1.8T Oil Change DIY | Extractor vs Drain Method

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today's shop.com we're gonna be doing an oil change DIY on our 1.8 t b ab you all track okay so today we're gonna be doing an oil change on this car this is an all track with 1.8 the engine all volkswagen audi 1.8 Iker miles with the TSI 1.80 would pretty much be the exact same as this so we're gonna show you the process with uh sucking out at the top and we're gonna drain it from the bottom to see how much oil we actually have left over but this process is gonna be very simple but we're gonna give you you two options for doing your oil change in your car so let's start with sucking it out with our oil tractor okay so we're gonna start by popping out our engine cover off this is mostly just so you can see here so we right now here we have our oil filter and then we have our dipstick here and then your oil cap here so that you can take off and you always before you're changing oil you always want to check your oil level to make sure that you don't have an issue beforehand so we're in check our oil level and we are actually slightly overfilled but it's all good so this oil level is good so we can proceed with changing our oil now again in this one we're gonna be showing you both methods so we're right now we're just gonna take that out and then we're going to take our oil suction tool here the extractor and start draining this thing you can take your extractor and just drop it down through the dipstick tube to allow you to pump out the oil so the controversy with this type of methods people say this is not a good way to change to drain your oil or use to change oil due to the fact that it doesn't get everything out the idea behind that is is that because you're basically sucking it up from the pan that that is gonna leave something in the bottom so what we're gonna do is we're gonna drain it to the best of our ability like this and then we're gonna get underneath and pop the drain plug so you can see underneath so if you wanted to change it that way that would be an option and you also will be able to see how much we miss or was left over inside here okay so now we're gonna crack our oil filter housing loose thirty two millimeter socket if you don't have one we have them on our site and Nathan will link to them in the description where you can purchase one along with this all the other items you'll see along this video including this nifty oil extractor the thing you want to do is before you try to finish suctioning everything you will want to make sure you take this oil filter out if you're suctioning this way and really if you're changing oil as well to get this thing at least sitting like this so it allows the air to get in there because it will kind of trap oil in there if you don't loosen this before you're draining everything out so we're gonna we're gonna finish sucking out with this thing's basically sucking the last bit of oil plus some air so you can see that's kind of cavitate the lines a little bit but we're gonna try to get the last bit we can out so here we have our extractor this thing is pretty full so you can take a look here there are marks here and you can see that's the six liter mark and this thing is pretty full so the capacity of this engine I can't imagine that we're gonna get much of anything left there because you can see this thing was this thing was emptied right before we started and we're right at the six liter mark so now we're going to finish up we'll put a new oil filter on this and then we'll lift it up and drain it okay so we're gonna start by taking our seal off and just take a pic and run this guy around lift that up and you can take this off and then pop our new one on and then just run this guy around now one thing I want to say make a note about is these MQB cars have a couple different styles of this setup they did supersede the this style which if you break your old one of these guys whatever you might call this you have to replace the oil cap or though or the filter cap the fortunately they're not particularly expensive but unfortunately there is no other alternative if you do break yours which we've had quite a few customers contact us who has broken ones you would need to replace the whole housing so just FYI when you're dealing with that so we'll pop that on we're wipe this down and I'm going to just throw this in place we're not going to tighten it down yet because we want to make sure again we leave as much air flowing through as possible to make sure we get out as much oil as we can okay so we are gonna film taking our belly pan down this car because it's not really complete and we've removed the fender liners and that stuff it's not gonna be exactly what you would do there's gonna be some Torx screws on the sides here but the all tracks do have skid plates so for anybody who's looking to you can retrofit this which is going to be much more secure than your other stuff the all track stuff also uses supports that actually go to the frame rail in the front so these things are much more sturdy than pretty much anything that's out there I think of than anything that's supported that actually has an actual support bracket or brace it bracing anywhere so that's an option for anybody looking to do that Thanks heavier than I expected okay so mark 7 we're really all mqv have a specific drain plug you can use a screw driver they will kind of Mar it up a little bit but this kind of a twist half-turn thing so this is a special tool we'll link to it in the description and again remember here's what we're doing I don't expect to have too much oil come out of here this is just a residual but we didn't get with our extractor so let's take a look and see what we got okay so now we're down to a drip and you can see there is a there's some oil here but not a ton and we are going to install actually we're going to be installing our magnetic drain plug this is something that if you are going to be using an extract your change or oil it is not a bad idea to have a magnetic one this will make sure any contaminants or anything like that you catch and so you just stick that in you will want to lubricate that seal first and because this is a half turn this thing doesn't really do much except for keep it from from going backwards so really once you kind of get this thing in use a flathead and just turn it in and as soon as this thing hits bottom it's it's in place all you're doing is basically when you have that seal in place is preventing it from backing down so we're gonna get that guy all the way in and we're gonna wipe this thing down it was kind of what appeared to me to me to be a little bit seepage so they may have reused that drain plug a bunch of times which could happen for people who are doing DIYs the seal on our our drain plugs are serviceable so they are something that you would want to replace the drain plug isn't to be replaced every time like the factory one but the seals are intended to your place so that would be something that you would swap out when you're doing oil changes or when you remove it necessarily if you're changing oil this way you would you would swap it out so let's take a look at our oil and how much we got so obviously you can't really tell how much this is so we have an old cool bottle that we're using just to show you obviously one hundred two hundred three hundred milliliters and we're gonna give you an idea of actually how much was not caught by actually using so looks like it's roughly around one hundred and fifty milliliters okay so one hundred and fifty milliliters is roughly about 0.159 quarts so obviously we haven't lost a lot of that we missed when we were doing it through the extractor this is something that if you're changing or regularly that I would say that's not an amount that I was personally worried about you're gonna be filtering that you're gonna be replacing it obviously as you're doing oil changes and as long as you're doing regular maintenance that's to me that's a negative negligible amount that I wouldn't suspect would be a major concern so either way is an option some people only feel comfortable with one or the other but clearly we did not miss a significant amount of oil okay so now we're going to install our oil filter we have in there we have a new seal on you will want to make sure you take a little bit of oil and run it around there to make sure this seal will go on there cleanly and get a good seal and we are going to tighten this guy down and you will have the torque specs on the top of this here so we're just going to Snug this guy down and then we are going to put oil in it using our phone so this is our locking funnel they this has an adapter for MQB cars or it also fits a bunch of other stuff you may have seen this in our previous cars but this has an adapter for these cars so you can just put this guy in here lock it in like that then you lock it in like this so this kind of has multi-purpose use because it goes on more than one just one car okay we're gonna put our dipstick in and then we're gonna start this up so we can get the oil running through the system and then check our level the official level I believe on these is 5.8 liters so that should be roughly what you want to do but what you always want to do is as we did there is get it kind of close and then start it up get the oil running through the system and then check your oil level like we just did and we're gonna do it again verify that you we are accurate and if you take a look that we are about at the halfway point after you've cycled your engine started to fill up the oil filter and rechecked it we have now completed our DIY oil change if you like this video be sure to give a thumbs up and subscribe for more like [Music]
Channel: Deutsche Auto Parts
Views: 77,475
Rating: 4.8759689 out of 5
Keywords: How to do an oil change, volkswagen, alltrack, sportwagen, 1.8t, mqb, mk7, gti, golf, how to change a vw 1.8t oil, oil extractor mk7, how to change the oil on a mk7
Id: uLo6HuGv8iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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