$190 Expansion?? Spiel De Jahres PICKS & The Death of Star Wars!! Board Game News June 15

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hey it's Chris what are we doing news Roundup upcoming hotness everything in between whatever catches my fancy cuz that's what I love doing and it's why you tune in right that's why you're here in the first place we have to start with it I mean you know no cold open rant on this one right but we're going to go with it because it's Spiel right it's that time of year where Spiel just got announced the 2024 Spiel de yares I think I'm pronouncing that right for the first time ever the games of the year the German Awards which again like I guess that's a side open right there in a nutshell right why do we put so much stock into the German Awards right question mark I don't know truth be told right I mean solid games but not always even relevant for outside of the European market from that aspect right just like the European market is sometimes ahead sometimes behind in the North American Market who knows but they've got a lot of familiar faces and they have their usual three categories right your family Gamers your regular Gamers and you're heavier Gamers now as I ranted about last year I remember this because again there's always people in the comment section going that's not a heavy game that's not a it's based off of their feelings not you remember who is waste deep in the hobby or you random redditor who has a problem with anyone not classifying anything the way you want it let's go first right first up Captain flip from Paulo moris again family light Style game hoist a flag recruit crew get as many gold coins as you can right it's a push your luck tile placement sort of game nine characters four different boards right what's not to love I mean you know it's not going to get the board game geek ranking love it's not going to win this category but it's worth mentioning and let's go to the one that everyone everyone assumed is going to win this category this will be a nice segue too we'll kind of flip flap back and forth here and Captain flip anyway uh Sky Team Sky Team from scorpion musk it it's the heavy favorite I would make the argument of for all the Acclaim it got at the end of 2023 for the media side of things for the overall uh reception from consumers as a whole I would argue that this is the one to beat now again the two-player count is an interesting dynamic because I think it limits the audience in some ways from that aspect but do you really care when it's well thought of from that side of things Cooperative land your plane sort of thing well I'm pulling this up at the same time cuz literally we also just got an announcement for the turbulence expansion what does that mean when is it going to come out well I mean there's not a whole lot of other info that's pretty much it coming soon so I would imagine you're talking probably Essen because why not right hit the ESS in hotness so why not ride on the back of a Spiel nomination I mean that's probably not coincidental maybe they got a little advanced warning of them getting the nominations sort of like when the Nobel prizes go out those people get Advanced nominee warnings I think as well so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a little bit of well I mean striking W the Iron's Hot Smart marketing as a whole and then obviously in the footsteps of Darwin which I talked about last year just a nice SAR rear French light uh tile collection move the boat around the outside get one of the little tiles that's in the row or column that you got and just make sets Down Below on your individual player board with a few other mitigation Point salades features so again I talked about previously from sorry we are French in the footsteps of Marie C was that last week or two weeks ago about that recent announcement so again I wonder timing wise right like totally coincidental or not so those are your three like Spiel level games those are the the recommended ones as the nominees but additionally they offer other recommendations for six titles as well harmonies people were more surprised harmonies wasn't on the list I can't pronounce this P Nick I'm mispronouncing as a whole I'm sorry Phantom Inc which just relaunched a crowdfunding campaign that I covered yesterday on the Roundup again timing now three announcements of three different games that just got on the like right right it's not coincidence folks uh that's probably also why number four here again I'm not looking ahead doing this trekking through history just launched their second edition right timing wise and then Trio I don't know much about the two foreign ones and I don't know anything about Trio so again family Gamers so that's what they're going for there Kenner Spiel is your step up Kenner Spiel are sort of the already comfortable with learning and playing games take that for what you will Daybreak did my review last year was on my top 15 I believe of 2023 Guild of merchant explorers been looking to get this one for you know since it came out just never really came across my body essentially if you will as sort of a explore a map variable Maps get little resources sort of a more advanced version of a roll and right if you will reminded me very much more of the postmart games game that was of a similar ilk just slightly heavier with an actual board and then which one of these is not like the other ticket to ride Legacy Legends of the West and although I'm really enjoyed Daybreak I'm not sure if it's going to be ultimately a long-term game just cuz it's a little longer of a lighter Co-op for my family and game you know closeness to play uh Ticket to Ride Legacy is probably the hands down favorite there because people say they really love it now do they love the 100 plus dollar price point to go