they gonna take this on him for a touchdown right hit mcgee and he's got great quickness and tackle finally knocked out of bounds by alvin briggs and however they're going to come back to see you you gotta start playing that fade route better they're gonna you're gonna see a lot more of them all right we're one series away now in the middle of the third quarter as tim jesse on the sideline trying to encourage his teammates you're going to watch you you see you think tennessee's not hitting brent fullwood picks up six seven yards tommy a.g running inside picks up another four or five and we were kind of hunting and pecking as college campbell again and he just runs down the sideline they knock him out of bounds write him down like a big old nice throw and catch that's a critical situation right there we have one maybe that wasn't the one maybe that was first and ten but here comes the touchdown look at this running this is following black doesn't look like a guy that doesn't i want to tell you something he did not he had it when he crossed the goal line but i'm going to tell you something kyle that's only time to take the hand off the ball is when you throw it to the official let's don't try to get fancy with it here i know you're excited and i'm excited and everybody's excited i saw that happen one time and they put the ball on the 20-yard line for a touch back going the other way last year against florida as a matter of fact as uh and we've come back on defense and we're stretching and getting around the football and i tell you uh frank ogle and wayne hall and bobby wallace and joe whit did a great job with our defensive plan against tennessee we've had we've had really excellent plans for tennessee the last three years and have played well defensively against them and of course jack crowe and bud cason neil callaway and james daniels has a throwing catch right there us throwing in tennessee catching carl zander is a great linebacker and uh doug he's back at auburn working out and getting ready to go to birmingham and dennis call you he's still in engineering school as uh john daly great intercession john had a big intersection against tennessee last year and just looked like john's playing better every week fourth quarter now great play right here that is just out of this world look at that play by andre bruce he kept that ball out of the end zone and it put him on the two yard line and that's just as good as if if we hold them right here that's just as good as a touchdown because it just gives you such great field position that's kevin porter and now we're playing i think eight true freshmen feel there's a outstanding interception right there by alvin brazier ivan if you get some more of them that's going to make them throw the ball over on david kingston that's right david's watching you won't have to worry about all that david's living on his reputation right now and brett greenman going about six or seven yards and reggie ware making the first down comes a touchdown play yeah that's a another fine little old no talent no no talent run but kyle collins people kyle didn't say look at brent and kyle there on the sideline somebody write mr van hoose and tell him that the wishbone is not dead 520 yards well it was you know he just he just you know has a great play by kevin green mike manning and we i think that i've got to talk to mike and coach crew and pat and i think we need to play mike and we need to go ahead and play him earlier in the game we should have played him probably you don't want to what's that run well he got out there and he just looked like he looked around the red that's reggie where the big freshman pullback he broke clean in the secondary looked like he looked for somebody to run over instead of running straight on into the end zone you held the ball here we got some booze well it doesn't make any difference uh the game was over uh johnny mages has got a badly crippled up football team they've bought their hearts out and and one more touchdown wouldn't done us any good might have done something to damage his football team and he's a good friend of mine and i may be on the other sideline one of these days we'll be back in just a minute billy brewer came into this league you said ole miss would have good football teams and they're on schedule and you got to go up there that's exactly right and and they've probably been laid back waiting for us to come our football team hasn't played ole miss but i know billy brewer and i know the ole miss rebels and we'll have to have a great week of preparation and we had better have them buckled on tight when we get there that's going to be a physical no doubt about it they've got a good football team they give you a lot of problems what they do offensively and they got an underground quarterback undoubtedly they're a good defensive football team because nobody scored many points against them and they've already played a wishbone football team this year and i just uh you know it'd be a big challenge it's another conference game for us and it's another opportunity for us to grow and mature again like i said it's on the road so we'll find out something a little more about our football team i like what i found out last week if we just don't leave it on the ground don't turn it over and keep keep getting better then uh we're going to have a chance to be a decent football team for the years over and it will be on television for you next week and we'll have the replay on sunday thank you we'll see you next sunday [Applause] the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by for an eight to ten mile an hour breeze here is sanders the right footer he lifts it high gets a good punt away emanuel young calling for the fair catch [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i hope it's good for us we needed we needed to we needed to have to come from behind and we needed to have to win late we needed to have to take a ball and drive it we needed to have to play defense go down the road maybe be playing somebody a little better and stakes will be a little higher and we're going to have to know exactly what it takes to do those things so might have it for you proud of you auburn one let's get on get on the bus and go to alabama [Applause] but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked and preached all year long will win this is it it ain't going nowhere but up from here i'm gonna go back out there and thank copy [Music] the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty light pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review auburn and ole miss slugged it out in oxford yesterday the tigers came back in the second half and won 17-13 what a game pad die well i'll tell you i got up this morning and read the paper and saw some of the things that went went on around the country yesterday with people getting beat that hadn't been beaten before and and knowing what we got into over there yesterday was a mad bunch of rebels and they got after us and we weren't uh quite ready to play when the game started and i'm telling you i just feel fortunate to get out of there with a win they've got a good football team and they're playing probably a little better than maybe they're really supposed to be playing but that's that's what a hunger football team does and and hunger coaching staff and hungry fans and you know it was a it was a good old-fashioned gut check and and i hope that we learned something from it and i hope it uh you know we'll be a better team because of it we we did what we had to do to win the football game and we made it difficult on ourselves at times and of course ole miss has got to find defensive football team there's no quit in fact they're better than i thought they were there's two second half drives what's the difference in the game well the thing about it uh i feel that uh you know we we're offensively we're still not hitting on all cylinders i looked at the tape last night and we didn't we didn't execute on the corner didn't block out there as well as we should have a couple of times if we make a block out there on the perimeter we're going to get long runs and we don't make a block and end up with no gain of loss or whatever and you know we turned the ball over three times yesterday again that uh that hurt us but i think the second half yesterday uh i think we might have come of age and and a lot of respects uh it looked like a more mature football team to me uh particularly pat executing in the last half i know he had one interception but that's the ball that that you're going to throw up and and freddy wagon's gonna come down with that one more than he doesn't and uh i don't know i certainly don't fault him for that the the two first half turnovers of course one of them kept us out of a field goal a possible touchdown and the other one our defense came in and did a great job after the turnover to keep ole miss from from getting any points out of it and uh and defensively i thought we you know we i don't think we probably played as well as we we were capable of playing but we came up with some big plays and and uh we stood up when we had to had to stand up in the second half all right let's go into the post-game dressing room and hear what the players had to say about yesterday's game at the other end late in the game when you went through the guy did you think he interviewed y'all no no no i knew that that time i didn't interfere you know officials didn't either i slipped the fish to ten dollars so you would call it they had a dang good team you know we looked at my family we knew they you know they was hungry and they played with a lot of motion but daggum they got after our bucks and followed us hard we would love to get out of here with a victory unhappy with the way you played in the first half oh yes sir yeah that was total misery a little bit yeah you remember georgetown yeah his life weren't quite that bad but just about oh yeah i don't know they got about the best offensive line i don't play it again you know to be young guys and you know it's like oh yeah and i'm looking for them and you know in the future to come to have a great football team is that where you want the ball low yeah sometimes the strong safety is coming out you know you need to be careful at the end of the game when you're trying to keep the ball and it's just really a good throw just just mainly to get the first down and you know let us keep the ball and running the timeout he looks like he's coming into the building every week yes it is he's a great one right now he's just going to get greater every week did you feel a little better once you you grilled him with it well it wasn't exactly a drill but i felt a lot better knowing it got back there to him all right i could hear the ball was wet when i snapped it i could hear uh him kick it you know as soon as he pointed it i knew it was alright yeah i breathed a little silently thank you i had a good snap from pat and you know everything went well they weren't they were not coming so you know you you get the sensation when they're coming and when they're not i had an idea that they weren't but uh you know i still got it out pretty quickly i think you'll improve your 35-yard average i think so it's good to come back and play a good half after you played a bad one huh yes it really is um and then you can carry on some of that um to the next week and yeah it took all we had and we're just just gonna take all we got for next week vaught-hemingway stadium in oxford mississippi a different kind of place to play well it was and of course the conditions were not ideal as far as the field is concerned and you can see right here right off the bat ole miss is getting after us i'm telling you um one thing we didn't mention in the early part of the show i'm glad you had lewis colbert on because he did a magnificent job of hunting the football yesterday and of course pat moat the snapper there this one right here was a disaster a little kid from colbert county willie goodloe we recruited willie and he was a fine youngster i'll tell you that he's as good as 160 pounds can be but that set them up for a field goal about 165 yeah we we uh we go out there and stop them right here without first down i think they gained four yards and three tries and then kick a field goal and go up three to nothing and you know from the very beginning it was war the team didn't look really well through here i tell you i looked around on the sideline in the first half and the emotions and the look in the eyes and some of them laughing and snickering and giggling and it wasn't a laughing and snickering giggling matter to me looked like we were out there for a sunday afternoon picnic and i look out there on the field and they trying to pull our heads off and knock our heads off and it's just uh you know we we wasn't in the frame of mind to to handle what was going on so we had a good session at halftime and i thought the second half we came back out and fought him a little harder and we had some good plays throughout the football game defensively this is something right there special now arthur johnson and that was a highlight of the football game it probably had a lot to do with us winning the game that lick right there was by far and away the the fiercest hitting the ball game as they run a quarterback draw and join daley they had a good plan for us they did a lot of things to try to slow our front people down has a good hit by nate's season nate had several big plays in the ball game here's a here's a tremendous play for them that we shouldn't lose containment like that we'd worked on that play all week to keep from losing containment but they broke containment anyway and got at the end it was a great throwing catch the coverage actually was not that bad david was underneath him but it was pretty good coverage and the guy just threw it right in the crack and got it in there we come back on offense and and we're still not putting drives together like we should as a fish to carry cause i think kyle took his alpha ball was looking up field at the pressure rather than the ball they come back and and we do a great job on defense tommy powell and greg carr making this tackle and they don't get any points out of this this is a big big factor in the ball game he's just throwing it away here trying to excellent coverage downfield and they miss a field goal in my opinion that was a turning point in the ball game right there because they they had a 10-3 lead and and field goal that would make it 13-3 and we got more troubles than we know what to do with tommy a.g played an outstanding football game yesterday running a football i don't know how will he block but as another one of the great punts and he he kicked it up there high and great hang time and just outstanding as jim bone and ben thomas and kevin green ben mccurdy outstanding play by tommy powell i don't know that was mate sees that free safety of victor bees but one of them had there was the star of the show yesterday number 94 harold hallman harold called two or three fumbles and had a great play in short yardage situation dick sacks that was a big play right there in third and long pat this is a touchdown drive now it's carlos campbell third one coming now this seemed to be the on the corner seem to be the best play and well situation you know college is a big strong guy and you just how you need to squeeze that ball a little tighter don't let it get too far away from your body collars you got better raising than that the uh pat comes out on the bootleg and i don't really get the first down there or not but it's within inches and i think reggie ware makes it the next play and puts us down that close kyle collins runs it down to the three we run one time inside and call this camera and suck it up and gets it in the end zone puts us in position here you got an end zone shot of it gets hit good right there keeps pulling and pushing and gets it in the end zone for touchdown and we tied up ten to ten they come back and we have a great opportunity right here and don't cash in on it there's ben mccurdy and gerald williams it's ben mccurdy again and that's a good gang tackling greg carr here comes the big play watch howell hall when pushing shoving and hits him from behind the ball comes out daryl robertson recovers at what the 14 yard line and uh 21. 