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visit MIT OpenCourseWare at PROFESSOR: Good
morning, everyone. Let's get started
on lecture number two of four lecture
sequences of shortest paths. So, last time, we talked
about a general structure for a shortest path algorithm. Today, we'll actually look
at a concrete algorithm that's due to Dijkstra. Before we get to
that, I want to do a little bit of a
review of the concepts that we covered in
the lecture last week. In particular, we
talked about this notion of relaxation, which is
a fundamental operation in all shortest path algorithms. And I want to go
over that again. We look at a couple
of special cases today, with respect to
algorithms for shortest paths. We look at a Directed
Acyclic Graph. Then your graph has
no cycles in it. Regardless of whether you
have negative edges or not, there's a
straightforward algorithm that we look at to find
shortest paths and DAGs. And then, we'll
focus in on the case where there are
no negative edges. And talk about
Dijkstra's algorithm. So, to start with
the review, here's, really, a trivial
example of a graph that we want to compute
the shortest paths on. And the numbers that are
inside these vertices are our priority values. So, think of d of v as the
length of the current shortest path from the source, s, to v. And, given the source, s, the
length to the source is 0. So d of s is 0. It starts at 0 and ends at 0. And other ones, I
initialized to infinity. And through this process
that we call relaxation, we can generally
reduce these d values, that are the lengths of
the current shortest paths, down to what we call
the delta values. Which is the length
of our shortest path. It may be unique. It may not be unique. But you have to get
the minimum value. And then, all of the vertices
have convergent values of d that converge to delta. Then, your algorithm is done. And one last thing that is
important to reconstruct the path is the notion
of a predecessor and pi v is the predecessor of v in
the shortest path from s to v. And you can
follow this predecessor chain to reconstruct
the shortest path, once you've converged,
and all of the values are down to the delta s comma
v. So, in this trivial example, you start with d of s being 0, d
of a and d of b being infinity. Let's put on it a
few weights here. And what you do is
potentially relax the edges that go out of s. And this notion of relaxation,
that I'll write out formally in a minute-- we
looked at it last time, is a process of
following this edge, and updating the d of a value. And this infinity becomes
1 because you say, well, if I start here with 0 and
I add 1 to it, I get 1 here. Similarly, this
infinity becomes 3. And, at this point,
you've relaxed the edges that go out of s two these
other two nodes, a and b. You're not quite done yet. At this point, you could imagine
that, at least in this example, you found the shortest
path to the vertex a. But it is, in fact, a path
of length, 2, to vertex b. Right now, we think that the
the current shortest path to b, after the first step of
relaxing the edges from s, happens to be 3. But if you go like so,
then you end up with the 2. And, at this point, you're done. Now we have to prove that any
particular algorithm we put up is going to converge to the
delta values, and the algorithm to terminate. And then, we have to worry
about the asymptotic complexity of the algorithm. But that's the
general overall flow. And we look at, as I said,
two algorithms today. Both special cases. One for DAGs and one
for non-negative edges. And we'll go through, and
maybe not do a formal proof, but suddenly give you
a strong intuition as to why these algorithms work. Any questions about
this material? OK. So, what I want
to do is give you a sense for why this
relaxation step is useful. But also, importantly,
safe, or correct. And recall that our basic
relaxation operation, which we did over here, as we
updated the infinity value to 1 and the 3 value to 2, et
cetera, looks like this. It says, if d of v is greater
than d of u plus w u,v. Then, I'm going to update d of v
to be d of u plus w u, v. You found a better way
of reaching vertex v. A shorter way. And this way happens to be
going through the vertex, u. So you update not only the
priority value, but also the predecessor relationship. All right? That's the relaxation step. Now, I want to be able to
show that relaxation is safe. What do I mean by that? Well, I want to make sure
that I never relax an edge and somehow do
something wrong, which gets me a value that's
less than delta s v. I want to be able to
converge from the top. I want to be able to start
with these infinity values because I don't have a path
to this particular vertex, and continually reduce the
values of the priorities. And then get down to delta, the
correct values, and don't go, I don't want to go any further. All right? Because, if I get below,
then you're talking about, essentially, you may
