17 Things Flight Attendants Want You to Know

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hey the pillow travellers mark you with Walters world and today we're here in vineger Auto Germany in the heart of the hearts mountains and no I'm not gonna talk about Christmas markets and I'm not gonna talk about Germany what I'm going to talk about today is something we've been researching and talking to flight attendants about for the last couple years and those are things that flight attendants wish passengers knew before they got on the plane so therefore we can have a better flight when we go out there okay so also I do want to say the flood attends you do see in the pictures here they are not the ones that gave us any of the information cuz I don't wanna get anybody in trouble for this okay now the first thing they probably really want you to know is the flight attendant is not your mother okay I see a lot of people going oh could you put my bag up for me could you get this for me look don't think that they're your mother okay they're number one job is your safety okay not put in your luggage way not doing other things it's your safety that's their primary concern okay and one of the things is with you know not being your mother is when you ask them to put your bag up because it's too heavy for you one of the things is if they throw out their bag I mean that's that's a workers comp thing they can't work anymore because they can't help me safe on the plane if their back is messed up and so what you'll see is sometimes they'll say hey the last cuddler our passenger could you help them with their bag or something like that because they can't do it and anybody that's ever been hurt at work if you're doing something you're not supposed to the insurance isn't always the most friendly to help you out when you are injured so that's the first thing remember they're not your mother okay the second thing than what you knew is it's not their fault so don't yell at them look having her around with the flight attendants yell at the flight attendants will not get you anywhere okay we're more their job is to keep you safe they're the ones that if something goes bad they're the ones that's going to be helping you so remember that so when you're starting to yell at them because the flight is delayed or you might make might not make your connection it's not their fault I mean last time I checked flight attendants don't control the weather and they don't control flight traffic and they don't control aircraft control some of the things that really do cause issues okay that make people slow or have delays they can't deal with that so don't take it out on them because they're just trying to help you have a safe flight now the third thing they probably wants to know when you do go on a fly is that you need to realize is that the plane is basically a glorified bus with wings it's public transportation everybody paid the same fare so no one is more special than any else you and the person next to you paid the same amount you have the same fare you're gonna get treated the same way you have the same rights so don't think that what you want is more important with the other people want because look you're all saying we're all the same on that big bus in the air okay so just just have a heads up for that one okay now the fourth thing I really wish you would know is have your stuff ready when you get on the plane one of the things that does delay flights is if it takes too long to board the plane for example we flew with KLM from Chicago to Amsterdam this week okay and we've got delayed 30 minutes not because they got us on the plane late because it took people so long to get their luggage away and stuff like that and that can really take up a lot of time so what flight attendants would like you to know is have your stuff ready for example when I travel I know I'm gonna have my phone my notebook my headphones and maybe a book with me that I'm gonna use when I'm in flight so what I do is I have that already on the outside of my backpack or the outside of my carry-on so when I get into my seat I can go boom boom boom boom take my stuff out boom put my suitcase above my backpack above then boom I'm sitting down and I'm done and it's all done and I don't have to get up during the flight that's the thing if you're not ready you don't have it ready it's all hidden within your suitcases that's why people are playing with their suitcases doing all these things and it takes time and then nobody else can get through so have your stuff ready and I know for me it's really annoying when we're you know on a flight and someone's like oh I want to get something out of my my carry-on and they have these huge carry-on like how do you get carrying on this big and try to find stuff in it without annoying the rest of the passengers okay so please have your stuff ready before you sit down and also in terms of being ready the next thing I have you is be ready with your order look we all know it's chicken or pasta why are we asking look those flight attendants are saying it's chicken beef or pasta chicken beef or pasta chicken beef or pasta 400 times before they even get you see even the Bell knows that this is crazy and the thing is is listen to what they're saying sometimes there might be a little like a little card saying what's available another time they'll make an announcement what's on there or just listen when they're right in front of you telling the people what their what are what's on offer or the person next to you so you're ready so you can say beef chicken pasta whatever okay so have that order ready also that order ready also means your drinks okay and I guess I will say with those drinks make sure you tell them what you mean because you can't be like oh I want a regular coffee what the hell is a regular coffee is