21 21-yard line but we got it in good field goal range and to come back and throw the interception that stops the drive right there the uh brent was brent was open coming from one side and i don't think pat ever saw the strong census hanging back in that dead area there and he was throwing it brent coming from the left to his right and he was spreading to the right and i don't think he ever saw a strong safety so we go out 10 to 10 and and i really feel fortunate to be for it to be a tie ball game because we had made some critical mistakes in the ball game number one to punt return we hadn't sustained anything offensively except that one drive and we had turned the football over down there in field goal range and they didn't get any points out of it and i just you know i could i could sense it that if we didn't turn the momentum and the ball game around with emotions then we were fixing to get beat and and uh and of course they did you know they rose to the occasion and met the challenge and came out on top second half we'll be back in just a minute with our auburn university feature and find out one of the many interesting things going on at auburn university you mentioned this several weeks ago a few months ago we prepared a nearly an hour a 55-minute recap of the remarkable auburn season of 1983 when they began with the tragedy and ended winning the sugar bowl in the southeastern conference for the first time since 1957 it is uh on half inch video cassette either in the vhs or the beta format and if you'd like to buy one of these here's the address you can write for the information they will send you the all the information you need dynamic visuals po box 1935 auburn alabama 368 31 1935. there's some remarkable uh scenes in that i think it is one of the most moving things and of course you know i guess being a part of it is it made it more meaningful to me but the season and and the way you actually captured the thing when you produced it and narrated it it's really an outstanding piece of work i think of course the season the season had something to do with it it sure did a lot of old war eagles would like to have that to keep i'm sure well let's move into the second half and uh as the centers indicated coach you uh peeled some uh paint off the wall in there well we just had so much at stake and you know this game right here means just as much as a florida game or georgia alabama when you when you're trying to win a conference championship and we weren't fighting like we were trying to go to the sugar bowl and uh came back and that guy made a great interception there and they actually came down with it together and that guy just have fought fitted for the football he jumped a little too early well you know i i think nine times out of 10 feet he may come up with that ball oh seven out of ten pounds but he didn't mean and they they that that goes to show you that they just you know they were stretching and giving everything the good lord gave them to play with to play and that's where they were playing the game they come back and move move it a little bit and this is uh harold holman i looked at that from a different angle he with three blockers to get there i mean they had the center and both guards blocking on him and he just kept pushing and scratching and biting and that's that's the kind of effort that we were looking for and that's what we got in the second half this is the big drive that does a great job here throwing the quick out to trey gaines comes back and hits clayton on the other side well that's secondary oh about 200 pounds and very active and good football players tommy a.g makes an outstanding run right here boy he has one that that's one that gets himself ready to play every week you don't have to ever worry about tommy a.g being ready to play cause he's just going to be ready to play he'll pass fishing on the option of kyle collins and kyle picks up five yards he comes back hits jeff parks on i believe that was a third down play wasn't it second and ten second and ten big play anyway and and picks up a first down that comes out runs keeps on the option he makes seven eight yards this is a third and six coming right here great fine play to freddie weigan i mean running inside again just about five and six yarding right on down the field this is a a drive that's out of desperation or whatever you want to call it we get out there and we end up with third and long and pat just throws it right on the money and and trey comes up with it and and uh we go ahead 17 to 10. 17 play drivers they're not through though keeping the ball 17 plays is outstanding against the defense like ole miss so they come back and hit the tight end for about 15 yards draw play it's third and one gerald williams and greg carter it's a great play right there that's the play i was talking about harold hallman was the first one he got there greg carr and gerald williams and david king was in there and this is a we got the ball backed up and we really need to get this ball off a goal line here we call a bootleg play right here and i i thought yesterday that pat could have made the first manager to run the football could've i think he got a kind of a questionable call right there because he did have a tight end over there in the vicinity and the guy got hit just as he was throwing the ball they do a good job of getting back on a fumble here we just didn't the ball didn't bounce our way yesterday one time and he left it on the ground about six times gerald robertson and and arthur johnson do a great job of covering the screen pass there they're at the 17 now david king does this great play right there now that guy's complaining but david i looked at it on a different angle yesterday and right there bible wallace sent nate caesar in the ball game we had the blitz call and obviously nate covered a tight end close cause they're gonna throw go to him on on the hot route nate was right where he's supposed to be and and broke it up and we get the ball back after a field goal and it's 17-13 now this is now this is a desperation drive right here to keep them from getting the football again seven and a half minutes to go when this drive started well phil i think the the deciding factor in the ball game is great play right here on third down pat threw it down low and outside and freddie got down and caught it outstanding run here about tommy a.g and we are taking the football and moving it college campbell sweep first down we're getting it down closer and closer now brent fullwood i guess down to the four yard line they have one timeout but they decide he decides not to use it well they without the score right they call timeout we may do something different there but it's the way it turned out we could win the football game and and uh run the clock out you just know well i you're exactly right i know some of my fans may be upset with us about not trying to score that but i've seen i've seen some curious things happen and it wasn't any use in taking any chances you can put your ball back in somebody hit the ball knock it up in there and somebody go 95 yards with a touchdown whatever the game was the game was won and i was happy to have it we'll be back in just a minute auburn been on the road all year they got to go to tallahassee now against the there's no absolutely no no rest for the weary for sure i think we'll have to play the best game we've played all year long to have a chance to win phil i don't know what happened in memphis last night but i know they tied memphis state 17-17 but it was raining hard when we left memphis yesterday and it could have been a weather factor and you know when it is raining and the weather's bad that's a great equalizer but i know that florida state some of our coaches that broke down fm last week said they had the best offensive football team had seen in five years so the it'll be a tremendous challenge for us i know that they've got more mobility to skill positions uh running backs the offensive line was very physical last year mickey andrews is alabama right i've been knowing mickey a long time and came in as coordinating the defense and they their people are playing much better defensively and i'm sure that they've probably got better people who awful young football team last year when we played them and so it'll be a great challenge for us and i've got all the respect in the world for coach bowden and he's hired an old friend of mine art baker to change up our offense a little bit and i hope we're ready to play and if we play the best we can play it'll be a great football game okay and we'll see you next week [Applause] the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper the brightest moments in tiger history as they defeat the padres yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the reverend maggot said it today just love one another and and let's take it man hey just go for it all right i'm ready proud of you enjoy this and this one you'll remember a lifetime you can put this back and tell your grandchildren about it when you're old man in gray [Applause] but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked and preached all year long will [Music] this is win it ain't going nowhere but up from here i'm gonna go back out there and thank our people [Music] the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens better rated guarantee life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review 60 000 fortunate folks saw the football game of their lives last night in tallahassee auburn 42 florida state 41. that was at was well like you know i looked up at the clock and it was what 36 to 41 and i'm sitting there thinking all right we scored we got to go for two because if the touchdown is going to put us one ahead of two points will make us three ahead and they'll have to kick field goal of tires and you know that's the way the game was all night long you're trying to decide whether you're going for one or going for two or going for the field goal or whatever but it was it was an all-time great uh football game most remarkable one i've ever seen i don't think i've never been anyone like it as a head football coach and uh never played in one like that because of the momentum really i don't know that anybody ever had the momentum because it swapped back and forth we couldn't stop either they couldn't stop us and we couldn't stop them and there was a lot of big plays on the kicking game and so many long plays in the ball game and florida state you got to give them credit coach baden and his staff had a i think an excellent game plan both ways and i think we did they just executed and they heard us in the passing game running game and we hurt them with a passing game in the running game and they got a big playoff for kicking game we got a big got a touchdown off of kicking game i think it just you know it boiled down to you know we had the ball last and i don't think i've ever been into a game in my life where i felt like the cards were stacked against us as much as they were last uh last night because of the the environment in tallahassee and when we got in there the the news media you could read the papers and it looked like it was written by coach bowden getting the folks psyched up and the player psyched up and they were the crowd and of course uh you know they've got to be proud of the tradition in tallahassee because it was a hostile crowd last night and very exciting place to play a football game though i think our players thoroughly enjoyed we were looking forward to going down there to play the game and we we needed that football game we needed to win it of course but we needed to get in that that kind of atmosphere and and play and find out just see what we're made out of and i like i like what i saw last night i i think that we couldn't have won that football game without total oneness on our football team and the defense got the ball back at the end for the offense to have an opportunity to score and of course the offense rose to the occasion and there's just so many individuals that that stood out in the game last night and we'll talk about them as the game goes on okay and let's get the birthday guys now brent fullwood pat washington and arthur johnson in the crazy post-game dressing room y'all get dressed let's go wait wait wait it's my birthday come on come out people for you bears come here [Applause] [Music] i want you to know when this was both in three patrick called his own number out there tonight birthday to you happy birthday how old are you this week 21. that's a nice birthday no turnovers huh it is is that the best birthday present you can think of is next to the best i can't tell you that well they they hit it and they broke and it popped straight up to me i just took off decided you just return it all the way and then ask if it was okay right that's a better safe than sorry you know i was well when i gave you a touchdown i don't i i wanted it i promised you that but i just it's so funny me and my wife in our quiet time she prayed that i would somehow make a big play this weekend i can't wait to get home tonight answer the prayer i want to have a big answer and i just it shows you the power of prayer right there and what the lord can do and i just it's unbelievable i'm just running down the field all alone i hadn't done that since high school you know it's a record crowd i bet you a record noise too it had to be i it was a beautiful night for football it was it was warm but it wasn't hot but it got hot for the night was over they they gave us good field position in the kickoffs all night long i guess it was afraid to kick it to to brent but we start out right here pat washington runs a bootleg for about 15 yards that's going to be a good play for auburn and this time and uh come back the next play in the greatest catch i've ever seen in my life right here where pat actually juggles the ball picks it up and hits freddie wagon and freddie how he got around underneath that guy and kept his eye on the football and got both hands on i don't ever know but the ball he catches the ball about the three yard line i guess and we take this one in the score had heard his throw there a little bit and had jeff wide open in the end zone but watch the blocks here and uh brent takes it in i guess that's fourth and one and uh we get the go ahead touchdown right there seven i told jeff park's girlfriend friday i believe that we're going to throw them a touchdown pass but we just didn't didn't work out but anyway florida state comes right back and you're going to see them they've got a lot of talented athletes the best skill people that i've ever seen on one team in my life jones and hester are remembering possible well that's a remarkable player right there allen and of course that quarterback eric thomas did a great job last night and they move this one down and we stop them and they kick the field goal and i feel like we're doing pretty good from home to a field goal okay we come back and they on offense again and there's a fine play right there by uh victor beasley actually knocked the ball loose from thomas and come back great play right here arthur johnson gerald williams and harold hallman and you can see the ball come squirting out of there and jim bone comes up with the turnover until you know we did not have a turnover last night that's right we got on a couple to save we take this one down and get a field goal college campbell's you're going to see cece make a big run later on offensive line coming off of football extremely well right there and florida state came out with a different alignment than we were expecting and gave us some problems with it early was our running game is concerned and but we took advantage of some of the things that they were doing as the night went along late in the first quarter now they come back and and they just did a great job of throwing the football backside front side post routes off of play action passes and same drive second quarterback our defense comes back here we'd actually take them out of field goal range here with two sacks out one by kevin green and dan thomas and gerald williams harold hallman greg carr makes a big play on the sack right there on the blitz and again we've got them back out of field position they punt down the ball and we don't get the ball off the goal line right here and this has to strike third and three here is a good run by brett fullwood who really ran tough he ran good and of course you can see the florida state is you know they're playing hard too i guess this is the fifth or sixth punch of florida state is blocked this year and we will that's one thing that we worked extremely hard on during the course of the week is to prevent that from happening but good execution on that part four on our part they get one block as gerald williams and harold holman again stopping that full back inside again the option pass coming down the line eric cummings hits a tight end and wins on for the touchdown and it's 10 10. but not for long i was very very proud of our entire football team last night uh you think with eddie graham right here that's running this kickoff back eddie didn't practice the day last week for a fool's horn and comes up with a big play on the kickoff here we've got hollis campbell great block by tim jesse good block right there by trey gaines got folks down there in front of him trying to win on everdown tommy a.g and i don't know who the other guy was i know maybe maybe ron middleton or stacy searles there's randy stokes out there blocking for him he stayed in bounds too but only by about an hour as uh ron middleton ron middleton's been playing extremely well for us jeff park starts at tight end but ron's been playing so well he's one of our captains for the ball game and uh because pat we we knew we had we knew with it for offense to be complete that we had to get the ball pitched on the corners more than we've been getting it pitched and we worked extremely hard on it last week coach casey and coach crow and here they throw it back across the field and some forward pass and it's really a big play for us because it backs them up and we hold them and get the ball in good field position again there's matt season making the play knocking him out of bounds they start at the four and they're out at the eight yard line on second down on this play as harold holman i don't know if anybody in the conference is playing better at noseguard right now than harold hallman he's just making big play after big play third down as two linebackers greg carr and ben mccurdy and gerald williams coming back in on the play they have to