16 Y/O UNDERDOG vs. 7-TIME CHAMP - Classic Tetris World Championship 2018 Final Round

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This is surprisingly suited for esports. No multiple views with a chance of missing any action. The players and the game comfortably fit on a single screen with no mixing. You can see the tension, admire the skill, or just stare at the blocks.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Gnorris 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

For more information on how the tournament works, how classic NES Tetris works and just what the hell is going on, there's the wonderful and comprehensive "The Classic Tetris World Championships Explained" youtube video.

Jonas Neubauer (on the right) has won the tournament 7 times out of the total 8 years before this (got a second place once). He also has been playing the game for decades, which is not something many esports players can say.

Joseph Saelee (on the left), on the other hand, is 13 years younger than the game itself, LEL. The kid is a prodigy. He uses technique called hypertapping, which you can see thanks to the glorious hand-cams in the video. The technique has been known for many years, though not used so often due to hand fatigue and the general fact that the controller was not quite ergonomically made for this kind of stuff. Which is why he holds it in a very unorthodox way.

Both players are getting the exact same pieces to make it fair, by the way. This is possible due to a modded NES/cartridge made by the CTWC team specifially for this tornament. They also made it possible for the footage to be captured in beautifuly crisp high definition for you viewing pleasure, a great improvement from the old days. Shout outs to Vince Clemente, Trey Harrison, and Adam Cornelius for making this tournament as great as it is.

This was by far the greatest final of all time. No disrespect for the 2016 and 2017 tournaments, tho. Combined 10M+ views, yo. Respect.

Also, yes, memes. Of course. But that goes without saying.

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/Mayrink 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

what is the kid doing exactly for hypertapping, can't quite follow how his finger placement leads to faster d-pad tapps

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/otakumuscle 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

That was pure magic. So glad I watched that today. Congrats to Joseph and a round of applause for the level of sportsmanship Jonas displayed. During the last round, after he tapped out - smiling and clapping for Joseph even after he knew he had lost. The man is a class act.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Avadeus 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Good fucking show. He looked like he could go on a while longer. But it was interesting to see how quickly it got away from Jonas at the end there.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/desieslonewolf 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

It seems like they're using a specially modding version of NES Tetris for the event. Do they publish a patch file for that version of the game?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Sigma-Alpha_2 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wasn't this months ago?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MrPringles23 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

"Here comes his mom, sister? It's Asian I cant tell" James Chen everybody!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cromli 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

NES Tetris is such a strange beast. I can forgive its quirks as a product of is time, which I can't say about everything that's wrong with modern Guideline rules, but it baffles me that it still has such a huge following today.

