1622 Lost Galleon: The Hunt For The World's Most Valuable Shipwreck | Myth Hunters | Timeline

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[Music] sailor stories told of a Spanish treasure gallion wrecked off Florida 300 years ago the richest Spanish gallion that ever crossed on from Spain the legendary wealth of the nestra Senora DEA fed the fantasies of treasure Hunters there's so much treasure on the Atocha it's incredible generations of adventurers schemed and dreamed of discovering her riches a lot of people thought that dad was off his rocker you know they thought this guy is living in a dream world but Mel Fisher set out to find the wreck it's fun romance and Adventure sunken treasure was his obsession it gets in your blood and you just can't stop he set his heart on discovering the millions in Gold Silver and emeralds dad told us every day today is the day you're going to find the treasure look at that baby this is the true story of Mel Fisher's extraordinary hunt for The Treasure of the Lost Spanish [Music] gallion even as a boy growing up in Indiana during the 1930s Mel Fisher was obsessed with Tales of treasure especially sunken treasure unfortunately the complex and expensive equipment equipment needed to dive old shipwrecks put treasure hunting Out Of Reach for ordinary people but young male Fisher was no ordinary [Music] person when Dad was 12 he made his own dive Hood it was a a five gallon bucket and he put a a plast piece of glass in it and then he had a hose going up to the surface and his friend had a bicycle pump but uh air stopped coming and he almost drowned in that Lake but for all his dreams of Treasure by the early 1950s Mel Fisher was scratching out a living as a chicken farmer when technology changed his life Mel learned of a diving Revolution the invention of the self-contained underwater breathing apparatus scuba wearing a scuba air tank Mel was able to live out his childhood fantasies at last he could dive for Treasure Mel sold the chicken farm and in 1953 with his wife Dio opened the first dive shop and dive School in California at Rondo [Music] Beach he organized treasure Hunting Expeditions on wrecks made famous by pirate Legend and old Tales of sunken treasure he was like the P pip for everyone wanted to go with him everyone wanted to be a part of it and he made everything exciting Mel found no shortage of clients eager to taste the thrill of treasure hunting it easily becomes an obsession I found my first treasure when I was 9 years old and it's a very addictive feeling there's a definite thrill there a personal feeling that you get when you see something that nobody else has seen or touched for a few hundred years and bring it to the surface just get tingles all over and you just want to find [Music] more even with a growing family enthusiastic amateur treasure hunter Mel Fisher took every opportunity to indulge his passion we would save up every year and go treasure hunting for a vacation and then his vacation kept getting longer and longer Mel's problem was that he lived on the west coast in California but the best area for treasure hunting was on the east coast in Florida and the Caribbean there are more sunken treasure ships there than anywhere else in the world my father told me that he thought there was a shipwreck about every hundred yards from Havana Cuba to North Carolina of course they're not all filled with gold deons and that's the ones that he was after the reason the east coast is so rich in WS is down to the forces of geography and weather from the 15th century on the Spanish ruled and plundered The Riches of C in South America large fleets of Spanish gallions each loaded with tons of gold silver and jewels sailed from Cuba for Spain every year for centuries it was a tremendous flow of wealth for 300 years and and all of the richest families had people over there sending it home most of the ships made it home most of the time but the shallow Waters inside the reef of the Florida Keys became a death trap in the hurricane season these hurricanes would push them into that reef and then over it inside the reef and that's where they would end up breaking up and [Music] sinking over the centuries valuable Treasures have been salvaged from Rich ships found on the seabed occasionally the SE would give up a clue to the location of a [Music] fortune in the early 1960s Gold Fever struck in Florida suddenly gold D Bloons and silver Pieces Of Eight began appearing on the beaches they had been finding coins along the beach as they were beach combing and they did a little research and found out about this whole Fleet of ships that had sink here off of Vero Beach Florida the owner of the Salvage license for the area believed the coins were from the Spanish treasure Fleet that sank in 1715 by now Mel's treasure hunting reputation had grown and he was offered half the 1715 treasure if he could find it for Mel this was a dream come true this was his chance to be a fulltime treasure hunter to turn professional but it meant uprooting his wife and four children 2,600 mi from California to Florida it was a huge gamble he might find nothing and lose everything but in 1963 Mel decided to bet everything he had to follow his dream he gave himself one year to strike it R they decided they would sell everything and go work for one year and they convinced Fay fields and four other guys all to come work for free for one [Music] year Mel came armed with a secret weapon technology Fay Fields Mel's elect ICS expert had