1947 Willys Jeep Truck rescue

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it's been a while since I did one of these videos empty trailer videos there trailer back there it's empty heading north um picking up imagine this another Rusty piece of junk jeep that I don't need so um yeah 15 more minutes and I'll be at my destination if we buy it I'll show it to you I don't know why I said we I'm alone today so I'm the cameraman the driver everything so stay tuned see what happens we are now headed south and the trailer is not empty I've never owned the Willies pickup so there you go this one is kind of weird there something unique about it I didn't even know when I came up to get it so we got it it's on the trailer got an hour and a half home now where I'm at and once we get home I'll do a walk around and show you some of the details all right we're headed south the trailer is not empty and I'm not on the road and there you go not a CJ that's uh kind I guess it's not a first for me I got the FC but I've never had a Willies pickup so uh it's a unique one there's some interesting features about it that I didn't realize when I went up there so we bought it I bought it and now we're on our way home my way home there's no one with me I already told you that I'm losing my mind all right when we when I get home you're weak when I get home I will show you everything about it this is going to be a blooper rail take two cut hey guys we're on our way home got a Willie's pickup I'll show you everything about it when I get home how was that was that better all right I'm going to turn this off all right here's what we got it is a 47 or 48 Willies pickup so it's an early column shift um I think they only used this logo until 48 and pretty neat old truck sadly like everything else around here it's Rusty but I'm sure it was a very cool truck it's got the original 16s on it pretty cool Tire design and it's actually pretty straight it's a shame it's so Rusty Bumper in good shape the front and Sheet Metal is pretty solid but the cabs really rusty and has some neat features so let's check them out U first thing was I didn't know going up what it had I basically just bought this for the title but it has a PTO the guy said generator but it's actually a welder and he said it's worked at one time and it's been covered for a very long time I have not pulled the cover off I've drove it home with that on there it looks like a bikini top someone wrapped around there so there's a chance that might still Spin and do something I have not touched anything yet oo this is [Music] encouraging Shields nice and smooth that's a good sign check it out these groovy pin stripes I mean this thing is old that's um kind of a cool sign to see the uh penstripe still visible someone made a pretty beefy bed on it obviously a welding rig and it still has like an old blacksmith's Vice on it and that actually still turns and works they added this it's like uh at least a half2 in inch plate here is probably like an anvil for whack and stuff I can see the welding cables on here I'm going to pull this cover off in a little bit and see what we're dealing with and then these are obviously uh bottles for his or holes for his cutting torch bottles and a little homemade clamp there so oxygen and settlin and frame looks pretty darn solid I mean it's definitely not the rustiest one I've seen it could be fixed uh the roof is Rusty which is probably the biggest bummer in the bottom of the doors but totally rat rotable and uh fenders are definitely savable they're not really bad the supports have some Rust in them can just barely see the Pinstripe I would say the wheels are the original matching set they all are the same and the worst part of the whole thing was that's the engine that was supposed to be in there and this thing was pretty much all original untouched still had the column shift everything hooked up and 3 days ago is what they told me but I don't believe them cuz the hell Rusty some things are but they said like 3 days ago before I got it they pulled the engine I have no idea why and they looks like they ripped it out with a back hoe and then just threw it in the mud and broke the carburetor and the governor and smashed the uh transmission plate and the front Poley um so I have no idea if the motor was bad or why on Earth anyone would do that but it's kind of a a real bummer because this engine might have been good it's an early style head without the ribs probably was the original motor and they just threw it in the mud and had the valve cover off so the block and crank and pistons still might be okay it doesn't look like it broke the manifold and it actually looks I mean the manifold looks in really good shape the block still has paint on it um they took the fuel pump I just don't understand all the parts they removed are just in the cab it really doesn't make any sense people do really dumb things to these poor old Jeeps so let's go inside typical Rusty floor toolbox is gone yeah there's the generator the coil the intake tube and the snapped off carburetor fuel pump slain on the other side I just I have no idea why there's also this German heater in here I don't think that belongs to it but you can see the PTO lever is still here the cover on the column shift is still there there's the fuel pump and uh I'm just really disappointed in the governor stuff it still has the governor handle which is great cuz these are kind of hard hard to find um but the stuff on the engine side pretty much got destroyed the gauges are all there and look pretty cool and there's some other stuff that's not there's some CJ pedals and junk over there so that'll be my first project is getting a garbage can and just ripping this stuff out it has this seat in here but in the bed are some really nice original Willies pickup seat frames or maybe wagon frames and a spare door I don't know so clean this out take a little inventory on everything it steers and rolls we winched it on here no problem but I'll see if we can get the PTO freed up and see if the welder spins or I don't know anything about PTO welders but it's kind of cool and uh I guess just go from there so let me know in the comments what you think oh there's an extra flywheel so I kind of think there was another motor involved I don't know so we'll never know the story it is titled as a 1944 says the Willies truck 1944 which as most of you probably know there was no such thing as a 1944 will truck so I have no idea what that means you can see the poor roof has some dings in it something fell on it but I really just bought this for a title for the other project that I'm working on um but it is tempting to just get this thing running and fix the welder and put an engine in it and just run it as it is but just don't know if I have the space money or time to do that so um yeah just let me know what you think in the comments and uh I'll keep you posted I'm going to get it off the trailer and kind of assess it and uh we'll see about the PTO stuff in the welder I'm thinking the next video would be kind of an inventory slash cleanup so clean out the cab see what parts are in there kind of look the truck over and remove the cover from that welder and assess it so um let me know if that's a video you want to see otherwise I'll just do it and show you the results but uh sometimes it's fun to go through the inside so let me go from there so thanks for watching stay tuned for more I will definitely keep you updated on this and as you know I got the frame and the CJ5 project with these axles and uh little top secret stuff going on in there that you will probably see soon as the weather is nice and I'm finally starting to work on stuff so thanks for watching catch you later
Channel: Red Eye Cafe Garage
Views: 1,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeep, Jeep truck, Willys, Willys pickup, Classic car, Welding rig, Welding truck, Stick welder, 4x4, Classic trucks, Road trip, Vlog
Id: BBcprKQ33_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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