1979 Cruising 24th & Mission SF

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hi and welcome to body Expressions here in San Francisco this is uh a Saturday night SE September 8th it's about 10:30 11:00 at night as you can see from the sights and sounds there's various low riders tripping around from around the Bay Area hayward's here in numbers we have various cholitos and various people just kicking back along the boulevard here on Mission Street um incidentally there's seems to be patrolling a a police from San Francisco Department trying to Cil the crowds as um the traffic moves on back and forth forward and backward um we're going to be interviewing hopefully in in another few minutes maybe a little bit later on in the film of a supervisor of of San Francisco um she's willing to to give a talk and a wrap about what goes on here on the strip um to my left right here we got a young vato that's uh maybe be willing to talk about what goes on here every Saturday T night what's your name Chico Chico all right Lords of San Fran Lords of San Fran I heard you um how how is it here on the Strip how did it ever get started how did it ever get started say like you know long time ago low riders just came out of nowhere um as as far as the low riders coming out here is there's is there a problem between the police and and and the people that come out really it's just you know [ __ ] I don't know just the pigs you know they like they're harassing low riders and [ __ ] harassing street gangs but they're not gangs see they're groups of people they're just groups of people they just harass them um as being part of the Lords what do you guys do here primarily here on thep it's a social group it's a social group see we keep we try to you know clear everybody off of 24th and keep everybody you know keep moving them and [ __ ] but you know everybody's got a mind of their own um about people coming out here how would you say the crowd is right now as compared to other Knights out of other nights it's a pretty live crowd what's up homs it's it's better it's better say three say couple weeks ago is a lot better than tonight okay um do you get various car clubs from throughout the Bay Area coming down here to trip or is it primarily San Francis San Francisco San Jose Fresno all over is there any hassles between people coming from out of town and not really all kinds you know all kinds of car clubes come from everywhere you know Stockton Oakland and all there so primarily coming here on the Strip is a nonviolent type of activity for LW Riders it doesn't necessarily get into gangs of rivalries or anything like that no no cuz you know everybody's everybody's cool with everybody you know you see a and she just talk to him say what's happening bro what what's the position do you feel that the city takes towards looking at the low riders seen here in the Mission District what we see here in the Mission District you know it's outstanding is it's outstanding cuz it's it's good for young people to look at cars you know how how cars are and everything and then you know it's just that way what's up homes you know all kinds of people you know see like that right there has has the mayor in any way come out and give any type of public statement as to what goes on here every Saturday night yeah in a way she she don't like what positive or negative it's positive cuz she don't she don't like people walking around the street night you know negative then well whatever negative cuz she don't like people walking around the streets and [ __ ] just you know everybody's got to get get together somehow okay so um here we are standing on 24th ad Mission we're catching scenes of the crowd we just talked to what's your name again Chico from the Lords from the Lords here a group here in San Francisco who primarily hang out to make sure no trouble starts and keep people clear um we're going to be talking to the other groups what what it's all about if the people are from here in San Francisco or various areas but uh we uh seem to look down upon this type of activity because this keeps keeps arising the cops I'm sure will take the measure at hand and shut down the the strip um seems like that uh people around here generally are friendly it's just a small very small couple of people who seem to be hard-headed as far as uh curtailing their energies towards violence um as I can see down the strip there's various cars coming down here um there's people gathering at the corners everyone's primarily nonviolent but as you can see in front of us there's just seems to be a few that just seem to uh not be able to control themselves well we got John ESP alsoo behind camera madaka assisting us on the crew Esther gar Nora gar Nelson um Miguel um everyone's having a a nice time just relaxing here and watching the scenes as we what's your name Ruka Ruka okay Ruka you from San Francisco here yes um how do you feel about what goes on here in the area as far as the strip incidents of the only thing I don't like about this dri district is the the um cops there's too many too many of the cops coming around maybe two or three cars would be cool but the rest of them man they got to go they're all over the place man they're busting people for nothing I mean for nothing man they're busting people when they have low riders inside the street they're busing people for that and that is absolutely stupid I think maybe people think different but I think it is AB you out here on the on on the Strip do you find it very relaxing very enthusastic relaxing if the pigs are gone man it's happening like hell as long as mess with us we won't mess with them yep he's telling you the truth man see look at them P be right here but they don't know what they're right now the San Francisco police department has answered a call here excuse me they don't know what they're talking about because like there's a bunch of people here right all all need around two or three cop cars and that's it if they need trouble all they got to do is