be able to get back up, but that is not the kind
of algorithm that we want. At least, algorithms
we look at here. And that is dangerous. So we want relaxation
to be safe. And we can fairly easily
prove a simple lemma, using induction, that
says that the relaxation operation-- and
it doesn't matter what sequence you relax things. This is a fairly
powerful lemma that says that if you have an
algorithm that uses relaxation, and that's the only way of
updating these d values, then it's safe. You're not going to get a
wrong, shortest path value. Either at the end
of the algorithm or at any time during the
running, or the execution, of this algorithm. OK? So the relaxation
operation algorithm maintains the
invariant that d of v is greater than or equal to
delta s, v for all vertices. OK? So that's a powerful lemma. It's a fairly straightforward
lemma to prove. But it's an important lemma. It tells us that we can
create the generic structure of the shortest path algorithm
that I talked about last week. It says, pick an edge. Relax it. Pick another edge. Relax it. And hopefully
everything will work out and you'll get
your delta values. And what this lemma
says is, you'll never get something
in the middle that is less than your
shortest path value. And if you keep running
over for long enough time, depending on the
particular heuristic that you use for
selecting the edges, your algorithm will
eventually terminate. And, hopefully, it'll
run in polynomial time. So, how do we prove this? I'm going to do
about half of it, then try and get
you to finish it. So it's by induction
on the number of steps, in the sense that we are going
to essentially assume that d of u is greater than
or equal to delta s,u. And we're going to do
this relaxation operation. So it's like a base case
is that this is correct. And now we want to show that
the relaxation operation doesn't make d of v incorrect. So, that's the
inductive hypothesis. Now, we can say by the
triangle inequality that I talked about late
in last week's lecture, you have delta s, v less than
or equal to delta s comma u plus delta u comma
v. And what is that? Well, that just says, if I
have something like this, that I have s. Let's call this u and v. This is not an edge between
s and v. It's a path. It could be a single edge. But we think of this
as a path between s and v. This is a
path between s and u. This is a path between u and v. And, in particular,
if there's a way of getting from s to u and u
to v that happens to be shorter then the best way of
getting from s to v, well, that's a contradiction. OK? Because this is the shortest
way of getting from s to v. And it has no constraints
over the number of edges that it incorporates. And so, by definition,
the shortest way of getting from s to v is
either some direct way. Maybe there's a single edge. Or it may go through
this vertex, u. All right? So that's the
triangle inequality. Notice that, what I
have here, is something where going from s,
to a, to b is actually shorter than going from s to b. But these are single
edges we're talking about. These are weights
we're talking about. And there's no
contradiction here because all this says is
that, what I want to see here is delta s comma b
is going to be 2. OK? Initially, I may be starting
out with infinity and 3 for the d values. But the delta value,
which is the shortest way of getting to b,
happens to go through a. And so, if you use that,
then the triangle inequality makes sense. So don't get confused
when you see pictures like this, where the weights
don't obey the triangle inequality. The triangle inequality has to
do with the shortest paths, not the single edge ways. OK? So, that's half the proof here. What I've done is assumed
that d of u is correct. And I've used the
triangle inequality. And I've just written this down. Now, someone do the last step,
or the second to last step, of this proof. Anybody? What can I say now, given
that what I have here. Look at these two values. What can I say
about these values? How can I prove what
I want to prove, which is, basically, delta of
s comma v should be less than or equal to d of v? OK. That's what I want to show. I've just written
another way here. How do I do that? Anyone? What can I substitute for--
there's a less than operator, which means that I can
replace things over here. Yeah. AUDIENCE: If you, like,
you have a [INAUDIBLE]? PROFESSOR: Ah. Excellent. So the first thing is, I could
put d of u over here, right? Less than or equal to d of u. And the reason I can do
that is because d of u is greater then delta s comma u. So that's cool, right? Sorry, delta. Thank you. Delta s comma u. Thank you. And so, that's what I got here. What else? Yeah? AUDIENCE: You replace
delta u, v with w u, v. PROFESSOR: I can replace
delta u, v with w, u, v. Exactly right. Exactly right. Great. That deserves a cushion. I think you already have one. Yep. Oh, man. I should have not-- so you
get that because I messed up. Seems like you