along with it is spiel actually going to take that into account whatsoever probably not I mean again not always the biggest Factor on some media side of things about how much a game costs it should be it should be much more of a prevalent conversation but uh truth be told I'm not going to say anybody else's name I'm not always the best at looking at that either right you can insert anybody else there if you have examples but I'm going to always talk about myself first before anyone else so again the other recommended titles I don't have a clue about three of them beer pioner botanicus Forest Shuffle which again I'm a little surprised Forest Shuffle is a step up and then ritual so again no clue what three or four of those are ritual looks like a 20 22 release in North America beer which I'm assuming I'm mispronouncing Pioneer that's what it is it's beer Pioneer if when I look at it you know not small again a 2023 release where you're you know Brewing so a different distilled version with worker placements and simultaneous placement and then the last one up here is botanicus and botanicus is again a 2024 release so it must have just gotten released from hens IM Gluk and again it's only a 40 5 to 60 Minute game so these last couple are really much lighter as a whole except for Pioneer which is a little bit heavier there as well but action spots unique worker placement Resource Management uh from botanicus so does that make you interested I have no idea no idea how I feel about that one and then obviously the Kinder Spiel are the lightest ones don't overlook those especially if you've got kids under 10 Taco kid Pizza as one of them I can't pronounce the other two I'm not even going to try and mess them up so interestingly enough they chose these 22 titles including all the recommendeds from 475 games uh with considering 360 351 of the first two levels so just interesting just interesting as a whole right only three 300 games of those of the how many games came out last year I mean that was like when I said I and I did my 2020 three tops right I also did the let's take a look at everyone else's because some of those games truth be told there was one that I just played recently if I had played it in 2023 it might have made my top 10 but as a mid-tier you know media personality content Blair right I don't have access to everything I don't get everything sent to me I truth to be told folks I'm still grinding for stuff right I think there's this thought like all of a sudden you become People's First Choice on things no like I'm constantly grinding constantly asking constantly grinding to get stuff on the channel to talk to you guys about so um and sometimes I'm great about doing it and sometimes stuff also gets lost in the Wind on my side of things too so truth be told I am you know very imperfect when it comes to that but again I would say that if Ticket to Ride and Sky Team don't win I would be shocked I would be shocked from that aspect of things so will we see more of it in the future I would imagine so and it's always interesting but slightly surprising slightly not surprising at what comes out then we have a couple announcement dates as well Yonder from Sinister fish finally has a crowdfunding date July 16 so you get to wait over a month at the time of me filming this to get your hands on a fantasy esque based worker placement with asymmetric workers building towns interested intrigued midweight okay then no details no Board Game Geek entry but Facebook ads Galore F games has announced is well burgle Brothers three in the future some sort of futuristic setting Powers anything else you can think of along those lines right no details none whatsoever I would imagine though if Tim you know is doing what I think he's doing marketing wise it's probably not going to be too far off in the future as well typewriter paperback fugitive the more recent ones run I almost said spy there a minute ago uh those are the ones more recently so F has something in store for us we'll kind of see where it goes from that aspect of things I think two is better thought of than one I believe so uh I mean it's not ranked as high but it's you know kind of equivocal I guess in the actual rankings of word Game Geek but I thought it maybe addressed some of the issues I don't know I'm making stuff up as I go so 20 strong 20 strong from Chip Theory they also announced their release date here as well what we're going to have on that side of things is also another July release from them tangle Woods set in the Manny trembly setting world everything else with the Manny trembl and Roth previously so three new decks um sort of changing it up sort of not it's aliceon Wonderland essentially it's aliceon Wonderland 20 strong and the latest update over on the page actually says that you're going to be able to play through all three of these decks in campaign sequence but you can like kind of choose which one what order so color-based red white and gold does that Intrigue you the only way I'm getting back in on this I mean no let me be clear about this I love the idea of this I played it and it was like it was okay it was okay I guess I'm just not a good solo gamer right I'm a poor solo gamer one thing that would really suck me back into this though is if you gave me a two-player mode if you gave me something competitive if you gave me something along those lines and I think they didn't rule it out previously the FAQ from the first crowdfunding campaign but they definitely haven't said anything along those lines as well so you know I'm going to be covering it and they are going to be different than all of the other three out there in the first place which again if you're a fan of it you're probably going to love it all the problem with the first time around is you know there were slight differences in