1641 Drum Room Build - Part 1

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[Music] yo what's up everyone i'm matt and i just finished up a pretty crazy diy home project so just for a little context i live in a duplex that has a shared wall with my neighbors and this wall also just happened to be a shared wall in the drum room so after looking at many options over about a year and a half of research i decided to build what's known as a room within a room to help tame some of the noise i know there's plenty of information on this topic across the internet so i'm not going to go a lot into specifics but since i got most of my inspiration and information from youtube i thought i'd give back by sharing my experience by documenting the process so i know i know you're really excited but before we get started a few things one i am not a professional acoustician audiologist contractor builder hell i'm not even a professional musician so take all this with a grain of salt i had a lot of help from my awesome contractor father-in-law mike smalinski without him a lot of this would not be possible so my first word of advice is this unless you absolutely know what you're doing most definitely get yourself a mic smoke two this isn't meant to be a literal step-by-step instructional video i'm simply showing you what i did to solve my problem you're gonna have a different situation or maybe a whole different problem entirely so while the basic concepts of sound may still help you just know that every situation is a little different what worked for me may not even work for you three sorry to burst your bubble but this process will not get you a 100 soundproof broom that's really hard to do and unless you have lots of mass and airspace nothing will ever be 100 soundproof this however did solve my problem so if you're interested in a before and after sound comparison video be sure to let me know in the comments four everything you're about to see is pretty much shot on an iphone or gopro in very poor lighting conditions in fact there's plenty of times that i was knee-deep in the middle of something and totally didn't feel like shooting but i did anyway for you five and finally as you can imagine there was a mound of footage from this process and it took forever to assemble so if there's anything in this video series that was helpful at all even if it was what not to do be sure to let me know by algorithming all right let's go back to the summer of 2020 when we gutted the room [Music] [Applause] [Music] because this would relax and it's going to be supported over here yeah okay got the project manager inspecting the build [Music] what do you think of the drum room right now it's a mess so demo is finally complete um excited to be moving on here so we got at the original room we took out the original drywall all of the electrical the recessed lighting we even took out an entire closet which gained us probably a solid three three and a half feet um the original room was l-shaped so it wasn't very conducive to having a drum set on one side and and workable space on the other so that was some really prime real estate that we gained there so the next step will be taking our safe and sound insulation we're going to be putting it on the original wall and then sealing it [Music] up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we just finished phase two which is what we're considering to be the outer room in our build and the good news is my wife has reported that construction noise has significantly decreased since finishing this part of the build so that's that's great to hear but we're going to take it a step further so what we're going to do next is frame out a brand new room about an inch and a half away from the outer walls from there we're going to put another layer of insulation we're going to put two layers of 5 8 inch drywall separated by a noise proofing compound called green glue and we're going to do that right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right that's it for now thanks for watching be sure to check out part two to see what we did next and subscribe for upcoming videos later
Channel: 1641 Audiowurqs
Views: 6,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1641, audiowurqs, audiowurks, drum room, drum studio, home recording, home studio, home recording studio, diy, room within a room, soundproofing, soundproof, green glue, drums, drum set, drum recording, music room, practice space, rehearsal space
Id: QdrkNgRWuhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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