16YO SURVIVED Torture Van Serial Killer By Daring Jump

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while a teen girl was experiencing the worst day of her life she had only one thought to survive when she chose to jump to safety she had no idea she was solving two murders in doing so she had just survived a brutal serial killer and would bring him to Justice at only 16 years old you are such a genuine Jim thank you for clicking on my video I'm Brooke McKinnon but today's case is another Survivor story that ended up being something that uncovered a whole string of unsolved murders and connecting them and putting it all on this one man who she could identify and ended up helping them catch it's an incredible one and you guys know Survivor stories are our thing on this channel there's a whole playlist down below if you'd like to watch them but I also want to thank our sponsor island quest away a new app game with so much positive feedback already you are actually helping and lay your the main character search the island for her brother who mysteriously disappeared it's perfect for any of us who like these sort of mysteries I want to tell you more about the game though Emily must sail to the island with her assistant Harrison but the game actually starts with a shipwreck upon their arrival you get to explore the beautiful locations with Emily to solve all of the strange Mysteries and find treasures you're also rebuilding the farm and getting to decorate as well as adopting adorable animals such as ostriches and alpacas and getting pets like a cute pink pony there are even many games within this game while on the island Emily actually finds that there was a Lost Civilization that was once living there with Cutting Edge technology and for unknown reasons it fell to ruin you get to help her find out what happened to them as well as discover their hidden treasure and find her missing brother with the help of assistant Harrison who isn't the most responsible man it's absolutely incredible and so much fun so if you want to play it you can download it with my link down below or the QR code on the screen and with my like you'll end up getting 20 diamonds 150 coins and 230 energy points so make sure to click that down below now let's get back to the story foreign [Music] so it was 2016 in Michigan and Madison Nygaard was only 16 years old she was still in high school and on April 16th she was doing what normal teens do and she was actually going to a party she had gone to Muskegon County and decided to actually walk home and the late night hours early morning hours and she found out that this party had been in a very rural area there was not much around no stores not really even homes and it lasted all night long so by this time it was pitch dark outside and Madison found herself without a ride you see her friends had fallen asleep in the car he was drunk he locked himself inside with the keys and so she had no way to wake him or to ask him for a ride and so she decided to go ahead and walk home now the reason for this is she couldn't find a ride with anybody else and her phone also was not working to make phone calls because it needed Wi-Fi to do so she knew she was on River Road and so she thought the walk home would be around 20 minutes and that she could do it easily but after quite some time of walking the sun started coming up and Madison realized she was lost she was tired she was aching and she didn't know where to turn there was nobody even on the roads to help but around 9 A.M Madison would see a silver minivan pull up next to her and Madison would say that they may have the driver's seat was a older nice looking man she didn't know him but he just asked her if she was okay and also if she needed a ride now with Madison being a very smart girl she did not want to get a ride from a stranger but she did ask if she could use his phone he ended up saying that she could use it but there was a whole line at this point of cars who were finally coming down the road that were behind the van and Madison said that he just said hop in real quick you can use my phone and then I'll let you out she did so even though she felt in her gut that she shouldn't because she needed help at this time and as soon as she did this man locked the doors and rolled up her window that had been down he began driving in a terrified Madison was asking him can you roll back down my window I need some fresh air and he refused to do so that is when Madison asked him well then can I use your phone like you said I could and he would tell her that his phone was dead that has been the 16 year old knew she was in trouble began to ask him if he would let her out of his car and that's what Madison said that this man's demeanor completely changed that he was staring at her saying nothing at all was not answering her and was giving her super creepy Vibes is how she described it Madison began to cry begging him to stop and let her out and that is when he reached under his seat and Madison would see him pulling out a gun she thought she was going to die and she knew that she would have to save her own life Madison said she didn't have a plan she just quickly unlocked the door and threw herself out of the moving van she jumped landing on the cement having injuries all over her body but she got up immediately and began running because she knew that her life depended on it when she looked back the man had stopped the van had gotten out of the van and began to point that gun at her while she was running once again she thought she was going to die and so she was running as fast as she could and she noticed that because the man had driven a little ways there were actually houses around the area that hadn't been there before that she could ask for help so she ran to the nearest house and she was asking to get in saying that somebody was trying to kidnap her and at the same time this man was saying that it was actually