16 Things that EMOTIONALLY Hurt Your Cat

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despite their reputation for aloofness cats have delicate feelings perhaps because cats lack the eager to please openness of dogs many people Overlook the big and small waist they can break a cat's spirit in this video we will talk about 16 surprising ways you could be hurting your cat's feelings number 16 calling them for something they don't like cats get excited when you call them because they expect treats or rewards when you call your pet when something unpleasant is about to happen like being forced into a carrier to go to a vet it can hurt their feelings make sure not to use the calm or command to punish your cat number 15 teasing pulling on your cat's tail blowing in their face scaring them during a deep sleep and cornering and picking them up against their will such behaviors confuse and agitate your cat remember what's amusing to you is not always fun for your cat scaring your kitty with cucumbers or other objects for entertainment value isn't fun for them one of the basic needs a cat has is to feel safe and secure in your home it's best to look for other ways to have fun with your pet number 14 pushing them away cats are curious and nosy about their environment they always need to know what you're doing and they love being involved this means your cat might be persistently getting in the way of something so you might feel compelled to push them away before you do consider if you would like it if someone pushed you away for just wanting to be a part of something that interested you instead of pushing your cat away try gently redirecting them somewhere else and remember cats want to be close to their humans and also want to be their focal point if you are constantly rejecting your pet's attempts to be around you your cat may come down with a serious case of feline Blues number 13 punishing them tossing your cat off the counter throwing things swatting and scolding them does inform your pet that you are angry but they'll have no idea why grabbing them and shoving their face in a mess will leave them petrified fear will often make a cat's Behavior worse rather than better anger does not teach your cat to behave it simply teaches them to be afraid of you a cat who feels unsafe at home is more likely to run away at the first opportunity to look for a new home number 12. leaving old food out food that has gone bad is no better for your cat than it is for you it can result in illnesses like food poisoning and problems with their pancreas moreover cats appreciate being served fresh food they don't like it when the stuff in their bowl sits out too long it could be part of their finicky personalities or it could stem from an ancient Instinct that Protected Their ancestors from eating rancid meat either way cats feel appreciated and understood when their families respect their desire for fresh food number 11 neglecting them offering your cat no attention no affection no interaction no conversation and no play time can leave your pet depressed many people assume that cats are not social animals but that is far from the truth cats benefit from interaction and affection from their human some cats are naturally affectionate while other felines are more skittish about being held and petted if you have a skittish cat leave yourself open to receiving affection from them and return it in kind number 10. skipping the small stuff never grooming your cat ignoring frequent hair balls which can signal a digestive issue allowing their nails to grow too long that they snag them around the house not checking their ears for mites or infections even when they shake their head repeatedly these are things that can harm your cat's well-being remember your cat is much more than just a cute fuzzy pet to play with they're a living being that has basic needs to stay happy and healthy number nine disturbing them while eating it's natural for cats to be on high alert if there is a lot of noise and activity around them during dinner time a loud and busy location may cause stress and keeps cats from eating or forces them to eat too quickly if you're playing loud music if your kids are playing their new video game at full blast or if you're yelling from room to room it will disturb your cat as they eat a calm and quiet space allows cats to Chow Down in peace number eight not providing mental stimulation a board cat means a sad cat humans can do a lot of different things with their lives but your cat is limited to the environment you provide them with this means that it's up to you to offer your cat things to do cats need plenty of mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy try playing with them more often or providing some toys that will keep them entertained while you are away at work if you live in a small apartment consider getting a second cat having a buddy to play and interact with can go a long way in keeping indoor cats stimulated and happy the two cats will grow together and feel less lonely number seven shouting raised voices will terrify your cat feline ears are extra sensitive to loud and high-pitched noises they can perceive the person making these noises as a threat and will begin to avoid them remember shouting at your cat will hurt your bond with your pet and make them associate you with negative emotions number six ignoring their fears cats have a good reason for jumping and hiding whenever they hear a loud or startling sound our feline friends can hear sounds around 1.6 octaves higher than humans common sounds such as the vacuum cleaner video games fireworks balloons or loud TV can cause Stress and Anxiety in cats flattened ears lowered tail arched back and looking for a place to hide are all signs that your cat is not comfortable in a particular situation keep in mind that it is part of a cat survival Instinct to be afraid of loud noises make sure you are providing your cat with a calm relaxed environment that helps them feel safe and secure in your home number five forcing new friendships most cats are reserved around strangers they're not especially trusting and they want to take introductions at their own speed when you force your cat to interact with new people you're essentially disrespecting their feelings it's always best to let your cat make new friends on their own don't force them to interact and tell others to respect their space and their feelings number four a dirty litter box using a dirty bathroom is never a pleasant experience and it should come as no surprise that your kitty feels the same way about their litter box cats are very clean animals and they devote a large portion of their day towards self-grooming if their litter box is not clean enough cats may decide to do their business outside of their litter box cleaning your cat's litter box every day will make for a happy cat and will show them that you understand and respect their needs number three ignoring their pain cats don't speak human language so it's often up to pet owners to decipher clues about their cat's condition based on physical and behavioral changes whether because an infected tooth makes eating difficult or a urinary tract infection makes litter box visits painful it is up to us to recognize the subtle signs and give them the help they need monitoring your pet's well-being means being a pain detective so that you know something is hurting your cat number two not cleaning the water or food dishes cats require fresh food and clean water on a daily basis forcing your cat to drink from a dirty Bowl will make them feel upset anxious and stressed it can also lead to health problems due to the harmful bacteria that can grow in their bowl the same goes for their food bowl number one declawing them declawing is torturous to cats it would be akin to cutting off our fingers at the last knuckle leading to pain and mobility issues it can even breed a sense of feeling vulnerable or defenseless in your pet according to the American Veterinary Medical Association because scratching is an innate cat behavior declawed cats can suffer from emotional stress when they cannot scratch it's unrealistic and unkind to try to prevent your feline from their own nature
Channel: Jaw-Dropping Facts
Views: 3,712,256
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Id: AbBciA_K78w
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Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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