if black coffee is it with two creams and one sugar look your regular coffee might be different than theirs for example me a regular coffee is drinking a coca-cola okay so make sure you say coffee black coffee two sugars one cream have that ready before you go also parents do the same thing talk to your kids beforehand if they want chicken or pasta they want sprite or coke or whatever have that ready so when you get up there you say sprite two sprites one coke please boom done done and you're okay that really speeds up the process instead of asking oh hey Caleb would you like chicken or pasta well I don't know let's stop and have a 10-minute conversation with him and then go to the next kid and ask them now have that done beforehand it will really save a lot of time and another one one of the flight attendants told me they're very adamant about this is there is no such thing as diet soda so make sure you say you want a diet coke or a Diet Sprite or diet whatever but make sure you say which kind it is don't just say oh diet whatever or diet whatever no be specific it makes their life so much easier now the next day I want to tell you is if you have any allergies make sure when you get on the plane you tell the flight attendants what your allergies are because if you have a really serious peanut allergy they need to know that in case something happens and that's why sometimes you'll hear along today is flight due to allergies we will not be serving the peanuts these things happen and they remember it's about safety they want everybody to be safe so if you do have allergies let them know so they can make sure that you're okay all right so just just a heads up for that one and to go along with that if you're a diabetic or you need to take medicine and you need food or water or whatever to take with your meds do not count on the flight attendants and do not count on the plane to have it for you because sometimes you might be on a puddle jumper that doesn't doesn't have any kind of food beverage services or stuff like that also what you need to realize if you're stuck on the tarmac they can't bring out your bottled water for like an hour at least so you may say well I need water well we can't do anything yet sir we're on the tarmac waiting to take off the thing is if you need food well you need to have that bring it on there with you and that's what they say it's look if you need to take meds you need to have something your blood sugar or whatever make sure you bring that stuff with you you know hit up the the little kiosk in the airport yes I know it's overpriced add that with just in case especially for pants if you need to have something for your kids they're gonna be hungry have stuff because they can't always get you the snacks right away and sometimes they can't get you anything cuz maybe it's too turbulent and they just cut out the service because that's happened to me quite a few times on my travels now the next thing flood attends was pay attention to the safety briefing look what's their main job keeping you safe and if you have no idea of what to do if there is an incident well it's kind of tough if you haven't watched the safety video and you'll see that even airlines are trying to make it more entertaining for you to watch the you know the in-flight safety videos you know whether you know I was on KLM and they had the blue Dutch tiles going by and I've seen where there's internet stars on there are comedians on there or or whatever you have a lot of cool you know safety videos the thing is you need to watch it this planes changed as new planes new configurations just watch it just humor them just watch to make sure you know what's gonna happen because you know what most likely nothing's gonna happen but you need to be safe with it okay so do pay attention during the safety briefing and I know I've seen a lot of flight attendants really try to do their best to get people to pay attention I was on a delta you know puddle jumper with this flight attendant named Kai and he's like okay we're gonna have a little quiz today what was the what's the color the strap saw your you know the head Masek it was kind of fun the thing is he was going out of his way to get people to pay attention and that's why you should pay attention during the safety instructions okay the next thing when I talked about is kind of during the flight and that is if your neighbor the person next to you calls the flight attendant to order a drink or something just order when they go there to don't wait for them to come back and think should I get some pictures I gets it well they order something I don't know if I should get something and that flight attendant goes gets a drink comes back and then you send them back to do it again making two trips look it's okay they know they're there to help you so if your neighbor order something just order something at the same time to save them that trip back and forth okay just a little common courtesy thing which means a lot because then that gives them more time to help serve other people on the plane now the next to have to deal with when we're getting ready to get off of the plane and the first thing is give them your dang trash look a lot of times there's not a cleaning crew to come through and and clean out those planes especially in those little short flights they're going and going and going and going and going and so the job of cleaning up after the after the passengers is the flight attendants job okay and so they have to clean all those things up so when you have trash and they come through with a bag saying anybody have any trash and trash give it to them you think oh it's just a little napkin or something like that throw it away because it can save a lot of time for them and therefore they get the next passengers on and so it's a better chance for them to