1800HP Supra 1000 Mile Road Trip - Fastest Import to Ever Complete Drag Week!

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you don't know what hot rod Drag Week is it's four different tracks and five days you combine your Bessie teeth from each day so you start on a Monday you drive about a thousand miles of courses from track to track your ideal best situation if you run at once are you happy with what you got you turn it in and you get on the road so I felt very confident that we could just go in there with the same tune of us but we just ran 710 at 182 and see how it goes and I would be backhaul you know here we are 20 minutes into this thing this is a problem and I thought if this is setting the tone for how Drag Week is going to go it's gonna be a rough week if you break something you can't you're done for the week whatever plan I had it's completely gone now we have to start again best way to put it is that as a torture test so going into Drag Week with the Toyota Subaru is really neat because you're going into a community that the six-cylinder engine that they're familiar with is out of the Grand National so here we are with a 3.2 liter Toyota 2jz to factory block factory had we've changed the internals on it from the engine back it's all parts that these guys are familiar with it's common stuff that everyone uses for drag racing but from the transmission forward you know it's it's a much different platform we generally run the car pretty hard every time that's how it's fast it doesn't have the ability to have a large engine adjustability like a large engine you could say well I'm gonna just leave it soft and I'll pull some rpm out well we can't leave in a lower rpm because then the turbocharger just doesn't really come online we're at the minimum engine speed to keep the turbo spool at the launch point there is a lot of gambling involved and you know you have to do your best to make the right call on what you think the track will hold because when you take your Toyota Camry to the track you can just floor it every time and every time it will run the same number but when you take a car to the track that you know can make 15 16 17 hour horsepower 2,000 horsepower you have to be able to look at the surface look at the time of day where are you can you get away with trying to put a lot of power down and if you can't then you blow your run when we left to go to Drag Week this year to you and I had fumbled registration the registration for drag week fills up like literally in two to three minutes we showed up without actually having an entry at all we were on the waiting list and we just had to just go up there because we heard that not everyone shows up to drag we what they told us to do was show up depending on the car count you may or may not get in so when we got there there were probably 50 to 60 people there in that same position so they kind of excluded us they left us in a different parking lot while all the people that had registered on time went through Tech and by the end of the day say 4 o'clock they said if you've shown up to participate in Drag Week and you're here you're in the class that we registered was modified power otter reason we had a get in that classes because the way the suspension was modified dust a class that fit that car we looked at prior years at what the class had run and I could tell that their class was like a mid 7 second class but every years different it you know this could be the year the rules allow for faster cars so I could you know we could have been one of the slower cars but we had tests that we knew we were going to be competitive we knew we weren't gonna be a slowest so the other thing that we did was we volunteered to do the sealed engine which means on day one the tech department there puts a marking compound or a sealing compound on a lot of the engine hardware from valve covers to oil pan the engine could not come apart and we chose to do that we believe that we could make it to the end without opening the engine we got a lot of people coming up to the car and you know with the hood off they look at how small the engine looks in comparison you know when you're pitted next to a big-block nova that has a pro charger with a 140 millimeter inlet you know it's wild to look at this 2jz and look at these big-block Chevy engines and then they run about the same ATVs when we told them how fast it's gone everyone was completely shocked they weren't expecting that at all and you can tell there was some excitement to see the car run but some disbelief that well let's see if it's actually gonna make it when you start Drag Week you put your trailer and truck in a different area where you no longer have access to it it's just whatever you are gonna carry with you so we had a trailer a tent a generator fuel nitrous some tools and our clothes and that's what we're gonna go through dragonoid quit going into Drag Week I understood that one of the main things that you face that is an immovable obstacle is time because if you fall behind a drag week you don't sleep and if you don't sleep you're more prone to make mistakes you're more prone to be frustrated you're more prone to unravel this great event going into day one I felt fairly confident that we were gonna make it throughout through the week without any huge problems I raced the car quite a bit and just a week before drag week we had raced it we encountered a couple issues but by the end of the day had to run a 710 so I felt that we would try to replicate our 710 pass that we just done in Orlando and if that didn't work out we'd back down when we made our first run on day one up dry week I had wanted to run the car colder than we normally run it during the burnout my first burnout there was some issue where the car was too cold it was hitting some limiters that we didn't think about and the car wouldn't do a Burnout I wasn't running here we go you're gonna want a tuna your live feed supposedly this 6-cylinder Supra