1948 Crosley 12 Inch TV FM Radio Resurrection

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1948 crosley 12-inch black and white television assessment and possible resurrection it's not 7-inch it's not 10-inch but it's a massive inch screen so the tuning is very interesting on this uh belongs to a friend of mine he does not want it restored interesting we got a crack right here so we got focus on the front phono fm telltale whatever that means so we got uh so phono fm tell and tell i guess maybe that's two different bands on the okay seven one to six and then seven to thirteen okay he does not want it restored he wants to know the condition of the guts for possible future restoration and probably what's going to happen with it in the short term is the chassis is going to come out be put into storage and like a more modern 12-inch color set will go into this for display purposes and he needs something that's going to be reliable and energy efficient and compatible with whatever condition of the case is whatever maybe i'll make that the the word of the day whatever this tv is just like whatever you know actually looks like it's maybe someone stained it later in life i can't i can't believe the cross even the this is a little bit too sloppy for even the modern chinese rip off of that logo yeah it's really kind of crappy maybe someone stained this so with an assessment we want to just sort of spend some time boring time looking at everything a good visual inspection the first thing that pops out to me here is we have a missing fuse fuse holder missing vacuum bulb another missing vacuum bulb right there that's obviously the if strip i see one vacuum bulb down here nice size speaker and yeah that probably is a 12 lp 4. there's your date right there may 28 1948. i would venture to guess this has a lot of hours on it look at the brass brass screen crosley a division of avco manufacturing model 9-407 fm 175 watts television 285 watts i was going to say this looks like about a 400 watt transformer but this this sucker is bigger than a 1960s color set and 12 jp4 it looks like we got another five missing five u4 right there so that's always concerning what is that looks very well made i'm digging on this ion magnet here that's pretty classy do we have any vacuum bulbs inside here we do several of them okay so the first thing we want to do is test the 12 jp4 i wonder what the difference between lp4 and jp4 is i'm sure someone watching knows maybe one is uh electronic focus and the other one's magnetic this is obviously magnetic it doesn't have the pin over here and it has the this big magnet assembly on it this is uh definitely the kind of set you go to bob anderson university to learn how to restore properly you're just going to get a crash course resurrection possibly here you go over to bob anderson's channel if you want to restore something like this and you spend i don't know 40 to 80 hours watching his full multi-step multi-segment restoration projects and you'll have a good idea on how to do this right the proper way to fully restore this so it's reliable changing lots and lots of capacitors lots of resistors full alignment probably replacing some of the micas inside these cans if they these have those see i picked this up from a flea market last weekend and it's another beltron and it's in bad shape but it has some interesting stuff that people have asked for before this seems like a little bit more modern one than mine it has a lot of sockets this one has a whole slew of other sockets that come with it mine the one i've been using see this is the this is the setup for this set we're working on right here mine mine am i allowed to say mine anymore are we allowed to have like singular ownership of anything or is everything ours everything is shared you will have nothing and you will be happy and i was just reading that youtube sounds like maybe we have another nissan in the neighborhood um just reading the youtube changed the terms of service in the day or so ago and no speech no discussion on the topic that is not personally approved by dr felchi will be allowed your video will be banned and you will be blacklisted okay what am i doing i'm getting sidetracked here so yeah this this one has all of this other connector stuff so that's why i bought this it wasn't that expensive it was like 50 bucks and i haven't even read how to use it like this right here this is something totally different that i'm not used to also people had asked about this is going to be a long run on video people had asked about the schematic of how this thing worked and somebody oh here we go here's instructions somebody had figured it out but yeah this this is basically the beltron right this is their patented system so what do we have we have a resistor here we have looks like a doubler circuit two diodes two capacitors then we got two light bulbs that's the connector so all this thing is the way this thing restores crts is it just doubles the line voltage and then runs it through a couple light bulbs the current limit in fact i believe this is like the full description and how this schematics and everything so there you go you want to know how it works there's your schematics maintenance aids so yeah nothing nothing magical about the beltron get yourself a couple light bulbs a couple diodes and a couple capacitors and you you too can have one of these oh look at this look at this a brand new light bulb made in usa okay i'm getting sidetracked let's do this okay so the first thing we will do is we'll turn this all the way down that's the heater voltage and i don't know about this one but on mine green is the same as black and white now this has a different switch test black and white in color i have no idea what that's for maybe i should read the directions before i make myself look like an idiot but hey here we go now we will apply electrons and we will ejaculate this until we get about six volts and i will look and tell you if the thing is glowing