15 Things You Are WASTING Your Time With

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narrowing it down to just 15 things that we waste our time on was not easy we are masters of time wastage we have our black belts in procrastination have earned our phds in watching those seconds turn into minutes and we all get a degree for wondering why we don't get anything done hey luxers we assure you this video will not be a waste of your time we're merely here to highlight the things that drain the hours without accomplishing anything we encourage you to take time out sometimes so you don't burn out but wasting your precious energy on rubbish will not equate to success and you a-luxers are not about that life welcome to alex.com the place where future billionaires come to get inspired if you're not subscribed yet you're missing out number one being dismally organized if someone came to you and said would you work for free for two and a half days your reaction would likely be along the lines of are you crazy of course you wouldn't work for free for two and a half days without there being some kind of reward down the line however studies reveal the average person spends 2.5 days a year looking for lost stuff and that's the average person who you imagine is semi-organized imagine the person that really doesn't have their together sixty percent of people were late for work forty-nine percent skulked into meetings late 22 percent miss their flights trains or other travel plans and the repercussions can be costly aluxers it's really not that difficult to have one spot to put your sunglasses your keys and other belongings with time you won't even realize you're putting things in their rightful place it'll just be so ingrained within you number two reading crappy books squibbling is an art just ask roald dahl but not all authors are great scribblers so sometimes we begin a book with great enthusiasm only to realize five chapters in the book is pretty awful but if we stop the book isn't it kind of like quitting and of course us a-luxers we're not quitters but this time it's really okay to put the book down and move on google says there are 130 million books in the world so we're pretty sure you'll find something else that you'll enjoy much more number three reading the news you're all well read and up to date with current affairs of course you are but to have a constant barrage of negativity coming your way is a huge waste of your time and totally draining your energy the problem with news is it comes from so many sources and it's hard to switch off so whether or not you're seeking information about kanye west and his apparent impending divorce from kim k or an update on the toxic workplace of the ellen show there it is or right in your face so set yourself a news window each day and stick to that time limit choose a reputable site that will deliver you the truth or as close to it as possible and use a filter so you're not overexposed to news that you're not interested in number four scrolling through anything and everything in 2019 people spend an average of two hours and 22 minutes on social media 18 to 24 year olds were on social media for three hours a day and south american users topped the daily social media usage at three hours and 29 minutes it's projected that in our lifetime we will spend six years and eight months on social media alone that doesn't even include other sites blogs and daily news we waste our time on we achieve nothing by doing this time is precious and like benjamin franklin said if time be of all things the most precious wasting time must be the greatest prodigality number five multitasking it has been scientifically proven that people cannot multitask we can fool ourselves into believing that we're able to do it but one of those tasks you're doing is not getting your full attention what we can do is shift our attention from one task to another with astonishing speed but we can never focus one hundred percent on both if you still believe that you can multitask then be sure to choose one of the tasks you don't mind dropping the ball with because that's bound to happen and you'll have to start the task all over again what a waste of time and next daylixers it's all about what comes before the chill number six netflix it's definitely not a waste of time to netflix and chill it will be the most productive 11 minutes of your day however just netflixing all day every day is a waste of time there are websites that calculate how much time you're spending binge watching shows hell even netflix calculates it for you the average american spends 77 days a year watching tv and if you had to ask what was remembered from all of that time watching tv the answer would be a unanimous disappointment on the ending of game of thrones number seven constantly checking email we check emails roughly 15 times a day and every time we do check an email we psych ourselves out at the task at hand and it takes us a longer to get back into that work groove we check each email that comes through and then make a mental note to reply later then when we do we read the email again and reply that's reading the email twice wasting your time cc and bc seeing is another email time waster avoid it if at all possible try to create two specific times a day to check and respond to email once in the morning and once before signing off for the day as american entrepreneur noah kagan puts it no one ever got rich checking their email more often number eight thinking about exercising each day a person spends seven minutes thinking about exercising imagine what a difference it would make to your physical and mental health if you spent those seven minutes skipping or doing some crunches and push-ups or even spending those seven minutes meditating sadly thinking about exercising doesn't make you fit or lose weight so stop thinking about it and just do it number nine trying to change someone do you ever find yourself saying things like if only they would do xyz and then things would be better for them or what they really should be doing is xyz it wouldn't be that bad if they would only listen to me let others just be themselves and stop trying to change them you are you and they are well themselves