I just wish TGM got even a fraction as much love.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/1338h4x 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Jonas Neubauer going up against 16 year old Joseph I mean look Joseph has managed to defeat a lot of the veterans here but now this is it this is the greatest of all time he faces his final boss exactly this is gonna be the craziest showdown that we've ever had and oh I can't wait let's count them in they're ready to go let's count this is gonna be grand finals final 2018 count it down with me 5 4 3 2 1 Tetris Joseph vs. Jonas and immediate they're right there you see a little bit different building style and already an early bird for Joseph but and shaking his head on the first line you know he's just like man I don't have a hundred percent Tetris right now but you know what they're both set up right here so boom Texas for Joseph Jonas early lead but join us Joseph firing right back yeah trying to build up right now very clean stack right now for Joseph Jonas with a little bit of an unorthodox setup right now I'm gonna have literally bursting from him oh yeah awkward adjustment thanks to that old block that Oh block really kind of handle but Joseph is able to spire the next Tetris off air burst he's ready for another one oh man just the wrong time for Joe and then boom Tetris for Jonas right after that beautiful rocks are gonna judge onus for Joseph now Joseph right now with a beautiful playing field and Jonas right right behind there but you know on the left side right there just a little bit of aqua mr. Jonas looking for a TSP for Joseph both yes for Joseph no points there but it looks cool where's the gardener he didn't send any garbage the Jonas all right now both of them Tetris ready waiting for that long piece just waiting for the Rowdies and there it is book mr. Jonas and boom Tetris for Joseph right right both of them still Tetris ready nice tuck right there for Jonas a lot of stylists stylish boots from Joseph happening yo little tux and little else he needs the L and there's the hole just in time for Jonas and now he's gonna be able to keep that right well clear right now look at this 28/29 drought right now it's a little bit of cleaning up with words Akbar Oh Jonas building boom Tetris sir Jonas and now he catches up we are neck and neck yeah but ok mr. Joseph and Boog tension sir Jonas we're neck and neck again this is gonna be a back and forth and the only we saw in the other games Jonas and green tea played their games out to the kill screen but Joseph - Joseph it's not even a kill screen so what we're going to see people here alright and now Jonas with a little bit of a cleanup situation here he just needs that J piece right now actually he'll be ok he got a couple of eye pieces that are gonna help clear my own Tetris for Joseph in the lead down and again why need the lead to sixty thousand points nice nice double-talk from Jonas over there and that eyepiece is gonna set him up for another Tetris both players are in really great shape right now a lot of those pieces for Jonas causing him a little bit of problem alright so he needs a burn on the side and yes still four rows there a mr. Jonas and Tetris that's still still got slightly on Joseph's slide he's ready for tetris again yeah but only one Tetris lead but actually since he has the set up a little bit more than that but he's had to burn a little because guess what we had another drought herbs edges Oh Joseph so Jonah's playing a little behind right now he's a little behind duck mr. Ronis and boom Tetris Oh Joseph it's kind of an awkward built for Joe Jonas year Joe seems to seeing happy with the pieces that he was getting just now boy Joseph Joseph feels my watch and play now he that seems like he's gained some confidence like even in the last couple of games I can actually feel feeling feeling it a little more this time look at that perfect timing for that eye piece right there for a center well yeah nice Center by Jonas and his play fields gotten finally gotten fixed up so yeah but he's gotta take advantage of the drop so - yeah and he has the S piece to set himself up for a Tetris beautiful stuff right now he's just looking for the J and he got it mr. Joseph nice tuck my Jonas boom - Joe Jonas Joseph still maintaining the lead by one Tetris only now oh and a beautiful L right there for Joseph just in time for his Tetris both of them with a really good Tetris rate we're on way for a maxout okay trying to set up a tuck there it is beautiful stop keeping his play field clean Joseph he's just gonna burn it down yeah Joe Jonas definitely trying to keep his black bill clean right now he's looking for a tea or Ozzie and neither of them are showing up he's gonna be digging that one for a while yeah so there we go he had to build so much on the right side that he covered that right well Tetris slot so he's gonna have to be doing but you know what the I and the Oh perfect timing another oh wow great stop all right a set of his back and Joseph has some clean digging to do he transitions a little awkwardly but I don't think it's something he can't handle well he doesn't have an unfortunate situation right here he should be able to clean out especially with that older Jonas barely getting that eye peas in a good place Wow amazing the kind of collage piece manipulation that we're seeing from Joseph right now and as we traverse beyond the level 19 this is we're not relying on DES and doing the hyper tap