is gonna put down a seven somewhere it's run seven Oh before the coolest thing to me about this if it runs that fast no big wing hanging off it know crazy bodywork no weird looking nose no air dam put a headlight walk into that thing and you're looking at effectively a very stock body Supra doing that I made another mistake by hitting a oil pressure temperature limiter [Music] in real street performance is a very well-known name and that in that section of the game if you will have hot rodding you can see somebody sticking their face in there the car is running in the e category which is modified power at a deep end of the pool I'm frustrated because now I've stirred him up so when that happens that kind of throws me off [Music] they stuck the tire 121 short time I think that first pass I started maybe steering the car to the left I was thinking in my mind like okay start correcting it start correcting it so I had to completely let off and get back on it eight five leads up by the centerline and a hundred and thirty six seven seventy six women eight 163 miles an hour and I think there's more where that came from it wasn't the run that we expect that we were somehow hoping that we were gonna be able to do one run each day and everything was gonna go beautiful and it didn't work out that way the question is what game will they play will they come back and run a quicker number than that I'm thinking not that's gonna secure up end of that class I was ready to make another one but I knew it wasn't gonna be better because the track had gone away well we didn't have the opportunity because the track got rained out you know we the car was ready we're ready to go into the lanes we just never had a chance to make a second past this is what I'm talking about when you're up against time at Drag Week here you are you make one run you have to go turn your time slip in and get your map and go to the second track that was kind of our first moment of the week this is something that we haven't seen in our lifetime here it's going to be a devastating storm you must evacuate don't play games with it don't bet your life on riding out a monster everyone was becoming aware of the hurricane that was out of the ocean that was basically going to come into the path of the drag link course at some point there is a hurricane that is slowly making its way towards the east coast of the USA which may or may not affect us the reality is it like any others for a weather system depending on which way it moves there will be there will be rain to drive through but if if our little scampering route goes the right way we may actually be able to dodge the raindrops a little bit I think Keith Turk has a right attitude about this which is don't forecast the weather until you're standing in it the early speculation was that we could finish Drag Week without having to deal with this hurricane like this is going to be a storm that's going to be a very large one far larger than we've seen and perhaps decades what we didn't know at that point was how much the evacuations would change hotel availability and some fuel availability tonight the rush is on to get out from the Carolinas to Virginia more than a million people are desperately trying to outrun hurricane Florence how terrifying is the storm yeah it's something that I've been dreading since I'm in South Carolina authorities closed this highway in one direction all lanes now leading west away from the massive storm that's ominously churning in the Atlantic goodbye this hurricane the one the hurricane or the hurricane behind the hurricane or the hurricane behind the hurricane behind the hurricane which one even talked about we left the Atlanta drag way we're gonna go to Darlington and we had the whole thing packed up and we're ready to go I driven the car already on the street so I wasn't expecting to have issues but we did and we had issues literally 20 minutes you know from leaving the track tell me they look an insult to me and all of a sudden alternators not charging you can't ignore the alternators not charging you just you just driving until the battery is dead and then you're really gonna be stuck so we pulled over on an off-ramp and just look at the obvious you know see if there's anything that can be fixed if something that's come loose or something's you know broken that we can fix on the side of the road there wasn't anything visibly wrong with the alternator there was anything visibly wrong with the wiring and it seemed like our alternator just didn't like to be much over 215 217 degrees well we start the car up to move it off the off-ramp Dalton is charging let's get back on our way even once we got the car under control we have to go towards the next checkpoint and just looking at the checkpoint I can see it was gonna be in a crazy week that first night we probably made it 11:30 or 12:00 o'clock when we finally got to the hotel we picked up some Wendy's along the way and just how to get to sleep I didn't get a good I sipped the entire dry week because the days generally and around midnight and it's just a stirred up you know it's a pretty intense deal I know that we have four more days to go and I know that we have to go fast so yeah it is a lot of pressure [Music] next morning we were already awake by probably 6:30 which we realized was too late and we got to the track I think probably an hour later that we should have I think you and I both became aware that the early start is that is the only way you're gonna get this done and you want to be one of the first people in line and we weren't so we were the last to get into impound and by the time that we got the car ready they had already ran our obsession and we had to wait another two hours before we could run again that would mean we really would only have one pass but the next pass was it wasn't toy 11 in the morning so we really had to make sure that we did good at that point because we missed first round we had time to look at what was