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January 6th that's the day you're invited to see the beautiful Newport for 1954 and this year the worth more car declares a dividend in style a dividend in power a dividend in comfort plus optional new power assists see Ford for 1954 at your Ford dealers January 6 this is the new 11 million dollar Ford styling Center at Dearborn Michigan where the first 1954 Ford was developed and approved here in a beautiful garden designed to present the car in a natural outdoor setting Ford stylists and engineers studied model after model of the 54 Ford before determining the final design each feature from headlight to taillight had to be a perfect blend of function and beauty it all began here on the drawing boards in Fords advanced styling studio from many thousands of sketches the choice was narrowed to a select few and still later after an exhaustive study by Ford's top designers the best of these features were incorporated into scale drawings meanwhile other stylists were examining and testing thousands of fabrics patterns and colors for the interiors of the 54 4 here are only a few of the 23 quality upholstery materials finally selected for their colorful beauty and durability and offered in the 1954 4 just as important as these individual details is the manner in which board stylists have integrated them into a distinctive unified whole no matter which affords 14 different body styles you choose your 54 Ford will always be in style because it has been styled for the future see the beautiful new 1954 board at your Ford dealers I'm Bob Maxwell 22 years ago Ford introduced the v8 engine to the low price field this year Ford leads again with the all-new y block v8 and here to take us from 1932 to 1954 is mister VG ray viola executive engine engineer of the Ford Motor Company engineering staff this v8 was the most modern engine of its day and our brand-new v8 is again setting the pace size and weight are about the same yet we've engineered 50% more torque and double the horsepower into the new Ford v8 low-friction design is the key by shortening the piston stroke we've reduced the energy loss to friction by as much as 30% this is now performance power and to get more go from every drop of gasoline we've designed this new turbo wedge combustion chamber now when the piston reaches the top the gas is forced out of the squish area at jet velocity for more complete more efficient burning Ford's advanced design gives you a bonus in power performance and economy and Forbes knew I block six features this same advanced low friction design and turbo wedge combustion chamber both Ford engines are go-getters both gas savers test drive both when you test drive the 54 Ford I'm Bob Maxwell and here with the reasons behind Ford's new deep block engine design is mr. Ken vote of the Ford Motor Company engineering staff first let me show you what we mean by beef block design notice how the six dollar engine block is extended far down below the centerline of the crankshaft so that it takes on the structural shape of an i-beam and that makes the block a much stronger unit same is true with our new y block v8 engine mostly eight blocks end about right here but again by good designing we have a structural Y shaped deep block that really provides rigidity the purpose of this advanced deep block design is to provide far more rigid alignment for the crankshaft which in turn means smoother engine performance longer engine life test drive one or both of these engines the all-new Y block v8 or the new eye block six you'll find they're the smoothest engines in Fords field a man's work is from Sun to Sun but a woman's work well that practically stops the second she slides behind the wheel of a board with the touch of a button she can raise or lower the seat or move it forward or backward automatically she presses another button to raise or lower the windows now she moves the Fordham attic lever to drive and enjoys automatic shifting no matter how many stops and starts she has to make and speaking of stops all it takes is a gentle touch on the pedal with Ford's new Swiftsure power brakes to stop smoothly and quickly now watch how easy parking is with Ford's master guide power steering she's merely guiding the car master guide is doing the work these five driver assists all available in the 54 Ford are only part of the story in any 54 Ford you enjoy many new features that give you added driving ease you get new ball joint front suspension exclusive inboard field that takes you around corners like a breeze gives you better Road ability and an even smoother ride plus the greatest power advances since the original Ford v8 Ford's new 130 horsepower y block v8 or 115 horsepower mileage maker 6 both high compression low friction engines that give you new responsiveness in performance and real economy of operation test drive the car that's engineered to take the work out of driving the great new 1954 Ford hello I'm Bob Denton and I'm sitting in what we call a cutaway model Ford it's been cut away to dramatize the inside story of Ford sturdy 1954 crest mark body the new Astra dial instrument panel the trim and the upholstery are all color keyed to ford's beautiful new exterior colors under these fabrics you'll find a contoured layer of foam rubber cushioning on Ford Customline and Crestline models and all Ford's feature non-sag Springs for comfort and controlled support between you and the outer shell of a 1954 Ford you'll find sound dimmed weather insulation like this thick asphalt and heavy glass fiber giving you a more quiet more comfortable ride back in Ford's luggage compartment the shorter gas filler pipe and space-saving hinges add at least one more suitcase to your vacation equipment your Ford dealer cordially invites you to drop in to test drive the great new 1954 Ford I'm Bob Maxwell and