1950's Morning Routine

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I only just realised what I’ve been missing my whole life...a bed jacket. I have a habit of wearing jumpers but only the sleeve part with the main part of the jumper bunched around my chest when I’m sitting up in bed when my arms get cold. How did this go out of fashion?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EricaTrinder 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] upon waking the first thing to do is throw back the bed covers allowing the bed to air out bed jackets were common in the 50s and were often worn to keep the upper half warm while sitting up in bed [Music] the curtains are opened and the window too letting the crisp fresh morning air flow into the bedroom [Music] before preparing breakfast freshening up in the bathroom is required the face is washed with a mild soap such as palm olive or pears [Music] some ladies prefer to shower or bathe in the morning and this can be done before breakfast [Music] and i think it goes without seeing but of course you need bubbles [Music] pairs transparent soap was introduced in 1807 and was another common item in the 1950s bathroom it was advertised as soap for the skin and complexion [Music] cold cream was used in the evening to remove makeup but in the morning on a fresh clean face moisturizer was used oil of ulan which later became known as olay introduced a pink beauty fluid in 1952 and was a staple on my grandma's vanity table after finishing in the bathroom it is time to prepare breakfast for the family [Music] while the kettle boils and the eggs cook preparing the husband's lunch is the next on the agenda my nan has always prepared the best sandwiches so i have a few sandwich secrets to pass along always make sure the sandwich isn't dry so use a good amount of butter mayo or relish put lots of fresh salad on and don't forget freshly sliced onion and homemade beetroot for extra juiciness [Music] and voila the most delicious sandwich you've ever tasted and all packaged up for the husband to take to work [Music] with breakfast almost ready it's time to collect the newspaper that was delivered earlier this morning [Music] the headlines on the paper for thursday february 7th 1952 state the new queen's flight from africa was delayed by a severe storm thus prolonging her royal duties following her father's death [Music] a simple yet satiating breakfast often included a variety of foods such as eggs bacon fruit coffee milk and juice [Music] [Music] do [Music] now with breakfast served the couple can enjoy each other's company over a cup of coffee a delicious breakfast and the morning paper [Music] with breakfast finished it's time to kiss the husband goodbye and now to clean up the dirty dishes left over from breakfast before getting dressed for the day if you have extra time it's always nice to sit down and do the crosswords from the morning paper this is something james's grandma has done her whole life and it's a great little activity to work your brain each day before getting dressed you should always make sure your clothes are fresh and ironed [Music] now make sure to neatly make the bed [Music] a great way to start off your day after breakfast is changing into something comfortable to do your morning exercises with jack lalanne on tv we take one step at a time one step two step three steps four step and before we know it we're right up there we wanna be [Music] and now it's finally time to change into your outfit for the day and do your hair and makeup too [Music] do [Music] thanks for watching see you next sunday have you seen the storm delaney [Music]
Channel: Sage Lilleyman
Views: 1,303,642
Rating: 4.9253645 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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