19 Watches That Look Incredible On (Almost) Anyone’s Wrist - Affordable To Luxury

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now I'm a firm believer that personal preference ultimately will dictate what size watch will work for you you can't really follow anybody's perfect formula for the perfect watch size for your wrist it comes down to personal preference but let's face it not all watches work on our wrists or maybe don't fit the way that we would like them whether too small or too big so in this video what I want to look at is some watches that have high viability on many different risks or the majority of risks and can be pulled off to fit most people out there and just for this video I want to stress again personal preference will dictate this more than anything my criteria here is that if somebody wanted to look at one of these watches and wanted to pull it off could it be pulled off in the majority of scenarios say like 80 percent of risks out there could they pull this off if they wanted to that would be my judgment for this video Just to be clear as well we're looking at specific models and not model families so different sizes we're trying to zero in on one watch size one style that could work for many different people out there I know this is very specific but the goal here is to Showcase some watches that might be an easy suggestion for those that are concerned about this idea of maybe being able to pull something off uh and just looking at watches that aren't kind of that Goldilocks zone or have this unique trait about them that allows them to be worn by a wide variety of people also if you're interested in this topic a little bit more I have tried to break this down further into an article talking about watch size versus wrist size we go through a lot of different ideas talking about preferences uh lug to Lug and its importance dialed to bezel ratios and how that impacts wearing and we also have a video on this article will be in the description down below where we show different watch sizes on different risks so you can get a sense of scale and how different watches might wear depending on your own wrist size at home check that out link will be in the description down below and for this video we're going to be breaking this down into different categories wide variety of price ranges within each one of these categories so we're trying to just look at all different segments of the market and where are some of the highlights now to kick us off we'll go for the everyday category in the watch that I want to showcase here and talk about is the G-Shock DW 5600 this case specifically there is not one other G-Shock to me that epitomizes this idea as being so Universal in its size and being able to be pulled off by pretty much anybody out there of course some people think it's too small but 42.8 millimeters and a pretty compact case it still has presence also there's an element of the resin case and just how you perceive a digital watch on wrist it makes this watch this work for so many people it feels right it looks great on somebody that has a very large wrist but also looks great on somebody that has a smaller wrist as well another reason why I wanted to Showcase this watch is it represents a style that is completely its own and set the standard for really what this is for digital watches which is that Goldilocks zone of being viable for many people the same way say like a Rolex case for submariners at the same stage and like the mid 20th century for its respective category some people might argue with me on this one but I'm going to put the Seiko alpinus spb121 on this list this is a piece that I deal with a lot because we are an authorized dealer of Seiko and I get so many good just points of feedback about this watch and how it wears it's a little weird because you have that Compass bezel the additional Crown it's not conventional by any means but because it has unique Crown position it creates a appearance on wrist that is larger for those that want a larger watch but also doesn't have this overhang effect because it's not adding anything to that lug to Lug Dimension it's a 39.5 millimeter case but a 46 millimeter lug to Lug is very forgiving 200 meters of water resistance and to watch I think many people will be happy with and it's a successor to the sarb017 which was a cult classic and a fan favorite for many years another watch I want to put on this list is the Zen 104 and I'm speaking from personal experience I think this is a watch that can work for so many people I own this in 556 that watch I could see some saying that's too small the 41 millimeter case in the 104 is a tricky one because you hear that and you're like oh that might be too big for some people maybe it's too small for others but it wears like a dream even on my smaller wrist I remember having this watch and I never felt like it was too big for me it has this broken down you have the bezel with the dial and that was definitely helping it but then you had a compact lug to Lug pretty reasonable thickness as well at 11.9 millimeters while still getting 200 meters of water resistance which was always crazy to me one thing I've noticed is the way that the h-length drapes around the wrist it's very forgiving for those that maybe are trying to pull something off it wears it more exact to that lug to Lug Dimension and the positioning of the holes within the lugs themselves