here was news about the beautiful new 54 ford interiors is mr. ted hobbs ford car fabric specialist this seat is from a ford Skyliner with a two-tone exterior of cameo coral and sandstone white the upholstery is a striking combination of Carl and black nylon with a white vinyl bolster and it harmonizes perfectly with the skyline as handsome exterior in fact all our fabrics are designed to harmonize with specific body and trim color combinations here's something interesting we've combined man-made fibers with natural fibers to get upholstery like this dual woven plastic interlaced with metallic yarns we use Walton plastics to dress the interiors of all four Ford station wagons ford 454 offers hundreds of color upholstery and body style combinations see them and take a test drive of the 54 Ford at your Ford dealers discover now the convenience of owning two boards when Dad goes off on a long business trip you and the children are not pinned down when you're a to foreign family test drive another 1954 for the standards for the American Road guess where he's from right Texas now guess where she's from well I'm from Texas too my name is Pamela Doughty and I'm the fashion show director here at Neiman Marcus and Dallas you know Texas women are extremely fashion conscious in their homes their clothes and their automobiles that's why so many of our patrons drive to Neiman Marcus in beautiful new 1954 Fords the decorator style fabrics and trim are fashioned to suit the most exacting tastes that's why we like the new 54 forward we Texas men like Ford's for lots of other reasons - one thing we especially like is this Wyatt brand right here it stands for for its new wide block v8 engine just one more reason why you'll see more and more smart Texans driving Fords nowadays yes Fords are standard for Texas roads and that means the American Road to now for 1954 you can have the exact car you want in Ford choose from three great lines 14 brilliant body styles including one the brand new Ford skyliner a tinted transparent top gives you a head in the clouds feel would close car comfort to the new pressed line for door with more fine car features that have ever been offered before in the low-priced even three you really go for the third newcomers in the Ford line this custom line ranch wagon also available in the main line series and only one of more ford station wagons in 1954 this beautiful Ford Sun liner is the top Downers delight while this board Victoria is typical of Ford's trend-setting styling a variety of handsome single tone and two-tone color combinations and smartly fashioned upholstery and interior trim satisfy the most demanding tastes choose one of two great Ford engines the 130 horsepower y block v8 or the 115 horsepower I block Marlies maker 6 both are overhead valve high compression low friction engine smoother livelier more responsive and so economical to operate every ford 454 gives you new riding comfort and handling ease with the new ball joint front suspension exclusive with board in a steel for the car for you see the great new line of 54 Ford's at your Ford dealers soon Ford's got the big gun it's Ford's new 130 horsepower v8 the most powerful engine in any low priced car the only v8 in Fords field see your ford dealer and test drive a new Ford v8 it costs less to buy than most 6s and your Ford dealer is now trading high you know some people used to think you could get a comfortable ride only with a big heavy car like this one today however the new Ford is proving it's how you use weight how you spring it that counts notice how the body of this Ford stays level while the front and rear wheels absorb the bumps the secret well it's really a combination of many advanced ride features all working together now for example Ford has increased the vertical travel of the front wheels so the wheels can absorb bigger bumps while transmitting less road shock to the body and other features that help reduce road shock are these new type front-end compression bumpers that act as buffers between wheels and frame and these Hydra coil springs which are individually tailored to the weight of each Ford month these are Ford's variable rate rear suspension Springs that automatically adjust their actions a suit varying road and load conditions notice to how these rear shock absorbers are mounted diagonally to help eliminate side sway now you've seen owe me a few affords many ride features but more important than any single one is the way fort engineers have been able to balance them all so that they work together and that's why a Ford ride softer by far the many cars weighing hundreds of pounds more here's a typical suburban scene she needs the car for shopping and he needs the car for work what's the solution got the Ford in half well hardly here's the answer to Ford's today one out of every ten families needs two cars and four hundred thousand families owned to four here's why for us having two cars is a necessity and after checking the figures we found the Newport is so economical to buy and operate that we go own two of them or just a little more than the cost of any one of several expensive makes and believe me the convenience is worth it I agree my husband has a two-door for business I have the ranch wagon for errands or visiting or taking the kids to the beach Johnny our oldest boy gets us a date and then we have any heavy hauling to do that rear seat folds away in a jiffy yes we're a happy family now that we're a two Ford family both the car you own today may well provide the downpayment on two new Fords if your family likes the two-car idea drop in and talk it over you're a Ford dealer maybe there are two Ford's in your future I'm a Ford dealer and like all Ford dealers I'm doing a land office business in this new 54 Ford with its clean modern styling is one reason why and Ford's the only car in its field