1983 #3 Ohio State at #7 Iowa Highlights

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third and six now so it's a crucial down third and six right running back split a single back as they move up a Phillips through a wing left long pumps the screen I didn't fried ladies college football at Baylor where he was a quarterback under coach Bob Woodruff three then four 25 25 yard line it'll be a 25-yard escape from the hash mark lab drogon holding bond nickel kicking the opening kickoff drove down the field had to settle for the field goal but the rotten front by three points well bruges getting a little pacing time third down and seven years to go there's a screen this will be a 42 finally with a 40 tonight the game that could make or break the season for Gerry Faust Fighting Irish its Notre Dame against Miami from the Orange Bowl tonight on CBS sports defenses the chat for the Hawkeye fans 46 seconds on the clock and they're going to go for it here it would be kicking into the wind process hooray for Holly one of the Hawkeye sir whoever and its first intent at the 20-yard line range playing strange play through that ball you pool sitting right there he dropped back right and 439 there years 7 to 3 of the score you saw her over across the way and that is Hayden Fry the opposing coaches in this Big Ten contest the first conference game of the year for each of these teams Hayden Fry trying to get him pumped up he's done a great job of turning around the football program at the University of Iowa Lindsay do you think coach or old Bruce as we see right now and Hayden fried it a little but we called chewing at halftime shouldn't be at all surprised I think they got across their messages before this third down play the grass-fed control of Peterson on his down roll slightly out to his right when he feels the pressure here comes a pressure there's that knee right now and now it's down good call by the officials so I get down and 10 yards to go shift amend on I formation give it to the up back before Delvin bell rings him down it is the first in time for the haka forethought six yards to go high estate at the Iowa twenty-eight they keep playing the ball game second off seven years to go at the 44-yard line five max of course still the blocking fullback his Ohio State team came into this game ranked number three in the nation today and the University of Iowa came in right number seven in the nation decoupage I'll leave by 6:00 down at 10 yards to go at the 34 yard line for the Buckeyes of Ohio State is 1024 three yards between assumptions he wants some five Tomczak says he can't hear at Kinnick Stadium contacts looking and I moving third down seven yards to go at the 26 yard line across motion across tomczak rolling and looking and throwing and it is a touchdown taking about right next the big fullback broad knack circuit for the touchdown receiver that tomczak was looking for halfway we're down to ten yards to go at the 28 yard line 32 seconds left to play in the game Iowa leading by six points I'm Zach over to hiding it's intercepted at the 45 and Yvonne Mitchell Devine Mitchell returns the ball goes out of bounds at the 33 22 seconds left and the crowd is coming onto the field at the North End they're going to bring down the goalposts Tom's a control Bruce he came right back to Jemison because he was open to play before unfortunately Tom's act threw the ball much too high was picked off the goalposts have gone down at the north end the Von Mitchell is played an outstanding a gay man who started here today at free safety with the interception first antenna 33 the officials now are holding up play until the crowd gets off the field public address announcer is pleading with the crowd to get off the field 22 seconds on the clock which will start on the snap Ohio State has only one timeout remaining in 1962 here 1962 is the last time that I will be Ohio State 16 games over that period all won by Ohio State from 10 of them 20 points or more Hayden fries come out onto the appeal to talk to the officials now they didn't wants to get this game over Hayden says let's play we're not going to play off there I'm sure that's his contention that goal post is inoperable in any case bomb Zach who threw the interception came into this game as the number one ranked passer in the nation in passing efficiency this is gonna day for the Iowa Hawkeye who came in right number seven and will be ranked higher next week you can bet hidden fry came here from North Texas State and literally turned that program around this is his fifth year he's been in bowl games the last two years he won in the Peach Bowl last December and then the January previous he had been in the Rose Bowl where he did not win they gonna hit the deck with this formation just to hit the deck junk line hits the deck takes the loss they just want to get time off that clock if they again well I was saved with one timeout Rock is running they're not going to take it as 10 seconds 5 seconds click it Hayden 5 7 they're counting it down the crowd oh the crowd is on the field the crowd is searching the final score of the ball game Iowa 20 and Ohio State 14
Channel: TheHawkeyeHistorian
Views: 30,013
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Keywords: Earle, Bruce, Hayden, Fry, The, University, of, Iowa, Hawkeyes, Ohio, State, Buckeyes, Mike, Stoops, Tommy, Nichol, Chuck, Long, Ronnie, Harmon, Kinnick, Stadium
Id: qRdTOVa9ihw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2011
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