for a strap are seated slightly higher than maybe normal or some watches out there so that also gives a benefit love how this watch wears probably one of the most wearable and versatile 41 millimeter cases in all of watchmaking for an x-watch we're going to look at what I would say is the most wearable Grand Seiko case for the majority of people out there people love this snowflake I think for some it might be too large where I would find the happy medium with something with the 62 GSK so this is the spga413 it's right on 40 millimeters in case size lug to Lug is forgiving at 46.5 millimeters it's probably one of my favorite Grand say it goes easily in my top three to five it's up there I love the door this dial it's simply stunning and it sounds like that is also the case for many other people out there because I was informed that this is basically right in the running with the snowflake in terms of a bestseller for the brand reasonable thickness at 12.8 millimeters Spring Drive movement on the inside and with this lugs and how they are constructed you also have the slight little lip underneath the six o'clock side and 12 o'clock side where it just creates this nice Central casing in Optics when looking at the watch on wrist where it just looks at home and doesn't have this curvaceous nature that some Grand Seiko cases can have and then to close out the everyday category Royal Oaks are not very wearable I mean for most people out there I would say that they are going to be large and I was thinking about whether or not to put this on on the list here but I decided to and this is the AP jumbo 16202st so this is the latest iteration of the jumbo celebrating 50 years it is a watch that at the lug to Lug Dimension is around like 48 millimeters so it's not a small watch but 39 millimeter case the bracelet yes is going to add to that length Dimension because they are stiff if you ever handle the Royal Oak bracelet that doesn't drape as much as some other bracelets out there but all in all I think this is if you're talking about the most versatile case size of one of the most iconic watches of all time this is probably in the sweet spot for case and wear in addition the thickness of the watch at 8.1 millimeters also helps its case next we shift into dive style and the reason I want to say dive style is because the first watch here probably didn't fit in a category of of dive watch I know the pitchforks would be going if I included this and I struggled to think about which Seiko 5 would be the most versatile and I know some people are going to say oh let's go for like the dress KX those models that are closer to 38 millimeters in case size not this watch but I actually think this is the most wearable for the vast majority of risks out there if somebody has a medium size wrist or even slightly smaller larger this would be the option I would recommend this is the srpd collection so the traditional 5kx model family or however people would like to call it but the 42 and a half millimeter skx case and there's a reason why the skx was so beloved and the reason was for one it was since 1996 this diving icon ISO compliant dive watch which this watch is not that but it does offer up the same other charm that the skx offered up which was its case and wearability it just had this effect and if you've ever worn any Seiko watches or dive watches specifically they wear much more compact in the case size would indicate I find that some of like the dress kx's for people out there they're just too small I mean I hear that all the time from customers saying that hey like you know it's a little small for me less and less now because of just the Norms of what people want but when you see 42 and a half millimeters you're like no way I can't pull this off but trust me if you're somebody that doesn't mind having something that's a little bit larger on wrist but it's not you know so large I just want a nice substantial wash you want something that wears maybe closer to a 40 and a half millimeter in case size which I think is a nice Goldilocks zone case size for many people I think these are very viable for a wide variety of wrists I know some people are going to argue with me on this uh just my opinion I think these are really versatile in terms of their case next we have the aorus Aquas and I'm going to pick one of the sizes and that is going to be 41 and a half some of you are going to say 41 and a half what are you thinking are you serious the reason why 41 and a half because I find that all the Aquas models wear like a millimeter to a millimeter and a half smaller so if I'm trying to pick the best size for the widest variety of wrists out there I would go for the Aquas 41 and a half because lug to Lug is 48 it wears pretty much precisely to that lug to Lug Dimension because of the integrated bracelet they don't have this male end Link at that point where it meets the bracelet too so it's very forgiving at that end making this wear more compact on wrist how I would look at it 43 and a half Wears Like a 42 41 and a half Wears Like a conventional 40 and then like a 39 and a half for example would wear closer to that of like a 38 millimeter dive wash so depends where you're at but that's for the aqueous the tricky thing with the sizing and trying to get that right one area of this video where I spent a good amount of time going back and forth back and forth what is the watch that