use that little microphone thing that they have okay as you can see the police are clearing out the corners here um I don't know if this microphone can reach though um what are what is your main reason for hanging out here at the the strip on the Saturday night cuz this is my body these are all my homies out here you know I got a party with them that's what everybody does and what what is your name um Dia deia Rivera um are you from San Francisco yeah I'm from the mission mission but you know recently I just moved out to haywards you know but still this is my hometown all the way know do you see any problems here as far as between group groups of people the police now I just see a pig pulling over a low rider over there see no but otherwise it's all going all right you know ain't nothing happening it's just you know so has anybody ever hassled you police or any other person hell yeah all the time you know see all right we just be cruising or something like that you know and they don't like the low riders coming around you know so they just pull them over cuz they're trying to get us out of here you know but they can't do it this is our mission you know this okay I'm going to have to let you go so thank you for talking with us all right okay as you can see um we're here on 24th ad Mission there seems to be various people gathering around on street corners um we're talking with various people of the community um we're trying to get an interview with the police department here if they'd be willing to to explain their Duty and their role here as as being part of the Mission District um excuse me officer I guess not um we're going to be um hopefully okay we're going to cut right now have you ever seen any type of problems here hanging out in the Mission District no I have not seen no type of problems I'm up here with all my partners and uh we got a lot of show cars from Redwood City Brown editions Low Ride Club is that the name of the car club you belong to Brown editions Low Ride Club okay what type of activities do you have with brown Edition do you guys normally cruise down this way Caravan do la East LA do p Rivera do with your Boulevard you know we Cruise all the way through you we come here through Mission District you know we have a lot happening what about in Redwood City itself is there a strip yeah they got they got the Middlefield we're going to draw a big mural on our on our I'm catch this excuse me there seems to be a 7879 Grand Prix lifting over here in the middle of the intersection he looked like he was getting up about almost a foot off the ground uh it's a black and gray model with a sun rooftop oh he lives on Barry Avenue and he's from Hayward so uh hay comes a long way we're here filming everything and we seem to got a lot of hay people here um enjoying the scenery here um we're going to take a little break here but we'll be back with more scenes and interviews we thank you for being interviewed with good night here we are we have a 69 Grand Prix is it hey it's from Hayward California John Rano and what's his name Mar and Martin they have uh ride lifted in the back um we're on the intersection of 24th the mission he's lifting here um man is that what do you guys think of the of the strip here tonight it's pretty live man is there any problems with the police so far no they really all right well see you later they're hopping Crossing 24th and down they go like I said before we're in on 24th ad Mission we're catching various scenery of we've been seem to want to be interviewed at at any and in any type of way uh we seem to have uh a feeling of tension in the air here but but nothing major has happened for the most part about 90% of the people are pretty mellow while another 10% seem to uh start trouble from time to time and we have all kinds Vos here in the area um we have two uh San Francisco cops walking the beat here coming upon a crowd of young juveniles cholos here from San Fran um dud there's all kinds of du we have various car clubs such as the Dukes Brown Edition um Latin Union rides from Hayward San Jose Fresno from various areas throughout the Bay Area and California has as to put it mildly um but all in all people pretty much get along you know for as as many amount of people that do are hanging out here it must be a few thousand at least along this uh but about a mile strip here in the mission um are you on yeah I'm still on oh okay um to my left here I have a young vato from Hayward um maybe you would like to give a few comments about what goes on here every Saturday night in San Fran what brought Hayward out here just the liveness you know wherever the happiness are Hayward comes um how do you see this as compared uh to other happenings that low riters have they all about the same you know all the ladies and fellas be here you have any do you have any hassles coming here from cops or other people from the area everybody's just smell you know getting getting high and [ __ ] do you see do you see any prevalent problems with people hanging out here long as everybody stays cool it be all live okay we're still taking shots here down the mission um behind the camera John Espinosa um he's catching various scenes of rides we have a 7 what 374 Monte Carlo um it's it's a beautiful paint job with brown reddish orange purple um striping uh a brown vinyl top it's a nice car with uh Supremes on not TRS excuse me TRS um we have riera coming right from behind Camaros we've got t- birds and various car cars of all types of makes um various people belong in car clubs hey again seems like a lot of haward people do come out here and enjoy this trip um and for the most part they don't feel like they be are being hassled in any way there's some more Hayward people here crossing the area Monte car red it's a 74 we have a blue ride here it's uh 50 53 uh uh bomba and maybe I can get a quick interview with this man don't be say can can you give me your name in the make of your car don't you come closer to the window I we can't pick it's a 51 