miniaturized a World War II submarine detection device the flux gate magnetometer its underwater sensor could detect Iron and Steel on the seabed by locating an anchor or even a nail Mel hopes the magnetometer would be a shipwreck finding [Music] machine but Mel's first months in Florida Florida looking for the Spanish 1715 Fleet were disappointing he had a big problem the magnetometer worked detecting iron Clues but when the divers went over the side to investigate the water was so murky they couldn't see their hand in front of their face let alone hunt for Treasure dad had a lot of great characteristics he he was an engineer to begin with so he could always figure out how to solve a problem problem if Mel couldn't solve this problem his new life as a professional treasure hunter would be over before it had even started he set to work finding a way for his divers to see my father had noticed that on the surface level there was clear water and he wanted to bring that clearness from the surface down to the bottom if you could figure a way to push the clear water down to the bottom then it would make it easier for the divers to see the treasure Mel designed giant steel tubes that attached to the back of the boat to redirect the clear wash from the propellers down towards the seabed while the boat was anchored he would put the boat in gear and all the prop wash or the water that was blowing through the propeller would then be pushed down through the elbow of the tube toward the bottom bringing the clear water down because of their shape Mel called them mailboxes no treasure hunter had ever tried anything like [Music] this it was a great device it worked perfectly it made it Crystal [Music] Clear Mel had solved the visibility problem the divers could now see to investigate the magnetometer readings Clues to where the treasure ships had [Music] sunk quite by accident Mel's mailbox also fixed another problem he didn't even know he had turned out to have a really nice side effect of digging a big hole real fast the prop wash forced through Mel's giant mailboxes had scoured a wide hole 6 ft deep into the sand of the seabed what used to take about a month to do we ended up doing in one [Music] day Mel had revolutionized treasure hunting he was sure the source of all those beached silver and gold coins would soon be revealed by the mighty mailboxes day after day he put them to work but his initial success began to look more like beginner's luck weeks turned into months with no sign of treasure Mel could give himself just one year to make it as a professional treasure hunter after 11 month's hard work he had nothing but a huge hole in his bank balance time and money was running out but Mel Fisher never lost [Music] Hope just days from complete failure his perseverance was rewarded he worked for 360 days without finding much and on that day the 3 60th day they dug a hole and it was full of gold de Bloons discover the past with exclusive history documentaries and AdFree podcasts presented by world-renowned historians all from history hit watch them on your smart TV or on Theo with your mobile device download the app now to explore everything from the wonders of ancient Pompei and the Mystery of the princes in the tower to the life of Anne Belin and D-Day sign up via the link in the description [Music] he said he'll never forget it was like the bottom was paved with gold coins Mel's mailboxes had uncovered a fortune 1,033 gold coins the greatest Salvage Hall ever recorded at that time so they never went back to California they all moved to Florida permanently they worked here on the 175 Fleet for the next seven years very successfully found several of the wrecks many hundreds thousands of beautiful artifacts Mel Fisher was living his dream he was a top professional treasure hunter but he set his sights even higher he said let's go after the U the biggest shipwreck on this side of the pond Mel Fisher now had enough money and expertise to launch a quest that would consume the rest of his life the hunt for the ultimate sunken treasure ship she was fabulously Rich half a billion dollars in gold silver and emeralds had sunk off the Florida keys but no one knew where and Mel was determined that he would find the Spanish gallion nestra Senora their torure Mel's biggest problem was where to start looking the aacha was one of eight ships in the 1622 treasure Fleet that sank of the Florida Keys but the keys are a chain of thousands of small islands that stretch over 220 M of ocean Mel faced an impossible task except the Spanish had left one 300y old clue in sevil Spain is the Aro de indas preserved here are the original records of Spain's South American trade in the 16th and 17th centuries the Spanish were very obsessed with writing down down every possible thing that they could Mel had a copy of a 1620s document it stated that the aacha sank at the last key of the matumi for Mel this was a Great Leap Forward there were three islands in the Upper Keys upper middle and lower mumbi so that's where he started the search in 1968 Mel zeroed in on the matum using proven magnetometer and mailbox techniques his team of divers scoured the area they would have the maps out on the dining room table all of the divers would be sitting around pointing at the maps and saying well what if the ships came in this direction what if the storm was coming from that direction there were thousands of theories theories theories theories for 3 years they tried everything but found nothing no sign of the