that offers a choice of v8 or six test drive a new for did your Ford dealers today finest most versatile automatic transmission ever built automatic and here to tell you exactly why is automatic transmission engineer mr. Burt Erickson of the Ford Motor Company engineering staff the first reason for photomatix great versatility is our fluid torque converter this unit provides the ultimate in smooth power flow and responds instantly to changing demands for acceleration another reason is for dramatic special gear system it's the only automatic drive in ford's field that offers an automatic intermediate gear it's this intermediate gear that accelerates you rapidly from a standing start to high gear without excessive engine speed in case you need an extra burst of speed say for passing intermediate gears again available up to speeds of 60 miles an hour by simply pressing the accelerator to the floor now another advantage when you use for the Mattocks low range for downhill braking it's this intermediate gear that comes in first at highway speeds then when you slow to 25 miles an hour photomatix low gear engages automatically for maximum braking photomatic is the most versatile and it's available on all 28 Ford models with either of Ford's engines test drive the 54 Ford with photomatic that's the fifth Ford I have sold today we're doing a land office business let me show you why look at this beautiful 54 Ford there's the styling that has set the trend in the whole industry and Ford styling is a mighty good protection for your investment this car will look just as good to a used car buyer next year as it does to you today and another point other cars in Fords field don't have a v8 engine but we do and you can have it in all new body styles come and test drive a new 130 horsepower Ford v8 bring your own car in - you'd be surprised how much your Ford dealer will give you and trade on a new Ford excuse me that must be another customer maybe it's you we'd like you to meet mr. Vincent Conroy a man who was so impressed with the 1953 Ford that he ordered from Ford dealers throughout the country not one not two but 1239 Fords he's a vice president of Avis rent-a-car system the largest airport car rental service in the world why Ford mr. Conroy well the Avis rent-a-car system has to satisfy over 800,000 customers and the same time make a healthy profit we have found that four does both jobs and doesn't well Ford's law on this cause this mighty attractive whether you buy one car or 1200 Avis pays for the gas and oil that's why we like Ford's low running cost you heard Ally port 6 with overdrive won the Sweepstakes award in the 1953 Mobil gas economy run Ford beat all other cars in economy regardless of size or weight with low costs of servicing and genuine Ford parts always available we save because we have more cars and better shape more of the time this year we bought twelve hundred and thirty nine and fourth when we order the 1954 models will have to sell twelve hundred and thirty nine Ford and as any used car dealer will tell you for the depreciation is the lowest of any kind of field yes Avis has learned just as you to learn board is worth more when you buy it and is worth more when you sell it good evening the ball and socket joint is one of the most flexible joint systems known to man and a very important part of your skeletal system the joint in your shoulder and in your hip are to find examples of such a free moving joint Ford is put the ball and socket joint to work in the front-end suspension of its new 1954 cars but first let's take a look at the conventional front-end suspension system a spindle arm a kingpin and the spindle itself are all connected by metal to metal connections requiring lubrication at 16 points now look at Ford's new suspension a single husky forging with ball and sockets at each end sealed to keep out dust and corrosion these points are suspended on rubber bushings and need no lubrication in the whole system there are only four lubrication points fors new ball joint suspension system exclusive to Ford in its field is an integral part of the all-new 1954 Ford chassis it permits greater wheel travel so that the front wheels of the new 54 4 step right over the bumps this means a smoother more level ride with lasting new car handling ease actually you have to test drive the new 1954 for to be convinced do it tomorrow at your Ford dealers why let money go down the drain on a medium priced car this one with heater radio and automatic drive carries a suggested price of 386 dollars more than a Ford equipped the same way pocket your dividend buy a new for that your Ford dealers I'm Bob Maxwell sometimes automotive engineers can simplify a part of a car and accomplish extraordinary results here with a concrete example is mr. bill Burnett chief Ford car engineer of the Ford Motor Company engineering staff our new ball joint front wheel suspension is simplicity itself let me show you what I mean here you see the various parts to go to make up the conventional kingpin type of suspension and over here the advanced new ball joint suspension in most kingpin systems there are eight major moving parts but in ford's ball joint type there are only three simplification makes it a better suspension unit and here's why in the kingpin system the front wheel spindle swings on a complicated kingpin hinging here for steering and two additional pivot points here and here are needed to handle the up-and-down movement of the wheels over bumps in the ball joint suspension there is only the single husky spindle forging mounted at each end in these ball and socket joints this way one spindle unit takes care of both steering and up-and-down springing of the wheels our new suspension is a perfect example of modern simplified design no other car in ford's field offers you this modern ball joint suspension it makes a