punt this is a third and five play right here that's pat throwing freddy a little stop route that guy right there third and 15 here's a great throwing catch on the part of pat washington and trey gamers puts the ball at the 10-yard line they get a penalty he pitches to brent there's tim jesse out front blocking brent takes it in for the for the touchdown there's a good block right there by tommy agee we start getting the execution on the corner like that and we're going to be a much better offensive football team than we were last night because of it brent scored three times on the night but they come right back quickly too mercy they can throwing out hester david king and arthur johnson this is just a busted assignment here we took the play fake and let the guy run free and again we knew that they would had that speed and deep through it all the time and we just just broke down in our coverage and you know it's not something that you want to do but it's something that i hope we can learn here's a reverse and they do a great job with the reverses and that's a little darren holloman for them and alan briggs makes the tackle late in the second quarter just before the half and they're going to score as they get a penalty right here for offensive lineman downfield the ball was actually thrown across the line of scrimmage and great play right here by by gerald robinson gerald actually caught that ball right there and and uh we come back and get one one play off and take it down and go ahead what was the score 22 22 17 at the half 17 at the half we'll be back in just a minute diversity feature today is on the new school of forestry at auburn university i can remind you folks in the west central alabama area that the auburn jv's meet marion institute in marion friday night at eight o'clock it's their big homecoming weekend and the university of auburn needs to avenge a loss there coach here we go marion's playing pretty well that's right here we go in the second half now well you know phil i think florida state made a mistake with that decision at the opening kickoff because we won we won the toss and we deferred our decision till the half and and uh they chose to give us the ball the first half and we end up getting two touchdowns out of it there's a ball on the ground which we don't like to see but we certainly like to see it pop up in old guy's hands where he can go ahead and score with it i think a good lower smile on us last night uh still it was something special about it it looked like it we were out of it that he sometimes the good lord has a way of not putting any more on you than you can that's what he says carrie that's right we we were taken to the limit last night for sure and it was like i said you know i know that our defense got a lot of points and a lot of yards against it but you know i can't uh they've they've won some football games for us this year when the offense was struggling and it's a team game and there's a grey galley in there that was a great run he broke a couple of tackles great play great player there's a key play right there and you can't see it on film but i i thought arthur johnson got a five yard face mask feeling today here's a reverse there's a clip it was not called and that's what i got so upset about him and uh i said something for one of the officials and he said he saw it but it wasn't his call to make oh and that really upset me so that uh that makes it what uh and they come right back and hey guys that guy right there is a great football player he's make somebody gonna make it make a great pro player this was auburn's worst time in the third quarter you all were not moving the ball and they were right they came out with a hot hand that's their first lead of the game that's that's right and they come right back and make a two-point play and it's a three-point ball game and is in that correct 39 32-29 we're struggling a little bit here and and uh but we hadn't given up they're still scratching and biting and we're going to get it done and right here freddie weigan makes another spectacular catch and they actually got to try to tackle and keep him from catching it there's pat on the bootleg and he's going to score right here and that was a outstanding play but this place called back [Applause] i don't know has a close call right there feel that the the guy turned his back he's he's running and i don't know i don't know how that's a judgment call and of course it went against us and they come right back here and move the football and take it down and kick another field goal i guess don't they fourth and three right here and uh they move a lot of that that's i mean that's a that if that's not the intentional movement to draw you all sides and and the guys big play they get it but anyway anyway they go down and get a field goal there's a time played by ben thomas and we're in the fourth quarter now they have to kick the field goal that gives them a six point lead and i still feel good i don't know how much times left in the game about seven minutes ago or something but they come back and stop us here now and uh i is this our touchdown driver this is this is the uh come from behind the first time this is early in the fourth quarter okay second tenth coming up i guess we'll do it twice right watch tim jesse here all of our backs ran hard and our offensive line you can see them coming off a football and third and five right here great play good blocker i say i don't know who the lead blocker was but as kyle collins and getting it in the end zone for the touchdown come from behind number one here they come though with midway of the fourth quarter 10 42 to go in the game [Applause] and snipe played extremely well against us last year played good against us again last night as joel robinson with some pressure come back across the middle and we were hitting the guy and he reaches out there very great receivers third and five and this we had the blitz coming and they hit us with the draw and broken clean that season saved the touchdown i tell you we we was having a hard time you know i like to be fish a foul that was awful close right that field did he get his foot down i don't know there's a big play right there that that was that might have been the biggest player of the ball game because if they scored two points there then we got to you know we've got to uh get make two to two to win they are ahead now 41-36 they have a this is a fourth down play right here and we called timeout and pat came over the sideline we were talking about what we wanted to call and and pat actually called that play himself he said let me let me run it on the bootleg there's a great play right here by freddie wagon breaks a tackle and how long was that play bill 25 years old five yards 35 yards pat comes right back in his jeff hawks for another 15 yards pitches to rent full wood here and brent's going to take it to the corner for about nine i wanted to run the clock out i didn't want to get in there quite this quick but you take the first down yeah and brent takes it in for the touchdown and 48 seconds to go it uh they have one timeout it's uh it's wild i'm telling you as well and they do a great job on the kickoff we're running back out to about the 30-yard line and enlightening strikes the big guy walks late and there's gerald daryl robertson harold holman gerald's coming again watch him look out and pull it up and they come back and throw the they can't stop the clock now they've used it last time out and i won't tell you something you you think conserving timeouts is not important in uh in a football game then you know they could have used the next one at the end we'll be back in just a minute i mean like a win like that just does all kinds of things well phil i'm so proud of our seniors and the leadership that we've gotten in the last uh five or six weeks and practicing preparation and uh we've been pushing and pushing and pushing and uh they've done a great job of just you know team coming together and our fans have been tremendous on the road to oxford mississippi and again last night and our coaching staff has done a great job our defensive staff frank hogel and wayne hall and bobby wallace and joe witt and offensive coaches wayne boat jack crow and bud casey and larry bleckner coaches freddie wagon and neil callaway and james daniels our scout teamers that nobody nobody hears anything about and all the graduate assistant coaches have just we've all been working together and working together and a game like that one last night makes it all worthwhile and and we don't have a great football team right now but we got a chance to be very very good okay we have georgia tech next week and we'll have it here for you on sunday thank you the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guarantee life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper by quarterback danny do the uh the first half was out of this world all i can say is i did a heck of a job at halftime with my speech to you but you know i i think i think probably you know it may be good for us to to to see the difference between being intense and being doing things right making things happen on defense in the same way offensively just said don't you know football is so is such a a game where it just means so much but that inch may be in desire it's not necessarily on the field in in in in yards and feet out there to make first downs it may be down inside your heart what you want how bad did you want to keep georgia tech ideas on the second half [Applause] but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked and preached all year long will win [Music] [Applause] it ain't going nowhere but up from here i'm gonna go back out there and thank our people the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens betterated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review yesterday jordan hare stadium 75 000 auburn 48 georgia tech 34. it ain't never over until it's over is it coach that's the wildest thing i have ever seen well until last year when we played georgia tech in atlanta i think the players remember what they would consider maybe a famous halftime talk i will remember the one yesterday a lot more you're going to file that one away somewhere i've never seen a football team play about a half of football that i've ever been around and then come back out to second half and play as poorly as we did in the second half and it wasn't just on defense either it was offensively too weak we didn't uh we didn't do the things we had to do offensively we didn't control the football any and we didn't you know we get a long touchdown pass that but outside of that is both sides of the football it just showed up worse on defense because they scored all those points but it was a great it was a great day for our football team in our football program because we won the football game and we got some youngsters in the game that played and played well that uh hadn't played before and i'm just so proud of mike mann and jeff berger two quarterbacks that came out and played yesterday and was ed spurling got in the ball game late and you know a lot of the players got to handle the football more than [Music] tim jessus scored a touchdown and of course freddie weigan caught a touchdown pass that he hadn't done and he's been so much to our football team this year defensively we uh we played as good a football game in the first half as i've been around i think they had 35 yards and 12 of that came on the last play of the that's right the first half two first down uh kevin we had made some things happen uh forced turnovers good contact russia passes sacked the quarterback intercepted passes kevin porter had an interception and our defense just dominated the football game in the first half and gave our offense excellent field position and it was just a tremendous half of football and we'll you know we'll see it on the playback today that you just couldn't be any better than we were in the first half and then of course you know and i don't know uh i don't have all answers for sure but whatever we did the second half was wrong okay we'll be back let's go now and talk to some of the players and faces you don't see often on this show we've had some we've had to come over some adversity this year you know we lost bo jackson earlier in the season then we lost steve wallace in our big big left tackle last week and now you know a pat comes up with a with a hamstring injury so you figure you lose a one of your best running backs and you know you're starting left tackle and then you lose your starting quarterback you know the team's either gotta you know come together or either it's gonna fold and we came together today i think uh i just you know it's a very exciting feeling for me and then they come back and they run the corner out and clayton was coming in he said i'll be there throw it and i threw it and it was there i told you know i told you to just like put it out there anyway and i was gonna try to run a good route and i knew if i could like get the defender off just a little bit and the ball was out there i could go get it and that's exactly what happened he put it out there you know nice to know you got three quarterbacks you can count on right yeah you know at the first of the year when um when what people was talking about who's going to be the quarterback they just you know i think a bunch of people a lot of people on the team said that you know we could play either one and uh you know and win with them because they're all just they're all just great quarterbacks and that showed that today you know we could play any quarterback and win with them now have great arms and a you know great great ability coach bowdad told me that coach dad was real impressed with my catching in the last couple of weeks of practice and he said my time was coming and it did so makes you feel good huh feels real good when beau when we found our boat was we're gonna be here we all pulled together you know with pat you know it doesn't matter who's in there as long as we're doing what we're supposed to do in the winter well um came from the offensive line they just made a hole big enough for a transport truck to drive through it you know i just ran and just hate to say but just a couple of might just have to run over you know just to get in the end zone when i use my power to run over and get in the end zone you uh is this going to be a habit scoring every week it's kind of nice i would like for it to be a habit you know hadn't scored since mississippi state two years ago did it feel good it felt pretty good now you got to go to mississippi state next year yeah i hope you hope to get another one there too first interception great feel good feels great you just stepped in front of the guy yeah he kind of threw it behind him and you know i just just hit me in the chest i'm sitting around touchdown fell to my knee well we were just so far ahead coming out you know we just had a mental let down in the second half and i guess you could expect that after we had done so well in the first half but i feel like we learned something from this win we were just going to stay with our plan that we used the first half which we did and they came out the second half and they were fired up we were fired up but we weren't really the way we were in the first half and they just executed seventy five thousand two at jordan hair largest crowd ever to see one of 87 of these auburn georgia tech games no phil i think the players kind of summed up for the game but you can see right off tommy powell just right down the center oh that hurt boy doesn't that set you off well i said we had some great hits on the kickoff yesterday ben thomas comes right back on the trap playing gerald robinson and and you're going to see a great half of defensive football here now and this is the way i'd like force to play all the time as kevin green coming in and getting a sack on the quarterback i don't know how many times we sacked the quarterback in the first half and one thing i might mention is mike mann throwing to clayton goofing mike i'm so proud of him i don't know what to do he's just you know he's been loyal and faithful and had a great attitude through all this quarterback controversy he's just throwing and catching and he was a cool customer wasn't it absolutely and that was just a base handoff at the offensive line came off the ball and just as jeff locke just turning that guy backwards and time he hit that little old crease and georgia tech had a little stunt on and the guy we hit him at the right place at the right time and kind of took it in it was a it was a game as a near interception right there by tommy powell and good pressure on the quarterback and here again here's gerald robinson coming back for another sec sack and we had a lot of individuals that did some great things there's a there's a little role player exactly the first to 15 play i remember kyle collins picked up about eight yards mike comes back and good block out there on the corner by kyle collins and we hit the corner and pick up about 15 yards there first down 37 here now the uh we don't get this one in we should get it in but we have a penalty for we had to move offsides countries yesterday i don't know there's alignment of moving or what but anyway we get stopped and kicked the field goal make it 10 or nothing 46 yarder there first season first quarter rob mcginnis kicked the ball real well yesterday that's my little nephew david snell