atota or her sister ships of the fleet lost in 1622 not a coin not even a nail treasure hunting is an expensive business and Mel's money from the horde of coins was all but spent chasing his dream of the atota even born Optimist Mel Fisher struggled to believe the sunken treasure ship was there perhaps he had been crazy to try then a chance meeting led to a breakthrough when Mel met Florida historian Eugene Lion in church one Sunday he couldn't believe his luck Eugene was going to Seville to study documents in the Aro de indas for his doctoral thesis he said aha please for my sake keep your eye on the Atocha because that's the ship I've been after for a long while I said I will ever The Optimist Mel hoped that somewhere in the 50 million Tim stained pages of Spanish bureaucracy Eugene would discover a clue to help find the aacha and amazingly there was in there I found a smaller bundle wrapped with pink ribbon which referred to the Salvage of the Santa Margaret the gallion Santa Margarita was lost with the ature in the Treasure Fleet of 1622 but as she sank in shallow water most of the people aboard survived Eugene had discovered an eyewitness account that told how they'd watched the aacha founder and sink in plain sight crucially for Mel The Fragile document gave a location I went right through it and found on the last woron page the statement that these ships were lost that is not only Atocha but Santa Margarita and the Kio Del Marquees the kaios Del Marquees or marquez's Keys lie over 100 Mil Southwest of the matumi no wonder Mel couldn't find the aacha he'd been looking in the wrong place but now surely this eyewitness account put the aacha within his grasp he believed he was certain to find it he was determined and sure of his ability to find it with New Hope Mel set to work with his magnetometers looking for Telltale iron Clues to find the gallion there was lots of iron but his divers brought him only bad news the the Navy has a a Target Field out there and we found over 5,000 bombs while we were looking for the Atocha and that really slows you down but you have to check every one of those targets invariably turns out to be an old bomb casing you know or it could be a refrigerator or it could be any many hundreds or thousands of things that people have thrown overboard their ship we found an old Volkswagen out there we even found a [Music] train month after month Mel found metal junk but no sign of the atota every morning my father would say today is the day just kept searching and searching and most people probably would have given up but my father did and he was determined Mel had now spent over $200,000 searching and was desperately struggling to keep going it was really really hard there were a lot of times when it was uh there was no money we would have fuel but no money for food at all fuel was more important every one of us were expert spear fisherman at the time and he had a like fish he really had a like fish without money to keep the boats fueled Mel's quest for the ata's treasure was finished to raise cash he decided to sell shares in the Treasure when he found it but he could show not even one object from the aacha investors Ste clear it's always hard to get people to invest in something that almost seems like a dream first of all if it's if it can be done why hasn't it already been done um and if it hasn't already been done is it real or is it just a story so many people I just don't think believed it was true there was lots of people who didn't believe in us who used to say you know we're just spending other people's money getting a suntan out here diving having a great time during the summer of 1971 Mel Fisher towed his magnetometer over 175,000 M of seabed to get investment he needed proof hard evidence that the aacha treasure was more than just a fantasy then suddenly one diver found it diver came up and yelling and screaming he says there's a huge encrusted anchor down there the diver's excitement told Mel this could be just the break he needed but was the anchor from the [Music] aacha it had the big flukes on it that came like that and then down and the shaft on it was 17 ft and it had a big big ring around it these giant giant rings like that to tie the ropes on the ring was so big even with all of the incrustation a diver could swim right through it I mean that's how big this thing was the divers saw by its design it was a Spanish gallan anchor but but only Mel was convinced he'd found the ATA do you know how many anchors like that are out in that area hundreds if not thousands right but this one Mel knew it was the Atocha dad was sure this was the Atocha you know everybody else was like well you got to Anchor but you know you don't know that's Thea and he he was sure he was convinced Mel is by the way the world's greatest biggest Optimist but Mel's personal assurances would not pull in the investment he needed he dived to look for supporting evidence by the anchor aay small black blobs encrusted silver coins when Mel brought up a coin and passed it to his wife she sort of smeared her finger across it and said this is Spanish stamped King Philip IV it was about the right age but the exact year was key the aacha sank in 1622 so a later dated coin would destroy Mel's claim to have found his treasure [Music] ship me said if we found any dated past 1622 to throw them overboard the coins were dated from 1616 to 1621 this discovery kept Mel's dream alive the anchor might indeed be from the aacha next morning Mel had the prop wash