it's gonna let him do some amazing things right so let's see where he goes with this guy's boom mr. Jonas has to set up a talk and he get that rise in their highly skilled Tuck there at high speed very dangerous gets it Joseph with another Tetris now with the wide lead of 70,000 points it's gonna take for tetris is two for Jonas to catch up at this point Jonas has had to do a couple of unfortunate burns but he'll be okay is he actually gonna go for Center well he does have it set up now he just needs that eyepiece okay awkward placement of that piece but again but yeah Joe Joseph is up 100,000 points you don't really see Jonas like this bar behind at this stage in the game this is new territory here right it's clean enough oh nice got the high piece all the way over there it's gonna go for the triple right there trying to save it for if he can't know okay he's not even gonna go try to go for a center well too risky yeah Joseph playing a little more conservative lead which with his lead probably is a way to go Jonas is also having to burn something he's gonna go for a center well there there Tetris for Joseph as well and he's still maintaining the lead yeah keep it up 57% Tetris rate for him but Jonas says Jonas not far behind despite all of that cleaning up that he had to do it's still anybody's game there's only four levels left though so that's where it's gonna maximizing these last few Tetris is here is gonna what what's gonna make the difference Jonas the troll going down game number one there it is Joseph would believe huge exhale there from Joseph so you see right there the kind of pressure that Joseph's game puts on Jonas you know normally when Jonas is at that level he has a lead or he's not that father countered at the hip usually what Jonas is behind it's over the course of the entire game not right at the end like that can we get an upset here can we get the sixteen-year-old kid to finally dethrone Jonas who has won three in a row and seven total only losing one year this could change everything right this is crazy it's three out of five though folks right dose that still has to win two more in order to win and that's a lot of time for Jonas to do we just have to adjust cuz I mean the question really comes down to if Joseph wins this does that all of a sudden change it so that every player says you know what I gotta learn hyper tapping now some way to as join a set to mitigate the effects that I get someone that does hyper tap and we're neck-and-neck here just 760 points difference right here so what we have here is Joseph is really great at maneuvering pieces at high levels Jonas is very consistent over a wide number of games so I think that's gonna be the factor if it if Jonathan be able to be Joseph it's gonna be due to his consistency right Joseph beats Jonas is gonna be able to survive where Jonas cannot yeah but I've already seen some effects right here so normally Jonas plays pretty safely but I've seen him go for a few more like aggressive I see him play higher than usually yes uh-huh and not not only that but he's more willing to wait for some of those like you know hoping that the IP shows up or hoping that the Jaypee shows up right maximizing every line near the end exactly so he's had to burn one already right now he's probably gonna have to burn another on the side yet there you go another drought but he's gonna get the tetris right there ninety percent till just rate 66% for Joseph right now so Jonas with a distinct lead but it's very very early early on right we just start so quickly but Jonas right now he has a beautiful playing field boom Tetris for Jonas and mr. Joseph 88% Tetris rate for Jonas yeah it's got to be an amazing game even here 87 remember layers are gonna push these push each other with this he maxed out at to transition to level 28 during calls at like a 77% Tetris rate Joseph having to do some cleanup Thank You major need to set up a tuck all Matt TPS and then the ip's boom Tetris for Jonas Joseph opening up his well waiting for the long piece and he's gonna get one now to whoever touches her Gorillaz and Tetris reduce afraid after not not a good time for that tee piece right there is he gonna go for the Texas yes and now how is he gonna handle that night call him right there yep he's gonna go for a burn and that set up the Oh piece beautifully join us opting for triple and then to a Tetris Tetris for Jonas as well so once again this is a very slow pace oh man Oh Jonas with a nice s been there and Joseph not happy right now he knows he's falling behind little by little right now but he's gonna go for a row to Tetris now he's just gonna build from here and probably maintain this I don't think he's gonna change this for now he's brought oh okay he's gonna bring down a little bit yeah Birds a single all right so he's in position again and you hate to see all those eye pieces when you don't need them right now 84% Tetris rate for Jonas right now yeah for a while with that I know that's a tough yeah he's waiting for that long piece like to burn it down a nice bump Tetris - Jonas and with that throwing the head back right there just like Oh God how do he was dumping his pieces in the middle I think for the long piece so that he could push it down and make it safer look why do we always have to cut these they seem so darn close yeah that's highly dangerous and now he's just looking for looking for the S piece and the S pieces I'm coming finally shows up for himself Joseph in a drought