18 Chesapeake - Part 1 - Board Overview

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all right everybody how you doing so what I want to show you here is kind of what you're gonna get in your copy of eighteen Chesapeake obviously you'll have the map you'll have different trains here you'll have an income tracker you'll have different company public company all the companies and their papers I guess and you're gonna have their tokens that you'll be placing on the board you have a player aid you have money that comes with a game you have different types of shares and public companies you have private companies you have a turn order cards to determine turn order and then you're going to get all the track tiles and then you have stickers which I have not yet put on but those are going to go placed on to these different tokens instead of paper money I have poker chips which I will be using for demonstration purposes you also get your priority Deal card or you can use the crab for that all right so let me go over the board first it's two-sided but I have it folded in half just to kind of talk about this so this is the map number one you're gonna see across the top there are letters and there are numbers going down the side so if you want to reference coordinates or maybe if the rulebook references you know if something is happening if they talk about this tile here the Baltimore City tile they might reference it by coordinates which could be h6 or and what-have-you so on the board you'll probably notice that there are these yellow spots then the rest of the board has kind of a common color you'll notice that there are hexes on the board the hexes is where you will be placing these track tiles some of the hexes if you want to place track on them it's you just place the tile on there some cost money you'll see here that these spots if you want to put one of these track tiles onto one of these spots that's going to cost you $40 to do that track starts off when you first place down track you first place yellow tiles so if I wanted to place a yellow tile on this spot it will cost $40 now later in the game you can take the yellow tile off and put on the green tile when you do that you do not have to repay the cost of the tile the cost is covered when you put the yellow one on there and then you can you know make yellow will go to green if you wanted to you don't have to pay an additional cost Green can be upgraded to these brown and then brown can be upgraded to the grey in some situations and again you don't have to pay additional cost for that you'll also notice along here there are these mountain ranges to put a tile on these spots is going to cost you $80 another feature you'll see on the map are these kind of reddish spots they have these arrows going off to them these are what are known as off-board locations you can have a train run from let's say Philadelphia and maybe it will go through Allentown up here across Easton down into Trenton and off into New York maybe you have a train that runs that direction this is the amount of money you will get for making what's considered a delivery or a train run to New York all right you can see that it changes over time we'll talk about that more later but again that is one of the features on the board you'll notice there are these little dots on the board there alert are known as large cities which are these white circles that you'll see on the board some of the large circles have company logos you know meaning they are designated for that company to start there but that's still a large city but this the company to cnl would start there this is a large city but there's no company specified to go there so any company can put a station there I'll explain what that means later you'll see these little black dots these are small cities and these are represented by these little dashes on these train tracks so if I wanted to put a train track but says coming out of this city and I wanted to go into the hex here there is a small city there so the tile that must be there is italic corresponds representing that there's a small city there so any of these ones with the small city could be placed there whereas if I were to place here in this empty space I would not ever place one of these tiles because there is no small city there I would be placing these other tiles that are just regular track and that'll be more clear later on something else you might see on the board are these like dumbbell symbols if you see these symbols on your board that means you may not place tiles in these sections unless you own a particular company and that would be a private company and I'll explain that later but essentially these are marked off as not buildable unless under circumcircle conditions so anyone can build here anyone can build here anyone can build here anyone could build here as long as they pay $80 anyone could build here as long as they pay $40 up for a certain part of the game only certain people can build in these spots and that will become clear later on there are these other kind of off colored sections that's just filling in you can never have track and go into there and that'll be made clear when I get into a track of laying out you know building track on the board here's where it says future trains and available trains what they're talking about are these trains here you will start off with making these two trains available so what will happen is these trains will go there and then all future trains will be these ones so you would take the six and put them on top of the Dean you take the five and put them on top of the six and the four on top of the five and the three on top of the four and you would stack these up and those would be your future trains and I'll explain the significance of this later but that's what would go there let's take a look at the other side the board okay so this is the the other side of the board and this folds out and I will fold it out later so what you're gonna see here is you have this is considered your stock market this will determine how much value each share you have these different shares for companies how much each share is worth right so if at some point the gain this orange marker was here that would mean each share for the orange company here is worth $80 and during the game this can move to the left it could move to the right it could move up it could move down and ideally what's happening is through certain actions in the game this is going to Lou and directions and your investments are worth more or it might drop down and all of a sudden become worthless or what have you and I'll explain more about this later but that's the stock market of the game and purpose of the game is to have the most money at the end so this is something going to want to pay attention to you because this is a way to get money or have value by owning stock in the stock you know accumulates hopefully and value here is some information you just need to know you're going to play with an eight thousand dollar bank what that means is right you're going to get this money that comes with a game and all the money that exists in the game typically is eight thousand at least that's how much starts in the