I would pick from Tudor from the dive wash category that could fit this mold of being the most viable for many risks out there I thought about the 58 but I also know there's so many people that think the 58 is a small watch it does not suit a larger wrist very well and it looks very dainty so there's a large vocal crowd that believes that and I think with the 54 that conversation may have just become a bit more involved in how people look at the 58 there is also a little bit of that Collective type of contrarian effect where a lot of people like something people want to talk about it in a certain way that happens a lot in watch collecting but I'm gonna go with the Tudor pelagos 39 for a couple reasons one titanium titanium is going to help I think in making it a lightweight experience without really taking away from the visual appearance on wrist 39 millimeters but the bezel and how it is thicker does create a more bolstered effect that adds more of an imposing demeanor when strapped to the wrist there's something about the black Bay that has more of an elegant approach it's you know more Heritage inspired the pelagos is more unabashed in its ability just to try to be a modern dive watch which I think for people that have larger wrists that's more viable and that's why I would look at the 39 as maybe being the consideration here so this would be the choice for maybe the most versatile tutor dive watch in my opinion at least when you're talking about wrist sizes and for our last dive watch here we're going to look at the Omega C Master 300 not the diver 300 the Heritage Seamaster 300 because of just its lug to Lug Dimension it's lack of a helium Escape valve it's multi-faceted case structure it is a little thicker and then also that lug to Lug dimension of under 48 millimeters it wears like a 40 millimeter watch I think it's much more wearable than the 42 millimeter diver 300 and if you're somebody that's on the fence and maybe can't pull that watch off perfectly I think you'll find this one more at home I also think the bracelet it does have larger links but it is a bit more elegant in his approach and feels more modern despite of course this being a Heritage watch there's just something about the diver 300s bracelet that is very 90s that is a different type of flow in terms of what it's going for now we shift into complications so gmts chronographs what are some of the watches here I did not include the Rolex Submariner and it's not because it can't be a mass appealing wash and versatile wash I just wanted to pick two other Rolex watches that I felt nowadays if we're talking about watches that are new I do not want to put the 214270 here anymore because I do think that would have been on this list but it is now no longer in production and I don't think the 40 millimeter Explorer does the same job as these two first we have the Rolex GMT Master II this watch is to me my favorite contemporary Rolex your current in production Rolex I think it is a watch that stands on its own within its segment as a GMT it's set the standard in many ways for its design style but I want to specifically say on a jubilee makes it even more viable for those that have smaller wrists because there's more forgiving and how it drapes around the wrist 40 millimeter case it wears like a dream I mean just to also just throw this out there made from a visual like could you imagine seeing a Pepsi GMT on someone's wrist and it not looking kind of cool like I mean it's pretty hard to not make this watch look sweet on wrist both for its size as well as it's just proportions it's mixed of bezel to dial ratio it's just a perfectly balanced watch in my opinion and then the other Rolex watch I think is probably the most wearable is the Rox Daytona or at least the most viable for so many risks out there now the reason why the weightless are so long is not because of its wearability but it does maybe play a factor because this watch is so versatile in its looks especially for a chronograph automatic chronograph on the inside wearable lug to Lug Dimension there's something also about the ceramic bezel that I I think adds to the wearability factor for those that want to have something that is larger on wrist or feels larger has more presence also this is a watch that commonly is seen as like a couple's watch where pretty much like two people could share the watch and wear it at the same time I know some people are like oh I would never share my watch with my significant other but this is one that just works with so many risks out there and I think that adds to part of its charm for the next watch here this is a piece that I think you almost can't even put towards why it works it just works if you've ever worn this watch you might know what I'm talking about but this is the Omega Speedmaster professional this is a watch that I don't understand why it works so well it's a 42 millimeter watch but for some reason it just looks great on so many different risks out there it's not particularly the thinnest watch either with the new 3861 on the inside and especially with that Dome Crystal on these watches it's very much leaning into that professional mid 20th century Speedmaster and being that Moon watch 47 millimeter lug to Lug but there's just an element of the design and the proportions that bring this watch together and also being a chronograph that I think AIDS in but it's so simple and I mean that