mailboxes blowing sand from around the anchor when a diver saw something glinting and as he hand fan the sand up popped a gold chain and he held it up and he showed everybody on the boat I mean everybody's going crazy Mel was saved he couldn't Pro prove he'd found the aacha but the gold chain was undeniably Treasure he enjoyed using it along with his infectious personality to spread Gold Fever when he was trying to give somebody Gold Fever he would take that chain off and just slowly dribble it into their hand and tell them how gold never tarnishes it doesn't rust it doesn't turn yellow it just shines forever as a slowly lowered the chain in her hand my father loved to see the look on people's face when he would take that six foot long gold chain and dribble it into their hand now he wouldn't let them put their arm on a table or on an armchair he would make them hold their arm out into the air so you could see their hand going down because it was very heavy and then at the last 6 or8 inches he would drop it everybody that put it on or held it in their hand smiled and my Dad loved to make people smile they grabb that chain and they'd have gold fever and then they might give us some money to go look for Treasure with the gold chain and silver coins as evidence potential investors began at last to believe that Mel Fisher might actually be on the trail of $500 million in gold silver and jewels Mel did raise enough money to keep going but anyone expecting a quick return would be disappointed it was like the Atocha would tease us there was a little hair and and we would think oh this is it uh you know we found the anchor so you know the the rest must be right around it we'll just dig all around the anchor and of course it'll all be laying there and it wasn't by examining the last moments of the torture in the hurricane of 1622 Mel hoped he'd find Clues leading him to the riches in her hold with masts torn down and Rudder smashed the wind and waves would push the gallion towards the reef they're totally helpless you're at the mercy of the sea and it'll do whatever it wants with you the last hope of the 265 people on board was to hold the ata's position roped to one of the gallian's huge anchors hooked into the seabed they would throw out an anchor and try to get a bite get get the anchor hooked in and ride it out and these lines would break on there to Mel the anchor he discovered was like a signpost literally pointing the way to the Shipwreck it will tell you the direction of the ship and where it sunk because wherever the flu Luke's dig in then opposite that would be where she was hanging on from the anchor the anchor pointed Northwest so when the Rope parted the gallion was driven by the weather to the southeast and sank you know we figured okay we got the anchor you know now now we're going to find a wreck it's got to be close by we just see which way the anchor pointing and and go there full of Hope Mel's team worked methodically to the southeast they found some silver pieces and Mel's eldest son Durk even uncovered a very rare Navigator's astral amazingly still in working [Applause] order week in week out Mel's mailboxes excavated hole after hole in the soft shifting sand but the fabled pile of treasure did not appear just tantalizing [Music] Clues these are all empty holes and all of a sudden we came across all this purple represents silver coins there quite a few coins were found right there and this uh orange represents uh lead musket balls more empty holes than anything ever The Optimist Mel would always put a positive spin on things so we dug another empty hole but he said well that's not an empty hole that's another place you know where the treasure is not you making a huge ocean just that little bit smaller so you're getting one step closer to the treasure for 3 years Mel's mailboxes made Sandy holes on the sea floor finding Pottery oil jars muskets swords daggers and only a few coins but Mel never lost heart you know you dig so many empty holes but then every once in a while there's one full of treasure and that's when it all pays [Music] off in one day the 25th of May 1973 just 200 yds from the anchor Mel's team recovered 1, 1460 Spanish silver coins so many they named the site the bank of [Music] Spain crucially no coin was dated later than 1621 might this actually be the treasure from the atota Mel was about to find out in July 1973 historian Eugene lion got a call from Mel's office the latest find was something new and they needed his EXP we found three of these silver bars that are about the size of a loaf of bread and they're about 80 lb each the three ingots value as bullion is about $100,000 but their value to Mel was far greater each Ingot was stamped with a Roman numeral its unique serial number if they matched the gallion records they'd prove once and for all whether Mel had really found the Aton I went over to see the three silver bars so I leaned down I took down the numbers of the bars I said this looks good Mel and he said it is good from the Aro de indas in Seville Eugene had the microfilm roles of the ata's original ships manifest her official cargo was listed including 40 tons of silver 901 ingots each with its serial number he scanned line after line page after page of missing treasure looking for a match then I put on the reel for the atoi I got to the numbers of the uh bars and there they were it's the TOA [Music] M had triumphed convinced the Skeptics and silenced his detractors from that point on we knew that you know