going on with the track and you know there were cars that were spinning J at that point took a little bit of power out of it and started to be more conservative just to make sure that we could go down the track and I do the burnout everything is okay at that point I go you know I go to stage the car and Giovanni Castillo the real street performance [Music] immediately I have to pedal it because the car spins violently I completely let off get back into it a bit of a miss it II see some smoke coming out of it as McIntyre goes 811 Ford 160 3.8 to try to save the pass but it's just not making any power up but that 913 is not going to make those guys happy with the Supra they are running in modified power adder and they were number two yesterday with a 776 led by Dan sites with a 764 so they're gonna have to try and get that thing back in lanes if they want to run hard normally when you blow a run you just stop but because you may only have one chance to turn your time slip in you have to take what you can get when I saw the slip it was like 9 1 at 150 I was like well something clearly is wrong so I have to get back as quickly as possible it's almost 12 o'clock we got to figure this out and I knew it was bad because now we really don't have a lot of time like we have to cool a car which is gonna take 30 or 45 minutes and we have to diagnose like what could have happen and then we have to hope that we can actually fix it in all in probably an hour and when I looked at the data log it wasn't making any boost it was making twenty pounds face boost I saw that the wastegate target was not being made so we borrowed compressed air from the sky day that has this naturally aspirated big-block Corvette put it on the wastegate the waist kids are just leaking it was complete frustration because I already knew there's no way that I can turn it and I know I just turned into seven seven I can't turn in a nine one or whatever that pass was it's just we have to fix it well you know it took a couple hours to diagnose that by then it was 1 o'clock and they're saying you only have 30 more minutes to make another pass we don't have any way of fixing the car at that point sans lanes closed in five minutes if you want to get a run in five so we try to make a second pass just hoping that maybe if it hooks it'll run you know a mid eight or something like that something to get our average better than a nine right a better is number from earlier this is a seven second car in the left-hand Lane [Music] Oh chill again ladies if he's lucky 908 to 156 as Mike RIKEN goes 1024 six 133 spun almost as bad as it did the first pass and it cut you know a 1/4 60-foot and it went a 900 156 and that's the pass that we had to turn in one bad day on this event to wreck your whole week if you have potential to win your category one bad day torpedoes the whole effort this put a lot of pressure on the rest of the week Darlington was hard for me because I had an expectation Gio had an expectation the guys back at the chop had an expectation anyone that was following the car had an expectation they announcer had an expectation so David the car that you are not only now you're not even quietly ready for this thing you're openly on team Supra I am I think it's really cool this thing is an inline six and they told me that the thing ran seven O's here we had brought this low seven second Supra and we had to turn in a nine second time slip so I was I was frustrated that it didn't go well but I was more disappointed of our reputation as import guys because you're in a primarily domestic environment and you know being import guys there's jokes about whether or not you could compete and here we are and we're not able to compete we haven't we have a nine second time slip so it was it was pretty discouraging I knew that once we had the waste case the car would just go back so we still need needed to get the car down the track which we haven't really been able to do all week J put them in the car did some other stuff to try to help with cooling and at that point we knew okay car should be good again you think you have your car ready but until you're actually doing it and you're you know going up hills and down hills we're stuck in traffic and you're you know you're stuck in traffic while going up a hill the car is just not liking it [Music] we got up early we had some breakfast we got to the track early we prepped the car early ready to run for those of you that haven't seen or been to see max it's a phenomenal location it's probably the best or biggest facility in the States as far as drag strips I mean there's for drag strips all lined up right there this was my first time a zmax and I had seen the truck I mean everyone knows the truck has is the truck that has four lanes so I was excited to be there I was hoping that they were gonna run four lanes but that wasn't the case but the track is still absolutely amazing like the facility has got to be one of the nicest in the country I think by day three I was still hoping to hit a home run I think I still wanted to run a big number I I didn't I did think it was possible at that point and but we we wanted to make sure that the car just went on the track so I was a little bit leery about what we were gonna be able to put down and I was nervous that we could spend the tires again and just really start to get discouraged so round one when we get to Charlotte he turned the car down some and we're hoping to make a hit the there was enough track there seemed like there was enough track there but right before we did the past a guy in front of me how to pedal it really bad and I think at that point a second-guess himself with how much power he put in the car before Gio turned their first bulb on I opened the door the car the guy and worker I'm sorry but it's dragons not that good gave me enough warning that I was able to pedal it anticipated happening and it works out perfectly GOP Steel's not had a problem with the horsepower has