1950 Hoffman Easy Vision Resurrection 14 inch tabletop TV

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early 1950s Hofmann easy vision black-and-white television we're gonna do a resurrection here we're going to try and bring this back to life this was featured in a previous video where I went over a bunch of sets and somebody wants to adopt it and it's it's gonna need some work that's four shirts as is in poor condition but I think there's enough of it here to bring it back to life it's got the green glass what we're gonna try and do first is identify a model number or an exact year or something so I can try and locate the schematic on it that'll probably take longer than the actual resurrection to locate the service data because it's rather rusty Oh even got some rat feces there it looks like maybe not should we be so lucky we tested the CRT in a previous video it's marginal it'll probably produce a picture with a brightner looks like we got this let's see channelized channelized dial it's a solid brass so this probably went right here Wow Katy TV channel 11 that still is today that's Fox I don't know if 13 is KLA see wonder where the rest of this is I wonder where this went if this went I wonder what I don't see the beauty plate for that here's one knob what do we have here August 17 1950 that's a good start and then we have 170 here so we got one knob most likely this was retired because the CRT was very weak it's another knob right down in here lots of vacuum bulbs missing here's one under there that's just laying there vertical size vertical any arity vertical hold brightness horizontal hold horizontal drive focus with six can't read that the model number would have been stamped on the back like this the model number would and it could be a model 170 I don't know but 1950 is a solid lead all we have to do is go through the SAMS for one year oh crap the fuse is missing the fuse is missing for the horizontal deflection we have our capacitor there doorknob capacitor that's what they call those it's been sitting abandoned for a lot of years he's got a lot of hours on it encrusted with dead spiders perma test-tube it's got the Hitachi logo on it lots of missing bulbs we got two missing here I guess this is the sound de mod right here we got two missing here two missing here here here here we've got one missing right there and one missing out of the tuner let's take a look underneath I keep in mind I'm just doing a resurrection of this set I'm just trying to bring it back to life so we could see a play the person who's adopting it is going to do a full restoration so I'm not I'm gonna do as minimum as I can not to molest it and take away their fun and boy this this is a black beauty's matter set to the max and look at that choke looks like it got hot that's like that's like for the filament I think that's for the filament supply and that choke is baked look at this capacitor it looks like it's leaking and so is this one look at there's like tar leaking out of these and I haven't even powered it up yet well the nuts broken on that thing I like the if' transformers that's sophisticated look at this operation right here I think that's stock lovely can dome resistors these always go open sandé gamo that looks like a replacement look at that crappy solder on there these tuners are great boy but yeah black beauties matter to the max black beauties and sand resistors there's one two three four there's a big power transformer I don't know why Hoffman used such massive power transformer so it's like a 400 watt transformer look at this right here here's a white black beauty it's that yellow purple orange so Oh point zero four seven I was blue 600 volts point zero four seven at 600 volts red red orange point zero two two yellow purple red is point zero four seven you kind of read them just like resistors I don't know you get to the point where you just look at them and know what they are yeah look at that transformer that's seriously like a three to 400 watt transformer every time I do one of these videos on a Hoffman I get I always get three or four messages from the tube amp guys the guitar amp guys that want these transformers out of these sets like I said it's all there but it's gonna really need a little help like the bowtie antenna on the top so we got another thing here 650 table model courses like this black stuff on it 14 inch all right so we go to the front of our index and 1950 folders 81 through 118 most of which I don't have going back that far so let's just take a look here someone wrote next to the date 170 here there is a model 170 in Sam's 157 now 150 would be in 1951 but maybe Sam's caught up to it late I have it in writers volume 6 I want one of these TVs a gamble skog mo yes our family only buys gamble skog mo fine televisions well here it is chassis 160 I mean 170 there you go for your gamble skog mo so it's a 14-inch to 200 watt 3 watts audio out this is what we're interested in the start so here's something kind of interesting so these are the tubes so of course the 6k 6 and 6s n7 are missing 6 al 5 is missing 6 