1917 US Reserve Ration Hard Bread Review Preserved 24 Hour MRE Tasting Test

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It All Started From The Reserve ration it's what eventually turned into the SE ration or US Army Field ration C into the variations of the SE ration up until 1980 and then there was the US Army emergency ration this thing has 1,492 calories it weighs 15 .4 Oz or 436 G this is the reserve ration that weighs 2 and 34 lb it has 3,349 calories and the average Soldier was carrying two of these around in his hav sack all the time that's 5/2 lb that's quite a bit of weight it's also a lot of calories that's a good amount of food back in 1897 May of 1897 the first calorie out of Fort Sil Oklahoma tested the first Reserve ration back then the hard bread they were just in paper cardboard boxes and you know rain would make them you know turn to Mush gas attacks and rats and bugs and whatnot and just getting trampled on you know that just isn't going to cut it for World War I conditions so they were tend primarily to protect against gas attacks the hav sack ration this was your original nomenclature this one's a reproduction I've only ever seen one in existence a real one this instead of being like a wax dipped box that can get squashed and you know not super easy to produce actually you know Mass produce instead they would just have large portions of coffee sugar and salt and then a lot them for the soldier to store in their condiment can so this would be one day's worth of food no his doesn't smell bad actually smells like nothing which is great this pretty broken up hard tack that's what it is flour and water no shortening hard attack I mean from the smell of it there is zero rancidity that's looking pretty good let's get the sat on treay nice okay so let's first start off by getting this out on the tray okay I hate to have that brake like that but it's about the only way yeah this is happening there we go that's a really cool piece I actually like that more like that that's way better plus now I can actually get these out yeah there we go too cool this was stored to last indefinitely I mean I can easily say I mean just from the some of these had paper on the inside of them you know like they were wrapped in a brown paper this one's not this was any kind of like wet component like anything with moisture that would be a nogo let's give it the old Shake oh see that first one last one came out easy here we go you know this is a great piece to just that one I feel like eating that's a nice looking one it's like kind of burnt that's awesome yeah like you could have a cool right up under one of these and say this is hard tack from World War I you know it's it's a great wow look at that one down at the bottom that's got some real weird honeycomb sort of imprint of where it was at when it baked for this one and then this one oh yeah so let's make some coffee look at that freshly ground beans this is your like real standard bu the book Reserve ration meat it could be a pound of this or a pound of you know roast beef or canned pink salmon that was very common and of course there's no way you could find old corn beef if you did it'd be like Priceless if it didn't bulge through there we go this is just the end of a sock but this piece of FB fabric is perfect I think for putting some coffee in there take some twine you'd have any fabric you could get this was one way to do it that hair let's get there instant coffee was also common and they called it a cup of George George Washington coffee company has no relation with the president they were grateful for that stuff cuz they a lot of times couldn't heat water Building A Fire any smoke any of that that's that's a big no no you'd get you know shelled there you go a few grounds but it's not too bad that actually looks quite nice that is now just baked reformed flour and it's super hard I've eaten this kind of thing before and this is actually in better shape than the old Civil War hard check that had some that was unusual I'll say that this how there really isn't much crunch it just breaks down into like a nothing sorry to be gross like just flour is there any shortening in that I'm not sure if there is it's so minimal it's like a very neutral biscuit hard attack oh yeah son Sunshine biscuits the burnt one is the one that I find most appealing you know that nice little bit of you know Char or just it doesn't smell like anything it's such a neutral that's okay it's a little bit watery it's really smooth okay this is the kind of thing you have to soak it you can't dunk it you have to soak the stuff let's see if it floats you can still see sun on there it's like sad that's going to go you know I hate even eating the fraction ones they there's something about these that really do I mean you know they'll last forever they'll be great on a shelf so all of the ones over there that are in good shape oh what a relief that's the only way you're going to eat them yeah so good boy the meat just a little bite of meat oh yeah definitely unappealing the corn beef is just those poor guys but you know what it's really soft salty they're sweating a lot and this is the only protein they're getting it's got to be amazing you probably open up that can and take a bite right out of the top yeah there's no way you can bite into it as is I mean this right here I shouldn't even be just sinking I can just dunk it like oh okay maybe I can but oh that was a nice burnt piece that was good I had a little bit of flavor there's just an Ever So slight flavor of wheat I mean the wheat flavor is so minimal this is so Bland which is great I mean these things again are built to last it's perfect for war you need food that's going to be Bland that's not going to offend you know any pallet so instead they just offend all of them you know minorly by being Bland and then lasting forever that's that's what you want out of a you know a ration W that wasn't so bad the reserve ration was initially tested by the first Cavalry out of Fort Sila Oklahoma