been applying the horsepower this is looking more promising than any of the runs he made yesterday steel goes 7:55 at 195 [Music] so he came back around to the pit and at that point we had some joy to share because he he was excited it was way better than our day before so we had a feeling of some improvement and that is the quickest number that we've seen out of that Supra so far 195 miles an hour running 750 s well I see one hundred ninety five mile per hour so I know that even though the car has already gone through some brutal conditions it's making it's making all the power so I know that we have a good engine I know that it's really just about getting the first 330 feet to work the way that they normally work so I want to make another pass however you know Jay quickly reminds me that getting on the road and getting to the next track is extremely important because if not we're gonna get homuth you know get to the next hotel at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning the track is only going to get worse throughout the day you you're gonna fight with this rain that's happening so we decided we were gonna pack it up and move on to the next track our first checkpoint was Pat musi shop which was really really neat because Pat musi has been a legendary American engine builder for just decades and he's just got these huge engines like stuff that as an import racer like you could you could drop your crankshaft through your B Series through the bore on one of these big blocks Chevy's I mean it's just tremendously cool stuff so they were running a big engine on a dyno which just sounds like thunder compared to the small stuff we were gone I got our photo got back on the road and headed to the second checkpoint leaving Pat musi shop was pretty easy until we got into the mountains just turned out to be by far the hardest drive out of all of them because it involved going uphill a lot of the time there's no road lights and you're just out in this dark area winding up and down these turns and you know you have these you have this map and you're following the map but did you miss a turn and then your phone doesn't update the GPS very well because there's not a lot of signal so you know it's easy to get frustrated in a situation like that Gio and I took a left and what we didn't realize is that was going to be the start of the difficult part of this Drive the real difficult part of this drive because we had a drive you know up and over this mountain and that's what we really started pouring heat into the transmission we drove another 15 or 20 minutes or so we got to what we believed to be the top of the mountain because in our minds we are gonna drive up this mountain and once we get to the top of the mountain then we could just drive down the mountain and it's gonna get easier and that was wrong we're worried that we're gonna kill this car but we didn't really let it ruin our day you know we had a good time and the that evening was probably the roughest part of our drive because as we got closer to Bristol the route tightened up and it got dark this is the incredible view from NOAA's hurricane hunter just look as the plane reaches the eyewall the blue sky clearly visible we are in a a very deadly and important game of chess with hurricane Florence but I think all the forecasts from what I understood at the time you know they were pushing the hurricane out past drag week so I thought it was ok I mean with us being from Florida I wasn't too concerned about the hurricane however that area doesn't get hurricanes a lot apparently because everyone there was like at least at the hotel gas stations it was just frantic because of the location of the track on the map you're not very far away but when we woke up in the morning we had to do this roundabout route because they had closed one entrance of the track for hurricane evacuation so we had a drive around basically the mountain to get to the other side of the track to be able to come into the drag strip it's a beautiful facility it's they basically cut a mountain it stuck a drag strip in the side of this mountain not very good for da but it's cool to look at but the surface was pretty rough though service was the worst the worst surface that we would face the week and they had just scraped the track to do some no prep stuff and it looked like they'd been doing some no prep stop there at that point our goal was to end up with a seven second average but still was gonna take us running better than we had run all week to get it done so at least for me personally I was hoping that we didn't end well first of all that we could make it because we were facing issues every single day so at that point you know making it wasn't even guaranteed but making it with a seven second average and a sealed engine I think at that point that became our focus and we kind of forgot about first place we were concerned because nobody was going really fast nobody was running on your personal bus they were all just trying to make it but Dan Seitz goes 829 to at 186 that's a 760 car you know it would have been a crime if we did the same thing we did yesterday the orange Mustang this one he ain't 29 he knocked the tires off of it okay the car that that had gone down every track without an issue was running mid 8 and having a pedal it so we knew we were gonna encounter the same issue that we even covered all week Jay did everything he could as far as turning the car down I didn't have a lot of confidence in it and I just slowed the boost controller down over the course of two seconds turn the nitrous off and hope that we would go down the track 2jz engine so do Laurette cam inline-6 style engine here for giovanni castillo the same style of engine that this car was delivered with from the factory I think these things were rated like 290 horsepower from the factory which was way low [Music] could be one of the best ones we've seen this car make all week 146 in the 8 mile as Castillo goes 781 478 