1963 "The Avengers" Comics #1 & #2 | Season 20 Premiere Preview

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Great story. But I never understand how someone today doesn't know the price of a comic with the internet so easily accessible.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Ekstwntythre 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
GUEST: When I was a kid, I would go down to a store in Pullman, Washington, and buy candy and comics. And my mom knew this, of course. And so one day, I'm at work, and she calls me and says, "I'm down at the auction." They were selling stuff that people had left in storage units too long. And she said there were two boxes of comics, and did I want to have her bid on them, and I said, "Sure." And so she brought them home, and in the box were these two comics. And about five months ago, she calls me, and I had a whole bunch of stuff in their attic. She said she needed me to come and take them out of the attic because they were taking up too much space and they were consolidating stuff. APPRAISER: Now, do you have any idea what she paid for the box of comics at auction? GUEST: Yeah, she paid $24 for the box. APPRAISER: Only one box, but you said there were two up for auction. GUEST: There were two boxes, and she looked in the other one, and there were some toys in the top, but comics underneath. And this one was filled with comics, so she bid on that one, which to this day, I kind of wonder what might have been in the other box. APPRAISER: Well, you brought in a tremendous collection of comics. But I chose only two. We have The Avengers number one from September of 1963, and Avengers number two from November of 1963. So the reason I chose these two comics is because right now, the Avengers are very big in the public consciousness. In 2015, Marvel Comics released their latest movie, "Avengers: Age of Ultron," and you've got coming out in his first movie very soon... GUEST: I heard about this-- Ant Man. APPRAISER: Ant Man. I mean, these are some of the most iconic Marvel superheroes. And it's written by Stan Lee, the art by Jack Kirby, with just creators of such amazing, amazing characters-- stuff we both grew up with and grew to love. And then we've got Avengers number two, and it introduces a new character, the Space Phantom, which, unfortunately, I don't think anyone really knows about anymore. One thing about comic books that really changes the value on them is condition. Now, these aren't in what we would consider mint condition. GUEST: Right. APPRAISER: Far from it. You've got creases by the staples, you've got a section in here that is completely folded back. You've got what we call a rolled cover, which means the cover is slightly offset. Especially on this one, it's particularly bad. These are what we'd call "very good." This one would be a "very good minus." This one would be around a "very good plus." GUEST: Right. APPRAISER: Kind of in that range. GUEST: Right. APPRAISER: Do you have any idea what the value might be on them? GUEST: I honestly really don't. APPRAISER: At auction, in what we would consider unprofessionally graded condition, this would sell for around $450 to $550. GUEST: Really? Wow. That's really cool. APPRAISER: But Avengers number one, we estimate in this condition, it would probably sell at auction for between $4,000 and $6,000. GUEST: No way! You are kidding me. In that condition? Wow! My mom is going to freak out. I cannot believe that she kept them all these years. She's totally not going to believe this story. Seriously, wow. Oh, my God, it's unbelievable. That is amazing. I don't even want to touch them now. (laughing) GUEST: Mom, you did good. (both laugh)
Channel: Antiques Roadshow PBS
Views: 1,104,404
Rating: 4.8503065 out of 5
Keywords: antiques roadshow, pbs, wgbh, preview, 20th anniversary, new season, sneak peek, antique, vintage, appraisal, spokane, washington, the avengers, marvel comics, comic books, super heroes
Id: 81_KT5Jz49g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2015
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