need to get-- whoa. Hey. OK. You get one because I
hit you on the head. All right. And this time, I'll just save. I'm running out
of cushions here. But I've got some in my office. All right. So that's it. That's the proof. OK? Fairly straightforward. You get to the
point where you want to apply the
triangle inequality. You simply look at each of
these terms and, by induction hypothesis, you
could put d,u here. And, I just talked
about the weights, and so on, and so forth. And you know that w u,v,
which is a direct way, a single edge way,
of getting to a node, has to be greater than
the shortest path. Like here, this 3
value is a direct way of getting from s to b. And, in this case, it's
greater than the shortest path, which is of length 2. But it can never be smaller
than the shortest path. And so, once we have that
here, we can essentially say, we know that delta s, v is less
than or equal to d u plus d v. Which implies, of course,
that this is simply-- once we are done with the
relaxation step-- that equals d v. This part
here equals d v. OK? That's how that works. So that's good news. We have a relaxation
algorithm that is safe. We can now
arbitrarily, and we'll do this for all of algorithms
we look at, really. At least in 006,
for shortest paths. Which applies some
sequence of relaxations. And, depending on the
special case of the problem, we're going to apply these
things in different ways to get the most
efficient algorithm. All right? So, we can now do algorithms. Let's look at DAGs first. So, DAG stands for
Directed Acyclic Graphs. So that means we
can't have cycles. So we can't have
negative cycles. So that's why this is an
interesting special case. It makes things a
little bit easier for us because we don't have to
worry about negative cycles. We're actually going
to look at DAGs that have negative
edges in them. All right? So, we're allowed to have
negative edges in these DAGs. But we don't have
negative cycles. And, as I said
last time, it's not the negative edges
that cause a problem. If you only go through
at negative edge once, you can just
subtract that value. And it's cool. It's only when you
get into a situation where you're going
through a negative edge, a negative cycle. And you can just iterate through
them to get to minus infinity. And you have an indeterminate
shortest path value. So the way this is going
to work-- if you ever have a DAG, by the way, the
first thing you want to try-- and this is certainly
true in your problem set-- when there's a question, try
to topologically sort it. OK? It's a fine hammer to
use, when you have a DAG. And it's not an exception here. To do shortest
paths, we're going to topologically sort the DAG. And the path from u
to v implies that u is before v in the ordering. And, once you do that,
you have this linear. And I'll show you an example. You have this linear ordering. And we're just going to
go through, in order, from left to right,
relaxing these edges. And we're going to
get our shortest paths for all the vertices. So, the second and last step
is, one pass, left to right, over the vertices, in
topologically sorted order. And we're going to
relax each edge that leaves the particular
vertex we are trying to process right now. And so, we know topological
sorting is order v plus e, includes depth-first search. And this pass over the vertices,
you're touching each vertex. And you're touching every edge
a constant number of times. In this case, once. So this is our first special
case shortest path algorithm. And that takes
order v plus e time. All right? Why does this work? And just one little
interesting aspect of this, which is
related to a DAG. And the relationship between the
DAG and the particular starting vertex that we're
going to be looking at. So, this is an example. Suppose I have a DAG like this. And I marked this vertex as s. And I want to find the
shortest path from s to these other nodes
that are a and b. Well, they don't exist, right? So, in this case, I'm
going to have a shortest path to a being infinity
and shortest path to b being infinity. And this is a trivial example. So, this algorithm is general. It doesn't say anything about
what the starting vertex is. Right? It should work for any
choice of starting vertex. The nice thing is that you
can do the topological sort. And then you can commit to
what the starting vertex is. And you can go off, and you can
say, from this starting vertex, I'm going to go and
compute the shortest paths to the other vertices
that I can actually reach. OK? So let's say that you had
a DAG that looks like this. All right, once you've
topologically sorted it, you can always draw
a DAG in linear form. That's a nice thing. I'm going to put edge
weights down in a minute. All right. So that's my DAG. Let's see. 5, 3, 2, 6, 7, 4,
2, minus 1, minus 2. So that's my DAG. And I've drawn it in
topologically sorted form. And I go left to right. Now, let's say that, at this
point, I get to step two. And I want to find