all three of them and you may have liked one of them you may not have actually liked all three of them so I mean I say that on all the crowdfunding campaigns you don't buy all of them because you like the idea of all them because the actuality of all of them is you might not like all of them if that made sense without saying all of them all of them all of them all of them two times until all of them all of them all of them too many times until it just sounds weird coming out of your mouth speaking of other games coming out under the radar well 20th century games off their I think Stellar smashing review of raw from shut up and sit down selling it out everywhere across the internets and causing people to want to scalp it for you know $300 on Facebook yeah that's that's a real thing folks uh they've announced same aesthetic raw and right and it's just looking really freaking sweet flipping right from nizia right was just talking the other day yesterday at the end of the video how I'm going to be covering these nizia games right here from bitewing here this week so expect a review out from those but three rounds kingdoms old kingdoms middle kingdoms new kingdoms Advance your aspects of your C by filling in your sheet got three rounds to go most points wins I'm assuming it's going to come to crowdfunding so we'll kind of see and I have no idea otherwise though speaking of things that intrigue me that are a slight playoff of something that you may already love pandasaurus just kind of snuck this one out there right now if you're familiar with tbling dice where you have the little tiered layers and you flick the dice down and then they land in the certain multiplier area and then whatever die side is up you get that many points well they're putting out like a different version of it with bumpers and monsters that you get to take out so think like catacombs meets catacombs Third Edition meets sort of your tumble IND Dice and this is called boxtop pinball haunted house and essentially I believe they're going for the well thematically appropriate October is probably uh details and release there's no information though there's one image over on Board Game Geek that I have plastered up here that you can see but we'll kind of see where it goes and how it feels feels when things get closer because that's the problem with tumble and dice like if you have an old version like I do it's probably running 90 bucks newer versions you know aren't much less at 70 bucks but do you want to play a dexterity game like that with a catacombs feel well I mean again I'm intrigued right I own both those games so I guess I am the vend diagram of consumers they're looking for the other thing that we have to talk about that just got announced prior to me filming this is Star Wars Armada Star Wars X-Wing have officially gotten the death blow atomic mass games which had been producing the remnants of the FFG Flagship have officially announced that they're just discontinuing it all together and people were commenting well I knew that was coming since they announced X-Wing 2.0 no you didn't screw you but also when FFG dropped it I mean that was really The Telltale sign and I have a bunch of armada and never got into X-Wing I really haven't hardly played my Armada stuff in the first place I bought someone's you know collection locally for on the cheap but is it going to be the death blow that we think it is I mean to be fair speaking of Destiny Destiny still has uh just like Netrunner secondary community that has continued to support produce and print all new content for now years afterwards now I think this is going to be a little bit trickier than anything else of those because I mean those are dysing cards right and so this is has Miniatures and models that'd be the big issue and so that's why I think it's dead in the water you know DOA Dead on Arrival because it just can't do that style of things from a independent publisher is that actually going to you know affect gameplay if you own stuff no probably not is it going to quell new stuff from you know popping up and being of Interest again all the other two yeah probably it's probably just done then we also got a recent announcement or sneak announcement over on Bor Game Geek of the latest from inside up ice and Idols Expedition where you've just got rid of secret Ancient Temple in the ice and you have to pick up and deliver those adventurers around the temple ruins manipulating Pathways and getting yourself down to the hidden powers and the idols in the first place get the discoveries watch out for obstacles modular board Network and Route building all of those sorts of things no other details or information otherwise at the time just a picture of what the cover is going to look like so I would imagine that's going to be the next one up from inside up on crowdfunding because I mean we've seen them come more recently uh with the latest Earth expansion then prior to that we saw perch and Terminus so we'll see different a little bit out there a little bit of ice Meats I don't know on the Underground whatever you want to call it so we'll see where it goes so what do we have on the upcoming crowdfunding well I mean the biggest one of the upcoming week has to be Renegade Studios Unstoppable the card-based combo system deck building one to two player Unstoppable Jugger meets immovable Force did I screw that analogy up probably but that's the aspect of things that I'm intrigued to kind of see now one to two players is an interesting player count from a deck builder and the combo system of how you're going to be playing them and chaining them because you're not just automatically redrawing up it has more of a sky tier horde vibe in the sense that in order to draw more cards you have to defeat cards or do along those lines you do not just