1978 Coast Guard Life Boat Life Raft Ration Biscuit MEGA RARE

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all right so they have a very special ration today we have a ration that's never been seen before not only have we not seen it apparently google's not seen it either and we just spent a bunch of time looking this up and yeah it doesn't really exist we'll get philip to come in here and shoot a close-up so we have high cal biscuit ration approved by u.s coast guard for use as life boat life raft survival ration has approval number uh packing corporation bellevue bellevue belleville new jersey my bad eight ounce can this is a quarter ration for life boats half ration for life rafts on the back we have accepted by canadian ministry of transportation and on the top which is the real kicker we have a date code 878 if you can see on camera or not that's the eighth month of 1978. got a little bit of rust on top a little more rust in the bottom and so we googled this i can only find a red can that was kind of totally different but it was the same setup and then stuff from the 40s and 50s which is in like a kind of like a grayish colored tan can and we actually have we've done this one before i don't remember what year this evening was and that one's been open and uh so that had biscuits and energy tablets in it so yeah i think that was in the 80s 1978 i almost hate to open it to be totally honest with you but we gotta do it for the video so we're gonna do flip it upside down open it from the bottom so we can still display it correctly we're gonna use our australian cane over here no air escaping whatsoever on that so philip what do you think is going to be in here aren't you broken up biscuits i don't know did they add water or anything i don't think so the way the coast guard biscuits work on some of these give you like a little list like what how you can eat them get them dry you can put water with them make like a little oatmeal kind of souffle is he will so there we are 19 that was actually the year i was born to believe that even though i was identified as a 21 year old asian woman that was actually the year i was born all right can we fish these out of there that's the next thing uh gingerly he imagined he stuck on a live boat or life raft and he finally managed to find a can opener pry this bad boy open to find out you can't get the damn biscuits out of the can look at that it twisted the last one up on there so here we are the can is like mint on the inside perfect shape we'll set that up here so now we'll display it perfectly let's take a whiff of it it doesn't actually smell bad i think i smell that not as bad you think though it doesn't smell that like old per se i wonder why the last one was twisted what's that some kind of boogie on there let's go over here let's grab our knife what does that smell like it smells almost like uh like grain or something it doesn't really smell like a a cookie per say so what do you think here snap piece off and try it we're gonna follow her dead or what's going on only one way to find out it smells weird it's kind of sweet actually it tastes really good i'll make a little piece off try it it tastes nothing like it smells at all it tastes like a like an oatmeal cookie pretty much like you expect to be real harsh and nasty i'm surprised yeah i was like i was expecting kind of nasty but you expect at least was taste it at least would taste old right taste maybe a little bit old but it's not bad you could easily still eat that tastes old it tastes like a sugar cookie a little bit sugary oatmeal kind of situation going on a little bit of funky aftertaste but i mean you're gonna you gotta expect a little bit of that overall i think they did a really good really good job on this one and it's kind of a shame now it's open it seems to be the only one in the world that is this right now we did google search google image search for it we did all kinds of stuff and um it's a little bit funky after you for a while yeah a bit dry and weird and so yeah now it's open so i guess we're going to retire to the back part of there we'll probably need to tape this back shut and you'll put it in a zip lock and kind of back in the can and set up on display we'll see but it's going to be guys real short video we're probably gonna go ahead and do a regular full-size video in the next day or so anyway but we might start doing this a little more let me know if you like this kind of a short video in the middle of the week beginning of the week something small and then the regular ration towards the weekend that's gonna be it guys thanks for watching we'll see you all later all right so here's we found a few things on this i thought i would show you guys this in the video here so we just google search for this like i said we did google image search also on my phone and it came up with like basically essentially the same thing we're looking at right here especially this right here this is 1940s um so there's not any information at all on it the only thing i found that's close actually is this red can but this red can is a different year this was an old ebay ad and uh they had more pictures of it unfortunately i'm going to click on the picture since the ad is no longer active i could not view the pictures and uh very interesting all these old lifeboat life raft rations and parachute rations are just speckled all over ebay and google for sale here and there a lot of them bring some pretty crazy prices because we'll go back to the ebay you guys remember we did this a long time ago i just bought these for have them on display and then i've done this one also i think i paid 30 30 for it a year ago another 150 i've done one similar to this two now they went 500 bucks the price of rations are really totally out of control person drinking water for 185 1944 and you got to understand that when we're doing these videos it's a very very very costly uh channel to run and especially the last year everything's almost tripled in price if i say on average if you see us doing a rare ration uh i would say average cost is anywhere from 50 to 100. i try to say under a hundred dollars sometimes they have stuff that's over a hundred dollars and uh yeah it doesn't always pay off but if you guys keep watching liking the video sharing the videos and subscribing uh we will buy more and more of this so let's let you guys want to see that and luckily we the person we bought that from had the date on it and that let me decide for the day code on top of the can 1978 the eighth month of 1978. all right guys we'll see y'all later have a good day
Channel: Nathans MRE
Views: 5,365
Rating: 4.9492602 out of 5
Keywords: coast guard rescue, coast guard, lifeboat ration, ration review, military food, food review, mre review, abandon ship, food packet, survival food, lifeboat rations, life raft ration review, food packet survival general purpose, food packet survival general purpose improved, nathans mre food packet survival, nathans mre life boat ration, nathans mre life raft ration, nathans mre food packet general purpose
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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