all a joke that everything was just a joke so the woman led her inside her home immediately called 9-1-1 for Madison and Madison was rushed to the hospital for her injuries it was found that her especially her back and arms were injured they had scrapes and they were missing a lot of the skin from the jump because she had jumped from a vehicle that was moving pretty fast thankfully Madison was conscious and she remembered every detail so she began to tell investigators what the van looked like what the man looked like and what the gun looked like she remembered everything and she did so while she was recovering and I was just screaming and I was like he has a gun please let me in she also remembered that the gun had some sort of orange cap at the tip now she believed that maybe this was an airsoft gun at first when she saw it but then it was you know still terrifying to have this gun and she thought you know either way this man that was putting a gun at me and so that's why she ended up jumping but she gave investigators the location where she had jumped from the moving van so investigators decided to go back to this area and that is when they would find two live 22 caliber rounds on the ground it appeared as though this gun wasn't an airsoft gun this was a real gun and this man had tried to shoot Madison twice however in some sort of Miracle the gun had jammed next they went looking for surveillance cameras throughout the whole route that Madison was taken on and they were able to see this exact van drive by and because of the image they were able to go to the database for the vehicles and they found 30 000 similar vehicles in the area however they ended up narrowing it down to 31 and those 31 owners were located and so a few weeks after Madison had jumped from that van they put these owners into a lineup from Madison to choose from and though Madison would have her own choice and who did this to her obviously and picking it out investigators actually already had the prime suspect or who they believed it to be because they went to every single one of these 31 Vans checked it out and one of them matched perfectly the van and the owner that they had picked was the same one that Madison would choose now on May 17th of 2016 a month later the man Madison chose would be brought in for questioning after being tracked for a week and finally pulled over and arrested now during that time they were watching very suspicious Behavior like one point he went into a parking lot did never go inside he just kind of roamed around as though he was watching people they feared that he was looking for his next victim and they began to follow him even closer to make sure that he didn't hurt anyone else before they could arrest him when they finally did arrest him he completely denied even knowing Madison regardless he was arrested for the abduction a search warrant for his home and his van were obtained at this point and also while he was in jail he made a phone call to a man named Sean stephanich who was a cop listen I've been arrested I'm hands down at the jail and I need you to go get char I need you to tell Char that she needs to either come down and I don't know what's going on so um and then I need you to go make sure Hank is okay I guess apparently they're at the house and I did my van and all kinds of [ __ ] so did you do that I don't know what's going on I have not talked to her since yesterday at eight o'clock and I need uh apparently I'm gonna need a lawyer so if you could think of a good one all right you know Alex Watson I know hell but I'm good he is I don't know how good he is either first thing I do is you got to get out and the problem is is more than likely you're going to have to wait till you see the judge and you won't be able to see the judge until they get all the warrant paperwork down there so that'll be later on today how long it's usually take you're probably about two three o'clock later today which isn't you know three four hours tonight inside the home investigators could find a paper this paper had multiple names of serial killers on it now there was especially two names that were circled and that was Lawrence Whitaker and Roy Norris the toolbox Killers Infamous serial killers in 1979 who had kidnapped raped tortured and murdered five teenage girls in California investigators began to speculate that this man's motives had stemmed from the crimes of these other men especially when they searched in his van and they would find a toolbox with a padlock after breaking it open they would bind what they would describe as a murder kit this had a camera a handcuffs rope chains drugs a knife 22 caliber gun and much more and the ammunition found inside this van matched the ammunition found where Madison had escaped investigators believed that this was a moving torture van and that this man had done this before especially when inside of his home investigators found hundreds of videos and photos of women being abducted raped and killed but they couldn't tell if these were homemade or if these were from a different Source now upon hearing that this man likely did not just kidnap this one girl investigators began looking into similar cases and that is when they found that a silver van was thought to be involved in another crime see three years prior to this around the same area in Michigan another abduction had occurred this was April 26 of 2013 when 25 year old Jessica haringa had vanished she was a mother to a three-year-old son named zevin and she wanted to give him a better life her plan was to go to college and become an accountant and at the time she was engaged to her son's father named Dakota Jessica actually worked at the Exxon gas station and Norton Shores in Michigan and she was said to be quite popular with the customers there they knew who she was they relied on her to be in there to talk to and that night Jessica was working she was going to close up around 11 30 