waiting for long peace there goes one touch mr. Joseph so that waiting for that paid off so unfortunately saw that 84% Tetris right now it is all vanishing little by little but he's gonna have a center well Tetris on column four and there we go boom tensions for Jonas and Rome Tetris Oh Joseph Joseph is catching up we are neck and neck again Jonas had a commanding lead early on but Joseph has caught up yeah Jonas is not happy about that at all Joseph ready for a teaspoon oh he's gonna go for a close berry Tetris he's going for the column three Tetris he's playing a high-risk right now oh boy he needs that okay open it up again where's he peace where is the long bar Oh long bars too early another way he's just gonna burn he's gonna be okay and he's gonna get the touches from this draw he can still slide so not anymore not anymore okay so he's just gonna have to find a way into that spot right there and this is a room that Joseph needs to catch up and he's got a one-and-a-half Tetris lead now and Jonas has a it's got to do some digging scouring our archaeological as he says alright but now I see a head shake from Joseph's side as well as he builds himself a little hole there oh my god the hyper tapping just got that in there he's holding out come on he's getting bad pieces for the for the burn over there oh my god Tetris for Jonas as well in the center well and now he's gonna be able to build mold through there Joseph was playing pretty risky there but he got out in the nick of time and the transition just happened and and he was able to get out of trouble just in time because that transition happened when he was any higher I don't know if even he could survive even with the hyper tapping right Jonas transition not the best set up but he can survive it he's just looking for oh I got a good drone pieces right there yes and now he's actually ready for a Tetris right now can you slide that in yes and then register Donuts Tetris join us not too far behind right now surviving the archeological dig and now he's gonna set himself up for another Tetris both players Tetris ready back for a double doesn't hold out and Joseph put pulling ahead even further now at seventy four thousand points how often have we seen Jonas here at sea TWC playing from behind at the after transition almost never and usually when it happens a lot of times he can play still try to play a little calm and slowly but he is I feel like he's forced to be pushed yeah he's been crushed and when you think about it you kind of have to because a kill screen isn't quite a kill screen for Joseph we've seen him you know make lines moving pieces all the way to the left or right even when you know a player like Jonas wouldn't be able to but Donuts is battling back now a giant lean right now for Joseph and he's still Tetris red chocolate Joanna high-speed bullet enter sir Jonas and Joseph his play field isn't as good as it was before you'll have to do a little bit of digging but he can't handle and he's back Jonas is Tetris ready optic virtual right there now back to being Tetris ready finally bad yeah Simon Says tuck it in there yeah yeah ever getting to about the level 25 point Joseph Jonas is pretty far behind now it's 120,000 point deficit yeah and he's also having to keep digging he's always in a dig Joseph's play field is so clean right now Wow another Tetris he's at 62% he's at max outpace he could max out here for game number two in Grand Finals yes another Tetris Oh Joseph Jonas having to deal with that in the middle but he burns it down with the tetris paper tap right there bull just Joseph he's up by 167,000 please mr. Jonas dirty Tetris he's still in it but there's only three levels left but the thing is Jonas knows that I mean Joseph knows that he could just play very safe right now he doesn't need to do anything crazy risk right now but he's still safe for at risk Oh a ball aggressive Oh see this is what I mean a little bit safer but not oh this is a big he's arriving no okay didn't get the rotation in time nice no okay so he's 9:15 but he's 28 he's at 28 he needs to get a tech yellow screen is coming for Jonas and he's ready for a Tetris let's see how this plays out we're gonna be Germanic to rock Jonas of game number 2 Jonas now to be able to maintain a streak before you know how this plays out it's gonna be insane man oh my god Joseph right now sitting here on the precipice of one of the greatest Cinderella's stories here in eSports history up to Oh over the final boss seven-time world champion Jonas a complete newcomer to the competition sixteen years old Wow and here we go but if anybody can pull off the three in a row Jonas got it in him so we'll see how this plays out all right a little bit of an awkward start right now for Jonas but he gets his Tetris boom and I Tetris now for Joseph so Jonas in a - I piece needed a set up right now unless he can burn some pieces off to the side which is Jeff burns and Rome collector sir Jonas Joseph already have having scored a couple little unfriendly orangie right there for Joseph's screen but Jonas fill it just fine right now beautiful set up there it is boom mr. Jonas and Joseph is one to go Joseph no trouble early on here I had to do a little micro adjustment lost ass first just a little second there but he's okay long bars coming mr. Joseph neck and neck beautiful TUC right there from Jonas but Jones playing hi I should Jonah's gonna get another one going Tetris with dermis but you know he's gonna need a lot of