1963.5 Ford Galaxie interior upgrade! New molded carpet, seats and sill plates in my fastback!

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hey there boys and girls the youtube world today we're gonna do something i've been putting out for a while this here's my 63.5 galaxy fastback pretty nice car way too nice for me slowly but surely i've been going through the interior and we're down to the last part where i gotta finish putting the carpet in the sill plates and the seat i'm really delaying it because i got a lot of money in this interior i really don't want to drive it once i get it done because it's too nice i don't even want to wash it i don't wash anything yeah no good i really don't want to get it done because then duff can't ride with because the seats are going to be way too nice for him and too nice for me for that matter so i guess we're gonna go through the nitpicky details uh getting the carpet all laid out in the holes for the seats all marked out and drilled out cut out knife down burned out whatever you got to do and then trim on the carpet and doing the sill plates as well never done this before so you guys might get some entertainment out of this as well all right what are you breathing so hard for you stay out of here oh look a registration tag from last year when i never drove it bounce sheet that works good to keep the mice out allegedly duffy likes my new seats put some fat mat poor man's dying a mat down before i put the carpet in here as you can see it's pretty long all the way around i've probably got to do a little bit of shuffling around over there maybe it's sticking out further this side than the other side i'm looking forward to this and then i'll have to try to get some trim to go up back there underneath the seat what i like to do is you know lay the carpet out in here and then leave it sit in here for about a year and a half and then throw a sway bar on top of it that you need to install as well that way it lays in place right where it's got to go all right we got all our trash cleaned out of here we got our carpet laid out first thing i kind of did was let's find the center we'll start with the back one of course duffy wants to come be part of the video but i know you guys appreciate that he appreciates you got the back kind of laid in where he wants to go uh i'm not going to glue it down because i don't feel like there's a need to if i need to i can always glue it down later so i got it kind of laid out it's a molded carpet fits pretty well like i said it's a little bit long i wish it was fit a little bit better to the contour along the back of the car here where the back seat is but i think it'll be just fine and then when we make that panel back there maybe i'll leave some extra material to go underneath the carpet something like that we'll see what we do there i might have to look at another car like this just to see exactly how it was done from the factory so as you can see i got too much material right here uh by the back seat so i'm going to trim that out and then i'm going to have to trim out where we get up to here up to our sill plates there's a bunch of screws i got some brand new sill plates but i got some rusty old crappy hardware that i dug out of my crappy old hardware bin did you get that itch yeah it feels real good let's get started here don't worry about cutting too much they make these things called carpet stretchers never seen one but i've heard of it so reproduction sill plates got the two steps that is for that faster driver side here we go these are shiny i can't wait to scuff these up on duffy basically this sill plate all it's going to do is kind of hold everything down and in place and so you can cut it off this doesn't have to be a nice cut you can cut it off however you please just as long as it's underneath and the sill plates holding it in i'm going to cut this one out later on that first trim hole i think that's better i tucked the trim up underneath this welting whatever you want to call it so now what i guess you don't want to do is take your screw and just put a screw gun on it twist her in because the the wool and the threads will get wrapped up in there and it'll fray your carpet and wad your carpet up and bad things happen we should be able to trim this carpet off so so i've got one hole on each end of this trim and then i've got two holes in each of these spots so if i cut the trip the carpet off just past the first screw hole i shouldn't have to worry about these farthest outside screw holes but the inside screw holes i think what i'm going to do is once i get everything in place supply some heat from the torch to this pick and that should just slice right through that carpet once we get to that point so now i need to figure out where i trim that carpet off at so that i can get this second set of screws in i can see where my trim holes are to go into the rocker panel and i'm going from there and i'm trimming this carpet off just inside of that trim hole then i'm going to follow it ahead next to this next just inside of this next trim hole then i should be able to get these screws in without having to worry about the carpet but the inside screws will have to address i really don't care how crooked i cut this because it's going to get hidden underneath that sill plate [Music] i'm going to wait until i get this front carpet trimmed out before i do these inside holes before i heat up that pick and push it through that being said let's go to the other side finish the back up on the other side before we go to that front carpet so i'm doing it wrong aren't i okay thanks for your vote of confidence so here we are at the other side again same deal try to line this up in the back as good as you can doesn't line up quite as well on this side but we'll address that probably never let's be honest this is as good as it gets around here this side actually looks like it doesn't even reach out to the trim hole out here so that's okay don't have to trim it that way i do think i'm going to trim it up they don't cut these square on these edges like this so yeah that might