we had the Atocha without a doubt the ship's manifest also revealed the three silver bars was just a tiny fraction of the ata's motherload of treasure there were 898 more bars and golden Jewels out there somewhere what Mel didn't realize was that the gallian's treasure lay scattered and buried over miles of seabed the line Southeast from the anchor to the bank of Spain was clear Mel was sure a trail of artifacts would soon lead him to the ata's motherload he pictured a long wall of 900 silver bars topped by the ship's Fallen bronze cannons he knew that if we found the Cannons probably find the rest of the ship cuz all the previous wrecks we worked the Cannons were all right on top of the main pile Mel knew from the ata's original documents that on Deck above the silver bars she carried 22 of the prized bronze cannons the bronze cannons could shoot farther with more accuracy than most of the other guns of the day so they were very expensive and they weren't on All Ships they were only on the most valuable ships but in all his years of treasure hunting Mel had never found one I remember him telling me he chased down probably a thousand bronze Cannon stories and he was really truly beginning to wonder if bronze cannons had ever been made because every one of them turned out to be iron to the diver who could find him in a toua bronze Cannon Mel offered a $10,000 reward year after year Mel continued mailbox excavations along the southeast trail of aacha debris mile after mile of largely empty holes he found no sign of a cannon or the hoped for [Music] motherload it is you know the the cliche looking for for a needle in a hay stack but I think it's even harder than that because the hay stack is 10 Mi long it's not just ay a stack of hay it's a 10m long pile of hay by July 1975 Mel Sun Durk now captain of the Dive booat North Wind had had enough of creeping along the seabed and decided to strike out on a hunch Durk had an idea that that if you lined up the anchor with the bank of Spain and just followed that line out to see that you should be able to find the TOA main pile and he decided Well I'm going to just skip this whole space and jump way out there Di and underwater cameraman Pat kleene was aboard the north wind with duck so he sticks on his mask and uh and fins and he Dives down and all of a sudden we hear this [Music] scream and the first thing that comes to everybody's mind is there's sharks out there they got him but when you look closer you see him doing this oh over here over here he had the biggest smile on his face you'd ever seen and now we're able to hear him yelling cannons cannons we've got cannons down here sure enough when we got down there there were these five beautiful bronze cannons sitting right on top of each [Music] other dad was on Cloud9 finally got his bronze cannons melb believed he was just a step away from the richest Salvage Hall ever recorded oh yeah we thought for sure that was it we'd hid the big pile and the next day we were going to find the rest but just as Mel and his team were celebrating Dirk's Triumph disaster struck the Fishers had a shipwreck of their own The North Wind sank in the night Durk his wife Angel and diver Rick Gage all drowned Mel had paid dearly for his dreams of treasure if there was any ever a time in the entire search for the AOA where my father might have thought ever even considered about giving up it would have been right after the tragedy with Durk and Angel's [Music] death in their grief Mel and his family stopped the search for the sunken treasure and thought long and hard about whether to continue at [Music] all you know Dirk gave us a great clue by finding those bronze cannons and it pointed Us in the right direction of where to go look for the main pile it was his life's work so yes of course we would go on two months passed before Mel was ready to re start the hunt for the riches of the aacha as a memorial it actually increased our determination we're going to find it for dirk Mel raised the ata's bronze cannons expecting to find the motherload of 900 silver bars underneath or maybe close by but there was no sign Mel's Treasure Trail was well established Southeast from the anchor to the bank of Spain and onto the Cannons surely Mel just had to keep following the trail every time we get logical like okay we got this now this lines up we found the anchors we found the bank of Spain we found the Cannons oh there's nothing it should be there but it's not years passed as Mel kept looking for the motherload and all the time the aacha was teasing ing him with beautiful artifacts we found 27 pieces of this beautiful gold belt with jewels in it 300 ft apart over a period of a week it was kind of like a little Trail saying here I am come and get me the aacha teased Mel for eight more years as each new trail petered out then array of Hope in 1983 Mel's son Cain and Di Andy mroi had found a long trail of artifacts thrown from the aacha as she was torn apart by the [Music] hurricane one day we found a iron Square Spike from the Atocha so I plotted that on the chart and drew a line back to the Cannons and that started what we called our line this new Trail was off to one side of the established line we found a barrel hoop with a couple coins encrusted to it some big ballast stones and then all of a sudden copper ingots Andy and fellow diver Greg worked along the new Trail for 2 and 1 half years could the motherload really be at the end of it and we found hundreds of silver coins silver plates more