p.m and a register would show that her last customer was at 10 55 when they purchased a lighter by 1107 PM a customer had gone inside to purchase some gas and he knew that someone was normally there but he couldn't find anyone he went searching around the store and eventually called 9-1-1 because he realized that a car was there as well as a purse but there was no one else there there was money still inside the cash register there was money still inside her purse this was not a robber three and looking closer outside of the gas station kind of in the back area they found whether blue was a drop of blood a little more than a drop of blood as well as a battery cover it was a Walther battery cover and this particular brand will come into play later on while the police were there investigating the stores manager ended up arriving for the morning shift and she was speaking to police and that's what she told them she might have actually witnessed something that night you see she lived in the area and she had gone on a motorcycle ride with her husband they had ridden past the gas station around 11 pm and the manager noticed that there was this car she believed it was a silver van and they turned off their headlights and they pulled around the back area where normal delivery drivers would park and no one was scheduled to be there it was also not a delivery van and so they kind of pulled closer to get a better look to check it out and that is when they saw what they believed to be a man at the back of the van who shut the door then he opened it and then he shut it really fast again then he got in the car and he drove off and when he was driving off that is when they could actually see him in the driver's seat now it turned out this delivery area where the manager was speaking of was where that blood was found and they would do DNA tests and it would be identified as Jessica's blood the manager though ended up being quite helpful in the case like I said she had seen this man and so while they were searching for Clues and for Jessica she was working with a sketch artist to try to identify the driver now she claimed that he had this wild blonde looking hair but even with a sketch for months no one knew what happened to Jessica theories were emerging that she had a tumultuous life that her interest and other men besides her husband or her fiance got her in trouble or that she had a desire to run away due to her fiance's controlling Behavior or that it was drug use and that she was selling drugs and there was a journal entry that allegedly talked about her fiance's not so great behavior and why she would want to run away and so one of the big theories was that her fiance Dakota was involved however he was quickly ruled out due to phone records proving that he was at home with her son the Knight of The Disappearance another widespread Theory had to do with the men that Jessica was allegedly cheating on him with or were friends with there was no proof showing that she had any infidelity but her sister said that she was a very friendly girl and that a lot of guys would get the wrong idea because of this and they would take it to the next level when she didn't want that and there was a man in particular named Jess ammerman a 37 year old plumbing contractor who was also married when police questioned him he said he was at the gas station that night but he was there around 9 30. however once he explained why he was there in his relationship with Jessica it kind of gave him a motive he was saying that he was actually going to leave his wife because he loved Jessica but Jessica had gotten cold feet he claimed that he went there that night to talk to her she still had cold feet and so he drove to a parking lot and ended up talking to his wife on the phone for the next hour now phone records did confirmed that he was on the phone but that meant it would have only been until around 10 30 PM whereas it was believed Jessica was abducted around 11 pm now this man's wife was questioned and she actually knew that her husband was in this relationship and was allegedly okay with it but both Jess and his wife were given polygraph tests and the results have never been revealed to the public that I could find and her body was not located nor was her possible killer at this point the months turned into a full year and little did investigators know that after that year this monster would strike again because the next time he would attack was not with Madison who survived you see Rebecca bletch was a 36 year old mother to a 12 year old girl and had been married for 18 years she was known to be the life of the party she had so many friends she worked as a physical therapist assistant and she was motherly reliable tenderhearted according to her family and friends but she would be found deceased on June 29th of 2014 in an adult in Township Michigan and this was around 20 minutes from where Jessica had disappeared she was found shot three times in the head she had on her workout clothes and it was believed that she was actually on a run the time of her murder and that she had just been shot dead where she was running and next to her was actually a pile of her sunglasses earbuds and Apple watch now Rebecca's daughter and her husband were actually out of town camping at this time though it was theorized that her husband Kevin and so had something to do with this anyways and Kevin had always denied this saying that they had just bought a camper for retirement they were excited for their future and that she really had no fears of anyone because she didn't have any enemies no one had seen this murder occur in fact the couple that ended up calling the police believed that she had been hit by a car and this was a hit and run we come up to this lady she's laying in the road I think she was hit by a car oh she got a head injury yes she did okay you stay on the phone with me is she breathing she is breathing she has a