151231 가요대제전 방탄소년단 perfect man JIMIN focus
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Channel: park jamjam
Views: 13,483,236
Rating: 4.9837294 out of 5
Keywords: 방탄소년단, BTS, 지민, 박지민, jimin, 가요대제전, 151231, perfect man
Id: pl_39WIvMbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 24sec (144 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2016
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Sees a fancam's anniversary being celebrated
Realizes what it is
Asks no questions, only nods in sober acknowledgement
It's December 31st in Korea, aka the 1 year anniversary of this incrdible performance. And it recently reached 2 million views! Truly iconic.
I linked Jimin for obvious reasons, but here's the official performance. You should probably watch it again, too ;)
Also Taehyung
I feel so nice, mom. I feel so nice.
this also means happy anniversary to my favorite reaction of all time aka shinee watching this ft. jonghyun and onew being Extra
I really wish there was a studio version available.
Idk I just think Jimin is the definition of sex appeal and confidence in this performance
Happy anniversary to my fav focus cam of all time
When I discovered it, I liked it so damn much that I downloaded the video and converted into MP3 HAHA. One of the best stages everrrrrr~