May 1897 it was on kioa and kamandi Native reserves and back then those reserves were pretty Barren even if those dudes wanted to forge for food there they wouldn't have been able to it's not like they were really super outdoorsy I mean they could March eat the hot meals they were given they were tough guys but it's not like they were any kind of like you know survivalist types to the point where they could you know Forge any sort of sustainable amount outside of the rations they're given in this location they were at to test the food so the only food they had that they could rely on were these you know Reserve rations they were issued it was a 10day training Mission they brought five rations per man per day you know what that means they got to split those rations in half a 50% portion back then the reserve ration was a little bit different it was 4,100 calories instead of 3,349 so it was a little bit more food and it was a little bit cooler too you know it was 10 oz of bacon 16 oz of hard bread which back then the hard bread were in these like cardboard like paper containers they didn't protect against gas attacks bugs rain or anything like that but um 16 oz of hard bread again the 10 oz of bacon 4 oz of pea meal 2 oz of coffee four grains of sacarin a half ooun of tobacco a half ooun of salt and two fths of an ounce of pepper that strip this is great they marged 21 miles per day they found a 250 calorie allotment they were you know given per day the half ration portion they found it to be sufficient it it worked the guys they didn't really lose too much energy and the average weight loss was only 3 lbs per Soldier you know on this 10-day Mission you know that's still more food than like an lrp or something I mean the older version having that tobacco and whatnot and bacon instead but they couldn't Supply that in any sort of massive numbers during World War I it just wasn't feasible stuff like this hardly was if the Standard supply lines for ammunition food and medical supplies were cut off typically from artillery or like the road was flooded out this is what was used the US Army emergency Russ was taken out of service in 1922 and then in 1937 it was finally replaced by something new and that is the US Army Field ration D and the reserve ration was split into two separate Meals by the 20s and 30s and then in 1938 the US Reserve ration in its final form and version was in three separate meals and that one year later turns into the US Army Field ration type c and this is your 16 o tall Bean initial like prototype version first used and tested spring of 1940 and was deemed too large of a portion was taken down to 12 oz and then a confection added this right here is what these special rations evolved into hard bread 8 oz United States Quarter Master Core whoa hard tack D who knows how this is looking look at that like bugs somehow still got in there look at all the insect holes I'm gonna keep that as is all right let's check out another one so we're back with another nice hiss did you hear that Bel Air rushing into it too nice wow parchment paper wrapped let's smell it it smells like wheat that's that's a nice little souvenir right there no bugs nothing of the sorts all right let's get sat on your tray nice okay go ahead and get that first hard bread out it's a casualty but you know what it's kind of like the way it goes I'm not going to eat this one nice look at that not going to eat this sorry I got too much lead and just everything it's like that's that's like the brittle that's kind of a shame part of the display no big deal let's just let the rest of it that's amazing cuz it's like Civil War hard attack almost but in a can all right wow that parchment paper kept everything in pretty good shape actually kept it from contact from the metal just smells pretty normal and just a little bit mey oh that's that's perfectly fine nothing wrong with it how many do you get I don't know but I definitely worked up an appetite today not bad there we there we go you see up there there's butter let's get these back on the tra okay this corn beef with onion I'm kind of cheating a little bit it's going to be way better I know these guys probably didn't have butter but they very likely had lard okay canned bacon got that right there this is cooking in butter all right wow that looks kind of good what you could really use there were those crumbs but I don't like that I don't trust that you know but this you can do we need reinforcements there you go look at that my stomach's growling I'm so hungry I'm ready to have a nice meal this is the way to do it you know that won't stick to the pan this way or anything like that nothing to worry about look it you know I don't think that's enough hard bread in there I think there needs to be just like one more this one's like a little messed up I me cuz there's not a worry in the world like it didn't affect the nutritional value that's the whole thing that I just love about this this just some like cheap home cooking I think nothing really all that unusual about it really all right let's let this cook a minute it needs more butter so I mean this thing changed only a few times throughout the 20s and 30s trench warfare didn't really change it was only after you know Blitz cre combat and 1939 us knew they needed better rations okay look at that that nice looking meal the butter absorbs into the hard bread oh this is going to be so good actually I think it would be disappointing if I don't put a little bacon in this maybe that's like out of control let's just add one piece of bacon just for good measure this is ready it looks amazing smells Smokey and like buttery and insanely good and oo first bite has bacon three pieces of hard bread and some nicely browned corn beef a little dry that's awesome though that's like beef jerky wow this absorbs so much fat lost a lot of its moisture content because the beef cooked like transferred a lot of its moisture over to the hard bread with the butter like it all equalized and it's like dried out like you