aus 6 is missing here's something interesting the tuner shows 2 6j sixes this one here is missing now somebody wrote in pencil 6 a g5 on the side of it this is a 12 B h7 and this is a gamble skog mo this is a 6 au 6 wonder what goes right there 12 b h7 goes right there all right we could pull some of the bulbs off of this I have as a six ale five I have yet to throw these away yet the pins on the tubes that were laying in there have a lot of that green corrosion crap on them and I'm sanding them clean but I don't like to do this because once they get that green stuff it it breaches the seal and then the tubes leak and get gassy when they heat up but for for a resurrection I'm gonna just clean them up hopefully they're good enough just get us a picture for a minute I got all the tubes populated the only one I had to dig out of my stash was this one which is the video output this is a six bz6 boi zebra and the one that should have been in here is supposed to be a six cb6 citizens band this is a legitimate replacement in the tube substitution book there's a little side step to this video I figured I would dig this out I did a video on this previously this is a subcarrier receiver and it was picking up at the time it was picking up Chinese broadcasts off an FM Latin station and I just wondered with all this kind of anti-chinese sentiment becoming universal if it would be off the air so I pulled this out and sure enough Radio golden vintage is now radio static vintage your coronavirus radio station headquarters this is a raw land 14 B p4 so this has been replaced before just as a little disclaimer this is a resurrection this is not a restoration this is not the appropriate way this is not the complete way to restore an old TV this is the hack way to make an old TV work just for the sake of making it work so don't take this as a restore the person that's going to be adopting this will be doing a full restore on it and I don't I don't know if he'll be stripping it down and I don't know what you could do if sandblast the chassis and powder coat it some of these are cadmium these chassis czar cadmium plated that's why I use gloves you know with a lot of this stuff not only to keep my hands clean but because there's lead and cadmium and dirt and dust and rat feces and all kinds of stuff and plus they just did a sexy these are sexy today these are the in thing these in a mask and n95 mask oh man I'm surprised YouTube doesn't promote the video for having gloves in it this is a kovat 19 apparel right here this fuse is missing and this fuse is missing and I have a feeling that they were removed to be used somewhere else oh the fuse blew I'll just go steal one out of that old TV outside rather than there being a problem so I need to get to fie and we'll probably do a light bulb here [Music] okay kids don't try this at home we have dangerous 110 volt wiring sticking out here here's what we're gonna do I put a 1 amp in there I put a 5 amp in there I don't really care because I'm using a light bulb there's current limiting and I'm going to bring this up on a very AK I'm going to pull both of those fuses before I give it to the new owner so here we go still nothing oh there it barely is lighting up and I'm at Wow 90 volts here I'm at four hundred and twenty volts and it's just starting to light up about 1 amp that seems kind of low the bulbs are getting hot it looks like some of them are getting hot I can't tell who the five-year Ford does not look like it's getting hot huh only some of these are getting hot now I remember we saw that burnt coil on the bottom so the five you four is getting hot it's it's it's lit up and it's hot to the touch it looks like the tuner tubes are getting warm or glowing the dampers glowing but the damper usually has its own separate filament winding so they can float the cathode up to a few hundred volts but nothing over here this whole area looks dark well maybe that's warm this is the coil I was talking about looked kind of baked and that is in the filament circuit and that I believe that's the filament power between this tube and this strip up here which is the audio I see from there it comes to here and then to right right here and then from there where does it go from there and there it goes over well this looks like this looks like one because this is the that Brown right there is a CRT filament lead so where does this go this goes over to here and the filaments aren't just all tied together in parallel it's a more complex circuit than that so let me look at this and see if I can make sense out of what's going on there so for instance this tube here basically brown and orange or the filament and one side of the filament is tied over follow the orange wires tied over here to the candle resistor on the other side of it if you follow it is tied to the filter capacitor and then the other side of it is tied right here to the other side of the filament lead on the transformer so they're floating the filaments on this tube up at a hundred volts or so that way it's less likely for the cathode to arc to the filament when there's