or not yes it is starting to glow and it looks like we have electrons being conducted so that's a good thing now not being used to this tester i don't know it's good or bad on the one i've been using let's try and do that right right on the one i've been using it would be all the way up if it was a strong crt it would be between point eight and one but getting used to your equipment is kind of a big big part of uh having an accurate accurate test results so what i might have to do is i might have to grab mine and we can just kind of compare i might do that so we're basically at like 0.5 mid scale okay so here's the one y'all are used to looking at and yeah it's uh definitely nice to live in the land of plenty i gotta say you know i just continuously find all of this cool stuff it's readily available i see people in the comments constantly saying i wish i could find that or i wish i could find this where i wish i could find a roundy where i live or i wish i could find this where i live and i guess los angeles is kind of still got a lot of this stuff around but i'll tell you as the walls come closing in with on the freedom tip this place like russia sure is looking more attractive they got cool old electronics there i think i'm just too damn old to learn a new language but okay i feel like i'm almost being regulated right out of this damn place so we're getting about the same results so that's good so let's try and resurrect assuming the power transformer is good the flyback is good the yoke is good and a vertical output transformer i don't know what other critical components we got here but uh definitely definitely think we're uh on the path to the nightly news maybe i'll try and skip the nightly news maybe i could try one of those like me tv things and see if i get a copyright id you know you really have to question things when some dumbass politician i'm counting like 30 tubes in this set that is just insane let's see what do we have here six a g5 i wonder if that's one of these that's missing okay according to the chart this is supposed to be a 6a g5 right here this is supposed to be 6a l5 which is one of these it's just a dual diode little peanut tube this is supposed to be 5u4 um i'm going to get this up on its side and we'll have a look underneath this thing is just layers of tubes look at all of them right here all i can say is wow look at this thing look at the relay that's the first to see a relay like that in a non-remote set sealed tight this is a recapper's dream right here it's all laid out beautifully look at these can dome resistors look at these these massive tandem resistors and it looks like this one may have gone open and it was replaced with this one that capacitor there looks like it's coming apart look at the focus pot a big wire wound pot it's kind of concerning that a rectifier is missing and the fuse is missing vertical position switch this is some serious this would be some serious work to fully restore this but the neat thing is is besides this i don't see any r kelly going on in here this is all real virginy goodness i like how they even have the resistors are laid out with the colors the stripes and they're not flipped over it's very very clean same thing here same thing here is this factory did they really build it like this by paralleling 210ks to get 5k and paralleling 200ks to get 500k did they really do that [Music] looks like we got 100k bleedoff capaci resistors here notice well now they are flipped okay someone whoever built this really took pride in their work well it was probably a whole series of people that built it anyway maybe i should stop talking and make something happen here i just love looking at this because it it first glance it looks like chaos but if you look a little bit deeper you'll see that you know let's take the capacitor wizard to it that sounds like a good idea this thing has several electrolytic hands okay so that that's shorting the leads together so all these big cans should read up in the green now this is not this is more for entertainment because these capacitors are you know bad okay that that well hold on let me get a good ground here and that one's okay that one's okay probably shorted uh that if that's a capacitor it's totally open that one is totally open okay i'm gonna check the two with the 100k resistors across them really that's totally open that's totally open that's totally open totally like you know like yeah like totally like britney spears like that's open that's showing something boy they either show in the green or they show absolutely nothing there's no in between okay digging into this a little deeper these two are completely dead this one here is completely dead this one here that section is that that section is that that's this one this one here both sections are totally dead this one here has some marginal sections 10 ohms the section this section 7 ohms this section is 4 ohms this section is five ohms these two over here let me see these are not connected but one of this one's good this this one's good this one's bad now what that's covering is no esr no capacitance they're dried out that doesn't necessarily mean they won't short or you know when i when i apply 400 volts to them they they won't start to reform and then short and get hot and vent maybe reforming them the capacitance will go up maybe they're like dead dead lead acid batteries when a lead acid battery goes completely totally dead the resistance goes way up and then as you charge it the resistance and will start to come down and the current draw will go up i'm talking about totally dead i have a 60 watt light bulb here limiting the current i don't want anything to blow up in this thing i don't want to have these capacitors vent or anything like that so i'm not plugged in i got both well one of this 5 u4 is missing so i grab my solid state 5v4 i pulled the other 5u4 out let's take a look at this this actually looks pretty good it's not all melted inside the getter looks pretty good