1971 Mystery Dodge Muscle Car Barn Find - "Abandoned!!!"

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decades of dust comes a beast drop will they call tobacco so so bill tell us your name and where you're from and what we're gonna do today my name is William Butler I'm from Amarillo Texas and we're going to look at a 71 Dodge car spinning in the barn for about 15 years and so what's our plan today what we gonna do we're gonna go look at it that's all we're gonna do I guess pull it out maybe yeah so I mean okay I didn't know you're gonna do all this I thought I thought you thought it takes a picture oh yeah I should comb my hair different no just tell me what what our game plan what we're gonna do I mean how you said it's hard to get in the building and all what's where the barn is it's hard to get open I try I got into it just a couple of years ago just to see if it was see look inside there and it I had to use a pry bar and everything to get the doors open so I'm sure well that pried open again this time and get in there and wait through the dust and see what we got yeah but tell us how you came about the car how you got it and all that because I told you I told you about that a guy brought in left it at one of these buildings down here died rent repair ready to repair he was referring a repair shop and I ran the building to him and he went broke and moved down that's the car there in the parking lot for about seven years and I finally got tired of looking at it because nobody ever came to God and I put it in this building over here about 15 years ago and finally ended up getting the title for it and because as an abandoned vehicle yeah okay you know we can go over and you think you can get it started today started not know I don't know I mean every reasons think we started at all I mean it's been sitting for 20 years I mean I'm a fuel fuel system you know I don't know if it's locked up we said to see it's gonna be a surprise to everybody I haven't touched it given the car didn't belong to me so I didn't mess with it I didn't touch it I didn't put her hand on it never even open the door well I might have opened the door to push it in the building but I never even I never even explored the car at all I just put it in the building hoping the guy somebody someday would show up claiming it so it didn't happen so I got her to bend and I got finally got a title for it okay look you probably driver you get this thing run and have little fun with it are you gonna sell it or we can do I don't have any plans for just gonna get it you know yeah I want to get it out of that building you know a better carrier and it has the last 15 20 years try to preserve what's what's there it was nice it's in a barn so it's not in a good environment well it's kinda almost like getting your own barn find that I mean going discovering one yeah yeah it'll be we're discovered together yeah me we'll go find out what's what's left of it before we left bill shop to go look at this mystery 71 Dodge muscle car I spotted a couple of Harley's in there and wanted to know about them and then also there was this old Packard woody station wagon on the left what was that what is this 31 we hardly be but the uh as you can see right here I was riding it I was riding this weekend in the float decided to disintegrate off the so when it does that it won't let any gas in come on part know it's maybe they're made out court oh where they just said you fell apart what's just up here bill we're down a sixth Street you broke down on me so what are the cars you got over there one of the cars you got this the 19-15 Harley 1915 yeah the first year for electric lights first last year for bicycle pedals first year for three-speed transmission first year for well Funke Wow 16 they went to a Kickstarter and this is the only model they made seven models in 1915 I believe seven and this is a well only model ahead electric lights and this is made by Rainey corporation and you can see it's just two big coils he'll room by two little rods and they were so heavy that the rough roads would just destroy them and people take it off thumb away and put a Bosch man go and then you stole the lights away so if I'm to finally get all the pieces to put lights back on it's pretty rare because these things were so fragile and and complicated once they broke people just threw them away and got rid of the lights because most buy expect the end didn't have lights anyway no you know put a Bosch mag like this right here replace that with this and these are bullet proof you can drop them out of an airplane and you up can't hurt one you know kept on riding okay so bills busted open that side door and he and his brother went in there you know Paige and I follow along right away I see those two big hood scoops and I think well we might have a day 3:40 here but we need to get that hood open and look at the engine and the codes and all that kind of stuff meanwhile it's so dusty in there I it's joke and me down I mean that dust was fine dust and it just kind of filtered through the cracks in that barn and settle on the car making some pretty weird patterns where you'd see dust and sometimes you'd see him the orange paint but we are pretty stoked getting in there it was pretty cool and for a while here we just kind of stood and stared at it of course I made it clear to everybody not to disturb anything before I got some pretty good shots of it I don't know what people watching this video now realize how hard it is to sneak up on one of these cars before