the uh the first half of football was i've never seen a game that turned around like that one that's kevin porter making his interception kevin's a freshman from warner robins georgia and is already a winning football player is going to be a great one [Applause] fourth down play fourth down play big play out about the 30 yard line and we come back on the next play with the bootleg and mike mann keeps it down to oh i don't know around the 10 and 5 or 10 yard line five yard line i guess and we don't get this one yet we get it close but we don't get it in look how he looks him off and then throws that ball the uh kyle collins was right down to the one foot line if i hadn't known the ball was that close to the goal line we wouldn't run this play right here i thought we were a couple yards out and we just could run some kind of base handoff and got it in there i think but the defense holds them down here right the defense comes out and there's alex duchalk and ben thomas and john daly and he's a third down play he's just short of the first down ben thomas making the play on that one and harold hallman and there's pat harrington and brian delaney two of our former players from last year they dressed up in their coating ties and in the second quarter now this is the wild one five scores mike comes back and hits jeff parks on on a little same route and gets him open here we come back and look at his mic he hits mike again uh his mic is jeff again on on about a six seven yard play here we catch him in a blitz and run the counter dive and and tim jesse goes in from about what 17 yards out uh yeah 21 21 yards out and that tickles me to death tim's playing with a broken finger that's got pins in it and he's come back and he's picked up our practices and he's always has a great contact play by david king and you can see again that we're after them and tommy powell and fumble and balls on the ground and gerald williams comes up with it and we're getting the ball in great field position anytime you score that many points in one half it's because of turnovers and and uh there's mike throwing to ron middleton and ron is scratching and he has gotten so much better catching and football it it's not even close to where he used to be he's just he's become a complete football player now he's always been an outstanding blocker there's a great run by college campbell runs over two just keeps on running now again boy he just runs over this that is a i'm gonna say a typical college campbell run right there he's just uh you talking about a fine young man and a great team player and a great practice player and one that all the players love and not a selfish bone in his body williams and carr there there's a third and fourth coming in pressure pressure and as edward phillips gets there and sacks him and we're playing three ends on that side they would pull up some kevin green and mike comes back and throws to freddie again so first the 15 play here good block by tim jesse there and brent picks up 16 17 yards on it watch out this is coach crowe's call here i wonder where those guys are to put those signs in coach crow's yard [Music] 42 and 48 points and two well pretty good you know he can't i don't uh it's kind of against my grain to throw the ball on second and four or five and he said coach he said this is the only time we can get them in that coverage we gotta get them in one on one back there so but anyway coming back now on offense again jeff berger at quarterback he hits ron middleton comes back and hits clayton buffett takes it right down the field and jeff looks like he's been playing all year long he has been practicing all year long as college campbell i really think college foam on that bowl here and we got a touchdown but we have a lot on it in the end zone but they left the ball on the ground a little too much but we came up with all the funnels in the first half we didn't come up with all of them in a second you're going to fumble the ball some but the important thing is to get them back it is 34 to nothing and right now i'm trying to figure out what in the world as a sack and on the quarterback by who gerald robinson has a little hit and a call fumbled by ben thomas and rodney garner freshman from leeds alabama comes up with it here's a bootleg for the touchdown again we have a little split in out there that's i don't know whether he's lined up offsides or lined up in the backfield or moving or what but anyway that one's called back come right back and throw the corner out to clayton for the touchdown and i just put the ball on the money and i'm so happy for clayton clayton has just in the last two or three weeks has worked so hard in practice and gotten better and just glad to see him get the opportunity to catch some balls we'll be back in just a minute become a tradition of this program to retell the story of the first rec tech pajama parade and then on the end of this you will see some of the scenes of the pajama parade last thursday 1984. the first football game played on the auburn campus in 1896 was a long-anticipated event the opponent was georgia tech in those days people and football teams traveled by train with that in mind a group of auburn students slipped silently from a boarding house and assembled near the auburn depot in the pre-dawn hours of game day [Music] most were wearing only their pajamas as quietly buckets of lard were distributed to the group spacing themselves along the western of alabama tracks they proceeded to lubricate the rails in the direction of opelika and atlanta later that morning as the lard glistened on the sun warmed railed the rambling wreck from georgia tech began to break for the auburn station [Music] [Applause] [Music] and slid right through town some say halfway to lochipoca that georgia tech football team had to walk back to auburn and to this day auburn students march in their pajamas just before the georgia tech football game [Music] this is two richer series you just we just can't let it end you know well i you know i hope not but you know i really don't have any control over the uh we went out to the pep rally thursday afternoon and uh after practice and stood above i don't know we had seven eight thousand uh students and it was had lots of fun and it's it's a great uh it's a great event for our student body in our campus i told the students that if we if we lose the georgia tech game then we're going to have to pick up somebody else to have a pajama for anybody i don't know florida or somebody right auburn band wonder was that wanda was at the beginning was at the game and she's getting around fine he said hip surgery and his recovering right that's the the baby daughter let me she's still going she's still going to be for a while before she goes back to school uh we come back second half and move the ball right down the field to the four yard line and then have a pass on the second field uh something very unusual about this ball game georgia take it out scored their opponents 85 to 16 in the first half and we had very concerned about being able to go into trey gaines mike just took them right down the field and we come here and and they do a great job of playing playing that particular play and intercepts the ball in the end zone and it doesn't take him long to get it in the end zone from riches to rags the second half but anyway our coaching staff i thought did a great job with a playing offensively and defensively and i think had georgia tech a little bit confused both ways and early going they take it right on down the field and get the vet scores from about the two yard line a team that usually confuses its opponent well that's that's the thing that had us afraid that you know that we would come out and with all the different formations and defensive alignments and everything is i tell you that little quarterback you look at this film he had a great second half too blueberry and throw into lee on the touchdown pass coming back we i thought our defense did a good job on on levitt that great tale back again you can see he's getting a little pressure there and when you get a little pressure to him good things will happen to you and he's throwing in nate caesar comes up with the interception we don't move it again and that's the thing about the second half is that we did not control the football any offensively we didn't make first downs and take long drives and that sort of thing and they take it right on down and score it's 41-21 now four is wrong we come back on offense and we're gonna we're gonna make something happen right here though and i tell you this is a big play in the football game because they get right back in it there's mike hitting freddy weight gain and that was a great throw right there on mike's part he had a guy blitzing right in his face when he released the ball and and you got to have courage to stand in there and be able to do that it was a great thing they make some great catches here that's a great catch on i guess that guy's name is daryl wise from georgia tech and here's a fine execution and play on the part of georgia tech quarterback and tight end wilkins and he takes it in from 45 yards out and out very good coverage on the part of auburn we are uh now i guess what is 28 to 48 28 and mike comes outside on the bootleg and we're trying to just run the clock now and get the game over with that two at the 33 of tech here right well it wasn't any use to try to kick a field goal i didn't feel like from there and we wanted to make a first down and keep the ball away from georgia tech and of course we don't execute on a as a nice throw and catch again by georgia tech it's all georgia takes the second half for sure and they come back with a quarterback draw and dewberry takes it in from 6-7 yard line and it's 48 to 34. they they go for two and uh alvin briggs makes a nice play and breaks it up they get the ball one more time with uh about 10 seconds well we turn it over with about 15 seconds left to go in and david king comes up with his first interception of the year and david has played well but he hasn't had any balls on his side and it's just good to see him get an interception anyway 48-34 the final back in just one minute the conference run begins next week on the road for two weeks i'd uh right i'd like to mention our offensive line uh feel they've worked as hard as any group of individuals on our football team and they had to play well yesterday mike had lots of time to throw the football but the offensive tackles rob schuler and eric floyd and stacy searles jeff lott and randy stokes and buford perkins and steve wilson at offensive guard two centers ian cowart and ben tamarella just they are getting to be a close-knit group and they're playing extremely well for us right now and coach daniels and coach calloway have done an outstanding job with them we get back in the conference race go to starkville mississippi i know that mississippi state has had a powerful offensive football team and i think if they play us the way they've always played us it'll be a powerful defensive football team but the big thing is the conference game is just as big as anyone we've played all year long we've got to go back and see if we can establish our first half tempo this week in practice and get hold that for 60 minutes against mississippi state sorry to say no tv we'll have the replay for you on sunday thank you good afternoon the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper bud why is it [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we got a a big task in front of us next week florida had the weekend off they're going to be fresh they're great football team we still got a lot of people wounded and hurt i want you to start right now getting ready for florida you can't you can't you don't have enough time otherwise it's a great great win for you man you'll never know you'll never know and you remember me telling you yesterday that some of the hardest fault battles are not in the in the biggest arenas you'll remember this in a long time man but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked and preached all year long will win and thank our people [Applause] the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens betterated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review yesterday starkville mississippi the tigers had to score 17 unanswered points to beat mississippi state by a field goal on the last play of the game pat this has been a remarkable three weeks of football have you start to think well it's been it's certainly taken its toll on us that's for sure and uh it uh yesterday was i did the score in the game doesn't surprise me you know it surprised me to get behind 14 or nothing and then 21-7 i you know i didn't think they'd get that far ahead of us but winning the football game 24-21 was you know i would've been tickled to death with that no knowing the circumstances that we were going into the game with with uh with the injured people that we have and uh stock well it's not the easiest place in the world to play we've had two emotional games right you know our season has been such we haven't heard of these football games and uh we just uh we got into that thing yesterday and you know i uh phil i don't know how good a football team we've got to start with i mean i think that if we are hitting on all cylinders i think that we're we're pretty good but i know that we're not good enough to go out and not play intense and and and be emotionally uh on a high when the game starts and we can't and i don't think anybody around the country is that's the reason you see upsets every day but uh the great teams of the championship teams get themselves ready to play every week and you know we've been able to since the texas game and because i thought we played well enough against texas to win we just beat ourselves out there but this football team has managed to do what's necessary to win they've just played a lot of character a lot of paws and confidence and the things that you have to have to win i'm just looking forward to the day that we go out and play four complete quarters and we get the maximum out of all levels ability and talent and and execute the way that we have at times offensively and defensively and with the kicking game then then i think we got a chance to be a championship caliber football team next week would be a good time let's go in the auburn dressing room now and meet some of those young guys who played so well in the second half this was kind of a lifetime for you today it's a real good feeling i'm sure i'm glad team won you know so we can stay undefeated in sec it's an important thing you really had two seconds to make you got to make the point to tie that wasn't easy then you got to make the one to win uh what were you thinking just concentrating on making it was all you know after i missed the first one in the uh early part of the game i knew i had to concentrate harder on the rest of the kicks you dreamed about this day trying not to think about it but i'm glad it came along robert is a good kicker he's been kicking good all year long and you know when they start letting the clock run i you know i didn't know what was going on and you thought they were going to run out you ain't joking you know but i believe we could have went back out and hold them again because our defense had got fired coach dodd came in here and uh and had come and gave us one of the traditional pep talks and he kind of jumped this a little bit but it was good for us we came back out in the second half and the defense buckled up didn't didn't let him have any points and offense kicked it in [Music] well you know coach dodd's been in the business a whole lot longer than i have and uh he's been in a lot more games i wanted to go for two personally but i knew whatever he decided to do you know was the best thing and the way it turned out it was fabulous anybody that blocked butler and that other guy one time raise your hand [Laughter] i wanted to go for two yeah i wanted to win the game right then i ain't gonna wait but i guess he did what was right cause it worked out coach asked me could i go i told him i'd give him everything i had and that's something that'll do give me everything i had just forgot about my leg it was just enough i think all played well as a whole we knew when david went out we gonna have to suck it up because basically our second area is built around days they got you a little off-balance early through and long and pro and well well we had um this whole week we were based on stopping the big play and that kind of let us down in the secondary but we got back up in the second half most time they come up and bump this dog coverage and uh you know it's kind of hard for us to get our routes down like that because you know that's probably the hardest coverage to run your patterns against [Music] yes sir they uh you know they're great athletes to be playing bump like they did and you know that just shows what confidence their coach you know has in there that shows what kind of athletes they are i was a snap in the hole on the field oh it's perfect you know snap's been there all year and i'm just i'm real thankful for for pat mode he's done a good job and i'm i'm thankful for robert mcgee you know that's that's got to be a thrill for him you know he's he's so young two big plays you had to tie first that was yeah it was you know i'm happy for this team because it was a real it was a true team win that's what we needed