18 Day Hot Compost (1st Flip to Last Flip)

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hey this is Billy from perma pastures farm the permaculture pimp daddy were pimp means permaculture is my passion so don't get offended anyway the reason I'm so excited is because we I am sitting in front of finished 18-day compost now before we get going on this video I highly suggest that you go back and watch the video we made on how to assemble that pile that's critical it's it's fundamental and it's critical today we're going to show you the progression of how it went over 18 days and how we wind up to here so it's not as large because we've already used some and the cool thing about this is that we have an emerging orchard to put it we can use it there we can use it in the emerging food forests we can use it in the garden boxes I mean who can't find a use for compost especially something that was procured in eighteen days so stay tuned and we're going to show you the progression and if you have any questions and how this unfolded leave them in the bottom and William is going to answer those for you because locally he is our compost expert and he'll also be doing the narration as well so enjoy it alright so here is our first flip and you can see me taking the cage off in the beginning and this is gonna be your hardest split because all the grass and green material are all locked in and kind of makes it difficult to pick up just a little bit at a time so when you're doing this first flip you want to make sure you fluff up everything really nicely make sure there aren't any black clumps or anything like that and if there are just fluff them up try to pile it up as best as you can this is gonna be by far your hardest flip everything else from here is quite a bit easier and then when you're done just cover it up after every flip you always cover it up with the tarp unless there's too much moisture and you can let it air out a little bit so here's our second flip and you can see quite a big big difference in the compost starting to break down quite a bit more you can see some heat coming off there and then you can still clearly see where the grass is and everything like that the black trunks are actually biochar [Music] [Music] [Applause] so in between the second and third flip I think is where the biggest change occurs this is where you can really see a difference between that what you put into the cage and what's starting to become compost and this from what I've noticed is also the highest temperature point and from here on you're gonna have to start watching out for white fluffy clumps in the middle of your compost now that's either anaerobic bacteria or dead bacteria from too much heat either way the cause of the issue is too much moisture in the pile so I mentioned earlier cover your pile with the tarp after you're done flipping it if there's too much moisture in it then just leave it let it air out for however long you need to and then cover it back up when you're done and it got a little dark here I'd flip the pile to close to sunset [Music] and it definitely helps out when you have somebody helping you flip the compost pile so you'll notice whenever I'm flipping the compost pile I start off by doing the perimeter of the pile if that's as wide as I want the pile to be I start out by laying that in and then filling in the center and then once the center gets higher than the edges I'll stab my pitchfork in there just like that and just pry it out probably the edges out and you want to a you want steep sides so that way most of the heat escapes from the top of the pile so the heat is traveling through the entire height of the pile and escaping from the top if it's short and flat then most your heat is just gonna go out into the air and it's not actually going to travel through your pile very often or it's not going to travel through your pile very well it's just going to escape into the air [Music] and you can see I'll pile it up and then I'll just pry out a circle with my pitchfork and I just stab the center and pull the handle towards me all the way around the pile and then at the end of your flip you want to take that hard rake that you'll see at the end of every flip you'll take the hard rake and smash in where the pile meets the ground all the way around the perimeter on the ground you want to try to get up as much compost as you can because it takes a lot of work to make it and you don't want to waste any [Music] so here we are with the hard rake and then cover it up [Music] here the pile got a little wet it had rained pretty hard that day and the temperature rose just a little bit not enough for it to create any dead bacteria or for it to go anaerobic but you can start seeing some of that steam coming off of it again [Music] but doing overall doing 18-day compost is pretty forgiving if you make any mistakes or if you add too much carbon or you don't have enough nitrogen or if it gets too hot or you didn't have enough water or you added too much water it's okay it'll still turn into compost it'll just take a little bit longer which is still fine it's still compost is better than anything you can buy in the store [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right there you have it folks nothing to it 18 days later and this is what you get now we have no shortage of places clearly if you've watched any of our previous videos and where we can use this stuff I mean we can use it in the garden in our vegetable boxes we can use it around the trees but you don't see next to me is another compost pile over there and of course if you're staying on track with what we're doing with those meat Birds down there you'll notice that we have a cubic yard of compost coming out of there every single week starting a couple of weeks from now so make sure you stay on top of it folks give it a shot if you need any tips just ask down below and William will be more than happy to answer your questions so with that said this is Billy the permaculture pimp daddy from perma pastures farm and we'll see you next time
Channel: Perma Pastures Farm
Views: 101,075
Rating: 4.9264932 out of 5
Keywords: how to compost, compost, how to make compost, hot compost, how to make hot compost, how to build a compost pile, how to make compost at home, compost pile, making compost, how to flip compost, 18 day compost, how to hot compost, how to turn a compost pile, berkeley 18 day compost, how to start a compost pile, how to make hot aerobic compost, adding ingredients to compost, how to compost at home, how to build a compost heap, how to compost chicken manure, perma pastures farm
Id: u03mWQ769Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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