game and you will play the game until that eight thousand dollars runs out and then that will trigger the end of the game there are a couple other the ways the game can end but that's typically what you would be planning on you'd be planning on it to get to the point where there's no more money for the bank to give out to people and and that will cost into the game this chart here talks about whether you're playing with two players the players four or five or six players how many players are you using in your game that's going to give you some information I'll start here with the starting cash so if you're playing a four player game which is what I'm going to kind of walk through each person is going to start with six hundred dollars in cash so you would give each player $600 and that would be their starting what's known as their starting capital and how much money they have to spend at the beginning of the game this other column here this certificate limit that's referring to these pieces of paper here these are all considered certificates during the game in a four player game you can never have more than 16 of these pieces of plastic it doesn't matter what's on them all right the print is irrelevant the pack is irrelevant just 16 of these physical pieces of papers they call it our certificates whether that be these these or these you can't have more than 16 of them so I know in a four player game I could never have more than 16 pieces of paper and I'm going to start with $600 here is all the different companies public companies are going to be available to be purchased during the game and so what you would do is you would just take these companies here these shares and you would place them on the appropriate spot on the board so for example that would go there that would go over there and so on and you'd fill that up and that's where those were to stay this section is known as the IPO this is one of the places you can buy stock certificates from the other part of the board on here is the bank pool at some point people will buy stocks from here and they'll have these in their possession and we'll have those in front of them but if they want to at some point they can get rid of them they can sell them for money so you know if the green company's stock value let's say was here at 145 and I had a green spot but I needed money for something else or I wanted cash for something else I could put this in the bank pool and I would get a hundred and forty five dollars for that and that would mean now there are two places people could buy stock from they could buy it from this section here or this section here I'll get into what the difference between that is later but that's essentially what this thing is this Bank pool as it says there's shares in the bank pool paid dividends to the company I'll explain what that means and Bing pool lemmie is 50% of the company's so like I was saying when I was someone wanted to sell their share and get the hundred and forty five dollars for each company that can only be five shares in there all right so you know four people started selling shares and you once you got to five of these individual pieces of green stock in there no more green ones can be sold in there and that will come up again a little bit later all right what else we got here par value when you choose to start the company if you want to do that one of the things you will have to do initially is like if I wanted to start this green company I would have to decide well what do I want the value of the stock to be what do I want people to pay to be able to buy a share of this company and you have three values seventy dollars they could start at $80 to start at $95 it would start up and what you would just do is once you make that decision you take one of your markers put it in the spot that you want there and you would take another one and put it up here so this one is showing that the initial starting value of the company with $70 and this one throughout the game can move right and so this will have a significant later on which I'll explain later but that's what this par value is it's just saying what was the starting price of that stock and then you would represent it in both spots here you have whether is the operating round track and you'll see how this works as I go through the game but essentially what happens is depending on what phase of the game you're on and I'll explain what phases are you will have different operating rounds and you get this little token to determine which operating around here and are you in a stock round and this would be here are you in the first operating room or the yellow operating round then that would be there or maybe you're in the brown land and that would go there what happens is after an operating around this moves to and eventually it goes there and then it goes back and goes like this again where you can see it has different arrows so where it goes depends on what phase of the game you're in and I'll explain that later and you'll see how that works but it's just what this is it just determines which phase of the game you are in you can see that the stock chart here has a couple of different colors it has these three numbers highlighted the only significance of that is they correspond to where the initial starting value is so if I start this at 70 and I'm going to put this there at 70 this yellow spot is if for some reason a company starts to lose value and it ends up in anywhere in this yellow section as it says here stock in the yellow zone does not count against the certificate limit so remember and a four player game you can only have 16 pieces of this paper but if I hit the green token was ever in this yellow spot then these green stocks if I had them they wouldn't count against me so if in my game I had you know three three green stocks in my possession plus you know a bunch of other stocks in my position when I have to count do I have 16 or more pieces of certificate or pieces of paper the green ones would not count I would not count those and I would only count the other ones because Green is in this yellow area however if it ever leaves you know it gains value and leaves this area then you have to make adjustments to what you own that will come up again later and it looks like the last thing really on this board is just these arrows and it's just showing look if this company starts losing value and it goes as far as it can to the left you know it can't go left anymore so what you would start doing is making it go down just as the arrow indicates and another hand if it started gaining value and they went 80 you know it's moving to the right because it's gaining value and I'll explain what causes it to go left right up or down later but essentially what these arrows mean is look it can't go too right anymore because the stock market isn't go there so this arrow is just showing that it would move upwards I think those are the main features of the board
Channel: B Benson
Views: 2,225
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 18xx
Id: 2hhZ6epuvl8
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Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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