another hot muggy day for football one wonders pat when we're gonna have some football weather well i don't know we probably won't get it in gainesville that's for sure but we had a good crowd yesterday and you they were vocal and you could certainly tell that all them people came to support the team and we deeply appreciate that a lot of people played well yesterday you can see early on that we had good play for my defensive line and defensive ends and greg carr had an outstanding day and the second half defense was just i mean we had to have it we couldn't have won the football game without our defense playing the way it did because they gave us problems moving the football all day long as mike man coming back and throwing to trey gaines and they threw on almost every down opening the game right they it was obvious that they felt like they could throw the football against us and they did they had some success with it but we we came back and adjusted a little bit and they still completed a few passes but they didn't get the big one again and those two big defensive tackles of mississippi state are fine football players and they gave us a problem just like bigger they would here's a fine interception right here by by victor beasley and we get the ball in excellent field position and they're 20 right and and we give it right back to them it's a play where they come through out here you can see the middle linebacker there's runs through and uh hits tallis about the time he catches the ball and they get the ball right back and it was kind of like that's kind of the way the first half went it was frustrating they started out throwing and they came back and ran the trap on us real well and the quarterback kept the ball a couple of times for big plays and we just i think we're trying but it's just it's a difference in the in the intensity right here as we trap again and we try to have a little stun in there and what the times that they hurt us with when we ran the stunts and actually we couldn't do it they had a good plan for the gold line defense and running the trap and actually it was more the design of the defense than it was the kids playing it and that's you know coaching mistakes that sometimes players have to overcome this is the beginning of uh auburn's first night getting jeff parks on a fine play right here they had double coverage on freddy and uh mike drops the ball off the collars out there in the flat and he makes a nice game with it here he pitches the ball to kaikons that was a fourth down player right there i believe wasn't it fourth and two right pitcher balls of kyle on the option and enter the first quarter same drive fine run block good blocking right there by uh everybody on the run down to the three yard line and come back and call us running tough inside and uh i tell you what i you know i can remember playing against mississippi state and it's been the same way that says fine play and execution on auction right he pitches tim jesse for the touchdown a good read right in there wasn't it well just mike uh eliminated a corner with a pitch and walked in but i i can ruin playing against mississippi state and it's been the same way every time that we've played them since i've been at auburn is it you know we've won some football games but i'll guarantee you come out of the game with knots on your head fine play by kevin green and kevin green is really playing well for us right now and uh as well as gerald robertson and edward phillips and john daly's had some big plays fine you can see them coming back right there just picking them off on the upon return trey gaines returns a ball from 25 or 30 yards and is reggie where running inside tommy aj of course didn't play yesterday he might have played one or two plays but he just he couldn't go on his ankle and demetrius street and reggie ware played the whole game at fullback for us fourth and one here is a great run by college campbell comes up breaks a tackle that's a great great effort on college's part and goodness what he has meant to our football team bo's gone down he's just gotten better and better and started his first game yesterday and here this is this could have could have been just a little more for the execution there we could have had us a touchdown because demetrius was running wide open and got the pitching catch here now we don't get any points out of that and that was a big big thing in the ball game here's a quarterback smith and that guy right there is a great athlete fine hit on part of victor beasley guy's a great athlete and he just tremendous speed strength did a good job of throwing the football against us yesterday here you're going to see him duck up inside and make a another big play gets the ball down around the five-yard line and they take it in on the next play on the trap that's right and like i said they caught us slanting and planting our defense and this carried us the way we were going and opened up too big a hole for the linebackers to cover and they just blocked us and executed and it was uh very very serious at the half 21 to 7 behind we'll be back in just a minute and talk some about that for our auburn feature today carl welker tells us about the auburn technical assistance center the auburn technical assistance center atac helps businesses to solve problems of management and production by applying the most up-to-date methods of research and development for instance this firm a manufacturer of plumbing products needed an analysis of its product distribution system atac was contacted and the team of researchers and management specialists went to work i would say it's a worthwhile service in terms of the involvement of the organ people they provided a distinct involvement that is beneficial in crystallizing our thoughts the attack program provided assistance at a time when it became critical in the development of one of our operations based on that study we designed the entire plant and went ahead and presently enlarged the operation since its inception in 1977 atac has served more than 200 business clients most of them in alabama meeting the practical needs of alabama business the auburn technical assistance center is an important part of auburn university's mission of research instruction and public service well i would say you had a job to do at the half coach well uh you know it wasn't so much i didn't i don't think i got on the player so much as the thing that i wanted us to leave the dressing room with was was a confidence that we could win the football game when you're 14 points down you're in serious trouble and i didn't want i didn't want us to leave that dressing room with a with a defeated attitude a frustrated attitude and feel like we had to go out there and do it in one play the one key thing about the second half bill is that you can't come from behind like that unless you play great defense but you have absolutely no chance at all because they control the ball against you the way they did the first half against us yesterday then you don't get the ball enough to to come back and certainly you got to score enough points to win but the second half really i will give the defense credit for winning the football game and getting the offensive ball enough to to get the necessary points and of course we did what we had to do on offense too that's mike pitching the there's a key fourth down play right there and i don't know somebody said went for five or six fourth down plays yesterday and made them all but uh you get in a situation like we were in yesterday you got to take a few chances and you got to convert them that's part of that's part of winning the close games that's throwing to to jeff parks coming back hands off to kyle collins and this is a touchdown drive here and big reggie wears running inside picks up another key first down pitching the ball here to tim jesse and tim makes a nice run down to around the six yard line and we're just trying to run straight at him and now he takes it in for the touchdown that's really digging there everybody well you know i i'll say again mississippi state's trying defensive football team yeah big strong guys that don't want to tackle to play the fundamentals of the way they're supposed to play them and i don't think you're going to see many folks just running up and down the field against them so that brings it back to 21 21-14 and it puts us in position now to have a chance to win it then a waiting game begins right we risked it but we're playing good on defense we're playing good on this key play right here greg carr and pat thomas stop him a yard short of a first down and force them to front the football so they can't take any chances because they got the lead they're next series this is a great play right there by greg carr and you can see the number of white jerseys around that bulk area and it's what you need every time great play right there and third and short by john daly third and two it squeezed down in there and we took our option responsibility as a second half and didn't break down any and had some big plays here's another outstanding play right there by nate caesar hitting the getting that tied in the flanker on a slant route pressure on the quarterback gerald williams joel roberson alex duchat carol homer stop him again just swarming the swarming of football no first downs in the third quarter now we're in the fourth quarter as ben thomas coming out there gerald robinson again ben mccurdy just you know every down is a big one here every down's a big one and they come back and this is the two first downs the second half to make two consecutive first downs and throwing to the with that guy in the scene right there and that decent coverage you just do it right in a crack and picked up the two first hands but that's the last one they had 59 yards of offense in the second half good play right there by who was that jim bone couldn't couldn't quite tell who it was his reverse played well but then thomas slows him down tommy powell makes a hit from the back along with harold holman and and pat thomas they're coming back outstanding run right here getting the ball off the goal line this is our touchdown drive here no no this is the one where they get it out and and punt and then get people okay we'll get field position here and uh hollis campbell takes the ball on the pitch and you can see mississippi state is hitting too there's not a one-way street out there they stop us right here i believe on on third and short we punch the football to them you got confidence to do all the things that you need to do as far as your strategy is concerned as long as you play in defense there's greg carr and harold hallman again making a play on the trap the play that they hurt us very badly with the first half come right back and ben thomas gets in the quarterback's face forces him to pitch the ball out on the ground for a loss they get back on the ball but it it stops it right the other quarterback goes back to the throw pulls the ball down to run gerald robertson ben thomas strips another ball greg cars right on top of it we get the bowl around what the 33 or 4 yard line 33 great field position for offense to take this one in for the time touchdown how many times do great teams play and play and play and wait for that break well you just got to have faith and you got to believe there's a great throwing catch right there on the part of mike mann and and freddie wigan we probably should have thrown that pass more than we had it all day long this is a great run and i'm not sure that brent didn't score right here but you talking about a great piece of running to get that ball in the end zone he wanted it we come back and throw it down run the big guy twice inside and and he puts it over for the touchdown fourth down before he gets it in there right here offensive line did a good job of coming off the football right there and three minutes 13 seconds in the game now and you decide to go ahead and tie it well i think that uh that was the best way to win the football game and we weren't playing for a tie but to put the ball in their hands and force them to have to make the decisions and spend time pat thomas great play come back and of course i didn't even realize i would have certainly gone for it if i realized that smith was hurt but they come back with a with a backup quarterback lundy and we get the ball in excellent field position here trey gaines runs the ball back out to the 40-yard line 13 to go now first place from scrimmage college campbell's breaks about a 20-yard run right here you can't see it on film but it had an outstanding block at the line of scrimmage and then and clayton beautiful block for free safety and we get the ball out excellent field position good run right here by mike mann gets a ball in field goal range they stop us we run the sweep to get the ball in the middle of the field run about 15 seconds off the clock right we told mike to let the clock run down to three seconds he actually let it run down to two of the official did before we got it stopped robin mcginney comes in and i don't think it was any question about it was dead letter crippling right down the middle and the game is over and we just played it right down to the wire and mississippi state deserves a lot of credit because they certainly had a did a great job of coaching staff there the players played hard and but i my own football team i'm tremendously proud of them and just the way they stood up under the pressure and the paws and the counters and the class that they displayed yesterday was just as significant to me as anything that we've done all year long including the deal down in tallahassee we'll be back in just a minute next week it's florida in gainesville we're talking serious football now coach well it's a it's been a classic every year we've played it and florida's got a great football team the probably the biggest strongest most physical football team that we've they kind of on a roll playing at their place and be fresh rested they have a lot of motion they're hanging on well that's right well they've they've always had outstanding fan support in gainesville and the football team is playing well they you know they've got a lot at stake playing auburn but always got just as much at stake as as florida does and we've got to do a great job in preparation this week from coaching staff players and concentration to make up for the fact that uh florida's had that extra week and we get that done you know i'm not we're not afraid to go to gainesville we're kind of looking forward to it and it will be on television for you we'll see you next week with the playback on sunday thank you the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper [Applause] now movie montgomery [Music] [Applause] looks like it's in here just looking at it as no nothing magical about what happened out there tonight we just got a good old-fashioned whipping uh up front they were you know just everywhere [Applause] that's about as simple as you can put it they whipped us on offense and whipped us on defense and they're a good football team they're not that much better than you all but they were tonight so i'll tell you what i want you to do i want you to and we can't we can't do this without without your understanding but i know i know you're tired football team and i want you to take tomorrow and monday off don't think i'm giving you tomorrow and monday off because we're playing a weak opponent in cincinnati that's not the reason behind it i want you to take tomorrow and monday off get away from football for a couple of days regroup and come back and be a better football team against cincinnati get well get ready for georgia and alabama [Applause] but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked preached all year long will win i'm gonna go back out there and thank copy [Music] the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review yesterday florida field florida 24 auburn three sometimes football can be a humbling experience coach well florida did all the things yesterday that we like by auburn team to do they they out photos they out coached us they wanted to win worse than we did and they showed a lot of poise and confidence and class one in the fourth quarter and uh it's nothing you know i don't think there's any miracles in football maybe one every once in a while but it's blocking and tackling and desire and uh you know very very i guess there's a few games one on x's and o's but uh what florida did to us yesterday was not done on the blackboard it was done on the football field and they had a they had a simple plan offensively a good plan a good plan our coaching staff and and their players you know have done a tremendous job of pulling together and sticking together and you know and they're getting results of it and i think i really think florida right now is probably one of the top football teams in the country may be the best football team in the country because i think they're stronger than anybody we played this year including texas and and uh miami but uh they had a simple plan offensively they did a they they shouldn't be able to do on defense what they did against us yesterday but if you can't if you can't if they keep and basically they've stopped our inside running game with three people and uh if they can do that then you know we can't run offense and that's exactly what happened because if they can take three people and stop the inside running game then they got too many