those asses but you know what they're giving him a lot of those s's and so he's actually Tetris ready again oh not anymore but there it is perfect timing keeping the right side a little bit clean so he has room to slide the eye piece down Tetris for Jonas and Jonas is caught up now he's in lead Joseph doing a little bit of cleanup he's almost drilling down keeping it flat and we've got a nice play field on both nice tuck sets up that talk back huh boom Tetris for Joseph I probably should have put that all the way on the last but doesn't matter it gets another J piece just in time so it doesn't have to play in an uncomfortable field join us widening the lead ahead by about three now three Tetris ahead Joseph dumping pieces on the left boom Tetris for Jonas go mr. Joseph John Jonas right now just looking for that relying on that J's looking for the JB's it's not coming right now he could put a Z piece in there just to clear some space out yeah still relying on it okay not double it is leaving a long line god help ya neither that finally the J piece to help them get the long piece and unfortunately it was a triple he was one block shy of a Tetris Tetris to Joseph so Jonas burnt two triples there but he's white he's got a quite comfortable lead might not hurt him too much in the long run but we'll see if Joseph can catch up an unfortunate but you know what that T piece is gonna slide snugly right in there and set up another boom Tetris for Joseph boom Tetris for Jonas maintaining the lead to Tetris as ahead and what's really interesting is B you know Joseph is scoring so high and he's playing so strong but you know I feel like he plays very very safe and I think maybe it's because he has he knows he has the hyper tapping there to help him at the higher levels right he can give you pieces in ways others can't but another thing I notice about Joseph is you're back when we used to watch Jonassen previous championships he would do spins and tucks then no one else would do but we were also seeing Joseph doing those as well so it's almost like he's got Jonases powers and then some in some respect but what Jonas has is consistency and he's got experience don't forget this is not a situation here that Jonas is unfamiliar with he came back from an o2 deficit it gets hairy in 2013 so you know he knows he can still win this and that comes with experience oh yeah Joseph knows that these the R&G is now hurting him a little bit so he had to set up some uncomfortable situations for himself right now finally gets to that center hole right Arnaz so change lead now hundred thousand points 72% touches great nice tuck go up Tetris for Jonas again we're starting to see some great aggressive setups now still doing some clean clean play over there for Joseph full intentions for Joseph and bad ESPYs timing forces him to drop it on the side like that can afford a tool to single cleanup Tetris or Jonas really clean setup for donuts now this could be the game where he can come back if he can take this right now I'm sure that'll add a lot of confidence to him right now but he is running into he set himself up a tuck but the tuck just never resolved itself never got the piece that he needed to slide in there and now he's going for a road to Tetris Oh surprised I didn't see a little micro adjustment from Jonas there it still has that set up on the right side dirty boom-boom transition there's so close that doughnut is about to transition first which is another thing we're not used to seeing that's true Oh beautiful micro adjustments there from Jonas yes yet he's set up for it now though he's ready and he's transitioned with a nice clean play field good catch mr. Joseph who also transitions nicely play fields well no trouble there Tetris for Jonas we're into level 19 faster speeds but it's this speed all the way to level 29 now hyper tapping may change the complexion of the match here well picture Sir Joseph Jonas only about two and a half Tetris old now actually about one and a half Tetris in the lead will join us maintain his aggression well he's set up for some Tetris right now actually they both are mr. Jonas go up Tetris or Joseph here we go yeah Jonas can't build a lead against this kid right now Joseph having to cover up as well ooh awkward placement you might be able to survive yeah yeah yeah opens up the well and where's the long bar there it is set for jonatha excellent survival skills and the gap is actually closing someone like 50,000 points just a couple of tetris a--'s but another burn necessary and there is square buddy got two J's two J's ready call mr. Jonas maintaining lead now but Joseph hit that hit the Tetris narrowing it to 102 two now Oh an orange is great gets the other long bar Jonas has a seven hells himself set up for a Tetris as well now there it is mr. Jonas this is gonna be a duel to the death they're playing excellently both of them 65% Tetris rate for Jonas and 64% for Joseph both players player max out pace at the same time burns right there for Jonas both playing fields are gorgeous gold countries are joining us we are neck and neck please gentlemen and it's level 25 and 24 and both of them still sitting at 60% Tetris rates Oh beautiful pieces right now for Jonas actually there yes Tetris 64 percent still join us back in the lead now Oh beautiful play right now oh great stuff for Jonas and he's gonna get attention at level 26 headrest doughnuts now with a wide lead of 80,000 points it's gonna come down to Joseph's ability to