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15 tips that will change your photography forever from the easiest one to the hardest one tip number one rule of third all right so trick number one the rule of third the rule of third is imagine you have an an image and you cut it in three pieces from left to right and from up and down the idea is you place something that is more important on one of the third for example here you see a lot of people take this View and they Center it like this I'm shooting this black and white but it could be better to have either 2/3 of the water in the land and only one/ thir of sky so let's try that or the reverse it just gives a more Dynamic view here are some other examples of rule of third where you can really see what the rule of third makes a difference it's just something that's been using in painting for hundreds of years tip number two use leading lines we are here in Walmart in one of my favorite part of Paris and I love this street but you see if I take a photo like this you know which is kind of nice I have a leading line but it's not really leading inside of the photo if I go down a little further come with me we're going to get a better leading line I'll show you now look behind me now that's what I call the leading line look at this it's like an S curve and it leads to the psychic Cur one of my favorite leading line of all of Paris and this is a photo I just took right now but I was there the other day it was pouring rain and I got that shot and I came back another time and I got that shot so that's the importance of a leading line it really helps to give depths in the [Music] photo tip number three the importance of having a fourr element we are here on the Alexander third Bridge the nicest bridge in Paris and I want to shoot the E tower now a lot of people what they do is they shoot he like this and they take a photo which is okay but let's see if we can frame them with this statue you don't want to be too close or too are you just want the statue to be a full ground element so let's do that and compare and what's crazy is that I also shot this a na a day where we had a great Sunset and look this is the final version much better than just shooting without the statue so foreground is important it's the difference between Pro photography composition and very [Music] amateurish there a frame in the frame one of my best trick on composition which is to find natural elements to frame the subject we're here in theou in one of the nicest Corridor in the world and right behind me is this natural door and the architect who did the pyramids in the 80s perfectly align them with the door and it's going to give an amazing fine frame I came two days ago when there was nobody and I got this shot trick number five shooting at the right time with the golden hour the golden hour is either at Sunrise after that the sun has RIS r or it is 1 hour before Sunset it's when the sun is low and everything is golden okay we are here on the artbridge and I came with Mato my director we came here in November we had an incredible Sunrise an incredible golden hour now look at the difference you have a lot of people you know versus sunrise and you'll see the difference of photo I mean a lot of people just take daylight photo let's compare this photo that I'm going to take Now versus the exact same framing that we shot here on the sunrise of course the sunrise photo is going to sell a lot better in gallery because photography is all about riding the light so shoot at the right time trick number six shoot at the blue hour this is a beautiful view of Paris but it's kind of boring right now because the light is is not really the blue hour the blue hour is the Magic Window where all the sea lights are turned on and It's Not Dark Yet let me show you the difference this is without the blue AR in a about half an hour it'll be the blue hour check it out and now it's the blue hour it's for about 10 minutes we get this incredible light it's not too dark it's not too bright the sea lights are on let's go let's [Music] continue so tip number seven and one of the most important and most obvious one this view is one of my favorite view in Paris it's right next to Notre Dam I love the leading lines also of that sun rer but right now the light is okay but it's kind of boring now compare this with this incredible Sunset that I got years ago which I actually ended up making a cover of a book I would have never met a cover if I had taken that photo at this time so let me show you the difference boring compared to that look at the colors you see again photography means riding with the light and that's the difference M Miss [Music] another cool trick is to find High vintage points tip number eight you know look in the city uh research on Google look on Instagram I found this place for example which is the Tower of the tour Monas it's the highest vintage points in Paris and you see all of Paris by night and got incredible shot at night we also went to the chal Blan a beautiful restaurant I just opened where the Samaritan is we went all the way up there and you have this incredible view on the artbridge and on the PO n and you can get incredible photos not even at night like I got this really cool black and white photos from there and I got that one shot at night so do some research and find amazing amazing High vintage views okay tip number nine isolate your subject the whole idea of composition is what Define what story you want to tell take out anything that's not going to help tell you story and put in anything that's going to help tell you story this is a good example behind me is the laan one of the nicest Cabaret in all of Paris I want to take an iconic shot of this and so if I take it from here I mean I got a trash can I got a fence I got like so much people uh it's absolutely awful but if we get closer maybe we can isolate it let's see come with me let's isolate our subject here so to be able to tell a strong story of this beautiful magnific cabet in Paris I'm going to take a Pano starting from this incredible