16 Car Detailing Tips And Tricks WILL HELP You Transform Your Car!

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so today on Stauffer Garage we're gonna be talking  about 16 detailing tips that you need to know   before you start your next detail and with that  being said make sure you hit that subscribe button   down below and let's get started now the first tip  that i have for you guys is to use the power of   steam steam cleaning tools are very very powerful  because they one they're not chemical based and   two they can get a lot of things out off of  many many surfaces from the outside paint   to your carpet to getting gum play-doh anything  you know food pretty much everything that you can   imagine steam is a great tool to use especially  for stubborn stuff that you struggle to remove now   there's a lot of different types of steam cleaners  out there i use a specific one called from wagner   and i have a link in the description box below  for you guys but one of the things that i struggle   with sometimes is detailing brushes do help with  getting into those nooks and crannies but if you   have things that have solidified or if you have  things that are farther down that your brush can't   technically reach steam is a great tool to spray  into all those different seams to help blow out   that dirt to help you know remove any liquid that  is solidified or dirt that gets stuck in there   pretty much any use you can use it i've  used it on carpet you can use it on plastic   you can actually even use it on paint there's  actually specific steam cleaners that people   can use on just outside surfaces alone instead of  actually washing a car in typical fashion you can   use steam instead for a waterless type solution  but in these video clips you see here these are   from some of the nastiest details i've done and  some of the different things that i've removed   just by using steam and brushes and tools and  another great benefit to steam is obviously the   fact that the temperature is so high that any  mold or bacteria viruses and things like that   get killed instantly and it also  helps with deodorizing as well now if you've watched my videos in the  past you know that i remove a lot of the   interior and most the cars that i detail and  a lot of the times you find things like this   underneath the center consoles underneath the  seats underneath door panels and trim pieces   there's a lot of different things that you  can remove inside a vehicle and with a lot   of modern cars they go together in very similar  fashions there's usually you know eight millimeter   10 millimeter or phillips head screws or  just clips like these side panels come in   and out of this king ranch that i detailed they  literally just pop off remove you can clean them   and then just you know hit them back in and  they go right back together um so for this   tip it's just don't be scared to you know  disassemble things take things apart because   when car manufacturers build these cars they  have to put them together fairly easily obviously   because the you know assembly line has to  put them together in a very fast process   so when you think about that go online look up  a youtube tutorial on how to remove your seats   or how to remove your center console look  up different you know forums they'll have   diagrams on how to do it or people post you know  step-by-step instructions they all go together   fairly easily take your time if you've never done  it or like i said look it up online so that way   you have a better idea how to do it without  having to guess and figure it out on your own now for detailing tip number three it's to clean  around your door frames your door sills your   underneath your hood your trunk lid and gas cap  cover these are all commonly missed areas that   just get missed especially if you're washing  your car yourself make sure you check those   spots you can get leaves build up inside you know  the trunk lid area underneath there where there's   drain tubes so water doesn't drain properly  so you can have leaks and and stuff inside   your car underneath your doors you can get rust  underneath there because you just get dirt and   grime and oil and it breaks down the paint over  time and then underneath your hood just wiping   it with a microfiber towel or all-purpose cleaner  it's just a good maintenance practice especially   if you work on your own car it's always nice to  have a clean workspace that you're working on now for detailing tip number four it's to use a  drill brush and it's a it's a tool that i highly   recommend everyone has in their detail and  arsenal whether you don't clean your car on a   regular basis or if you want to use it inside your  house drill brushes are a fast way to expedite   the process of having to hand scrub things and  then you know wearing yourself out if you're   trying to clean your own car but for me personally  drill brushes are a staple in my detailing tool   collection whether it comes to carpets seats door  panels that are plastic it just allows you to have   the ability to speed up the process without  wearing yourself down especially when you're   doing a longer detail that is extremely dirty you  can use a drill brush to help you out instead of   having to hand scrub things which you're never  going to be able to replicate how much of a   how much rotation a drill brush  provides when you use it in your drill detailing tip number five is to restore your  plastic trim over time what happens with plastic   black trim or gray trim any color trim for that  matter that goes around the headlights door   handles front and rear bumpers mirrors as that  plastic gets faded and it loses its shine and   loses the original color so getting a trim  restore kit whether it's a single product that   you just wipe on that lasts a little while  or a more extensive ceramic type product   definitely consider restoring your trim because it  will make your car or truck look 10 