shortest paths. Now, I have to say,
what is my source? And, if I just happen to
have this as my source, well, there's
nothing to do here. There's no edges
that go out of this. And so that means that
everything to the left of me is infinity. OK? So the first thing
that you do is, you say, find the
source that corresponds to the starting vertex. And let's say, this is the
starting vertex, in this case. Which I'll mark in bold. So that's my starting vertex. I'll take a nontrivial case. And everything to
the left is going to get marked with infinity. And now, I've got to do
some work on relaxation. And I'm not going to get
the shortest path instantly for a particular vertex, once
I get to it, because there may be better ways
of getting there. And especially if I
have negative edges. And that's certainly possible,
that a longer length path is going to be
the shortest path. But what I'll do is take s. And I'm going to relax
edges that emanate from s. And so, step one,
all of these are going to be infinity
to start with. So everything is infinity. The ones to the
left stay infinity. The ones to the right are
going to be reachable. And you're going to
update those values. And so, when you go
like so, this becomes 2. This becomes 6. As I follow that. And I'm done with
this vertex, s. And this is what I have. 2 and 6. So the next step is
to get to this vertex. Let's call that the vertex a. And I'm going relax the
edges going out of a. And, when I go out
of a, I get 2 plus 7 is 9, which is greater than 6. So there's no reason
to update that. 2 plus 4 is less than infinity. And so, that's 6. 2 plus 2 gives me 4 here. And so on and so forth. So then, now I'm
done with vertex a. If this vertex is b, then I
have a value of 6 for this. And 6 minus 1 is less than 6. So this becomes 5. And 5 minus 2-- well, that's
the next step after that. I haven't put-- this is a 1. And so 6 plus 1 is 7. But that's greater than 4. So we don't have
to anything there. So the final values that I end
up getting are 3 for this one. So this is the final value. 5 is the final value here. 6 is the final value here. 2 is the final value here. And that one is 0. And this stays infinity. OK? So fairly straightforward. Do a topological sort. Find the starting point. And then run all the
way to the right. Interestingly, this is actually
a really simple example of dynamic programming,
which we'll talk about in gory detail,
later in November. But what I have here is
the simplest special case of a graph that has an
order of v e [INAUDIBLE] shortest path algorithm. And the reason for that
is we don't have cycles. All right? Any questions about this? People buy this? It works? OK. So, we've got one
algorithm under our belt. And we look at, really,
a more interesting case because most graphs are
going to have cycles in them. But we will stay
with the special case of no negative edges, now. All right? So Dijkstra's algorithm doesn't
work for negative edges. So it's different. This algorithm is not
subsumed by Dijkstra. That's important to understand. So Dijkstra's algorithm
works for graphs with cycles. But all of the edge ways have
to be either 0 or positive. This algorithm works for DAGs
that can have negative edges. But you can't have cycles. So both of these algorithms
have their place under the sun. So, let's take a look
at Dijkstra's algorithm. Actually, I guess I have a demo. So, the one demo
we have in 6006. [INAUDIBLE] Dijkstra is a very
straightforward algorithm. It's not trivial to
prove its correctness. But from a standpoint of
coding, from a standpoint of understanding the flow,
it's a very straightforward algorithm. One of the reasons
why that's the case is because it's a
greedy algorithm. It does things incrementally,
maximizing the benefit, as you will. And intuitively builds
the shortest paths. And it goes vertex by vertex. So here's a demo
of Dijkstra, which, the reason I want
to show you this, is because it will give you some
intuition as to why Dijkstra works. Now, some points of note. I can't tilt this more
than about this much because then these
balls will fall off. So, cameraman, can you get this? All right? For posterity. So I got an undirected
graph here, right? And each of these
things are nodes. The balls are the
nodes of the vertices. And I've drawn the
picture over there. And G stands for green. And Y stands for
yellow, et cetera. So, this graph is essentially
what I have up there. And I've put strings connecting
these balls, associated with the weights that
you see up there. So, if I got this
right, the string that's connecting the green ball
to the yellow ball up on top is 19 centimeters. And so on and so forth
for these other ones. All right? So, that's Dijkstra. And what do you
think I have to do to compute shortest paths,
mechanically speaking? What do you think I have to do? Yeah, someone. AUDIENCE: Pick up the
green ball and just-- PROFESSOR: Pick up the