be all right let's do a test fit these gems come from greg donahue collector car restorations in floral city florida [Music] i did not buy these they came with the car i'm guessing these were bought in the late 90s early 2000s i don't even know if jake donahue's still out there selling parts i guess i don't know if you can see it very well in the camera but there's a crease right here and you can take and lay this on a flat surface or if you want to try to get it to follow the contour of the floor you can take a heat gun put some heat to it you don't want to get it real hot or real close so that you melt the fibers but you can take some of those out of there again i saw it on the interwebs i've never done this looks like we should be good to go now before i move to the front i just thought of this i'm gonna go ahead and try to find the holes for the seat got a little different plan for those well maybe not different but got my sill plate back off now we got to try to find those seat holes oh i did cut holes in the fat mat to identify them so that might not be so bad so here's my terrible plan i'm gonna take that pick get this kind of laid out where i want it to be and find the hole at the pick leave that pick in there heat this punch up with a torch and then stab it right through the carpet next to the pick seems like a terrible idea most of this carpet that we're dealing with right here is going to be under the seat anyway so if we hose her up too bad we'll go on to plan b here we go the odds i get in the first shot not that good put your finger under there and then you'll stab it all for two all four three fourth time got it [Music] you can kind of tell the way that the pick sticks out of the carpet uh that kind of resting out how i want it to be that pick sticking straight up if it was fighting the carpet and the carpet wanted to push one way or another it would be laid ahead like that or back or in or out so my carpet kind of laid out i want it to be looks like it's standing pretty much straight up so that means i must be pretty dang close to where it's gotta be let's get some heat nothing like firing up a torch by the nicest car you got with brand new interior that you've never sat in got it all right if i woke you up yeah this is gonna be hot go away all right but this is gonna stink hey that went pretty good it does stink though worse than you and then the front seat hole we're gonna have to go through both pieces of carpet [Music] so i think for now i'm gonna put a bolt in there just to keep everything lined up maybe with a big washer that'll hold this carpet in place and then we'll go ahead and trim off that front carpet that way everything's kind of laid out where it needs to be before we put that hole in for the other seat i'll hold the carpet in place relatively well until we can get this situation figured out so again we're going to start out centering the carpet up with the transmission hump it's not really an exact science that does not fit the tunnel real well it's a little bit long over here on the kick panel gonna do the same thing try to mark where it's gotta go one thing to keep in mind is i've got the dimmer switch up here for you millennials that's how you turn the high beam and the low beam on and off it was on the floor back in the day so i'm going to have to trim out around that i've got a little grommet that goes in there if i can get it close enough and then also i've got kick panels to install so those will go over the top of the carpet and that'll hide some of my sins as well so i'm going to cut my carpet horizontally here right where it meets with a kick panel starts going up around that really i think we can leave most of this material up here leave it long because that kick panel is going to cover it and if not we can always trim it later so i just made a swift little cut from up the firewall down right about where i thought the dimmer switch was at turns out it's pretty dang close that'll be all right so what i'm going to end up doing around the dimmer switch is cutting an actual hole like i said i've got a rubber grommet that goes in there and that kind of protects the carpet hides your cut a little bit as well then it keeps the carpet from tearing when you're getting in and out of the car and pushing that dimmer switch so that should be pretty good there it's it's still pretty long up here and i think i'm gonna wait to trim that out until we get the kick panel in place between the dimmer switch and these sill plates that should hold it in place for now so let's go back here to where we got to identify the seat bolt hole you want to try not to move anything around anymore than you really have to so actually it looks like this hole is just barely going to catch the front carpets it's just right on the edge of this trim maybe we can slide it back i thought about maybe just burning that hole in this bottom piece of carpet and then when i put the seat in i can slide this underneath so that the seat will actually kind of clamp this in place or even if it was just a little bit ahead of this hole and you couldn't put the hole through this that base on the seat should actually grab this as well should be good to go but i think i'm gonna burn right through both of them it's actually just on the back side of this edging here perfect coming to check it out how's it look what do you think we don't need to get it quite so hot this time and here we are doing interior with the torch good to go i'm gonna grab another bolt and washer to put through there duffy came back and told me to grab three of them since i had to do the other side good call duff you know what irritates me when guys use the like the longest screws self-tappers ever to put their sill plates on when you crawl underneath the car and you see it staring at you like a dagger getting to gash your throat use the right length hardware on your sill plates tech tip of the day this thing it look at the shine on that that's like my math teacher and junior high mr isaacson's forehead that guy really put some polish on that thing i tell you what so now we got