know that beef jerky that's in the dip containers it's kind of like dip you may ever see that before it tastes so much like that with really strong coffee in the hard bread I mean not marked could have been canned from the American Biscuit Company National Biscuit Company like Nabisco feel like maybe potentially a JB car or loose Wilds Biscuit Company sunshine in those too bunch of companies biscuit factories all throughout America contracted to make these all B here hold on really that be that's one one with like a little imperfection there let's get that little part will break off easier Noe never mind oh this is easy to eat it's not even thirst provoking there's no salt very mild flavor it's picked up a bit of the wax paper for flavor excuse me for smell sorry I want to eat this while it's hot all that butter is totally the way to do it unbelievably good the onion onion corn beef they weren't enjoying it like this most likely the hard hard bread absorbs so much butter and flavor and with the salt and that onion and with that corn beef that's brown it was like but I mean you got to enjoy it these things are be floating around till the end of time they pop up up pretty often I've seen like 5050 of them in like 5 years and that's that's like a minimum number coffee flavored little sugar cookie 1917 1918 held up all this time made an experience back in May of 1897 the first Cavalry out of Fort silo Oklahoma before their mission and after the training mission where they used this thinging the 40 soldiers pulled on a dynamometer they got stronger at the end of their mission they actually pulled a ton more living off the reserve Russ US Navy emergency ration prepared by Thomas wheat bread Corporation West 13th Street New York New York look at that pull tab it's like a Cadet blue navy blue to the paint protect it from corrosion September 1917 or 1914 a little bit hard to tell could be 1912 17 Oz not to be opened except by order of an officer except an extremity this one got dented years ago it's probably why it never got opened neat and somebody just saved it an 1899 and produced by the American compressed food company out of pic New Jersey the standard emergency Russ or SE see s e r look at that this package contains enough palatable food and drink to sustain one man for one day under all conditions it has pkin and sweet tea it was used in a tropical climate in the Philippines in the Philippine American war in 1899 tab would open at the top here just a little denting you know these first generation tinned hard breads designed to protect against gas attacks you figure it's at least well after April 1915 that's when your first gas attacks occurred that's in Belgium World War I this it was packed by National Biscuit Company it's such a strange one why why they have the sharp Corners what if you had to like Duck and Cover you know like how easy is it to just open like this oh I can't put it back now nice there we go it's a heck of a piece of metal look how that peeled there that thing has got the strip there you could have peeled on that side that one's harder to pull up but it was two strips that are soldered together is it really like reliable against gas attack I doubt it was even like protecting like barely protecting against water I thought about maybe opening the nicer one but you know it could be the same wow yeah Nabisco bugs got in how did they even get in these soldering jobs are faulty here I can't help but barely any scent just a slight stale smell National Biscuit Company out of New York Nabisco look those bugs got in and gosh that doesn't bod well for for this hard bread it must not have tasted too good I don't know it's like they got in and they didn't eat anything they're covered in bug debris like little part Les of it see it's just too bad I can't there's no way I'm trying it out I wonder where the fault point was or were the bugs inside the whole time these are weevils Weevil larva very strange that they didn't really survive like more in there I mean usually it could have been a really nice little home for him for a long time and they could have eaten a lot more I'm surprised they didn't see if we can close it back up a reclosable container for the most part at least I mean that's pretty cool heck you could you could like empty it out and put it over a fire and like cook in it you could probably um shave you know it's like perfect for shave water or something the lead solder and everything it's just that's probably why you just never see them a short production run for a failure of a food container realistically the standard emergency ration thing had already been used a little bit in the Philippines and it really wasn't that great this and the standard emergency ration were both tested together by the eighth Cavalry November 4th 1900 it was an intense 5-day training Mission with inshape tough soldiers that were marching 20 m per day they lost on average 2 lb that field test proof that the US Army emergency ration was far superior to the standard emergency ration it was adopted and used for another 22 years after World War I ended there were 400,000 Surplus Reserve rations that end up getting shipped off to Poland via train loaded up by German PS there was 16,000 cases each case valued at $10 each the reserve rash and what an experience well anyway this is Steve 1989 I hope you like the video and I'll be coming back at you with something new or old all right cool see [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Steve1989MREInfo
Views: 498,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mre, ration, army, food, military, meal, ready, to, eat, pack, survival, camping, emergency, ASMR, steve1989, mreinfo, steve, mci, korea, vietnam, gulf, modern, civilian, packaged, packet, oldest, eaten, tasting, crazy, rarest, coolest, amazing, SHTF, review, MRE, Steve, Taste, Test, Steve1989 MRE Taste Test, MRE Steve, Meal Ready to Eat
Id: TojN4FgYiPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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