in the best way possible it's pure in its design but I think the two reasons why this watch works is the broken up aspects of the tachymeter scale and the bezel and then also dealing with that dial and then finally the new bracelet helps this watch tremendously the previous generation speedmasters I did not find War as easy as these because of the multi-link bracelet here it's much more forgiving it drapes to the wrist I'm more of a you know three two one at White and first I'm back in space kind of guy ck2998 but I can't aim tonight this was a watch when when these were first unveiled I tried it on I'm like oh man these just work and I think that's the case for so many people out there another one is the longine spirit Zulu time 39 millimeters the 42 wore like a 42 on wrist I mean it wasn't a lot like a aggressively large watch but it wasn't a small watch either the 39 wears maybe right at 39 and maybe you could say 39 and a half it's it's in that nice sweet spot for people 47 millimeter lug to Lug also why I think this is such a compelling watch is its thickness at 13.5 millimeters true GMT movement on the inside to get a 13.5 millimeter thickness in this segment a 39 millimeter package there's just a lot to like and I think this is one of those watches and I think it was so important that long machine developed this was not only did it fill a void in the market but it also it was one of those pillars that wasn't fully addressed now Tudor has been dominating this segment for a long time like three to five thousand dollars they have just been owning this and really gaining market share quickly but this was the first like big Strike Back like in like just watching two prize Fighters go at it someone's dominating all the rounds and then you just see this strike back and it just knocks you back on your feet that's what this watch was in so many ways for longine and it delivered in giving I think people what they wanted which was a very wearable for a wide variety of wrists true GMT movement on the inside side in a package that is viable for so many risks out there now Breitling is not a brand that typically is a master of this type of idea of being viable for many risks out there but if there's one watch that I would focus on that can be viable and it felt weird to put like a specific odd Nava timer on this list just because the navitimer to me there's so many different case sizes that is synonymous with it and it's a watch that also was developed with this specific function with its Aviation approach that it's hard to really look at it under the context of like what is the right size what's the most versatile size but this is not the case for the Breitling Premiere b09 this is a watch that is in the running for maybe my favorite Breitling watch currently in production it is beautiful and it wears like a dream 40 millimeter diameter 47.6 millimeter lug to Lug and with that manual movement on the inside that is also giving a huge benefit to the thickness you're just around 13 millimeters in thickness on this watch I'm also getting 100 meters of water resistance beautiful die one of the most beautiful dials under ten thousand dollars and it's more of just because of its color it's just so unique there's nothing really else like it that can mirror it and the Heritage design with it creates a beautiful dichotomy now we shift over to dress so one wash I'll look at here under a thousand dollars I was struggling to think of some different dress watches I always thought I was thinking about the cocktail times but I could see many different case sizes there that people might mention they're also a little bit thicker which some people find a issue with so I'm gonna go with the tiso chamende Terrell as a nice consideration because this is to me in a nice sweet spot 39 millimeters for a dress watch versus a different style of watch I think are two different things but this is a condensed 39 at 43.8 millimeters reasonable thickness and I think that's a good middle ground if you're trying to just pick that one size for a dress wash that could meet most people's needs now this is a watch here next that is part of my Personal Collection I wear it all the time I love it so long jean Heritage Classic sector I have the silver dial many people like the black dial think they're both great 38.5 millimeter case diameter which is not small not large I think it's in a good spot lug to Lug is a little bit longer but a couple great things about this watch and why I think it's so great for many people out there if you're talking about the thickness under 11 millimeters pretty nice so it's going to slide underneath the dress cuff which is great wears a little bit longer than 38 millimeters I would say where it's like a 39 millimeter unrest but the other benefit of this watch is how the lugs are going to feature holes a little bit farther up the lugs so you're not feeling the full extent and when paired with a bracelet look at that black dial version the bracelet drapes very well with that beads of rice bracelet I'm so glad they paired this with a beads of rice it is a stunning combination it just feels like it's pushing forward a few decades in its age and making it feel a tad bit more modern despite a beads of rice bracelet which you know at its core is very much a vintage idea so this watch I absolutely adore now the prices of these watches have gone up quite a bit in the last several