15 Times People Got Revenge on Their Neighbors

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they say you should love your neighbors but the people in today's video didn't get the memo neighborhood rivalries come to a boiling point here are the 15 times people got revenge on their neighbors number 15 petty laundry after a couple decided to take up all eight available washing machines in an apartment building with only 10 machines total then refused to use seven instead of eight machines reddit user box pair decided it was time to get petty after the couple put their clothes in and left the reddit user delayed their machines by stopping them for a few moments the poster then moved the finished clothes of another resident into the dryers and paid for it to free up the machines for his own clothes due to the reddit user delaying their machines his clothes finished faster after the couple came back down and were confused as to why their clothes had a few minutes left they watched in disbelief as he divided his clothes among the eight remaining dryers number 14 rise and shine while mentioning that living in an apartment building can sometimes be affordable it may come with some downsides one of those downsides is that you may end up with some pretty noisy neighbors when he was about to move out ck cherul decided to get revenge on a neighbor who just couldn't keep the noise down he bought 14 alarm clocks and taped them all to the wall in the apartment he also taped his room key to the door and left a large rise and shine sign below the alarm clocks after setting all the time on the alarms for 3 30 am he moved out leaving the neighbor to deal with the alarms number 13 the dog finally listened according to this story one person kept finding dog poop in their yard that was left by a neighbor's dog after confronting the neighbor the neighbor claimed that the dog wouldn't listen to them after asking the neighbor if they would at least pick up the dog poop they then claimed that the pup was only using number one as revenge this person saved a week's worth of their own dog's droppings and threw them all into the neighbor's yard all at once after that the neighbor's dog suddenly learned how to listen as they didn't find dog poop in their yard anymore number 12 split property while other people who have disputes with their neighbors do so over loud noise or untrained dogs this group of neighbors has a dispute over the border of their properties with a complicated real estate history this lot has been partially split after a neighbor decided to erect a fence that goes straight through the pool and the garage allegedly the garage and the pool are not built entirely on the same property meaning that they intrude partially on the neighbor's land while the neighboring lot is empty and doesn't even have a house its owner still didn't want anybody's belongings on it so he had the fence go straight through the pool and the garage to keep the properties divided this problem could have been avoided when the two lots were initially sold as they once belonged to the same owner unfortunately it ended up with a fence going through the building number 11 porch pirates former nasa engineer and current youtuber mark rober didn't get revenge on his neighbor he got revenge on multiple people's neighbors from around the country with his viral video series known as porch pirates he targeted people from around the country who like stealing packages from in front of other people's doors in this series of videos mr robert constructs a porch pirate trap that gets more and more sophisticated every time equipped with cameras and microphones these packages record everything that happens once a thief steals the package and opens it inside their house once open these packages automatically dump glitter all over the floor release clouds of fart spray and scare the lives out of these thieves with police scanner noises and self-destruct countdowns hopefully these porch pirates stop stealing after getting fooled by one of mark rober's traps but if they don't he'll probably make more and it'll be much worse for the thief number 10 shovels in this news report a chicago man by the name of david wells decided to take justice into his own hands after a woman made off with his shovel after a snowstorm mr wells took his two-year-old daughter out to play in the snow and started building her an igloo he then left his shovel out on the front porch planning to finish the igloo the next day when he and his daughter returned the next day to continue they couldn't find the shovel and after checking his security cameras mr wells found the culprit a woman had borrowed the shovel to dig out the snow from around her car unfortunately she decided to try to steal the shovel after finishing instead of returning it to his yard after getting a new shovel mr wells completely buried her car under snow as revenge it took her four hours to get rid of all the snow he had buried it under 9. the mean mom according to this story someone's neighbor was a mother of two teenage boys apparently two boys almost always be sitting outside on the steps rather than inside their apartments after living in the apartment for a while it was revealed why the poster realized that the mother was extremely verbally abusive and constantly yelled at the boys for everything one