at that point I didn't know I was spinning but it was like it was kind of shaking I could hear engine speed just kind of like not doing what it normally does I tell J like hey man it's only 9:30 in the morning the next checkpoint is 100 miles away let's just run it again and try to see if we can do better and I said no we're gonna go to the next track because the condition of the track will not get better as the Sun gets on it so we've already made the softest run we can make and I said hey man you know like we don't know what the drive is gonna be back down to Atlanta we don't know what we're gonna face you know we've got this hurricane thing let's change the hotel scheduling so let's just get on the road and see how it goes that turned out to be the right call because we didn't make it to the next checkpoint until probably four o'clock when we left the track by 10:30 in the morning and I think by that point do you understood that if you're not on the road early in the morning you're making for some long days because when I did this in 2016 there was one night that we really didn't even sleep we just we had to drive through the night to get to the track the next morning so at this point it's kind of a survival mode more than anything you're just trying to finish drag week Monday you thought you'd go win Drag Week Thursday you're trying to finish drag week so that was it he he didn't put up a fight and we got on the road to drive down to Atlanta the day for drive was by far the worst out of all the days it was a day that you were gonna have to go uphill for a long time it was probably a 150 miles of going uphill like just the car was totally not happy about it and then it's the middle of day is extremely hot it had been raining all week but it didn't want to rain that day I mean at that point we you know we wanted the rain because when the rain came the car ran cooler so probably thirty minutes away from the track we're already having to stop get on the side of the road and cool the transmission down so we make it to the top of hill finally this is after stopping three or four times the cool transmission we get up there and there are probably four or five other cars that join us just having kind of the same issues all heat-related everyone was pretty much having a we should just do to try and get up that mountain once we got up there we decide at that point that the only way we're gonna make it is by taking off the hood we didn't have a choice very long steep grades that the tranmission was not going to live through this without getting some heat out of it that turned out to be the right call we took off the hood we managed to put it on the trailer and we were able to make it done you know make it up the hill and make it down the hill with a little bit cooler time than what we were before I can tell that Geo was relieved when it started to rain and I you know I made a joke at him I said hey man when's the last time you were in a car that didn't have windows and it was raining out and you didn't even care and he was like yeah we did make it back a lot later than we thought but leaving the track at that time was the right call because we were able to get to a hotel at a reasonable time get some dinner and get ready for the next day pulling into the track five days later totally different feeling when pulled into the track on Sunday your your enthusiastic you're ready you're you're you're pointing at things you haven't seen in a while you know you're all excited and you pull back into the track the same track and you just feel relieved because now you're getting to the point where you've you've got this big accomplishment you know you're gonna finish Drag Week you know it's a big deal a lot of cars didn't finish Drag Week I think we woke up that day at 5:45 in the morning and we were you know basically at the track as soon as they opened we were one of the first ones there so the Supra is currently second in its class in modified Power adder he's chasing Dan sites his best run so far this week has been a 755 in order to win the whole thing the car would have to run a six and you know our that has been the goal with our car the entire time and we know that the car is making enough power to get there we just need to put everything together and at this point we're going into it in second place a definitely we felt pretty solid that we were going to finish in second place but we wanted to finish with a seven second average and in order to do that we had to run a seven eight et so in the more you know I'm feel pretty confident because Atlanta is the only track that we've actually been able to get the car to leave and if I can just repeat that first 330 feet I knew that the car would go you know 72 or 73 once we looked at the surface we got even more confident we were like alright this is it you know we have a track that's gonna work and I think Jay started feeling pretty confident he asked me if we wanted to run a number because we knew that if we ran a big number there was a chance that if somehow the car that was in number one had a bad day and we had this extremely killer day that maybe we could win and I said okay geo we'll try to hit it hard if it takes it we're gonna get a good number it doesn't take it we're gonna slow the car down and get a run in that we can turn it [Music] here comes a really interesting pair because on the right hand side you have got a giant displacement Hemi powered Camaro Doc McIntyre who's had this thing since about high school and he's about to go against Giovanni Castillo is back on the line with that inline six turbocharged Supra how different could two cars be but God knows 542 to the eight and out the backend 849 with a four I underestimated track surface I'm a major thing for us was not being able to just go out there and crank homeruns because the surface wasn't gonna let us do it it was terrible I had a pedal of carpi three or four times it was just total mess I ran I don't even