the scene gets all disturbed we just came in the barn and there it was well how long since you've been in this building five years since I've been in here what would it look like when you saw it laughs god I can't believe it's this dirty actually I mean this building's not weather proof you know it is an enclosure I think a better term for this tack is out of sight it's an out of sight man how can I see it while I'm shifting gears and while we're looking inside what's that seat doing up front there meanwhile bill and his brother Paige you're trying to get the hood open and they think maybe there's a hood release inside I know from my days pumping gas at Hales deep rock in West Texas that Chrysler products have this little complicated to latch system whereby you grab one latch with your left hand and once that one's pop you grab the second lever in the center there and then pull the hood up they paint a warrant so did have their cleaner on when you parked it here I never look I just pushed it in I never looked I never looked in wouldn't mind so I didn't ever check I never raised a hood this first time you raise the hood first I raise the hood right now wow it looks pretty good except you got my needed some oh sure steering fluid one time lift the battery down low battery is then rotten battery like the battery betrays a good shake berrak trailer tightening those 18,000 miles 18,000 yep man hey Brian dude $18,000 not 118 no I'm the guess this thing might cleanup look pretty good you think that's original paint let's reach the paint on the engine for sure what about the bodies have been repainted and you don't think it's all original paint is it show on the stick [Music] so when 3:40 I'm sure what it is maybe 3:18 in the same block this time there were three forties the sports car yeah yeah this great Jean she's a two-barrel so much go back to my shops and see if there's you see if I took to get must've taken the key ever decades so dust should bust some by screws there's some needle nose pliers over there Fran's already got that thing you got her channel locks yeah it should come out easier something's wrong it's got caught on the stumble in there it's not that go Spragg you go we will come out [Applause] [Music] it's not $2.99 history you think that's 1999 yeah had to be it would be anything else [Applause] so bill what do you take for this boat car I don't know it is something like this is worth the research found out [Applause] so what happened bill so what's the plan now boxing old cars have been abandoned or haven't been sat in in decades or like treasure chests with little gems hidden inside I remember my dad would always take the backseat of Hugh's car he bought to check or for change or stuff the people that behind the coins might not amount to much but they sure were fun to find I know people want him Stu pick up a penny anymore but boy back in the day we had more fun pulling the back seats out of old cars well I don't know these look like coins that they haven't liked arcade looks like arcade coins it's used for cut oaken's and this looks like a Madonna looks like rosary booty box yep that's what they are rosary beads you go got the crucifix [Applause] yes look at that funny be right there with on the dashboard of this car guess he thought he needed to keep the rosary beads in his car [Applause] that's too heavy broke the key off the ignition so I have to get that taken care of so we can steer it to drag it out of here you try and get somebody out here today yeah I'm gonna getting a call right now okay oh great I have a friend who does that okay sorry well maybe the keys are not even to this car then if the trunk key doesn't know what's it oh it's just 71 slam [Applause] somebody somebody stole their couple of out there in the parking lot what's in your dead body nothing nothing all no car enough let me pick up spare [Applause] somebody stole their cater outfit while I was in the parking lot yeah Ross here's a reason had just risen yet this strap on it she still does oh you can see it strap underneath it comes a beast drop will they called them back up [Applause] what do you think you got now well I think it's pretty new car I googled it says the swingers came with 340 cubic inch engine 200 250 horsepower so why is that back glass out of them back like there because I did what's pottery pair here they took it out family see this is this quarters been section in right here as welded then right here this is a quarter section that it is good some here because the body shop was apparently hitting a brick right here and I replace this whole quarter with a new quarter section Internet or wheel will bumpers are all missing taillights are missing but a lot of its error yep that's too bad we broke the key off the ignition so I have to get that taken care of so we can steer it to drag it out of here I said we'd be spreading at the factory shop like a 2,000 miles on it they're not frozen either yeah stuck that time stuck just be stuck where you're lucky there's no monster anything in it right yeah guess the wire there's plenty other stuff deep there's pretty good looking for me yeah yeah yeah there's an awesome car that looks like the stock radiator cap from the factory I bet you saw numbers-matching I bet you hundred it is too [Music] he's had a to bounce it up down again we'll see ya as quiet and squeaks no how'd you find there bill bender extension [Music] what do you think Oh consider the wall I don't know it seems to want to turn right there though but it should have come