night while the poster and a friend had a little too much to drink they decided to take revenge on the mother for being abusive to her children if you have a weak stomach you might be a little grossed out by this one they found a dead groundhog and decided to gut it and stick it inside the mother's car under the seat after a hot summer day an unbearable stench began coming from the car it remained still for three or four days before it disappeared permanently we are constantly adding more people to the top fives production team to bring you all the best content be sure to subscribe with notifications on and hit the like button number eight who can be louder just when he couldn't take any more of his neighbor's loud dog constantly barking at him this guy named steve13 fox army recorded a video of his revenge and let's just say it was definitely way worse than the sound of a dog barking after many failed attempts at having civil talks with the neighbor and contacting the homeowners association this fed up homeowner decided to set up large professional speakers in his backyard accompanied by a full-on dj setup the music was pointed directly at the windows of the neighbor with the loud dog to make matters worse the speakers were on tall stands allowing them to send those sound waves right over the fence additionally his choice of music was relatively heavy so it's safe to say that his neighbor probably didn't get to take any naps on that day number seven overgrown according to carissa 24 after moving into a newly constructed neighborhood she ran into some trouble with a neighbor who would like everyone to do things their way in her story the poster describes what she and her neighbors have different techniques when it comes to mowing the lawn while she leaves the cut grass on the lawn as mulch the neighbor prefers to bag their grass cuttings but while she was fine with their differing techniques the neighbor wasn't one day she came home to find the grass cuttings that she had left as mulch on the lawn raked up and thrown all over her front porch and door there was also a note that threatened to do much worse if she ever left her grass cuttings unbagged again after confronting the neighbors the wife refused to apologize and husband admitted that his wife was crazy still carissa 24 wasn't going to just let it go after that day she left her lawn unmowed for over six months as there was no homeowners association to tell her not to in addition she continued to mow her backyard and then threw the grass cuttings on her front porch to torment the neighbor finally she got the neighbor's car impounded by reporting it for being on the street for too long number six frozen pisa when living in an apartment complex especially if you're either in college or living next door to college kids you're bound to be one of two people you either throw loud parties and frequently disturb your neighbors or you're the neighbor that's constantly being disturbed but if you're the one throwing parties and keeping your neighbors up every weekend you might not do it anymore if this guy was your neighbor after being asked on a thread about revenge this reddit user claimed that his roommate had gotten fed up with their neighbors all night partying to get revenge he urinated onto a metal pizza pan and put it in the freezer after the urine had frozen he went to the neighbor's apartment just after the crazy loud party and slid the disc of frozen urine under their door by morning the frozen disk had melted leaving the party throwers with a urine soaked carpet needless to say they probably didn't invite a lot of partiers to their apartment anymore or at least that's what you'd think the reddit user added that they continued to throw parties until they were finally evicted now how's that for frozen pizza number five homeowners revenge after dealing with multiple bad egg neighbors this man decided that he wasn't going to simply back down from them and probably what is the most petty yet satisfying acts of revenge on a neighbor well not a neighbor he actually got revenge on the entire neighborhood after being reported by neighbors over a half dozen times to his homeowners association in 2017 this suburban homeowner tried to speak to his neighbors to try to solve any conflicts unfortunately diplomacy didn't work too well so he hatched a new plan the man decided to go out and buy a bunch of old and worn out vehicles to park around the neighborhood in an effort to make the place look a little junkier as you probably know unpleasant aesthetics is the homeowner's association's worst fear people get fined all the time for having certain types of gardens or decorations in their yard fortunately they can't really control what kind of cars people buy so his revenge plot was actually pretty genius after spending over a thousand dollars on old cars the man still planned to spend more according to the report number four beetle revenge according to this reddit user he and his neighbor had a long-standing feud that stemmed from an old legal battle after his neighbor's dog came into the poster's yard the poster's own dog went on the defensive to make a long story short the neighbor took the dog battle to court and lost was salty ever since so after dealing with multiple neighbors the dog being rude and messing with his trash cans the reddit user