offer the advice you want to impart but don't make a big deal of it if they choose not to listen to you and nail axes if we're honest when we try to change someone it's often to improve our lives and not theirs we are seen as controlling and what if you invest months or even years and the person does change will you feel proud of yourself you've essentially changed that person to be the untrue version of themselves waste of time we think so number 10 over indulging in food and alcohol it's really fine to have a wild night on the autocation but where the time wastage comes in is when you're constantly waking up with a hangover or a stomachache you're taking the joy away from your tomorrow it further wastes time when you have to train harder to burn off the extra calories you're consuming or you have to work harder to purchase the unusual amount of alcohol you're drinking and if we're being honest it's only a matter of time before you find yourself in the doctor's office with liver problems or obesity related illnesses if you'd like more tips on how to manage your time a little better be sure to watch our video 15 tips to manage your time better number 11. being a perfectionist hey lexers we know you like to be the best at what you do and that's all great but trying to be a perfectionist in everything is wasting your precious time perfectionism is a waste of productivity the constant stress to be perfect all the time makes you unable to be creative and it also takes away the joy of the project at hand constantly striving for perfection can lead to burnout and it can also have a reverse effect you don't even try because you're concerned you won't be perfect at it so you lose the opportunity of learning something new because if you're not perfect what's the point the late ann wilson shafe author of when society becomes an addict aptly quoted perfectionism is a self-abuse of the highest order number 12 mindless mall browsing many malls go to a lot of effort just to attract people to come inside and spend their time most have theaters ice rinks movie houses restaurants and other attractions to keep bodies inside people meet at malls to hang out enjoy their air conditioning and just do a spot of window shopping this mindless mall browsing is a waste of time you're also exposed to a lot of advertising and every trick under the sun to get you to spend your money on things that you don't need plus in the mall there is more of a chance you'll encounter the person that makes you waste even more of your time which we'll share with you next number 13 having an affair as if having a relationship with one person isn't time consuming enough finding time to have a decent relationship with another is a total waste of time it's mentally challenging to have to keep yourself on top of your cheating game you have to make sure you cover your tracks all the time you need to get your friends on board with your other life you need to spend money secretively you have to lie and you lose track of what you've told to whom it's draining imagine if you used all of that time and energy used in cheating and invested it in your current relationship besides relationships from affairs rarely work because if you've been unfaithful with your current partner and you hook up with a new one that new partner will never completely trust you because you're capable of cheating once what's stopping you from doing it again number 14 complaining all the time whatever you're not changing you are choosing powerful words elixers let me repeat them whatever you're not changing you are choosing every single person is dealing with their own ish and there are a select few ways you can of course divulge your unhappiness or anxiety with but if you're going to constantly go about the same problem would you ever acknowledge the problem as you people don't like debbie downers and you're wasting not only your own time but everyone else's so it's time to grow a pair and either stop complaining or make a change number 15 worrying about what other people think of you hey luxers you need to stop spending time thinking and worrying about what others think of you truth is not everyone is going to like you we get it not everyone has good taste but you need to let them go the real thing to worry about is do you like yourself you don't well then it's time to make those changes and aluxers only you can do that and we have one more juicy bonus coming up and this famous painter was a master of wasting time but before that what do you find yourself wasting time doing and what advice can you share with other alexers to stop wasting their time we always value your support and input in the comments below and as for that bonus we promised you here it is one of the most famous painters in the world is no doubt leonardo da vinci like students throughout the course of time da vinci was easily distracted and wasted a lot of time just doodling his procrastination was well known and one client even threatened to bankrupt da vinci if he didn't finish a piece of commissioned work sure the difference between da vinci's doodling and our doodling is vast but it's kind of refreshing to know that even the most famous of famous are renowned for wasting a bit of time now and then until next time alexers thank you for spending some time with us eh make sure to like and subscribe so you never miss another video we also hand-picked these videos which we recommend you watch next you can talk to us on all social medias or ask a question on our website thank you for being an aluxer and we'll see you back tomorrow
Channel: Alux.com
Views: 279,258
Rating: 4.9237561 out of 5
Keywords: Alux, Alux.com, Alux Youtube, fine living, luxury living, luxury lifestyle, new life, most expensive, billionaire lifestyle, top 15, alux video, 15 Things You Are WASTING Your Time With, things we waste time with, examples of time wasters, how no to waste your time in life, be more productive, biggest time wasters, biggest time wasters in your life, top 15 time wasters, how to avoid time wasters, some common time wasters, top time wasters, secret to avoiding time wasters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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