ball and lift it up. That's right. Good. It's worth a cushion. All right, so, let's
all this works. So, first, let me show you by
those values that I have there. If the green ball is the
starting vertex, then the shortest path to the
purple vertex, p, is 7. And that's the
closest node to G. And then, the next
closest node is the blue one, which
is b, which is 12. 7 plus 5. And so on and so forth. And so, if this all works,
and I haven't tried this out, because this is a one use demo. Once I pull this up, the
strings get so tangled up, it doesn't work anymore. All right? So that's why I had to do
all of this, lug these over. Otherwise, it'd
be-- so this is not a computer reversible
kind of thing. So, if you want to
code Dijkstra up. OK, so if I just lift
it up, and if I do that, and if I tilt it in
the right direction. Yeah. I want to that. So you can see that this is a
little bit of fudging going on here, with respect to
getting this right. But you see green is up on top. And what is the
next one you see? AUDIENCE: Purple. PROFESSOR: Purple. That's good. What's the next one you see? AUDIENCE: Blue. PROFESSOR: Blue. That's good. Y, and then R. And
strings that are taught, that have tension in them, are
the predecessor vertices, OK? That's the pie. All right? So, again, I computed the
shortest paths, right? Mechanically. And, if I could have a way
of measuring the tension on the strings, I have my pie,
my predecessor relationship, as well. All right? Now, let's see if this works. This works, right? So, if the second thing doesn't
work, don't hold it against me. But, let's say if I take R,
and I lift it up like that. Yikes. So, R, followed by Y,
followed by B, followed by P, followed by G. Hey. Come on. All right? This works. Thank you. Thank you. All right. So there's actually a
reason why I did that demo. There's a greedy algorithm here. And, I guess, greedy is gravity. Right? Gravity is greedy. So, obviously, the reason
why those balls are hanging is because they have weight. And they have gravity. And you can imagine that you
could now-- people in physics. I don't know anybody
majoring in physics. Anyone double majoring in
physics or something here? All right. So, you know your Newton's
laws of mechanics. And you know about
gravity, and all of that. So you can imagine that
you said, you know, the heck with all this priority
queue stuff in the problem set. In the algorithm
that we're going to be talking
about for Dijkstra, I'm going to do a kinetic
simulation of shortest paths in order to get the actual
values of these shortest paths. OK? Now, that would be cool. But it'd be horribly slow. And so, the Dijkstra algorithm
we're going to be talking about is going to just compute the
steady state, corresponding to the closest vertex that
is closest to G. All right? So Dijkstra, the algorithm,
the intuition behind it, is that it's going to greedily
construct shortest paths. And it's going to
be starting with G, which is your source vertex. And then, the first
thing that it's going to process, and
find the shortest path to is going to be
the purple vertex. And then the blue. And then the yellow. And then the red. All right? So it actually mimics, to
some extent, this demo. All right? So, let's take a look at
the pseudocode for Dijkstra. So, g is your graph. w are the weights. Small s is the starting vertex. We're going to initialize g
and s, which means we just mark s a starting vertex. And we're going to also have
this capital S, that I'll use these little bars to
differentiate from small s. So this is a set. Capital S is a set. And we're going to
initialize that to null. And there's another
set called Q, which is initialized to
the entire set of vertices. And all this means is
that, initially, we haven't done any processing. And we don't know the
shortest paths to any vertex because this set of
vertices is null. And Q is the set of vertices
that need to be processed. And, as we start
processing vertices from Q, we're going to move
them to capital S. And they're going to
contain the set of vertices that we know the shortest
paths to already. And that's the invariant
in this algorithm. s is going to contain
the set of vertices that we know the
shortest paths to. And so, Dijkstra is
a little while loop that says, while
they're vertices that need to be processed,
then I'm going to take u. And I'm going to
extract-min from Q. And this is going
to delete u from Q. And this
initialization-- and this is a small s here-- is
going to set d of s to be 0. That's all this
initialization does. Because that's all we know. We have a starting vertex. And we know that the shortest
path to the starting vertex, from the starting vertex, is 0. So, all that means is
that, all of the other ones have infinity values. So, at this very first
step, it makes sense that extract-min
Q is going to pull the starting vertex,
small s, out. And is going to assign
it to this u value. And we're going to
set s to be-- capital S-- to be capital S union u. And then, all we have to do is