right out what so I'm trying to figure out if it turned a little bit on him well that was it I've been outside all day but they don't brush about that up there's been dusty how about this property had these chicken coops barn makeshift barns on it I built the buildings on this end of it and never touched this in that other projects going and when I drove this car it was an empty spot out of the way at vandals so I just parked it in here it's been very since kind of out of the weather kind of away from vandals they stole the bumpers off though and the taillights and stole the air cleaner and we don't know what else but I know they stole that because I saw him disappear up and it's parked out in the parking lot it wasn't until the next day that slim-jim got that steering column fixed so that car was terrible Joey showed up bills good friend to help us drag it out of there Joey's pretty cool guy he's like everybody else likes to see an old car come out of a barn especially when all dusty and dirty like this one that we wasn't really sure what we had I was pretty sure it was a swing or not a demon I mean see that badge right there that was pretty good tip-off so where we're going is out of this side lot where those old barns are and then Joey's dragging it up to the access road on the canyon e-way pretty busy there but he found a little law in the traffic and we jumped out there I was falling behind my camera taking pictures people probably thought I was some kind of nut running after an old car or something which I kind of was but anyway so bills shop is right off the access road here so there's Joey turning in I noticed the line went a little bit slack there so they didn't just zip it right in but picked it right back up and there he goes [Music] it's funny because later on I was thinking well all I have to do is look at the engine code and I can tell you exactly you're right away Fitch is that VI n I'll tell you that the original engine but I wasn't even thinking about that I guess we just figured the 340 we're all excited to find this this car and get it out there Bill's been thinking about this thing for twenty years and now it's finally his after you got that title he pulled it up here on this pad right in front of his shop cranked up that portable pressure washer now this is gonna be really cool knocking off all this dirt and dust and spiderwebs and I don't know maybe killing a brown recluse spider to in there look how that dirt just whisk away man I always wanted to do this the one little barn finds we pulled out sometimes people like to keep the old dirt on there for a while kind of like a bad euchre look what I found bill couldn't wait to get this dirt and dust off I don't blame him I could say we were excited when wasn't worried about the engine codes or anything at this point getting it out there was a big deal bumpers gone the valence [Music] though the wheels is what a rally will I see those on demons and the performance models but look that car has that little molding on this side I mean performance models without ascribe this being a 71 I knew there were 340 swingers in 70 but I wasn't real sure about 71 I photographed a lot of these cars for magazine articles for more action and Mopar muscle at Carlile here's one I'll show you right here there's a demon Lucky's plan that cool here's a 71 swinger that a guy modified I think that's what people do these cars see that little real wing right there this guy probably at a swinger I've been a two-barrel preteen and he he put the little wing in the back I put scoops in the hood and then back here we don't know what he had to tell I came in gone okay I don't know what those marks are in that hood what maybe of doing some bodywork there I know we're right there they were fixing the rear quarter hey Bill popped open that hood I wondered how he was going to clean it without getting water down the carburetor and into the engine and he goes in the shop and once he come out with this little plastic bucket thing and it fits right on the carburetor and a little bit later he comes out with this heavy piece of metal and sets down on top of it so you can keep that plastic cup from blowing off when he does this pressure wash no fires are pretty cool because that that long time that body color the engine bay instead of blackout pretty good for showing the car get three folks over here when fender tag is right there so we'll take a picture that close up here and decode this first bill he figured he could just go ahead and pressure wash the door panels why not I mean their vinyl white interior well it's all done now looking at engine code what do we got LH 2 3 G that's the engine code fifth digit the one is 471 so let's just see what G is about 318 to burro well goodnight Irene yo Irene good night [Music] I rain [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good night Irene Irene go to bed [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jerry Heasley
Views: 1,750,287
Rating: 4.3969827 out of 5
Keywords: Irene the Dodge Dart muscle car, Jerry Heasley, Barn Finds
Id: WcrE9C2Jzpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
Reddit Comments

For me it started at 20:00 so idk

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/King_Anodim 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

the washing starts at 20:00 thanks for a useless intro

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jellyka98 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
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