Tetris at eye level gonna make some cleanup here there we go there's a little bit of cleanup oh boy things are dangerous for you so he's got to clean out you've got a clean game he's yeah he didn't get the piece all the way over there he's got a hundred thousand League he has to count on your pitocin he's been able to do it before he's made it to level 32 it's all up to this right now to the single - maybe the Duchess's could mean the victory here call mr. Joseph three more the pressure is on the kid right now crazy built going on always goes up if you do it away wouldn't change one and change will do it and a long bar says it gonna come where is it or they're gonna be a drought how's this gonna play out Oh perfect perfect that's set up now he's still way too citrus world champion 16 year old Joe Bailey has done it classic touches world champion taking it away from seven-time champion Jonas Neubauer the young kid on the block he has done it unprecedented results here Joseph 16 years old picked it up after watching the videos on the whole tier 1 level 32 a true prodigy boy coming out now the emotions are coming and you can see 16 years old and without a game like Tetris a 16 year old kid from California would never have an experience like this Lydia's beside himself with emotion right now and here comes his mom to congratulate him sister its agent I can't tell never mind he is overcome with emotion he has slain the dragon ladies and gentlemen your 2018 classic Tetris world champion is Joseph saline [Music] thank you so much an absolutely incredible performance Joseph try to put it into words how does it feel to be the world champion it's absolutely a dream I came into this tournament just to qualify I didn't unbelievable would you like a second take a second go go hug your sister who's off camera right there we'll switch positions right now this feels so out of place to do as I have the second place trophy to our runner-up Jonas the goats neubauer yeah you still have a trophy to add to your collection here but this is very rarefied air for you only once before has this ever happened what's going on in this body right now I'm feeling good I feel like the best I could do is play some some good Tetris put on a show for you guys I hope I did that Diddy now spectacular I'm if Josie can't speak for himself I'm gonna say that the kid played with pure heart the most clutch Tetris that we've seen from from anyone he just really had the ability had had the natural ability and let it shine as bright as he could in his first tournament I can't say anything that you guys aren't thinking right now but what a what an exceptional performance and truly truly an honor to pass the torch to the new generation tennis players big injustice Jonah's of course the big question here is the last time this happened Jonas Neubauer was championed for three four consecutive times maybe complacency set in you lost the championship then you went home and you said maybe I'm going to call it maybe this is it for my career but then you got motivated your wife Heather motivated you to come back and then you won the championship several times again maybe too early to ask this but we have to ask it anyway where do you see the future of Jonas Neubauer in this competition I see myself here next year there's you know I got a I got a little bit swept right there but you got a lot swept no offense I got a little bit sweat but I had a blast doing it and this has been my favorite year and I can't wait for the after party maybe not at a bar this time let's uh let's get the champion involved uh but uh but ya know this there's no retirement anytime soon I'm gonna shamelessly drill myself down the CD because it's just too damp too much damn fun with this community so I I love you guys for for coming out and yeah just awesome awesome it has to be said before we bring Joseph in it has to be said win or lose Jonas Neubauer absolutely is the greatest ambassador for the tetris community that has ever lived let's give him a huge round of applause he is gracious in victory and he is gracious in defeat and now let's talk to the champ he earned his right to stand right here round of applause for the champion how about that hundreds upon hundreds of people cheering for you you earned this trophy you faced the guy that people said would win the tournament and chorion in a hyper tapping battle of the ages you beat the greatest of all time in Jonas Neubauer and now you're holding that golden t-piece trophy tell us how it feels yeah I don't know how to I don't know I'm still recovering it's absolutely a dream I came into this tournament you know just to qualify just to meet all these great people and just to win that's it's really amazing I don't know what to say I don't know this might be the first champion we've ever seen wearing braces by the way first time ever let's talk about this this is a momentous victory for Hyper tapping you have brought hyper tapping to a new level a world champion hyper tapper to see your fingers in motion is eloquent for those out there that are now inspired maybe the meta is going to change of classic Tetris maybe we'll see even more hyper tappers on the scene what advice do you give them I mean I still need to build my you know and I still need to be a more consistent I still have so much room to improve make sure I'm gonna be training harder and harder and hopefully I can do this again yeah I don't just try it there's no real easy way do you plan to be