relax the edges from the vertex that we just added. So, for each vertex, v
belonging to adjacent s, so that you can reach from u. We relax u, v, w. All right? That's it. That's Dijkstra. It's a greedy algorithm. It's iterative. And the reason it's greedy
is because of this step here. It's just picking
the min priority from the un-processed
vertices, Q. And, essentially, claiming that this min value
is something that you already computed the shortest paths for. So, when you're putting
something into S, you're saying, I'm done. I know the shortest path
to this particular vertex. And I need to now process
it, in the sense that I have to relax the edges that
are coming out of this vertex. And update the priority
values because relax is going to go change
the d values, as we know, corresponding to the vertex,
v. It might change the value. It might not. But there's a possibility
that it would. And you're going to do
this for all of the edges that are emanating
out of the vertex, u. And so you may be changing a
bunch of different priority values. So the next time
around, you will get a different minimum
priority vertex. For two reasons. One is that you've extracted
out the minimum priority vertex. You've deleted it from
Q. And the second reason is that these
priority values change as you go through the loop. All right? And so, in our demo,
essentially what happened was, the first time, the process
of lifting the green vertex, corresponding to choosing
it as a starting vertex. And the first thing
that was closest to it, which had the taught
string hanging from it, has the min priority value. And you pull that out. And then so on and so
forth, as you go down. And I'm not going to go
through and prove this. But it's certainly something
that is worth reading. It's half of page proof,
maybe a page in CLRS. And you should read
the proof for Dijkstra, the formal proof for Dijkstra. Which just, essentially,
does all the accounting and gets things right. And uses the lemma that we have,
with respect to the relaxation operation being safe. OK? Any questions about Dijkstra? Or about the pseudocode,
in particular? I guess you guys are going
to code this at some point. Yeah? AUDIENCE: How are the
vertices comparable? In what way? PROFESSOR: Oh, so
that's a good question. And I should have
made that clearer. So, Q is a priority queue. And the priorities of the
vertices are the d values, OK? s being null is clear, I hope. That's clear. And then Q being the set of
vertices are clear, as well. Now, Q is a priority queue, OK? And we'll talk about how
we'll implement this priority queue, and the
complexity of Dijkstra, before we're done here. But, as an ADT, as an
Abstract Data Type, think of Q as being
a priority queue. And there's
priorities associated with each vertex that's in Q.
And these priorities change. And they're the d values. All right? So the priorities. So, initially, d of
s-- small s-- is 0. And all of the other
ones are infinity. So it's clear that, the
very first time, you're going to set u to be small s,
which is a starting vertex. And then you relax the
edges coming out of s, potentially change some of
these other infinity values of the vertices
that you can reach from s to be less than infinity. And you're going
to, essentially, change the values of
the priority queue. And go around. And then select the min
value the next time. And so on and so forth. OK? Thanks for the question. Any other questions? OK. So, let's just go through a
couple of steps in an example. I'm not going to go
through the whole thing. But you'll see an execution
of Dijkstra in the nodes. I think it's worth spending
just a couple of minutes going through the first few steps
of a Dijkstra execution. Just so how this priority
queue works is clear, let's take a look at a directed
graph that has five vertices. So that's 7. So let's start with a
being the starting vertex. And so d of a is 0. And d of b through
e are all infinity. Your s is null to begin with. And Q has all of the
five vertices in it. So extract-min is
going to select a. That's the only one that is a 0. Because you've got 0, infinity,
infinity, infinity, infinity. And so, you select that,
and you set s to be a. And once you set s
to be a, you relax the edges coming out of a. And there's two of them. So you end up with 0, 10,
3, infinity, infinity. And the next extract-min
is going to select 3. And you're going to
set s to be a comma c. And so you're,
essentially, doing kind of a breadth-first search. But you're being greedy. It's a mixed breadth-first
depth-first search. You do a breadth-first
search when you're given a
particular vertex, and you look at
all of the vertices that you can reach
from that vertex. And then you say, I'm
a greedy algorithm. I'm going to pick the
vertex in this frontier that I've just created, that
is the shortest distance away from me, that has
the lowest priority value. And, in this case, it would be