a huge differential in the voltage between the filament and the cathode so on some of these tubes and I'm measuring it I've got 0.3 ohm let's see if we get any voltage there when we give us some power here we'll bring it up on the variac and yes it looks like we are getting voltage there 60 volts we're getting to point 7 okay so that tube should be getting hot now I need to figure out where all of these are referenced to also I need to follow all right these one side is tied to here and the other side of the solder to the chassis so these tubes are all just reference to ground and we're measuring basically a dead short point 1 ohm so let's again go to AC volts and bring it up here on the very AK and we turn the switch on yeah voltage here so why am I not seeing these filaments well with this all the way up at 128 volts I'm getting because of the drop in the light bulb getting five point three one volts so I guess that's maybe that's the problem I'm just a volt low and I'm kind of being hypercritical here and the filaments are glowing I just can't see them out here because they all got voltage I just double checked I'm kind of just looking at some voltages here just 166 there we got a hundred and forty there we have 115 there so I don't think there's anything open this guy is getting warm so it's not open this guy is sort of maybe warm let's check and see what we got on both sides of it if they're getting warm there they're not totally open so we got 264 volts on one side and on the other side we got 327 so that one's probably not open let's see this here that 204 volts there and we got two and on 15 there so that's probably not open right here we got 163 another thing these gloves do is they will keep you from getting shocked you know you can touch a couple hundred volts and it won't get through these they're not electrical rated but they're there they do the job so looks like we got all of our B pluses let's take another look to take a look at this filter capacitor here we have 235 volts there DC let's take a look at our ace yeah three point two volts it's not probably not good and it's not bad let's see here we got two and on fifteen volts see what we got AC point eight they're filtering they're definitely not open so we got here ninety five volts ninety five volts see we got AC almost nothing so that looks ok let's see on this one we got no no AC 80 volts DC so they're filtering they're not open that's not a very good check but it's a it's a very crude test I actually dare say we're generating a little high voltage here go up all the way there light bulbs taken up probably fifty volts of the AC line so yeah that's impressive yeah that's not enough to actually heat the filament and produce an e DC assuming this tube is good but that's that's a start I went up to a 500 watt lamp there so let's see what happens here oh wow look at that well that's kind of cool 9 kilovolts it's not a lot but it's pretty good we could go up see if I adjust this of that well I went up just a little bit and that light bulb got a lot brighter let me back it off or something [Applause] let's probably those black beauties starting to short underneath wow we got an actual it's not very bright it's dim but we have a line on the CRT that's impressive okay so of course the verticals not working so that 12 b h7 that was laying in there is the vertical oscillator and output so this one here is a vertical output I sprayed some cleaner in that socket and examining that socket it looks like some of the female pins are pushed way down in there I mean I doubt the tube is bad it could be we could test it okay this socket is bad I just took and pushed all the pins down in the socket with a pair of pliers so that socket needs to be changed the vertical output tube socket so let's see if it works any different now same thing and I only see half of that tube glowing and barely even that here's the 12 B h7 and it's it's ok it should work it's not it's not dead both sections are there and there's no leakage so I am looking at this tube and I can clearly see both heaters in there and only one of them is getting hot I know you can't see it in the camera the one on the left is getting hot the one on the right is not getting hot both of those things were lighting up in the tube tester okay I got both of them lighting up now what I did is I took and I use the pliers that tube socket is bad that tube socket is very very bad and there we go we have vertical deflection now not very good but we have vertical deflection so we got a restorable set here okay all of these are frozen and I tried and I'm not going to ruin them take and polish these Oh chunks polish these off a little bit four three and four know if that's tuner cleaner I'm like 1955 and Sui is three and four here I'm not even going to try and get this the pickup channel six so I could so serviceable this stuff from the 50s is just so easy to work on this is like the pinnacle of serviceable television 60s I mean the 50s it just got more complex and tough to work on from here okay I got a speaker on there now let's see if