automatically sort of deck build poker style play all my cards get all my cards back play all my cards get a new hand play all my cards get a new hand right and so we'll see how it entails there are a fair number of videos out that were already out at the beginning of the month when I filmed my upcoming June top games and this is probably one of the most anticipated for me personally because I look at this as a realistic one that I can play as opposed something like Grim COV or Mythic battles Egypt right let's not kid ourselves about ease to the table from that that aspect of things so that is definitely going to be near the top of my list of ones that wow I may be backing this even though I wasn't planning on it sort of style then the second one sukii Yumi is going to be coming back as well from Gray Fox this is essentially like a 2.5 version they're saying a reprint and it's going to have more content I think with a little bit expansions they've done the standies they've done the Miniatures uh how do you feel about sukii Yumi I mean it's like a super complex asymmetric route only with significantly heavier control Vibes which streamlined is with the 1.0 to 2.0 versions of things and they made some big changes I think there were some compatibility issues and just some version issues but it's one that it's a big price point it's a big on the table but is it a big M interest as a whole I mean the second version of it on Board Game Geek has a 7.5 rating the first one has a 7.9 but both of them combined have less than 1500 ratings total so I mean how do you feel about that no luck strategic skill of faction on Faction on Faction on Faction resource control white blue green red phases to get the most victory points occupying and fulfilling goals of your respective factions missions I have no idea how this actually flows plays or compares to the other area control games I think though off my peripheral knowledge it's a little heavy it's got a 3.7 rating essentially on Board Game Geek which is not insignificant so with a play time of up to 3ish hours because you know if it's playing at the top end of three hours on Board Game Geek it's probably more than that the first time or two that'd be the biggest barrier to entry in a game like this if you can play something you know blood rages in an hour and a half right not saying like one's better than the other but I'm saying do I have more often an hour and a half or three and a half hours to play a game of this ilk the other one that I talked about previously at the end of the month sort of the dark hit I'm not sure where it's going to end up is per Peri Summoners from the folks who did the moku and moku Tower wooden games now they're giving us these asymmetric Little Creatures to go ahead with things so you're summoning these Spirits their wooden pieces that you're actually doing you need to get Summon three of your spirit cards in order to win the game or well you can agree to end the game earlier and then the highest score wins okay I mean again I feel a little bit mixed when half of the board game geek description is more about the artistic design and the wooden components than the actual description of the game but again I kind of want to see what you can do with this because Aesthetics aside it's an intriguing premise regardless at the end of the week we're actually getting into um you know on the Roundup day usually for me we are getting the next hexor it volume Five the mountains of gai no idea thankfully for noobs like me there's a game found page and again volume Five of this and there's going to be differences question mark Empires Heroes opponents Elemental augmentation unique stuff again like I'd be okay trying this out but like I worry that this is another lifestyle game was an open world sandboxes as it literally says here going away of things and now if the fifth edition is that much better why would I buy any of the other ones so I have no idea I'm sure as it says here they're all compatible so you can get all the other stuff previously if you want but why would I buy this one is this one just the best one have you learned all of the mistakes or issues or errors or Arata from the previous ones and is this one just going to be the penultimate or Ultimate Edition no idea but in a little over a week we'll know that being said getting away from the crowd funding what else is on the hotness well truth be told because of the very opening of this video the Spiel those are the main things that are dominating the hotness also arcs I did my unboxing rambling thoughts on how big the expansion is compared to the base game that someone said that they just wanted a core that they could sell at retail that wasn't going to scare people off and that's the only reason you got a core in the first place comments not sure how true that is or not but you know whatever Star Trek captain's chair from Whiz Kids is officially on pre-order the Star Trek version of Imperium you know classic and legends if you will from that aspect of things harmonies is still sitting there Dune Dune with rockus the pre-order launched over on gamefound and we got to talk about that for a minute cuz I ranted about it yesterday for a minute or two you know me I only rant for like one minute or two minutes I don't rant for like 16 like I did for Grim coven right but the pissed people off part of things that seon is going after right now is if you want the kickstarter exclusive Edition that took about four takes to say that you have to buy at least well $190 worth of content because they aren't allowing you to buy anything from the previous campaign by itself whatsoever you either need to pledge for the new expansion which is $50 or you have to buy because they're not allowing you peace me it they have to buy the whole bundle of gameplay for 220 and