c because this other one is 10. And this is shorter. Right? So that's why we
pick c over here. And one last one. Once you process c,
you're going to end up processing this
edge going out here. This edge going out there. This edge going out this way. And you're going to end
up with 0, 7, 3, 11, 5. And you've processed a bunch
of edges coming out of c. And, at this point, 0
is gone and 3 is gone. I'm just writing
the values here, just so you know what they are. But these are out of the picture
because, in s, those values should never change. Dijkstra essentially guarantees. And that's the
proof of correctness that takes a bit of doing,
is that this value is never going to reduce anymore. The pre-value is
never going to reduce. And it's been put into s. But what's remaining now is 5. And that corresponds
to the e vertex. So s becomes a, c, e. The 5 gets stuck in there. And so on and so forth. All right? So, that's Dijkstra. And now, let's start complexity. So, it we have the code
for Dijkstra on the left, we have an ADT associated
with the priority queue. And now, we're back
to talking like we did early on in the term,
where we compared linked lists, and arrays, and
heaps, and trees. And said, for a particular
set of operations, which one is going
to be the best? OK? So, if you analyze Dijkstra,
and you look at the pseudocode first, and you say, what are the
operations that I'm performing? I got an operation here,
corresponding to theta v inserts into the priority queue. And that's inserting
things into Q. I got theta v
extract-min operations. I'm only going to delete a
vertex once, process of vertex once. And that's why I have
theta v extract operations. And I have theta e, what
decrease key or update key operations because
when I do, I relax here. I'm decreasing the key. It's in particular,
it's not an update key. It happens to be a decrease
key, which is not a big deal. We don't need to get into that. But you are reducing
the d value. So it's a decrease
key operation. And, again, it's theta e
because, in a directed graph, you're only going to
process each edge that's coming out of the vertex once. Since you're processing
each vertex once, and you're looking at
all of the outgoing edges from that vertex. OK? So that's what you can get
looking at the pseudocode. And now, you're a data
structure designer. And you have some choices
here, with respect to actually implementing
the priority queue. And let's look at the complexity
of Dijkstra for arrays. So, suppose I ended
up using an array structure for the
priority queue. But then, what do I have? I have, if I look at
this, my extract-min, what is the complexity of
extract-min in an array? AUDIENCE: Theta v. PROFESSOR: Theta v. And
what's the complexity of a decrease key in an array? I just go access that element. And I change it. State of one, right? So I have theta v
for extract-min. I'll just call it ex-min. Theta one for decrease key. And if I go do the
multiplication, I get theta v times v plus
e times 1, or a constant, which is theta v squared. Because I know that
e is order v squared. Right? If I have a simple graph,
it may be a complete graph, but-- we talked
about this last time. e is, at most, v squared. So I can just call
this theta v squared. All right? So we have a theta v squared
Dijkstra implementation that uses an array structure. But do we want to use
an array structure? What data structure
should we use? Yeah? AUDIENCE: Heap. PROFESSOR: You can
use it a min-heap. Exactly right. So, if you use a
binary min-heap, then my extract-min is
finding the min is a constant because you just pick
it up from the top. But we know that, if you
want to update the heap, and delete it, then it's going
to take that theta log v. And decrease key
is the same thing. Theta log v. So that's
worse than array. And if I go do the
multiplication again, I get v log v plus e log v. OK? And this is not quite the
complexity that I put up, as some of you may
remember, last time. This is not the optimum
complexity of Dijkstra. Or an optimal
complexity of Dijkstra. You can actually take this out
by using a data structure that we won't talk about in 006. But you can read about it. It's not 6006 level material. You're not responsible
for this in 006. But it's got a Fibonacci heap. And you might learn
about it in 6046. The Fibonacci heap is an
amortized data structure that has theta log
v for extract-min. And theta one amortized
time for decrease key. And what's nice
about it is that, once you do that, you end up
with theta v log v plus e time. And that's the complexity
I put up way back, I guess, last Thursday. So that's to show you, with
respect to two special cases, we have the DAGs, which are
linear time, essentially. And Dijkstra, with amortized,
and their proper data structure, also,
essentially, linear time. Right? Next time, we'll look
at the general case where we have potentially
negative cycles. And we end up with algorithms
that have greater complexity. See you next time.