1939 Ford Transmission Disassembly EXPLAINED

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what's up guys this is zach with wired customs and today i'm going to show you how to tear down a 39 ford transmission okay so this one's already been apart you can tell that by the input shaft right here the throt is not on the bearing and the output shaft right here is actually set up for a drive shaft opposed to a torque tube so so this is actually a lucky snag let's get into tearing it down okay we're going to start with taking the top off it's just these six bolts this should be half inch [Music] okay once you get those bolts off it should come off fairly easily you might have to smack it back and forth a little bit but this this one's already been apart once so there we go top came right off now we can visually inspect to see if it's actually a 39 transmission sometimes you can find the case with the wrong gears inside or you find the early case with the 39 top on the early case so here's how we tell the easiest way for me to tell is the double right here the double synchronizers right here on earlier transmissions they're only single single on each side so all right so whenever i take one of these apart i just take everything apart don't take apart the bare minimum get as much off of it as you possibly can it's easier to clean that way like i said a second ago this fork should have been behind this but it's not so the first thing i'm going to do is take the spring off the throat bearing the throat bearing should just come right off [Music] and hook the spring throughout bearing should just slide right off that should be the only thing holding it on and usually this would be behind that okay now this is probably one of the harder parts to take out um if you want to get the shaft out of the bottom though you have to push it out the back not out the front if you leave the fork on so it's up to you how much you can take out or if there's any play on this shaft here you need to take it out so i'm going to take the front off right here should be these four half inch bolts [Music] you might have to give this one a little bit of a tap to break at least from the seal okay [Music] a little pry out of it there we go so don't really force stuff that's how you get burrs and scratches okay then that comes off [Music] next we're gonna take these beautiful rings out right here these snap rings so i use two pliers it's probably hard to see right now i'll show you on the next one and you pry one side up and you run it around try don't let it spin run it around to the clip comes off now these are the hardest part about a 39 transmission is taking this off right here this off the bigger one off that's right here on the edge multiple ones on the inside when you get a rebuild kit don't reuse these the way that i get them off actually bends them i can't see it in the video but that's crooked and no good now it's only for worst case scenario i have a little box of used ones just in case i need one all of a sudden okay so now there is nothing holding the input shaft in technically it should wiggle off from the front it's usually not that easy if this was a brand new case i could wiggle this off from the front right now but it's not going to work out that way i'm going to start disassembling the output shaft get some of the tension out from inside the case but eventually this will come straight out the front so this case is somewhat dry i took the shifter off earlier uh this year and dumped out the oil spray it with penetrating oil and just put it all back together just so to make sure nothing's sticking on the inside so what i usually do is you can drain it from the plugs at the bottom or you just take the top off and spin it over to the side drain the oil out of it so now let's take off the housing for the output shaft um let's see six one two three four five six bolts right here and the whole output shaft is going to come right off um let's see if i can get this off in the meantime that's been on there for a long time so whenever someone took this out of the car they look like they just cut the speedo which is not uncommon i mean it is what it is i'm not restoring the car i'm restoring the transmission and putting it in a different car so speedo is not that big of a deal right now and the old speedo stuck in there a little bit might have to take that out from the inside there we go okay so these are just like squares and it just goes down in the groove in there that's a square and the gear on the inside spins this cable and the cable spins a speedometer oh i'm get stuck in there now right [Music] now another way i can tell that this has been a part before if you see the holes in this bolt here okay this should be laced on [Music] okay tail shaft off and we're missing a ring right here on the back um that technically holds the speedometer gear on which is this one uh in the bearing so the bearing could technically slide out this way because this is holding it from going in this should have been hold it from going out but that's fine it's stuck on there pretty good and that's why i keep spares but your rebuild kit should come with all new rings so what i'm gonna do now well there's supposed to be a cotter pin right here take this cotter pin out drive this to the side this pin is holding these two shafts in right here the gears for the bottom down here so let's get this out once these shafts are out both gears will drop lower down we'll be able to get the input shaft out further i get mine from the early ford store check them out i'm not sponsored by them by any means but give them a look they're pretty legit okay now while i have this up in the air i'm gonna hit the reverse shaft out i'm gonna hit it into the case there should be plenty of room to access it inside of there once it's out small hammer small taps that reverse gear just fell down now when we go to take things out just be really careful make sure you know where all your shims are now if your throat is still in in the front you cannot hit this pin forward you have to hit it to the reverse it hit it backwards flip this around and now i