pulse okay do you see who hit her does she have obvious injuries she has a head injury she's laying face down okay don't move her around okay she's by herself you need to hurry she's all by herself really irregular my wife is a nurse so you need to hurry okay sir they're on the way already okay did anybody see anything to get a really bad head injury she's reading bleeding it's quite quite a bit from her head okay we gotta start a CPR if she's not if she's not breathing normally I want you to go ahead and start we're not going to hurt her anymore oh she's making funny noises okay that's fine you're not going to hurt her if she's not breathing just go ahead for the chest compressions let's get that blood through her where is the autopsy revealed that she was killed just minutes before she was found by the couple and the weapon was believed to be a 22 caliber gun just like in the Abduction of Madison and so now with all three possibly connected they began to look into the gun and the purchase of this particular gun and they found that it actually was purchased with a Walther laser sight which had this battery cover the same one found in the parking lot of Jessica's disappearance it was the arise that the laser sight had broken off when he had used it against Jessica to get her inside the car or to kill her and they now believe they had official evidence to connect them all even though for the past two years Rebecca's case had gone unsolved and for the past three Jessica's had because now this same gun was found and these suspect's minivan the man now being charged with the possible murder of two women and the Abduction of another his name was Jeffrey Willis he was a 46 year old forklift driver at the Herman Miller furniture manufacturing store and he had no criminal record though just before Madison escaped he was actually under surveillance because there was a complaint that there was a man in a silver van stalking women in parking lots and he was also friends with that cop he called from jail Sean stephanich there was a possibility that this Jeffrey had used Sean stephanich's cabin that he had in Mancelona mission again which was two hours and 15 minutes away from where Jessica vanished to bury her body neighbors of that cabin claimed that they had seen Jeffrey at the cabin many times and they saw him taking a shovel into the woods as well while investigators searched the cabin they searched the woods around the area they did come up empty but Sean was not the only person in law enforcement that Jeffrey had around him you see his cousin was Kevin Bloom who was a prison sergeant and who he was very close with at the time we'll get into a little bit more of what Kevin knew in a bit but Jeffrey was said to take his grandfather out to eat every single week he worked normal jobs throughout his life he was quite popular in high school he was an almost too confident guy especially around girls according to the people who knew him he thought very highly of himself and in his 30s as he had grown he was able to talk to anyone and he would do anyone any favor however even though many had good things to say about him looking back some began to come forward to say that he wasn't as nice as everybody thought he was and many said that he would make crude comments about women's body parts though he was married oh What Jeffrey told the police was that with Madison he now knew who she was and he said that he was trying to help a distraught looking girl find her way home but that when he rolled the windows up she began to freak out and before he could stop her she was jumping out of the car now for quite some time in this case Madison was actually referred to by her initials mgn due to the fact that she was a minor so you might come across that if you do research yourself however since then she has said she doesn't mind being identified she's a little bit older now and she has gone on to the stand and testified which we'll get into how certain are you that this is the man who oh 100 I know it's him and nobody knows nobody would have known that that happened to me nobody knew that I started walking nobody knew anything I could have just been gone just like her but on Jeffrey's computer investigators had found a folder named VIXX short for victims or that was what it was believed to be and inside that folder was another folder named Jessica Harrington and another named Rebecca bldge inside were photos of them inside Rebecca's folder was also news articles about her death and a photo that looked like Rebecca wearing a bikini and lying on a bed there were many videos found as well that was referred to as murder porn one was of a woman jogging before she was killed just like Rebecca now once Jeffrey was arrested a neighbor of his came forward to say that he had actually once asked to use their bathroom and ended up filming their underage 14 year old girls or daughters and they would later say that they always felt uncomfortable with him that he was always watching them but they didn't think he would do anything like this and that is when investigators would find photos of them from [Music] all through the years and all different locations on his computer he was stalking these two girls he was charged with production and possession of child pornography for this however he wouldn't actually be tried for that and while awaiting trial Jeffrey's cousin who was the prison surgeon named Kevin Bloom was arrested on it June 21st of 2016. he was charged with a line to police about Rebecca and Jessica's murders and being an accessory after the fact he allegedly saw the body of Jessica after her murder and helped to bury her he said that Jeffrey called him he then arrived to find this body but Jeffrey and then told him that he had been following and watching Jessica and he hit her and she fell unconscious he then used sex toys and tortured her and so when Kevin arrived he said the Jessica was face down tied