leave on time so seriously give them the trash and the next thing about getting off the plane that they really want you to know is stay in your dang seat with your dang seat belt on until the seatbelt sign goes off and the thing is there's kind of two reasons for that one thing the captain hasn't turned off the seatbelt sign because maybe we're not all the way at the jet bridge it may look like oh we're there and you see if you I've seen this before people take out their seat bus they get up and get their bags and then the plane goes another like five feet and they go flying well the thing is you go flying you can get hurt your bag can go flying and that can hurt some other passenger and remember safety first for flight attendants okay but actually the real reason the really big reason why you're not supposed to get up and get your luggage until the seatbelt sign comes off is actually fire okay because if there's a fire on the plane and your luggage is in the way no one can get out and think about it if you're in the aisle with your luggage behind you stuff like that and a fire does happen because it can't happen I mean it's not unheard of is that no one can get out your bag is in the way so think about it you're because you want to get up and have your your carry-on behind you before anybody else you've now put everybody behind you in danger if they can't get over your bag and that's really the reason why they want you to stay in your seat until that seatbelt sign comes off because it is a safety thing because of fire and getting people out of the plane okay now my last little word of advice that flight attendants wanted me to share with you is it for everybody this is for the parents out there and the parent the flight attendants want the parents to know we love your kids your kids are adorable we love children flight attendants they love kids but their flight attendants first not babysitters parents need to take control and be responsible for their kids when you're on the plane because I've seen before where kids are playing around in the galley and you'll see where it's like little switches and stuff like that those carts 75-100 pounds of cart and all of a sudden some turbulence that comes out thick and really hurts your kid and people just let their kids run up and down the hot day of the aisle and stuff like that and things like that and you may think oh isn't that funny well one it annoys other passengers but also - it's a safety issue remember this safety thing comes up a lot you want to make sure that hey you know what I want I want to keep my kid kind of close by so it's not in the way the thing is if you're a parent thinks they recommend us bring snacks and entertainment for your kids because not every kid likes the Delta cookies like Liam does okay so make sure you have snacks maybe get buy a drink for them in the in the shop before you get on the plane something like that so you have some food for them also have entertainment for them it's not the flight attendants job to be a flight attendant and a kid's entertainer okay you need to bring stuff whether it's an iPad or their toys or coloring books or stuff like that have things for them to keep them entertained because they go and play in the galley it's a galley it's a workspace it's not a jungle gym so you want to make sure you're paying attention to that and one thing I heard from a lot of flight attendants - like holiday destinations is look it's it's not that flood fitness job to babysit your kid while you get drunk on the plane I've seen this a number of times when I've been flying to Spain from Germany or to Italy and stuff like that I've also if you're like oh we're going we're going down to Spain we're gonna have fun in Malaga let's drink it up and then the kids are running free look you got to pay attention to your kids because it really is a safety thing and the flight attendants they do love the kids and they do love having on there and they know they pay the bill as well so they're gonna treat them equally - but a lot of it really does come down to safety so those just some things that I think well that I think you should know that flight attendants want you to know well they're also things flight attendants have been telling us for years and we want to share and to all those flight attendants that shared with us thank you so much for being so open with us and again no other pictures of the flight attendants you saw on here we're the flight attendants that talked to us because I don't wanna get anybody in trouble but I'll tell you this the next time you get on your plane when they say how are you doing today you say I'm doing good thank you how are you be nice those flight attendants because they're the ones they're gonna help save you if there's anything wrong and they're doing their best to get you a great travel experience wherever you're going in the world so I say thank you to all the flight attendants out there and for you fellow travelers if you want to see other trial videos why not check us on our website at Walters worldcom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram you too if you subscribe to our YouTube channel we put out new travel videos every Wednesday and Saturday for travel topics like this or things like what you should do in the hearts mountains here in Germany buy from vendor golden in Germany and thank you to all the flight attendants and the pilots and everyone in the ground crews for letting us have such safe and wonderful travels around the world five from Germany
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 347,678
Rating: 4.8796363 out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, stewardess, flight attendant, crazy flight attendant
Id: GJLDQqejAd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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