that's an old that's an old 5u4 right there real reliatron westinghouse reliatron um so i have the meter connected across here we've got 120 volts no load i'm gonna plug this in [Music] and light bulb come on full brightness here we go so as the filaments in the tv warm up the resistance increases and the current consumption drops it's pretty impressive that it's got uh i think i'm gonna need to go up to a bigger light bulb okay i grabbed a 200 and a 500 now we're up to 43 volts here i will be curious to see if those capacitors if they reform if we're able to reform them um if we're able to reform them will they actually show conductance again or capacitance not conduct what the hell is conductance anyway 200 watt bulb 109 volts our tubes are glowing this is an interesting tube right here so [Music] do i do it let's see what happens here this is now now i'm i'm not that worried about it because i'm limited here [Music] okay so that did nothing i wonder if this is a doubler circuit where it needs both of these tubes i'm going to do this one okay same thing that did nothing so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this one in and it got a little bit brighter there because the filament and i'm going to put this one in nothing no change at all that's kind of curious let's do this oh i have the fuse bypassed and i'm not worried about that because i'm using a light bulb as a current limiter this is just a 6a l5 is is just a detector i'm not worried but this is interesting we have no like no b plus at all that's curious i wonder if the secondary the transformer is open when i plug this in i would expect all these tubes to start drawing current off the b plus and this this to get brighter but there's no change at all i mean no change it's 104.8 [Music] and i plug it in it's the same thing does not change so this is interesting we have 373 volts dc here can i point some more will that make it work okay when i unplug this tube it goes down to 240. so that's interesting they they probably have them in some type of voltage doubler or some configuration i don't have the schematic on this i don't know if sam's covered it and my sams are only solid back to about 100 i might have the riders on this but it's interesting that there's no current draw it's like there's something is there like a is there something in here where if you unplug this it disconnects the b plus measuring the ac here we have 25 volts ac now that's with no load and it's also before the choke so yeah we have open filters it shouldn't be that high okay do i dare now that does make a difference when i push that down um so does this relay have to engage to turn the b plus onto the set i've never seen a relay like this in a set so something new to me and that electrolytic back there this one down here is open according the capacitor wizard and it is it is connected to these two pins on the relay i have no idea what that capacitor does i think it's a filter i would think it's a filter but there are no diodes in this era this is like pre-silicon rectifier so i notice when i have this on fm selector on fm and i push the relay down it only gets that much brighter if i put it on tv and push it down it gets much brighter oh spark-tastic i guess when you watch a video on especially youtube such an authoritative site you would expect it the person making the video to be knowledgeable about what they're working on well i gotta be honest in this one i'm not and my my focus has always usually been like 60s and 70s and 80 sets and i know those really well this this historic dinosaur stuff is not my cup of tea um so i can't wait for all the comments that say send it to blah blah blah blah yeah yeah just send somebody somebody else's property to so and so at an expense of about a thousand dollars shipping anyway maybe that relay maybe the point of that is it waits until the tubes warm up and then it kicks in and energizes the b plus i don't know and i don't have a problem admitting i don't know and maybe i should take the time to try and find a schematic on this also maybe what we could do is see if we could get some fm radio i took the speaker out of the cabinet and i got it on fm right now so [Music] that is about what i would expect [Music] that is about what i would expect and what i'm going to do is i'm going to wedge something under that relay to force it to stay on isn't that the appropriate way to fix it [Music] [Music] let me shoot some in this thing these pots are dry and crusty maybe in there [Music] it's interesting the audio amp is hot audio amp is hot so what we should have is we should have i think this is probably the vertical output transformer we should have as we should have [Laughter] a choke or comes out of the rectifiers into a capacitor into a choke into another capacitor let's see let's see [Music] what we got here let's see what we got here 193 volts 162 volts [Music] this is the one that measured some capacitance 143 volts this is dc i'm doing 114 volts if i could keep the camera on the target in this video okay i'm going to go to ac see what we got ac here we have 14.58 volts ac 14.41 volts ac we should have no ac uh this is a capacitor that measured good we have 0.2 volts [Music] and 0.1 volt so this capacitor is working this one we have a whole bunch of ac here um let's check this capacitor here we have zero zero this capacitor might not be active right now this might be for the tv zero what do we got here zero zero so this is not even in the picture what do we got here wow 147 volts ac on this one now these two were completely open these might be they're not in parallel are they see we got the ground on this one connected to the positive on this one so this is like a doubler circuit here so we got [Music] 147 volts ac here 200 i don't want to burn that speaker up [Music] [Applause] just driving like three watts of a hundred percent duty cycle 60 hertz into it 281 volts dc 147 volts ac let's see let me do this let me measure because these capacitors