times better   and make it look like new again detailing tip  number six is to clean and condition your leather   seats and now this tip might seem fairly generic  and simple and fairly straightforward as a process   that you should do in your detail but i think  when it comes to the conditioning aspect i think   it gets missed on a regular basis um because of  how durable leather seats are compared to fabric   seats and stain resistance but the main reason  for cleaning your leather seats is to get into   all those nooks and crannies making sure you get  into all those different seams to remove any dirt   and then the conditioning side is to help keep  those seats pliable to restore their shine or   original color and to also resist cracking and  add a barrier essentially from future staining   it from any spills or anything that happens with  the car so for my process i always just use a   detailing brush to get into all those different  spots or a drill brush for heavily dirty ones   to make sure they're fully clean wipe them  clean with a microfiber towel and then apply   my leather conditioner let it dry and then buff  it essentially clean to make sure there's no   additional residue on the surface this process  is what i've used every single time and as you   can see this is one of my favorite types of seats  from the king ranch and the ford f-350 or f-250   it just looks so much better and  it makes your car look like new detailing tip number seven is to clean your  seatbelts this is something that commonly   gets missed as well and it's something that  you can clean fairly quickly with all-purpose   cleaner spray it onto your seat belts use  a brush drill brush for that matter would   be an excellent tool to use then just  wipe in it clean with a microfiber towel   if you want to take it a step further or if  you have heavily dirty spots steam cleaners   work great as well most cars don't have overly  dirty seat belts so just light staining and light   cleaning with the you know all-purpose cleaner  will be sufficient in this case for this car   that i'm working on here i had was able to  remove them which made it a lot easier but   because of how dirty they were there was really  no other way to get them as clean as i wanted   if i didn't remove them so for me personally  cleaning your seat belts is a tedious task but it   does make it take it to the extra step especially  if you do get stained on it from spilled coffee detailing tip number eight is to consider what  is hiding underneath and this is regards to your   front and rear seats those spots are hard to clean  because one you can never fully reach underneath   there especially between your center console  and the seat there's that's like the no man zone   things just fall there and get lost forever so  whenever i pull out seats inside the vehicles that   i work on it one helps me with mobility inside  the vehicle but two it allows me to make sure   i get every single nook and cranny every single  piece of dirt removed as you guys can see in these   shots here how dirty it was underneath these seats  and you would have never got those areas cleaned   so for me personally i pull the seats in my  details and for you i wouldn't think that this is   something you do on a regular basis but if you buy  a car that is used but new to you it is something   consider doing right off the bat to make sure  it's perfectly clean all the way inside and out detailing tip number nine is to clean the most  used component of your vehicle and this goes   to your key or key fob you know whether you  have to break it down or take it apart like   i'm showing in this video clip or just wiping  it down on a regular basis from a you know   sanitation standpoint cleaning your  key and key fob is just something that   you should commonly do on a monthly  basis or whenever you wash your car   just grab a microfiber towel all-purpose cleaner  spray it on the towel and then just wipe it clean   if you have to go to more extremes you know  taken apart at key fob is fairly straightforward   take your time or if you know you feel not you  know something that you can't do look up an online   tutorial but keeping this component clean is just  something that i recommend is a common practice detailing tip number 10 is to clean inside  your spare tire well underneath your trunk lid   this area gets commonly missed as well because  one how often do you pull out your spare tire   but two it can collect a ton of dirt or debris or  for this case for this bentley gt that i detailed   when i opened up the trunk lid itself the drain  tubes were clogged from not properly being cleaned   and maintained and it dumped about half a gallon  of water underneath there and that was just from   me working on the car whereas when i pulled up  the trunk cover it was honestly full of about   two three gallons of water as it was so once i  pulled up all these trim pieces pulled them all   up and looked underneath i was able to wipe that  area clean so it doesn't continue to rust further   but two this is also a good opportunity  to check your spare tire make sure it   has adequate air make sure all your tools  are present if you need to remove a tire   this is something that will help in the  long run whenever something does happen   on the side of the road and you need to  put your spare tire on it would stink if   your spare tire is completely flat and now  you have two flat tires instead of just one detailing tip number 11 is to clean in between  the seams and this goes for your seats of your car   where all those cushions meet those different  seam areas typically collect all of the dirt   and when you spread them apart that's when you can  vacuum that out and remove it before you condition   or extract your seats so all that dirt doesn't get  then pushed around to the rest of the seat surface   itself so vacuuming in between those seams  and in between the top and rear portions of   the seats you know take