here next year yes I do there you have it congratulations to the champion hold that high in the air for the cameras right there is Joseph Saline is your champion an incredible performance and let me throw it back to Chris and James and say this there are so many people in the audience right now that are in their 30s like us that are looking at this 16 year old champion and saying my goodness look what he's accomplished in his life what are we doing with our lives incredible by this individual right there and he has really set the tone for the future of classic Tetris I can't wait to see the future I mean what we saw here is unprecedented and imagine how inspiring it is to see someone new to the game and someone so young just pick it up and take the ball and run with it and just slam down a new style of play that we've never seen before yeah I mean look it's it is kids like Joseph that are causing the scene to have over 10 max outs in the trials in the qualifying section it is ITER's the new players coming in and pushing even the best players everybody's got yet up their game now everyone has to step up and it's really exciting to see this because you're right this absolutely is one of the best things that happen for the future of ness Tetris and so everybody out there in one year you could be here winning you could be taking down Joseph yourself next year someone out there could be watching and they see Joseph play and they're like that looks like fun and it might come out you know to the Portland retro gaming expo just to watch or to compete or they might go to one of our new regionals we're having but you have all these regionals now and it's becoming more accessible more competitive rights and so make sure you know just before we go anywhere I just want to make sure follow the CTW see on Twitter and you know keep in mind classic Tetris you know the website classic tennis classic Tetris and follow Jonas you know nothing's goody on Twitter right because it's people like him Joseph was able to watch Jonas and and learn from here man right the community is just so welcoming and so strong and we have such a positive role model with Jonas that we're able to inspire new people that will also allow you to keep track of where all the regionals and everything comes from hang on Arta I'm really sorry I just need to make an announcement for the live crowd we're doing a photo opportunity with Joseph ins and Jonas with their trophies in the corner over there so if you'd like to take a picture it's happening right now hello to everyone at home who can't take this picture I apologize but I see it to say that yeah and you know what we are to talked about you know Joseph winning in front of hundreds and hundreds of people here but that's only live there were 25,000 people watching on twitch earlier today just right there at the grand final unprecedented we're having a lot more attention drawn to what we do here and and it's really great but one thing I want to let everybody know is that although the Jonas and Joseph both streamed their practice in fact Joseph that's where he got the one-handed max out if you want to follow Joseph on Twitch it is JD mfx underscore so JD mfx underscore I'm just gonna put it up on the stream for you guys right there and Jonah's twitch is nubbins goodie and I'm not gonna block the beautiful Trey's face right there okay this be coming together and having a celebration of gaming and Tetris and all the things that we sad for we love having this every year sure for sure and you know what this has only been my second year here I know you've been here the whole time so you're the true you're the true you know hardcore Taylor or any part of the family our honor let me tell you the fact that you know it's here right now that I've been able to be here I mean honestly thank you so much Trey for bringing me out here and just exposing me to this I have just been having so much fun out here all the time Adam he's just tired Lee standing here beside the camera right now he could turn it around and point to himself but he's not gonna do that well he's coming around there we go there we go shout outs to Adam and everybody on the staff let's get Vince over here as well Vince Clemente of course all three of these guys also participated in the tournament oh man we just bought yes shout outs to all these guys here amazing work by all of them and again even just the stats the HD display is all done by Trey over here he is working miracles it is a giant effort here to bring this event you guys amazing stuff but you know you should so pray exactly let's make Tetris bigger and better than Heather the message of celebrating gaming and joy and Tetris love couldn't have said it better myself Chris it's been an honor gene thank you very much all next year [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Classic Tetris
Views: 15,135,665
Rating: 4.8808513 out of 5
Keywords: tetris, nes, e-sports, esports, gaming, retro gaming, james chen, classic tetris, ctwc, harry hong, jonas neubauer, alex kerr, koryan, kitaru, thor aackerlund, nwc, nintendo world championship, puzzle game, nintendo, hypertap, portland retro gaming expo, nubbinsgoody, darts, poker, pool, billiards, snooker, catan, eli markstrom, dr. mario, super smash brothers, klax, columns, puyo, tetris the grandmaster, tgm, matt buco, Joseph Saelee, tetris theme, tetris 99
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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