just to say screw you a little bit more they kind of said with the new expansion we're not going to give you I think this is right probably wrong in the comment section that they're going to give you plastic tokens and I'm not sure if the cardboard ones are going to be with it as a whole and if they're not that's just kind of that's not consumer friendly and so that costs $220 but they saying don't worry you're actually saving like 20 or 30 bucks if you were to buy all three of those things individually but you cannot cannot I stress cannot buy the exclusive edition only and that's where the $190 comes in because the exclusive addition is $140 so you have to buy at least the new expansion and the exclusives if you were a retail supporter well again they're kind of saying screw you for supporting us at retail because again if you want the exclusives which they're actually selling separately you again have to buy one of the two pledge levels that I just mentioned doesn't matter can't buy just the playmat can't buy just you need to spend at least essentially what they're saying is like $100 at least and can't do the $1 thing and get it can't do that you know that's that's irritating so I don't know that just doesn't seem friendly at all right not that I expect him to be friendly not that people in the comment section were saying well you should just expect this this is fine Behavior like no it's not and the only way that it's going to matter is you got to back with your wallet or vote with your wallet which maybe maybe that's the reason why de Genesis didn't do as good probably not actually de Genesis just didn't seem like that great of a you know vend diagram of widely getting people in because it's a skirmish One Versus All style of things but that is just you know my own issue with it in the first place and they say you know the expansions adding a little like you know rocket launchers and extra actions for you know one side or the other and how do you feel about that yet I don't know and there is at least a draft rule book up now uh so we'll see what it looks like and how people like it but as someone who was really wanting to get this game that model of things is just kind of offputting and I kind of just feel like saying screw it not going to get it at all now I don't need it not sure how well it get played but it was on my wish list and now I'm just kind of saying okay I can I can spend that money elsewhere you know with companies that will appreciate it you know or have at least a little bit more of a friendly business model in that sense so yep that's on there slay the Spire still tripping around there it gets its retail release next month Grim coven as we ranted about last week uh is on there as well I won't go into that with any further detail but you can guarantee that I'll cover it at least once more before the end of the campaign actually browsing the Forum comment section in boarding Game Geek a fair number of people are saying you know what you're probably pretty good with the retail version as a whole unless you're going to play it 50 times and you need to spice it up at that point H spice it up didn't try and do that it's trific difficult to be this clever if you don't know that reference go look it up but that's just my feeling on it right now so I'm in the mood I need to go buy some exceed I'm still looking for a copy of even fall and you know what um you know eventually maybe I'll end up with a copy of slay the Spire I would have liked to get it before going on vacation at the end of the month but n it's okay we're bringing light games to the the vacation this year uh we go on vacation a week every year with my wife's family up to the middle of nowhere and um well they want a limit screen time for everybody not just kids I'm on vacation I'm an adult I'm do not like other people telling me when and when I cannot watch a screen especially when I get very little time off in the first place so we'll see but I always bring way too many games as well so maybe somebody actually will play them with me this time instead of me just playing or playing the game of how many games of spirit Island can I get done in a week right boom cuz your boy's bringing Jagged Earth you might even bring Spirit or incarnate and just say screw it peace out see you later I'll bring some light stuff I'll bring chick takers I'll bring far away I'll bring maybe uh you know one of the hits last uh two years ago was uh the solo version solo two-player version of Let's Make a bus route just light stuff like that you know Innovation battle line splunder duel little bit lower overhead too it'd be really nice if I got my Marvel United Multiverse pledge before then but that I can't bring that that box would take up half of our storage space in our car on the way up there in the first place and so you know that with three kids and three suitcases and just tons of kids stuff too I mean you got you it's no room for my stuff so so low man on the priority list there that's all I got it's all I got it was a it was a good week and it was a good week getting stuff played and we'll have some new stuff and thoughts out in the upcoming week of games from that aspect and some crowdfunding look back maybe we'll see have a great day have a great day no not a suggestion have a great day make it a great day if you're not having a good day at the time of you watching this turn your day around push pause te for timeout start over have a good day please for your sake not for mine do it you heard it here peace out have a great freaking fantastic weekend Stay classy
Channel: Liege of Games
Views: 4,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, kickstarter, tabletop games
Id: ry1RE24AyGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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