decided to finally get revenge one day when the poster was browsing a hardware store he noticed some japanese beetle traps he purchased them and brought them home before deconstructing the traps to remove the scent packs which was just a waxy substance that attracts the beetles why did he do this well as it turns out the neighbor's pride and joy was a beautiful rose garden that he had grown in his front yard and japanese beetles love roses one day the poster snuck over to his salty neighbor's yard and lined the rose garden with the waxy substance after the sun melted the wax into the ground around the roses japanese beetles started showing up by the fourth day tens of thousands of beetles had arrived and shredded the rose garden down to twigs number three the leaf kicker this story is one that takes quite an unexpected turn at the end according to the reddit user k perkins 1982 when they were a kid they lived in a street that happened to be lined with gigantic oak trees and as anybody with oak trees knows they shed a ton of dead leaves in the fall but because kate perkins 1982 lived at the house at the bottom of a slope all of the dead leaves would end up being blown into the air yard and their mother gave the kids the task of raking them up the kids would rake up massive piles of leaves for city workers to come and collect unfortunately the city couldn't come get the leaves fast enough and the neighborhood bully would frequently kick down their leaf piles and make them restart to get back at the bully the kids made a particularly large pile around a fire hydrant hoping that the bully would hurt his foot when he kicked it but things turned out a lot worse for the bully after seeing the giant pile of leaves he decided it would be more fun to run and jump into the pile of leaves it's safe to say that the bully learned his lesson about messing with those kids leaf piles as he ended up breaking several bones in his body it just goes to show that karma always has a way of dealing with bullies according to k perkins 1982 no sorrow or sympathy was afforded to the bully with broken bones number two passive aggressive parking if there's one thing that can be frustrating when trying to find parking in a crowded lot it's finding an available parking space only to realize that you can't actually use it because someone else's car is parked just crookedly enough that you can't fit so this person just had enough of a neighbor's terrible parking that they decided to take matters into their own hands when a neighbor's new truck suddenly began appearing in the parking lot the original poster was annoyed to find that the truck was frequently parked rather rudely taking multiple parking spaces parking in weird angles too close to the stairs you get the idea so when the self-described passive aggressive poster arrived home one day in their much smaller vehicle and saw the large truck double parked again they carefully maneuvered their vehicle into the tiny amount of space next to the truck the result was that the driver's side door of the truck was completely inaccessible since the small car was now parked just half an inch from the truck the next morning the reddit poster woke up to the noise of an adult throwing a tantrum in the parking lot before resorting to entering through the passenger side and climbing over the console to get into the driver's seat hopefully the person with the new truck won't be taking up multiple spots again but if they do their small car neighbors know what to do number one bleached if you've ever lived in an apartment complex or dormitory with a shared laundry room you might feel some of the frustration with this one whether it's going down to the laundry room only to find that all the machines are taken or constantly fearing for your clothes to get stolen shared laundry rooms can be slightly frustrating at times according to this poster one woman living in his apartment complex was so impatient that she would actually remove his clothes from the machine in the middle of a cycle so she could clean her clothes now if someone leaves their clothes in their machine long after its cleaning cycle is over then it's honestly fair game especially if the laundry room is busy but this woman would just put the posters soaking wet clothes onto the dirty floor so that she could use the machine herself frankly it's unacceptable at least in the eyes of reddit user dandy dan as revenge the poster returned to his apartment and brought back a little bottle of bleach which he then dumped into the woman's laundry load she probably wish she was washing whites but seeing as how she complained to the apartment manager and had new do not touch other people's clothes signs hung up in the laundry room she probably wasn't still it's safe to say that she probably won't be treating other people's clothes disrespectfully again and fortunately for the op he was able to move out just weeks later watch our binge watching playlist if you'd like to watch all of our most popular top 15 videos grab a drink grab a snack and get ready to binge you
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 55,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Times People Got Revenge on Their Neighbors
Id: xOrsn_bz7X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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