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I know a lot of people aren't into country, and that's fine, these guys probably won't change your mind. But if good, old school country is what you like, these guys are really something special.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/crhuble 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Turnpike Troubadours
artist pic

The Turnpike Troubadours, whose name is derived from the bumpy Oklahoma toll-roads and their hard lived folk singing heroes, are proof that isolation can be the mother of originality. Cutting their teeth in roadside dance halls and honky-tonks has made a serious impact on the band’s musical style, which walks the line between Woody Guthrie and Waylon Jennings. “Bossier City,” the band’s debut album, is testament to the small towns in which they were raised. It combines Folk, Country, Cajun, and Bluegrass with stories of longing, humor, tragedy, and general life in rural America.

Breaking down traditional barriers between the audience and the stage is something in which they excel. Fast, gritty, and often drenched in beer, the Troubadours perform to both their fans and new audience members with an genuine sincerity about them. They continually gather ground both literally and figuratively as they travel up, down, and across the Midwest.

Currently the band is finishing up work on its follow up album “Diamonds & Gasoline” (set for release in January, 2010) with veteran producer and songwriter Mike McClure and legend Joe Hardy (ZZ-Top, Steve Earle) as well as relentlessly playing shows in Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Texas.

Evan Felker - Lead Vocals, Acoustic R.C. Edwards - Bass, Backing Vocals Kyle Nix - Fiddle, Backing Vocals Ryan Engleman - Lead Guitar Giovanni Carnuccio - Drums, Backing Vocals Read more on Last.fm.

last.fm: 22,078 listeners, 422,486 plays
tags: country, country rock, folk, Red Dirt, oklahoma

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DJ_Spam 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
one two three [Music] there ain't a thing in the world take me back like a dark haired girl and like Main Street of an old forgotten town and sunlight shines and find wetlands on withered stores with open side they may as well just close him down and you look like 1968 69 when I heard you caught well I guess you doing speak of a rebel like it's some place that you've been where you've been a long time good to see you my friend [Music] [Music] away replaced instead by silver my ball [Music] sleeeeep you drivers just can't keep my got nothing [Music] and we love like a hobo you walk in Mario how the holy favors for the and where you pee good to see you [Applause] [Music] and there's just two times like this you find this kind of blissfulness person it said see more and we shaking hand rub my eyes free of alibis just blinking like the day that I was [Music] and you look like 1968 who was 69 you caught a bullet well I guess you do it like it someplace that you've been with you been a long time good to see you friend man rounds fired that I you were on the balcony to win 10,000 see your drops I hit the ground miss Tina the Marcin man time longer the same [Music] you
Channel: Turnpike Troubadours - Topic
Views: 309,339
Rating: 4.6552329 out of 5
Keywords: Evan, Felker, Turnpike, Troubadours, Diamonds, Gasoline, 1968
Id: smbp35cLOnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 06 2014
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