lamp all the way down here and I'm going to stitch it into Lightroom also I came back here another time when it was a beautiful light and I got this shot now talk about a strong story does that work for [Music] you so I have an idea of a of a shot team number 10 is I want to see if I can compress do a frame in the fr frame of the bridge but by shooting uh with a 72300 I'm going to compress a lot the shot ooh I love it I love it but the light is so awful so I tried to use the the tree as a 41 element it doesn't work it works better if we really go between the tree and and and uh the two trees basically I'm going to try yeah so we're going to have to wait for the blue hour in 1 hour I'm freezing to get the shot but I you know as I said I like to sort of frame stuff this one really works for me but you will see at the blue R it's going to be amazing you see I think we have an opening right there where I can zoom in the problem is that this is May there's a lot of leaf everywhere and I'm going to try to get an opening where I can get the bridge and the F Tower and in exactly 5 minutes the F Tower is going to turn on with beautiful lights the this photo I'm not going to be able to sell I'm going to have to pay royalties on it but it's so good I want to get it so I did find an opening where I'm I'm really like zooming in I just want to get the bottom of the FL Tower frame in the frame let's see I'm at 1 second of exposure 1.3 so always make sure it's sharp yeah it's good it's a little bit crooked so I'm going to make it better in 2 minutes the lights are going to come on and it's just going to look spectacular you see what blows my mind is that we had a very rainy day it was white it was disgusting and now we're at the blue hour and for about 10 minutes we have like God giving us a beautiful beautiful beautiful light so no matter how bad things can get uh you know where you have like a just really a bad light if you shoot shoot right after the CD lights are on you always get a good shot so I always have at least that 10 minutes per day so what I do is what we did today is I work out on my composition when the light is poor and when the light is right I just get the one two three four shots which I think are going to be the winning shots okay so the lights of the FL Tower just turned on it's going to be about 3 minutes so I'm going to get the shots take your time make sure that every shot is sharp yeah 3 minutes to get the shots tip number [Music] 11 one of the trick that I like the most tip number 12 is when you have an amazing view like this I mean we've got a leading line we got a beautiful series of bridge in Paris is to shoot very lone exposure I came back here a few weeks ago in November and I put on an ND filter inside my camera and I took a 5 minute exposure 5 minutes now look at this look at the sky look at the water the water is very flat the sky is very stretchy it's amazing it really makes a view like this come to life so you see the difference between No loan exposure and no loan exposure the difference is crazy one type of Photography that I love is tip number 13 one type of Photography that I love is Lone exposure with very graphical things like the FL Tower so the FL Tower is very sharp you put like an nd10 you get like a 2 3 minute exposure you know you go at the lowest ISO you can like ISO 50 and boom you get the stretch cloud and the FL towel that's very very very sharp beautiful abstract kind of shootings trick number 14 negative space I came here yesterday morning there was nobody here it's super crowded what you see behind you is the Pyramid of the Lou I had this idea because it was a really bad white sky and basically what I did is I put the pyramid really at the bottom of the photo and I got all the white sky and this is the final result probably one of my favorite negative space photo ever last tip I'm a huge fan of Alan sheller check out his work on Instagram and on his YouTube channel it's absolutely amazing he specialized in this kind of herb photography where you find a lot of Shadow like this look at this street it's a very old Street in Paris so we are in a Shadow and we wait for the light to come and maybe you wait for one person to pass what I do is I put my Sony in black and white if you go to the creative style you can put it in black and white there's two kinds of black and white take the one that that has the most contrast and then what you do is you underexpose your photo a lot and now I'm going to be taking shots like this where I have like I'm in the shadow and there's just a shaft of light and like one person is passing we have a couple of very old medieval streets here we're going to be doing that and check out the result it's absolutely crazy you can get the preset I have special preset that will make this pop like crazy under this video so let me show you you see this wall behind me when the sun is hidden by the clouds you don't see anything but when the sun is not hidden and it's full on there's a tree that cast a shadow and it just makes a beautiful texture then I just have to wait for one person to pass and boom I got like an allen sheller beautiful shot all the photos with my presets that took years for me to make you can get them on this video with all my books for like $1.99 check out this video on New York where I had 48 hours to the gallery quality photo starting now [Music]
Channel: Serge Ramelli Photography
Views: 5,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner tutorial, photography, cityscape, landscapes, paris tutorial, photography tips, 15 tips, 15 photography tips, paris, better photography, photography tutorial, paris photography tutorial, photography advices, tutoriels, tuto, how to photography, photography basics, street photography, Lan, street photo, #PhotographyHacks, #BeginnerPhotography, #PhotographyTutorial, #PhotoTipsAndTricks, #CameraTips, #PhotographyAdvice, #PhotographySkills, #ImproveYourPhotography, #PhotographySecrets
Id: 2_fqr7lEL-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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