we hear anything also these are I tried and these are all froze and and I'm not gonna break them I'm not going to try and force them break them loose because the gentlemen restoring this has the option to take them apart and fix them I don't want to screw them up so if I twist them and they're frozen inside it might just destroy them permanently will you where you could disassemble them and clean them properly see if we get anything from the speaker [Applause] what happened to our vertical that damn tube yeah that tube socket is a big we're not getting anything here through the tuner crackle pony Master play there we go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well it sounds like it's working but I'm starting to wonder about this RF amp tube because it's 6 it says 6 AG 5 here and the schematic I had said 6 J 5 but it's it's like it's working but the RF amp is bad because yeah it's hard to tell and you know this beauty it's hard to tell and I could swear when I grabbed this I hear channel 6 [Applause] it's like nothing's getting through the RF amp [Music] that's channel 6 but this tube is not working if so what is a six a g5 useful at frequencies up to 400 mega cycles well it's a 7 pin tube well the 6j six I had in there is quite different so as the ice cream truck and essential business I mean under shelter and place the ice cream ice cream truck rolling and that like if people don't get it man it's gonna people just don't get it they're not they were taking it seriously for a couple days but now they're just like oh well whatever okay well let's just watch it roll out then it's it's gonna be China virus to the max la is gonna be just like New York I don't know if you can hear the ice cream truck in the background I could crank the gain up here [Music] [Applause] okay there's the mic gain all the way up yep taking that taking that transmission real serious people run up there and rub your hands all over that roach wagon might as well just lick the tray also so I take a look at this Hoffman here remember this is the one with the beautiful last bestest sheet on the top that we resurrected the homeless pissing post and it uses a 6e g5 in that slot on the tuner so I'm gonna pull that 6e g5 and we'll put it in this set yes that makes a difference tuning in [Music] [Laughter] it's tuning the FM band so this is does need a six a g5 here so if this is in the FM band right now I should be able to go in here oh yeah gotta give our little baby mid-november birthday [Music] [Laughter] well it definitely makes a good FM radio if nothing else [Laughter] ah [Applause] okay so there's kjazz so channel six is right below that that's Channel six [Laughter] not getting any video through strength questions okay we got a picture here and all when this gets dark out here we'll take a look at this but what I had to do because all of these pots on the back are so frozen what I did is I just cut one of the wires off the vertical hold and clip lead at another pot in there so I could adjust the vertical hold to get it to lock so I got a picture all of the issues that you're gonna see here are due to bad capacitors and a lot of those black beauties under there actually getting warm to the touch they're so leaky so I don't want to run it a lot I don't want to molest it too bad I'm gonna let I don't want to give the guy that's adopting at something that's so molested so I'm just doing the absolute minimum to get it to work which is this and that's it we have it hooked to the converter box and rabbit ear antennas the attorneys for the lung cancer Law Center has decades of experience and appear to determine if and when there you can see both filaments burning and the reason why one filament would go out is because that's a 12-volt tube with a sinner tap so they have the two filaments in parallel so all this deflection issue is caused by bad capacitors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay also I'm running the voltage a little low because if I turn it up anymore the thing starts to wig out it's just all bad capacitors it's all those leaky black beauties [Music] [Applause] [Music] see there it goes wigging out so if I turn the voltage down here it just needs capacitors this my youngest girl have a great man it's amazing how how rock-solid the vertical is though the vertical is rock-solid in this as far as rolling after I change those pots or change that part this is a good restoration candidate it will produce a decent picture in a dim room even the the face doesn't even look that bad as far as being all like bloomed out all cloudy it's not that bad so yeah this is a good restoration candidate [Music] I'm gonna pull those fuses out I'm gonna pull my two tubes out you can have the rest [Music] I'm gonna stop I must start turning the voltage down Jesus you know it kind of goes dark there anyway that's partial resurrection of a 1950 Hofmann television set thing device there is real potential here real potential
Channel: shango066
Views: 55,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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