up naked and not moving they then allegedly wrapped her in a sheet buried her and I hold it was actually already dead jug but the reason they were looking into Kevin was because he allegedly reset his phone the day after Jeffrey was charged with Rebecca's murder but Kevin claimed that he only reset his phone due to explicit photos and videos but he also admitted that he knew Rebecca before her murder that they were friends and that he was an honest guy and wouldn't have killed her so he said that two years after the murder he was handling the gun used in her murder because Jeffrey wanted to get rid of the gun but he said he wouldn't do it now on November 2nd of 2017 Jeffrey Willis went to trial and he took the stand for the murder of Rebecca bledge and he was saying that he was innocent he was at home cutting grass during that time and that his wife could verify it however she refused to do so and it was announced that the believed motive for the murder of Rebecca was that she had refused to get into the van when Jeffrey had told her to and because of that he killed her and DNA expert testified that Rebecca's DNA was found on the sex toy and glove inside the toolbox now he was found guilty in the murder of Rebecca bletch and he was sentenced to life without parole did you see what he just did I think that was very cowardly to walk out like that and then to turn around to my family and blow a kiss like I said I think that's his Kiss of Death he's gonna get what he deserves in prison during this trial he refused to listen to the victim impact statements and because of this a bill was actually passed by the Michigan Senate that required convicted defendants to listen this is now known as the Rebecca Black Law we lost our sister there's no closure it that empty spot is always going to be there the fact of the show is a brutal mad man I tell him that far as I'm concerned he's a useless individual January 2008 his prison Sergeant cousin Kevin Bloom was sentenced to five years probation after pleading no contest to being an accessory in May 2018 it was the trial for Jessica's disappearance and believed murder now his defense attorney said that there was no real evidence that Jeffrey was ever alone with Jessica or that he did anything to her that someone possibly killed her after she sold them drugs and Jeffrey was pleading not guilty and the prosecution claimed that Jeffrey had killed her that he had struck her inside the gas station or outside of the gas station put her in the back of his van and took her and killed her and that his motive was that he was living out his fantasy that was displayed all over his computer once Jeffrey was arrested Witnesses had come forward to say that Jeffrey was at the gas station the night of Jessica's murder not just outside he at one point was inside flirting with her he was then M.I.A from work that night he walked in to the gas station did you recognize who was working that particular night yes it was Jessica and when you walked into the gas station that night was Jessica alone no who else was there Jeffrey Willis what makes it so sure in your mind that it was Mr Wells um because he looked right at me because I was having a conversation with Jessica about her being there by herself at night and that I'd have you know if I was her I'd have her husband or boyfriend or whoever come down to stay with her last hour to make sure she was all right and she said he turned around looked at me and said that she's got her customers looking out for her too the final customer that night who had bought the lighter came forward and would testify that the night she was there there was also a man in the store that made her feel super uneasy however she said that man wasn't Jeffrey I was afraid of him his proximics were very poor I felt that Jessica was alone shouldn't have been it was always in the evening this person just a character judgment I felt it just wasn't safe but it turned out that all the way back in 2000 after Jessica's called in about Jeffrey Willis this drive-through worker had seen this man in the silver van and they believed that he could have done this based on the evidence that was being presented to the public at the time Jeffrey was allegedly questioned at that time all the way back in 2013 and told him he was at the gas station around 5 PM but that he didn't know Jessica and he didn't go back after that they did end up looking at his van at that time and they found that it was spotless there were vacuum marks and it smelled like cleaning products however this was said not to be documented in an official report until 2017 when these other murders and abductions had occurred this was just kept in the officer's notes until this time now Jessica's fiancee Dakota would testify too I we had issues with other people judge jealousy issues I guess okay what do you mean what other people she always respected me of being with somebody else I was suspected her of her trying to see someone else infidelity I guess is the word I'm looking for no one's specific just General I don't know how to explain it do you know what she was seeing for drugs I do not know him personally I just know he went by a street name Jay-Z that's all I've never met the person I've never seen them I called them a custom out on the phone that one day and that was it and that Jessica was using heroin now the Survivor Madison Nygaard would also take the stand against her captor and she broke down in tears in the courtroom that day and she gave the same story as she had given to police years prior Madison's mother was there and was said to reach out to Rebecca and Jessica's families and hug them tight during the trial while the crime scene photos were shown then Jeffrey's ex-wife testified against him saying that they were married for 13 years but around 2013 when Jessica was abducted he began to change his appearance he lost quite a bit of weight he highlighted his hair and around