your crevice tool and  just kind of push it in between there to make   sure any crumbs don't then fall back onto the  carpet after you've got that cleaned as well detailing tip number 12 is to polish your exhaust  tips and chrome components around your vehicle   the stuff that i use is from mothers it's a  it's a polishing compound and you just put it   on your microfiber towel spread it onto  the component and then just essentially   buff it and there's there's different  processes and steps on how to do this   but it is um something that kind of is a above and  beyond what you typically would do with the detail   and it just helps make your car look like  new again and it's a fairly easy process   to do it just takes a little bit of time and  elbow grease to get those components cleaned detailing tip number 13 is to be conscious of  overspray and this goes for the exterior or   the inside of your vehicle if you're spraying a  chemical onto your wheels or if you're spraying   an all-purpose cleaner on your dashboard  you know be conscious of fans going on wind   anything like that because you don't want  to spray on a component and have that blast   onto everything else if you've just cleaned it  or a chemical that you don't want on a certain   surface so be conscious of the wind be conscious  of where you're spraying and how you're spraying   you know use a piece of cardboard  in this instance for the wheels that   i'm using to help protect the paint  from getting any of that over spray detailing tip number 14 is to use a pet hair brush  or some sort of dedicated tool for this matter   for me personally i have my own set of  detailing products from foxclean.com   where i carry the foxtail pet detailing brush  i found this to be the most useful tool when it   comes to removing pet hair because of how wide it  is and the ergonomics of the tool itself but using   a pet hair tool in general or even if you're  using it on a non-pet hair vehicle you'll be   surprised with how many loose fibers in the carpet  or the seat backings you know you'll remove from   the vehicle you know you can see from these shots  how much hair removed from inside these vehicles   and just how bad the carpets were before  compared to after before using a tool and   all of these carpets that you see in these shots  were after vacuuming was done and then i used   the pet hair brushes to remove the actual loose  fibers and pet hair that was inside the vehicle   detailing tip number 15 is to know your worth and  this is for the person that's trying to detail as   a side hustle whether you have a full-time job  or full-time business detailing is to figure   out what your time is worth figure out what your  chemicals and products are worth what that you   use in a specific detail and then also figure out  what your skills are worth you know look at people   in your zip code that are detailing figure out  their pricing and then you know be competitive   but also know that if you know you do a better  job than everyone out there and if your skills   are worth it in your opinion charge that and  then adjust it from there go after customers see   what their you know responses to your prices and  then build your way from there to figuring out   where is that sweet spot for you personally  based on the types of cars you need to kill detailing tip number 16 is to follow a routine or  process and stick with it and this goes for if you   just clean your own personal vehicle on a monthly  or weekly basis or if you're doing this for a   living is there's a process that you're going to  want to follow because what that allows you to do   is when you go into a detail you know what you're  going to do you know what process you're going to   follow you know what steps are involved so that  way you're being as time efficient as possible   and even if you're not doing this as a living when  you have time to wash your car you don't want to   be fumbling around trying to figure out oh yeah i  need to do this or that or oh i forgot to do this   if you know that you start with you know washing  your wheels and then you go to washing the paint   and then you go to the inside with vacuuming or if  you're knowing hey it's friday and i take my car   to the car wash and i wash it by hand and i vacuum  out the car you know having some sort of process   or routine that you do on your details or to keep  your car clean will help you in the long run with   making sure that you maintain your car as best as  possible or detailing a car for a client so with   that being said this is the final tip that i have  for you guys today if you enjoyed today's video   hit that thumbs up button down below make sure  you subscribe if you're new and go ahead and leave   a comment down below on a detailing tip that you  guys want to share i want to make this a community   and i always love seeing your guys's comments  and it helps everybody else out that watches   these videos to see your tips and suggestions  as well and i also want to let you guys know   that tomorrow i'm going to have a bonus video  for you guys on how to remove odors from cars   so make sure you're looking out for that video  tomorrow morning and if you haven't subscribed   hit the subscribe button down below  and i'll see you guys next week
Channel: Stauffer Garage
Views: 746,132
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Keywords: auto detailing tips, car detailing tips, car detailing tips and tricks, car detailing tips you must know, detailing tips, auto detailing tips and tricks, auto detailing, how to detail your car like a pro, car detailing, detailing, car cleaning, detailing a car, stauffer garage, car interior, james stauffer, cleaning a car, car interior cleaning, detailing tips for beginners, how to detail, how to detail a car, how to detail your car, how to detail a car exterior, How to
Id: lUciK3pu_gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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