tremendous improvement in steering ease and riding comfort a difference you'll notice right away when you test drive the 1954 Ford the construction of a modern skyscraper is a miracle of engineering yet it would never get off the ground without the famous I be a steel girder designed for greater strength and rigidity the I design in Ford's new 115 horsepower I block six engine also means greater strength and rigidity because it adds more support to the crankshaft you get smoother quieter performance and longer engine life boards I block six is now available in every one of Ford's handsome new 1954 body styles 14 in all whether you choose the beautiful board son liner America's most popular convertible the distinguished new crest line four-door sedan or the mainline two-door sedan every 1954 Ford can be yours with either the new I block six or the new 130 horsepower y block v8 engine test drive these cars were the most modern engines in the industry the 1954 Fords I'm Bob max row and this is a live air hose which will be used to show you how Ford's brakes are designed with your safety in mind and here to demonstrate this safety feature is mr. ed Kaiser Ford brake engineer of the Ford Motor Company engineering staff as you probably know this is brake lining if sloppy road conditions soak this lining you may lose nearly all your braking power and find your car out of control now let's see what will happen if a stream of road splash hits Ford's brakes Bob if you'll spin the wheel will simulate a road condition notice the water is drenching the opening where the revolving brake drum meets the backing plate now Bob if you pull the wheel will see the brake lining is perfectly dry we've designed Ford's brakes to keep weather and dirt out Ford is the only car in its field that has this lip and groove double seal a seal up here and a seal down here and when the wheel turns the centrifugal force of the revolving brake drum works with the double seal to throw off any water that might splash up as you just saw safety is one of the many high standards Ford has set go to your Ford dealers test drive a beautiful 1954 Ford you'll see that in every way the 54 Ford is the standard for the American Road I'm Bob Maxwell generally we think of automotive engineers as men who designed something into an engine but here's mr. Paul Clayton from the Ford Motor Company engineering staff who has made it a career to design something out of an engine it's good riddance - we've been eliminating the biggest power waster of all the Fords engines internal friction now the greatest source of friction is the moving piston that rubs constantly against the cylinder wall well naturally the longer the piston stroke the more rubbing or friction there is so we've designed an engine with the shorter stroke the result is that we have reduced the power lost a fraction by a full forty percent let me show you how engine life is increased when one of our older v8 cars has traveled eighty five thousand miles but testin has traveled thirty thousand miles inside its cylinder for the same fist to travel which means the same where the 1954 Ford with Y block v8 engine will travel over one hundred thousand miles short stroke means longer engine life greater efficiency and economy thank you mr. Clayton this low friction design is exclusive to Ford in its field whichever engine you choose the all-new 130 horsepower y block v8 or the new 115 horsepower I block six low friction design will pay dividends in fighter performance better economy and longer engine life the big difference between Ford and the medium priced cars is price itself for example here's a medium priced 8 cylinder car with a heater radio and automatic transmission it's suggested list price is 386 dollars more than a new 54 Ford equipped the same way Ford gives you everything it has and for a lot less why not buy a new Ford with your three hundred and eighty six dollar dividend you could also have power steering power brakes power lift windows a four-way power adjustable seat and directional signals and you'll have money left over so come on in to your Ford dealers and take your pick Ford offers you your choice of v8 or six engine in any model you don't have to pay more than the price of a Ford for a truly fine car see your Ford dealer today test drive America's style leader the beautiful 1954 Ford test drive the car that leads its field in power Ford offers 130 horsepower high compression v8 performance the only v8 in Fords field for the best buy on your new car talk trade with your Ford dealer this year board the worth more car declares a dividend a dividend that makes it worth even more for 54 you get a dividend in styling with ford's clean handsome lines and new interior luxury a dividend in performance with either of ford's two new engines the 130 horsepower y block v8 or the 115 horsepower mileage maker six a dividend in economy with longer engine life and more miles per gallon of gas notice the new Astra dial control panel that makes instruments easier to read just one aboard many safety dividends in the 54 Ford you also get a dividend in road ability that comes from the new ball joint front suspension exclusive to Ford in it's filled with new stability on turns and new riding comfort on any row add to these the extra dividends Ford offers as worthwhile optional additions for de Matic Drive master guide power steering Swiftsure power brakes power list windows and 4-way power seats then you'll know why more than ever board for 1954 is the standard for the American Road
Channel: Aaron Maynard
Views: 260,660
Rating: 4.8584256 out of 5
Keywords: Ford Motor Company (Automobile Company), Automobile (TV Genre), Television Advertisement (Film Genre), Advertising (Interest)
Id: zFl_mS0xAJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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