years which is a bummer because I remember when these watches were just even a few years years ago like eight thousand dollar watches if not less pre-owned were amazing points of value but I even think now they're still maybe the best stress watch you can find around ten thousand dollars absolutely in the running this is the jlc master ultra thin Moon why I like this watch 39 millimeter case I think that's a great size for a contemporary dress watch for those that are on the smaller side could still pull it off but for those that have larger wrists and don't like the anything under 40 millimeter crowd this because it's so elegant is still viable 45.8 millimeters with that lug to Lug Dimension being an ultra thing you're talking about nine millimeters if not slightly thinner than that 50 meters of water resistant so not just the conventional 30 meters that you're going to find with many jlc dress watches comes together in a package that is beautiful stunning and easy to wear this next watch is 38 and a half millimeters and I'm gonna give reason why I believe it belongs on this list and that is the longer one the longer one is such an enigma for trying to classify it as as why it works or how it's able to appear the way it does you have this smaller case at the core of it 30 and a half millimeters is not the largest case out there but for some reason this watch you know those people that walk in a room and it just feels like it just lights up a room like this is what this watch does to me I think the fact that this dial isn't cluttered makes it feel bigger if that makes any sense under 10 millimeters in thickness 46.3 millimeters lug to Lug but all the elements and also why I think this watch makes sense for a lot of people if you're talking about you know working on many people's wrists all the dial elements are visible from across the room too if somebody was wearing this on their wrist you could probably tell the time it's all so easy to detect and then for the final watch here a very similar theme looking at a 39 millimeter dress watch this is the Patek calatrava the 6119 the previous generations of calatravas at this kind of style this hobnail style design you look at the 39 19 and then the 5 119 smaller watches and that was basically the theme for this whole calatrava family had more of this dainty approach very classic I thought that those watches in a way just had this Timeless nature to them that did make them work but this is more the modern approach and I think for many of the Norms nowadays still also like I talked about earlier for those of smaller wrists still can pull it off but there was a larger wrist could be right at home eight millimeters in thickness 46.9 millimeter lug to Lug so a little longer on that end I would say Wears Like a 39 millimeter when trying this on for the first time but beautiful watch up and down and I think many Patek watches all often nowadays wear very large or wear larger than you might think Nautilus is not the smallest watch in the world I find those watches wear huge on wrist so this is something that Patek nowadays it's getting larger and larger this is still one that feels as if it could be pulled off by a wide variety and doesn't have this blingy nature to it and you expect that from Michael Trav it's not being overly ostentatious it's just about looking the part when you do decide to look in that direction but alright guys that is my list here today looking at some watches that I feel could work for the majority of risks out there again this is my opinion I try to give reasons why I feel these watches are viable for a lot of people out there but if you disagree you can leave some comments down below are there some other watches that you would think would work for so many different risks out there maybe if you had to put it on it 80 or more of risks it could potentially work that's was my point of criteria leave your comments down below if you have some other watches that you would recommend for some other people it could not include everything of course also if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up subscribe and hit the Bell icon really would appreciate that also check out teddybulbasaur.com full authorized dealer of 30 Brands quick and fast fulfillment dedicated customer support and full factory warranty for all the products that we offer how we're able to support all this content and continue going is through selling watches on our site so if you are in the market for a watch I know you can buy a watch essentially anywhere nowadays but we'd love to have your business and it allows us to keep doing what we're doing here we love what we do but guys thank you again so much for watching be well and I'll see you all very soon
Channel: Teddy Baldassarre
Views: 596,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teddy baldassarre, teddy watch review, teddy baldassarre sotc, teddy baldassarre rap, best watches 2023, best new watches 2023, watches and wonders 2023, how to buy a rolex in 2023, omega speedmaster, seiko 5 sports, tudor pelagos, rolex gmt master II, rolex daytona, srpd51, seiko skx, hodinkee, talking watches, g shock dw5600, seiko alpinist, seiko spb121, seiko sarb017, sinn 104, watch size vs. wrist size, best watches for wrist size, how to pick watch size
Id: eWU6cWZz_8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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