are isolated from the chassis let me measure directly across the capacitor so on this one we have 28 volts ac 56 volts dc on this one we have 230 volts dc 119 volts ac so like we tested these guys are just wide open those are pretty high uh those are pretty high voltage capacitors i don't know what those are 500 uh volt and so i'm listening and i hear the vertical vertical output running and even with all these bad capacitors and i know it's the vertical output because when i adjust the vertical hold i can hear it change let me see if i can put this camera up against there and i'll adjust the vertical hold slowing it down speeding it up the vertical output's working and it doesn't matter where i put the selector switch a vertical keeps running i have a couple 100 microfarad at 450 volt caps here so ground goes to ground or our negative goes to negative uh let's see what we got here we got 118 volts ac and 230 volts dc now i expect the dc to go up in the ac to go down and we'll probably get a big spark when we do this well well the dc is going up slowly let's see what the ac did the ac went to 0.7 i'm going to disconnect it 120. yeah it makes a big difference i'm going to bridge this one down here that one down there okay this largely brought our ac across this capacitor uh down to to an acceptable up except acceptable level uh we got uh 2.6 volts ac not not bad not bad but we lost our audio seems like we lost our audio i don't know what happened all the hum and everything can really hear that vertical transformer right now yeah it got extremely quiet so sam's did actually cover it 9407. it's in folder 666. boy they sure got that right all right ryder's volume two no more screwing around let's dip into the realm of the silverfish uh it is in here here it is crosley 9-407 welcome to the age of flavor and here is the massive schematic and i notice they call it a picture tube which is good that actually works because now crt stands for critical race theory so we will no longer be using the acronym crt for this channel these will be referred to as picture tubes or picture bulbs or vacuum filled picture transistor bulbs or something of that variation so here we go so here's our two rectifiers let's see what they do they just got them paralleled here really yeah they're just parallel and here's our relay here's that capacitor that's open so maybe that's why the relay does not engage so we got a 6al5 in fact that's probably the six so that's a rectifier interesting remember i said no more rectifiers that um no silicon rectifier so that's probably the 6al5 that's open so yeah it looks like the whole point of this is that relay does not engage until that 6l5 warms up which would be about the same time all the other tubes warm up so that's a time delay so then we come up here to our doubler these are those stacked capacitors with 100k um that we probably want to make sure that that one is good here's our choke here's our other electrolytics reactance tube interesting overly complicated a correction on the power supply this is not a doubler circuit at all these are simply two 5u4 rectifier tubes in parallel to increase the current handling capacity and for the filter capacitor they are 280 at 350 volt in series to increase the voltage handling capacity of the capacitors and then over here we have our 440 at 450. so this is equals 40 microfarad 700 volts and this is 40 microfarads 450 volts so maybe at the time they didn't have high enough voltage rated capacitors so they had to put them in series but yeah no doubler uh i i was look just glancing at this thinking it was a doubler but actually what this is is this is a floating ground and this is a 500 at 25 volt this is to get your negative negative bias voltage for the audio output tube so that's exactly what it is delay relay and tube the other tube that's missing is a 6al5 sync discriminator we don't care about that i'm trying to get the fm radio to work right now i'm going to start i just took a picture of that paper schematic so i don't have to deal with that massive thing here and this will help us isolate it down into sections so what i did is i just took a picture of the audio section 6v6 6sj7 and if we come over here we have our phono input and then our switch which is on the front here so i'm going to put that on phono i'm going to turn this on we're just going to check some voltages but what i'm going to do is i'm going to feed my phone into the phono input here and the track i will be playing is something that i recorded a live little jazz trio i recorded back in the 90s to hi-fi vhs so this should not be in the copyright database it should not be offensive um first thing i want to do is make sure there's no voltage leaky capacitors putting a thousand volts back into the phone boy we got barely any gain wiggle these tubes around and see if okay i wiggled the tubes around and no change um so let's do some voltage checks here see if we cremated the speaker so we'll do pin three there's no voltages listed here but we can make it up we should have about say 250 on three 250 on four zero one five and on eight which is a cathode it should be ground so that's pretty simple so on pin three we got 280 which is the plate that seems about right let's go to pin four if i could get to pin four 279 that seems about right and then pin five we should have zero or else we might have a leaky capacitator right here so let's see one one two three four well there is no pin in five am i one two three four five right here 279 volts okay something's wrong here standby so that is accurate we have 265 volts on the control grid how is that possible so we go through a capacitor then we come over here to the plate which is fed by 100k so here's that capacitor right here and then that comes over to right here which is fed by a hundred k we got 200 volts here we've got 289 volts there and then it comes down through 100k to negative 12 volts so let's see here's that 100k so we have negative 9 volts here how