for the passing game they take away your passing game and you can't take the ball outside so they whipped us inside in the offensive line and a fullback running inside being able to make our read stuff go and uh it you know in our offense our defense didn't play that well but our defense was hanging in there but the offense never did anything to give our defense any hope in the ball game broke in the fourth quarter that's right and and they finally just you know they wore us down i don't think we quit or anything like that but it's just a matter of just staying on that field so long defensively and florida's got a an outstanding probably the best offensive line that we've played against probably since nebraska a couple years ago and now their running backs uh got all of them have uh big strong guys over 200 pounds and and got great speed and they broke a lot of tackles in the game and a little quarterback did an excellent job of running the offense and of course you know they took us what they did against us took us out of our offensive schemes and 24 to 3 as a result of it and that make it any easier and the claudia deserves all the credit i don't think his football team's through by any means we've got to regroup and get ready for cincinnati let's go into the post-game dressing room now and hear what some of the players had to say how did you feel uh physically well i'm not in the best shape that i can be in but i went out and i wasn't scared or anything i just went out and played football tonight and just out of the florida had had a better team than we did tonight you came through all right you okay yes i'm fine you think that uh you've overcome the barrier now that you're ready for well not quite but i got all next week to work on that and that's what i'm gonna do you're able to run okay did you come through all right well i came through i you know i couldn't cut like i used to but i came to parallel yes sir they were really good um we went out there and tried to perform good uh it just didn't turn out the way we want to turn up how's the uh well it's kind of sore but um after i loosened it up today before the game it got real loose and flexible and i was able to move a little bit on it hopefully it'll be ready for next week just thinking all the days off will help oh yeah i'm sure it will sure well touchdown the first long run he made in the second half uh anderson made uh you all were in a blitz sandwich yes yes we sure are just worked right out i'm telling you what you do now ben you go home you regroup and get it all together and get your head straight come back and win the rest of them was any record crowd at florida feel a little slow getting in the stadium there had been heavy rains there about three hours before the game and it didn't rain anything all during the game and certainly the weather was not a factor in the ball game bill you're going to see that we had plenty of opportunities in the ball game we you know we just didn't catch in on them we had we actually had a chance right about after they went ahead three or ten to three we go down and have in complete past they take a ball right here and drive it right down the field and this is a key play right here that guy makes a great catch i thought he did well he gets get he gets hit and makes a catch anyway every automatic in on a blitz situation and and uh make a key first down going in right here's a call formal by victor beasley and we stopped the drive right there would have put them in a field goal situation it was third uh third down and uh we don't get the ball off the goal line you're going to see our backs fall backwards all day long and they'll fall forward that's a sign of a kind of way the game went here we have near disaster that guy couldn't come up with it we punched them all out and did a group did a good job on on on punt coverage yesterday they also johnson makes a nice play on the on the return and uh there were some more eagles there but this is a key play that we they heard us on bad yes they it uh really made a big play in the second half on that plate well it was a it was a play that they hit in crucial situations as a missed tackle and you know again we just we hit two people are not through them anderson and john l williams and hampton all have great days running football there's another key pass third down situation coming in we stop them here good play by harold hallman gerald williams greg cog greg had a lot of tackles in the ball game yesterday get good pressure kevin green right here well that quarterback did a great job of getting rid of the football right there that pro rule would have been nice there yeah it will come back and have good coverage on him jonathan robinson covering that wide out forces into a field goal here and they go ahead three to nothing and that's all the points florida gets the first half and really uh you know i checked the statistics coming back last night to play by play and going into the fourth quarter we were very pretty close to even right mike could have got that ball pitch there we might have had a long run but we knocked down the free safety and strong safety coming all the way across here you can see right there again gang tackling and knocking out people back and we don't have those falling backwards very much first down run there by full wood on third and three this is the third and eight play now nice play we turn it over at midfield have a good field position have a little drive going turn the ball over and but auburn holds them there and now we're in the second quarter actually auburn's last quarter fine play right here by john daly and another fine play by greg carr arthur johnson euro robertson did you feel that auburn was taking control of the game well you know we we began to stop them on defense and i just felt like that they were getting weaker and we were getting stronger and i think maybe you know the momentum shifts a little bit that was a great individual play there i guess that was chris right the hunter and and had the ball snapped over his head and our guy was fine he just beat him back after the ball and kind of got a little what looked like a quick kick here's both making the run on the sweep for seven eight yards and pat washington mike mann started at quarterback and pat comes in and takes us down and get a field goal here that's a guy just beat us outside guy mcginney kicks a 49-yard field goal and solid has got a strong leg and meant a lot to our football team this year he's supposed to walk on freshman not on scholarship fine played by greg carr and pat thomas he's a second and ten play here and uh we stop them again good coverage right there by alvin briggs and one thing in the ball game yesterday uh we gave up a long run but we didn't give up a long path as a fine play outstanding play by gerald robinson in third down situation and now they've got to punt the football back to us and we get the ball back with a chance to to get something else on the board this is the posted touchdown here on the count of dive right here to the college campbell come back and hit clayton beaufort across the middle and clayton just stays up and runs right there he can run right in the end zone and we come back the next play we got it into your goal range and throw the intersection and so that's the way it is auburn uh uh florida has a couple of plays but the half is a three three tie we'll be back in just a moment of course the eagle is the favorite bird at auburn but the way things have been going on construction wise at the university the construction crane might be the favorite bird let's take for the people of alabama yeah i guess you never know about football but i felt that auburn had withstood their best shot and and maybe had the upper hand in the game starting in the third quarter well phil you know that we come back in the second half and and don't move the football offensively and hold him a couple of times defensively and uh have a couple of short points and never gain field position and then they we call the blitz and they break a break to touchdown run and you know when we take it back down and miss a fourth down place so i mean it's a florida playing good and we're not playing very good and there's a noseguard within us and he worked us most of the night and uh he's the one that really disrupted our offense inside because we couldn't we couldn't get him blocked third down play just short of the first there [Music] and not a good punt by well didn't have one you know he just didn't have a very good night punting the football and it's you're going to have one of those days occasionally you just don't want to but it happens they begin after that's life in this football they begin at midfield we stop them here they come back and there's a counter play that they hurt us with so bad uh later on in the ball game and uh it's just a matter of recognition and squiffing a few blocks and making tackles fine played by greg carr here that actually put them in a what was that a third and third down situation there yeah they have a penalty along there somewhere for five yards i think and good coverage by tommy powell they have a they mishandle a snap on a punt right uh field goal right here and we we get the ball and we got it out in good field position right here but we don't make the first down and then we have a short punt and they got it right back in and field goal runs again they defensive well yeah you could tell that they had they had a lot of recognition on things that we were doing and it was uh they were well prepared there's no doubt about it now there's a short punch of getting the ball out of midfield and you just cannot keep doing that with a football team like florida as a running back and falling forward he got one guy on the tackle and they got three and four and five here's a blitz coming we got the blitz call and they run the counter sweep and i guess i don't guess anybody testing and that's neil anderson and he has got great speed and he is an outstanding football player and a fine young man we tried to recruit neal as beau hit the pat hitting boy in the flat now we're going to take his ball and drive it down to get it in field goal range and started in the 12-yard line started 12-yard line and and uh we get it down to that 36 i believe that's pat run keeping the ball on the option he comes back on the bootleg right here and hits jeff parks and at the 43 of florida now as tim jesse makes a nice run six eight yards and that's the third and one play here brent had the first down made and spun out and tried to keep running and ended up losing the yard fourth and three now going for it and sometimes here and that hit thread you wear and can't quite hold on to it and that stops the drive and we we stop them again here and as fine play right there by greg carr ben thomas as mark aston on the sideline walker's a senior that's on the scout teams right now that's done a great job for us and there's a third place very unselfish individual they they do a great job of kicking the ball out of bounds at the one yard line we're going to get this one off the goal line bow runs are sweet amazing run 11 plays here on this drive and get it out to the 30 30-yard line this is uh pat washington running the auction again and gets it out to around the 15. here he has jeff parks to the 25. we'll go for it on fourth down here it's ten to ten to three and we're still trying to win about ten minutes to go in the game and we get forced into a third and long situation and they come with a strong safety blitz and throws for a loss and we get called for grounding the ball and end up having to punt out of our own end zone and there again we're giving the flaws of the ball an excellent field position they got the ball at their 49 yard line and they are too good for that and we had them we had them stop uh third third and fourth and they come out and hit the little pullback in the flat in this play that you talked about earlier take it on down the field and that's the same play that he scored on with before the count of sweep you haven't stopped it yet and they got one more to go before the night so we're past throwing to kye collins kyle picks up a first down we having to go to a hurry up offense now and get pressure on the quarterback and pet pulls it down scrambles and i'm not sure if he picked up the first down there now i guess he did pat's first action in two weeks we're forced into a hunting situation here now and there's you know the clock's running down there we're they're breaking tackles and falling forward and you can the fatigue factor has begun to set in now they got us on a roll and they own a roll and take them in flipped down and wet tooth and hampton takes it in for the touchdown and makes it 24-3 and again phil i think it's a fine fine florida football team and i would i would like to say that just compliment the florida players and the coaches again because i think they showed more class and and their fans yesterday it was more like what college football is supposed to be about even though we lost a football game and they embarrassed us and hurt our pride and everything else i you know i i got to think that uh you know they they deserve everything they got okay we'll be back in just a minute well when you analyze things pat dye auburn still has an opportunity to win nine games and anything can still happen in this series c race well that's right uh phil the thing that we've got to do now is a football team you know our kids and you know they're the same ones that came back against florida state and the same ones that came back against mississippi state and won those football games been the most difficult season that i've been around because of we've played four out of the last five weeks we've been on the road we knew that coming into the season and and uh the thing that we've got to do now is is to we got there's got to be a settling effect on our football team players fans coaches and everybody because we've still we've we've gone downhill since the florida state game even though we had that good half against georgia tech we've gone we've we've degressed the thing that we've got we've got to reach out we've we've reached a point now to where we got to start back up and and uh we're going to take today and tomorrow off and start back to work tuesday and try to get our people healthy and well and be ready to play against cincinnati on homecoming all right and we'll have that for you next sunday thank you good afternoon the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper you're in the trucking industry 50 years [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] no turnover got you shut up man real proud of you and have it for you it's entirely different out there today in the second half than it was against georgia tech and and uh i appreciate it half time though okay good well uh you know what we got uh next week they'll be good i don't know what took place in jacksonville today it doesn't make any difference they'll be ready to play when they come to auburn you know that so like make your plan make your plan accordingly but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked to preached all year long will win i'll be [Applause] [Applause] the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guarantee life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review homecoming on the planes yesterday and a 60 to nothing win over cincinnati i would think a tonic for a football team that needed a good win coach well the the rest that we got last week i think helped us in certainly the game yesterday was a lot of fun for our football team and the fans we got to play so many people and everybody got in on the action and it was just a you know it was a good day for auburn people and uh you know cincinnati played hard but they were just you know they were overmatched and outmanned i thought that some good things came out of the football game i thought even though we knew we were not playing a real strong opponent in cincinnati but playing that many quarterbacks and that many people and that many different folks handling the football and not turning it over was certainly a feeding itself offense defensively keeping them off the scoreboard was something that i thought that you know was good for defensive football team had a lot of people that's looking at the tape that played real well in the game and uh you know we'll catch them as we as we go through the tape okay well let's first go in the dressing room and see some of the the post game comment looks like you could make your cuts today was it better yes it was a whole lot better um a guy that taped up very well and went out there and i was determined you know to play on the ankle you know just get everything going right and it came around you know we've got a big game coming up in georgia i don't think you know you can't overlook cincinnati but you know i think we played hard and the effort was good today you know robert i don't believe you can kick a 53 and a half yard field goal i was real lucky on that one i'm glad the lord was with me on it it really had nothing going for me right on it i was late getting it off and almost got blocked well you didn't hit it really well huh it was off the toe of my foot but uh did you see it bounce on the uh crossbar at first when i hit it you know i thought it had good distance on it so i was kind of scared when it hit but i'm glad it went through you know we needed to get