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what in the year 2000 I think I'll probably the spaceship to the moon dictating robots - robots or else I may be right no having a in charge of a robot Court judging some robots or I maybe it's a funeral of a computer or if something's gone wrong with their nuclear bombs and maybe still came back from hunting in a cave I don't like the idea of sort of getting out and finding you've got a cabbage pill to eat breakfast or something all right all these are tight bombs or the proper amount of this yes one will get near the centre because it was sort of making a huge great big crater and the whole world will just melt and world will gone one vast atomic explosion and it will become like us you've never start some madman will get the atomic bomb and just blew the world into oblivion there's nothing we can do to stop it more people who get bombs and more well somebody's gonna use it one day well I think don't I so it would be sort of a populated there will be Wars nuclear explosions and everything to make dears you know too much radiation on it'll become too hot to live on I think there'll be no life at all really on the earth I don't think there is getting to the atomic warfare but I think there's is going to be all this automation you've looking to be out of work and a great population and I think something has to be done about it I that's if I wasn't a biologist out that's what I'd like to do um to do something about the population problem try and try and sort of thumb temperate somehow I don't know how I think it would be very Dow and people would all be squashed together so much there won't be any fun or anything and people will be rationed to the amount of things they can have because if they had too many things it would just squash their houses and there they just wouldn't be room for them I think Opia people will be regarded more statistics and as actual people I don't think it's gonna be so nice I sort of all machines everywhere everyone doing everything for you you know you're getting bored and I don't think it'll be so nice I think it's going to be very boring and everything will be the same I mean people will be the same I think so people say like first of all this computers are taking over now computers and automation and in the year 2000 they just won't won't be enough jobs to go around and the only jobs there will be or people be for people with high HQ you know right like you can work computers and such things and other people are just not going to have jobs they just aren't doing the jobs going to have I expect there will set aside parts of the country solely for recreation and have large blocks of built-up areas and I think these are going to be very ugly Indian problem I don't think I'll still be in there I think he'll be understeer I think the population I'd have gone up so much that and I think everyone I'll be living in sort of big domes on the Sahara or they'll be under sea there'll be so many people that there have to have an overflow into the sea and so there'll be houses underneath the sea and houses above the sea they're not gonna have some square houses you know them you've got more curves and artistic designs in server there's just sort of boxes like they've got nowadays people can't they wouldn't be able to live in the ordinary houses because I would take up too much room they'd have to be in flats piled on top of one another like that and the houses would be rather small Needham everything would be cramped up a cramped animals as they have here sheep and cows and livestock but they'll be kept in batteries they will be allowed to graze on pastures they'll be kept in buildings all together all in one big artificially freed so they'll Ealdor larger be bigger and give more food all the sputnik's and everything it'll going up some isn't sort of interferes with the weather and I think this sea may rise and um well sort of cover some of England and there'll be just islands left from like come only the Highlands and Scotland and somewhere the big hills in England and Wales I don't think or England to be wiped out because some of it will be heard too high I think if sea will rise to about 500 to 600 feet Mike Frese was the Sun it will probably burn out and there's an ice cap moved out from the North Pole I think I'll cover the earth you might have another Ice Age and if it was anything to be frightened off and you dr. people think it's going to explode I'm certain it won't I think it'll be much more efficient because there'll be more cures for the disease's and not so many people get sick they're black people you know work for you sort of separate it will mix dinner to like people and you know the pale of people in which people will come in soon well they will be poor in Richard but they weren't sort of look down with each other I'm not looking forward to living in that year about 50 years time I mean world seems in such a terrible state now let alone the 50 years time
Channel: Jamey Kac
Views: 428,202
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Id: cwHib5wYEj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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