19 Amazing Facts That Will Make You Adore Your Body

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[Music] Wow here are 19 facts that'll make you fall in love with your body our bodies hide so many exciting mysteries for example did you know that you can eat onion through your feet or that kids grow faster in the spring if you're ready for more fun weird and fascinating facts like that then stay tuned and before you learn everything about your body's many oddities hit that subscribe button and ring the little bell icon to join us on the bright side here we go number one humans and slugs have a lot in common huh at first glance it seems like slugs couldn't be further from humans however every single person's DNA is 70% identical to the DNA of slugs but slugs aren't the only thing we share DNA with all of us are also 50% banana and 40% cucumber I also think I got some tomato in my family tree on my mom's side of course number two humans can have an extra rib believe it or not some of us one in 200 to be exact are born with an extra rib is called a cervical rib and it's located just above the collarbone thankfully this spare part rarely ever bothers the person who has it still about one out of 10 people develop thoracic outlet syndrome because of it number 3 ATMs and public restrooms are equally dirty we're so careful about hygiene in public restrooms doing gymnastics just to avoid touching the flusher and the door handle are you as curious about germs when it comes to using the ATM probably not but you should be test conducted by British scientists confirmed that ATMs are just as dirty as public bathrooms swabs that were taken from ATM keyboards showed the presence of health threatening bacteria oh hell makes sense if you think about it how many people actually disinfect their hands before using them exactly number four your fingernails grow faster than your toenails you ever notice how you have to clip your fingernails a lot more often than your toenails well the nails on your fingers grow faster because they get more sunlight and if you really pay attention you'll see that the nails on your dominant hand also grow faster look even closer and you'll notice that each nail grows at its own rate the general rule is the bigger the finger the longer the nail but the longest nail can usually be found on the middle finger so the middle finger gets more sunlight or what number five Botox deprives a person of emotion Botox can make you look young and feel more confident but at what price in case you didn't know Botox eliminates wrinkles by literally paralyzing your facial muscles but according to a study conducted at Barnard College in New York your facial expressions directly affect your emotional state this means that if you have Botox you can't really express your emotions fully both physically and mentally number six we inherited hiccups from our ancient ancestors those annoying hiccups that we all get from time to time are actually a little hello from our distant ancestors that lived 370 million years ago these guys used to swim in the ocean therefore their bodies were equipped with both gills and lungs so the perfect way for them to protect their lungs from coming in was the hiccup not much comfort in that for some of you but it is what it is number seven most heart attacks happen on Mondays one study that was published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found that the risk of having a heart attack increases by 20% for men and 5% for women every Monday and it's very likely that this is due to the stress caused by having to go back to work man talk about a case of the Mondays number 8 you can eat garlic through your feet craving some garlic just rub it on your feet if you don't believe me try it yourself cut a piece of garlic in half and rub it on the soles of your feet after about thirty minutes you'll feel its smell and taste in your mouth and it's not magic it's just Alison Alison is an organic compound that's formed during the breakdown of garlic it can penetrate through cell membranes travel through your bloodstream and easily reach your taste buds number nine one human can feed over a million mosquitoes if you've ever wondered how many mosquitoes it would take to eat an entire human well first of all that's kind of weird but I do have the answer for you the human body has enough blood for 1.2 to 1.8 million mosquitoes of course everything depends on the height and weight of the person but considering the fact that one mosquito drinks about 0.003 milliliters of our blood with one bite that's about how many of these little blood suckers it would take to drink you whole number 10 people lie more convincingly when they have to go to the bathroom now in 2015 researchers from Claremont Graduate University and California State University found that people with a full bladder like way more convincingly than they normally do a strong desire to go to the bathroom makes a person concentrate on self-control and therefore telling lies becomes easier so much easier that according to the study people believed Liars who are just feeling the need to run to the bathroom ah the things our body can do number eleven when kissing most people bend their head to the same side when we kiss our subconscious picks the side our head is going to bend to for us and studies show that we're all the same doctor owner Quinn Turki a professor of psychology at Germany's Ruhr University bokkeum observed 224 kissing couples and airports railway stations and beaches no he's not a peeping tom but he came to the conclusion that 70% of people bend their head to the right when kissing guter Cain believes that it's all thanks to our right handedness but his theory has never actually been proven Hey pucker up professor number 12 the higher your IQ is the more interesting your dreams are scientists claim that people with a high IQ experience really captivating and long-lasting dreams as opposed to others but if you don't remember your dreams there's no reason to get upset on average a dream lasts only a couple of seconds so it's completely normal to wake up in the morning having no clue what you dreamed last night number thirteen people perceive information printed on paper better in 2012 Norwegian scientists decided to conduct an experiment on college students they divided them into two groups and gave them the same text the first group was given text that was printed on a sheet of paper while the other had to read it on a computer in the end the researchers found that students learn information printed on paper way better so consider this next time you're studying for an exam number 14 your hearing gets worse after having a good lunch I told you not to stuff that banana in your ear no it's not that have you ever had ringing in your ears after a full meal it happens because drinks and food affect the fluid levels in the inner ear and therefore cause noise even more so an excess of sweet and salty foods as well as caffeine can lead to a temporary deterioration of hearing and even dizziness so just like your figure your ears certainly don't appreciate unhealthy eating habits everybody hear that one number 15 the appendix is beneficial the appendix has a bad rap for being a pretty much useless body part Bill Parker an assistant professor of experimental surgery at the Duke University School of Medicine says that is actually a safe home for beneficial bacteria the appendix basically stores helpful microbes that can reload the bacterial system in the intestine and populate it with new useful bacteria when need be so let's appreciate our appendix a little more number 16 children grow faster in the spring there's no stability when it comes to growing children there can be periods of little growth that can quickly change to sharp spurts still experts noticed an interesting pattern here kids tend to grow way faster in the spring than in any other season because of the Sun activity during this period so yeah kids are basically like flowers number 17 your right lung is bigger than the left one due to the location of the heart the volume and size of our lungs are absolutely different and your right lung easily wins this round because it's larger and heavier than the left one so they're number 18 the resolution of a human eye is 140 mega pixels if the human eye was a digital camera its resolution would be about 120 to 140 mega pixels only these pixels wouldn't be evenly distributed the center of the eye has about 200 thousand color receptors while the sides aren't that impressive still this human eye digital camera would definitely make a buzz and be one of the best on the market and finally number 19 peoples and shark's corneas are very similar speaking of the human eye it has an almost identical cornea with that of a shark in fact a shark's cornea could even be transplanted into a human well maybe someday this type of technology will be created after all that'd be quite a sight don't you think hmm would it be of any help to card sharks playing poker nope not Finny at all so which of these facts surprised you the most tell us in the comment section below don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 1,613,773
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Keywords: amazing facts, weird facts, strange facts, human body, human body facts, human eye, human lungs, appendix, high IQ, low IQ, heart attack, Botox, health-threatening bacteria, DNA
Id: z0bjZlAMWCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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