we need to get on track for georgia next week and alabama you know falling to it if we're going to stay in contention for the sugar bowl and sec championship we've got to get better every week and i think we got a little bit better this week we had a challenge with to get ready to plug in since now even though the record wasn't very good and instead of coming out just doing just enough to get by and win i think we came out and got our momentum going and hopefully if things will fall right we still have started sugar bowl well you got a sack huh you know i got two here good you feel good are you back healthy now i'm back right just in time because you got to go against uh a team you've heard of next week what do you think about this team well i respect them i like i got a teammate on that team uh he'll be blocking me and you know i'm gonna get all my all cause i'm from georgia and i got something to prove well anytime you get a shout out it helps uh certainly i i i don't know if it'll help for next week or not but it helps us overall and we've needed it all year long we've you know we've had a chance in some other games but never been able to do it and to put it together second half but like we did i'm proud of them we got a lot of folks to play in and i guess everybody would head out there that was eligible to play play that weren't holding out it helped us out especially the defense is going to you know give us a chance to really pull together and you know let everybody know that you know we can play as a team because we're going to need you know we're going to need this going up against georgia that's you know strong football team i'd ever see a homecoming game these are the 15 seniors mike mann tracy turner jim bone jefferson john daly mark aston kevin green terry walker nat season victor beasley chet williams and ben thomas and greg carr david king of course isn't uh david king is injured and i missed uh clayton buffalo in here somewhere but uh they were our captains yesterday for homecoming and your first group they will be for the georgia game and the alabama games when they get to be single to get to you just have some some reason you have a little more of a special feeling for them it's ben thomas and uh ben comes back and makes a play there and they punt punt uh to us we get it out in good field position and it doesn't take us long to get it in the end zone two and a half minutes was already i think it's about 30 seconds on this drive right there's pitched the car calling for about nine yards and uh we played our you know played all of our running backs yesterday college camera comes back and makes a first down and pat washington is going to throw to freddie wagon for the touchdown right here and make it look awful easy he made two catches yesterday in the ball game but one unbelievable look at it again here good blocking in the offensive line yesterday we had plenty of time to throw the football and just not having to talk to the offensive line coaches it looked like it i saw some awful good blocks coming off has some happy folks there there's freddie and pat on the sideline and the thing we were looking for we you know it's just been there's been thomas coming on the sack and almost got the fumble right there the thing that we were looking for was some some consistency and and going out and playing hard and having fun playing and and uh that you know they they had a some talent in our offense both of that quarterback that guy right there could play to everybody in the country the little reggie taylor and tommy powell and greg carr on the tackle here would get a sack by net nate hill gerald williams didn't play yesterday sprained his ankle thursday and we held him out of the ball game he's come back and kevin green kevin green has really played outstanding football in the last well all season long really i guess he's leading our team in section we've got run to sweep the bow and he picks up five or six yards and i see him breaking tackle well beau is you know he's just he's come along his friend pulled good block by bow right there and a whole tight end and ben tamarillo down field and stacia searles and steve wilson and randy stokes was fine run by tommy there's a good block right there by jeff ostrowski it's uh you know we're just going off of football there's a keith uh fourth and one there fourth in one play we'll give it to bowen a blast and he's gonna take a sweep into the touchdown good blocking wall off the whole side of the line there and friend kicked the corner out and time to block the free safety and and he picked him up and shook his hand after he did right there well i think cincinnati is doing the right thing they just the young football team and and uh they were just outmanned yesterday they played two quarterbacks and i thought both of them will you know put a good little offer a great play by john daly and john daly is another one that is really playing outstanding football right now played good against mississippi state and florida and has that little running back and he's a he is a good one i think uh just the last three ball games greg cars played the best that he's played since he's been at auburn it's been he's played three really outstanding football games and went out and did the same thing against yesterday he played outstanding against florida and mississippi state second quarter now is pad throwing to clayton beaufort greg i think please probably played with i don't know close to a stress fracture or something in this is carlos campbell good block by tim jesse and ron middleton jeff fox and ron middleton give us a one-two punch and that's a near touchdown right there i wish clayton could have caught that one he needed to catch that we'll come back and pitch your ball the bow and the sweep don't get a clean block out there but bow out runs them and makes a nice little move right there to get by that last guy and get it in the end zone kyle's campbell on the corner call this is blocking that we need to go ahead and cut that outside knee though and it makes it such it makes it a lot clearer decision for the running back when you can cut him down you can either you can go ahead and take it to the outside will get up underneath either one is good pressure right here harold hallman kevin green again stopping him as greg jim bone jim bone on the tackle here comes nate and they come in with good pressure and actually calls the formula and we let it lay on the ground look like it lay there for a minute they finally got him got on it and come back and snap the ball over the funnel's head for safety then they punt to trey gaines and trey gets gets an outstanding return right here for about 30 yards i think good blocking and we take this one into score is just a field goal here mcmahon mike mike came in at quarterback his touchdown it's 23 to 23 to nothing and he hits clayton comes back and hits college campbell down the sideline to i guess about the three or four yard line and takes us a couple snaps he'll get it in the end zone versus danny robinson we come back and run the sweep to bow and he gets it in and i guess that's 30 29 that we missed extra point here right and we let chris snap kick some yesterday and he hadn't had a chance to kick all year long and but they come back and you can see the quarterback has got a strong arm and a number of 83 fosters an ostomy as kevin green again in the sack i don't know how many sacks did he have yesterday he had about i think we had 12 tackles for losses during the course of the ball game for about 100 yards and there's a super great catch out there mike manning fed away again and said he comes up with a football and we back down there knocking again fish to tim jesse [Music] tian's playing well his collins runs the count of dive offensive line coming off of always beautiful perkins you can see beautiful getting movement on those guys in there yen coward and then timberland eric floyd the offensive lines has played really well as hand handed off to reggie ware and reggie is our strongest runner at uh at that distance and reggie gets it in in the end zone for the touchdown and what does that make it 36 to nothing at the half and we'll be back in just a minute mentioned it was a great homecoming at auburn largest crowd ever to see a homecoming game on the planes and a lot of activity here's what went on at the halftime at pre-game ceremonies auburn alumni astronaut henry hartsfield class of 54 was honored once again by his alma mater for his outstanding accomplishments in america's space program also honored was kennedy space center director dick smith auburn class of 51 for his contributions to the space program and his support of higher education at halftime governor george wallace crowned this year's miss homecoming debbie webb of birmingham the other miss homecoming finalists are julie barnes of dunwoody georgia pidge burt of eclectic leanne hendricks of snellville georgia and christy thomas of gadsden homecoming 1984 on the auburn university [Music] campus i don't know of any better recruiting uh tool than that coach so it's pretty girls well you know the the uh the thing that you look at the you look at the fans in the stands and you're to see old folks children young folks selling coats and ties and everything open people come from all kinds of folks they're not just not just one kind they come in pickup trucks and cadillacs and rolls royces oh man your baby girl wanda was in the uh spot walk one was doing fine she's gonna be off the crutches you know a week or so he has a great run by brent fullwood a little misdirection play and and i don't know how long the run was but 65 yards when uh when he gets out in the open one-on-one and looking at it again he's got an advantage good to see all the running backs have an opportunity to run the football yesterday and we had the ball a lot and they uh and of course the defense was getting the ball get back for us so i know you reminded them in the dressing room about georgia tech well we did we talked has a great play and great hit by andre bruce and knocks the ball loose running on the kickoff and goodness we got it right back down there again tommy powell comes up with the with the fumble recovery i had some of the auburn children future tigers mike mann comes right back and hits clayton buff a little out route and clayton picks up a first down mike comes back and pitches back to brent he takes it down inside the 10. he just obviously is going to walk in doing a good job jeff a lot a whole bunch of noise kim makes a nice move make sure they got most of them knocked down tim actually had a bigger hole inside than he did outside but i guess he knew where he could get an end zone there's another little war eagle they don't quit playing though they come right back and they keep on trying this and greg carr making another outstanding play on the outside that's not easy to do to line a guy up he didn't like that well john daley scratching and clawing to get there and john had three or four sacks yesterday pat thomas and uh just have some more open children is jeff berger jeff i tell you he is he is just watching him in practice and uh yesterday he's getting better and better and done a great job reading and running the option and quickness and matrix three trillion didn't throw the ball quite as well as he thrown in practice but he did well when he was out there there's a counter dive to tim jesse robert mcginney comes in and kicks a 53 yarder yes i got tickled at robert yesterday i don't want to let krishna kick someone before they hadn't kicked all you and said well how about letting me kick the field goal that's fine as matt hill had him back there for about a 10-yard loss and a little guy just keeps fighting and scratching and gets out of there and finally tackled by harold hallman and victor beasley and jim bone he has good pressure on the quarterback by john daley we miss him two or three times and guys i'll tell you i like i like that number eight like quarterback is actually the second string quarterback broken up by kevin porter also johnson back here and there's john daly coming in on another side alex duchall's backyard around him a little little rain but it held off it was it was fine it was just of course our field is in absolutely immaculate conditions thanks to our ground crew as nat caesar and russ carricka and i don't know who the other one was that uh drag cars after them again we just we get back out around him like that we need to put him on the ground though there's tommy powell coming in to make a play and they got the ball down on our 10-yard line come with a sack here i guess a fumble a great car gary kelly was there first and then greg came in and hit him and knocked the ball loose from him and that was fourth down kevin green i think maybe made the recovery is again jeff berger has folks hustling down feeling you know uh phil i promise you we got some folks now i don't know the numbers on all these people i know that steve posey and tracy turner and there's danny robinson running as jeff ostrowski down blocking for him trying to pick up who's in the ball game actually but they take it down the sherman johnson and as little lavelle bivens demetrius three jeff berger and um and that's the final and that is uh jeff berger actually juggler snapped from center we had to play call for daddy graham to score if we could get it been the end zone it is a senior course and it's been a vital part of our football team and program for four years and but jeff's juggler snapped and scored himself okay unintended of course we'll be back in just a minute say hello to the dallas alumni group they get a tape of this every week out there and watch it dallas texas yeah well i tell you we we've got alumni groups all over the country i uh i'm not surprised that was uh that game been nice to have a couple of three of those sprinkled through the schedule with it well y'all football team hasn't had any rest uh and yesterday was uh was just what we needed and it was a day of a week of kind of healing and getting back on the to playing football like i was supposed to play it and we've gotta you know now we've got a big week in front of us in preparation for georgia it's uh of course i think you know year in and year out the georgia and alabama game of the two biggest games on our schedule and this year certainly no different georgia's got an outstanding football team and i think that you know they ran into the same thing with florida that we ran into that florida's just got a great football team and georgia hurt themselves with turnovers and just a couple things here there yesterday and and you know they would have been in the ball game it's a it's a game that's got a tremendous bearing on our season and as well as georgia season there's a good thing to be involved in right i think that georgia you know the the connection between the two schools is so close that it's a just a a good old-fashioned friendly fight it's what it's the ability to master it's a because uh you speak from experience well i i mean you know it's traditional it's it's over the years of the auburn game and and auburn and georgia game has been been one where you know the fans enjoy each other's company and for the most part how does the dive family handle themselves during this week well you know i don't say anything to me for who they want to pull forward but we're going to be we're going to be trying to win but it's uh i really think that coach dooley and his staff and the football team have done another great job this year as always and in winning close football games and and they've got they don't really have a weakness on that football team the offensive line is strong defensively they're great as usual and that kicking game is probably as good as anybody we've played okay auburn georgia next week 6 40 kickoff on espn television nationally we'll have the playback for you on sunday thank you good afternoon the auburn football review with coach pat dye has been brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guarantee life pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper auburn superstore and darling died oh [Music] i want you to enjoy this one and uh but you know to be a champion and you are champions you got to learn how to win with dignity and handle it and uh you'll have a lot of reporters coming through the doors in a minute no use for us to say anything about the sugar bowl the prophet authorities are going to settle that for us we don't have any any we have no control over whatsoever we'll go if they want us to go and if not we're going to have somewhere to go and it'll be a good one but don't ever doubt the things that we've talked to preached all year long but when this is it ain't going nowhere but up from here i'm gonna go back out there and thank our people the auburn football review with coach pat dye brought to you by colonial bank louder realty better homes and gardens federated guaranty light pepsi and your local pepsi bottler long's electronics and snapper welcome to the auburn football review auburn beat georgia last night on the planes i can't decide pat dye if the fans were more ready to play or the tigers you know it might be something about playing at night i don't know but they were ready that's for sure but our football team was ready to and and you know a long day for me i promise you it was i met him at the breakfast and then i had bold scouts coming by and talking and prospects and more