these two screw holes right here that the carpet is under those screw holes so let's check to see that they line up with the ones in the car first i think that'll work as well that goes in their ways let's heat this up heat up the pick i'm gonna paint off the rocker panels my pick is never going to be the same it still identifies as a pick oh yeah good to go like a glove oh greg donna you even sent some decals to put on there to say ferd just in case you forgot what you were getting into that'll be the icing on the cake once we get the seed in good calling having those bolts ready duff and now i guess we get to trim the front out up here where's my connector carpet knife [Music] ouch well good thing the carpet's red that's what's nice about these sharp blades you barely even feel it till it hits the bone we're fresh out of spongebob band-aids son of a biscuit i'm pissed glad we're about done with this project ready for a sandwich so so so ah now we get to figure out where the gas pedal goes sweet well our first serious youtube injury got sick of holding that stupid blue rag so dinner upright a little electrical tape around the blue rag pretty much smash my head on every video or chin does so this is nothing new i think i'm gonna have to peel this carpet up to find out what exactly we're using for hardware on this gasp that almost looks like it's new ish yeah we need to find out what that hardware is i could pull coals through the bottom to find out where the holes are at but i really don't know what the hardware is so let's take it all back apart again because i like doing things multiple times whoa look at that i even put holes in the fat mat for that when i did that two years ago make sure to click the thumbs up on this video if you like seeing me hurt myself because i can make that happen on a regular basis yep looks like self tapper ish whatever you call that corset garbage let's go find some hardware so now that we've got the right diameter screws and thread pitch for the gas pedal i'm gonna put this carpet back in place get everything laid out and then i'm gonna go up from underneath stab this guy through or something else through to mark it and then we'll heat it up and push them through from the top one of my downfalls is lowering everything i own makes it hard to get underneath them stay todd you guys tell me when it comes to the floor [Applause] so so here's our dimmer switch grommet i think so you peel it open right there and that's where the carpet kind of sits in that groove i think the bigger groove goes on the bottom and then this one with the rib goes on the top obviously not the one with the writing that's the way i want to put it in if i hadn't thought so hard on it so get out the finger slicer 2000 by stanley here so i still haven't found somebody to help me carry this bench seat in here and i really don't want to bugger that nice new seat up gonna join in on this so i haven't found anybody to help carry the bench seat in so in the meanwhile i think i'll clean up these kick panels throw those in place while i'm waiting for somebody to help me carry that big seat without buggering that all up because it's a pretty nice piece so i'm going to clean these up find some more rusty phillips screws mount these in place well we got our kick panels cleaned up did a terrible job with that but i don't care nobody's going to see them and then clean them up later probably so looks like that one goes over there this one goes over here [Applause] so i think the previous owner took this piece off in order to get the seat out we're gonna wipe that down before we install it i can't find the hardware so let's take one out of the other side so we know we're looking for maybe we just take them both off nobody will ever know that they ever existed oh they got ashtrays in it we're gonna need those yeah right like i'm gonna find a big nice screw like that in my collection i will do pig no son of a biscuit drop that screw back there sounds like a dirty max maybe rahul is here to help good to go clean her up before we install it [Music] tell my dad this is unacceptable what's up dad didn't even come say hi i can't believe he didn't bark at you i will swing over and help me slide this seat in what a guy and now i got that in place i'm going to pull these bolts out that i put in there to hold the carpet in place reuse those bolts hold the seat down and then i just got to put this trim on the seat we got it pretty much wrapped up oh i'll put them blue ovals on snow plates here as well so after tightening all four brackets that hold the seat down the only thing i got left is this trim here like everything i do i should have done this first so now we're going to try to sneak it up underneath there put these phillips screws in i'm not even going to clean it up because i'm over this so i got the two screws in on the front the back two actually go through the fabric so i don't know where they really go in i think i'm just gonna seems pretty rigid the way it is i really don't feel like poking a hole in the fabric at this time of day so we're calling it good then you're going to want to do the same thing on the other side just sneaking around the front lift it over the top there's a little bit of a hook right here put your screws in the front put your screws in the back should just be a self-tapper you might want to drill a pilot hole unless you get lucky and find the same spot but i would suggest drilling a pilot hole first then you're not going to screw up the fabric hopefully but like i said for what i'm doing that's going to be plenty good enough and that pretty much wraps the interior install up on the old 63.5 galaxy appreciate you hanging in there with me watching me go down to nine and a half digits we're gonna wipe the seat down take it for a rip thanks for watching like share subscribe tell your friends have a good one everybody [Music] you
Channel: Mortske Repair
Views: 30,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WiAaNWOM6-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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