copper ingots Silver Spoons a wonderful variety of treasure now we're we're flying high now the next day July the 20th 1985 Andy mroi made a dive he would remember for the rest of his life all I saw was Ripple sand nothing of any uh interest I had turned around and I felt a thumping on my shoulder and it wasn't just a hey it was he was hitting me hard and I turned around and looked at Greg and I saw his face and his eyes were popping out of his head and I thought I I know what you just saw show me what you just saw and it was a wall that stood like 3T tall it went for 75 ft and was about 20 ft wide was the motherload of the Atocha and that what I was looking at was silver bars this time it wasn't just two or three silver bars but hundreds just as Mel had imagined and I went over touched one and I picked up the first bar of silver and held it to about my knees and felt how heavy it was and that was like pinching yourself in a dream picking that Barrow and you just wanted to swim up to the surface and Shout It Out to the world what we had just [Music] found this was the moment Mel Fisher had been been dreaming of for over 16 years but how could he know today was finally the day when they radioed in that they had found the treasure Dad wasn't around they couldn't find him they had been trying to call him where is Mel we found you know we've got it we've got to tell Mel we couldn't reach him so we went out looking for him in Blissful ignorance of the momentous news he had gone shopping and stopped off for a quiet drink at the office the whole team was ready to celebrate they had found the treasure but they couldn't find [Music] Mel we just finally called the radio station said Noel they found the mother load and he's got to come to work right [Music] now he's carrying his dive gear with under the umbrella and walking through the rain up to the front of the museum which is now bubbling I mean bursting into seams of people and photographers and the the local reporters were all already there it was pretty much chaos from that moment on you had a smile on his face for about a week it didn't go away here we are in July of n July 20th ex exactly exactly 10 years to the death of my brother and C called on the radio and said dad put the charts away I've got it I've got the mother load and it was actually 10 years to the day of the accident that we found the main pile so I think he was up there helping us I got to be the individual to tell Mel what his dream looked like well M got a pile of silver bars and uh it's like a reef there's bars uh scattered all in reef and I said it's more beautiful than you ever told us it would look like Mel we were kind of a struck at first I've been doing it most of my life looking for this one wreck and all of a sudden there it was so the the initial reaction was what are we going to do now you know and it was still kind of surreal hard to believe because after hearing today's the day every day for 17 years it kind of is like a boy crying [Music] W Mel told a reporter today it looks like we came to the end of the rainbow and saw the pot of gold everybody wanted to shake your hand everybody wanted to give you a hug everybody wanted a free piece of treasure got of gold coins you're giving away today uh there was people claiming to have to be related to me that I had never met in my entire life the legendary wealth of the aacha was true and she was as rich as M said she would be over half a billion dollars dad is one of the few people who have accomplished their dreams in their life time Mel Fisher was the most successful treasure hunter in the world uh this one is 88 lb that's a big one in just a few months Mel had over 80,000 lb of silver and gold 30 chests full of silver coins and 350 uncut emeralds piled up in his Museum the problem was no bank would take so much silver in the first year we had this whole museum this whole floor with stacks of silver bars we could only stack them about 5D because otherwise it would break through the flooor mfisher followed his dreams succeeded in his quest and lived to enjoy his Good Fortune he died in 1998 surrounded by his family he never stopped working on the aacha as he believed there was twice as much treasure left undiscovered his family continues his treasure hunt today we're still looking for the rest of the mother load that we haven't found [Music] yet once again working on Clues left by the Spanish might lead them to unimaginable riches dad was sure there would be emeralds on the [Music] Atocha he had seen a copy of a letter that this fella in the new world wrote his brother back in Spain saying he' put a 70 lb box on board so far we found about 6 lb so there's another 64 lb at least out there just that one box of emeralds is worth a billion dollars and I'm sure there's more than one [Music] box to me it's something I always say is you just got to keep looking and we we'll find it it's out there we're just going to go find it and I think we're going to find it today today is the [Music] day [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 529,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ad-free, Civilization, Civilizations, Connection, Culture, Education, Entertainment, Humanity, Importance, Influence, Insight, Lessons, Presenters, Relevance, Reminiscences, Revolutionize, Timeline - World History Documentaries, Transformation, Wars, Weekly, World renowned
Id: tHvxyuQQtKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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