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all according to plan all right yeah I figure it does you know I mean of course most people live in the uh you know western part of the the land mass but yeah yeah you don't have a bunch of crazy Russians running around in the Siberia no way it just doesn't happen just frolicking buck naked with the reindeer staying warm off of gallons of vodka yeah most of the Russians that play Tetris on Twitch are are in the the Western portion is my dude live yet man pretty sure I gave him the right time 2030 UTC it is now 2046 or 2045 or something like that thanks fite yeah I see that yeah I've got his window open here and like I just got to look to my right to see if he's live or not and he's not live uh I don't know how fast you can cook up a Tetris restream missiles but I mean it would be uh it would be quite quite a cool thing quite quite the favor indeed it' be a real real G move poor Vlad he's probably passing out in his little Russian office chair cool right on falite it's a good idea it's good for you switch it up every now and then like there's this little itchy spot on my neck right now and it's screaming at me it's like scratchy scratchy I'm like no no I can't no that could this could be a big transition oh oh right okay now I see what you mean actually I don't really know the context of that statement but I know that this game is going to involve a big Tetris trans uh level 19 transition so yeah uh 453 at 97 lines boom going into 100 with 476 that's that's you know now that's a big transition right there oh switching to Rolling yeah that is a big transition learning rolling is always a big transition doesn't really matter what you played before yeah it's a it's a skill takes like a lot of time to master but when you master it you know you're just you're pogging out like never before into the new meta of Tetris pogy yeah no I I get that you weren't talking about transitioning in the game I just uh you know I was completely aware that I was I was reading that out of context and unable to actually read the comments while focused on this game in particular which is still going okay I'm still alive oh that was a [ __ ] burn shouldn't have done thaty all right there we go nice oh yeah for for for [ __ ] nuts what what I just got a mtown what
Channel: Tweak Beacon
Views: 42
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tetris, Maxout, Classic Tetris, NES
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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