have some really nice punches just for this it's gonna allow me to hit it straight out the back right here okay so i take the retainer pin and i slide it through and i just work it out like this now that fallen down was that lower gear should have fallen down far enough to actually get things apart okay so that down far enough the output shaft fell down now i can get the input shaft hopefully the rest of the way front there we go okay input shaft that's what it should look like there should be roller bearings inside of there these are usually burnt up these roller bearings are usually always spin now i'm going to get this to where you can see it really well because to get this output shaft out of the housing you have to disassemble it inside the transmission usually synchronizer right here pull that out um i'm going to put up a diagram at the end of the video so if you're taking this apart going oh man i need to be paying attention um well yeah pay attention but at the very end of the video i'm going to give you a diagram with an exploded view of what everything's supposed to go back together as so take the synchronizer out make a mental note of which way it's facing this one is completely spent you can see how it's rounded off right here on the edges there shouldn't be any harsh sharp edges on the synchronizer which this one has uh it'll probably drive it just won't shift as nicely as we'd like it to shift okay there should be a spacer for that roller bearing that i was trying to show you on the input shaft right here and as i get it off i'll show you so you can see everything there's our spacer it's just a ring save this ring okay there's nothing wrong with these so now we're back to these really crappy clips that i wish i had my old school i still wish i had my old school clip pliers ring ring pliers okay so i'm gonna have to use the old school screwdriver trick to get this out of this groove and this one is not gonna come out as easy as the one in the front so what i usually do is try to get an edge of it spin the screwdriver to where it lifts itself up and since i can't get it there i'm gonna spin it a little bit more yep spin it so i can get it and that gap here in the tooth so i can pry it up better so hang onto the output shaft and get the struggle the struggle is real on these so i might not have to pay attention on the camera for a second so when you're struggling with these clips no the struggle's real you're not alone okay i'm here for you it's rough okay this should slide off hopefully it's not stuck on make sure you're prying on the right spot i'm going to pry between the gear and the syncro here and see if it's going to go forward be really careful with your synchro gears over here be really careful with your synchro gears we do not want to put burrs on them now be careful not to hit this ring off we don't want our detents to shoot out and lose them okay we want to reuse them unless unless there's something wrong with them detents can be perfectly fine okay so let's set this aside and disassemble that after we're done so now we have the hard part off everything should just about slide off so synchronizer in the back our next gear now there's a bushing on the front if you wear this bushing don't lose it slide that off the front there's that bushing here's this orientation and in case you're trying to get this back together later set that to the side all right last gear don't drop the output shaft on the floor okay this is the rear make a mental note of that now some people when they're disassembling they put them on a bench in order that's a good idea if this is your first time i just throw them all over the bench and i clean them and throw it all back together so here's the output shaft okay here's our last bearing and the speedometer gear these should go out that direction okay so probably need to heat this up to get it off now you can heat these up you can get them red hot but what you cannot do is cool them down don't blow them with air to cool them down um don't quench them in water to cool them down problem is is making it brittle by cooling it down too fast so i'm probably gonna have to torch this off to get that completely apart here's our reverse gear on the side here the small ones reverse gear and make a mental note of which way the gears are facing because there is such a thing as backwards believe it or not here's our bottom gears now there should be washers on both sides of these so when you're taking this off make a mental note of where they fall off okay so for me this one fell off the back which is simple you have these two tangs right here that goes inside the tangs okay so that's the bushing for the rear now these bushing for the front okay mental note this little hook right here hooks inside the case so it doesn't actually spin it stays in place now inside this is roller bearings so hopefully you're watching this video before you do it you didn't just drop the roll bearings all over the floor so i'm going to push the roller bearings out sometimes they'll fall out individually okay so put your finger inside of it try to hold it and set it straight up and down most likely not going to reuse these try not to reuse them okay roll the bearings on the front be careful don't drop them out of the floor worst case scenario you want at least have them on hand then there's a shim in between the two roller bearings to keep them from sliding in and out from one another okay so we're almost done put those gears to the side get out your pin for the reverse gear that we hit out earlier [Music] now the case is technically fully disassembled um i'm gonna get this off clean up the case i use carb clean believe it or not i don't have a hot tank in-house so clean up best as you can and if you have any questions about taking it apart if you have any questions about putting it back together ask me in the comments section thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Wired Customs
Views: 22,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ft_M8MX9ySI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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