1725 Aeromine And A DIY Wind Turbine From A Lost Technology

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okay [Music] hi everybody so there's a new wind turbine out actually it's not a new one turbine it's been around for a couple of years but media is picking it up and there's a lot of attention on it and it's called the aeromine I did a video on this a couple of years ago the arrow mine is essentially a wing shape actually it's an F1 Wing shape the air passes over the wings chair creates a low pressure Zone which sucks the air through some pipes and of course in that pipe is a turbine and that generation electricity clever idea directing the wind and using that but if you want to make it it has a little issue and that is making the wing shape now you can make a wing shape if you spend months doing it and if you're going to produce tens if not hundreds of thousands of them well you can spend months on a mold and then you can cast off as many as you want just like worn out Underpants not a problem at all if you want to do only a couple of course you've got a bit of an issue who's going to take your edges to do this thing so I was mulling it over at building one and I was thinking okay this one's going to be built within certain criteria anybody can do it readily Avail materials and it won't take you a Month of Sundays to achieve a result of course we can only use the concept of the Aero mining that is mining the air directing it over a turbine and that's what I thought about I thought okay how are we going to capture the air direct to the air and push it over a turbine to generate now this actually strikes me as a bit of a mystery I have done a video on it before and it's Erasmus Darwin's horizontal windmill the inventor for Josiah Wedgewood and was used in the potteries but when you search for it it's surprising how little information there is it takes a lot of effort to find it and not that many people know about it few people do but it's almost as if it's a lost secret it's certainly not something that people think much about but the idea is genius years I mean Erasmus was a genius of his time he's the guy who's responsible for the Ackerman linkage which is what we use in the steering of cars today and he embedded a whole host of things and he was a intellectual of that time he died in 1802 incidentally so he invented this horizontal windmill which has never seen the light of day uh has almost been completely forgotten and has some great attributes about it because of course putting up a windmill in our lives in the cities is a nightmare of planning and it's very costly to build the actual support the windmill itself can be relatively cheap but the tower you have to build can be just ridiculous now Erasmus thought to himself okay if we have to have build a tower why not make use of it so what we're going to do is we're going to build a bigger version of the Erasmus Darwin Windmill and see if we can't use that new style of generator in it now I am blessed with a table saw some plywood and all the discussions what we're going to do is cut this three millimeter plywood up into strips to make the flaps for the flat vents okay so I've cut it up to a whole stack of flaps there's 96 of them and I've got myself a whole load of dowel and what I'm gonna do is glue the flap to the dowel so when you made a whole stack of these and I think 96 of them what you need is a couple of bits of wood with some holes built in it and then you slot these into the holes [Music] [Applause] and when you've pinned the top and bottom bar on what you'll end up with is this which can just flat open and close okay I'm got another six of those to make sure I've got myself a bit of plywood 12 millimeter exterior grid I need to chop off the corners to make octagons any two of them one at the bottom one at the top so I have my two octagons one with the hole in and one without a hole in this is going to be the bottom now we can fit our flat vents that we made making sure that when we fit them they flap towards the inwards not the outwards that's it finished now we put a bit of wind on that we'll get them to Flap [Music] [Laughter] which is exactly what they're supposed to do foreign hits them they flap open the reverse ones flap shut and stop the wind going anywhere but up and that's what it must do it's going to go out that hole at the top now when you build a wind turbine you have to build a tower and of course all of that Tower is completely wasted it's just money you've spent to get the wind turbine up there here what we're doing is using the area of the tower to capture that area of wind now the hole in the top is that big so that's the swept area of the turbine that I can put in there and so the power is going to be related to The Sweat area of the turbine and the amount of wind going over it we've got that swept area it's very much bigger and because that wind is even despite the leakage is going to be more because we have a bigger area so one thing we can pretty much guarantee this thing is going to be much more efficient than just a wind turbine by itself because it's capturing more wind area it must be because it's going to be most cost of more cost effective because you have to build a tower anyway and here you're building a tower that's going to do something useful and it also brings me to mind what we did in the video when we talked about the crazy channel in English about when we're looking at the logic of something so aeromine is the one that brought this up now a Roman claimed that them are more efficient than a solar panel and you have to laugh at that because what do they mean I mean if they're doing what I've done which is basically a big tower that captures that area of wind but they're looking at the footprint and sure they're going to be more efficient because you can build this as high as you like I made this 1.2 meters so I could work on it but we could build this three four meters high no worries at all it's gonna be more efficient than the solar panel if we only pay attention to the solar panel footprint because it must be and there's a degree of that goes on if you don't Define what it is that you mean then any inference you make from it is always going to be suspect so you have to Define what you mean and I don't don't really pick up the error minor defining it particularly well but you might want to look into that and let me know and be fascinated and of course yet one more thing about this is that turbine sits like that not like that so like that of course it isn't going to chop birdies into little pieces you're not going to be able to see it because it's laying that way and that Tower looks like a bit of an architectural feature so chances are you stick that on your roof and nobody's going to moan at you so there's lots of reasons why you would want to look at that as I say I thought the arrow mine was a little bit challenging to make not really it just would take a lot of material a lot of time if all you're doing is making a couple of those um wings that they use this one we just got some plywood and chopped it up on the saw anyway next one get a turbine in there and let's see what it actually does I hope you enjoyed this I hope it inspires some thoughts in your own mind thank you very much for watching and please do remember to like And subscribe
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 174,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wind, turbine, generator, aeromine, robert, fwg, tnt
Id: LteWS7OdaRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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