the hell do we have 280 volts on the grid of this tube how is that tube not like red plating and burning the audio output transformer up and everything else how's that possible because we only have 200 volts here even if this capacitor was shorted we wouldn't have any more than 200 volts there so it's got to be coming through the tube let me yank that tube out while i pull the tube out the voltage stays at 291 am i like being oh my on the jason jj cruz bus right now what what what is going on here how is this possible power audio amp okay what what am i okay this also comes up and goes over here i have the speaker plugged into the wrong place oh what the you know i think i did i think i had the speak yeah i have to speak [Music] yeah this is this is an incredibly dumb design okay this is back this was built back in the time when people were not idiots like me jeez i plugged the tube back in and now we get nothing so did i blow the tube apart internally crap yeah i believe i executed that tube i believe i executed that tube because it's come up but there's no gain the voltages look good now [Music] this is what i did to that tube see the smoke okay let's see what we got here maybe we could blow this apart groove tubes silmar california gt 6550 and then here we have a a russian 6p5c now i believe these are both that is a 6v6 now i kind of believe six v6 6k6 6l6 and these are all interchangeable so let's try that one first i'm going to double check and make sure i still have a negative voltage on my cathode not cathode my control grid and yeah we have negative eight volts here and since the cathode is grounded we need the grid to be negative of the cathode which it is so let's go with this guy here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] okay now i'll tell you what we're gonna do or i'm gonna do i'm gonna take a paint marker and mark this so this doesn't happen again because i blew this tube apart i ruined this tube it was good oops okay it will not happen again i promise so now we have negative 10 volts there now that that tube is conducting so it does not appear that this capacitor is leaky because we have our 200 here on the plate or 150 uh that went down a little bit didn't it so we should have [Music] see what we have on number six here okay so on number six we have a one meg feeding and then we have a capacitor here we might have a leaky capacitor here because we have 204 and then over here we have 55. we could pull that tube out and see it should go up if the capacitor is leaky it'll pull that voltage down but [Music] you know i think we have enough gain here right now actually [Music] back to fm and see if we get something i hear some static all right so i'm going to start tracing my way back through the sound i f here so the sound iaf is this is the detector tube 6a l5 second sound i have first sound i have so so let's see here so we got a 27k resistor and then it feeds in basically to the switch where the phono was feeding the phone into so i got it on radio so i think this is is it 2.7 k or 27k it looks like that says 27k okay so obviously we've got obviously we've got activity back to the detector tube i'm just going to keep working my way back and see what i find so let's go to this and let's check the voltage is that pin five we should have uh 300 volts through a 1k through the transformer is that 1k it says 1k one half watt oh there's a 1k let's see is this our 300 volts well it's 200 i think it should be a little higher no am i not on the right thing what's this here zero okay let me get my bearings here okay yeah this is a wire coming in that should be 300 volts we're only getting 200 there um so on this side we have 199 we're looking for an open resistor or something this side we have 193 so we only got one volt drop across this one 203 199 do we have a bad tube here that's not conducting uh let's see we should check this pin here make sure we got voltage there comes up 47k 2 watt i guess that would be this guy we have 31 volts there that's kind of interesting it looks like it comes through here and it sounds like there's activity here i don't even know what what if frequency this thing is using because it there's so little information here so then from there it goes back to the video from there it comes back to this first video tube uh six ag5 and we have voltage we have voltage here so b plus being 100 volts low uh keep in mind we're still going through the light bulb over here as protection we still got our protection there because i do have the fuse bypassed um yeah being 100 volts low that's not going to shut it up completely it would it would knock it down but it's not going to make it dead silent the way it is so what's going on here it seems like we have activity all the way back to the tuner okay kept rotating this now i got hiss from the speaker [Applause] seems like there's that almost activity there now [Applause] is it just way off frequency or what sure does sound like we have activity through the tune we got a lot of hum though you don't really hear it but there's a lot of hum there [Applause] we're definitely getting activity through this that's oh no i'm sorry the detector for that is down here this is the audio right here well you made it worse i just want to listen to npr damn it that's working that's working that's working well that one's hot yeah weird is this like a screw type tuner maybe i'm way off frequency how does this thing work me stupid there's k jazz [Applause] what la's new alternative [Applause] [Applause] okay what flaketastic what happened here does the speaker go open hello anybody home i think we got a problem here [Applause] [Music] why'd we pick up all this hum so let me go back to this [Applause] yeah that got rid of the hum that got rid of a lot of the hum yeah definitely a lighter softer touch with the tube versus a solid state so this thing must be like a big long screw that moves in and out i kind of like it i see we've got a failed solder joint here [Applause] okay so let's go over what we've done to get to this point um the relay was not closing presumably because the capacitor the electrolytic is bad um i had two these two electrolytics right here are open i jumped them with a hundred at 450 volts i plugged this in wrong and somehow applied plate voltage to the grid of this 6v6 and blew it apart these two tubes are parallel so i do not really need this that would help with probably the current draw of the tv but and then this thing was turned so many turns out of where it should be that it was way off the fm band i'm still not a hundred percent sure how this works obviously i thought it was like a tuning a regular tuning capacitor but shows what i know obviously it's some type of screw inductor thing or i don't know i'm tempted to open it so we can look at it but it looks like it's not easily come apart type thing so that's what i've done to get to where i'm at so we got fm now and it works really good i mean it actually for just this little wire it's working really good it's really good and i'm on reduced voltage let me go off so yeah little tony braxton to get stuck in your head for the rest of the day [Music] great just what we need so i'm about four hours four and a half hours into this and i feel like i've just kind of got myself familiarized with what we got sort of how it works how we got here why it's doing what it's doing and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a few minutes and clean up all this nonsense that's laying around here that i don't need [Applause] this speaker is like cracking and falling apart as it plays it's so old and i don't even have it cranked up very loud but yeah i'm yelling to keep the copyright okay so if i jump this one i get rid of the hum completely you can't you probably can't hear it in the camera but i can hear it this gets rid of the hum completely for the beatles it's so good that'll keep the so yeah this is the doubler and then that's the filter i would like to get the tv to work in this i don't see why i can't um i can't believe this is even like calibrated kind of still i mean it's i'm on 95.5 and it's it's close so i just noticed when i go from uh radio to tv the current draw really goes up so that's sort of interesting um and yeah i get this continuous tuner now the tuner doesn't shift when you change bands here um i thought this would be like fm and then channel one through six and then channel seven through thirteen but that's not the way it works it's just one continuous tuner because you see on um so if i go to tv and then i turn the contrast [Applause] so it's interesting i i'm not quite sure what this the exact operating thing is but it's continuous so i guess going from the fm band you'd have to turn it 10 times to get to channel 13. i don't know seems kind of stupid i figured this would have shifted it from like vhf high to vhf low to fm and the fm is sort of right kind of in the bottom part of the old tv band bottom middle i guess i gotta say this radio works excellent i've just been letting it run which is probably not a good thing to do because eventually these paper capacitors are gonna start to short but this radio works excellent it sounds good it's stable it's clear it's not distorted i'm impressed for something from 1948 with basically just three filter capacitors uh paralleled in here's what i've done i tacked these three capacitors in place to get rid of all the sloppy clip leads for now and i can just buzz these off when i'm ready to return it i'm trying not to modify this um because like i said he wants to put the chassis aside and keep everything as original as it is right here and use a different set in the cabinet for now with the option of returning it back to original so these are 100 at 450. i don't know i don't know what these were originally um i mean they're 450 volt but it doesn't matter you can go bigger on the filter capacitors it's no big deal so let's see if we could get a picture on this it's weird that we have like the front end is working obviously um and i hear the vertical oscillator running so that's kind of odd i don't know how they came up with that to leave that running all the time but you know we need to go after i think probably high voltage right now just kind of looking at this some more i would reckon that these here disc capacitators ain't original so this is a photo of the horizontal high voltage circuit here i guess that's the flyback right there real real complicated isn't it so we want to take a look at either with a scope or with a meter pin five we should have a negative voltage there this thing is inside the cage so we can get to it right here let's take a look at pin five it should be i don't know negative 20. interesting it said it's sitting at negative 12 volts with the thing in radio mode i don't get this thing and there we go i go to tv mode and it goes to negative 20 the light bulb comes on my bypass the light bulb negative 26. so we got good drive to the horizontal output tube i'm not looking at it with a scope but if it's negative the oscillator is running so we need to take a look at um the high voltage rectifier i i have seen a lot of these 1b3s just go to air from age so let's uh probe up the high voltage and i'm going to pull the high volt the cage apart crustastic a little green edge there nice doorknob capacitor here's your shot to join me am i in tv mode i am in tv mode perfect song oh [Applause] yeah look at that oh there we go check one two don't see that nice well it looks like we got high voltage too don't try that without yes playing folks okay so according to this we got six kilovolts there right now with the light bulb on i'm gonna bypass the light bulb we'll go to full line eight kilovolts i would why why don't we have anything from the screen here so you have your pick 12 jp4 12 kp4 12 lp4 so they are all the same so in order for this thing to produce light to activate the phosphor on the front i believe we need i wonder what this is