(#15) ViewBag and ViewData in MVC 5 | mvc tutorial for beginners in .net c#
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Channel: WebGentle
Views: 71,936
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Keywords: viewbag in mvc c#, viewdata viewbag tempdata, viewbag and viewdata difference, difference between viewbag and viewdata, viewbag and viewdata in mvc, viewbag vs viewdata vs viewmodel, viewbag tutorial, viewbag vs viewdata vs tempdata, viewbag in asp.net mvc, viewbag vs viewdata, viewbag array, viewbag as list, viewbag bad practice, viewbag does not exist in the current context, viewbag foreach, viewbag good or bad, best mvc tutorial for beginners, asp.net mvc tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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