meetings and pre-game and more recruits and finally game time came around and i told the squad not to be getting all emotionally involved with the games that were going on on television yesterday because they set up and watched florida and kentucky and mississippi state and lsu and they had been drained by 6 40 last night but i think i coached staff did a great job in in the game plan and preparation getting ready for georgia and uh certainly our football team is uh i think right now we're having so much fun and that's something that i'm not sure we've had all year long because it's been you know we we've come so far and and we've had to overcome so many injuries and so much adversity and uh playing the kind of schedule we did on the road and i mean you know it's just uh it's been a very tough year and our football team right now is as uh you know i'm loving every minute of watching them i don't uh watching them grow and watch them grow through the year and and handle themselves and and you watch your game and and the ones that were there last night the enthusiasm and we finally got our legs back under us and uh we got the quickness and the spirit that you know that we love to see auburn play with and uh georgia's a fine football team but he can't take anything away from them coach dude and his staff have done another great job coaching in georgia and their kids played hard they had a chance to fold a couple of times in the game and they kept fighting back and you know they were never out of the football game and it was just a good old-fashioned auburn georgia football game now before we see it let's go in the post-game dressing room you know i just thank god that um he gave the strength that offensive line you know to make them holes wide enough so that i can blow through there you let that guy run you down though yeah you know i lost a little speed but you know that's causing my ankle but it's good to make the cuts for tonight it is see we have one turnover and that didn't really affect us then because i was the end of the game but we shouldn't have had that but i'm glad we kept the ball off the ground what a time to get it huh i'm serious in georgia he was nice very nice boy that was a throw too and it hit you right on the breadback yeah that put it right on the money did you have any uh thoughts of coming out of the end zone with it no sir all i worry about was catching it and not letting him get in front of me in the kitchen when you get that pullback please things start happening oh yeah when you get that and it just opens up everything it makes everything you know you can do you can do it then best effort ah maybe in the first half i don't know defensive line played well overall everybody just played well you know this make me feel good because i'm from georgia and i can go home and brag a little bit tonight you know we're going to celebrate this victory and we're going to come back monday and start to uh prepare for alabama it looked like the old days didn't it yeah that's a good feeling you know it looked a little like georgia maybe was trying to play us a little bit like florida a little outside in defense and sort of saying well we're going to see if you can do it and that was a quick answer i think when he jumped out of there right off the bat and that's i think that excites our team because they know when that goes everything starts condensing down the double coverage comes off of receivers and the whole thing just meshes together hey you feel great i can go home with my head held high my nose in the sky that's right now they know how i went over it right that's right and i'll bet you there's a few over there that wish they came to two years in a row too you know that hadn't happened in a long time we love it we love everybody what a crowd and the weather was just rightful perfect it couldn't have been any better and because we were concerned about it being told after we moved the game to 6 40 but it was a perfect night for football and i don't know it was a it was a very exciting arena in the atmosphere to play a football game in georgia came right out and made a couple of first downs and i was concerned about georgia being that offensive line that center weighs 320 pounds and the right tackle weighs 300 and something and they just so look at that 863 there i don't know he's a he's a mountain but anyway i was scared they were gonna run the ball straight at us and and heard of some but i'll tell you what our defensive line and linebackers and harold holmen and those guards stood in there and and uh challenged them pretty good and they didn't have much success running inside uh we should have filled at this point here trey didn't didn't know i think he was might have been a little nervous he'd been hadn't worked all week long but he doesn't miss me field in many of them and make some great plays later on in the game on punt returns this was a near near disaster right here dollars campbell they get penetration on the first player but we do get it off the goal line and far enough for louis to get it out there and he really hits the beauty and comes out i guess is 55 or 60 yards they we get a face mask penalty here and they get a nice return and they start at the 20. auburn 20. they're in business at the 20-yard line and uh throw an intersection in first place now that's smart football to throw the ball in that situation it's not smart to throw the interception but uh throwing the ball after a big turnover like that a big play they got a chance to catch you emotionally is where it started right here and that was great blocking in the offensive line there by randy stokes and eric floyd and beaufort perkins and tracy's stacy searles over there at the other tackle and tommy just broke it out of there and hit the crease and scene got between the corner and the free safety and it's the foot race and i really believe that if tommy had been a hundred percent that he might have taken up in the distance but he didn't and georgia bows up just like if they are tough in that area of the field and we end up missing a field goal here and which was i was glad to see this bit that was a great play right there by harold hallman thomas and his uh ben mccurdy jonathan robinson i was so proud of jonathan made that interception in the end zone a minute ago and jonathan as a walk-on is actually from villarrecra georgia played at lyman ward little guy just goodness gracious college just running hard and running over somebody there i tell you he and he and bo and tommy last night running the football great catch right there by jeff parks that's a you know beau really made some tough runs he he ran to but that he didn't he didn't run as good as he's run nope uh you're going to see him fall down a lot and i i told them there's a same group in there on offense as randy stokes and eric floyd and as brent down there he's going to turn back and get him one right here and uh stacy searles and beaufort perkins again and bo takes it down to the one foot line and reggie where's going to take it in from there he is quick off the ball the uh jonathan robinson knows i was talking about uh walking on and as ben thomas ben played outstanding last night and he had a good time playing and i tell you greg carr made a lot of plays i don't know how many tackles he made harold hallman had a great night super play right there by tommy powell and i'm afraid we lost comments for the season last night i don't know what uh i know it hurts me i don't know the extent of the injury but we're in the second quarter now there's pat pitching back to bow and picks up three or four yards comes back and hits trey gamers on a little stop route trey turns it up field four or five more yards freddie didn't play last night he'd pull the hamstring money a great block right there by kyle collins and cleared the way for pat to pick up about 10 yards on the on the option third and five here pitching the ball sitting there see beau lou loses his feet there well he just you know he's just not not running his he's not he's not in the groove now he's running hard and he's hurting people see he's he's got his weight forward but he'll he'll he'll correct that watch this that is something now i'll tell you what that's pat washington running like tommy agee and bo jackson right there and getting that ball in the end zone and as he's happy and i'm happy and all the fans are happy and still i just i'm so excited about our football team as kevin green making a typical kevin green play on the kickoff as tron jackson and nate hill lagrange georgia freshman true freshman playing in third and seven gerald williams and saint gerald as greg carr i think greg i don't know how many tackles he made last night i'll tell you that greg i'm telling you he's always in the right spot well from a since the mississippi state game of starting with the mississippi state game he has been his final linebacker as i've ever been around can that andrew's guy punt he didn't hurt his 45-yard line well i don't know what he did but he's a great honor and as trey getting a nice return on it and uh mike man comes in at quarterback and right off he takes us right down the field and and we just i make a stupid mistake really about going for a fourth first down and fourth and inches but nice run by brent fullwood good by the offensive blind jeff parks and there's clayton catching the pass on the sideline over there right here is a fourth down play and you know i'd like to say we've got a bad spot over here but really and truly when you got six inches to go you ought to make it look convincing enough for where there's not any question about whether you will make it or not they come out and have a nice play here jonathan robinson again that number 24 for georgia there's a true freshman and he can fly knocked down a lot of bars played by ben thomas again they running the option ben takes a quarterback and have it played well now this is a one series later just before the half there's good pressure right there by gerald robinson there's todd williams a tackle by carol hall hale hallman todd's father's a old teammate of mine dale williams and dale's the high school coach down in south georgia came about just as i was leaving last night and visited with him a minute todd ben hurts on this year but he did some good things last night and he's quick as a cat 14 nothing at the half we'll be back in just a minute the new scott ritchie pet research wing is the subject of today's university feature dedicated yesterday at the school of veterinary medicine in auburn the auburn basketball team is cranking up this week and will play the big game with uab on the night of november 30th that's friday night before the auburn alabama game tickets are on sale for that at the both athletic ticket offices and at the coliseum tickets office in birmingham and we'd like to remind you for the jefferson county auburn club that the big bama pep rally will immediately follow the ball game friday night at the uh at the jefferson civic center there and it'll last from about nine to probably one in the morning and they'll be entertainment cheerleaders uh they there's a three dollar charge that going to the scholarship right to be a big night in in birmingham as it always is that's developing quite a series well i you know it's good for auburn and it's good for uab and what's good for both schools is good for alabama and uh those first half statistics they look a lot better than the last half for sure i just they're just laughing about them you know in our small animal clinic that we got that bulldog open operating right now this is insignificant i don't know if that was this coincidence or what the uh great auburn band well it was a great show it uh well it was a fun night i'm sure you know i said as long as you know students painted up like you know i don't know what they've been doing all day long but they got into something i think it was night games coaching i guess they throw and come back and move the ball right here and we don't move it they kick it off we make couple first hands and that's andre pulpwood smith he is strong too andre's got a couple of got a brother named chainsaw he's a great player right there by greg greg carr good pressure this is the others will play right there that uh third and two and could have been disastrous for certain they didn't convert 29-yard field goal kickerfield will make it 14-3 this is an important drive for us right now come back when somebody scores against you like to come back and answer the call and that's college campbell running the sweep third and one bo comes back and breaks the sweep and runs over a couple of people there and i was having a good time playing and pat dropped back and hits clayton beautiful with a perfect strike right down the middle clayton beat the corner and split the scene between the corner of free safety and it that hit and right between those two ones with the ball and look mighty simple i'll tell you what this 10 other guys out there got to execute perfectly to make that a good play though and he got to have protection and he had excellent protection and offensive line is is having a good time playing as a fine player throwing catch on the part of georgia hockaday and todd williams throwing there's greg carl again along with ben mccurdy and third and five harold hallman oh you should have caught that one kevin nobody wanted in that whole stadium wanted to catch it any worse than kevin porter kevin pulled a freshman from warner robins georgia started against georgia last night and and played well in the ball game kevin butler automatic another field goal 40 yarder now we're in the fourth quarter there's another fine play by greg carr just every time you look up he and ben thomas and harold hallman and he is again just time after time after time i think if he doesn't make all all american teams around the country this year then it's going to be the biggest injustice it has ever been as arthur johnson six but this isn't played well last night he's got a penalty here and then they got third and one i'll tell you what they uh that play right there they caught that freshman sleepover not really kevin kevin will learn from that that's good for him it's good that that happens to you in the game that you win well this might have been the biggest player of the ball game right here where they come down and and make it a 20-12 ball game and and uh brent forward runs it back out to around the 50-yard line we make a couple of first downs right here and then they stop us and lewis colbert comes in and kicks that ball out on the one foot line one three yard line i guess and you talk about a great punt at a time when we certainly needed it and a great play by alvin briggs and oh they're having fun playing that's that's what it's all about that's kevin green fighting through two blocks kevin green is lieutenant green is one of our number one leaders right now on our football team doing a great job i have mr carr again he just uh this is a series later now right late in the game got too much time to throw and the ball is batted down to line of scrimmage by gerald williams big play by gerald third and 10 coming as a near miss throwing kitchen that's that's it the ball goes over to auburn and we've got four downs to run off a minute and 11 seconds or something like that and they jump both sides a couple of times and give stuff more down so we're in good shape and the game goes when it's 21 to 12 and everybody from auburn's happy what a team effort that was it was it was a fun football game still it was a game that that you know i i think the players enjoyed playing we i think got our quickness back and right now we're a team but the first time all year long i think that that uh offensively and defensively i don't think there's a soul on that here who's playing or who's not playing or who's running the football or who's playing quarterback or who's playing split in or who's playing tight in the who's playing in the second year whatever they're just long as they're sobering out there and they're all playing together and they're all playing with with the same heartbeat and that's what makes it so worthwhile to me and i tell you that's uh that's not easy to get you got in order to have that you got to have great leadership and and unselfish kids and that's what we've got we'll be back in just a minute one more hurdle the big one but in the meantime there's bowls to be decided and it'll be a busy week huh well i don't know what to bowl situation is going to develop into i'm not going to really worry a lot about it if we go to sugar bowl fine if we don't we go somewhere and our biggest concern right now is playing alabama and i've watched alabama all year long and they've made steady improvement improvements defensively they're probably the best football team in the conference and offensively they're back on track and have had excellent games against mississippi state lsu and again against cincinnati yesterday and they're certainly a capable football team great kicking game and there's no doubt they'll be ready to play and no doubt all we will be too and it should be a great football game and we'll be back in two weeks thank you
Channel: Auburn Football Videos
Views: 815
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pRTXY_3xNk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 14sec (13874 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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