Chevy from the duk okay uh he's with the Dukes he's got a 51 Chevy it's baby blue it's a green light so I got to let you go thanks for talking to me all right so there's uh Terry from The Dukes 51 Chevy very nice purple top and baby blue body it's okay I just found out that there's a chapter forming here in San Francisco called The Dukes um we have another Camaro here from Hayward seems like haward's here in larger numbers than any other type of City uh right now they're beginning to be swooped on John and there we have another bomba there a cop on a Hayward uh citizen here low rider um he he was watching watching him everybody BR how do you feel about the police um always tending to point out low riders you know traffic violations and things [ __ ] up cuz cuz ch's always trying to [ __ ] with somebody but they ain't about [ __ ] seems like this officer here is going to give uh these various slow Riders from Hayward a ticket for lifting too many about San Francisco where at you know yeah but this happens to be Hayward people right here in this car sanan low Creations a number one though okay um I'm drunk I'm loaded somebody take a picture with we're here going to be taking a picture we got the Lords all right um how do people feel about hanging out here on um 24th ad mission on every Saturday night do people like it it's live it's all right it's live but the J [ __ ] up too much I heard that what about people that what about the people that hang out here do they [ __ ] up in any way no no always party just party okay like everybody likes partying around here anyway so it's just like if CH Bugg you you go walk get out of trouble do you find any rivalries between groups of people like coming from different cities or from different areas of San Francisco everybody gets drunk anyway so if it's going to be a hassle so it's going to go one onone um as far as you can see it how long has this been going on here in the mission how long has what go go back to about 196 no n serious 1934 about 1934 no Mrs Jud has been breaking it just broke out this all all this year it's all been breaking out you know ever since summer started or what yeah summer what you say okay see what you can say bouard not even man do you think in any way The Boulevard Nights movie have anything to bring the people out here low riders in different car club that doesn't have nothing to do with it I'm asking question okay no but seriously no it's just you know us you know we you know we want to get something going everybody else cruises you know we got some we ain't going to cruise down all right I can't explain it explain it anyway check it out has been happening in the mission for a long time you know and see our mayor of San Francisco you know she's a lady and I'm not putting her down for being a lady but you know she's trying to make low riders illegal and you know that's not right because you know low riding is land culture you know and the in the Mission District you know thean you know it's a majority of you know half 50% you know and these people out here they want a low ride cuz that's what's happening right and you know she's trying to make it illegal and that's not right all right we have the Lords a group from San Fran Here in the Mission District um they're showing off a derby jacket with gold lettering it's a derby it's not a derby it's a karate ghe all right it's a black Karate ghe with the Lord's uh printed on it um it's gold and there there's one at it's another club here called what the what okay Midnight dusters midnight dusters some FR San Francisco also it's a a blue karate ghe no it's not oh it's a derby all right blue and gold all right hey man what this going to be shown at uh we're going to be showing it in Hayward s right here we people are together do you guys have any type of programming here in San Francisco with Latin people at all yeah uh rasa uh uh Horizons rap rap they get all culture is there any Community Access programming with uh Cho Latino programming LGE Lords right here all the way we're the ones that take care of the streets for all the people so they won't get in trouble no no fights break out no stabbings no shoo no shootings no stab Lord we watch the streets watch the streets so all you people from Hayward remember the Lords all [Music] right as uh we're catching scenes here people generally feel that this is a good thing um the groups over there seems to be cops swooping in the areas um checking out very slow riters handing out citations um the reason maybe for this is because of the the uh various homeowners complaining about the activities go on till 3:00 4:00 in the morning the broken windows um also um the fact that uh there doesn't seem to be anywhere else where the low riders go but here in the mission hey okay as we can see um various cars are lifting here in the mission um we're watching various people just Cruise the strip here um it's not primarily all Latino I see a few white and black also cruising around here people um not normally driving low riders but various other cars um the main thing around here is that uh nothing serious has happened yet this doesn't seem to be a major problem um other than the fact that people uh are hanging out with nothing to do and with that sometimes creates problems okay we got Donnie Cole here from CH cha Chihuahua flats from ports Mount and he's going to give a little explanation as why does he come out in in trip well come out here to check out the rides it's pretty live out you know what's happening is this the first time you've been here no I used to live out here you know I us to come out and hang out you know it's pretty live you know nothing CH do you find more people are coming out here than before yeah it's more people coming out here now since they got to you know open strip and stuff you know
Channel: POPS 64
Views: 1,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RS28y82-SfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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