171. Throwing a Thin Wall 4-lb Bowl with Hsin-Chuen Lin

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okay today I'm going to throw a four pound ball that the walls very thin try to throw something that is thin wall so usually before you start it in my wanna make sure that you place the clay right in the center you a beginner that way it will save you some ever try to push clay around so I'm just using water online over here to make some mark or if you have pencil can use a pencil to draw some circles you have some kind to know where to put your clay I don't become any to slam your clay right on the bed because you know it's very hard to find this very center so you try to get some mark on and then just put it in a standard and partly well use a hand to punish it does the same thing as you slam so they can play stick on the back but this way it would be more accurate for you to try to put a clay into the middle into the center so you see that my clay is quite in the center so I will have a little bit less effort try to standard the very first one are usually like to hit the corner here using my right fingers to to hold it there and push down so the clay stick on the bed and you don't need to squeeze the clay sky-high as long as in the clay and then see that my right arms right there up to find a support so while I'm pushing the plate on the right hand is doing the job to stop the quick Roma wobbly or getting too wide specially on the bottom corner so that my right hand is holding right there while I'm pushing the clay down in each celery uses Latin attack over the hall for opening the bowl or usually music my tongue to use my right down begin all and I don't use my hand now my potential to open all the way my rectum is just over another small money later on please my left hand to to the opening jar to really squeeze it down so I'm using my whole fingers to think it in the middle from the middle of the hole and then usually I with a mind that sound hanging on the outside so while I'm beginning I'm still high centering and still gripping the wall and also the right hand could be there to support it and you not think me and all the way to the right thickness I would say about quarterly depending on how tall Monty would be maybe a little bit more than so you take it all the way down and then in starting when the clay out to the side open wider and remember when you are making a bowl you want to open up from even if you're not making a base it's for the base you will get to the 90 degrees about it but I'm making a pole you want to have a little bit of shell here a little bit a curve here and I'm kind of a squeezing the clay to be more in so that I will have a smaller foot and then open gradually just doing the very first pinch pinch from the bottom corner and try to lift clay I care about moving up how little bit out but then he'll be more up later on it it would be easier for you if you want to be here open it wider it's easy to stretch it so you want to get a high first so I pinched you and right hand is just holding it to stabilize it basically is the pigeon job from my left hand and remember to and the wall irritated by adding another water maybe literally slip all the way to the room people change and now my thumb is left sounds too short to reach the very very so this time I use my right time but I still want to do the same page as you see that mine who your spin isn't very fast so when your wheel is not a very very fast we could up move your move your hand move your finger slowly slowly pure cocaine or more pain rights I'm squeezing the play in then bring the play slowly very steady to the ring and compress so I told you that that you want to get a ball higher and then later on you could got stretching them easier put the slip back to work open-water on the inside okay this time we're going to church a bit more I think the hydrogen is good enough now I'm going to stretch it so I'm going to use mine on my rig on the outside to guide clay then my nice I finger is not inside pushing the wall slightly against the rim the study 3 push in our - tragic like I told you that it's easier to stretch it out so that's why I bring it higher first and then now I'm alright or do this just stretching it and making the shape make sure the shape is nice now I'm going to trim the UH unnecessary play after battle corner you you know that outsiders can take care of it but actually I care more of the inside than the outside so I will use a rib to try to smooth the inside also get a nice occur on the inside tuned and I hear there's a this is that a needle well I wouldn't rip that thing is very useful especially you're pushing on the inside as I sent her apart I had water to my ribbon then slowly impress only inside so I like this Ribbit's cuz he could tip over so that you will have the many different kind of curve start from this Maria shop car but in YouTube over then you have many different curve that fits very nicely on the inside the bottom so now I compress the inside button and then I'm going to use them the metal rip to refine the surface on the inside you so uh I usually after a compressed using the wooden roof by finally and final stage now would you use a metal roof too smoothly and inside what I did is what I do is I'm going to ban my rib to make sure your rib doesn't stay in there straight a limit go a bit sideways sideways so you want to use the up the smooth part not the edge of the meadow really not the edge you want to use a smooth part to move it we ban the room you slow me maybe let me change the angle so that you will be people to see how okay this knee is I look I want to show you how I hold my middle river on the inside so I'm bending my grip and try to using this part of the underneath part not on holding the straight line on a bending and then laid it down so the curl we'll be right there using my merit to compress to smooth the wall they didn't move that or like I say that if you want to increase the size the diameter is stretch from the inside we can go healthy while so that's how it off can't clean up the inside curve and remember when you're using the metal rib you will go to the moon'll close over the very center part because it's against the direction of the wheel a quarter inch or one day Thermage away from the resin after that you just take care of the ring I'm gonna use the chamois to around the cone the real so hold it right there using my two fingers two fingers the index finger kind of a compressed they wrap around and then compressed it exquisite so that you bring this is about four pound of clay the wall is getting okay this is the finished one again for porcelain and I told you that I care more about the inside curve I want to be nice and smooth because when you're using a ball displayed above all the people look at first is the inside of the ball so the inside has to be a nice clever that I consider a nice ball yeah this is quite a thin here already and later on I could trim if the outside is not as smooth as the inside that's okay I consider mom being inside a caramel body inside so later I'm going to trim use a trim it mentor to get a nice a curve on the outside and also people ask me you know when you make something large or something white or something like this how do you remove from the wheel it should be easy as long as you have a pet right here like here I have a little bet here on a place on on the wheel head and after I finish and it's go underneath and just pick up the whole bed and then I can not make another one so this is how I make a wider Bowl a bed and remove it okay thanks you
Channel: Hsinchuen Lin
Views: 205,578
Rating: 4.8753896 out of 5
Keywords: ceramics, pottery, wheel throwing, stoneware, porcelain, mypots, mypots.net, casserole, lidded jar, Vase, glazing, Hsinchuen Lin, 林新春, 手拉坏, 陶藝
Id: IeQtFvyxpUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 03 2014
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