what is this set so that the tube cuts off with negative 30 volts on the grid okay so we need to have positive voltage here positive voltage here and this needs to be low is that brown that's yellow in later years so we need voltage on red low voltage and the brightness this should be the brightness so the brighter you make the crt the lower you make that voltage so when this voltage is low it's bright to test the crt we can just ground this if we have voltage on red and we ground 11 it should go full bright okay so the two wires for the those two wires for the crt are right here and right here and on this one right here so with the brightness all the way down meaning minimum brightness we have 61 volts i'm going to turn the brightness up so that's oh oh there go to blambulance so yeah that's exactly what that does and then on the other one we have a hundred and fifty one hundred and fifty sixty whatever [Applause] the blambi lance so that's bypassing the light bulb so why don't we have emissions out of this thing is the is the magnet way off everything everything with the crt looks good oh and now all the dogs be going off the dogs be activate by the blamby lance so what i'm going to do very carefully is i'm gonna move this all around while watching huh what is going on here this is not rocket science to get emissions out of a crt that checks good wait wait wait i think we got something here there we go yeah the ambulance be in effect oh look at that i think the focus pot's bad see that it actually yeah but i could swear [Music] i could swear i smell something burning on full full power i'd like to know the wattage this is drawing 314 watts 285 watts but that's at 117 volts so it's a little high so i need to find one of these but what i'm tripping out off right now is where's the horizontal hold control i can't find it on the set we have horizontal drive we have focus control horizontal linearity here's the saw generator [Applause] reactants oh wait here we go horizontal hold horizontal phase [Music] z204 it's kind of an odd setup so it's this right here is it okay to like post malone post malone is actually kind of cool so this is the 6al5 here for that relay what i'm going to do is i'm going to take and put that in here lay paper [Applause] so that's the sink phase decoder um yeah the reason why the wattage draw is probably higher as that guy right there is driving the voltages up through the roof but i don't know if i want to drive all that current through that tube i kind of like this oh i don't want to do that i kind of like the look the melt-o-matic smeary smudgy kind of looks cool nothing but the best i'm gonna use that and i'm gonna put it on channel six that way i can just go right to the bottom of the fm band and i should be right there this is not happy i'm drawing an ark off of that uh hope i didn't clinco twerkulate this okay now to see if we cremated this thing so let's go to six we'll turn this up i don't know if i'm going there right away let me bypass this oh so [Applause] oh there it is window circle wow there's your very first image let me turn the brightness down there it is yeah the focus part's bad looks like i can get it right on edge let's see let's go to [Music] there's that we are ready to get that jerry springer cranked up print pl plenty of brightness uh i mean it just it just worked i didn't even have to adjust the horizontal hold control see this is that tv one and two i'm not sure what that does but there it is so if we want to watch tv we need to get down to like channel let's go try and go down to channel 4. oh yeah you want to limit me huh okay let's try channel five okay let me pull some rf out of this to make sure i'm not just on like a harmonic f5 [Applause] okay now i'm in the fm band so am i going up or down [Applause] okay there's the audio carrier why is [Applause] so [Applause] okay let me try and figure this out i don't need to annoy everybody the audio and the video are way off from each other 27 tubes it covers from 44 to 216. oh flywheel synchronization circuit and flyback type high voltage power supply trying to read oh says it's only 84 pounds i could swear it's heavier than that see the sound is off the sound is here [Applause] the picture is up here something ain't right i'm not sure exactly how this works oh boy um i smell a capacitor that's getting ready to let go oh boy somebody's gonna pop here yep definitely it's not that one [Music] it is that one holy crap so that was the good the other good one i don't want to let it pop because this is not my set um wow is that sucker hot interesting that's the capacitor that was totally open that i put the um the bridge the electrolytic and it started reforming that's what i was wondering at the beginning of this video when they start reforming they they actually will develop capacitance again i need to let that cool off see how bright the light is now in radio mode okay i got it hooked to the converter box here [Applause] yeah the sound is way off keep your laundry [Applause] [Applause] generations [Applause] out [Applause] welcome back to the theater we gotta go with white fans [Applause] i'm gonna just give you a hoodie [Applause] there's probably a lot that the pirate boss can find luke there's a lot of treasure hey paris [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh let's go with the hook elijah something's probably a lot of at the parents lost i'm gonna go with uh [Applause] that cutting in and out is the uh converter box but i'm going to let this that sucker still wow is that getting hot uh i'm going to let that cool usually once they cool off they kind of reform and they un short they get hot and then they cool down and they're cool they but yeah i might have to i don't want to cut the leads off of it because like i said we're trying to preserve the set [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] so now the capacitor is running cool it's not getting hot so tomorrow we'll have to check and see if it has