remember what everyone but it was a like a high nine terrible and at that point pressures back I don't know I mean the track looked badass so I think Jay Saturday gopher I mean we decided to go for it this so far has been the best track we probably had it back off I think it was definitely a greedy decision but we knew we had a full day since we were back in Atlanta we weren't gonna have to leave early to go to another track while it was a gamble I think it was a pretty safe game because I I knew that if as long as the weather held out which we checked the forecast of weather was gonna be good that day we were gonna have another shot of it I don't want to finish the week bad so we slowed the controller slowed the boost down turn the nitrous off we've already ran seven five pedaling it we've ran seven five spinning we should be able to run a seven five here we go again with Giovanni Castillo in this seven second Supra happy to see him back want to see this thing finish the week solid I want to see a seven seventy out of this thing we understand it is seven Oh capable [Music] looks like a circle holding together this time if it goes 48 150 miles an hour to the 8 750 with a 4 at 182 miles an hour with the 6-cylinder we went there we went down father but I'll take it up I was excited it was the only time I'll ever get excited about running seven five I guess for a moment you celebrate it because it's the fastest you've gone all week Jay asked me if we were done and normally again you can't ask me that cuz my default answer is yes turn it all the way up let's do it whatever but the car had been through a lot we we were pretty satisfied and I was ready I was ready to just let this you know let that go and okay we we didn't do what we wanted to do but we did something great I think it was probably the first time that I had heard you talk about a car with some empathy to what mechanically has to go on what level of abuse goes on to perform the way these cars perform you know he said I was worried about the car and normally G was like the car I'm gonna run the car if it breaks it breaks and now he's like ooh this cars done a lot of work this week I knew it meant we finished a week with a sealed engine we're in a seven second average and we did it we I mean that morning most people were telling us you're still here like be happy that you're still here because there were at least 80 cars that got dropped out that couldn't make it to this point so just making it and being able to get the seven second average all that coming together I was extremely happy you know that was it that we you know we we made that second run it when I'm in seven and drag week was a wrap you know go turn our time slip in and and start to unwind I think at that point it all kind of all came together and I I realized what Drag Week is about it's it's you know winning us a part of it but actually completing it it's really the biggest thing so even if you didn't win just the fact that you made it there on Friday and you still had a car that was okay was a big deal so I learned to appreciate it quite a bit more so the car didn't do what what it should have done it didn't do what we've always done with it but we made it and that was a big deal there were ceremony was at the very end of the day and again I mean everyone there was just you know super excited and just happy for each other everyone there got huge claps I mean just because every person that is there just understands how hard that week is we ended up second and modified power adder with an average GT of 794 we ended up with the quickest six cylinder and we ended up with the quickest sealed engine award which to me was a big deal because every day a lot of the cars had the valve covers off they were wrenching on it I mean we literally we were probably one of the only ones that didn't have to do that there were two cars that I guess went a little bit quicker than us but by the end of the week they had a break to seal the engine I think it's a extremely good experience from an aspect that everyone should go and enjoy their time with their friend I mean just we don't get to do that as adults like it doesn't happen I don't get to go on a road trip I have too much responsibilities family all that stuff and this was just a guys trip so it was it was awesome I wouldn't have to do this all year but I you know I can't so I'll take once a year I mean it to me to me it's a vacation I mean it was extremely stressful but it's so rewarding by the end that I'm even with everything that we went through it was I want to do it every year knowing that we place well knowing that we had the sealed engine knowing that we finished you know we were able to to go up against Drag Week and finish it's a time that you're not gonna forget in your life you know and and I was happy that he wanted to do it and I was happy that he was able to do it and I was happy that he enjoyed it so you know for me watching him go get his award was really rewarding because you and I have worked together for a long time and they were there was over the course of these years we've become family and it was neat to be able to be a part of giving him this memory it's not simple it's not an easy event you you have to you have to go out there and do it it's not um it's not an event that you can just buy with your checkbook I mean to have an entire week to have nothing but cars and car people and racing and awesome roads and an awesome Drive yeah I want to go do Drag Week as long as I'm able to do Drive week so Drag Week is time to be a kid again for me at least that's why I want to do drug week again because it gives me time to experience nothing but drive me [Music] you
Channel: That Racing Channel
Views: 555,617
Rating: 4.8820086 out of 5
Keywords: real street supra, trc supra, toyota supra, geo supra, trc, that racing channel
Id: X9tlO-S8Q6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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