18 minutes of hwang hyunjin speaking in english

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i know i can speak english go you know no i don't know why you don't know bro hair band i have hair oh my god that's awesome my night cream my night cream on oh this now okay no no no and song also what is song awesome awesome awesome i don't get you guys where is the other members listen hague they're doing lessons and some of members some of member goes go some some of members when to work out is that right i am three i am good so funny and i think my english improves a lot do you know do you know why am i learning english i have only one reason [Applause] because [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i have 100 things i want to say but i'm sorry that i can't say everything because i'm not perfect in english yet [Applause] but but i feel like you guys get my messages wow i'm so impressed right now wow yes okay anyway stays are really really precious to me and i'm so thankful that you guys sing along with me even though language is different really really great today show was really awesome and i won't forget our u.s tour and u.s state thank you [Applause] oh my god why do you hate eggplant oh this is so not yummy don't cross the line first oh yes um it was oh it was very nervous but also also very happy very happy because because it was first time we got [Music] dominated dominated yeah it nominated so it was so happy thank you stay yeah handsome face [Music] yesterday yesterday yes i take a photo in times square it was great i feel my most creative when dark surrounded me [Music] korean drama me i want to perform in big study oh in a big stadium yes big goal yes thank you [Music] [Applause] do you drink hot coffee or iced coffee i used to drink cold coffee that's right all right why are you oh why are you speaking what are you doing hey hey yellow candy yellow oh my god i can't speak korean assuming you made a mess [Music] come on baby felix are you sleeping [Music] good hey stand up please first of all thank you for your card tell me because it's quite a deep story and yeah it really hurts my heart hurts my heart and i don't know if it will comfort you but i'll always pray for your father health and a lot of stay will pray you pray or pray your father for your father thank you for telling me i really prefer pretty i i i'll i will i will pray for your father thank you and next this is this is to this is really really deep story oh i'm so sorry that all i can just say just cheer up and i'm so sorry that i couldn't be with you but you know i'm i always be with you and straight kids will always be with you and all the straight kids member will pray for you we love the song and so we know that ear is two ears or really really gave us happy give us much happier so yes oh i'm so sorry that uh i'm so sorry i'm so sorry that i i'm not next to you but yeah thanks for telling me this deep story yesterday i saw this this thing's your story and and i i'm so worried about you because i know that it's really really scary thing but thank you and i'm so sorry thank you hi hanjin lately i hardly fall asleep i don't know what is wrong with me but whenever i'm in the bed early i'll just stare blankie i'm it's time to face this every day as i only get a proper sleep around three hours i am a student and the oldest sister since chronovirus i stay home so all students are having online classes but at the same time i think i need to help my mom at the end of the day i'll just feel tired and my next day will just be the same what should i do [Music] i've had a hard time falling asleep too and like i got so much junk in my head and sometimes i have little headache [Music] so i usually go to bed at four or five o'clock yeah i'm saying with you i was so tired yes i was so tired like like that i'm so tired but i can't sleep and i'm just tired next next day i'm so like tired but i cannot stop repeating every day like every morning was yes so i'm like trying to force myself changing go sleep and jin go sleep and jingle sleep i didn't go sleep but it doesn't make sense so usually i drink usually i drink like some of tea or some of hot milk then it was great to sleep not always but usually it was great to sleep so i don't know i don't know that it make you sleep but [Music] but i hope that just try anything to sleep because oh when i'm tired then i got a lot of stress every day like like um [Music] anything that like [Music] something that i was not that having stress but when i'm just tired or cannot sleep i got like headache or beam be mad not not for my my my people just for me i i got i got met for me i don't know what i'm talking about but anyway i hope that you always have not always but sometimes have something like happy memories where make happy stories or and you have lovely stray kids yes you have eight lovely stray kids members and we will supporting you always yes i want to i want to speak english like korean oh i'm learning english but like there's a lot of words that i don't i can't understand like like something same words but it's it has different meaning so it's hard english is hard but i know korean is more hard that's your favorite music just give me five minutes take your time thank you do you have good day of course a nice video oh [Music] what is your problem huh [Music] oh you [Music] chuckie the word
Channel: hynjnie
Views: 1,038,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5i4oDPfb6is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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