that same time he purchased a silver minivan appearance today is it the same as it was back in 2013 no significantly different significantly different yes household um he is uh lost quite a bit of weight he was near 300 pounds and he always had his hair cut about every three weeks so it's very short and he kept his beard trimmed or his go goatee trim okay recall a time in 2013 when two Norton Shores police officers came to your house yes and how how is it that you remember that I was inside with the dogs at the time and looked out the front blinds and the van doors were open the trunk was open okay so when you had seen uh the this is your first observation of them yes okay and um at any point in time ma'am uh did you uh get an opportunity to talk to them no were you made aware at all either by the officers themselves or the defendant that the officers wanted to talk to you no uh were you told by the defendant hey look I just had this conversation with a couple police officers and you may want to call them nope any conversation at all no you've never seen this toolbox nope part of his murder kit also allegedly had insulin in it and syringes and these were from her because she had diabetes she said she had no idea he was stealing them from her but then Jeffrey Willis took the stand again and he started talking about helping Madison but then he slipped up because he was saying that he was just helping her and that when he tried to pull up and help her she wasn't where he needed her to be and a lot of people caught on to that he also claimed that the reason that he had this list of serial killers was because after Jessica's disappearance A co-worker was talking to him about it and believed that it was a serial killer and he was just trying to help but on May 16th of 2018 he was found guilty of the murder of Jessica harinja now although Kevin had allegedly told the police where they buried the body Jessica's body has still not been found but investigators do not believe that this is all that Jeffrey did in fact he was suspected to be involved in the 1996 murder of a 15 year old named Angela Marie Thornburg she had vanished in September of 1996 in Fruitport and was thought to be a runaway but it was 13 minutes away from the gas station where Jessica would disappear 17 years later and if he was involved in that case had he been doing this for those 17 years a month after Angela had vanished her body was found partially clothed in the woods and there were no signs of trauma according to investigators but it was not reported how she died but they believe he might have been connected because Jeffrey had gone to the same Fruitport High School back in 1988 but during the time that Angela was going to that high school he was working there as a janitor three years after her murder he would be fired from that school because he was looking at explicit images on the computer it's unknown how many victims that Jeffrey took the lives of how many people really knew who he was Rebecca's family did make a statement against Jeffrey's cousin Kevin Bloom saying that his silence about the entire thing killed that if he had spoken up earlier about Jessica's abduction and murder Rebecca would still be alive Rebecca's father said that Jeffrey was a rat and a trap doing everything that he could to get out of it the Survivor who caught a serial killer Madison Nygaard said that she went 16 years without ever experiencing anxiety or PTSD but after this encounter with a serial killer she says it's all she ever deals with but she says she's glad she's able to put him behind bars and she wants young girls to remember to be safe that they are not Invincible due to her bravery that day two victims and their families received Justice and a monster was taken off the streets though her abduction was never officially charged she was essential to the trials of Jessica and Rebecca Jessica's Family then went to the Michigan House of Representatives and created Jessica's law to require gas stations that open from 11 pm to 5 a.m to install surveillance cameras because there were none at the gas station she worked at and her case almost went unsolved because there wasn't anything to prove that she had even been taken other than that blood found on March 11th of 2020 this bill was passed would you believe there were more victims of Jeffrey Willis how did he get away with his behavior for so long how did people not see the signs and these strange Behavior or did they and did they ignore it I think that this case is probably much bigger and much deeper than we know or that we will ever know and I believe that one of the lawyers or investigators had said that Jeffrey is not one who is going to tell names of his victims he's not going to be one that comes up with the names and gives them all the information if they don't have it so really they were they were looking into all sorts of Unsolved cases around the area but who knows if will ever know his other victims please send so much love to Madison a Survivor and the victims families down below and don't forget to download island quest away if you want to help Emily find her missing brother in a very fictional world I should say so don't forget to speak up your voice is powerful enough and I love you to Absolute pieces okay bye
Channel: Brooke Makenna
Views: 98,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, true crime documentary, Brooke Makenna, Brooke McKenna, survived, i survived, i survived a serial killer, survived serial killer, Jeffrey Willis, found alive, Madison Nygard, Jessica Heeringa, Rebekah Bletsch, tool box killers, Jeffrey Willis murder, survived by daring jump, survived by jumping from moving van, jumped from moving van, survivor solved unsolved murders, two murders solved, 16 year old survived, 16 year old caught serial killer
Id: tM40wdK1WG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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