capacitance again if the esr came down so it's the start of dine la and oktoberfest you've got the scoop inside now keep in mind i've changed three capacitors in this three electrolytics or i've added three electrolytics and like i said right at the beginning of this video it needs full recap of all the papers it needs um all of the best values full alignment bob anderson university and join the rewards program for special benefits wss all about the booth always near you shop in store or online stop wsn now a proud partner of the dodgers income eligible renters impacted by cobit 19 can now get 100 of their past due rent and utility bills paid through the california kobit 19 rent relief program landlords with tenants who haven't paid rent because of cobit 19 are eligible for 100 reimbursement too your information is private and you won't be asked about citizenship apply it housing is key dot com for eviction protection brought to you by the california department of housing and community development pat harvey and juan fernandez weeknights on kcal 9 news [Applause] wait isn't is it time for the news at seven o'clock it's getting dark so early these days he is my kitty cat stop sarah oh there's passley he tests all first or blankets he usually approves he's definitely approves of this one because this is 60 by 70 so it's almost the size of a queen-size map wow [Applause] and then the back side is an even longer brushed fiber it's actually incredible if i could peek the video it's a sharp picture if the if the focus control wasn't bad you can go ahead here's a story about a real estate agent and her husband in pasadena their income stopped when the pandemic hit and they had seventy five thousand dollars in credit card and business debt so mortgage was threatening to foreclose but this new law allowed them to protect them i don't think i need to go with the news the thing has been resurrected basically three open electrolytic capacitors it really for being unrestored look at that picture look at all the parts in this are 72 years old let me explain before feel away optimum i would have scratched up this expensive sofa and you see this wall i would have probably peed right on it and if there was another cat in my spot i would have attacked now but not anymore things to feel the way up to him i feel way better either way after mum's enhanced calming for cats available at petco petsmart or ask your vet [Applause] so it's starting to get unstable as it runs here because the capacitors are the paper capacitors are probably getting leaky so yeah it's starting to get unstable drive home the new kid you've been searching for with no payments for three months that's right no payments until the end of the year available in all new car inventory including the kia telluride sorrento here and more visit us today carpros kia glendale basically i need to be superhuman i've got to be strong for everyone i look after fortunately there's help with optum i've got a team of doctors making sure i get what i need anyway i think we could call this a success it was great seeing you again i'll follow up with dr wilson if you recap this thing it would be one hell of a performer recapped a line checked all the resistors set everything up this would be one hell of a set hey it's almost one hell of a set without nothing where the language has been good in this and see video it has an opening here so i guess this is the money shot it's kind of cool how that tube is glowing blue you want to get organized vertical yeah two baskets i'm going to go with the third basket again open it let's so this is great you know if you put a basket out you don't know what's in it and you have to dig dig in right so i forgot to cover this is all you're gonna get out of this eye tube this thing is done worn out it's the next day aka the morning after and it's interesting where the ion trap ended up if you remember from the beginning of the video it was on the side by the high voltage cage so what i'm going to do is pull the pull all the capacitors that i paralleled out and return this thing to its original state and then we'll use the capacitor wizard to check the esr on the one that got super hot there that one down there it was originally open and then after running it it got super hot and i sort of think maybe it's sort of reformed but it was totally open at the beginning of the video i pulled my three capacitors back out took my relay bypass cardboard out my fuse out and this is the capacitor right here that was totally open before they got super hot and yeah it reformed it reformed up to about okay this is the other section reformed up to about 50 ohms it's probably more like a resistor than a capacitor but just for the record i i would never reform capacitors if it was something i was going to use i'd just replace them i don't know you go on digikey to recap this entire unit with all the paper and everything maybe a hundred bucks the electrolytics would probably be 35 40 bucks if you bought the good ones there's a lot of them in here there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen so say five bucks a piece maybe it would be more expensive than that but yeah if i was gonna restore this and use it which this thing is worth doing that is worth doing to this i would definitely just do a full recap on it with all new maybe a couple hundred maybe 250 bucks this stuff's not cheap anymore anyway resurrection a 1948 crosley put it back together and send it home who knows if it'll ever be needed but like the connector for the speaker i put a mark there so if that thing gets bumped or moved around these these uh these paint markers this should stay on there forever this is what the junk yard uses on parts they sell
Channel: shango066
Views: 93,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C6tuU7VY3vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 49sec (5989 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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